iitroulsiurgf .Market Report. I j'trrected weekly for The Jeffersonian, r.v C. f. Brodiiead, Wholesale JUKI JvCiaii j'twr in ujvwncs and Provisions. jfs Tork, per bbl. Ham, sSr curcd ,b Shoulders Mackerel, No. 1. per bbl m No. 2, patter, roll g,t pr Sack bard K.'i T dozen li mn, pr bushel Priel Apples per lb. PotJtors, per bu.hel,. Straw, per ton w"ooJ, per cord Wool 18 00 20 00 VZ 15 in 20 00 25 0(1 13 15 25 2 25 15 15 1 50 12 18 18 200 10 40 15 00 12 00 500 40 35 f.Uil MARKET REPORT, terrected weekly by Gaudkkii k Wallace, W'bolrale and Retail dealers in Flour, WmI. Feed. Grain, ie . flaur, per bbl.. Extra to beat Family jt Flour per bbl. Cars MeK per cwt. chop Jtti, clear grain, per cwt, W'biie Wheat per buahel iti Wheat Buckwheat Flour, pr cwt. Cra fr buah Oil Bulry Buckwheat f 9 00 to S3 60 5 50 160 1 00 1 40 3 00 S 00 1 80 1 75 1 50 1 40 3 50 75 54 50 90 MARRIED. On May 2:th, at tne ?i. v.. rarsonage, iy RfT. S. R. (iillinglum, Mr. IjewisDistitand Mif Salliy A. Rowers, all of Tobyhanna. July 4, by the same, at the house of Mr. Peter Gruber. David Brown, of J acksoa, and Miss Kmma Mufly, of 1'aradiae. July 4, ly the same, at the house of the bride! parents, Mr. Woodhil B. McWU liims and Mi;s It. Aruelia Dewight, both of Tabjhanna. On the 10th of June, by the Rev. W. II. lHnymore, Mr. Francis Allen Christman and Mis.1 Kmnia Lydia Hay, both of Tobyhanna, Monroe county, IV bV the same, on the 4th inst, Mr. George IVtrick and Miss Matilda Depue Myers, both uf ?hawuee, Monroe county, Pa. I!y the same, on the I Ith inst., Mr. Robt S. Van Dyke and Miss Margeret A Van I'yke, botn of Mt. Olive, Morria Co., N. J. DIED. At McCanesville, X. J., on the 10th inst., Mr. Fetor Kemmerer, aged 57 years and 1 The dceead was formerly a resident of tain county, and for a term held the office of Sheriff. For several years he resided in this uroiih, and was well known to the general public a the popular landlord of the Indian Queen Hotel His remains were interred, Friday last, in the burial ground attached to the Shaffer's School House, and were fal- k'Wed to the graTe by a large concourse of of mourning relatives and friend. Auditor's Notice. William J. Bartoa, V. William II. Dunning, It. Fa. No. ay T. 1872. Elixa II. Dunning. J The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Plea of Monroe County to tuke distribution of the moner paid in Court aide by taid writ, will attend to the dutiea of in ppointmcnt nrnday, the 16th day of Aujust, 1872. at 2 o clock r. JC at the Pro- ikoooiary Office in Stroudaburg, when and all ptixn interested are required taat vni and present their claim or they will be (refer debarred from coming in for any share f nid fund. TIIO. M. MelLIIANEY, Auditor. hU IS, 1872. 4L POLITICAL CAMPAIGN OF 1872. GRANT & WILSON, GREELEY & BROWN, C A MP A IGX CAPS Capes & Torches, IU5SPARENCIES AND BANNERS, 'jl Portrait or any device for all partie. Silk, Pointing and Mulin Flag of all sires knd or made to order. Chinese Lanterns fllt7.ea and stvle; Paper Balloon, Fire rki, Ac, Ac. Campaign CI aba fitted out at lowest rate at WM. F. SCIIEIBLE'S Cam pain Depot, 49 Routh Third Street Philadelphia. '7 11 TS-om. Send for Circular. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ion of Pennsylvania. JOIXT RKSOSJjTIOJC, P'ng an amendment to the Conatitution of Pennsylvania, ' tf rwW by the Smote and ITouu pttatuet of the ComnumwaUK of Penmyi . - umrral Avtembly met, That the follow (L'm'n1,npnt of lhe Conatitution of this tUB10rWe!lkh PrPed to the people for adoption r rejection, pursuant to the rwuiona of the tenth article thereof, to wit : AMENDMENT. rS?ikfout lhc 8ixth action of the sixth lU? , hc ConPtitution, and insert in lieu the following: fiJr I110 T'ewtirer fhall be chosen br the a'nj J flor of the State, at such times WILLIAM ELLIOTT, ppaker of the House of liepresenUtives. JAMES 6. RUTAX. Speaker of the Senate. Ai??' th twcTtT-ccond day of March, ntTiw nC tluUfind eiSht hundred and - JOHN W.GEARY. tjar;d ar.d crrtified for publication pur to tlie Tenth Article of the Constitution. FRANCIS JORDAN. Secretary of the Commonwealth, retary of the Commonwealth, July 11 75"bur JuWJ 26th 187- WANTED, Two thouRand Paint Barrel Is for which the highest market price will be paid. Address ST1NSON HAGAMAN, r Princes Paint Mill, WKissroRT, P. July 11-lm. Carbon County, Pa. ESTEAY. Came to the premise of the undersigned, in Rosa tap. Monroe Co. Pa,, on the 30th of June 1872, TWELVE SHEEP, one of them black, one Buck, one with horns, marked with a cross on the aide, all old Sheep, no Lamb among them. The owner or owners thereof are re quested to come forward, prove property, pa v charges and take them away, or they will )m disposed of according to Law". . THOMAS ALTEMUS. July 11, 1872. STATEMENT OF HAMILTON TOWNSHP BOUNTY FUND, For the year 1871. CHARLES B0SSA11D, Collector of BounW Fuud, for the year 1869: DR. 1571, Juna 10, To balance due on Dupli cate, $3109 79 CR. By cash paid Treasurer as per receipt 1422 89 1572, June 14, Balance due the Township 1G86 90 3109 79 MELC1101R BOSSARD, Collector of Boun ty Tax, for the year 1870: DR. 1871, June 10, To am't of Duplicate, $3960 67 CR. y caxh paid Treasurer as per receipts 481 56 1872, June 14, Balance due Township, 3479 11 $3960 67 A. 11. SIIAFER, Treasurer of Bounty Fund for the year 1S71 DR. To cash ree'd of collector Ac $1769 30 CR. By balance due at lat aettle "nicnt. 463 By cash paid out as per re ceipts. 1756 24 June 3, 1372, balance due townMifp. 843 1769 30 Examined, p.i?ed and allowed. ISRAEL HOLSER, ) S. S. LESII, V Auditors. J. A. BITTENBENDER, J July 11, 1S72. 3t. 3STOTIOE TO THE TAX-PAYERS OF MONROE COUNTY. In purauance of an Act ofAaeemblr, enti tled "An Act reLitin? to the collection of State o and County Taxes, in the County of Monroe," approved May b, lao, tne county ireasurer will meet the Tax-payers of said County, be tween the hours of 10 in the forenoon and 4 in the afternoon, in and for the following places, to wit : Borough of Stroudnburg, on Friday, Augunt 2, at the Treasurer' Office. Borough of Eat Stroudshurg, on Saturday, Anguat 3, at the house of Jno. Kresge, Jr. Stroud township, on Monday and Tuesday, Auguat 5 and 6, at the Office of S. L. Drake, Eqr. Smithfield townhip, on Wednesday, August 7, at the IIoue of Th'oma Brodhead ; and Thursdar, Auguat 8, at the House of Simeon D. Bush." Middle Smithfield townahip on Friday, Au gust 9, at the Houm of Jacob II. Place; and Saturdar August 10, at the Houae of Jame Place. " Ifsmiltsui tnwnthin n Monday. Anetit 12. at the ITamu ofCharle Bosard : and Tues day August 13. at the House of Charle Andrew; and Wednesday, August 14, at the House of J. II. Fethenuan. Chestnuthill township, on Thursday, August 15, at the IIoue of Joseph Butx; and Friday, August 16, at the House ot juizaoein Jtvresge. Jackson township, on Saturday, August 17, at the Houne of Samuel R. Bossard. Pocono township, on Monday August 19, at the House of Manaiweh Miller. Tobyhanna township, on Tuesday, August 20, at the House of Isaac Stauffer. Tunkhantiock township, on Wednesday, August 21, at the House of Joseph Norton. Polk township, on Thursday, August 22, at the House of John Kunkel. Eldred townnhip, on Friday, Auguat 23, at the House of John Frantz, Jr. Rosa township, on Saturduy, August 24, at the House of Jacob H. Stocker. Price township, on Monday, Auguat 26, at the Houae of Lewis Long. Barrett township, on Tuesday, August 27, at the House of J. C. NuU. Paradise township, on Wednesday,, August 28, at the House of Lyman Eyeritt. Coolbangh township, on Thursday, August 29, at the House of Samuel Case, m Tir-nivera who will avail themselves of this opportunity to pay their taxes, will be entitled 1 war w rw wk-wa nnarnji w to an abatement or r l v ne i. r or the convnience of Ttr-payers visiting Strouds burg, the Treasurer will leceive any of the above Taxes at his office, before said days. Meet between the hours of 10 in the forenoon and 4 in the afternoon. SIMPSON FETHERMAN. Treasurer. Treasurer's office Stroudaburg, Fa., July l,-2m NOTICE. IT. fi. INTERNAL REVENUE. 1 Collector's Office 11th Dist, Penna, Bethlehem, June 20th, 1872. Notice is hereby given that in accordance with Ration 28 of the Act of June 30. 1864. and amendments thereto, the Collector of this nistflht wi'l attend to the collection of taxes assessed npon INCOMES for the year 1871, and SPECIAL TAALh lucencesj lor tne year 1872, as follows, in the countes of Monroe, Pike and Wavne. AT STROUDSBURG Monroe county, at the American Hotel (Jacob Kncchts) on Mon day July 22d, 1872, AT MI LFORD Pike county, at Dimmicks Hotel, on Wednesday July 24th, 1872, from 8 o'clock A. M to 2 o'clock P. M. AT HONES DALE Wayne county, at the Allen House, on Thursday and Friday, July 23th and 26th, 1872. AT LACK A WAXEN Pike county, at Van BenscotenB Hotel, on Sat urday July 27th, 1872, from 11 o'clock A. M. to 5 o'clock P. M. And at the Office of the Collector in Bethle hem on and until August 8tb, 1872. All pernons neglecting to pay the taxes a Aesscd against them on the above mentioned days, will become liable for a penalty of five nor ionium, and a fee of twenty cents for service of notice demanding payment of same ; m t f a . . . 1 . J also four cents lor eacn mite traveled in serving nnt!c Government or National Funds only received. A. O. LUCKENBACH, June 27 '72-4t1 Collector 11th Dis't. Fa. BLANK DEPJDS For sale at this Office Vinegar Cltter are not a vile Fancy Drink, made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Kefus Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please tlia taste, calied "Tonics," " Appetiiers," "Restorers," &c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the native root and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great Wood Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying 01T ail poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, refreshing and invigorating both mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt in their action, certain in their results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease. Mo Person emit take these Hitters accord ing to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other aaeans, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point ml repair. Dyspepsia, or Indlprcstlon. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dis ainess, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Bglpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidnevs, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guar antee of its merits th.m a lengthy advertisement. For Female Complaint, in young or old, married r single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Touic Bitters display so decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon percep tible. For Inflammatory and Chronic Ilkta- an at ism aud Gout, Djrspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derange agent of the Digestive Organs. They are a Gentle Purgative a well aa a Tonic, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflam mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilious Diseases. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles', Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Ery sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the must incredulous of their Curative effects. . Cleanse the Vitiated Dlooil whenever voa ind its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores : cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Grateful thousands proclaim Vinkgak Bit Yaas the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually de ttroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiol ogist: There is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmin tics, will free the system from worms like these Bit ters. Mechanical Disease. Persons engaged ia Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will be subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this take a dose of Walker's Vinegar Bitters one or twice a week, as a Preventive. Bilious, Keinlttent, and Intermittent Fever, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas. Red, Colorado, Braxos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roan oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa ries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is o cathartic for the purpose equal to Di. J. Walkek's Vinegar Bitte, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Serofnla, or Klng'i Krll, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Af fections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc In these, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, Walker's Vinegar Bitters have shown their great curative powers in the roost obstinate and intract able cases. Dr. Walker California Vinegar Dltter act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the affected parts receive health, and a permanent cure is effected. The properlie of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Da. Walker's Vinegar Bitters are the best safe guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the humors of the fauces- Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc Their Counter-irritant influence extends throughout the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and us discharges through the biliary ducts, and are superior to all renedial agents, for the cure of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc Fortify- the bodysgalast disease by pnn fying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No epi demic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great invig orant. , Direction. Take of the Bitters on going to bed at night from a half to one and one-lialf wine-glassfull. Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely veget able ingredients, and contain no spirit J. WALKER, Prop'r. B,H.MeDOSALDC Druggists and Gen. Agts San Francisco, Cal.. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts-, New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. June 27, 1872 3ni. Executors Notice. EtUU of SYDENHAM WALTOX, Jf. D., late of the Borough of Stroudthnrg, decatd. ' Notice is herobv riven that letters testemen- i,r, in the shove named Estate haviner been M-anted to the undersiffiied. all persons in debtcd are requmea to can ana mae im m4it nnvment. and all nersons havine claims acrairnt said Etate, are requested to . wa . . . .nl. present them duly autnenucatea lor seme ment, without delav. CHARLES k KELLER, rTfnil(yrt Wm. D. WALTON. I'xeeulort Stroudshurg, July 11, 1872 t. Found nut vrhv nconle po to McCartv's to fet their furniture, because he buys it at the V,ro Rms of Ifi A: (Jo. and hells it at an advance of only twenty-two avd two ninth pn- cent. Or in other words, Ilockin? Chairs that he buys oi IjCc x, v.o. unroun the runners he don't have) for $4,50 he sells for $5,50. lay ftnn to tmy some qooa fur niture. LEE Sc CO. Stroudeburg, Aug. 18, 1S70. tf. iTE V: EDVVAU l A. W I LSON'S (of W il I V linmshnr.rli N. Y.1 Rccine for CON SUMPTION and ASTHMA carefully com pounded at HOLLINSHEAD'S DRUG STORE. OCT Medicines Fresh and I'vre. Nov.21. 1SG7.1 W. HOLLINS11EAD. FARM FOR SALE, Situate two miles from Stroud-sburg and one from Sfcormvillc, on the stage road. Water llowing in a trough at ih Hnnu and also at the Ham. Terms cay, VM. S. RISES, Jan. 25, 1S71 . tf lroudsburg. Pa Very Desirable Building Lot? in East Stroudfburg for fale or exchange for Farms, bv " FEIRON A STILLMAN, fyfh Ijan. 18, '72--tf.J IU--T. Etroud&burg, . lAo.iec to Teachers. An examination of Teachers for the Borough Schools, will he held in the Academy on Thursday, August 1st, 1872, at 10 nVht A f Krw Teachers will he employed in the Borough School, unletw they are present at this examination and participate in it. Bv order of the Board. July 11 -3t C. D. BRODHEAD, Tres't. BANKRUPT NOTICE. In the District Court of the V. S.lMsiern Dis trict of 1 cnnstflvauta. In the matter of Peter Heller, Bankrupt. It ia ordered that a second ccneral mcetihir of the creditors of said Bankrupt, be held at Easton, m naid District, on thcOlh davof Julv, A. D. 1872, at 2 o'clock P. M. at the ollice of Wm. E. Dorter, one of the Registers in Bank ruptcy in said District, for the purrees named in the 29th section of the Act of Congress, en titled "an Act to establish u uniform system of Bankruptcy in the United States," approved March 2, 1872. . . Bv. FOX, kjJCVi Clerk of District Court. June 27, 1872. ORDINANCE No. 4. Be it enacted and ordained bv the Chief Bur- ges and Town Council of the Borough of East Stroudaburg, that: "Brown Street" he declared a Public High way of fiflv (oOfL) width. A draft of said street is placed on file at the Prothouotary's ofliee. Approved the 4th day of April, 1871. I. T. PUTERBAUGir. Bur-ess. Henry Miller Sect' v. June 20, 172 It. ORDINANCE No. 5. Be it enacted and ordained Lv the Chief Rur- ees and Town Council of the lioroueh of East Stroudsburg, that: M ashington Street" shall be .declared a Public High-way of (f.Q ft.) sixty feet width. A draft of said street is placed ou file in the Prothonotarv's Ofliee. Approved the 3d day of Februarv, A. D. 1872. I. T. rUTERBAUGII. Bursress. IIexry Miller, Secretarv. ' June 20, 1872. 4t. oticc to Bridjrc Builders. The subscribers, CommiKfiioners of the Coun ties of Monroe and Luzerne, will receive ca!ed Proposals at their respective offices until the 10th day of July next, for the building of a BRIIXiE aero the Lehigh River, at Stod- dartsville. Plans and Specification can be seen at the Commissioner's Office in Stroudshurg and at the Commissioner's Office in Wilkes- Barre. SAMUEL POSTENS, JOHN C. STRUNK, H. R.BIESECKER, Gom'rt of Honroc. (J. W. BA1LY, A.J.WILLIAMS, Com'rs of iAuerne. Bv order of the Commissioners. M. 1 1. Dreiikr, Clerk. Bidder will please note upon the envelope. "Proposal" Commissioner s Unicc, Mroudsburg, junezu, I5i J Auditor's Notice. Estate of GEORGE KRESGE, defeated. The undersigned appointed by the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, Auditor to make dis tribution of the money in the hands of Samuel Arnold, Administrator of the Estate of said de ceased, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment on Saturday, July 20, 1872, at 10 o'clock A. M at the Prothonotarv's Office, in Stroud- burir, when and where all persons interested are required to attend and present their claims or they will be forever debarred from coming in for anv share of said fund. THO. M. McILIIANEY, Audtor. June 20, 1872.-4t. Auditor's Notice. Estate of JOHN BOXSER, deceased. The undersigned appointed bv the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, Auditor to make dis tribution of the monev in the hands of Peter Gilbert, Administrator of the said deceased, hereby give notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment on Friday, July 19, 1872, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Prothouotary's Office, in the Borough of Stroudshurg, when and where all persons having any claim against said fund will present the same or be forever debarred from coming in for any share there of. THO. M. McILIIANEY, Auditor. June 20, 1872.-4t. Auditor's Notice. Estate of AAROX KUXKEL, deceased. The undersigned appointed by the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, Auditor to make dis tribution of the money in the hands of John Harter. Executor of the Estate of said deceas ed, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Thursday, July 18, 1872, at 10 o'clock A. L, at the Prothonotary Office, in Htroud- bnrg, when and where all persons interested are required to attend and present their claims or they will be forever debarred from coming in for anv share oi said lund. (nirA mi i.ir in vi't' t June 20, 1872.-41. STROUD TOWNS II II BOUNTY FUND STATEMENT. Account of SIMON BARRY, Treasurer of Stroud Township Bounty rund Statement. CR. by amount paid Counsel f 10 00 Auditors t 4 0 " School Board settling Du plicates 20 00 " for East Stroudaburg Ac't 5 00 " A. O. Greenwald, Printer 10 75 $52 50 " Bal. due Treasur last settlement SO 58 " Amount of Interest paid . 700 18 M Bonds " 750 00 " Commissions to Treasurer 20 00 $.1,553 26 DR. To cash from J L Rhode, Collector for 1S9 $425 00 " Wm. Fine, Col. for 1870 931 91- 1,3 j6 9 Bal. due Simon Barrv. Treas urer, to June 3. 1872 10 32 $1,553 20 Examined and allowed the 3d dav of June, . . a 1 S72, for the year IS, I. ilness our nanus. J. A. FETHERMAN, Auditors, J. W. VAN VL1ET. J June 13, 1S72. 3t. "T7"ATSOXS y Mount Vernon House, 117 and 119 North Second St. ABOVE. AIICH, PHILADELPHIA. May 30, 1873- ly. BLANK LEASES For Sale at this Ofliee. s SPKINGf AND JsJi 2ST. RTJSTJSri'S.- THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, .tlie most reliable place to get a goo ashionablo Suit of CLOTHES cheap. Having the largest tlock of Men', Youths' Boy b, and Children's Clothing Jn this ibwn, and Prices. HATS AND CAPS. THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, the headquarters for HATS AND CAPS. having always the largest stock on hand, . the very latest Styles in Fur, Wool, Cassi. mers and Straw, in High Silk Hats, we feel sure we can suit all.' ixJKjsrisi-njsr & goods. THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION ie alto Headquarters for LADIES? AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. Having - i . IsDing uuoos in town, we are uure we cnu euu an. hc iiiive n. sytt-uuiu iiuu o.vjenw underware for Spring; and Summer. A splendid line of Ladies and Gents IFoosiexy a'nC Glove?, a eplendid line of Youth's White Striped and Paid Shirta. We have the Striped nd Plaid in Shereots, Percales, Chintz and Ciothe-Faced and Paper Collar. Cuffe and welve thousand of the H test styles of Collars, You will also find a full line of Linen Shirt landkerchiefa and Ladies Collars and Cuffs, and Umbrellas, Corticili spool Silk, in all colors. Which is pronounced lhe best in uso. Also a full hue of Coat e a and Clark s spool THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION Always on hand a full assortment of the best brand of Alpacas, ihm Capiltal Uiatf ) Itmd ing article in Alpacas. We have always on hand a good amortmea, of Ul a cat, GaHssgraia and plain Silks, Satins, Grensdiens, Poplins, Frow Frow, Stripea, PercaUsa, Fr Cam brics, Chintr, Gingham and Prints. A full line of White Goods and Mualia. Alo a' splendid lot of Spring and Summer Shawls and Skirts at astouisbiBg low furoav Particular Attention which we have done in 'he latest ntylcs. Wc warrant a good fit. Wc also take meat-l urea for custom shirts, High Silk Hats to order, good fits warranted. Give us a call and be convinced that, we can't be undersold. Our motto is quick tales' and small profits. We show joods wilh pleasure. PROPRIETOR OF THE April 18, 1972. I 0 FF THE F 110 NT STREET. ! LOOK I5M 0HE YOU LEAP. Or, in other words, examine goods and prices ijctore you buy. 1 have a splendid lot ol NEW FURNITURE On hand both of my own and city make at PRICKS THAT MUST SLIT ALL. PARLOR, BEDROOM, DINING ROOM, AT PRICES A8 LOW AS BEFORE TI1E WAR. Sales Room and Manufactory all unlerono Roof, on Franklin Street, In the rear of the Stroudshurg Bank, SAMUEL S. LEE. April 6, 1871. ly. C. R. ANDRE Hereby informs his friends and the public generally that he will open store on Monday, the 20th of May, inst. AT TIIK O ontine nta 1, or well known corner stand, lately occupied tv uaruey uansueid, opposite me American Ilotcl. corner Main and Green Streets, Stroudsburpc, Pa., where he will keep a nice aud well selected assortment of DRY GOODS, Choice Famly Groceries, Queensware, &c. The stock will be all new, carefully selected and to be sold cheap. 1 he More Loom has been thoroughly repaired and will le remodel ed and refitted. The system to be adopted will be Cash or desirable produce, one price and no deviation. The child can buy just as cheap as the parent. lrom his experience in the business in all it branches, he hopes to bo able to suit the tastes of those who may lavor hnn with their patronage, and satisfy them that his prices are low. Remember the terms Cash or desirable produce, as no Books will be kept, conse quently no goods will be sold on credit. Terms peromtory. Please get ready for the opening and bring your stamps with you. May 9 1872 tf J CHAULEi. A Bargain in Land! A trart of Land. 5n Stroud township. Monroe county, Pa., eligibly ituatcd J a mile from Strnndsbtirer. i oflered for sale, at reasonable figures, and upon accommo dating term. 1 he tract contains Thirty-Six Acres, mnn rr le.es. and adioins Iambi of R. S. Staples. ... tj M r Mrs. Luke Staples and tieorge Niyres, and the Brodhead Creek. About 21 acres is cleared land, with a fair portion of natural Meadow. The land is susceptible of easy and profitable cultivation. On it are several line building sites, suitable for Country seats or a summer hoarding house. Fourteen acres are covered with young Oak and Chestnut timber ol tlinl- ty growth. 1 here 13 an excellent spring ot wa ter on the tract but no improvements. Will be sold together, or in lots to suit purchasers. l or particulars impure at the rost mice. Stroudshurg, Pa., March 2S, lS72.-tf. The Third Term of the WickershamOerinan Endish Normal School will open in the Pub lie School Hwuxe at Brodheadsville, on Tues day April 2d, 1872. TERMS: For long term, fourteen weeks, $10.00 For short term, eleven weeks, &,(K) For anv time less than 11 weeks, per week, 1.00 Students can enter at any time. For further particulars add res, REV. I). E. SCHCEDLER. B RODU EADS VI L J.X, march 7 72-tf Monroe county, Pa. OB PRINTING, of all kinds neatly ex ecuted at this cff.ee. SUMMER f ' 'J, we feci assured we can t be beat in Goods ilie largest and most select assorlmen ot Furn- : . 1 1 l . 1 i : ' i i : t . - Prints. We have the Iarge&t aaaorsWtQt of Bottoms. You will always tiaul froaa ijhl t Cull aud Bosom at the HatisMiaJ Hall. Fronts. Cravats and Tie, LadiM aadOenta We have a good assortment of Praol cotton. is the best placa so get BRY GOODS. Paid to Custom WorkV NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION Main Street, Strouhsbuko, Fa. caution s-Take xoUc! rihe public arc hereby cautioned against M, harboring or trusting any perwn, un der anv preteusc whatever, from this date. on mv account, as 1 tiiu determined to re- .si.st, to the full extent of the law, the pay-' ment or ail deius contracted oy any one in my name, without regard to pcroa, except upon my written order. THEODORE SCTIOCIL SritornsBuuo, Fa., ) June, 7 IS7I. J 2STOTIOE. The persons summoned by the SBtrlfTaa Fetit Juror, to attend Court the saeoni vaek to commence June 3d, 1S72, are hereby ftj fied not to appear, as the Court to try civil" cates for that week has been jdespensed with.' By order of the Court. TIIO. M. McILIIANEY. May 23-2t Prothonotary. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orpans' Court to niakftjdistrlbtUiod of ths moneys in the handV'oT'l'hilip Michael. Ad ministrator of the Estate ot Johu liaUios, dee'd, hereby give's ' notice that he will at tend to the duties of his appointment ou Saturday, July 20, at 10 o'clock a. at the office of the Hon. John B. Storm,- in the Borough of Stroudshurg, at which tisae and Jlace all may attend who see proper1, or be orever debarred from coming in-1 ufku said fund. JOHN BROWN, Auditor. June 26, 1S72. NEW STOKE -:and:- NEW GOODS -:at REDUCED PRICES! DARIUS DREIIKR, hega leavt te nounce to his friends and and to th fui lie generally, that he has just recaivad a general assortment of Dry Goods, jYbfioiu, Jrcst Triminrnfi, ANT MILLIXEKT GOODS consisting, in part of the following daairtAfr articles, viz. : Calicoes , Lawns, French Chintz, Children's Dress Coodst "Worked Kdgings, Parasols, Zephers, Shetland Woofs, Shetland )Yuol Skaieh Delaines, Muslins, "White Dress Goods, Insert ingt Lady's and Children Sackt Flannel and Cloth, Lady's, Misses and Men's Hoes, Gloves and Cottars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, tc, f"C, Goods shown with pleasure. 'Quieka sales and small profits" at the old and wall known Millinery Stand of F. A. DREHEK The Millinery business will bo carried ns usual by Mm. Drehek. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREIIER, April 2fl, lSfui. C1AK VOU TI1I.L WHY IT IS J that when any one comes to Stroud. burr to buy Furniture, they always inquirs 4or McCartys Furniture Store Seot. 2l OVT roU;r.T that uhen you want any thing in tlie Furniture or Ornamental lino that McCarty, in the Odd-Fcllowa' Hall, Main Street, Btrouda- burj, Pa., is the place lo get it. Sept. 2fl DO.VT I'OOli YOlTIt ITIO.EY away for worthless articles of Furai-. ture, but go to McCarty's, and you will get well paid for it. Sept, 26, 'lTt ii iTan k .mTuYtg a ok Fr salp at this OfTicr, t