C!)c 3cffcroonian. THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1872. LUTHERAN CHURCH. Liturgical Services next Sunday. Mousing, 10J, - Lvenixo, 71 Mouxino Sermon: Public Worship. Evening Sermon: The Sabbath. - G. W. MARRIOTT, I). I)., Pastor. 'Tlie movement for closing barber shop; on Sunday is general all over the country. A married woman's note, according to the ruling of tbe court., has no legal force. TIi ere is a time lor all things. The time to leave is when a young In Jy asks you how the walking is. It is said that cider will not be worth over ?5 per barrel this Fall, as the apple crop is iuiucu.se. Tills place can't be beat for pretty girls by any towu of its size in the State. - - . Tlierc is not much building going on in this place. Kast Stroudsbunr, takes the lead. Rome ot our cnternrisine citizens are making preparations for the next Fair, which will be held at this place in September. Tlie plastering in Mr. Wm. Huntsman's new frame house on Centre street, will be nuisheu m a lew days. Mutter A: lro., are the contractors. Some people seem to think they can't cause inconvenience enough by tying their horses on the street crossings so they will tie uu the sidewalks. Doctors declare extraordinary precau-i tions should be takeu to preserve good health this heated term, and advise care in diet, good conscience, and a faithful 2ayincnt of priuter's bills. Tliosc new posts in front of the Strouds burg House, are indeed, an improvement, and, with that prince of caterers Ned Poinsett officiating at the bar, we could suggest no further improvements. - . All parties, Churches and Sunday schools in want of good Organs, arc invited to call at J. (J. Keller's store, or send lor descriptive catalogue. Address J. y. SICAFUS, May 9, lS72-tf.l Stroudsburg, Pa. Judge Dreher, at a recent special term of our county courts, decided that money at interest is not taxable except for State purposes. This will make it necessary to revise the tax duplicates, and will lighten the taxes of a number of persons. Hones tlalc Citizen. . Tlie "signs of the times," regarding the great comet, which was to appear on Mon day last and destroy the earth, have again pigually failed. To these prophets, we say, fry again, and keep ou prophesaying, and you will probably "hit the mark" one of these davs. During the storm on Tuesday last, the barn of Amos Anjdenioyer, of Tannersville. was struck by lightning and consumed, together with its contents, consisting of his entire harvest crops, and a calf. As there as no insurance on the building nor stock the loss falls heavily on Mr. A. tVe would call the attention of our readers fo the advertisement of Hess & Co., the enterprising tobacconists of this place which appears in another column of this paper, They have an immense stock of segars, to bacco aud smokers materals generally, and we bespeak for them a brl-k trade. TIi ere are a large number "young bloods'' hereabouts, who, we are informed, make a daily practice of shooting the tame pigeons, owucd by a few of our citizens. We arc authorized to state that a number of them are known, and that they had better stop at once, ere they are made to repent of their folly. I lie Biair Prcsbytcnal Academy, for male and female, this year offers extra in ducements to those wishing to have their children well and properly educated. This Academy is pleasantly located at Blairstown, Warren county, N. J., and their tertni are placed within the reach of all. For further particulars, see advertisement in an other eolumn of this paper. , On Thursday last, as master Jacob Rose, i i i r. iscu awui iouiw;eii years was passing through Mr. Win. Huntsman's livery stable, lie was severely bitten in the calf of the leg, by a clog belonging to "Gus" Michaels. The animal was tied in one of the stalls. Dr. Jacksou was summoned, who skilfully ad ministered to the lacerated member, and, at this writing, no serious results are apprehen ded. Ilalloon Ascension. A large num ber of our citizen?, both old and young, were present to witness the balloon ascension, as announced in these columns last week, to fake place at that time. At 8 o'clock tlie work of inflating the monster was commenced,- ami-, at about 8J o'clock, all being io readiness, the ropes were cut, when she aliot off like au arrow, bearing the inscrip tion in' prominent letters, "White Cap Base Ball Club," and also a challenge to the "In dependent" club of Brauchville, N. J. It was eagerly watched until it disappeared among the clouds, and, as far as we know, 2i ay till be roaring in th? neighborhood of -1 '.-0 St ITS. Ja m p 31 c e t i ii g . Notwithstanding the extreme wariu, weather of Sunday last the thermometer rangiug among the nineties during the entire day it is estimated that no less than 4,000 jcrsons visited the camp grounds at the Del. Water Cap ou that day, and, we are pleased to announce that every thing parsed off quietly and satisfactorily. The meeting at Hinkle's woods commenced to-day. , - . Kcmoved. Mr. Darius Dreher, has temporarily removed his stock of goods to the room, first door above M. M. Burnett's Tailor Shop, where he will be pleased to meet his many customers and friends, during the pro gress of the improvements making in his own store room. Darius's stock will be found complete in every particular, and will be sold at cost and below cost for want of room to store his goods. July lS-2in On Wednesday last, a large number of our young people of both sexes, enjoyed a "straw ride'' to the famous "Buttermilk Fails." A large wagon was obtained, filled with straw, to which was attached four prancing steeds, driven by an experienced hand, while the party were huddled together, and appeared to enjoy themselves hugely. They returned in the evening, highly deligh ted with their trip. . . Festival. There will be held, in the Grove near Marsha lis Creek, owned by Mr. D. A. Bush, a grand Festival, on Saturday afternoon and evening, August 17th 1872 refreshments of all kinds will be in an abund ance and variety to suit the taste of every one. Hon. John B. Storm will be present and will deliver an addess, don't fail to hear him. Proceeds for the benefit of the M. K. Church. By ordr of the Committee. On Monday last Mr. Peter Krcsge, of Chestnuthill, entrusted a package of money, containing s315 with the Mauch Chunk Stage driver, with which he was to pay a note coming due in the Stroudsbur? bank. Upon reaching this place he stopped at the Indian Queen hotel, and while there, drop ped the money upon the floor. It was found hortly after by Sperring Shaffer, a son of the proprietor of the hotel, and returned to its rightful owner when he was rewarded with two dollars for his honesty. On Monday evening last another trial of the steamer "Pocono" was had, and, whil we cannot speak well of the manner in which she was managed inasmuch as the regular engineer was not at his post still we are free to confess that she done noble work. More than a thousaud feet of hose was stretched, and, with between fifty and sixty pounds of steam, water was forced through a pipe two inches and a half iu diameter, over one hundred feet. This, wc consider, first class icork for a third class engine, aud well may the people of Stroudsburg feel proud to boast of being the possessors of such a gem of a machine. 1 he only thing now remaining to comple our facilities for fight iug the "fire fiend," id water pipes through the town, t matter which should be attended to at once Tlie Scranton Samlay Free Press of the 10th inst, contaius an amusing account of a trial had in that city last week, the troubl being between the newly elected officials of the city and one Capt. Delaney, whom, it appears the "ring" had hired to do their dirt' work, and then refused to pay him for the same. Mr. D. had the party arrested, and a hearing, before Alderman Jay resulted in a verdict for the defendant, in the sum of $(J'J. The scene, as described by the Frc Press must have been amusing, yet ludicrous in the extreme. The maiden speech of Mat. Loftus the Mayor elect which was repor ted verbatim, is, indeed, a model, and would put to shame such small fry iu the art of speech making, as Senators Sumner, Shurz, etc. Xarron Escape-During the heavy thunder storm on Monday afternon last, the dwelling of our townsman. 31 r. Wm. Winte- inutc, had a very narrow escape from tota destruction. The chitniiev on the south side of the main building was struck, and con sidcrably shattered. From thence the electric fluid passed over the structure and-down the chimney of an out building, entering a room iu which were seated two of Mr. Winte mute's daughters aud Dr. Davis Walton .Mrs. ., who lias been sick, ior some time, was occupying a bed in the same room. The ball exploded within a few feet of the in mates of the apartment yet, singular to relate, not one of them felt the slightest hock, and no damage was done, further than the tearing up of a few bricks from the chimney. Programme. The following order of exercises and subjects have beeu agreed upon for the Camp Meeting at Ilinkle's Woods, commencing August 15th, 1S72. Thursday 15, at 8 p. ni., Dedication and consecration Friday 10, Holiness. Saturday 17, Plan of Salvation, Bcv. F. M Brady, will preach in German at 3 p. m. Sunday IS, The Christian Sabbath and wit ness of the Spirit. Monday 1 9, Divinity of the christian religion Tuesday HO, Temperance and Reformation. Wednesday 21, Methodism, History, Doc trines, peculiarities and status. .Lev. G. . r. Graft ou the peculiarities of Methodism at 3 p. m. Thursday 22, Unity of the Churches. Friday 23, The second coming of Christ. Saturday 24, Influence of Christianity on the World. Sunday 25, The Resurrection. Monday 26, Relation of Children to the Church, Rev. E. M. L)2 at 3 r. ni., with illustrated sermon. Children especially invited. Tuesday 27, The Judgment. J, fe. Jviingtr, Jacob Jvhnger, Amos Rouse, Committee. 'J. Pastorhdd, F. M. Brady, A. Johnson, I Pastors. iaug 10 u WASTED. About the middle of July a good general servant Must be a good cook, washer and ironcr.' Plenty of work furnished, for the satisfactory, willing, and cheerful doing of which good treatment, good fare, and good pay will be given. Address MBS. PARET, June 27, 1872-tfJ Stroundsburg. Some three or four weeks since, an aged couple named Barton, residing at Kast Stroudsburg, being too feeble to work, star ted a small ice cream and confectionery store in that borough, and, to the credit of the in habitant "over the stream," be it said, they are vcrv well patronized. On Saturday evening last, however, after they had closed the store for the night, some detestable, sneak-thieving rascal or rascals, forced an entrance into the building, and stole there from, tobacco and other nick-nacks to the value of about $15,00 which sum though small, was more than Mr. B. could afford to lose. A number of ehairtably inclined neigh bors immediately made up a purse of $15,00 which was presented to Mr. Barton. Th villiau who would thus attempt to steal the bread, as it were, from the the mouths of such a worthy couple as Mr. and Mrs. B., hould be made to suffer the fullest, penalties of the law. Stroudsburo, August 12, 1S72. Tiieo. Schoch. Esq: Dear Sir: The Finance Committee appointed by the two Lodges of Kuighte for the Celebration of the 4th of July, 1S72, beg leave to submit to you and through you to the citizens of Stroud burg and East Stroudsburg, the following statement : mount of cash collected $202 40 " expended 199 52 Balance in cash $02 SS Which has beeu contributed to the Widows' and Orphans' Fund of Active Lodge No. 339 K. of P. $20 90 Miuncola Lodge No. 305 K. of P. 20 90 Del. Council of Jr. U. A. M. No. 08 20 90 Total. $02 88 The Committee return their heartfelt thanks to all that assisted in making the Celebration a success. Yours Truly, J. I. ALLENDER, Chairman. Simon Fried, Sec & Treas. Tlie Stroudsburg Preachers Meeting met in the M. E. Church, Monday afternoon Aug. l 'J. lb IT. Key. j. l'astorneid tlie President in the chair. Religious service were conducted by Rev. J. B. (J raff. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Communications as to previous sabbath services were made by a uumber of the ministers. The constitution as adopted by the standing Committc was adopted by the meeting. Rev. J. B. Graff was then in t reduced to the brethren. On motion a cor dial invitation was extended to the ministers of other denomination to attend our meet ings. The Doxology was sung and the bene dictiou pronounced by Rev. F. 31. Brady On motion adjourned. A Sabbath School Convention and Insti tute. . Will be held in the M. E. Church, Milford Ta., on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 27tli and 28ili, 1872. Sabbath School workers am friends of the caur-e arc cordially invited to at tend. The exerei-ts will be under the charg of a President to be chosen at the Convention Miisicial Conductor J. llalnted Wells. Committee of Reception James II. Dony Wm. Mitchell. (iKlKB OK EXEKClStS. Tuesday I M 3.00 to 3.30 Dcvotiona ererci-ses. 3.30 4.00 Organization. 4.00 4.30 Iirief representations of Sunday Schools by Pastors and Superintendent!!. 4.30 5.30 How may the Sunday Schoo work be advanced in onr midst? Evening Session, 7.309.00. Devotional exercises. 1. IJest method of conducting a Sabbath School. 2. Source of the teacher's power. Wednesday Session. 3.00 9.30 I levotional exercises. 9.30 10.15 Teachers' meetings their im portancemanner of conducting. 10.15 10.45 Uihble Iession illustrated. Sul ject : The story of blind Lartinieus. Mark x 4f o2. 10.45 12.15 The black- board in the Sun day School. 11.15 11 Relation of the Church to the Sunday Sehool. Afternoon Session. 1.45 2.00 Devotional exercises. 2.00 2.30 Question box oiened and qucs tions answered. 2.30 2.45 Rest method of distributinjr Sunday School library books. 2.453 .30 Rw. 3.00 Children's meeting. Addraw by per eral speakers. Evening Session. 7.30745 Devotional exerciser. 7.15 8.15 Personal consecration of Sunday Sehool workers. o.io 0.1.J lncaunuay oenooi as a con verting power. Closing address. Adjournment. The undersigned begs leave to inform tlie Citizens of Monroe county and vicinity, that he has disposed of his entire interest in the Real Estate business, to his late partner, u nson j eirson, ior wnom lie solicits a con tinuance of the patronage so liberally bestow ed on him heretofore. dec. 14, '71-tf.J. GEO. L. WALKER. Tlie undersigned bear leave to inform the citizens of Monroe county and vicinity, that they have euterad into co-partnership, for the purpose of buying and selling HEAL ESTATE, as successors to the late firm of (Ion. T. Walker & Co., and resnectfullv soliet the oontinuauce of the patronage extended to the iormer nrm. WILSON" PKinsnv dec. 14, '71-tf.l THUS. STILLMAN,' There are are twenty three prisoners iu the Chester county jail. MISCELLANEOUS. No more trout fishing after August 5th. until uext spring. Texas pastured S,G51,31G cattle in the year lan. The bushes in the XewEngland pas urcs arc literally bending to the ground with whortle-bcrries. Watermelons and peaches are so plenti ul at Kuoxville, Tcnn.. that they are a drug in the market. A man io Trov bad his "shoulder blade cut out by the doctors rcceutly, and ex pects that a new one will grow.. .... Switzerland exports 84,000,000 worth of cheese a year, that beiug almost the only article of export from that country. The rewards paid for the dead body of Lowery, the North Carolina outlaw, amouuted to over six thousand dollars A leading judge in San Francisco, who is worth two millions of dollars, used to be the foreman of an Albany fire com pany. A Daubury lady thinks that men who chew tobacco ought to be muzzled when on the street. There ara 485 patients in the Pennsy Ivania Lunate Hospital, near Harrisburg, 1S5 more that it is intended to accomo date. A correspondent of a Maine paper wants to know some remedy for striped bugs. We should suppose the remedy depend ed very much on what ails the bugs. Whenever a mortgage deed of trust or any incuniberance is made upon property notice should be given to the company : oinerwisc me msuraacc is voict. The net proceeds of all the concerts given by the Prussian band in this coun try amount to 633,850, exclusive of 10, UU0 Iroui the Boston Jubhee. The largest barn in eastern Pennsy lvauia is on the farm of Jacob Ileffner in old Berks measuring 145 feet in length and 150 in width A nymph from the country writes that the best way to get rid of bed bugs is to set fire to the bed, and shoot the buss as they come out. A youDg lady named Mills, at Liberty Clay County, Mo., quarreled with her brother r riday nighu eeized a jruu and shot and killed him instantly. beventy iour Presbyterian ministers died during the last year, according to the report of the General Assembly ; the average age ot sixty-three of them was nearly sixty-five years. The Agricultural Department, in its July number, estimates the corn crop at an increase of three per cent, over an average yield, and the wheat crop at five and a half per cent, below the average. A parallel to tlie apple-shooting case of the celebrated llliam Tell transpired a few days since in Newport, Ky., one young man shooting with a pistol at distance of fifteen feet, a circular card two or three inches in diameter, from the head of another young mau. It was the result of a bet. Lightning does remarkable things evey summer, but this year it is surpassing it self. 1 he latest reported achievement was to drive a man in Handover county it i .1., Acnn., into me grouna, so mat na was entirely buried, without materially injur ing his mortal frame. A trip hammer could not do it. Near Williamsport, last Thursday, an ciuuny iauy, nanicu -urs. u ry, was caught by the arm between the jaws of vicious horse, aud dragged some distance her arm being broken and otherwise bad ly mutilated. Her husband ran after the horse, and knocked him down three times before he released his victim. A negro preacher at a Georgia camp meeting, told his hearers that they could never enter heaven with whiskey bottle in their pockets, and urged them to "bring em right up to the pulpit, aud he would orler sacrifice to de Lord." The con sequence was that the good shepherd was in tne evening so overcomo by the spirit as to De unable to preach. On a certain occasion, two good natur ed Irishman occupied the same bed. In the morning one said two the other "Dennis, did you hear it thunder last nijjht ? '-No, Pat did it raaly thunder ? "Yes, it thundered as if heaveu and earth would come together." "Why thin, didn't ye wake me, for ye know I can't sleep wnen n tnunaers r The Northern Pacific Railroad has just ciosea a contract with the Baldwin Loco motive Works for fifty first class locomo tives, which will be added to fortv eiht aireaay purchased, principally from the same works. '1 his road has also purchas ed fifty thousand tons of railroad iron from the Peousylvauia manufacturers, bo side an immense amount of spikes, Irogs, switches, cars, chains, &o., the outlay of of which, iu Pennsylvania alone, during the last eighteen months, has been up- waru oi JjUoUJUU. Great Britain has a ningniGcont empire in her for eastern colonics. In 1870 the four colonies of Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales and New Zealand, shipped nearly 853,000,000 in gold, and all the colouics, dunn" the same vear. shipped over 550,000,000 worth of wool. Ihey have over 70,000,000 sheep 1.000.- 000 horned cattle, aud 500,000 horses; and nearly o,500,000 acres of laud in cultivation, of which 1,500,000 are in wheat. The debts of all the colonies ex cced 200,000,000. The export were 154,180,000 agaiust 8140,425,000 im ports. Victoria, with Melbourne for its capital, is the leading colony, containing a total population of 724,725. The popula tion of all the colonies is 1,881,108 equil to that of the State of Indiana, and three times as great as that of California. Every thing at Rustcrs is warranted to be as recommended or no sale. CiJo- to Buster's if you wish to purchase a new style Hat His stock is complete. Prices at Busters are in accordance with the times, low, low down. i , llustcr has the finest display of Goods ever brought to Stroudsburg. In ready made clothing, whether in city or country, Ruster's stock cannot be beaten. If all who design purchasing goods call on Ruster they will make money both in quality and price of goods purchased. Xolions, Press trimings and fashionable Press goods arc specialities with Ruster and prices rule low. . . Ill collars, neck tics, cuffs, Sec, for lady's or gents wear Ruster has all the novelities. Call and see them. Ilusf er don't boast of numberless trunks, and big and little boxes, but his counters am shelves do what is far better, they exhibit an array of first class goods, worth looking at and worth buying. - mi novelties Jtuster is ahead ot all com pctitors, beating even Barnum himself, be cause there is no humbugging in what he of fers to the public. TIi ere is no charge for showing goods at Rustcrs, neither are there eroas look if you do not buy. Red foxes are troubling the farmers in Jennings county, Indiana. Eggs are selling at ten cents a dozen in South Carolina. It is said that the highest salary pau to a female teacher in this country is paid to Miss Anna C. Braekett. of the St Louis Normal School. It is S2800. Iron shingles have been recently pat tened, ana are saut to be less expensive than slate. Ihey are made about six in ches by thirteen inches iu size, and fas tened with headless nails. It is estimated that the population o the country fifty years hence will reach 1C0, 000,000, while in one hundred years it will exceed the population of the whole continent of ljurope. A man in San Diego, Cal , has gather ed twelve hundred pounds of tomatoes from a sincle vine the past year. It was trained to the side of his houe. The to mato plant in Southern California perennial, lasting four or five years. is And still they come. Twenty-one thous and immigrants, principally from Ger many, England and Ireland, have been landed at the port of New York since the hrstol July. Some fellows think that the louder they talk when discussing politics the more convincing they make their argu ments. Take it easy, gentlemen, you have lots of time. A fat old gentleman, who had been bit ten in the calf of his leg by a dog, came to Jonah in a towering passion, declaring it' was Jonah's dog that had bitten him. Expecting an action for damages, the wag drew up the following articles as the ground for his defence, 1st, by testimony in favor of the general good character of my dog, I can prove that uothing could make him so forgetful of his dignity as tc bite a calt ; d, he is baud and cannot see to bite : 3d, even if he could see to be utterly impossible for him to go out of the way to do so, on account of his age, fat ncss and severe lameness ; 4th, granting his eyes and legs to be good, he has no teeth ; 5th, my dog died six weeks since; bth, 1 never had a dog. NORTH CAROLINA. Raleicii, N. C., August G, 2:30 A. m. The ch uirniau of the Republican State executive committee says that sufficient returns are iu to assure the re election of Governor T. R. Caldwell by two thousand majority. M;w loiiK, August C, 2 a. m The Times Raleigh special says 72 couuties give Laldwcll lor Governor 1,900 ma jority, which, it is believed, cauuot be overcome, as tne Democrats will not get tneir vote ot lbiU. Merriuiou savs that he will not coutest the electiou before the Legislature, uuless tho Ilepublicau ma jority is more thau a thousand. The Legislature is Democratic by a majority of 18 on joint ballot. An Old Pike County Court Sentence. Among the articles placed in the cor ner stone of the new Court House at Mil- ford, Pike county, which was laid ou the 4th ult., was an historical sketch of the county, from which we take the follow ing, which depicts a Court scene or oo currencc, iu the primitive days of that couuty. Wc believe it was the first and only sentence of banishment ever record ed in this State : The first Associate Judges of the county of Pike were D. W. Dingman and John Coolbaugh. Ping mau, who was a mau of marked ability and eccentric habits, and who did not hesitate to appear on the bench in his bare feet and bhirt sleeves, ouce prouounc ed the following remarkable sentence. A vagabond darkey was iu jail upou a charge of petite larceny, and having been imprisoned some time, upon a consulta tion, tho Court and bar remicsteJ the Judge to disno.se of the prisoner, where- upou the darkey being biouirht before the Court, tke Judo said: 'Niirircr. stand up. You aro charged and are guil ty of tlie crime ofUucnv. You are a bad niggar, for 1 kuow all about niggars. lhe senteuco of this Couit is, that you have fifteen minutes to get out of the county of Pike and iuto the State of New Jersey, and if you ever come back we will hang you. .Now 0. He went. j 2o to Simon Fried's for neck ties and collars. Go to Simon Fried's for shirts aiid Um brellas. Go aliccs. to Simon Fried' s for trunks and Go to Siuiou Fried's for hats and caps. If you want to sec the latest style nf spring goods, go to Simon Fried's. Go to Simon Fried's for a nice fittimj suit. Go to Simon Fried's for boots and 'shoe The Ejston fishermen arc delilitin in an abundance of rock-fish, which ar 'u caught under the dam, across the Lehigh' at that place. Black bass are quiet. A Grant and Wilson Club was oreanii: ed in Wiikesbarre on Wed evening, over 1UUU voters 1 . A A J . 8l2Qin?' the roll of membership. Hon. W W' Kctchum was chosen President. A passenger train on the Kansas Pacific- Railroad fell through a bridge on Mon day moruing-and was.' wrecked. Yts persons were killed, and a number injured some fatally. The disaster is attributed to the destruction of the briJe bv a "cloud burst." ,Tb.e Daily Chronicle says that nino Allcntown Democrats got iuto a heatod diacussiou upou political matter. 0Q9 of them said that not more than half the Democratic party would vote for Greeley, and to prove his position a vote of the party was taken, which showed that four intended to vote for Greeley and fire didn't. Enthusiastic Republican Meeting. Rkadinu, August 12. The llepubli cau couuty meeting, which assembled jq this city to day, was the largest and mo!t enthusiastic meeting of "kind evor held in Berks county. Over three hundred mechanics, iu their woiking clothes, with their sleeves rolled up, headed by a drum and fife, marched into the court house in a body. The resolutions indorsing (Jraut and Hartranit wore wildest enthu:-i i-tu. rrected with the Disinfectant. Our readers are aware as the hot weather is now with ui, the occasioual use of disinfectants about houses aud premises will be found a wise precaution. It is said that one of the cheapest and most effectual of these is copperas mixed in the proportion of a pouud of copperas to eight quarts of water, and when thor oughly dissolved, poured down drains or siuks, it will at once remove the iuo?t obnoxious smell. Perspiration Perfume. The unpleasant odor produced by per spiration is frequently the source of vexa tion to tke persons who are subject to it. Nothing is simpler than to remove this odor much more effectually than by the application of such costly urgents and perfumes are as in use. it is only neces sary to procure some compound spirits of ammonia, and place about two tablespoons full in a basin of water. Washing the face, bauds, and arms with this, leave the skiu as clean aud sweet as one could wish. The wa.-h is perfectly harmless, aud verj cheap. It is recommended on lhe author ity of au experienced physician. A monster Republican meeting wns held in Easton on Friday evening bt. The citizens of the town were out iu im mense numbers, and the wide awakes from Alleutown and Bethlehem were on hand. The speakers were Hon. G. W. Schofield, Ex Gov. Pollock aud Gen. Al bright. Judge Schofield compared the uatuclcss party to the little red lantern which swings on the back cud of a rail road car, and said that the Democrats merely accepted the situation up to date. They would give no promise for the fu ture, and he believed that wheu Horace Greeley's white hat should be lifted from the platform, on which it has leeu placed, that the faces of leading Democrats who sought to rule or ruiu the country vaulJ be found underneath. Our" Public Men. Jefferson died comparatively poor; in deed, if Cougrtss had uot purchased Ins library, aud gieu hiui live times its value, he would with difficulty have kcj't the wolf from the door. Madisou saved money and was com paratively rich. To add to his fortuue, however, or rather to that of his widow, Congress purchased his mauuscript papers and paid $30,000 for them. James Monroe, the sixth President of the Uuited States, died in New York m poor that his remains found a resting place through the charity of his fiicnuJ. Martiu Van Bureu died vcrv rich. Throughout his political life he looked out for his luterest. It is not licuen." that he ever speut thirty shillings in p0'1" tics. His party shook the bush ana bj caught the bird. Daniel Webster squandered a million dollars iu his life, the product of his pro- Jessioual and political speculation ,1U died leaving property to his cbi!drea and debts to his friends. The former fOO for less than $20,000 j the latter exceeding SL';) (Mil) lleury Clay left a handsome estate It probably exceeded glU0,VO0. H a purdent manager and a scrupu.ous j honest man iu all his transactions. James K, Polk left about $lol.l' $50,000 of which he saved from bis u sidency of four years. , John Taylor left S20.000. Jiciorc un reached tho Presidency he was a rupt. Iu office ho husbanded his aud theu married a rich wife Z.uchary Taylor left 150,000. Millard Fillmore is a wealthy wan keens his mon.-v in :i stroll hox. If will not be swallowed up in speculate nor squandered in vice. Ex President Pierce saved someW' 000 from his term of omce.