The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, November 23, 1871, Image 3

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    'California' lias produced a twenty-four
nJ turnip
iVrreeted weekly for The Jkffersoxiax,
K C. D. Brodiikad, Wholesale
ami Betail Dealer iu (rroccries
and Provisions.
jre,s Tork. fcr bbl. 22 00 23 00
ir-,fiif. euzrar cured, per 16 17
KhouIJers . . - 14
4t,nkrrtl. No. 1. per III 25 00 23 00
' No. 2, 13 00
tJutter, roll
Hlt per Sjck
?(t, per ilozcn
n.".vis. ner bushel
1 50
2 00
15 00
12 00
5 00
PricJ Apples per lb.
Potatoes, per bushel,
Jlay, per ton
Rr'aw, per ton
Wood, per cord
Wool 33
Corrected weekly by Gardner &. Wallace,
Wholesale and Retail dealers in Flour,
Meal, Feed, Oram, &c .
flour, per bbi-t lxira 10 uesi ' ; r
S7 50 to S9 50
Rye Flour per 111.
Corn Meal, per cwt. chop
feed, dear grain, per cwt,
Wtite Wheat per bushel
Kcd W 1 1 cat
buckwheat Flour, per cwt.
Curn per bush
Buck beat
5 SO 6 00
160 1 8J
1 90 2 00
1 40 1 00
1 40
2 90
50 ,55
- 50
1 (X)
There is no class of diseases known to Medi
cal Science of more frequent oecnrrenee or so
little cared for as those peculiar to the female
nrpiiii-iiii. A slight derangement of health
from delicacy or some other cause is often al
Inwed to continue until the whole system suf
Iwm, and constitutional disturbance of a grave
and serious character are often established.
Ilishl i s IE t b Hitters
U a sovereign remedy for, and preventireof, all
jtinh complaints. Sold every where. Price One
Dollar per Untile,
nov. 2 71-lm.
In thU borough, December, 17th inst., Mr.
diaries Waters, aged 53 years, 5 months and
Caution! Take Notice!
rphe public arc hereby cautioned against
X harl mring or trusting any jcrson, un
der any pretense whatever, from this date,
on my account, as I am determined to re
it, to the full extent of the law. the pay
ment of all debts contracted by airy one in
wy name, without regard to person, except
ujn my written order.
tfTRornsnuKo, Pa., )
June, 7 I-ST I.
The ilioip Auction Store is now filled up to
tlie J.Vw, with the very best IIIY (JOODS,
best ready-made clothing for Men and Hoys',
lt Hats and Caps, best P.oots and Shoes, best
Velveteens, best Velvet, Turbans and Jockeys
trimmed and untnmmed. be.-t assortment of
Kilibojis and the best Ladies' and Chi Id reus'
We repeat it, that we have the very best goods
in die countv of Monroe, for the price.
1-resh goods, will be sent bv Mr. Decker
iruni New York every few days. So call every
week and sec the new and very cheap good. .
octl9-8t DECKER A CO.
Geo. "W. Jackson.
Amzi LeEar.
& Jj CIS A IS,
niYsinm si'rceoxs; & ArrorniEBs,
East Stroudsburg, Pa.
Office next door to Smith's store.
m Came to the premises of the undersigned,
m the borough of Strou 1-burg on the" 13th
iinst, a dark red Heifer Inst wirings
jcalf. The owner or owners thereof
ire requested to come forward.
prove proiKirty, pay charges and take her
away or Aia will be disposed of according to
L"r- II. S. A VAC NEB.
nov i!?,-. "It.
Auditor's Notice.
lh Uif (Joui-t uf Common, J'leas of Monroe county.
u the matter of the account of John Mer
iiie and Ittr Mcrwine, Executors of the late
ill I and testament of I'eter Merwine, Sr., dee'd.
i lie undersigned Auditor appointed bv the
Urphaiw Court, to dispose of remaining ex
fUoiM!, re-state said account and rejort di.
tnbiitH.n according to the decree of raid Court,
made September Si, 1871, referring said
'nt to another Auditor, lerftby gives notice
"wt he will attend to the duties ol hUappoint
"'''t, at his orlicc'in the Ujrough of Strouds-
,"?'i0n Frid!,v. Decemljer 21, 1871, at 10
clock a. in., when and w here all persona in
itreited niay attend if they see proper, and
having claims to present the Fame or to
, debarred from coming in for anv
narefaid fund. GEOKGE FlSHEIt,
"o23-4t. Auditor.
Sheriff's Sale.
A irtue of a writ of ven. ex. de terms,
"i ue direvted, issued out of the Court of
J-wiiuiou Pleas ofMouroe countv, I will ex-
to sale, at Public Ycndueon ,
.Vin'AVAir, the lOtiyoncar,
X'zt.r 'Vk in the afternoon, at the
lur i N 1,1 t!,c bw' Strouds
Trlf' ii,on,r'Je c"uty, the following de
rd Keal Estate, to wit : .
it : Tt:,iu tract or P'w of land situ-
ll d,c"iithficld township,
Jgds of Hemy Buss, John Chamber, John
.wtttober-er ae.d others, containing
108 ACRES,
or less, all timU-r land.
ertV r taton m execution as the jirop
tei,.(; MiIIcr' 'vv-tu notice to tcrre
Plants, and to sold bv me for cash.
ShorifP l:mi MKftWINE, Sheriff.
hpff 8 Office, Stroudsb urg, )
November 21, 1871. f
, Vt ou Saturday last, soinewhere in the
ugh ol Stroudsburg, a pocket-book
jyiwng .between twenty and twenty-oue
principally one-dollar bills, some
S1 and a number of Express bills. The
the t!f rtiU W the return of
- i- cvuuon. nionev.
Si1 o
A two-story Brick House, with fiame
Kicciien attached, very convenient. . F
terms, vc,, appiv to
nov 9-tf J Jcffersonian Office.
The World Moves!
. " . ... ., ' X
The undersigned, would inform tlie public
that he has resumed the ..... . -
at Ms old stand, down tow n, where with the
best mechanics, and superior seasoned lum
ber, tie will be prepared to furnish iu sinde
A X I)
His stock licin? all tiomt".-mtiv cm lw
fully warranted to be the best offered in this
market An assortment of the latest stvles
always on hand. .
City Furniture supplied on short notice.
- jc- TT. J )E1JTA KING promptly and .sat-
isuacioniy aitenueu to.
Prices always moderate.
nov lGtfJ , , MORRIS SMILEY.. "
Farm for Sale.
The undersigned offers for Sale, his farm.
situate in Paradise township, Monroe coun
ty, Pa., on the public road leading from
1 aradisc alley to .stanhope, containing
145 ACRES,
100 acres of which is cleared, in a snod state
of cultivation, about 30 acres of Meadow,
and the balance timlierland. The West
branch of 1 J rodheads Creek passes through
the farm. The improvements, are one
five rooms on the first floor, and
three rooms on the second floor, and a
Kitchen attached, 14 foot square, jiorch on
two sides of the building; two beariug
of choice fruit, Barn 43 by 30 feet,
Stone Stables underneath. There is a never
failing stream of water near the dwelling.
Conditions easy. Fur full information call
on the premises, or address
Forks Station, Pa.
P. S. Should the above property not be
disposed of at private sale, on or before
Tuesday, December ll', 1871, it will on that
day be offered at public sale, on the premi
ses, S. (r.
nov 1 (V3t
Auditor's Notice.
The underpinned Auditor, apiiointed by
the Orphatis' Court of Monroe county, to
make distribution of the balance on the ac
count of S. Pees (Jcarhart, Executor of the
estate ot rehs eiss,deceascd, liercbv give?
notice that he will attend to the duties of
said appointment, at his office, in the bo
rough of Stroudsburg, on Friday, the Sth
day of December, 1871, at 10 o'clock, a. m..
at which time anl place all ersous interested
may attend if they see proper, and those
having claims are requested to present them,
or they will be lorever debaned from com
im in for anv share of said fund,
nov 10-4tf I). S. LEE, Auditor.
Auditor's Notice.
In the matter of the account of Simon
Barry, Trustee of the Estate of Bcujamiu
1 nee, deceased.
The undersigned appointed bv the Or
phans' Court of Monroe count, Auditor to
make distribution of the money in the hands
of said Trustee, will attend to the duties of
his appointment, on haturda', Jeeemler 9,
1S71, at 10 o'clock a. m., at his office, in
stroudsburg, when and where all persons in
terested are required to attend and present
their claims or they will lie forever debarred
from coming in for anv share of said fund.
. ,; S. HOLMES Jr.,
nov 0-4t Auditor.
Auditor's Notice.
la-le inn iter of the ac-
In the' -'
Common Pkas
Monroe County.
com) t of .John l)e 1 oung,
Axxiffnec of .John J.
The undersigned Auditor appointed b the
said Court to pass upon the exceptions filed
to the account ot the said Jouh Dc l oung, As
signee of John P. Fellencer, and to make
distribution of the money in the hands of the
accountant, hereby gives notice that he will
attend to the duties of his appointment, on
Friday, December 1, 1871, at 10 o'clock, in
the forenoon, at his office in the Borough of
Stroudsburg, at which time and place all
parties interested may ' attend if they see
proper, and those having claims to present
the same or be forever debarred from comiug
in for any share of the said fund.
nov. 0-it
: Sheriff's Sale. T
By virtue of a writ of ven ex de terris, to
in e directed, ", issued out ' of the Court of
Common Pleas of Monroe county, I will ex
pose to sale, at public vendue, on
FRIDA Y, the 21A day of Xovember,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
House,' in, the' borough of Stroudebur j, Mon
roe county, the following described Real
Esiaief to wit :
All that certain tractor piece ot land, sit
uate iu Hamilton townchip, Monroe county,
djoining land of Samuel Andrew, William
Iluney and Jerome Tittle, containing
and cleared. Improvements are a
Log Dwelling House,
14x16 feet. 1A etorieg hiirh : one
Stable 12x14 feet ; one Shoemakers Shop,
7x12 feet. Spring of water near the door,
and some fruit trees on the premises.
Seized and taken in execution as the
properly of Henry Tittle, dcce.ised, in the
hands or possession of John Krefge, to be
administered, and to be Fold by me tor cash.
Sheriffs Of5ce, fttroudsburg, )
November 7, 1871.
nov 9 3t
Cabinet Makin
1 1 1 1 IgyFf
Bv virtue of an order of tho Bcgister in
Banktuptcj', will be sold at Public Sale on
the premises, at the dwelling house late of
Peter Heller; in Hamilton township. Monroe
County, la., on
Monday, November 27, 1871,
at l o chick p. m., the following described
iveal instate, viz;
JNo. I. A larm in said township, con-
adjoining land of William Haney, Abrm.
Byran, Xo. '2. Jacob Ever and others, nearly
all of the land is cleared and in pood st.-itn ot
cultivation, about 10 acres woodland and
and about 20 acres meadow. The improve-
uiciuri are a
38 feet by 28 feet, two stories high. Stone
Kitchen attatched, 22 bv 18 feet, n 1
Barn Go feet by 42 feet. Stono Shiblinir
under, a Shed 90 feet by 30 feet, a Spring ol'
nevcr-iauing water near the door, a stone
spring House and other outbuildings.
Xo. 2. Situate in said townshin. nnd nd
joining .No. 1, containing EKJ HIT-EIGHT
A.ND-A-HALF ACHES. The improvc-
menis are a
two stories high, 35 by 24 feet. Frame Barn
24 by 32 feet, Corn Crib, Pig Pen. Also a
r rawe 1 louse, one and-a-half stones high,
IS by 20 feet About 20 acres of above is
meadow, balance cleared and in cood state of
Xo. .3. A Lot of woodland in wild town
ship, containing 7 Acres and 04 Perches.
adjoining land of John F. Bender, Jacob
Slutter and others.
The Easton & Belmont Turnpike passes
through No. 's 1 and 2 and the Public Boad
leading from Stroudsburg to Saylorsburg,
passes along No. 3.
1 hose properties lav m a trood neiirhbor-
hood. convenient to Schools, Churches, Mills
and Stores. Conditions made known on the
day of Sale by.
THO.. M. MclLHANEl, Assignee
Of Peter Heller, a Bankrupt
nov 9-3t.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ of - ven ex de terris, to
me directed, issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Monroe county, ' I will expose
to eale, at public vendue, on
FRIDAY, the 24th day ofXovcmler,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
House, in the borough ot btroudsburg, the
following described Ileal Estate to wit :
All that certain tract or piece of land, sit
uate in Middle Smithfield township, Monroe
county, adjoining land of Moses Depue, Mar
tin M osier, Martin Place, J. W. A anAuken
and others, containing
more or less, llic improvements are one
20x30 feet, 1 stories high; Stable lSx20
leet and other out-buildincs : 30 acres
cleared; balance timber land. Spring of
water near the door.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Michael Kintner, and to be sold by
me for cash.
Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, )
November 7, 1871. )
nov J-3t - -
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ of fieri facis, to me di
rected, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of .Monroe county, I will expose to
sale, at public vendue, ou
FJ! WAY, the 24th Joy of Xor anlr,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
House, in the borough of Stroudsburg,
Monroe county, the following described Ileal
Estate, to wit :
A lot of ground in Stroud township, Mon
roe county, adjoining land of Charles Henry
and Benjamin Hay, 50ft. xl 25 feet
1 he improvements are a
One-story Log House,
ir.ft.xl 8 feet
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of George Johnson, and to be sold
by me for cash. .
Sheriffs Office, Stroudsburg,
November 7, 1871. j
nov J-3t
Sheriff 's ' Sale.
By virtue of a writ of ven ex do terris,
to me directed, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Monroe county, I will ex
pose to sale, at public vendue, on
FRIDA Y, the 2Uh Jay of November,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
House, in the borough of Stroudsburg, the
following described Real E-tate, to wit :
All tint certain tract or piece of land,
situate in Middle Smithfield township, Mon
roe county, surveyed in warrentee, name ot
Ieaac Jayne, and numbered on the Commis
sioners books of raid county. No. 3.1. con
taining 321 acres and allowance of six per
cent., all timber land. Reing the same
premises which Thomas Downing', by Deed
dated May 5ih, 18G5. Recorded at Strouds
burg, in Deed book," Vol. 13, P. 120, con
veyed to said William Cills.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of William Cills, and to be sold by
me for cash.
Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, )
November 7th, 1871. J
. nov 9-3t
"Sheriff's Sale."
By virtue of a writ of ven. ex. de terris, to
me directed, issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Monroe count-, I will expose
to sale, at public vendue, ou
Friday, the 24th day of Xovcmlter,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
House, in the borough of Stroudsburg,
Monroe county, the following described Real
Estate, to wit :
A certain tract or piece of land situate in
Stroud township, Monroe county, adjoining
lands of Daniel Czllahan, Jaboy G. Angle,
George Bush and John W. Van Vlict, con
taining 19 ACRES,
more or less, all cleared, of which 7 acres are
Meadow. The improvements are one
Frame Dwelling House,
24x30 feet, 2 stories high, with Kitch
I Mi
en attached, 10x12 feet; Stable 12x16 tect;
small Orchard on the premises. Stream of
water passing throudi the same.
Seized and taken hi execution as the prop
erty of Martin VanVlict, and to be sold by
me for cash.
Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, )
November 7, 1871. )
nov 0-3t
Pursuant to an alias order of the Or
phans' Court of Monroe county, Penn
sylvania, will be sold at- Public Sale, at
the Public House of Joseph Butz, in
Chcstnuthill township, in paid county, on
oaturaay, .November 5, 1871,
the following described real estate, late ol
Conrad Gets, deceased, to wit :
' "All those two certain tracts or pieces of
land situate in said township of Chestnut
hill, bounded and described, as follows,
vji :
No- 1 Adjoining lands of Henry
Getz, Chailes II. Ilaney, Charles Lawfer.
and lauds of William II. Frable and
Elizabeth Frable, and containing,
27 ACRES and 109 PERCHES,
more or less. There are no build
thereon. About ten acres are cleared
and in a good state of cultivation, and
the balance is well timbered. Ther are
some FRUIT TREES on the premises.
This property is about ono and a hall
miles from Brodheadsville.
No. 2. -Adjoining lands of William
II. Frable and Elizbeth Frable. and lands
of Jacob Altemose and others, aud con
strict measure. This lot is all cleared
and in a good state of cultivation, and lies
about a mile and a half from Brodheads
ville. The road from the Wilkcs-Barrc
turnpike to Saylorsburg, runs through
one corner of said land.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock p. m.
Conditions made known at the time of
sale, by .
oct. 19 4t Executor.
The National Hall
Is the place to get a good suit of clothes,
cheap, having the largest stock of
Mens', Youths' and Boys'
We feci confident we can suit all that
The National Hall of Fashion, is also the
headquarters for
having the largest stock always on hand
the very latest styles, we feel sure we can
suit nil in this line.
The National Hall of Fashion is also the
headquarters for
Ladies and Gents' Furs,
having the largest stock in this line, and the
largest assortment of Furs, we think we
c?n't be beaten.
The National Hall of Fashion is the
headquarters for Ladies and Gents Furn-
shing Goods, having the largest and best
assortment of furnishing goods in I his place,
we arc shure we cant be beaten. We
have a splendid line of ladies and gents'
underwear; also the finest lot of Ladies and
that has ever been brought to this place.
We also have a very fine assortment of
Gents Cloth-faced Paper Collar?, compris
ing all the latest styles. You will always
find from seven to ten thousand of the cloth
faced collars at the
National Hull of Fasliiou,
as we are bound to keep up with the fash
ions ; also a. full line. of. Cloth-faced Paper
Cuff, at all prices;; a , fine lot of Hosiery
and Gloves t tho largest stock of f '.
white si ripes and plaids ; we have also the
Custom Made Suhs.
The . National Hall of Fashion is the
place io get DRV GOODS. Always on
band, a large lot of the best brand Alapacas,
the capital being now the leading article ;
also '
Black Silks and Satins, Velveteens, Trav
eling Goods, rlaids, wool Delaines
and Prints, Flannels, Tick-- - -ings,
W " " " " &c t &c,"
An invitition is extended to all to call
and see for yourselves that we have the
largest stock in our lino of any in the place;
Particular attention paid to custom work,
which we have made up in the latest styles;
good fit warranted. Orders taken for
Silk Hats made to order.
All kinds of shipping furs bought, and the
highest cash price will be paid by
r-RorniETOit of the . '.
National flail of Fashion,
Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa.
nov 2-tf . .
YouatCs Condition l'owclcr.
In the Fall and Winler wheu your cows
give but little milk this powder is sure to
increase he quantily and. improve the qual
ity. For horses,- it. increases the appetite,
promotes cliffcstion, exhilcrates the spirits,
renders the coat soft ond shining. For Hogs
one package in your swill barrel wili hasten
the fattening process at least 100 per cent.
This powder has proved an excellent ariicle
for sheep. Be sure you get tho
Genuine Youatt's Condition Powder,
All other is a counterfeit. See that the
name of WM- HOLLINSIIKAD is on each
package and buy ivi other. Warranted to
give satisfaction or the money refunded.
Nov. 19, 'G8 WM. 110 LLINS HEAD.
G. H. Dreher. E. B. Breher
(2 doors west of the "JefTcrsonian Office,")
Sd-omlsbtirg, ViU,
Krugs, Medicines, Perfunicry
aiid Toilet Articles.
Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder
Hard Ul SJItldt TSUSSES Also
Lamps and Lanterns Burning
and Lubricating Oils.
Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com
pounded. "
N. B. The highest Cash price paid for
may 4-tf.
Notice! Notice!!
To all Whom it may Concern 1 1 !
The undersigned, having gone into the
Broom Business, would notify the public,
most respectfully, that he is prepared, with
the best and latest improved machinery, and
the best quality of material, to manufacture
Brooms, Whists, and Small Brccms.
for children, in a manner superior to any
thinjr in that line ever offered for sail in
Monroe ' County' at wholesale and retail,
a little below city prices. He is also pre
pared to furnish to order, at short notice
Broom Kachines, Handles, Wire firTwine
oil of the best, and warrnted to give satisfac
The use of one of my Brooms will set
tin the fact, beyond all dispute, that better
can be obtained from me, than can be pro
cured in the city.
To the Farmers of Monroe County, he
would say that they can now find a home
market for all the broom Corn l hey can raise,
and each farmer should strive Jo raise enough
for his own use and have some left to sell.
Those desiring seed to plant can always
find an abundance of the best quality of Seed
by calling on the undersigned.
The undersigned will, also, attend to
SAW FILING at the shortest possible
notice, and from his experience in this
branch of business, he flatters himself that
he cannot fail to give perfect satisfaction.
Before purchasing elsewhere, persons will
most certainly advance their interests by
calling and examining my stock of Brooms,
(7 Country Produce taken in exchange.
Don't forget the place, on Franklin Street,
opposite Wm. Huntsman's Livery btab!c.
March 1G, '71 tf.
Cards, Bill-Heads, Labels, k,
Printed to Order at the
Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa.?
JGSyAll Orders promptly filled. Give us
a call.
Is widely known
as one of the most
effectual remedies
over discovered for
cleansing the sys
tem aud purifying
the blood. It has
f.f stood the test of
is ... .
years, wan a con
stantly growing rej
utation, based on its
intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re
markable cures. So mild as to be safe and
beneficial to children, and yet so searching
as to effectually purc out the great, cor
ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous
ami syphilitic contamination. Impurities,
or diseases that have linked in the system
for years, soon yield to this powerful anti
dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful
cures, many of which are publicly known,
of Scrottila, and all scrofulous diseases,
Ulcers, Irruptions, and eruptive dis
orders of the skin, Tumors, IJIotclies,
lloils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St.
Anthony's Fire, Koso or Erysipe
las, Tetter, Salt Klieum Seald
Head, Itinjrworin, and internal Ul
cerations of the Uterus, Stomach,
and Liver. It also cures other com
plaints, to which it would not seem especi
ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep
sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease,
Female Weakness, Dehility, and
Lcucorrluea, w hen they arc manifesta
tions of the scrofulous poisons.
It is an excellent restorer of health and
strength in tho Spring. By renewing the
appetite and vigor of the digestive organs,
it dissipates the depression and listless lan
guor of die season. Even where no disorder
appears, people, feel licttcr. and live longer,
for cleansing the blood. The system moves
on with renewed vigor and a new lease of
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,
Practical and Analytical Chctni.ita.
sept 21 iy
The undersigned having purchased the
above well known ami t.ii,., ifal l'.w..
ty, would rtpeetfully inform the traveling
public that he has refurnkhed arf Gffetf Up
the Hotel in the best style, A handsome
Bar, with choice Liquors and Scgars, jolite
attCHuauts and ftiockrate charges.
octlO-tf. Proprietor.-
The Borough of Stroudsburg offers for sale"
7 per cent, bonds to suit purchasers. These"
bonds are issued under Act of Assembly of
May 10th, 1S71, authorizing the issue of
bonds to an amount not exceeding SS.OOOv
for the purpose of raising funds for the
purchase of a Steam Fire Engine and ap
paratus. Said bonds are exempt from all
taxation except for State purposes; and a
rare opportunity is offered to capitalists,
large or small, tor investment at home on
the most favorable terms ; and at the same
time, for aiding a worthy enterprise. For
futher information inquire of cither of the
Chief Burgess.
Aiiesi: i. j. jacoby, occ y,
au 3-tf
Every year increases tlie popularity"
of this valuable Hair Preparation;
which is duo to merit alone. Wc can
assure our old patrons that it is kept
fully up to its high standard; and! it
is the only reliable and perfected prep
aration for restoring Gray or Faded
Hair to its youthful color,- malting it.
soft, lustrous, and silken,. The scalps
by its use, becomes white and clean..
It removes all eruptions and dandrufij
and, by its tonic properties, prevents
the hair from foiling out, as it stimu
lates and nourishes the hair-glands:
By its use, the hair grows thicker and
stronger. In baldness, it restores tho
capillary glands to their normal vigor,
and will create a new growth, except
in extreme old age. It is the most,
economical Hair Dressing ever used,,
as it requires fewer applications, and
give3 the hair a splendid, glossy ap
pearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., Stato'
Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "Tho
constituents are pure, and carefully
selected for excellent quality; and I
consider it the Best Preparation.
for its intended purposes."
Sold by all Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines.
Price Ono Dollar..
Buckingham's Dye
As our Itencwer in many cases re
quires too long a time, and too much
care, to 'restore gray or faded Whisk
ers, we have prepared this dye, in one
preparalion which will quickly and
effectually accomplish this result. It
is easily applied, and produces a color
which will neither rub nor wash off.
Sold by all Druggists.. Price Fifty
Manufactured by R. P. HALL & C0.y.
sept 21-ly
DARIUS DREIIETT, begs leave to an
nounce to his friends and and to the pub
lic generally, that he has just received a
general assortment of
Dry GuodSj Jfrti&at Dress Trinimingst.
consisting, in part of the following desirable
articles, via. :.
JLa tens,.
French Chititzf,
Children's Dress Goodsy
Worked Edyimjs,
Farasols, Zrphers,
Shetland Wools,
Shetland Wool Shmclst
White Dress Goods,
Lady's and Children !Wi'.
Flannel and Cloth,
Lady's, Misses and Men's Ifocs,
Gloves and Collars,
Mourning Goods,
Shroudings, fr., fr.,
Goods shown with pleasure. Quick.
sales and small profits" at the old and well
known Millinery Stand of F. A. DUEUUK.
The Millinery business carried ou
as usual by Mrs. Dreher.
Patronage respectly solicited.
April 26, 1S66.
DO.VT you Know that .1. II.
McCarty is the only Undertaker in.
Stroudsburg who understands his business?"
If not, attend a Funeral managed by any
other Undertaker in town, and you will see
the proof of the fact. . Sept. 16, '67.
DO.VT FOKGSrr Hint when
you want any thicw in the Furniture
or Ornamental line that McCarty. in the
Udd-rtllows' Hall, Mam Street, Streuds-
burg, Pa., Is the place to gel it. fSept. 20
J that when any one comes to Strouds
burg to buy Furniture, they always inquier
tor McCartya Furniture Store! Scut. 2(V
blank" TiASKS
For Siiio at this Office.
r -v. T