Sljc 3c(fcvionian. THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1872. LUTHERAN CHURCH7 Liturgical Services next Sundiy. Morxino, 10, ... Evesixg, 7 Morning .Sriuiox : The Kpifihany. (Iuttablation of Ofifcrs. Evening Sermon : Joshua's liesolve. G. W. MAR IvIOTT, D. D., Pastor. EST" A Donation Festival will be held at the house of Levi Merring, in Stroud township. on Thursday evening, January IGth, 1S72, if stormy the next fair evening. The public are cordially invited. Br order of the Committee. Brigham Young was arrested on Tuesday last, upon his arrival at Salt Lake City on the charge of murder. Upon being taken before Judge McKean bail was ref used, and the Mormon chief is now a pris oner in his own house, guarded by the Uni ted States marshal and his deputies. Pennsylvania Legislature. THE LEO I S I, ATI' R E IX SESSION. IIaiuusbiuu, Jan. The State Legis lature convened to-day. Hni. Elliott of Philadelphia was elected Speaker of the House. James L. Self ridge, of Northamp ton, Chief Clerk. The Speaker of the Sen ate announced that satisfactory evidence had been received of Senator Connels death, and he would to-day issue a writ for a new elec tion. C55Tiie whole number of deaths in Philadelphia last week was f 40, of which 223 were from small pox. The mortality is al most twice as great as it was during the same period last year. The statistics of the Board of Health, just published, show that in Julv last there were deaths in the city from small pox; in August 1G; in September 18; in October 23G; in .November 5r2 ; and in December 1049. The total mortality during lf.l from all causes was 10. '.'.. SST-The Wharton trial still drags its slow 1 . 1 -., j.-ngiii aiong at Annapolis. A i'rotessor Toncy, of Baltimore, was employed by the prosecution to make a chemical examination of the remains of (Jen'l. Ketchum's stomach and this witness testified that he had discovered positive proof of antimony, the basis of tartar emetic. In this he corrobora ted Prof Aiken, the same chemist who furnishad the proof in the Schoeppe case at Carlisle. But on Friday a Prof. McCulloch, formerly employed in the Mint, was called by tho defense and testified that the tests made by the other chemists were insufficient and delusive. He declared that the indications of the presence of poison were nothing bo yond what would result from the medicine I. - J 11 1- 1 - r... .uu uj irn; ueceaseu uy ins rmvsician. J ins puts a brighter face on the case of Mrs. Wharton, and will certainly cause any intelli gent jury to hesitate before condemning her BOROUGH AND COUNTY. 15 si Iter is ninety-live cents a pound in ( oiorado. Corn at fifteen cents a bushel, and chca jkt than coal, is used for fuel at Bed Oak, Iowa. An Indiana butcher claims "the chami-in.-hip," and says he can kill and aud dress au ox in seven minutes. Wm. Huntsman slaughtered a Hog recently, which weighed, dressed, 4S7 pounds Sir. Goo. W. Seip, has been apnoin ted Jlxaming Surgeon, under the Pension Laws, for this count.v. The Dr. is a skilful Physician and Surgeon and his appoitment is a good one. "Jccmes," our Carrier, requests us to r-jturn thanks to the patrons of the. J'S'erson- iun, for the liberal manner in which thev met his advances on iew Years day pockets were, literally, stuffed .shinnies. Hi witli I.uJI;csaii Clurrcli At a meeting duly convened last Monday, Thomas Rhodes and John S. Fisher were unanimously elec ted Elder's, and Alex. Baubenold, John Kautz, Valentine Kautz and X. C. Miller, M. D. Deacons for the present year. . Kcv. W. J. JIIISs will preach in the Stroudsburg M. E. Church next Sunday morning, at 101 o'clock. Extra meetings every night this week. Rev. J. Pastorfield will preach on Friday evening at , J o clock. Our thanks are due to Prof. Wickersham fo public favors. Ilie Hon. John B. Storm has also laid us under obligations, for several tokens o remembrance, in shape of interesting docu ments. List of Letters, Remaining iu the Post Office at Stroudubur C Ta., Dec. 30, 1871. Aten, Peter 2 Mitchleteh, James I'ost, Isaac Rock, Mrs. A. II. Suniney, Thomas Slianglinefsey, Peter Lewis, Isaac Relli., Mws C. Jieard, Henry D. Lee, Mr. S. V. Marsh, Daniel Mile.-, Sophia Smith, A. J. M. A. LEE, P. M. HuHalo, K. Y, gives a good account of herselt during the past year. Her receipts or gram, winch were, m round numbers 40,000,000 bushels in 1870. advane.1 i8,000,000, while her shipments by canal increased trom 29,000,000 to 48,000,000 busJiels. J ;ie lumber trade was in the main larger, while the cattle trade showed a mar ked improvement. The manufacturing in dustry of the city made gratifying progress, and promises to le a leadiug source of prosperity. r Monroe County Agricultural Society. At an election held at the ofilce of John S. Fisher, in Stroudsburg, on Tuesday last, the following named persons were elected Direc tors of this Society, viz . Jonathan Feiherman, Thodore Schoch, John R Storm, Vm. S. Winleraute, Win. S. Keen, J. L. Wyckoff 1 year. The almanac publishers complain that their business 13 destroyed by Ayer's Ameri can Almanac. The people prefer it to am other, the Fanner's, Western, Southern, or the numerous local almanacs when they can get Ayer's. It supplies the best astronomical data,, weather and jokes of them all, and above all medical advice which is invaluable for every family. It is supplied gratis by the druggists, and should be preserved for con Stant rrfWon! ami i;v Y are sura t.liat. no good housekeeper or grandmother goes - .....i v ' " ' ""' alui - The American Odd Fellow becins its TV-Ith il.a -To ti,: rn Asa family magazine, it takes the highest ran.s.. ivcau it, anu uc saiisnea. in me t- T-.1 li. 1 V. f t t .1 valuable and interesting contents of this issue we find : Original Stories and Sketches; An uaa reiiow Atjroaa ; l our Leautiiuiiy nius- nnd f',n.;,.. vo: TWrtnnt- fi fiJ T..:, nu:.i rn.u.i..i.. . , . v. , .... iv .VI liau.u., v uim.ui, auu i.auSmv. s ui lieucnail, 1a tl i..ln A.n. nil p v. ? o kji mi, wiuwi 1 1 uui nil r?cv;tiuu, tvu. , eve. PuULshcd by the A.O.F. Association, No. 9(i X:l Refill st roof. Tw YnrV ft9 fiOwrvMr Lach subscriber gets a handsome premium picture. Wood's Household Ulaarazlnc. ' The tenth volume of this periodical opens iui me January nuruDer, wmcii is Derore us. jiiKe us ircuccessors. it is iun oi sun- stantial home reading which is admirably 1 temperance." Its contributions for the month lnciuac a storv bv lrcrima r 'Jnwn- ..... , , ... . . j iv '-TA- ... send ; 1 he I)ead ear of Disaster, by Geo. S. Ilirlo:iril : W nslnntrfnn nnrl 115c Tjrc " i it . ' by..Kcv. J. B. Wakeley, D.D.: '"Newburch au iLo currouuuings, uy oei ; nea icy ; Lroinor to llousekeonmi' lr Kf.a il.-ino-l 1 C? Jr 1 T 1 m ir n .ii n 1 i ir " utiu, x i.iuiiiuu .i vuilu. uv iiurare iiniv ley ; "City versus Country," by Gali Ham ilton : a Temperance Story, by Alice E. Wil liams; "The wife of Dr. Franklin," by Jas Portou: "hnough s Lnough," by Thoma K. Beecher, etc., etc. The Household fill a blank that has long existed, by supplying, at a ojv price, a good .Magazine which is but one dollar a year. Auy person not acouaint- one dollar a year. Auy person uot acouaint ed with it, will receive a specimen copy free by addressing S. S. U ood & Co., New burgh, JS. 1. DE-CEMBJEtt COURT. Court met, present judges Drcher. De - - loung and lhroop. The commissions of - 1 .! . I y-.r. I I - . 1 fPI 1 jifc jc-Ai:uug auu anroup, were reaa. ..... . .. a,,..,, .ltui;u wicuiau w the Grand Jurr. After -i . , " t 7 ta , V charge by his Honor, Judtre Dreher. the - - . . - ' ".v... .wuuj, lujrcimiu ma uuues w meir caning. m. .Hccal, James Wilson, jr., and Kindaras Shupp, were appointed to wait upon the Court ..v,.w... uuujb. wu ..v w kvuiiu w UU vu tuuijiidiuu of Martha V. ITi-itluor onrl iftm rao)i. Fa. l. v., ..... ltt,vt iui iuc i. .11 i-rr i . i.l . . and Martha but Martha not being ready to iiujuMuifui ui an aimcunies Detween rum and was bound over to appear again. In t fir fivtrtin rf -T-Tir. WU, . 1'.: - '' v "wuu 1 1 uiuui t, iu pat utiuu to be distributed between the hires. Josenh Wolbert, seemed to be the highest bidder , i , , t., . , " and was adiudged entitled to the Real F.tiite. t i i . , . . . . Joseph gave his security to pay his bid and --j-"w...e. ( .oninionwen t li !rrr,tn Sn-nh T Tr.inAr !l - ..autJ) udit uaunw iu mis piacc ana in relation to T.,.,T rwnc. 1 CJ 1. 1111... .. . I " luucu uuucuraii was noiiorauiv The Grand Jurv in the ,n,nM . . - tneir duties tound as follows : s -v i.'.slavij.v v a I ... ..uMiu.- Indictment fornication nml hnst.tnlv nnwl, , w w iounu over to anncar ai ncii lerra. N -1 ,4, .. TT r 1- . x . . . Indictment, fori-uotf ;-.n 1.. W".i vuumiuunuiiu . JYiniam llUmmer. .. .11 n I 17 w wr appearance at a lULUic uav. n thrt nnv.lip.itinn ,f Ti.., 1 C. il. - 1 1 1 r.t. n r-. . r - "n""-" Mviiu i. ciurm. nis FT titnr it., xri. t " j Jk V.VA. ru.i , . l ii 1 I.. 1 . 1 I-.- it wi i:r a 1 r.T .limn. .a i unuui tj AZt f lxvTii 1 1 11111 p.s. .ir ri n 1 nr. 1 r 1, ' , . "w " " ' ex- amine and report on the application of John lrown, to be admitted as a member of . j t rpi . he Bar The committee reported favora- bly, and Mr. Brown was sworn in as a leml T . . . , . ., -o- Hamster, with privilege to nractice in the in . r,. several l;oiirt or lino iViint.f I uu. "c- -cu ui a! ... .!... vuiuiuouweaitu vs. icwis 1. Halter .The- 1 1.1 T . m ... . I rwl t 1 r- 1 1 nr , , odore Brotzman and Michael Wa ter. dietn.ent n j V. uwuiu,u,s aiJ ruau- n . . - 1 viiiiuicu u; mat uissease. oucn mines are i Commonwealth vs. Lvnford KelW .Tol.nL -1 . . . s Huffora, Oerge Itolfer aod Iticha'rd E u caver. Indictment for fn9lie;n,,fi,;.T,:..f True bill Trv ft T V V V T xruenui Jury find defendants not guilty, direct defendants to pay one third the eosts. and the nrosecutor, . p c ..... Jr. ' 1 dinand Metzgar, pay two-third the eosts L - dinand Metzgar, pay two-third the costs ' "wiw.i a.1111 rcr- fcarah I'ost vs. Ceo. B Bird.-Appeal L from judgment of Justice tiff $12 10. Verdict for i.lain. L.. Lewis V. William, v, A.l .,., T . . Appeal. Verdict for defendant. e 1 )nton T t t . 11 , JJunton & Lasson vs. J 1. vnender. Book account. Verdict. Si. .42 9 Samuel S. Bush vs. leter L. fr.nrrlno,, C-w... J IllS WAS the frront oc-rt rfl.. C i Aetion nf trncr... K..r. 1 n . iaKJ . - I c. Bush, aeainst Peter L. ITarrJnn i.:n - wvou.o uiuui:jll i v .- muni 1 ing his dog, m Sept. 1870. It apnears fmn, w ...uiuij. JlUl JklU-l the evidence this dog was cross, was allowed tl run I..... 11 1 1 1 ... I utttaisc auuuiuauu several attacks on persons traveling the nublic hirh on persons traveling the public high way. Peter had been attacked by him several times, and Samuel was i his malicious disposition times, and Samuel was frequently notified of to 1. He was also seen , .: 11 1 .1 - " cwu clubbing him away from narfiV ! ho.i uickea. .nr. Harrington, on the day of kill-1 r r . ing Lim, was passing on the public high way, in company with his dog, proven to be harm less aud in offensive, lie laid Peters dog out Peter coming to the rescue. The dog made an attack on him; which he very justly resented with powder and lead. The case occupied two days and was ably tried. . The verdict was rendered on Sunday morning in favor of the Defendant '. m. For the Jeffersonian. Mountain Home, Pa ) December 2Sth, 1871. t Mb. Editor : Dear Sir : Much has been said and some things written for publication (but which the good sense of the Editors to whom they were addressed prevented them froni publishing) concerning a certain disease called small pox which it was said prevailed to an alarming extent m this 1 TYI TV m 1 1 ! f A Ii .v i i i i r 4i irwio itrv innr. inprp nnn nppn rnron sm tin LMtils ncrf, but that tho disease veh'h caused tJiose aeatlis was kent a nrotniind . . r r r I seeret tnnwn nnlv tr the men-ilvero nf fiml , - v. fmilies in which those deaths occurred, and to the attending physician. It has also been auegea inai wmie some were lett to starve anJ Would have stiirvcJ they not gone I mit th(.IlltfIV'vs mul nlitmnnil tho luvnccunnc . -.. uvwocun wiio it was presumea were 8 uay amiciea were proviaea witn every- """o wmiuiwure make them so. Now sir. I do herebvonen- vnnd mi r v t-rnrmnnrv. tho olvo ,Wr,.a " i land insinuations an nnniiturntpri fnlsf-hnrw. I 1 --0-,-. ..Uw..u ancl JefT the originator of them to prove the ot tne case 13 tlus i 80,110 time during the Pa;t summer or autaum, a family consisting lot a man and wift? anl one chili! arrived in I Vl JJJUU UUU MliVf VUV VUUU U1111vU Li,: p n p- i ttiio piuwu iiuui utiuiaiij, iuiuivuiau.ij unci their arrival here it was rumored that the child had had the small pox a short time Kr n. nJi - : xr., 1 LfWnrirl 1,,- ,fi " - MCK an(J U1C pnysician in attenaance alter satisfvinir himself fullv in rermrd to th i o - -l 1 .,ki:i i x- i-iMnj auujjuuiiwjr jHimuuiiau a a raw ui genuine smallpox and warned the people to i f ii ? . 1 i seep away irom me mieccea nouse, sucn an I ,r,mnnm c n,. a great deal of excitement among the people 1 1 i- . 1 I - I piace, ana mey lmmeuiateiy commen- I M..Ain L.. V M ' j . Ll lill.ll lll. I I n nil. 1 -i 1 a spread of the disease throughout the com u f ' 7 uiunity, not only by having themselves and children vaccinated and by closing the schools. but some even went so far as to close their doors against auy members of that particular family who might seek admission to their houses or places of business, and not only .i.u..! 1 t arain;r r niin rmr i n nmincf ,a --.h.-om,n.-. pt.jf-n.jau who attended them, and who is there or ... ' uere is me person wno can say aught again.- mese jeopie ior taking these proven- live measures Are not measures like these. . . e and even more stringent, taken m every com- - - 0 disease is introduend? .m.l -ot fnr tnl-incr ...ji uc,u mat u auy urner contagious I . "v '"""o 111 - . ... . . mese precautions to prevent the introduction ui mis urasc into tne iawuies ot tlus com- V ' accusations thrown nut -m.l n,,rl i i vir. uwu puuiic. ouuit time aiter ii uecame pretty generally kuown that we had a of small pox in the place, one of my children waa taken sick. A physician was called in, who, after cxamin- iuS me case pronounced it a case 01 scarlet leyur m a mangnanc iorrn, or what was - - I v. i I kuunii uuiung uuvMuans atari earner uav I . . . . . "'I n nntn. rira thmit m i j i 1 wmuintu uiit- week after it was taken sick, when it died, first one, the second was taken sick with the t i . .1 . . . I same nisfnse ann nr t io onr nt iro also died. To the truth of ti,;a etatAmnt T th;.,l- th nl,,- . r.vo.wU UU ouutu lutuj auu o.-l.rt ;a o :m.. n..v.oairaiuuiivi jimi uu iumu, Miiiue willing to testify. These are then two of tue mree or iour aeatnsi v nc i it ia n rxrrwi 1 .1 1 t ... I wine 1 there nnnonra to Iw. ,l,l.t U " jvaaaw 111 LllJ I uiindi ot sonic as to rh:it mhI tI1Mll I fTi.(I.u ,.m i ' t , in. i nil ii h ;ih i iu I'll ii Tt i 1 1 ri I nn 'a w...v. w ic-, . x.viuutm, cx-neprcJCQiauve Irom Lao ferrod in the t;.tJasiMT.(. tv -o . wv.iun,, v. mio uititn; nuosc moiner tnen nad tho small pox. U't..i: t . . 11 uat ui.cumj it uau, x am not prepared to 1 j w v- v 1. email njA I kiv but. o not f.Tii-o ;t l.-wi .....u ...... uuivuwwutam. iiifseareau me il, 1 mA r.r:. n n .1. 1 "in, ifw-uutu iu nils uia'ru 10 l.ii. . .. ... 0 rfnnrha f vif 111m w....J :!.!.. ..Ill i. I ijr tnun jcviv; uitiiiu a year, aua I thus publicly make this statement in regard 111 inv mm i imiiv 1 1, r,n , . . -i m ve ti .n Mm ii ..o r .1. .. 1 1 .. ' . .....w.. uutMcci. I'.llt VIA tilt; UUIUL.II 1.. I iiuti uecause x ieei it to ue a duty 1 owe to I I f , . . v ..... ir 1 a 1 1 iu!s. - u auu to me remaining members oi my lamtiy. rcoplc generally seem to shun us and to try to avoid as much as possible be- in? i oUr oeietv a,.d w;tl,ot 1 e niiuuub 1VI?111IIK IU UC considered as casting any reflections upon any t i u 1 ix. J -i 1 .. . I urn, "t jiamcu luore iuan once even ; 1. -4 1. .1 . ,1 uuivugii, ut uaviug me cold , . ' 0 shoulder turned ti me bv tl,o former fi ends of mine anA of V,Vl - j .... nuc uvuilllsviIUIC 'Ti .t . . a man wno lias DCCn Tn-L.i .u n . . . . l"C MUaU IWX alm n!lS ,0St tWO children by that d sense. " tnm aM CuSES :...v , . . r: fc L CiCCi;uiuS'y mat any one thould have been found mean enouqh to put such arc- -w.,i..;rt 'n.. 1. . .... , . .! iae 0Ul turo e-arw r.t mm r.- , n k: . . 1 x 1 nnLU ..r . ' i y who,; iZS L.1 ... :i-.. , . . p.unluc iTucui a near neignuor oi C . W h00n.a8 Ue l0Uml out ,1,s Wlfe 7 ' WKtC,a t0 at efftiCt anJ naiIJ lfc "I00 hlS J,X,r aQJ POSitiv- tij jl-iuu tu uuiuit huj one except the i.. --r..,.,.i .i.:j. . . .. physician and members of the ramily adjoin ing, who had already, been exposed to it and - 1 w caniearn, l UO not Lelieve therein any danger of takinir the di.isA from ;Kr of those two cases. Ilonin.? that the Ktnte. " I ments contained in this artieln m v l,.. tenWv in oni;1,fn k 1. ... , I -v4vucy fDnv " " . tuus3 w"osc unaer rostore in a measure at last, that peace aQ(1 1iet which we, as a community have I i.e ' I - 1 .. . jr ua T C I heretofore nv.i t .u.. .1. . vv. iur me urescut v tr HPrTvn - - . ..... . I . 1 r 1 .ii. .1.. . Silver coin is a legal tender in Kog- land for only fortj shillings. A band of female counterfeiters has been broken np in Illinois. Philadelphia has 125,000 buildisgs of all Kinas. The relief committee of Chicago has spent $100,000 for stoves. Little Rock, Ark., has taken a census of her hogs developing rJUU. A Massachusetts woman made $500 last year by the cultivation of lilies. Trenton, N. J., owns the largest circa lar saw in tho world. It is twenty-two feet in circumference Thirteen robberies were perpetrated in Philadelphia on fcunday night and 31 on day. 1 n. n Aiannnn iaf rotn ' vAnQitrAF tn L'oq An election for State Treasurer takes nlace in Pennsvlvania on the 10th of this uioum. I . i uc jigiu vi witt Oliver Luiues ui Michigan for the present year is set down Tl. 1 1 e i. -l : r at a little ovep one million of dollars. a s j at Erie fur the punishment of inveterate . Yafauw A caf h u f fc . 0feenwieh t0WMhi icrkg " ntv recentlv wllich at lw0 uourg 0Id, wei venerable goose, supposed to be over ,v J."' oll" I i 1 1 wonra rr . 1 1 li.nn I 1 n I COrdinf? tO tie I.PT nalnn Mr. L. G. Ellenberirer. of Mount Beth el tOWnsBlD. Wppk slnnnhforoil t Vinrr OU1 lbs. XeztYUetilehcm Times Wm.Lone. ofUnDer Mt. Bethel slau'h tered last week a hog weighing C14 lbs., Chester Hovt Breed. Next? Easton free Press. Bituminous coal was first mined near Bich mond, Va., about the year 1700 im,,,v oulllia,'1 Lehigh region in 1791. Hard anthracite was discovered in the vcr i . . . . . . e near a great ueai about Jabor lie- form, but there seems to be a greater l r r : i .1 - . . ueu ui reiorming some 01 inese ieliows nho don't luhnr ID a storm near New Albany, Ind., . . ' luu- last Isatardav. a horse, buf ami iwn - crj - men were lifted up and carried a distance or lorty leet, but escaped unhurt , . . A. lawyer huns out his shingle in Gowanus, L. I., for two rears, and then left, as he had only one case in all that time, and that was inflammatory rheuma tism, and nearly killed him. Up near Greensbur Pa thev n . UP n.ear t.reensbur 1 a they have a i : i rivalry m sausages, une man made one 50 fpi. Inner nnd rlioo .nmi... j I O I "vu "uuuici luauc UUC pa leet long and want to know who can oeat mar. A X'flmk i I . i uui jr pun, nuuiau who OC!7an sewing with a machine twelve years ao wncn sne was Dlteen years old. has earn o.. as uiiccu itaia uiu, nas earn ed Sfi 0185 nn,l o i r . , , uuv oa.Lu ucaiiy luur I . I 111, . . J mousana aoiiars ot the amount It U rstlmitpd tUt A ner productive power is fu y develoned I.:n . . , . Jf UCTCiUPeu wm ue aoie to icea lour times as many persons as there are now on the face o the earth. Pnn..nii.fl t out the State a re ur-io" Gov Gearv to pardon jJr. Schoeppe, who has so Ion" oc cupiea a ceil within the stron walls o n.-U 1 J . vuuimci iiiuu fuuuiv prison J rr gnam ioud' it is said sidlw hnL- en down and TdoubTfi 1 "f e'tllof&l t i distrustful of an v Permanent neaoe Ith 1 . '.. . ifiiiie anii iifiivrr-itiiriiia nsnn n k ik 'i - ritorv. xrcnton, j. j., on Saturday oicht .n.. .,J',lu,uay a iu ra. uau n cey , w n i ic a igused as a ma n shot, and it is thought fatally wounded a iur. ,1. nnoweii tor w tint dm nir,ii. . .iLkt u - 1 : , " '"s"') "c amg accompanied another . 1 person to a Dall in her stenr nwrt- r . . . - . UV. ua3 appointed Adam ii. itainfArti a i v -" ' J v-uuty oecreiary Of tn( p'vujmuuweaun, XQ place or James 31 I WooL-lmr tl. . """"ji '"'ftu- appoimmcn J iaites eneci on Januarv 1st. t? 1 . . . uuw uira maicn was shot at Toronto """ uoiuiuay, usiweea uapia n jo,irardus i .. o " loaf I -. n t. vmuuiiwu euuii ui ine uuneu oiates and Jans Hard, of Toronto. Ward uhnt , . oiti'o 1 l 11 mil. o i nno niin.1i-a.-l on. I 1?. u jju-aiuus vixiv nve w m . lonacco sales in AVindsor. and Eas l a 1 41 :ruora, vonn , recently have broach ,arFe P"ces. Uoo lot of wrappers sold r fifty five cents, another at fifty and a third for sixty. The, seven was much injured last year by the dry acco crop Was mneh mm rail !.,. I . Warner, anu nence the high rane o prices. A lady's husband beinw nnra rrnn t. r- i , .. . -o -"v uuiua uieu wnue absent. Uoe of th neighbors, bein reouested tn inform l,, of her husband's death, found her at din ner, and, when he informed her of th death, 6he requested the neighbor to wai 1 .u death, s h finished l,er 3iouer, who ue WUUiU near somo bawlins. ..,. 4 ,. Wha' you about, my dear 7" s grandmother to a little hor. who idling hnnt th. 'L , tlve 6IaQces at a gentleman who was n.v r .vruj, uu tasuu? Ill r trying, grandma, to f lCd.1 PaPa. 8 uat out or the room withou letting the gentleman see eo it. lor nann wants him he's out 1 I A horrible tale comes from Al..,,. . ...-uuui- mree disguised men robbed thn a tax collector of tho nuhl then ordered her to ser?e supper. ' She did so, and put arsenic in the tea. Oa striDDinn' the deml b.wt:. .r.u-?- guses, one proved to ho her l,iieK. f o - w "uih Lit 1 le rn ii , , , . , " . . -.-. u "u , . laKen tms mcaQS of stealing the P moueJr- . . . . young lady swooned in W;.ft,.: church, and th' doetor. "I 1 ' 1 r " ca and remarked that while she dUlii- interfere with the festivities of th( OCCaSIOn. 8he would nnn.i.lo. U - . . 1 1 occasion, she would consider it a neren lf,.n, ,T.u l "ywouj was poslpooed "The reenr.1 nf Christmas Dav in New Orleans shows that three men were stab bed, two shot "by assault," and five shot t ?i ji uy acciueor, nve boys injureu uy au ex plosion of gunpowder, one woman burned to death, and one hundred and ninety-two persous arrested for drunkenness. A party of Fort Wayne young gentle men dined sumptuously at a restaurant, and each one insisted on nnvinir the bill. To decide the matter it was proposed to blindfold the waiter, and the first one he caught should pay the bill. He hans't caught any of them yet. There has been a tin mine discovered on the Coleman farm near Glendon. The mine has been examined by mineralists and pronounced ot great value. It is romored that the Lehich Valley Rail road Company offered $20,000 for a part interest in the property. L,aston Express A recent ethnological report made in Paris states there are still over one hun dred thousand cannibals 00 the Fiji Islands, and that nine persons have been eaten by them within the last eight months. One of the victims was a Ger man, and two were French and four were English, and the nationality of the other two was unkown. An injured husband, of Berlin, Vt , has posted the following "notis" in the village postoffice : "Mv wife. having deceived me in regard to her age . oeiore marnrge, claiming to be twenty six only, when she was thirty-two, and had false teeth, while I am only twenty two, and have sound teeth ; therefore I will pay no debts of her contracting." Of the 593,586 tons of iron rails rolled in this country in 18G9, 319,053 tons, or nearly five ninths, were made in Penn sylvania, and in the year 18GG, of the rti 1 O'JO.oii tons produced ot rolled or ham mercd iron (other than railroad), 242,921 tons, or nearly three sevenths, were manu factured la this State. These figures show how important the present protective tariff ..I l-TIk . is to the people ot I'eonsyivania, and how .1 .... many thousands ot us arc direetly de pendent upon it. Decision as to Dividends. The Commissioner of Internal llevenue decides that a tax must be paid upon dividends declared out of the earnings 0 the year 1871, and upon interest and coupons representing interest which ac crued in that year, even though the dividcuds are not declared or the interest is not payable until afler December 31, 1871, and that the corporations mentioned in section 15 of the act of Julv 14. 1870. should withhold the tax from the hollers of their stock and bouds. For Mothers. Send your little children to bed ban py. Whatever cares press, give it a warm good night kiss as it goc3 to its pillow. The mem ry of this, iu the .tunny years that may be in store ior the little, one. will be like Bethelehem'sstar to the bewilder ed shepherds. ,My father, my mother, loved me." Nothing can take away that blessed heart-blam. Lips parched with me world s lever will become dewy again a nic mini vi voumiui memories. Kiss your little child before it goes to sleep. Safe and Simple Remedy. Scarlet fever the red demon of the nursery diptheria and other fatal dis eases are now creating constematioi among the children in various parts ol the country. There is still another sly and fatal disease which neids timely watcuiog, particularly at this season o the year croup. A lady correspondent of a popular agricultural journal gives the following as an effective remedv for the complaint. Halt a teaspoonful of pul 1. V verizcu aium, mixed with a little mo asses The remedy is one almost always at hand and, one dose seldom fails to give relief Li it should, repeat it after one hour. llichard Vaux. Will iam H. White John N. Hulh inson. rind ilk, have issued a circular embodying J v I1U I call tor a meeting of "earnest" Democn.its iu Pittsburg on the 8th of this month The circular start nut with tua .....: v w Ii Is lUlUI tous information that the De moerafin ty of Pennsylvania, "in its nresent enn.15. uon, aemana unselfish and earnest, nnd united eflort to make it harmouious and powerful and successful." Our ocratic friends seem to be sorelv ex wim rcgaru to the next Pres dencv. nnd . .. V. : : - . . . J ' 11 ia amusiuir to see tha manv n :.m i.k. ujnicu uy wuicn tney hone to de eat (Jen G. -- - rant. A lexas naner has the fnllwlnr, "Married, on the 1st instant, by early candle light, at the wigwam of the bride. .u lUB lown or Vinson, Mason county, lexas, by James M. Hunter V. ing justice of iaid county, Scuor Robert a.uuer, 01 the republic of Mexico, to Miss .Amy Perrvman. of the tribe of Semioolo Indians, and one of the 'en 'lowers or the noted chief, Wild Cat. Quite a number of guests were iMvaciu to witness the two Iovinir hearts blended together and "iaguiucent preparations that were sup plied for the occasion whi'eh n.rt,,l.i ... w v v WlTt Mr.fT - ' 1 " vuivj nut c done honor to the royal lodges of the yivuucsi cnieitatn. Uur Umaha exchanges furnish -,, interesting particulars of the eff-e.. r 1 cold weather recently experienced in the far Y est. In Nebraska the cold has been intense and protracted, and suffering un preoedentedly severe. Large numbers of persons wero frozen to .Wi, stance a whole family perishing from ex- nnmire Tl. ... . . . j.---.. were out 01 ruei or every kind, and the man utnrfe.i r..r ti, :.k. to obtain some, and froze to death beside hts team. Tha womau burned every thing sho could find to burn, and finally placed her infant in the Oven nf the ntn.o and burned a part of her own clothing to prevent it from freezincr. hnt wiiUnt I rt'i .. ; avail. J he Door bane wne fru.n.. ,i.u Candies. Usually about the holidays much given to lecturing children against eating too much candy, because of the . . 1 1 . . "noma coloring, out the simpJe state, ment that a piece of red coloring matter . I f 1 . me size 01 a gum drop will color five thousand pounds of candy is sufficient to show the fallacy of such ideas. People may easily make themselves sick by eat ing either too much candy or too much pure sugar, but this "poison" is so '"slow" as to take longer than a life time for its action. Carmine and cochineal are used for red, saffron for yellow, burnt suar for dark brown, and this with carmine for orange color. These are all the colors iu general use, except for decorating, where in the ordinary water-color paints are used, but in such infinitesimal quantity as to produce no bad effect, the proportion being, we believe, less than one millionth. A civil war of more than ordinary ex tent has been for several weeks raginin Mexico, the insurrection fomented by Pkofiuio Diaz having assumed the di. mensions of a formidable rebellion. The leaders of the troops of Juarez are pres sing Diaz sharply. Defeated in the field near Oaxaca he retreated iuto the latter city, where he was, at latest advice-?, be sieged by the Federal Generals Alaiora, Uacha and Figuerra. The army sent by Diaz into Qucrrero has also suffered a repulse at the hands of the government troops. J uarez is now concentrating hi strength against the chief of the threaten ing uprising against his authority. This is ccrtaiuly a wise policy for hitu to pur sue, for with the downfall of Diaz the preseut revolutiou must come to au enj and, from the tenor of our latest Mexi'. can news, it is safe to infer that Diaz will find the grave of his ambition to ruk Mexico, if not his own sepulchere at Oaxaca. ' A judicial opinion in relation to wo man suffrage was delivered in Philadel phia last Saturday. At the October elec tion Miss Carrie IJurnham offered to vote in the Fourteenth ward, but her ballot was refused by the election oSceis She thereupon brought suit to determine whether or not she had a Jegnl right to vote, claiming this right under the Con stitutions of Pennsylvania and the United States. The case was argued before Jud-re Sharswood. who held the lr;',.J f. I - 1 ... .... X I 1 ' branch of the Supreme Court. His de cision was adverse to 3iiss Buruhatn's claim. The Judge says that he c;in fin! nowhere in the Constitution a declaration that women may vote, but he does find various parts and clauses which define the duties and privileges of freemeu in such language as can only be applied t men. The uniform co!ismi..t.:m nf tYin Constitution and laws, since the earliest times, has been in accordance with the doctrine that none but males have a right to vote. The question has been conclusi vely settled by the usage of the last two hundred years. This decision apparent ly settles the matter in Pennsylvania for the present. Judge Sharswood is a well kuown conservative, but his view3 are doubtless shared by ucarly all our judicial authorities. To obtain the suffrage the women must now work for expressly af firmative legislation. A careful estimate of the proballe electoral vote for President uext year shows a very decided Republican pre dominance. It is based upon the allot ment of votes to the different States by the new apportionment bill. The State's which have voted steadily in fivor of the Republicans since lSGi will cast 173 electoral votes ; and those which have been constantly Democratic will be en titled to 6'J electoral votes. There are thirteen States which have been carried by each party in turn, aud which will really be contested next year. Of thesa the Republicans carried four last fall, cast ing 5-'j electoral votes ; and the Demo crats nine, casting G2 votes. It will re quire 179 electoral votes to make a choice of President. It will therefore be ouly necessary for the Republicans to obtaiu six votes in addition to those thev mav certainly claim. To get these they wav 100k to Valilornia, Connecticut, ew Hampshire, Louisian-i. or New York, all of which are reallv lie nub limn in their politics. Ou the other hand, it would b. necessary for the Democrats, ia adlinou to the States which now belong to them, to carry every one of the thirteen contest ed States to secure an election. There are many sanguine men on that side oi the fence, but a study of the figures and facts must conviuce them that in making a fight next summer and fall they uiut encounter certain failure. The new arrangements of the Pennsyl vania Central ltailrnnd in the niaDaire- meut of the Joint Companies of New Jer sey, under the receut lease, have now been ... . ... completed, lhere are two main divisions of the rroDertv and mnfU The New lork division extend from Philadelphia to Jersey J J J M connected with the main lioe of railroad, and is under the superintendence of George W. Barker, whose office is at Jer sey City. The Amboy division includes the old Camden and Ambov road, with its various branches and ferries. Isaac Buckalew is superintended, with his of fice at Trentm. V V Tr.l-s-n ii ap pointed general superintendent of all the rodus. Liver other departments tne au thority of the old officers of the Verw- sylvauia Central is exteuded, so that eTery- tuing win work together with barniauy and economy. A charge has been order ed in tho arrangement nf tr.iina at West Philadelnhi:. Under this all traius leaving PhiladeUki. whether for New York or the West, will run from the former New York depot, ot Thirty second and Market streets All in coming trains, from whatever poio' will hinrl ihnir ., . . 1. ..i.l lpnll- jiuvNcucia uu iuo um m. sylvauia depot, at Thirty first and Mark et. The ferry-boats for tha Cau)J.,a trains will leave Market street wharf, on the Delaware, instead nf Walnut street. Those changes will doubtless add to the convenience of the nublie. as well as o as well a$ the mother. the company itself.