Didn't Know a Muskrat. Many j'ears ago there resided at Sara-t(-M aa eccentric iudvidual by the name r T-i... C! ll.icto w'in li:u seen tho vieis- juuu o. ju.-.j, ..vr - - i-'pit'udcs of life iu various forms. In youth he spent fifteen years a prisoner aiuoDg the Indians. There he obtained a knowl edge of herbs which was his means ol subsistence as nit Indian doctor in after years. Ia the pactice of his profession ! e was roaming all over the country, of ten with his pockets well filled, but, as often without a solitary cent to swear by. Ia all circuistances he was fond of his jjass, and he would resort, when the fickle oddefs was unkind to hia, to acy means tf obtaining it. Loitering one day on the canal dock at llockcster, he fell in company with a son of Erin just ns penniless and as thirsty as he was hiui self. ly accident they succeeded in tak , iog a large wharf rat, which the Irishman carefully confined in his pocket hand kerchief, and under instructions from Dusty, proceeded to a saloou which stood close by and entered into a colloquy with the proprietor. "I say, landlord, what will yecs be afther giviu' me for a foline muskrat?" 'What the d I do I want of a mus krat?" responded the landlord. "Och, he will be afther makin' a fuine per. ior toe emmner. jisl loom as mm, .; t-o - ' j ! - ii i i j a i So saying he carefully unfolded a cor ' tier of the handkerchief, and the landlord took a peep. "Call that a muskrat 1" he roared ; "it's nothing but a common wharf rat." , 'I tell yees it's a muskrat," rejoined lit. 'its a wharf rat don t you suppose 1 know a muskrat." "I tell yees it's a muskrat, an' if yees think yees know so much, I'll be afther layin' a small wager that's it's a muskrat nu' not a wharf rat at all, at all," peristed ' the obdurate Irishman. The controversy waxed warm, and ended in l'at making the following pro position : "I'll tell you what I'll do, my foine . fellow, I'll bet you the value against a gallon of yer best whusky, that it's a muskrat." 4'Yho will you leave it to ?" demauded the landlord. ' ' "Faith, I'm not particular. I'll lave it to the first man that comes in," was the xesponsa. . Done," yelled the landlord, and in stalked Dusty ' with, "Lindlord give us at glas of but before he could complete the sentence he was approached by the Irishman with ay, niisther, the landlord an' mesclf lias jit been afther makin' a little bet, an' will yecs be so koin las to decide it V '."' -What's the bet ?" asked Dusty! "Well, will yees just look in here an' t -1 1 us what sort uv an animal it is." Du.-ty looked with care, Ecemcd un ileeided, looked ajrain and rcspouded : Certainly, sir ; it is a muskrat." "Muikrat be d d I" roared! the now raving landlord ; "do you think I don't know a muskrat 7" "31askrat or no muskrat, my foine fel 'Jow, will yees be afther passin over the gallon ov whusky yees owe inc ?" The landlord pail the bet, but would swear to his dying day that he never met ..with an other instance where he found two fools who neither knew a muskrat. Hold Fast Below. A party of Irishmen once upon a time, contracted to clean a very deep well. Having none of the usual conveniences employed for such purposes, they were at a loss how to get cue of the party off a .. nt i . 1 Am. 1 A T ' uinu uut water, ujuu, etc. 2i lasi O im- my PhclaD, a Lerculeau fellow, proposed apian which was considered just the thing. It was this : Jimmy was to clasp ' bis big fists around the windlass, then another of the party was to clamber down and hold on by his legs, and so on until lbe last man should be able to leap upon the ledge. Being slightly corned with liquor, the. party prepared for the decent, without stopping to contemplate the diffi culties iuvolved in the adrenture. With tared breast, and sleeves tucked up, big Jimmy seized the round portion of the windlass directly over the well,and swung himself over. Another of the party crept down Jimmy's body and grasped him by the boots. After several more had fol lowed suit, aud the humau chain bean to stretch far into the well, Jimmy became alive to one great difficulty ; the windlass did not afford him a good hold in the firt place, and the height was getting intoler able. At last human sinew could staud it no longer, and Jimmy hailed the lower link in the chain with : "He jabers. l'at, bowld fast below till I spit on me bans-" Suiting the action to the words, he released his hold, when, of course, the whole part was precipitated to the bottom ef the well. As luck would have it, there was more mud than water where the Ilibercians lit, and they wisely consider d themselves particularly fortunate io escaping without actual los3 of cither life a limb. A Plea for the Liver. One of the x highest medical and hy gienic authorities in the country thus speaks of the liver : , The best abused organ in the human body is, undougtcdly, the Liccr. Docs your, mouth taste badly in the morning? Is your stomach "sour ?" "Oh ! you're bilious too much bile in the system, you know. Take a blue pill and you'll toou be all right 1" Does your head feel dull and ache "over the eyes?" Are you "blue" and grumpy or dyspeptic or neuralgic or troubled with dizziness, or "see fpecks, or "don't feci very well yourself?" "Tour liver is torpid that's what's the matter with you. A blue pill will straigh ten you out in no time !" "And so this over worked gland, with a double duty to perform, is blamed i for what it docs do, aud what it doesn't do; for doing too much and for doing too lit tle, and is punched and spurred, accused and abused, in a manner that none but. a poor, spiritless drudge would submit to. The fact is, we set a harder task than making brick without straw. We ask it to m-kc bile without blood, and punish it with poisons when it fails to do so. ' The younger Flint, professor of Phy siolcgy in the Dellevue Ilosiptal Medical College, New York, has laid the Liver and its owners uuder obligations to him for all time, by teaching us' what is the true function and office of this, the larg. est gland in the body, and the one most uuivcrsally found iu all animals. It was through his studies and experiments that it was first clearly shown what the lilt is and what its uses are. Uric-fly, the waste matter of the brain and ccrtes is one of the essential mater ials out of which bile, to the extent in health of two and a half pounds a day, i manufactured. This waste nerve matter with other refuse, is cxccrctcd from (tak en out of) the blood by the liver, trans formed into bile and poured into the in tc-stines to assist in digestiou and to pre vent constipation and flatulency. . 'Hut the production of this waste goes on in the brain, two or three feet from the liver, and in every other part of the body whervcr a nerve filament reaches and the only way the liver can use thi: waste is by having it brought by the blood to its workshop. Manifestly, if the cir culation of the blood is impcrfeet, the manufacture of bile will be limited, and then, usually, we pitch into the liver a blue pill, or a dose of calomel, or of pod ophyllin. Xor is the insufficient production ;of bile,- and the consequent imperfect diges tion, constipation, and flatulence, all the evil. This waste matter of the uerves aud brain, if not thoroughly and prompt ly carried off in the circulation, acts as an irritant and poison to the tissues iu which it remains, aud hence headaches and neuragia, or aching of the nerves. Xow, if there is any one fact more clear ly understood and admitted than another, in the wonderful and complex operations of the living body, it is that there can be do vigorous, or even negatively healthy circulation of the blood without a vii;or ous tonic condition of the muscles. And this vigorous, healthy, tonic condition of the muscles can only be attained by their exercise or use. And so it is clear why sedentary persons suffer more from their livers than persons of active habits. It is, also, clear that so long as some persons must lead sedentary lives and be debar red from active and diffused exercise, such persons must suffer, unless some substitute for diffused exercise be attain able Ten minutes' Cumulative Exercise, once a dty'.- will do more to secure an open hepatic duct (and to a freer char ity), a vigorous circulation in the por tal system (and so a more active love for the neighbor), and a healthy Liver (and thus a blighter hope for the future than all the anti bilious pills ever peddled. Moral : ij you would avoid Bilious ness and it attendant imps, let your Liv er alone and attend to your Muscle. The Catasaqua Manufacturing Company paid out duxing the year 1871, for labor alone, the large amount of S271.G7G, and the Crane Iron Company paid out 6170, 000 for the same time making in all $441, C7C. . The Iielvidere Apotta publishes a list of 125 persons in Warren county who are aged 80 years aud upwar ds, the oldest be ing a lady of Delvidere, who has com pleted her 103d. , The First National Dank of Faston, on the 1st instant, had SG08,767.19 in loans and discounts. The same institution had on deposit from individuals $111,371.81 A tree which was cut down last week in Kansas contained two bushels of bees and three hundred pounds of beautiful transparent honey. It cost $37,026,14 to suppress the ijcraaton riot of Iait year. THE ORIGINAL SEW !M MA I! I lYE, IMPEOYED. The Simplest, ' ' ! The Most Complete, The Handsomest, ! The Ilcst in the Market. Its Simplicity. Durability, Rape of Opera tion, Perfection in Mechanical construction, Lightness and Beauty in Style and Finish, and adaptation to a large range of work, delight and satisfy everybody, and challenge the World. ': LOOK AT THE IMPROVEMENTS. A New and Improved Drop Feed. A New and Improved Tension. A New and Improved Ilemraer. A New and Improved Feller. t New and Improved Braider A New and Improved Cordcr. ; , Jl New and Improved Head and Lifter. A New and Improved Tuck Marker A New anJ Improved Binder, j A New and Improved Quilter A New and Improved ltufHer IT MAKES THE Elastic Lock Stitch WHICH WILL NOT tNRAVEL. Stay Its Simplicity enables any one to be come proficicut. ' An earnest invitation 13. extended to those about topurchasc a Sewing Machine, to call, examine, and be convinced. FOI! SAIjIZ BY DAttlUS MlEflKR, Agcut, STllbuDSBUUG, PA. . aug 17 tf G. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher (2 doors west of the "JefTcrsonian Office,") ELIZABETH STRKKT,' Stroudsburg, Pa., DREHER & BR O., PKALEP.S l.V Diusrs, Irietlicines, I'crlumes'y and Toilet Articles. 3?aiiTts, OILS, VABNIS1IFS, GLASS & PUTTY Abdominal Supporters - and Shoulder Braces. Seeley't Hard UL'RSSEIl Tlll'SSUS Also : Hitter's TKUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERN'S Lamps and Lanterns Burning - and Lubricating Oils. ; Physician' . Prescriptions carefully Com- 1m un led. ... N. IJ. The highest Cash price raid for OIL of WINTER GREEN. may 4-tf. LEWIS T. LI. it A It & To. , DEALKKS IN - . Dry Hoods'. ' ' '. Yankee JTotions, ' ' Groceries. J'rovitions. . Hour and Feed. Fish and Salt, Boots anil .Shoes. JIurdicare, Wooden Ware. Crockery , Brushes Brooms, Jvirosene. and. in short, almost everything you can think ot or ask lor; all ot which are of fered at smash down prices, at the old stand, on .Main-street, "between the Uank and the JJfersontan office. lhe public are inv.ted to call. LEWIS T. LA BAR & CO. February 1G, 1871. "1 Making. ge The undersigned takes this method of iuforming the public, that he still con linues the above business in all its branches at his old Stand, on Franklin ' street, fctroudsburg, ra., where he will be hap py io receive orders for work in bia line, including general Wheelwrighting,' Blacksmith- ing, .rainting, Trimming,- &c. His stock, of the best oualitv of seasoned lumber is large and very complete; and as nas a lull lorce of ursr class workmen at all the branches he flatters himsell that he is fully prepared to accomodate an wno tavor him with orders, and guaran- tee entire satislaction. llcpairing promptly attended to VTA. HUNTSMAN. July 28,-1870. Cards, Bill-Heads, Labels, &c, : SKAT, CAEAP AD QUICK, Printed to Order at the JEFFERSONIAN O FFIOE, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. J5A1J Orders promptly filled. Hive m i cull. Carria J oh Printing Kcticc! Notice!! To all Whom it may Concern I ! 1 The inrlersirnp.1. Ii.ivin" ."one iutn the r " -i n Broom Businct-K, would notily the public, most re.-nfj-.tf'tillv thnt ho is nrennrcd. willi i j i - - -- - i i ' thfi llPSt li nil ln!:t imnrni'Pl! m:ir liinprv. and the bcil quality of material, to manufacture Eroosis, Wiiists, and Small Brccms for children, in a manner superior to nny thing in that- line ever offered for sail in Monroe County at wholesale and retail, a little below city prices. He is alto pre pared to furnish, to order, at short notice Eroom Machines, Handles, "Wire & Twine all of the best, and warmtcd to give satisfac tion. The use of one of my Brooms will set tle the fact, beyond nil dispute, that better can be obtained JVom me. than can be pro cured in the city. To the Farmers of Monroe County, he would Bay that they can now find a home market for all the broom Corn 1 hey can raise, and each farmer should strive to raise enough for his own use and have some Jell to tell. Thoso . desiring eced ' to plant 'can ahvay find an abundance of the best quality of Seed by callings on the undersigned. The undersigned will, also, attend to SAW FILING at the shortest possible notice, and frpm his experience in this branch of businc.-s, he flatters himself that he cannot fail to give perfect satisfaction. Before purchasing elsewhere, persons will most certainly advance their interests by calling and examining my stock of Brooms fTf Country Produce taken in exchange, Don't forget the place, on Franklin Street, opposite Wm. Huntsman's Livery btable. A. It. CARMER, March 16, '71. tf. AN extensive lot of STOVES of all descriptions have been received at the store of the subscriber, in the borough of Stroudsburg. He has COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements; and entire new styles, and considerable saving of fuel, whicl can be had at the lowest City prices. Also all kinds of S to ve-?ip e. A large assortment of TIN WARE of cv cry description, constantly on hand, which will be sold at wholesale and retail, as rca sonablo as can be had in the Civ. All kinds of repairing done in the shortest. cheapest and best manner. Call and cxra ine his stock before you purchase elsewhere. Feb. 11, 69. WM, S.FLORY. Harness & Saddlery. The. above business has again been re sumed at the old stand, lately wept away by the late fl o:l, near - I'ald win's Hotel, in Stroudslurr, where will be kept constantly on hand t!ie best assortment of lianas, donuic asid single. Saddle, Dridies, rollors, and every other article usunely furnished in thid line of busniep?. Work made to order on the shortest notice. A large assortment of Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware always on hand. Call and make your owe selection, and it will be furnished in tyle ard price not to be excelled in this market. Strict attention paid to repairing and done in shortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O. SAYLO It. Agent f.r PETER URUVEIt. October G, 1S70. tf NOW IS THE TI5IE TO CSE III the Full and Winter whon vnnr rnw. give but little milk this powder is ture to increase ,ne quantity ana improve 1 tie qual ity. For horsoa, it increases the appetite promotes digestion, cxhilerates lh pniriins renders the coat soft and shining. For IIos one package in your swill barrel wili hasten the fattening process nt least 100 ner eent. This powder has provod an excellent article I TTi . ior sneep. un sure you get the Genuine Youatt's Condition Powder, MANUFACTURED BY XV E 1 L S A 31 IIOI.I.I ASIUI, All other is a counterfeit. See that the name of WM- IIOLMNSIIISAI) is on each package and buy no other. Wa minted to give satisfaction or t lie money refunded. Nov. 10, '03 WM. IIOLLLXSHEA)). UNDERTAKING. McCARTY has on hand the largest and best assortment of COFFINS and WWsPR-j? TRIMMINGS tobe founil outside of either citv rNew YnrL or l'ltiladelnhiaV and will make this hmnod of his business A SPECIALITY. COFFINS aud CASKETS of anv sir nr style, can be furnished at one hour' notice for shipment, at, a ciiarue or ONR-TjURn hV.hH THAN ANY SHOP IN StUOUDSIIUIU In no case will he charge more than TEN PER vr.. l above actual cost. M IS . 1 M I , (, attendod to in any p.irt of tho County m HJW einmusi poJalDIC IIOIICC Ofpl, ?() ,'07 MONROE COUNTY . Mutual Fire '.Insurance Company. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Amount of Property . Insured $1,300,00 The rate of Insurance in this Company is one dollar lor every thousand dollars in sured, after which payment no further char ges will be made, except to cover actual lost by fire that may fall upon members of the Company. The policies issued by this Company are perpetual, and atTord the fullest security, with the largest economy and convenience, T Ins company will not issue Tanneries Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. Applications for Insurance may be made to either of the Managers, Survejorsor Sec. retary. MANAGERS. J. Deptie Lnlar, Jacob Knecht, Richard S. Staples, John Ldmger, ' Silas L. Drake, Francis Ilagerman, Charles D. JJrodhead, Jacob StoufTer, . Robert Coys, Theodore Schoch, William Wallace, Thomas W. Rhodes, Stogdcll Stokes, . STOGDELL STOKES, President. E. B. DaEHER, Secretary and Treasurer. Silos L. Drake, Monroe co. Melchoir Spragle, " Peter Gilbert, Geo. G. Shatcr, Tho. W. Rhodes, " ' Surveyors. b. A. Oppelt, aync co. J. II. Wells, Pike co. Rich'd Camden, Northampton, Sam'l Zicgciifus, Carbon. The stated meeting of the board of Managers takes place at the Secretary s of fice, on the first Tuesday of e ich month, at 2 o olock F. M. "SAMUEL HOOD, Whoh'sale and Rdail Dealer in CO0K&PARL0U STOVES, TIN & SHEET-IKON WARE, AND IX Metal House Furnishing L'ocds GENERALLY. Rooling and- gp.atiag:: done on .liort imtiee, uith (lie Lest material, aii-l at rca!i:iWe prices. His stock of Cook, I'm lor mid Ollit-ti Stoves embraces all the Le.-t v:inctie.s known to tho tnule. CALL 'AMD SEE. Store third bmMinrr. ahovo the Methodist Chnirn. Main street, STHOlTDSUnHI, I 'A. Angu.-t 4, lSTti. tf. ; ' (The IXGREDIEN'TS THAT ICOMPOSE KOSADALIS are Published on every package, tbcre- ioro his not a, secret preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain euro for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Kbsunia tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Coin plaint and all dismasts of tho Blood. . . ,CN3;ECTTL2 CF IICSAUALIS will do more ood than ten bottlca of the Syrups of Saxsaparilla TH' UNDE-JSIGNtO PHYSICIANS hitvt: used Rosadalis in theirpmctico for tlio j;i-st three years and freely cudorso it as a reliable Alterativo and liluod Turihcr. ; DH. T. C. 1'IT, II, of Eattimcie. nu.T. j. r.ovKi.v, I)H. M W f M II ' t EX l)H. 1-'. O. DAN N K.Ll.Y, " Dlt. J. S. SPAUKS, of Xicholasvillo, DIt. J. L. McCARTHA, Columbia, S. C. DR. A. 15. N'Or.LKS, Edjecomb, N. C. USED AUD EUD0ESED BY J. B. FRENCH S; SONS, Fall River Mass. F. W. S.MITir,.T;,ckson, Mich A. V. WUKKLi.lM.inia, Ohio. It. HAI.L.l.iiiiA.tjl.i,,. ' Lj t'RAYLN & l-O-, r...rloMsvmo. Va SA.M'L. O. JIcFAUUr.V Mnrri.L Loi-o, leuu. Our snaeo M-ill net iiu.,. r i any I - tctiJed 1i'I:i.hLm in ..,i.: . . virtues of Rosa.lalis. Totl.e Medical i ioiuson v -o guarantee a Fluid Kx tract sum l iiii-1.. ..ni-ii..,.. i .. used iu tho treatment of diseased II loo. -. anil in (Ki, oii . . . .. i,V - - - miuh n i w aai u t UoS.l,l;lln nn,l v,ii n l't 1... .....'I to lu-aUli. Rusadulii Is sold bv nil I piico fji.50 j,tr bultlu. Adurtai . ; C3, CLS1IE17T3 & c:; ; Manufacturing CfteuUtf july 20'71 ly. B LANKS OF ALL KINDS for Sale at this Office. " ' '"-- 11 e?;i?r.-.!!'::J't-;.s;3 r T GO TO J. II. McCARTI'S. . .... i 7 ODD-FKLLO VTS' HALL MAIN St . ... - .,lJ1- S TR O UD SB VR G. PA.; f ' ond Buy youi ' ' FustNiTUz::, cakpets, .'. OIL.CLOTHi!,KVGSl AYJSDOW SHADES, , CCJItYAlSS & riXTUllCt TABLECLOTHS, AC.J. ,-: and 6ive . At Least Two Profits. As McCarty buys, direct from the manuro- lurer, lor casli (not OO cays), he can'eeljy MORE FURNITURE, - .t , , .OF ABETTER QUA LIT; ' AND FOR LESS MONEY than vou can bnv at : etail either in i;L ' country, and every article if warranted to ba as repreentea. Sept. 1SC7. Ayer's Cathartic Pills .... - . i For Un- r(-lii-ra,r rure of .-ill itrmnw. neh, hver, ah.. t,j.w.; eK ;i4icv ;rrc luiid-n.er;.-.,t, ;.w SB. exreH.til iiHiystin.. lH-in)c; (mc-lv tnl)!, t!i.-v voiitaj,,. ii.ni.iTii-t-irtii,c lal nlialevcr. Jiu -h, M rioii lr!;v.r alii . n Kerinv is irtTit- I I'V ii.eir tiiwl.- ue; and evcr- family .hniM e them nrt h.-n, lor their pi-oleclion .tuil relief, when n-uuirr-l. Lonjr expuriemv lias i.rove. I.'hmii to , tli -.a r ent, biireitl, and !ot of all tlie fill rilti wtii-is tliu market ahuiinds. Hy their ..--;,-i. .' tiio blood ii purified, ll:e corrt;:ii'r,s tiir Tt! tem expelled, oh.-triietions ix-moved, !,n l whole maoliiiiery of life restore. I 10 ii hcihlir activity. lutern:il nrjran wbi. Ii bei-inne l..;vc," li lid fcluL'Uli are clcaMed by Afirr'n t'illiv,. fetimulated into a-!jon. 'I bus iiM-ijjirm .ii-.-a-r is chan.7d into lienlsti, tlie value of ibi.,n-hM'iRr M'hen reckoned (rti the vat muhht .:.e x aj .J it, can hardly be computed. Their miksi- pimm.,' makes ttiem piea.-cnt to t:i k. ; l.. 1 ire.-ervcilirir virtues unimpaired t'ov any Ie::j::f of tar.', -a that thev are ever fn-sh, :uut jjci-iT-tly ve!i:d.l.. Although s(-ar'h:iir, tfiey are mild, and ui rvii without !i.tiir!iaji,e Ij li'.c constitution, erbri,r ocupatioii. Full directions are jtivck oi tbe iviprer t. each 1kx, how to u.-e tln- a K.t:r.ily l'bi.-, and for t.'.e following complaint--, wlii. ii rnpidly cure: For Jj ie;ii or S itdisiN?ioii. S.!.tl. j:e. B..t Uirr at:.! . :.r .1 :if:?-. r!ir fcliould I.e taken iiio.b'ratrly -tiiii:i..!.- ih" m:h, and vestorc it- ba:iy lorn- nn-l r--t . s ! 1-or iiv-r Coii"ii.t mid i- v.triou- -Tins-torn-, fJili;-i -;ii;it ;.e, icl - B2 :: .iclie. S aumlirr or U rwa ,iicb ril. lonn Co'it aud E?s!i.'u ''. r. ti.f-y rliuM be jui'ii- iou-'iy t.'r'K.'ii f-'.r c.:: li ;.-.'. U c,ii i.i'l iln lli-eaM-d action e i' remove ob-tni' li-n- wladi cau-e it. -, ' J For JJrsentory or t r:l;;vsi, but en-; mild d -e i-ir-'iiv.-iily lei'iirr.J. '' ' ior EJ !n'm:.sf Cwtji:j. ran el. I.1- itutiwn f tSu- l'-irt. in SJ-.ci. l ff.oina. ti'ty !i;id c.V'.Th. ilou.ly taken, refi:i!''d, to .!i:ii".'r t",e rfii-n-.d a"ti.-n of the sy-t.-m. "i i:h -u.':i iU:i'..r u.- complaints disappear. For S)roi.y and 2?ro;tiii5l .mo!!Ic". they Kliould be taken in larire :o: ::-,i:r::t W-4 to j."roluce the elV.'.'t of a ilra.-ti-; pu;X''- l or hui!riMion. a lar-fe do-.r tin'd V taken, a it produee5 the di-aircd eiMU't Uy .-J'.-Uliy. , As a Tiinurr '. take om or (wu.l'if1i promote ii:;retion and relieve th Mir,:nii, vn ocriisi.ma! iloc .--tiiiiiil.-ilc- the -i-.ma--'n ii'l lxiwels, restures (be apprf ir.'. n:id inrfi'Mf. t system. Hem e it is oi;."n adv.-ie.ta!.'rtt" 110 erious ib'rane'v.ent -i-ts. (l ie if i tolerably wdl. often liuds t'mt a !. J'illit m'akes bim feci decide. II Vrt-itii-, frf.it! th":. eleaj'.tin.r and renovr.tins efie.rt o.i tho ilioOlin apparatus. i r.H'AKi.n r.v - ? B.". J. C. A1'i:i: C '()., Vsnrfirnl CU: ti.-:., loiveli., :i.iss., t sr.." for sale BT all Liivut.i.sT.s i.wi'siwv.i.r:: sept Jl-ly ... . .. , Itcli! Itcli! Xtcli! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCfi! IIOLLIXSIIEAB'S ITCH k SALT IIHElll GIMUDP No Family should be without this nim ble medicine, for on the first appearance of the disorder on the wri.-ds, between the. fin gers, &.c, a slight application of the Omi me tit will cure it, and prevent its bein ta ken by others. Warranted to give satisfaction or monry refunded. : . ' ; Prepared and j-ohl, wholesale and retail, by V. IIOLLLVSHEAD, ', Stroudshtirg, Oct. HI. T7. Dru-gih Ayer's ' ; air Vigors For restoring v to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. M A 1 res? ins which onrc :icree:ible, luv.lthy; fc-1 ciTccitKil tor pr.servn)i th. color, rtith tin rjhw C7td fiVSii-xcss of youth.' TWiv hair is thiike-io.l, falling hair rhcilvf'V nil .baldness often, though not alwa-S . cured ly its ut Xothinsr can i-etort the 4, hair .where tlm follicles aro de stroyed, or tho i;lantU atropliifd .i"' decayed ; but such a remain can V" saved by this application, and s-tituu-. l.ited into activity, so that a -'.' growth of hair is produced. In.steal of fouling tho hair with n pasty vli nient, it will keep it clean and virous Its occasional u-e will prevent the li:tir from tuniiti' rjnv oc failin oil', and consequently prevent baldness. " 1'" restoration of itaiity it jives to 'tho scalp nrresrs an i prevents the lo"m tiou of da nd rti If, which i often so U'l. cleanly and oMisive. Five from thL' delctcrioa-i .substancj-; which 't, some piej.t rat ions d:uirvous and iJ'' ' rixts to the hair, the Vigor can "'" benefit but not harm ' it. ' If .wO-1"-merely 'f.r a JIAIR ))RlSSlN nofliin else can be found .soA'siriM Containing neither oil nor dyo, it dos not swtl wh-iio ciimbrie, ami yet l:s?s long on" th., Iiair, giving it a rich, . tu.tr., and : rrateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Plaeiienl and Anulytieat l Ueuiii' ' XiOWLXL, MASS, ecpL'Jl.ly ., 1 . mm stores fad' .l:itr- ,1 crM