The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, November 09, 1871, Image 3

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    Teiter'g Philadelphia Timft fceaton.
rniLAEt.pniA, Not. 2. About 3,000
fersoni tfcre present at Suffolk Park to
dar to witness the race for a purse of
$3,0UU between uoiasmun iuaia ana
I ucr- The weather was delightful, aod
the tract in gouu cuuumuu. uoiasmun
Maid von in three straight heats, beating
i)exter's time on the same course. Time,
the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, A.
1. M , at a special session voted one
thousand dollars toward relieving the
brother hood m Chicago and passed re
golations urging the surbordinate Lodges
through the Commonwealth to contribute
libera!! and speedily.
The Philadelphia Conference of the
AlethoJit 1'piscopal Church is pledged
to raise the handsome sum ot 40,000
for the Chicago sufferiers.
The Emperor William of Germany has
made a personal donation of 1,000 thalers
for the relief of the Chicago sufferers.
$lrouIslur? Market Report.
Corrected weekly fur The Jeffersoxian,
by C. V. ltaODHEAD, Wholesale
"and Ketail Dealer in Groceries
and Provisions.
Mes Pork, per bbl.
11am?, sugar cured, per lb.
Mackerel, No. 1. per bbl
No. 2,
CUer. roll
Salt per Sack
E.'gs per dozen
Beans, per bushel
Dried Apples per lb.
Potatoes, per bushel,
I lay, per ton
Straw, per ton
VixJ, per cord
22 00 25 00
16 17
25 00 28 00
13 00
2 25
16 18
15 16
1 50 2 00
15 00
12 00
5 0(1
35 40
Corrected weekly by Gardner &. Wallace,
Wholesale and Retail dealers in FJour,
Meal, Feed. Grain, &.c
Kiour, per bbl., Extra lo best
Family $7 50 to $9 50
Rye Flour per bbl. 5 50 6 00
Corn .Meal, per cwt. chop 160 1 8')
Feed, clear grain, per cwt, 1 90 2 00
While Wheat per bushel 1 40 1 60
Red Wheat 1 40
Buckwheat Flour, per cwt. 2 90
Corn per bush 85
Oat 50 55
Barley 50
Buck wheat 75
lUe 1 00
October 28th, 1S71, by the Rev. S. II. Ren
tier, Mr. Sirapon Fetherman to Miss Ella
S. Andrews, both of Hamilton, Monroe coun
ty, Pa.
There is no cla.9 of diseases known to Medi-
cl Science of more frequent occurrence or so
little cared for as those peculiar to the female
organism. A slight derangement of health
from delicacy or Rome other cause is often al
lowed to continue until the whole system suf
fer, and constitutional disturbances of a grave
xad serious character are often established.
MIsliIcr's Herb Hitters
a sovereign rt-ruedv for, and preventive of, all
uch complaints. Sold every where. Price One
JVillar er Bottle,
nov. 2 71-lm.
Caution ! Take ZVofJce!
f"Pbe public arc hereby cautioned against
X harboring or trusting any person, un
der any pretense whatever, from this date,
on my account, as I am determined to re
sist, to the full extent of the law. the pay
ment of all debts contracted by anj' one in
my name, without regard to person, except
upon my written order.
STitornsBuitr,, Pa., )
June, 7 I8TL J
The Cheap Auction Store is now filled up to
the Brim, with the very bet DRY GOODS,
bet ready-made clothing for Men and Boys',
bet Hats and Car, best Roots and Shoes, best
Velveteens, best Velvet, Turbans and Jockeys
trimmed and untrimmed, best assortment of
F.ibbons and the best Ladies' and Cbudrens
e repeat it, that we have the very best goods
in the county of Monroe, for the price.
Fresh poods will be sent by Mr. Decker
from New York every few days. So call every
week and see the new and very cheap goodu.
oct 19-60 DECKER & CO.
IKt on Saturday last, somewhere in the
borough of Stroudsburg, a pocket-book
containing between twenty and twenty-one
dollars, principally one-dollar bills, some
T1D. and a nnmhor rf F.rnrpss hilla Th
bove reward will be paid for the return of
me pocket-book and monev.
nov 9 -3t WILLIAM RUFF.
Auditor's Notice.
In the matter of the account of Simon
"' Trustee of the Estate of Benjamin
rice, deceased.
TLe undersigned appointed by the Or
phans Court of Monroe county, Auditor to
Eiak? distribution of the money in the hands
Jt wid Trustee, will attend to the duties of
Jits appointment, on Saturday, December 9,
1, at .10 o'clock a. m., at his office, in
stroudsburg, when and where all persona in
terested are required to attend and present
'heir claims or they will be forever debarred
iroin coming in for any share of said fund.
novjMt Auditor.
Auditor's Notice.
1 0 matter oftlteacA
In the'
Common Pleas
Apiux of John P
Monroe County.
Pje undersigned Auditor appointed by the
'aid Court to pass upon the exceptions filed
f? the account of the said Jonh De Young, As
signee of John P. Felleneer, and to make
distribution of the money in the hands of the
accountant, hereby gives notice that he will
end to the duties of hie appointment, on
rndav. IWomlr i i7i f iftn'jir
ine forenoon, at bis office in the Borough of
fct-roudsburg, at which time and place all
j'rues interested may attend if they see
proper, and those having claims to present
toe same or be forever debarred from coming
ior any snare ot the said fund.
nov. 9-4 L
By virtue of an order of the Register in
BanktuDtcv. will be sold at Public 8r1a nn
the premises, at the dwelling house late of
T - TV 11 TT ! m
i ecer iieuer, in Hamilton township, Monroe
County, Pa., on
Monday, November 7, 1871,
at I o'clock p. m., the following described
Ileal Estate, viz :
No. 1. A Farm in said township, con
taining 75 ACRES, 69 PERCHES,
adjoining land of William Hancy, Abrm.
Byran. No. 2. Jacob V.
all of the land is cleared and in good state of
cuiuvauon, aoouc iu acres woodland and
and about 20 acres meadow. The improve
ments arc a
38 feet by 23 feet, two stories high, Stone
Kitchen attatched, 22 by 18 feet a Frame
Barn 65 feet bv 42 fpt. Rtnnn KfoKKnir
under, a Shed 90 feet by 30 feet, a Spring of
never-iainng water near the door, a stone
Spring House and other outbuildings.
No. '2. Situate 5n fHrntV,in nnrl o1
joining No. 1, containing EIGHTY-EIGHT
ments are a
two stories high, 35 by 24 feet. Frame Barn
24 by 32 feet, Corp Crib, Pig Pen. Also a
Frame House, one and-a-half stories high,
18 by 20 feet About 20 acres of above is
meadow, balance cleared and in good state of
No. 3. A Lot of woodland in said town
ship, containing 7 Acres and 64 Perches,
adjoining land of John F. Bender, Jacob
Slutter aud others.
The Easton & Belmont Turnpike passes
through No.'s 1 and 2 and the Public Road
leading from Stroudsburg to Saylorsburg,
passes along No. 3.
These properties lay in a good neighbor
hood, convenient to Schools, Churches, Mills
and Stores. Conditions made known on the
day of Sale by,
THO. M. McILIIANEY, Assignee
Of Peter Heller, a Bankrupt
nov 9-3t
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ of ven ex de terris, to
me directed, issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Monroe county, I will expose
to sale, at public vendue, on
FRIDA Y, the 24th day of November,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
House, in the borough of Stroudsburg, the
following described Real Estate to wit :
All that certain tract or piece of land, sit
uate in Middle Sniithfield township, Monroe
county, adjoining land of Moses Depue, Mar
tin Mosier, Martin Place, J. W. anAuken
and others, containing
more or less. The improvements arc one
20x30 feet, 1 stories high; Stable lx20
feet, and other out-buildmgs : 30 acres
cleared; balance timber laud. Spring of
water near the door.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Michael Kintner, and to be sold by
me for cash.
Sheriff's Office. Stroudsburg, )
November 7, 1871. j
nov 9-3t
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ of fieri facis, to me di
rected, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Monroe county, I will expose to
sale, at public vendue, on
FRIDA Y, the 2Ath day of November,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
House, in the borough of Stroudsburg,
Monroe county, the following described Real
Estate, to wit :
A lot of around in Stroud township, Mon
roe county, adjoining land of Charles Henry
and Benjamin Ray, 50ftxl25 feet
2 he improvements are a
One-story Log House,
10ftxl8 feet
Seized and taken in execution as the
Eroperty of George Johnson, and to be sold
y me for cash.
Sheriffs Office, Stroudsburg, 1
November i, 18 1. J
nov 9-3t
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of a writ of ven ex de terri.
to me directed, issued out of the Court of
Common Plea of Monroe county, 1 will ex
po? e to sale, at public vendue, on
FRIDA F, the 24A day of November,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
I louse, in the borough of fetroudsburg, the
following described Real Estate, to wit :
All thit certain tract or niece of land.
situate in Middle Smiihfield township Mon-
roe county, surveyed in warrentee, name ot
Isaac Javne. and numbered on the Commis
aioners books of eaid county. No. 33. con
taining 324 acres and allowance of six per
cent., all timber land. Being the same
Dremises which Thomas Downinc bv Deed
dated May 5th. 1865. Recorded at Strouds
burg. in Deed book, Vol. 13, P. 120, con
vejred to said William Cilia.
Seized and taken in execution aa the
property of William Cills, and to be sold by
me lor casn.
Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, i
November 7th, 1871. )
nov 9-3t
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of a writ of ven. ex. de terris, to
me directed, issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Monroe county, I will exjMjse
to sale, at public vendue, on
Friday, Vie 2Uh day of AovcmJcr,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
House, in the borough of Stroudsburg,
Monroe county, the following described Real
Estate, to wit :
A certain tract or piece of land situate in
Stroud township, Monroe county, adjoining
lands ot Daniel Czllahan, Jabey tr. Angle,
George Bush and John W. VanVliet, con
taining 1U ACRES,
more or less, all cleared, of which 7 acres are
Meadow. The improvements are one
Frame Dwelling House,
24x30 feet. 2 stories high, with Kitch
en attached. 10x12 feet; Stable 12x16 teet;
small Orchard on the irfrmisos. Stream oft
water passing through the same.
. Si'.xl nrul t.iiL-p)i in exfioution as the nron-
erty of Martin VanVliet, and to- be sold by
me tor cash.
Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, )
November 7, 1871. 1
nov 9-3t
fi s i? H
A two-story Brick House, with frame
kitchen attached, very convenient For
terms, &c., apply to
nov 9-tf Jeffersonian Office.
Sheriff's Sale.
Br virtue of a writ of ?en ex de terris. to
me directed, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Monroe Cotiflty, I will ex
pose to sale, at public vettdtte, cm
FRIDA Y, the 2ifh day of November,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
House, in the borough of Stroudsburg, Mon
roe county, the following described Real
Estate, to wit :
All that certain tract or piece of land, sit
uate in Hamilton townthip, Monroe county,
adjoining land of Samuel Andrew, William
Haney and Jerome Tittle, containing
and cleared. Improvements are a
Log Dwelling House,
14x16 feet, 1 stories high ; one
Stable 12x14 feet ; one Shoemakers Shop,
7x12 feet Spring ot water near the door,
and some fruit trees on the premises.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Henry Tittle, deceased, in the
h.ind8or possession of John Kresge, to be
administered, and lo be sold by me for cash.
Sheriffs Office, Stroudsburg, )
November 7, 1871.
nov 9 3t
There will be an election held at tbn Bank
ing Houston MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20,
1S71, to elect thirteen directors, for said
Bank, to serve the ensuing year.
oct26'71-4t J. MACKEY, Cashier.
Monroe Horse Company.
There will be an election held at the
Public House of Charles Andrew, in Sny
dersville, on Saturday, 11th day of Novem
ber, inst, to elect Officers for said Company,
for the ensuing year. All members who
have the By-laws of the said Com nan v. will
please bring them along to said meeting for
the purpose of having the seal of said Com
pany athxed thereto.
By order of the President
nov 2-2t
Notice is hereby giving to the members of
the Union Horse Insurance Company, of
Northampton county, that a stated meeting of
said Company, will be held at the public
house ot J. 1 . Kudy Heller, Inn-keeper, in
Plainfield township, at 10 o'clock, a. m., on
Saturday, Nov. 18th, 1871, for tbe purpose
of electing the Officers of said Company, for
the ensuing year. All those holding the old
Constitution yet will please exchange them on
said day for the new.
Reuben Ackerman, Sec'y.
Plainfield, Oct 28, 1S71. nov 2-3t
The National Hall
Is the place to get a good suit of clothes,
cheap, having the largest stock of
Mens', Youths' and Boys'
We fell confident we can suit all that
The National Hall of Fashion, is also the
headquarters for
having the largest stock always on hand
the very latest styles, we feel sure we can
suit all in this line.
The National Hall of Fashion is also the
headquarters for
Ladies and Gents' Furs,
having the largest stock in this line, and the
largeet assortment of Furs, we think we
can't be beaten.
The National Hall of Fashion is the
headquarters for Lndies and Gents' Furn
ishing Goods, having the largest and best
assortment of furnishing goods in this place,
we are shore we can't be beaten. We
have a splendid line of ladies and gents'
underwear; also the finest lot of Ladies and
that has ever been brought to this place.
We also have a very fine assortment of
Gents' Cloth-faced Paper Collars, compris
ing all the latest styles. You will always
find from seven to ten thousand of tbe cloth
faced collars at the
National Hall of Fashion,
as we are bound to keep op with the fash
ions; also a full line of Cloth-faced Paper
Cuffe, at all prices; a fine lot of Hosiery
and Gloves ; the largest stock of
Grents' Shirts,
white stripes and plaids; we have aluo the
Custom Made Suits.
The National Hall of Fashion is the
place to get DRV GOODS. Always on
hand, a large lot of the beet brand Alapacas,
the capital being now the leading article ;
Black Silk and Satins, Velveteens. Trav
eling Goods, Flaids, Wool Delaines
and Prints, Flannels, Tick
ings, Muslins,
&c , &c.
An invitation is extended to all to call
and see fur yourselves that we have ih
largest stock in our line of any in the place.
Particular attention paid to custom work,
which we hae made up in the latent style;
a good fit warranted. Orders taken for
Silk Hats made to order.
All kinds of shipping furs bought, and the
highest cash price will be paid by
National Hall of Fashion,
Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa.
nov 2-tf
OB PRINTING, of all kinds neatly ex
ecutcd at this effice.
Monroe (36: Teachers' Institute.
. . The 5th Annual Session of the Monroe
County Teachers' Institute, will be held at
the Court Moose, Stroudsburg,- beginning
on Mofiday, Nov. 27th, 1871, at 10 a. m.,
and closing on Friday, Dec 1st A full at
tendance of Directors, Teachers; and all in
tending to become Teachers is desired.
Jere. Frutciiey,
nov2-4t Co. Siipt, Monroe.
Auditor's Notice.
m Notice is hereby given that tho undcr
signed having been appointed Auditor, to
make distribution of the moneys in the
hands of Charles L. Frantz, Assignee of
Samuel Ilartzew, of Ross township, under
voluntary assignment, will meet for that pur
pose, at his office, in the borough of Strouds
burg, on Thursday, the 23d day of Novem
ber next, at 10 o'clock, a. m., when and
where those interested may attend.
oct 26-4t Administrator.
Auditor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed having been appointed Auditor, to
make distribution of the moneys in the
hands of Godfrey Greenswcig, Executor of
the last Will and lestamentot Jonas Grecn
sweig, deceased, will meet for that purpose
at his office, in the borough of Stroudsburg,
on Friday, the 24th day of November next,
at 10 o'clock, a. ni., when and where all in
terested may attend.
oct 26-4t Auditor.
Auditor's Notice.
Estate of DAVID GREGORY, deceased
The undersigned appointed bv the Or
phans' Court of Monroe county. Auditor to
make distribution of the money in the hands
of Keuben Gregory and John Gregory, Ad
ministrators of the Estate of said deceased,
will attend to the duties of his appointment,
on Thursday. November 23, 1871. at 10
o'clock a. m., at the Prothonotary's office, in
Stroudsburg, when and where all persons in
terested are required to attend and present
their claims or they will be forever debarred
from coming in tor any share ot said fund.
T. M. McILIIANEY, Auditor,
oct 2G-4t
Auditor's Notice.
Estate of GEORGE WEISS, deceased.
The undersigned appointed by the Or
phans' Court of Monroe county, Auditor to
make distribution of the money in the hands
of John Shaffer, Administrator ot tbe Estate
of said deceased, will attend to the duties of
his appointment on Friday, November 24,
1871, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Prothono
tary's office, in Stroudsburg, when and where
all persons interested are required to attend
and present their claims or they will be for
ever debarred from coming in for any share
01 said fund.
T. M. McILIIANEY, Auditor,
oct 26-4 1.
Auditor's Notice.
Estate of Catharine Metzgar, deceased.
The undersigned appointed bv the Or
phans' Court of Monroe county Auditor to
make distribution of the money in the hands
of John Kerchner, Administrator of the
Estate of said deceased, will attend to the
duties of his appointment on Saturday, Nov.
25. 1S71. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the Prothono
tary's office, in Stroudsburg, when and where
all persons lmcresiea are requireu to auenu
and present their claims or thev will be for
ever debarred from coming in for any share
of said fund.
T. M. McILIIANEY, Auditor,
oct 26-4 1
Pursuant to an alias order of the Or
phans' Court of Monroe county, Penn
sylvania, will be sold at Public Sale, at
the Public House of Joseph Jiutz, in
Chcstnuthill township, in said county, on
Saturday, November 25, 1871,
the following described real estate, late of
Conrad Getr, deceased, to wit :
All those two certain tracts or pieces of
land situate in said township of Chestnut
hill, bounded aud described, as follows,
vis :
No. 1 Adjoining lands of Henry
Gets, Charles II. Ilaney, Charles Lawfer.
and lands of William II. Frable and
Elizabeth Frable, and containing
27 ACRES and 109 PERCHES,
more or less. There are no buildings
thereon. About ten acres are cleared
and in a good state of cultivation, and
the balance is well timbered. There are
some FRUIT TREES on the premises.
This property is about one and a half
miles from lirodheadsville.
No. 1. Adjoining lands of William
II. Frable and Elizbeth Frable, and lauds
of Jacob Altemose and others, and con
strict measure. This lot is all cleared
and in a good state of cultivation, and lies
about a mile and a half from Rrodhcads
villc. The road from the Wilkcs lhirre
turnpike to Saylorsburg, runs through
one corner of said land.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock p. ni
Conditions made known at the time of
sale, by
oct. 19-4t Executor.
Youatt's Condition Powder.
In the Fall and Winter when vour cows
give but little milk this powder is pure to
increase 'he quantity and improve the qual
ity. For hor-B, ii incrensea the appetite,
promotes digestion, exhilerates the spirits,
renders the coat soft and shining, ror Hoge
one package in your swill barrel will hasten
the fattening nrocess at least 100 per cent.
This powder has proved an excellent article
for sheep. Be sure you get the
Genuine Youatt's Condition Powder,
' All other is a counterfeit See that the
name of VVM. HOLLINS11EAD is on eaeli
package and buy no other. Warranted to
five satisfaction or the money refunded.
Nov. 19, '68 WM.HOLLINSHEAD.
Q. H. lJrehfir. E. B. Dreher
(2 doors west of the ''J6f?brsonlah Office')
Stroudsbiifpr; ia.y
Drills, Medicines, Perfumery
anl Toilet Articles.
Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder
Lamps and Lanterns Burning
and Lubricating Oils.
Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com
N. Is. The highest ('ash price raid for
may 4-tf.
Notice! Notice!!
To all Whom it may Concern 1 1 1
The undersigned, having gone into the
Broom Business, would notify the public,
motst respectfully, that he is prepared, wilh
the best and latest improved machinery, and
the best quality of material, to manufacture
Brooms, Whists, and Small Brooms
for children, in a manner sunerior to an
thintr in that line ever offered for rail in
Monroe County at wholesale and retail,
a little below city price. He ia also pre-
pared to iurnisn 10 order, ai snori nonce
Broom Machines, Handles, Wire & Twine
all of the best, and warrntedtogivesatisfac
The use of one of my Brooms will set
tle the fact, beyond all dispute, that better
can be obtained from me. than can be pro
cured in the city.
To the Farmers of Monroe County, he
would 6ay that they can now find a home
market for all the broom Corn they can raise,
and each farmer should strive to raise enough
for his own use and have some left to sell
Those desiring seed to plant can always
find an abundance of the best quality of Seed
by calling on the undersigned.
The undersigned will, also, attend to
SAW FILING at the shortest possible
notice, and from his experience in this
branch of business, he flitters himself that
he cannot fail to give perfect satisfaction.
Before purchasing elsewhere, persons will
most certainly advance their interests by
calling and examining my stock of Brooms
fT Country Produce taken in exchange.
Don't forget the place, on Franklin Street,
opposite Wm. Huntsman s Livery table.
March 16, '71. tf.
Cards, Bill-Heads, Labels, &c,
Printed to Order at the
Job Priming
Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa.
By All Orders promptly filled. Give us
a call.
Every year increases the popularity
of this valuable Hair Preparation;
which is due to merit alone. We can
assure our old patrons that it is kept
fully up to its high standard ; and it
is the only reliable and perfected prep
aration for restoring Gray ok Faded
Hair to its youthful color, making it
soft, lustrous, and filken. The scalp,
by its use, becomes white and clean.
It removes all eruptions and dandruff
and, by its tonic properties, prevents
the hair from falling out, as it stimif
lates and nourishes the hair-glands.
By its use, tho hair grows thicker and
stronger. In baldness, it restores the
capillary glands to their normal vigor,
and will create a new growth, except
in extreme old age. It is the most
economical IIaik Dressing overused,
as it requires fewer applications, and
gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap
pearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State
Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The
constituents are pure, and carefully
selected for excellent ouality; and!
consider it the Best Pkepakatiox
for its intended purposes."
Sold by all Druggists, and Detilert in Mediclnet.
Price One Dollar.
Buckingham's Dye
As our Kenewer in many cases re
quires too long a time, and too much
care, to restore gray or faded Whisk
ers, wo have prepared this dye, in ont
preparation; which will quickly and
effectually accomplish this result. It
i3 easily applied, and produces a color
which will neither rub nor wash off.
Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty
Manufactured by FT. P. HALL & CO.,
sert 21 Ij
J ami: if. Hr.iitoxt
Attorney at Lair,
Office in the building formerly occupied
by L. M. Buron, aud opposite the Strouds
burg Bank, Main street Stroudsburg, Pa.
jari 13-tf
JlUC UHUUISIIH-U 1(111117 J-'iUVIiaflHl I IIO
above well known rnd pAJmlar Hotel Proper
tv. would resrSectfnliv inform the trnvplin
V 7 X' f V"1J()
public that he has refurnished and fitted up
the Hotel iri the best style. A handsome
Bar, with choice Liquors and Segars, olite
attendants and moderate charges.
oct 19-tf. Proprietor;
The Borough of Stroudsburg offers for sale
7 per cent, bonds to suit purchasers. These
bonds are issued under Act of Assembly of.
May 10th, 1871, authorizing the issue of
bonds to an amount riot exceeding S5.00CT,
for the purpose of raising funds for the
purchase of a Steam Fire Engine and ap
paratus. Said bonds are exempt from air
taxation except fur State purposes;- and a
rare opportunity is offered to capitalists,
large or small, for investment at home on
the most favorable terms; and at the samo
time, for aiding a worthy enterprise. fof
futlier information inquire of either of the
underigned. ... .
Chief Burgess.
Attest: B. f?. Jacobv, Sec'y.
aur 3-tf
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
For the relief and
cure of all lernr
merits in the Horn-'
nch; liver, nrt't bow-:
els. 1 hey arc a mil'J
r.r-criciir? an'V . nu
excellent pii retire.
Being purely vee-"
table, they contain'
no mercury or niiper'
ral whatever. lnclv!
eeriotis gickners unit
tmfi'ei-injris prevent
ed bv their thnelv
use; and every family should hare them on hand
for their protection and relief, when required.
Long experience has proved them to be the saf
est, surest, and best of all the I'ills with vhkh
the market abonnd. Ky their occasional use,
the blood is imriiied, the corruptions of the sys
tem expelled, obstructions removed, and
whole machinery of life rrstorpd to its healthy;
activity. Internal organs which become clogged'
and sltigjrUh are cleaased by Ayrr'n l'ill, and
etiiuulateit info action. Thus incipient rtieae
is changed into health, the value of which change,
when reckoned ou the vast multitudes who enjoy
it, can hardly be computed. Their eugar enatiny
makes them pleasant to t:ike,,and preserves "their
virtues unimpaired for any lenptiv of time, t-j'
that they are ever fres-h, and prtetly reliable.'
Although searching, they are mild, and jcraic
without disturbance to the constitution; or aiei,.o:f
Full directions are given on the wrapper to
each box, how to use them as a Family Physic,1
and for the following complaints, which these.
fills rapidly cure :
For Iynirpali or nli-et!on, LUt1r
Bran, Liin'uor and of Appetite, tht'y
Bhould be taken moderately to stimulate the stonv"
ach, and restore its healthy tone and action.".
For LlTerComplaint and its "arioii syirT
toms, Itilioua UeatUche, Kick EImI
ache. Jatinlic or li r'u MirLitm. SBil
lou Colic and ISillou 1'evew, they should
be judiciously taken for each case, to coi roi't th
diseased action or remove the obtftructiop.'.iichj
cause it.
For Dyitntery or WSarrto.-a But ono
mild dose is generally required.-
For Blheiimatiam, (foist, firavel, Xal
pttttf ion of ttivi Ilrart, I'aiit in tftrt
ftitle, JIacU ntld Lolun. thev bhould be contin
uously takfivas required, to change the diseased
action of the system. With such change those
complainis disa'ppear.
For lnbr.T ant I9roplcn1 svlllois,
they should be taken in large and frequent doses
to produce the effect of a drastic purge.
For npprlon, a large dose should he
taken, as it produces the dcuircd eifect by .sym
pathy. As a Dinner Fill, take one or two 7"77. to
promote digestion and relieve the stomurlK
An occasional dose stimulates the Monia-n :nd
bowels, restores the appetite, and invigiM .-.cts th ?
system. Hence it is often advantageous wfh.iv
no serious derangement exists. One- whiv fee
tolerably well, often finds that a do- f ttoso
l'ill makes him feel decidedly better,, their
cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive
Dr. T. C. AYKIt A CO., radical Cfu-rn lgt,
sept 2 My
-: at :-
DAUIUS 1RKHER. heirs leave to an
nounce to his friends and a7ld to the pub
lic generally, that he has jtrst received a
jreneral assortment of
Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Trimmintst
consisting', in part of the following desirable
i '
articles, viz. r
French Chintzs,
Children s Dress Goods,
Worked Ed ij ings,
J'arasols, Zephers,
Shetland "Wools,
Shetland Wool Shawls
Musi in st
White Dress Goods,
Insert ings,
Lady's and Children's SacR
Flannel and Cloth,
Lady's, Misses and Men's Hues,
Gloves and Collars,
Mo ti m in g Good s ,
Shroiuli ugs, dr., i(c,
f:.v1 shown with Dleasure. 'Quick
sales and small profits" at the old and well
known Millinery Stand ot t . . uuEdiiut.
The Millinery bufnes3 will be carried oa
as usual by Mrs. Parata.
Patronage respectly solicited.
April 20, 1SGG.
DO.VT FOUGHT Hi at nhn
you want any thing in the 'Furniture
or Ornamental line that McCarty, in the
Odd-Fellows' Hall, Main Street, Stroudf
burg. Pa., ia the place to gel it. Sep. 20
CAW YOU Ti:i,L Will' IX IS
that when any one comes to Strouds
burg to buy Furniture, they always inquier
tor McCartya Furaiture Store! Sent. 20
For Sale, at this Office.