r i 1 i .9 "2 i If :i I 1 "t 5 V. h 'J ft- I 4 1 -1 ( ' i I i -WHEELER NEW DRAW FEED i. .. -V.i,f fa ...J,.. Sewing Machine, Undeniably the best Machines in the WOELD ! Over 600,000 in use! 100,000 more eold for family purposes than any other make ! They make the Lock Stitch (alike on both sides) without a shuttle they have but G5 pnrts. (Shuttle Machines have over 200.) Thr advantages they have over the myriad of Machines of ordinary merit, it has taken many years to perfect. They are genuine and only need to be examined to be adopted inlo every family. MACHINES will bo delivered at your homes and sold on terms to suit purchasers. INSTRUCTIONS riven until ycu are satisfied, and the Ma chine warranted by a responsible Company. JAMES COYS, Agent for Monroe and Pike Comities. Office first door above -TliOUDSBURG HOUSE, STROUD SB URG, PA. M.iy 3'J, 1S72. If. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HOME MADE CHAIRS Always on hand at 6 AMU EL S. LEE'S Nev7 Cabinet Shop, Franklin Street Stroudsbursr, Penn'a In rear of Stroudsburg Bank. April G, '71. ly. CHRISTIAN HILLER, Jlas Pilled vp Ills Excellent mi.i. vu:, AXD iii:i;r SALOON, Tain Street, Strottdsbargr, Pa. (t7 lie now extends an invitation lo al his ti inds and former customers to call at Fiis old place of busine?s. Ilr-re they car. irink of his delightlul beverages: Luger Beer, Porter, Ic, I.Iiitic Wine, etc., &.V.. and eat of his superior CIicse, Oyster, &c, &c. 57" Minors not allowed to visit his Sa- loorr. june 22-"71-lf. MASON TC PAPER HAMER, GLAZIER AND PAINTER, , ... . , MONROE STREET, Nearly opposite Kautz's Blacksmith Shop, Stroidsburo, Pa. The undersigned would respectfully in form the citizens of Slroudsburg and vicinity -hat he is now fully prepired to do all kind sf Paper Hanging, Glazing and Painting, promptly and at short notice, and that he will keep constantly on hand a fine stock of Paper Hangings of all descriptions and at low prices. The patronage of the public is earnestly solicted. May 10, 1872. p" WILLIAMS, : " Watchmaker & Jeweler, MAIN ST, STOUDSBURG, PA. Located in corner building, third door be jbw the Jelleroonian office. Room handsome ly fitted up, and heavily stocked with the fi nest assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers No tions, ccc, ever otTered in this section of countiy. A full assortment of Spectacles, of the Best quality, and suited to all ages, always on sale. Silver-ware, and Silver Plated ware-always on hand at manufacturers-p?ices. CrRepairing neatly executed, and char ges extremely moderate. Calls from the public respectfully solicited. SJe Agent fur the celebrated Diamond Spectacles. j Noveivd.-er 5th, 18G3 ly. DO.VT 5 oi know Hint JT. II. McCarty is the only Undertaker in s5i roudolwirg who understands his business? If net, attend a Funeral managed by any efher Undertaker in town, and you will see ?-'e proof of tLcf-ct. Sept. 1-607 tI&- ROCKAFELLOW, DEALER IN Rcadj-3Iade Clothing, Gents Fur nishing Goods, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, tic. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. (Near the Depot.) The public are invited to call and exam ine goods. Prices moderate. May 6, 1669. tf. A Chance to make Money ! One Hundred Dollars from One Dollar. A snre thing and no Deception. Every person owning HORSES, CAT TLE, SHEEP and HOGS are guaranteed to make One Hundred Dollars by using a One Dollar Package of . . " YOUATT'S CONDITION POWDER,". manufactured by William Hollinshead, Stroudsburg. If you have never used it try a Package and if it does not benefit your stock to the amount of one hundred dollars, in your estimation, call at the store and get your money refunded. HORSES. It will give them a good ap petite, keep their skin loose and renders the coat soft and shining, keeping them in good condition with one-half the feed, being there by a saving of one-half the money. ' COWS. It makes them give more milk with one-half the feed, and if they give more milk of course you make more BUTTFR, and the more butter the more money I have so much confidence in the Catt'e Powder that I make the above offer, know ing well that it will do all that is claimed for it. VM. HOLLINSHEAD. 03" Ask to see The Great Tobacco An tidote. March 4, 1869. tf. The World Moves! f n 1 1 1 1 ? ft r mn -r i r nrnniri I IHAfilt NIK IHt WLt The undersigned, would inform the public Mat Jie lias returned the Cabinet - Making Business at his old .-taivl, down town, whore with the i-t mechanics, and mi lienor Masotii-d luin bor, he will bu j'ieiart'd to furnish in hiiurlc piece or mil suit, PARLOR, CHAMBER, A X D HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. His stock Wing all 7Io.mk-m.tk, can be fully warranted to bo the l.est offered in this market. An assortment of the Litot tvle. always mi hand. City Furniture supplied on jdiort notice. Prices always moderate. nov 16tf MORRIS SMILEY. QO TO M. F. EVANS &. CO'S DRUG STORE, (Suceessors to C. S. Drlrick tf- Co.,) MA LY 6' TREE T, S TR O VDSB VR G, Pa Kilter's IY:w ISitilfliitg, Constantly on hand a full stock of pure Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals carefully selected and purchased forCASH A lull assortment of PATE AT MEDICISES, PERFUME rrj, tancy Aoap, loolh JSrushes, Cattle Powder, Cattle Liniments. Also . S. DoiriokN Horso Powder, I t up and constantly on hand bv M. F. EVANS & CO. PROF. MYERS Penetrating Liniment, and C S. DETRICK'S Compound Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry At Hoarliound. Also the best WINES and BRANDIES for Medical purposes. White Leads, Oils, faints. Varnishes, Mixed Paints.&c. H7A DO W GLASS, SODA ASH. SAL Soda, Whiting. Lubricatinsc, Xeatsfoot Oils, Sfc, iSfC. Trusses, Supporters and ohouiaer Uraces. . , Five percent off on all Cash sales of over one dollar. dec!6'C9-tf LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO WANT Carriage Work or Blacksmithins DONE IX A SUPERIOR MANNER! THE Subscriber be?s leave to in jform the public that he is fully pre i pared, at his establishment, at thf corner of Simpson and Sarah streets, in the borough of Stroudsburg to make tu order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, iu fact, everything in his Hoc of bu siuess, at tha shortest possible notice and on the most reasonable terms. ' Carriages repaired, trimmed mil) nnlnl ed in the best style of the art. Having hrst-class material nlvr.nv hand, aud none but first-class wnrLm,, engaged, the public are assured that uou( but urst class work will be turned out at ns shop. In connection with lys Carriage Shoi le has also a Jlacksmith Shop, when superior workmeu will always be fount' rcauy to atteud to the orders of customers lhc public are iuvitct to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing ele where. VALEXTIXK KAf?T7 September lbG7.-tf. . ' ' ' A. THE ORIGINAL HOWE SEWING MACHINE, IMPEOVED. The Simplest, The Most Complete, The Handsomest, The Best in ilac Market. Its Simplicity, Durability, Ease of Opera tion, Perfection in Mechanical construction, Lightness and Beauty in Style and Finish, and adaptation to a large range of work, delight and satisfy everybody, and challenge the World. LOOK AT THE IMPROVEMENTS. A New and Improved Drop Feed. A New and Improved Tension. A New and Improved Henimer. , A New and Improved Feller. A New and Improved Braider. A New and Improved Corder. r A New and Improved Head and Lifter. A New and Improved Tuck Murker. A New and Improved Binder.' A New and Improved Quilter. A New and Improved lluffler. IT MAKES THE Elastic Lock Stitch WHICH WILL NOT UNRAVEL. t& Its Simpjicity enables any one to be come proficieut. An earnest invitation u extended to those about to purchase a Sewing Machine, to call, examine, and be convinced. FOR (SALE 33Y DARIUS 'DltEHER, Agent, STIIOUDSBUIIG, PA', aug 17 tf Q. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher (2 doors west of the "JefTersonian Office,") KLIZABETII STREET, S(roii;Ijiirsr, Pa., DREHER & BRO , .lUlVLKIt-S IN IJviisr-i, ItfetHcincs, Pcrfcmici)' nl Toilet ti licit s. laiiits, 011, VARXLSIIltf, GLASS k PUTTY. Abdominal Supporters and Sboulder Braces. Seeley's - Hard IU Itni;it TRl'SSES Also Eitter's . TRUSSES OF VAKIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians Prescriptions carefully Com pounded. . N. P. Th( liirliest Cash iiriee paid for 0 IL of. W I NTE Ktl R IIEN. . . 1 mar 4-tf. LEWIS f. IAI1AU & Co. DEALERS IX Dry Gornlif Yankee N"otionst Groceries, . IVovisloiiSf Flour and Feed, Fish and Salt, Hoots and choesy Jlardtcurc, Wooden Ware, Crockery, . 1 rushes tf- Brooms, Kerosene ana, in snore, almost everything you can ! - 1 . 1 ... mink ot or ask lor; all ot . which are of lered at smash down prices, at the old stand, on Main-street, between the Pauk aud the Jrfftr&oniau office. lhe public are invited to call. LEWIS T. LA 13AU & CO. February 1G, 1871. .. 20 ' Makino-. I he undersiued takes this method of informing the public, that he still con finucstheabovebusinessiuall its branches at his old Stand, on Franklin strpt Stroudsburir. Pa., where he will be ban py to receive orders for work in his line, including general Wheelwnghting, . Blacksmith- ing, jparatmg, Trimming, &c. His stock, of the best oualitv of seasoned lumber is large an,d very complete; and as nas a full force ol hrsr class workmen at all the branches, he flatters himsell (hat he is fully prepared to accomodate all who favor him with orders, and guaran tee entire satisiaction. Repairing promptly attended to WM. HUNTSMAN. July 28,-1870. Cards, 0ill4eads, Labels, k, 'EAT, t'AEAP AND QUICK, Priuted to Order at the JEFFERSONIAN of? r s in i m OFFICE, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. ftAll Orders mouintlv- fillfrl. r;r.. a call. mm Garcia ill! Harness & Saddlery- The above business has again been re sumed at the old stand, lately 6wept away by the late flood, near Baldwin's Hotel, in Stroudsburor, where will be kept constantly on hand the best assortment of Harness, double and single, Saddles, ; Bridies, - Collors, and every other article usuaely furnished in this line oT busniess. Work made to order on the shortest notice. A large assortment of - Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware always on hand. Call and make your owr selection, and it will be furnished in style ard price not to be excelled in this market. Strict attention paid to repairingand done in shortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O. SAYLOIt. Apent for PETER GRUVER. October 6, 1870. tf Vlf fiXtciiKlvc lot of STOVES of - all descriptions ha ve been received at the store of the subscriber, in the borough of Stroudsburg. He has C00KPNG STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements; and entire new styles, and considerablesavingof fuel, which can be had at tne lowest City pneos. Also all kinds of Stove-Pipe. A large assortment of TIN WARE ofev cry description, constantly on hand, which will be ?old at wholes,) Ie and retail, as rea sonable as can be hud in the Cilv. All kinds of repairing done in the shortest cheapest and best manner. Call and exam ine his stock before you purchase elsewhere. Feb. 11, '09. WM, S.FLORY. NOW 18 THE TIME TO USE Vonalt's Condition Powder In the Fall and Winter when your cow give but little milk this powder is sure to increase .lie quantity and improve the qua! ity. For horsrs, it increases the appetite promotes digestion, exhilerates the spirits renders the coat soft and shininjr. For Hours one package in your swill barrel wili hasten the fattening process at least 100 per cent This powder has proved an excellent article fur sheep. Be sure you get the Genuine Youatt's Condition Powder, MANUFACTURED BV uilliah Jiorrs..siii:.in, All other is a counterfeit. See that the name of WM. HOLLINSHEAD is on cacl package and buy n' oilier. Warranted to jive satisfaction or lhe money refunded. Nov. 1963 WM. HOLLINSHEAD. UNDERTAKING. McCARTY has on hand the largest and r-STP, r best assortment ol COFFINS and Til DIM IN GS to be found otiiside of either city (New York or Philadelphia), and will make this branch of his business A SPECIALITY. COFFINS and CASKETS of any size or style, can be furnished at one hour's notice for shipment, at a charge of one-third LESS THAN ANY SHOP IN StROUDSHUKO 1 1' noense will he charge more than TEN PEH CENT above actual cost. , : attended to in any pirt of the County at the shortest possible notice. Sept. 2G , 67 UNDEBTAKING ! LEE &, Co. would mo t respect fully an nounce that having procured au elegant HEAESE, HL and having a person in their employ ol twelve years experience, in tho nndprm k inn business, are now prepared lo attend to un dertaking in all its branches in the best pos sible manner. " COFFINS and CASKETS of nv ki,- style or quality, conMantly on lund, and ready br thhmient at shori by mail promptly attended to. Our charge i to htc mooeraie; we have no disposition lo distress the living or rob tho pi.iis nl il0 dead. ' N. B. Reailv-made RODRS. en up, can be had at anv time, nt ih W.m Room of LEE & Co. May 20. 170. ly. Gothic Hall Dni Store. WiSiiana Slolltiiliead, Wholesale and Hctail DniIsf. stiioudsUi:g,Pa. Constantly on hand and s:-!c cheap for cash, a freh s tor up- s 1"J Ul J" "-"i -iuuicuie.s, l'aints, Oil. Class. Fuftv. r:, J -J Jl """Mil, IVI isene Oil, Feifumery aud Fancy Goods- JlSO Mush, Liim! ami Dooj, Pure Wines and Lirjuors for Medicinal urpose. P. S. Pliyaiciaus Prescriptions-care-'ul'y compouuded. Stroudslurtr, July 7, 18G1. .... -,.-"-.. MONROE COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ' Amount of Properly Insured 1,800,00 The rate of Insurance in this Company is one dollar for every thousand dollars in sured, after which payment no further char ges will be made, except to cover actual lose by fire that may fall upon members of the Company. -; : - ? - : r -t - The policies issued by this Company are perpetual, and afford the fullest security, with the largest economy and convenience, I his company will not' issue lannenes- Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. , Applications for Insurance, may be made to either of the Managers, Surveyorsor Sec. relary. , . . . ; . .. , , MANAGERS J. Dcpue La bar, Jacob Knecht, Richard S. Staples, s John Edinger, Silns L. Drake, Francis Ilagerman, Charles D. lirodheau, Jacob Stoutfer, ' Robert Boys, v Theodore Schoch, William Vallace, Thomas W. Rhodes, Stogdell Stokes, - v - STOGDELL STOKES, President;. E. B. Dreher, Secretary end Treasurer. . Silas L. Drake, Monroe co. Peler Gilbert, Geo. G. Shafer, T Tho. W. Rhodes,' Surveyors. v. A. Oppelt, Wayne co. J. II. Welis, Pike co. Rich'd Camden, Northampton, Sam'l Ziegenfus, Carbon. 0J" The stated, meeting of the board ol Managers takes place at the Sec reta ry's of fice, on the first Tuesday of each month, at 2 o'clock P. M. SAMUEL HOOD, ' Wholesale and Hrtail Denier in C00K&PARL0R STOVES'. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, .' AND IN' " t Metal House Furnishing Goods GENERALLY. ' ' Hoofing and Syoniissg done on hhort notice, with the host uiatciial, and at reasonable i rices.. , . His .stock of Co.k. Pii'rWii ml Ofii- Stove emhraccs all the hot varieties known to 1 the trade."1' ' - t CALL AXD SEE. Store third Luildiiis. (iItovc;lhc,3Iuthodis Church, Jlain stiver, - , : . . j - STnOUDSHUlUI, PA." , Vugut 4, 1870. tf. ROSADALIS The ixgredient stiiat COMPOSE ROSADALIS are published on every package, there fore it i nor a secret preparation, consequently . ... . , . . . PHTSICIAJTS PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forma, Rheuma tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Ce-in- C'aint and all diseases of the lood. I ' ' i "y ;C"2 E377LS CF H32ADAU3 will do more good tlian ten bottles of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Ronadalis in tlieir practice fur flln li:it tlirnA vpnra mil Tr.Alv . .... ... endurso it as a reliable AlteraCre and lilood 1 nnacr. ? , DR. T. O. PUG IT, of Baltimore. DR. T.J. llOV K I. V. IDU. It. W. CA1!H. DR. F. O. PANNKLLY, Dll. J. S. Sl'ABKS, of Nicholasvillo, Ky. DIt. J. L. jrcCARTIIA, Columbia. S. C. ' DIt. A. E. XOELF.S, Ed-ocorab, N. C. USED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH Fall Eiver, F. V SMITH, Prison, iMich. A. F. M'HKKLEJl, Limn, Oliio. H. HAM.. I.imi.f ihin. C RAVEN ii CO., (lov.lonsvnie, Va. SA.M L. G. JWcFADUEN, JUurfrees- Our since M ill not nr r,n tended remarks in nlaiicn ta th virtues or lu,?udalis. IVtho Modlcal I'rofosbioa we guuranteo a Fli4 i trart Rll M.'l-it.r nun A.-.. used in tho treatment of diseased Mood;' and to the aUli.-ted we say try ItcsadalM. ami vi.n Mill .. vtsf.iril to health. Itosadalis is sold Tiv all Prupeista. prio $l'Jt per bottle. Address , . 52. CLEMENTS & CO. !llnufii6turing ChemUtt july 207 i-1 y- . B LAN ICS or ALL IIINUa for Sale a tliid Oilite. j J-atT j T,. y i X I h 0 CO TO J. II. ' McCAUTY'S ODD-f ELLOWS' HALL, MAIX ST STROUDSBURG, PA.f and Buy youi FIJRNITUKE, CARPETS, OII.-CLOTI1S, Kl'GS, . WINDOW SHADES, t GUKTAHS & FIXTURE TAIILE CLOTHS, Ac., and save At Least Two Profits As McCarty buys, direct from the mannfar turer, fot cash (not CO days), he can ecll jou MORE FURNITURE, OF A BETTER QUALITY 4 r I 5, f ; AND FOR LESS M0XEV than you can buy at fctaij cither in city dr country, and every article is warranted to bo as repre.ented. Sept. 20. 1,; Ayer's , Is widely knorn as one of the most effectual remediea . ever discovered foi1' teni and purifvi'n H the-Mood. It "has stood the te.t of , i4rJr years, wun a con- ftantlyp-owinirt. ; , utation, iiase.l on its intrinVie virtues, and FU?tained bv its io markaLle cures. So mild as to bo'safe a:i ! beneficial to chi'dren, and yet so t-earehirv-as to elR't'tually pure cut the trreat tcr rujitions of the blood, Mich as the WofuWs and pypliilitio contamination. Impurities, or diseases tliat Lave lurked in the Fystii-i for years, soon yield to this o-.vcii'ul anti dote, and disajMM?ar. Ik-nee its vo'.iderful cures, many of ulikh are publicly kr.o-rn, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous' diseases. Ulcers, Kruptions, and eruptive dis- ortlers of the ?kin, Tumors, IJlotcIies, Boils, Pi mphis, Pustules, SoresSt Antliony's Fire, Kose or J-vsi las, .Tetter, Suit liheum "jSt-n-1 " Iieatl, ltillfwoilil, and internal Li ccratious of the Uterus, Stomach, ami Liver. It also cure? otiier -ota-plaints, to which it would not seem esjK-ei-ally ailajited. such as Drops)', Ijjep- sia, Fits Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female .AVcakness, Jel)ility, and Leucorrlioea, whene they are mauuesta- , tions of the scrofulous jMjisons. git is an excellent restorer of health and strenpjlh in, the. Spring. . liy renewing tho appetite nncl.vigorof the digestive or;ru, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even vhere rnl diso:-Jor appears, people feel Letter, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system mow on with renewed, vigor and a new lease of life. ,.- 4 t PREPARED BT ' J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., 'Practical atnl 'Analytical Chntiitts. If r J! . . . " SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE, i Fept 2My- : ; - ' ' 5 ' ' ' Itblil Ticli! Itcli!. SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! USE HOLUXSULMD'S ITIII .1 SALT RliEO C1M.HLM No Fiimilv should be wil hniil this talua. ble medicine, for on the nrt appearance of t:ie disorder on the writs, between t he hit crs, ic., a. slight application of the Oiii' uient will cure if, and prevent itd being' u ken by others.": T Warranted to give satisfaction or menry refunded.' ' Prepared and i-old. u holesnle and retail, by - i W. HOLLINSHEAD, Siroudshury, Oct. til, 'fi7. .Druggist. JTA TVHS VEGETABLE SICILIAN ' HAIR ; RENEWER. ... if'1 Every year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair -Preparation; which is due to merit alone. e c:a . , assure our old patrons that it is kej-t fully up to its. high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfected j-rcp- . r- . . . .!. . , .,-i aration ior restqiin ukay ok r Al Hair to its youthful color, makinji it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by, its' use, becomes white and clean. It removes, all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair Horn fall big out, as il humil iates and nourishes the hair-glauds. By its use, the hair grows thicker ana stronger. In baldness, it restores tho capillary glands to their normal vigor, ,aud will create a new-growth, exct : in extreme old ago. It is the in , economical Hair' Dressing overused, it requires fewer 'applications, aUl gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A, A. I hives 1.1)., M-iw Assayer of Massachusetts, says, constituents are pure, and tari-hi- selected for excellent uuality; :uil 1 consider it the 'Ie,st PcKi-ARAnO-y for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggist, an I Ddcrs in JA"''1' ' t Price One Dollar, Buckingham's Etye FOR TIIE WIIISKEKS. As our Rptipu'pr in inanv case.-? ri quires too long a time, and too nnu--1 ers, wo havp prepared this dye, m om jrrtjmruituilf AVIUCll Win (jiavivir Otl'i.l.f M-ll I IT O iAAn a . w vv t.i i w in VU1 1 I IirJl . . J , bold by all Druggists, l'nce iwj V DO Cents. T' i tf Sarsaparilla Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASSUAt NJl eept 21-ly I J r