The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, September 21, 1871, Image 3

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    I! :
On Saturday afternoon, Sept 2d, be
n. r Knrt7.'s farm and Stroudsburg
new Spring y vi
warded for the
Ware Koonis ot
Spring UVercoac. mcuiiuu nm uc
same py leaving it ac me
j. iL Mccarty,
Stroudsburg, Pa.
t 7-tf
Monroe County
Xhc 12tli Annual Fair
Stroudsburg, Pa.,
On Tutsdav, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
Sept. 261Ii, "JtH, 2S1H and 29tli.
The grounds are spacious, the
buildings and accommodations
ample, and the Premium List
liberal. For premium lists or
other information, address the
Secretary at JStroudsburg, Pa.
C. S. Dktbick, Sec'y. sept 7-td
The Doroujli of Slroudburg dfert! lor sale
7 ncr cent bonds to suit purchasers. These
hond re issued under Act of Assembly of
Mav lOih, lbl, authorizing the issue of
bond to an amount not exceeding 5,000,
for the purpose of raising funds for the
purchase of a Steam Fire Engine and ap
pnratus. Said bonds are exempt from all
taxation except for State purposes; anJ a
rare opportunity is offered to capitalists,
large or small, for investment at home on
the most favorable terms ; and at the same
time, for aiding a worthy enterprise. For
father information inquire of either of the
Chief Burgess.
Attest: D. S. Jacoby, Sec'y.
ang o-ii
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ of ven. ex. de tcrris to
mo directed, issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Monroe county, I will expose
to sale, at Publie Vendue, on
FRIDAY, the 22J Jay of Srptcmljer, wf,
at one o'clck in the afternoon, at the Court the Borough of Stroudsburg, Mon
roe county, the following described Ileal
J-Atate, to wit :
Two certain lots of land, in said Borough
cf Stroudsburg, No. I. situate on the north
Eat side of .Simpson street, adjoining land
f the Sttoudsburg School District, 50 feet
frnt on side Simpson street, by 100 ft. deep.
No. 2. situate on the corner of said Simpson
.street and Susan street, adjoining No. 1,
containing on Simpson street 70 ft. and run
ning back to the race. The improvements
on o. !! arc a
Brick Dwelling House,
-4 x 35 ft. 2 stories high. Frame
House 20 x 24 ft 1 i stories
Well of
the same
water on the premises. Beiti
premise which Philip Miller conveyed to de
fendants by deed recorded at Stroudsbuag,
in deed book, vol. 1 7, page 533.
Seized and taken in execution as the pro-
Krty of Samuel S. Brown and James S.
timer, and to-be sold by me for cash.
PETEil M Ell WINE, Sheriff.
rhmff s Office, btroudsburg,
Sept, 1, '71 -St
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of several writ of fi. fas. to me
directed, issued out of the Court of Common
Vleas of Monroe county, I will expose to sale,
at Public Vendue, on
FRIDA Y, the 22J Lnj of September, next,
at one o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
House in the Borouh of Stroudsburg, Mon
roe county, the following described Ileal
Estate, to wit :
No. 1. Situate in Tunkhannock township,
Monrce county, adjoining lands of Jacob
frouffer, Linford Marsh, Silas Binehart,
Iclix and Abel Stonu, Joseph llwkman
nd .Stephen Kistler & Co., containing
439 ACRES,
more or less, surve'ed in the warantee
name of Charles Kvans. The improvements
are one
LOG Dwelling House
r 3S ft 1 stories high, one log
forn 28 x 34 ft Plank Dwelling House 17 x
ft 1 stories high: Plank Dwelling House
16 x 18 ft 1 stories high : Dwelling House
x 24 ft 1 J stories high : Plank Dwelling
House 20 x 24 ft 1 stories high : 1 Frame
Jiarn 30 x 30 feet: one Blacksmith Shop 00 x
feet: one Steam Portable Saw Mill 27 x
o feet About 30 acres cleared, balance
timber land. Well of water near the door.
o. 2. Being the interest of said Michael
Heher, in a certain tract of land situate
partly m Tobyhannah and partlvin Tunk
hannock townships, adjoining lands of Jacob
fctouffer, and No. 1 containing
, 438 ACRES,
more or less.
Seized and taken in execution as the pro
perty of Michael Heller, and to be sold by
me for cash.
Q. 'HlJJi.'llJIUIi.UJ,
win s Umce, Stroudsburg,
Aug. 30 1871.
aug 31 -4t
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ of ven. ex. de terris to
directed, issued out of the Court of
'mmon Pleas of Monroe county, I will cx-
to sale, at Public Vendue, on
FRIDAY, the 'ld day of Srptemljer, next,
one o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
"ouse mthe Borough of Stroudsburg, Mon
county, the following described Heal
Jetate, to wit :
A certain tract or piece of land situated
in fcimthficld township, adjoining lands
W- Walter, Wert Depue, aw)
1 'ullp Aloert, containing
more or less, all timber land.
Seized and taken in executioa iu the pro
perty of Josiah Bush, and t be bold by tue
ior cash.
ME1UVINP, Sheriff.
Snortf e office, Stroudsburg, I
Aug. 30, 1871 J
' Vm; fl
tan R AJU
I j j lr ?
t I
General Election.
Sheriffs Proclamation.
Whereas, By an act of the General As-
m a . .
scmbiy oi me commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, entitled an act reffulatinrr thp r,onni
Elections within the said Commonwealth."
passca on me L'd day ot July, 1839, it is
made the dutv of the Ili?h ShprifTnf
county to give public notice of such elections
10 De noiaen, ana to make known in such
notice what officers are to bp plprt.l Thar.
fore, , PETER MER WINE, High Slier-
in ot tne county of AJonroe, do make known
by this proclamation to the f1ernr of iho
county of Monroe, that an Election will be
neia in saia county, on
TUESDAY, the 10th day of OCTOBER
next, at the several election districts fcW
enumerated, at which lime and places ure to
ii .ii .1.. - .
oe eiecteu oy me ireemen ot the count v of
luonroe, oy Da not.
ONE PERSON for Anditor Opnrml nf
the Uommonweaih of Pennsylvania.
ONE PERSON for Surveyor General of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
TWU I'EKSUISS tor Associateyudgesf
the several Court- of the County of Monroe.
ONE PERSON for Sheriff of the Countv
of Monroe.
ONE PERSON for Treasurer of the Coun
ty of Monroe.
ONE PERSON for Coroner of the County
ONE PERSON for Commissioner of the
County of Monroe.
OMS l'EKSON for Auditor of the County
ot jvionroe.
Place of Vol in?.
The freemen of the township of Chesnut-
hill are to hold their election at the house of
Felix Storm, in said township.
I he trcemen ot the Township of Cool
baugh will hold their election at theNagles-
ville school-house, in said township.
lhe Ireemen ot the township of Hamilton
will hold their election at the house of Jas.
C. Westervelt, in said township.
lhe Ireemen ot the township of Middle
Smithfield, will hold their election at the
house of James Place, in said townsliip.
1 lie freemen of the township of Pocono,
will hold their election at the house of Ma'
nassah Miller, in said township.
the freemen of the township of Paradise,
will hold their election at the house of
Abraham Gish, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Polk, will
hold their election at the house of George
Green, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Price, will
hold their election at the house of Lewis
Long, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Eldrcd,
will hold their election at the house of John
Frantz, jr., in said township.
The freemen of the township of Ro??, will
hold their election at the house of Jacob II.
Stockcr, in said townsliip.
The freemen of the township of Smithfield
will hold their election at the house of
Thomas Brodhcad, in said township.
The freemen of Stroudsburg, will hold
their election at the Court House, in said
The freemen of the township of Stroud, will
hold their election at the house of John Bald
win, in the borough of Stroudsburg.
The freemen of the township of Tobvhan-
nah, will hold their election at the house of
Robert Warner, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Jackson,
will hold their election at the house of Samu
el It. Bossard, in said townsliip.
The freemen of the township of Tunk
hannock, will hold their election at the
house of Joseph Norton, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Barrett,
will hold their election at the house of Henry
Deubler, in said township.
The freemen of East Stroudsburg, will
hold their election at the Analomink House,
in said Borough.
IVoticc is Hereby Given,
That every person, excepting Justices of
the Peace, who shall hold an office or ap
pointment of profit or trust under the United
States or of this State or any city or corpor
ated district, whether a commissioned officer
or otherwise, a subordinate officer, or ageni6
who is or shall be employed under the legis
lative, executive or judiciary department of
this State or the United States, or of any
incorporated district; and also, that every
member of Congress, and of the State legis
lature and of the select or common council
of any city, or commissioners or any incorpor
ated district is by law incapable of holding
or exercising at the same time, the appoint
ment of Judge, inspector, or clerk of any
election of this Common wealih, and that no
Inspector, Judge or other officer of such olec
tion shall be eligible to be then voted for.
Also, that in the fovrtb section of the Act
of Assembly, entitled An Act relationg to
executions and for other purposes," approved
April 16, 1840, it is enacted that the afore
said 13th section,-' shall not be construed, to
prevent any military . officer or borough offi
cer, from serving as Judge, Insdeotor, or
Clerk, at any general or special election in
this Commonwealth.
And the said act of Assembly, entitled "an
act relating to elections of this Common
wealth, passed July 2d, 1839, further provides
That the Inspectors and Judges t-hall meet
at the respective places appointed for hold
ing the election in the district to which they
respectively belong, before nine o'clock on
the morning of the secod Tuesday of Oete
ber. and each of said inspectors shall appoint
one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter, of
such district.
In case the person who shall have re
ceived the second highest number of votes
for inspector, shall not attend on the dy of
any election then the person who shall have
received the second highest number of votes
for judge at the next preceding electioo thall
act as inspector in his place. And in ease
the person who shall have received he high
est number of votes for inspector thall not
attetid, the person elected judge shall ap
point an inspector in, his place and in case
the person elected, as judge shall not attend,
then the inspector who received the highest
number ot votes shall appoint a judge in his
place; or if any vacancy shall continue in
the board for the space of one hour after the
time fixed by law for the opening of the
election, the qualified voters of the town
ship, ward or district for which such officers
shall have been elected, present at such
eleciion, shall elect one of the number to
fill such vacancy.
"It chall be the duty of said assessors re
spectively to. attend at the places of holding
every general, special or township election
during the whole time said election is kept
open, for the purpose of giving information
to the tupectora and Judges, when called on
in relation, to the right of any person assess
ed by them to vote at such election, and
such other matters in relation to the assess-
ments of votes as the said inspectors or judg
es, or either of them, 6hall from time to time
require. , ,
No person shall be permitted to f vote at
any election as aforesaid, than a white frpp
man of the age of"twenty-one years or more
who shall have reoided in this State at least
one year, and in the election district where
he offers to vote at least ten davs immediate
ly preceding such election, and within two
years paid a State or County Tax which
shall have been nssessed at least ten days
neiore me election. uut a citizen of the
United States who has previously been a
qualified voter of this State and removed
therefrom and returned and who shall have
resided in the elrction district and paid tax
es aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote alter
residing in thisState six months. Provided,
That the white freemen citizens of the Uni
ted States between the ages of twenty-one
and twenty-two years who had resided in
tbe election district ten days as aforesaid,
shall be entitled to vole, although they shall
not. nave p.iiu said taxes.
"io person shall be admitted to vote
whose name is not contained in the list of
taxable inhabitants furnished by the Com
missioners, unless first he produces a receipt
for payment within two years, of a State or
County tax assessed agreeably to the Consti
tution, and give satisfactory evidence either
on his own oath or the affirmation of another
that he has paid such tax, or on failure to
produce a receipt, shall make oath to the
payment thereof; or, second if he claims a
right to vote by being an elector between
the ages of 21 and 22 years he shall depose
on oath or affirmation that he has resided in
the State at least one year next before his
application and make such proof of residence
in the district as is required by this act and
that he does verily believe, from the accounts
given him, that he is of the age aforesaid,
and gives 6uch other evidence as is required
oy mis act, w hereupon tne name of the oer
son so admitted to vote shall be inserted in
the alphabetical list by the inspectors and a
note made opposite thereto, by writing the
word "tax, if he shall be admitted to his vote
by reason of such age, and in such case lhe
name shall be called to the clerks who shall
make the like notes in the lit of voters kept
by them.
If any person shall prevent or attempt to
prevent any officer of any election under
this act from holding such election or use
or threaten any violence to any such officer
or shall interrupt or improperly interfere
with him in the execution of his duty, or
Khali block up the window or avenue to any
window where the same may be holding, or
shall riotous'y disturb the peace at such
election, or shall use or' practice any intitm
dating threats force or violence, with desian
to influence unduly or overawe any elector
or to prevent him From voting or restrain the
freedom ot choice, such persons, on conviC'
tion shall be fined in any sum not less than
fie hundred dollars and be imprisoned for
any time not less than three nor more than
twelve months, and if it shall be shown to
the Court where the trial of such offence
shall be had that the person so offending was
not a resident of the city, ward, district or
township where the said offence was com
mitled and not entitled to vote therein, then
on conviction he shall be sentenced to pay a
line of not less than one hundred or more
than one thousand dollars, and be imprisoned
not less than six months, nor more than two
If any person shall make any bet or wager
upon the result of any election in this Com
monwealth, or shall offer to make any such
bet or wager, either hy verbal proclamation
thereof, or by anv written or printed adver
tisement, or challenge or invite any persons
to make such bet or wager, upon conviction
hereof, he or they shall forfeit and pay th ree
limes the amount so bet or to be b-t.
If any . person not by law qualified shall
fraudulently vote at any election in this
commonwealth, or being otherwise qualified.
nhall vote out of his proper district, or if any
tperson knowing the want of such qualifica
tion, shall aid or procure such person to vote,
the person offending shall on conviction, be
fined in any sum not exceeding two hundred
dollars, and be imprisoned for any term not
exceeding three months.
" In all cases where the name of a person
claiming to vote is found on the list furnish
ed by the Commissioners and Assessors, or his
right to vote whether thereon or not is ob
jected to by any qualified citizen it shall be
the duty of the inspector to examine such
person on oath as to his qualifications, and ifj
he claims to have resided within the district
for one year or more his oath shall be suffi
cient proof thereof, but he shall make proof at
least by one competent witness who shall be
a qualified elector that he has resided within
the district for more than ten days next pre
ceding such election and ehall also himself
swear, that his bona fide residence in pur
suance of his lawful calling is within the
district, and that he did not remove In said
district for the purpose of voting therein.
Every person qualified as aforesaid, and
who shall make due proof, if required of his
residence and payment of taxes aforesaid,
ehall be admitted to vote in the township,
ward or district in which he shall reside.
If any person shall vote at more than one
e?ection district or otherwise fraudulently
vote more than once on the fame day, or
shall fraudulently fold and deliver to the in
spector two tickets together with the intent
illegally to vote or advise and procure an
other 6o to do, he or they so offending shall
on. conviction, be fined in any um not less
than fifty nor more than five hundred dol
lars, and be imprisoned for any term not less
than three nor more than twelve months.
" If any person not qualified to vote in this
Commonwealth, agreeably to law except the
sons of qualified citizens), shall appear at any
place of election for the purpose ot issuing
tickets or influencing the citizens qualified
to vote, he shall on conviction forfeit and pay
any sum, not exceeding one hundred dollar,
for every f uch ottence, and oe imprisoned lor
any term not exceeding three months.
Pursuant to the provision contained in the
6th section of the act aforesaid, the Judges
of the. aforesaid district 6hall take charge of
the certificate or return of the election of
their respective districts and produce them at
a meetine of the judges from each district at
the Court House in the liorough of Strouds
burg, on the thifd day after the day of elec
tion being for tbe present year on FRIDA Y
the 14thday of OCTOBER next, then and
there to do, and perform, the duties required
by law of said judges. Also, that where a
judge by sickness ox unavoidable circuni6tan-
ces, is unable to attend said meeting ot Judges
then the certificate ot return as aforesaid
shall be taken charge of by one of the In
spectors or clerks of the ejection of said dis
trict, who shill do a uid perforin the duties
required of said judge unable to attend.
As therein directed, I also, give official
notice of the following provision of an act
approved March 30, 1606 entitled "An act
regulating the mode of voting at all elec
tions in the several counties of this Com
monwealth." .--..
i Section l.1 Be it enacted by the ' Senate
and House of Representatives of the Com
mon weo I th of Pennsylvania' in General As
sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the
authority of the same. That the qualified
voters, "of the several counties of this com
monwealth, at all general, township, borough,
and special elections, are' hereby hereafter
authorized and required to vote by tickets
printed or written, or partly printed and
partly written, severally classified as follows:
One ticket shall embrace the names of all
Judges of courts voted for, and to be labelled
outside "Judiciary;" "one. ticket shall em
brace the name of all State officers 'oted lor
and be labellded Slate;' one ticket shall
embrace lhe name of all County officers vot
ed for, including officer of Senator, member
and members ot Assembly, if voted fir, and
members of Congress, if voted fi .r and be
labelled County ;' one ticket shall embrace
the name of all township officers voted for,
and be labelled townsihp one ticket shall
embrace the n-imes of all borough officers
voted for and be labelled "borough;" and
each class thall be deposited in separate bal
ACT, April 17, 1909.
Section 3. After the assessments have
been completed on the tenth day preceding
the second 1 uesday m October ot each year,
the assessor shall, on the Monday immediate
ly following, make a return to the county
commissioners ot tne names ot all persons
assessed by him unce the return required
to be made by him by the second section of
this act, noting opposite each name the ob
servations and explanations required to be
noted as aforesaid; and the county Commis
sioners shall thereupon cause the same to be
added to the return required by the second
section or this act, and a full and correct
copy thereof to be made, containing the
names of all persons so returned as resident
taxables in said ward, borough, township or
precinct, and furnish the same together with
the necessary election blanks, to the officers
of the election in said ward, borough, town
ship or precinct, on or before six o'clock in
the morning of the second T uesday of Oc
tober; and no man shall be permitted to vole
at the election on that day whose name is
not on the list, unless he shiil make proof
of his right to vote, as hereinafter required
Section 4. On the day of election any
person whose name is not on the list, and
claiming the right to vote at said election,
shall produce at least one qualified voter ol
the district as a witness to the residence of
the claimant in the district in which he
claims to be a voter, for the period of at least
ten days next preceding said election, which
witness shall lake and subscribe a written,
or partly written and partly printed, alllJavit
to the fjcts st.-ited by him, which atfiJavit
shall define clearly where the residence is
of the person ho claimining to be a voter . and
the person so claiming the right to vote shall
also take and subscribe a written, or partly
written and partly printed affidavit, stating,
to the best of his knowledge and belief.
where and when he was born; that he is a
citizen of the commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia and of the United States; that he has re
sided in the commonwealth one year, or if
formerly a citizen therein and h;is moved
therefiom, that he has resided therein six
months next preceding said election ; that he
has not moved into the district for the pur
pose of voting therein; that he has paid a
state or county tax within two years, which
was assessed at least ten days before said
eleciion; and, if a naturalized citizen, shall
also state when, where and by what court
he was naturalized, and shall also produce
his certificate of naturalization, for examin
ation ; the said affidavit shall also state when
and where the tax claimed to be paid by the
affiant was assessed, and when, where and
to whom paid; and the tax receipt therefor
shall be produced for examination, unless the
affiant shall stale in his affidavit that it has
been lost or destyed, or that he never re
ceived any ; but if the person so claiming
the right to vole shall take and subscribe an
affidavit, that he is a native born citizen of
the United State?, (or if born elsewhere,
shall state that fact in his affidavit, and shall
produce evidence that he has been natural
ized, or that he is entitled to citizenship by
reason of his father's naturalization ;) and
shall further state in his affidavit that he is
at the time of taking the affidavit, between
the ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years;
that he has resided in the state one year and
in the election district ten days next prece
ding such election, he shall be entitled to
vote, although heshall not have paid taxes;
the 6a id affidavits of all persons making such
claims, and the affidavits of the witnesses to
their residence, shall be preserved by .the
election board, and at the close of the elec
tion they slial I be enclosed with the list of
voters, tally list and other papers required
by law to be filed by the return judge with
the protbonotary, and shall remain on file
therewith in the prothonotory's office, sub
ject to examination, as other election papers
are; if the election officers shall find that
the applicant or applicants possess all the
legal qualifications of voters, he or they shaV
be permitted to vote, and the name or names
shall be added to the list of taxables by the
election officers, the word 4'tax" being added
where the claimant claims to vote on tax,
and the word "age" where he claims to vote
on age ; the same words being added by the
clerks in each case respectively, on, the lists
of persons voting at such election.
Section 5. It shall be lawful for anv
qualified citizen of the district, notwithstand
ing the name of the proposed voter is con
tained on the list of resident taxables, to
challenge the vote of each person ; where
upon the same proof of the right of suffrage
as is now required by law shall be publicly
made and acted on by the election board, and
the vote admitted or rejected, according to,
the evidence ; every person claiming to be a
naturalized citizen shall be required to pro
duce his naturalization certificate at the elec
tion before voting, except where he has been
for ten years, consecutively, a voter in the
district in which he oilers his vote; and on
the vote of such person being received, it
shall be the duty of the election officers to
write or 6tamp on such certificate the word
'voted," with the mon'h and year ; and if
any election officer or officers shall receive a
second vote on. the same day, by virtue of
the same certificate, excepting where sons
are entitled to vote by virtue oftho natural
ization of their fathers, they and the person
who shall offer such second vote, upon so of
fending shall be guilty of a high misdemean
or, and on conviction thereof, be fined or
imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of the
court; but the fine shall not exceed one hun
dred dollars in each case, nor the imprison
ment one year ; the like punishment shaU
he inflicted on conviction, on the officers of
election who shall neglect or refuse to make,
or cause to be made, the indorsement requir
ed as aforesaid on said naturalization certi
ficate. Sec. 6 If any election office rshi 11 refuse
or neglect to- require such proof of the right
of so ife rage as is pre.-cribed by this law, or
the laws lo which this is a supplement, from
uuy person c&criug to voto whoe uanie ia
not on the list of assessed voters, or whose
right to vote is challenged by any qualified
voter present, and shall admit such person
to vote without requiring such proof, every
person so offending, shall upon conviction,
be sentenced, for every such offence, to pay
a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or
to undergo an imprisonment not more than
one year, or either or both, at the discretion
of the court.
Sec. 7. Ten days preceding every elec
tion for electors of President and Vice Presi
dent of ths United States, it shall be the
duty of the Assessor to attend at the place
fixed by law for holding the election in each
election district, and then and there hear all
applications of persons whose names have
been omitted from the list of assessed voters
and who claim the right to vote or whose
right have originated since the same was
made out, and shall add the names of such
persons thereto as tha bhow that they are
entitled lo the right of suffrage in such dis
trict, on the personal application of the
climant only, and forthwith assess them with
the tax. After completing the lis-t. a copy
thereof shall be placed on the door of or on
the house where the election is to be held,
at least eight days befor the election ; and
at the election the same course shall be pur
sued, in all respects, as is required by this
act, and the nets to which it is a supplement
at the general elections in October. The
Assessor shall also make the same returns to
the county commissioners of all assessments
made by virtue of this section; and thecoun
ty commissioners shall furnish copies thereof
to the election officers in each district, in like
manner, in all respects, as is required at the
general election in October.
iSec. 8. The same rules and regulations
shall apply at every special election, and
at every cperatecily, borough or ward elec
tion, inall respects as atthe general elections
in October.
Sec. 9. The respective assessors, inspec
tors and judges of the elections shall each
have the power to administer, oatha to any
persons claiming the right to be assessed or
the right of suffrage, or in regard to any oth
er matter or thing required to be done or in
quired into by any of said officers under this
act; and any willful false swearing by any
person in relation to any mat'er nr thing
concerning which they f-hall be lawfully in
terrogated by any of said officers shall be
punished as perjury.
Sec. 10. The as-essors shall each receive
the same compensation for the time neces
sarily spent in performing the duties hereby
enjoined as is provided by Inw for the per
formance of their other duties, to be paid
by the counry commissioners as in other cases;
and it shall not be lawful for any assessor
to assess a tax ogainst any person whatever
within ten days next preceding the election
to be held on the second Tuesday of Octo
ber, in any year, or within ten days next be
fore any election for electors of President
and Vice President of the United States ;
any violation of thi provision shall be a mis
demeanor, and subject the officers so offend
ing lo a fine, on conviction, not exceeding
one hundred dollars, or to imprisonment not
exceeding three months, or both at the dis
cretion of the court.
Sec. 11. On the petition of five or more
citizens of the county, staling under oath
that they verily believe that frauds will be
practiced at the election about lobe held in
any district, it shall be the duty ot the court
of common pleas of said county, if in session
or if not a judge thereof in vacation, to ap
point two judicious, sob-rr and intelligentcit
izens of the county to act as overseers at said
election; said overseers shall be selected from
different political parties, where the inspec
tors belong to different parties, and where
both of said inspectors belong to the same
political party, both of the overseers shall
betaken from the opposite political party;
said overseers shall have the right to se pre
sent with the officers of lhe election, during
the whole time the same is held, the votes
counted and the returns made out and sign
ed by the election officers; to keep a list of
voters, if they tee proper; to challenge any
person offering to vote, interrogate him and
his witness under oath, in regard to his right
of suffrage at said election, and to examine
his papers produced ; and the officers of Mid
election are required to afford to said over
seers so selected and appointed every con
venience and facility for the discharge of
their duties ; and if said election officers shall
refuse to permit said overseers be present
and perlorm their duties as aforesaid, or if
they shall be driven away fiom the polls by
violence or intimidation, all the votes polled
at such election district may be rejected by
any tribunal trying a contest under said e'ec
f ion : Provided, That ho person signisg the
petition shall be appointed an overseer.
Sec. 12. Ifany prothonotnry, clerk, orthe
deputy of either, or airy other persou, shall
affix the seal of office to any naturalization
paper, or permit the same to be affixed, or
give out, or cause or permit the same to be
given out, in blank, whereby it may be
fraudlently used, or furnish a naturalization
certificate, to any person who shall not have
been duly examined aad sworn in open court,
in the presence ot some of lhe judges there
of, according to the act of Congress, or shall
aid in, connive at, or in any way permit the
issue of any fraudulent naturalization certi
ficate, he shall be guilty of a high
misdemeanor; or ifany one shall fraudulently
use any such certincate ot naturalization.
knowing that it was fraudulently issued, or
shall vote, or attempt to vote thereon, ifany
one shall vote, or attempt to vote, on any
certificate of naturalization not isued to him.
he shall be guiliy of a high misdemeanor;
and either or any of the persons, their aiders
of abettors, guilty of either of the misdemea
nors af iresaid, shall, on conviction, be fined
in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars.
and imprisoned in the proper penitentiary
for a period not exceeding three years.
Sec. 13. Any person who on oath or
affirmation, m or before any court in this
Slate, or officer authorized to administer
oaths, shall, to procure a certificate of
naturalization, lor himself or any other per
son, wilfully depose, declore or affirm any
matter to be fact, knowing the same to be
false, or 6hall in like manner deny any mat
ter to be fact, knowing the same to be, true,
shall be deemed guilty of perjury ; and any
certificate of naturalisation issued in pursur
ance of any such deposition, delaration or
affirmation, shall be null and void; and it
6hall be the duty of the court issuing the
same, upon proof being made before is that
it Was fraudlently obtanined, to take im
mediate measures for re-calling the same for
cancelation ; and any person who shall vote,
or attempt to vote, on any paper so obtained
or who shall in any way aid in, connive at,
or have any agency whatever in the issue,
circulation or useof any fraudlent naturalisa
tion cerificate, shall be deemed guilty ot a
misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof,
fhall undergo an imprisonment in the
penitentiary for not moro than wo years,
and pay a fine, not more than one thousand
dollars, for eveysuch offence, or both, at the
discretion of lhe- court.
Sec. 1 1. Any assessor, election officer or
orpcrcou appointed as an ovciaer, who shall
neglect or refuse to perform any dnty en
joined by this act, without reasonable or
legal couse, shall be subj'-ct to a penalty ot
one hundred dollars, and if and assessoBafiaH
assess any person as a voter who is net qualifi
ed ; or shall refus-e to assess any one who is
qualified, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
in oilice, and on conviclion be punished by
fine or imprisonment, aud also be subject to
an action for damages by the party aggriev
ed ; and ifany person shall fraudulently
after, add to, deface or destroy any list of
voters made out as directed by this act, or
tear down or remove lhe same from the place
where it has been fixed, with fraudulent or
mischievous intent, or for any improper pur
pose, the person so offending thill be guilty
of a high misdemeanor, ond on conviction
shall be punished by a fine not exceeding
five hundred dollars, or imprisonment not
exceeding two years, or both, at the discre
tion of the court.
Stc 15. All elections for city, ward
Un-ough, township and election officers shall
hereafter be held on the second Tuesday of
October, subject to all the provisions of the
laws regulating the election of such officers
not inconsistent with this act ; the persons
elected to such offices at that time shall take
their places at the expiration of the terms of
the persons holding the same at the time of
such election ; but no election for the office of
assessor or assistant assessor shall be held
under this act, uutil the year oue thousand
eight hundred and seventy.
"SVf. 1G. At all elections heraCter held un
der the laws of this commonwealth, the polls,
shall lie opened betveen,the hours of six and!
ioven o'clock, a.. iu.. and closed at sevcu
o'clock, p. in..
Sec. 17. It sh ill be-the duty of the Secre
tary of thtf CoyiuioweyJlh to prepare forms
for all the blanks made necessary by this act,
and furnish copies of tbe same to the county
commissioners of the several counties of the
commonwealth ; ami the county commis
sioners of each county shall, as Hon as may
be necessary after receipt of the same, a.t the
projer expense of the county, procure and
furnish to all the election officers of the elec
tion districts of the respective counties copies
of such blanks iu such qualities as may be
rendered necessary for the discharge of their
duties uiider this acfc,
SVc. IS).. That citizens of this State
temporally in tbe service of the State or of
the United, States governments, on clerical or
other duty, and who do not vote where thus
employed, shall not be thereby deprived of
the right to vote in their several election dis
tricts if otherwise duly qualified,
SV 20. The act, entitled "A further
supplement to the act regulating to the clec
tijjys of this commonwealth," approved April
fourth, Domiai one thousand eight
hundred u.ud sixty-eight, siml all other laws
altered or supplied by this act, be and the
same are hereby repealed.
I also make known the following act ap
proved the 2J day of June, 1S71, entitled
".In net to (iiiiff)rizca populur rote upon tlic que
turn of culling a convention lo amend the CunstUu.
tion of Pennsylvania."
Sec. 1. lie it enacted, &c, That the ques
tion of calling a convention to amend the con-i
stitution of this commonwealth, be submitted
to a vote of the people, at the general election
to be held on the second Tuesday of October
next, the said question to be voted for in man-,
ner following, to wit : in counties and cities in
which slip ticket voting is authorized by law,
votes for and agaiust a convention may he ex-
pressed and given upon the ticket, headed or.
endorsed with the word "State," aud not other
wise, ail the words used shall be constitutional
convention," and underneath "for a conven
tion," or against a convention ;" and iu couu
ties and districts in which slip ticket voting
shall not be authorized by law, each elector
voting upon said question shall cast a separate
ballot, endorsed on the outside "constitutional
convention," and containing on the inside the
words "for a convention" or "against a conven
tion ; and al 1 votes cast as aforesaid shall be
received, counted and rttured by the proper
election officers and return judges as votes for
Governor, are received, counted aad returned
under existing laws.
And the Judges of the respective Districts
aforesaid, are by the said act required to meet
at the Court House in the liorough of Strouds
burg, on the third day after the said day of
election, being FKIDAY, the thjkteeth "day
ofOcTOBEit, then aud thereto icrforru the
things required of tbem by law.
God Sai-e tkc Commonwealth.
Sheri fFs Office, Stroudsburg,
Sept. 14, 1S71. J
Register's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all persons in for
ested in the Estates of the respective de
cedents, that the following accounts have
been filed in the liegister's Office of Monroe
county, and will Ini presented for confiruia-.
tion to the Orphans' Court of said county,
at Stroudsburg. on Monday, the 110th day
ot September, 1S71, at 10 o'clock, a. m.
Account of Thomas K. Heller and Joseph
Harman, Administrator of Pel or Sn-dor.
deceased. Settled bv John J Stecher,
adm'r of Thomas E. Heller, deceased and
Jacob Harman, adiu'r of Joseph llarman,
dec u, '
Final aceoun tof Manassah Miller, executor
of Thomas Miller, dee'd.
rust account of Evan Spngcl, Adm r of
(ieorgc Busk irk, dee'd.
Account ol ltobert C. Aiuertson, Adm r of
John Albortson, dee'd.
ccount of Joseph llarman, Kxccutor of
Samuel Ilasely deceased, settled by Jacob f
llarman, Auu r ot Joseph llarman, dec u.
Account ol William H. liutts, Adm r of
Francis Adauis, dee'd.
Final account of Alfred Frutchey, Adni'r
of Catharine Overfield, dee'd.
Account of Catharine Mutchler, Adm'x of
Amzi A, Mutchler, dee'd.
Account of John llarter, Executor of
Aaron Kunkel, dee'd.
Final account of Joseph Weil, Adiu'r of
Lewis Socks, dee'd.
First account of William IToiiinshead, one
of the Adm'r of Stroud J. Holliushead,
First account of Peter Gilbert, Adm'r of
John Hintzer, dee'd.
Account of Isaac U. Transue, Adm'r of
William T. Myers, dee'd.
Account of Joseph L. Bower, Adiu'r of
Ala media Starner, dee'd.
Ac-count of Samuel Alsopaul James Fcih
ncr, Executors of Alice Pavis. dee'd.
JOHN S. ITS II Ell, lle-istcr.
Registers. Office, Stroudsburg, I
" Aug, 31, J
Prothouotarv's Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that the following
accounts of Assignees has teen filed in the
Office of the Protbonotary ot the Court of
Common Pleas of Monroe Coanty, and will
be presented for confirmation and allowance
ot tho next term of said Court, on Monday,
September 25, 1871.
The account of Peter Gruver, Assignee of
John O. Sjylor, of the Borough of Strouds
burg. Th account of John De Young, Assignee
of John 1 Fellenccr, of tho towiielup of
Tlie account of John IV Young, Assignee
of Jolui 1 Thomas, of Chest nu'hill town
ship. THOMAS. M, Mc I I.I I ANEV.
aug 31,-tJ pjotlionoiury.