THE JEFERSOMIAN. Bcvoici to politics, literature, gricnlturc, Science, iHoralitij, ani cncral 3nteltiScuce. VOL. 29. STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUxTTY, PA:, SEPTEMBER 21, 1871. NO. 22. Published by Theodore Schoch. TrS-To dollars a year in advance and if not Cfore the en.l of ihe year, two dollars and fifty r7?npr.ii-nUriii't until all arrearages are paid. eXrept - .inents n( one j.qunre of (eight lines) or me iii'inMi m .......... ... one of me x . JOB PRISTIXG, OF ALL KINDS, rniied in tlc lushest t yte of the Art, and on the Etfcu ,nol reasonable terms. DR. J. LANTZ, Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, st.ll h-i hts offir n Main Street, in the second -.v- ofi)r S Walton's brick building, nearly oppo the l'rondshurR House, and be flatters himself 1 1 t hv r i-hu-CM rears constant practire and the most Vnelt and rareful attention to all matters pertaining hi nrof.-'M'Mii th't he is fully able to perform mil rations n the denial hue in the inoit careful, taste ii And f killt'il manner, int-cul attrntion given to savins the Natural Teeth ; lo (he jiiMTlion of Artificial Teeth on Rubber, c.MA. Silver or Continuous Gums, and pt-rlect fits la 'm T6pVr"iis know the great f.Ur and danger ol en u.'kihs their work to the inexperience.!, or to those jtmg t a distance. April 13, IS.l. ly DR. N. L. PECK, Surgeon Dentist, Announces ihnt having just returned from Denial CoIIegs, he is fully prepared to make artificial teeth in the most beautiful and lile like manner, and lo fili decayed teeth ac cording to the most hiproved method. Teeth exfracUd without pain, when de tiireil bv the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, which is entirely harmless. Repairihg of al kinds neatly done. All work warranted. Charges reasonable. Omce in J. G. Keller's new Brick build in?, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. aujr 31-tf 1) II. GEO. W. JACKSON Physician, Surgeon & ccouctier. Office, next to Smith's store, residence Kre.-gey's Hotel. EAST STROUDSBURG, Pa. June 3, 1870. tf. Dll. C. O. IIOFF31.4X, 31. I. Would respect fully sinuounce to the public that he has removed his office from Oakland tn Canadensis. Monroe County, Pa. Trusting that many years of consecutive practice of Medicine and Surgery will be a sufficient guarantee fur the public confidence. February 2.j, 1STO. tf. T 1 .11 IIS I i . vt a ltox tj Attorney at Law, Office in second story of new 1 iuildin:, near ly opposite the Washington Hotel, Main st. StrouJsburjr. Pa. January 13, lSTOj-tf, S HOLMES, Jr. Attornoj' at Iav, STROUDSBURG, PA. Office, on Main Street, 5 doors above the Stroudburg House, and opposite Ruster's clothing; store. C7Bu?ine8 of all kinds attended to with promptness and fideliiy. May 6. lS69.lf. "ELLERSVILLE HOTEL. Tl, ,,.,,1. ;iUjvc well known and pular Hotel Pro er ty. would respectfully inform the travelling public that he has refurnished and fitted up the II. itel in the lest style. A handsome JIar. with choice L'fjuors and Segars, polite attendants and moderate charges. IJ. J, VAX COTT, Sep. L'9, 1S70. tf. Proprietor. plasteeT Freli ground Nova Scotia PLASTER, at Stokes' Aliils. HEMLOCK BOARDS, FENCING, SHINGLES, LATH, PA LING, and POSTS, cheap. FLOUR and FEED constantly on hand. Wi 1 exchange Lumber and Plaster for Grain or pay the highest market price. 15LACKSM1TH SHOP just opened by C. Stone, an experienced workman. Public trade solicited. N. S. WVCKOFF. Stokes' Mills, Pa., April 20, 1871. A. ROCKAFELLOW, DEALER IN Keady-JIade Clothing, Gents Fur nishing Goods, Hats & Caps, Cools & Shoes, &e EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. (Near the Depot) The public are invited to call and exam ine poods. Prices moderate. Way G, 18G9. tf. UEV. EDWARD A. WILSON'S (of WH tarnburgli, N. Y.) Recipe for CON GUMPTION and ASTHMA carefully conn Vounded at HOLLINSHEAD'S DRUG STORE. Medicines Fresh and Pure. Xov. 21. 1667. W. HOLLINSHEAD. DOVT ou know Hint J. II. McCarly is the only Undertaker in Slroudeburg who understands his business? If not, attend a Funeral managed by any "'her Undertaker tu town, and you will see ' he proof of 1 l; fact. Sept. 1 6, ' W Can you rtLL viir iris thut when any one comes to StroutU h'lrjr to buy Furniture, they always inqvlef or McCarty Furuiiure Store! Sect. 20 DO.VT rOOI, YOUIt MONEY away fur worthless articles of Fumi ure, but go to WcCarly's, and you will pet W11 Pi?i(L,r j1' Sept. 26, 87. BLANK MORTGAGE For sale at this Office. MO.MtOK COIISTV ANKI STKOUDSBURG, PA. ON THE FIRST OF APRIL, 1871, THIS BA.2STK will commence paying Interest on DAILY DEPOSITS, at the rate of Four Per Cent SUBJECT TO CHECK AT SIGHT. Accounts rendered, and interest credited monthly. SEVEN PER CENT INTEREST PAID on permanent deposits, as heretofore. Checks on all parts of the Country COLLECTED Free olCost for Depositors. DEAFTS FOR SALE ON England and Ireland. All deposits in this Bank are secured by Bond, with securiety to Thos. M. Mcllha ney. Trustee, in trust for Depositors, which bond is recorded in the proper office. THOS. A. BELL, Cashier. March 16, 1871 ly. p S. WILLIAMS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, MAIN-ST, STOUDSBURG, PA. Locatpd in corner building, third door be low the Jeffersonian office. Room handsome ly fitted up, and heavily stocked with the fi nest assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers No tions, &c, ever offered in this section of countiy. A full assortment of Spectacles, of the best quality, and suited to all ages, always on sale. Silver-ware, and Silver Plated ware, al ways on hand at manufacturers prices. 0ORepairing neatly executed, and char ges extremely moderate. Calls from the public respectfully solicited. Sole Agent for the celebrated Diamond Spectacles. November 5th, 1863 ly. NEW STORE -:at:- REDUCED PRICES ! DARIUS DREHER, begs leave to an nounce to his friends and and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a general assortment of Dry Good, otionsy Dress Trimmings, AND MILL 1XEH Y GOOD S consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : Calicoes, Latent, French Chintz, Children's Dress Goods, Worked Kdyinys, Parasols, Zcphers, Shetland Woofs, Shetland Wool Shawls, Delaines, Muslins, White Dress Good, Inserting, Lady's and Children's Sachs Flannel and Cloth, Lady's, Misses and Men's JIocs, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, d-c, fr., Goods shown with pleasure. "Quicks sales and small profits" at the old and well known Millinery Stand of F. A. DREHER, The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Dreuer. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREHER, April 26, 1866. A FULL ASSORTMENT -ft- OF HOME MADE CHAIRS Always on haod at SAMUEL S.LEE'S New Cabinet Shop, Franklin Street Stroudibirg, Penn'a In rear of Stroudsbarg Bank. April 0,71.--ly. DON'T FORGET that When you want any thing in the Furniture or Ornamental line that McCarty, in the Odd-Fellows Hall, Main Street, Strouds burg, Pa., is the place to get it. Sept. 20 Court Proclamation. IVAereo. the Hon. Sam tin. nemm. President Judge oftbe22d Judicial Districtof renn&yivama, composed of the counties of nr . . vayr.e, rike, Monroe and Carbon, and The odore Schoch and John De Young, Esqr's Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Monroe, and by vir tue of their offices. Justices of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delive ry and Court of General Quarter Sessions in and for the said County of Monroe, have is sued their PreceDt to me com mam! in or that a Court of Quarter Sessions, of the Peace and common fleas., and Uourt of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery and Or phan's Court, for the said Countv nf Monroe. to be holden at Slroudeburg, on MONDAY, the 25A day of September, 1871, to continue one week, if necessary. NOTICE Is hereby given to the Cononer, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the said coun ty of Monroe, that they be then and there ready with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and other remembrances to do those things which their offices are nnnertai. ning, and also that those who are bound by recognizances to prosecute and trive evidence against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jai! of the said county of Monroe, or a gainst persons who stand charged with the commission oi onences to be then and there to prosecute or testify as shall be just. (uod save the Commonwealth.) PETER MERWINE. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office Stroudsburg, ) Aug. 31, 1871. 0. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher PHOENIX (2 doors west of the "Jefiersonian Office,") ELIZABETH STREET, Stroudsburgr, Pa., DREHER & BRO., DEALERS IX Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery ami Toilet Articles. 3?aiixts, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS & PUTTY. Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seeley's Hard Rl'HIlER TRUSSES Also Hitter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burniner auu j-iurjricaung uns. Physicians' Preacrintions carefnllv Com pounded. N. H. The highest Cash price paid for OIL of WINTERGREEN. may 4-tf. CHRISTIAN HILLER, Jlas Fitted up His Excellent DILLAKU, EAT I Ad AM RGKR SALOON, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. 07" He now extends an invitation to all his friends and former customers to call at his old place of business. Here they can drink of his delightful beverages: Lugcr ISecr, Porter, Ale, IKIiiuc Wine, Ac., Ac. and eat of his superior Cheese, Oysters, Ac, Ac. OCT" Minors not allowed to visit his Sa loon. june 22-'71-tf. Notice! Notice!! To all Whom it may Concern ! 1 1 The undersigned, having gone into the Broom Business, would notify the public, most respectfully, that he is prepared, with the best and latest improved machinery, and the best quality of material, to manufacture Brooms, Whists, and Small Brooms for children, in a manner superior to any thing in that line ever offered for sail in Monroe County at wholesale and retail, a little below city prices. He is also pre pared to furnish to order, at short notice Broom Machines, Handles, Wire & Twine all of the best, and worrntcd to give satisfac tion. The use of one of my Brooms will set tle the fact, beyond all dispute, that better can be obtained from me. than can be pro cured in the city. To the Farmers of Monroe County, he would say that they can now find a home market for all the broom Corn they can raise, and each former should strive to raise enough for his own use and have 6ome left to tell. Those desiring seed to plant can alway find an abundance of the best quality of Seed by calling on the undersigned. The undersigned will, also, attend to SAW FILING at the shortest possible notice, and from bis experience in this branch of business, he flatter himself that he-ea nnot fail lo give perfect satisfaction. Befure "purchasing elsewhere, persans will most certainly advance their interests by calling and examining my stock of Brooms. 05 Country Produce taken in exchange. Don't forget the place, on Franklin Street, opposite Wm. Huntsman's Livery Stable. A. It. CARMEit, March 16, '7L tf. DRUG STORE, The National " Store STILL AHEAD, ASD W HY IS IT, Because You Can Get Good Goods Cheap There. The finest stock of clothing ever brought to STROUDSBURG, CAN BE SEEX AT THE NATIONAL STORE. The styles of coats are Dress, Frock, Walking, Derby and Sack. All Wool Scotch Chcvoit Suits from 14 to 18. All Wool, Scotch, from 517 lo $20. A fine lot of Basket Cass. Suits fi-mn SI 7 to $20, and many other styles of Cass, suits. Also French, Kuglish, Trivcot, De Skin and Blue Navv Suits. A fim Int. nf hinon Suits and White Duck and Marsailles Vests. A splendid lot of elotbinsr for BOYS, from a years, upwards. All the latest styles of HATS AND CATS. The very latest BROADWAY styles of uosiuier Silk Hats can be obtained at The National Store. Also a fine lot of Silk, Fur (lossimer and ool Hats of the latest styles. A snlended lot of brown and white STRAW HATS A fine lot of silk cassiuier and cloth caps of the latest styles. A large lot of Ladies and (rents furnish ing goods, comprising liosiery and O loves for both Ladies and Gents'. Overalls and Shirts. . A lot of White-plaid and Striped blurts of the Monitor, Mauhattan and Cen tral Park Manufacture. Handkerchiefs, lace collars, linen collars and cuffs, needle- worked ; six thousand of the latest styles of paper and cloth-laced collars on hand, the Marquis of Loran, Galaxy, Roman and Cra vot collars, Prize collars new style, are the latest out, all of which can be obtained at TIIK NATIONAL STORE. An endless variety of Gents cravats from 10 cents to $1.25. Splendid lot of sleeve buttons, studs and collar buttons; gents' linen collars and cuffs. Ladies corsets from 75 cents to $1.00. A very nice lot of Dress goods, such as alapacasj peccails, lusters, traveling goods, &c. Prints of the best, only 12 cents, mus lins 10-4 sheeting and ticking. Particular attention paid to custom work. The latest styles you can select from a laige lot of samples. Anything you desire we war rant a good fit. Call and see the samples before purchasing elsewhere. X. RUSTER, Proprietor of THE NATIONAL STORE, ?IAIi St., Stroiitlsburg, la. may 4-tf. NOW IS THE TIME TO tSK Yoiiatt's Condition Ponder. In the Fall and Winter when your cows give but little milk this powder is sure to increase Jie quantity and improve "the qual ity. For horses, it increases the appetite, promotes digestion, exhilcrates the spirits, renders the coat soft and shining. For Hogs one package in your swill barrel will hasten the fattening process at least' 100 percent. This powder has proved an excellent article for sheep. Be sure you get the Genuine Youatt's Condition Powder, MANUFACTURED BY WILLIAM HOLLINSHEAD, All othpr is a counterfeit. See that the name of WM. HOLLINSHEAD is on each package and buy no other. Warranted to oai3 satisfaction or the money refunded. Nov. 19, 'C8 WM. HOLLINSHEAD. NEW FIRM. The undersigned having formed a co-partnership, under the firm name of Burt &. Her zog, for the purpose of carrying on the Brew ing business, at East Stroudsburg, Pa., would respectfully inform the public that they will be-able, all tunes, to furnish to or der, a pure article of ALE at short notice. Their stock of material be ing the best live City affords, none but the purest and best malt liquors will be permit ted to leave their establishment. They re spectfully solicit, the patronage of the pub lic. JOHN BURT, JACOB F. HERZOG. East Stroudsburg, Pa. Dec. 1, 1870. Found out why people go to McCarty's to eret tlueir furniture, because he buys it at the Ware Rooms of Ijee & Co. and sells it at an advance of only twenty-two and tiro ninth per vent. Or in other words, Rocking Chairs that he buys of Lee & Co. (through the runners he don't have) for $4,50 he sells for $5,50. Pay him to Lin some, qoml Fur viture. LEE & CO. Stroudoburg, Aug. IS, IS 70. tf. A YOUTHFUL MONSTROSITY. A Boy With the Instincts of a Dog and a Hog He Eats Raw Meat and Drinks Blood. A warrant was sworn out yesterday be fore Justice Dyer, for the arrest of Ira Gavitt, of the town ol Summit, for assault and battery upon William Henry Forbes, a boy whom he has employed upon his farm. The complant alleged that Gavitt was wont to chaiu the boy up in a room, and otherwise misuse him. The warrant was placed in the hands of Policemen Pierson and Gilson, who proceeded to Summit and arrested Mr. Gavitt. 3Ir. Pierson went to the field to serve the warrant, while Mr. Gilson remained be hind to watch the boy, who was supposed to have been tampered with on a previous occasion, he refusing to appear against Mr. Gavitt when a similar warrant had been issued. While conversing with the lad and Mrs. Gavitt, Mr. Gibson was informed by the latter that the boy possessed a very peculiar and strange appetite, being al ways hungry, and, unless watched, eating everything of an edible nature that he could get his hands on. To show his ability in this line, the boy was given a raw egg, which he crushed in his mouth and swallowed shell aud all. Mr. Gavitt then gave him two quarts of bread and milk, which he devoured. Mr. Gavitt came in with Mr. Pierson at this point, and, in obedience to Forbes' request, pre pared 8 half dozen raw eggs, which he ate in the same manner as an egg-suck- inj dog, working the shell out of or his mouin. is a Dreaming spell, ne now 1 4 1 took a large ear of corn, which was fol lowed by a sauce dish full of sauce, sev eral cucumbers, and a large slice of pork. Tho officers interfered and would not al low him to cat more. Mrs. Gavitt says that he eats all the raw eggs he can get hold of, and that whenever a chicken was killed, be would seize the fowl and suck the blood Cowing from the neck. Two years ago, while killing a cow, Mr. Gavitt left the boy to watch the carcass while he was away for a little while. He returned in twenty minutes, and found that little Forbes had licked the blood entirely from the hide which had just been taken off the animal. , While in the court-room, the boy asked Mr. Gibson to get him some raw meat. He procured him something over a pound, which he devoured as greedily as a vul ture, and then asked for a couple of quarts of blood to wash it down. The officer said he could not get any, but that he would have some to-day. Forbes was sixteen years old last April, although he does not appear to be more than twelve. He is the son of a quad room and a Scotchman. He has not a single African feature, his hair being of the color of faded tow and straight as an Indian'b, and his eyes being blue. His features are screwed up into a peculiarly wolfish, hungry expression, which would cause one to look at him more than once. We asked Mr. Gavitt what was the big gest meal the boy ever ate, and he inform ed us that while killing hogs once, he de voured raw three "belly-pieces" and three pints of fresh lard. This monstrosity is certainly the con necting link in the Drawinian chain. Mr. Gavitt says that he shall endeavor to send the boy to Lansing, as he can do nothing with him. He is obliged to chain him up to protect his property and keep enough food on hand lor his family. Jackson Citizen, Aug. 17. Goats and Rats. A correspondent of the Gcrmantown Telegraph Fays : llcing sadly plagued with rats about my house and farm build ings, I tried in vaiu to catch them ; they arc to cunniug to be trapped, aud to lay poison I dare not for fear of killing my dogs, cats and hogs, and to wait for them with a gun was a loss of too much time, though I have dropped three at a shut. At last I purchased two goats, which I kept about my fold, barn and stables, the pigpens being iu the fold. In a short time all the rats emigrated they evacua ted the place, cleared right out, every Jack of them, and I have not seen a siu gle rat about the place for upwards of three years, but my ueighbors who are within eighty rods have plenty of all sizes and ages. Perhaps it is not generally known that where there are many horses stabled together,' very little sickness pre vails if there is a goat kept about the yard and stables. . A Useful Table. To aid farmers in arriving at accuracy in estimating the amount of land in differ ent fields under cultivation, the following table is given by an rgricultural cotempo rary : Five yards wido by 978 yards loug con tains ooc acre. Tcu yards wide by 484" yards long con tains oue acre. Twenty yards wide by 242 yard long, contains one acre. Forty yards wide by 121 yard Ion contains one acre. Nietuark's new estate, given hit by the j Emperor fr his services latelyrhas an area oi cigmy equara uiucs auu tuuiaiua twenty-three villages. A funeral procession in Massaehusctts, on- reaching the cemetery, found the un dertaker and his assistaut both too drunk to attend to their duties. Subordinate Officers Senate, Session 1870. We give below a list of the subordinate officers of the Senate in 1870, when the Senate was Republican, and a similar list for the Senate of 1871, which was Demo cratic. Compare the two. The lists speak for themselves : 1 One Chief Clerk. 2 Two Assistant Clerk. 5 Five Transcribing Clerks. 1 One Sergeant-at-Arms. 3 Three Assistant Sergeaat at-Arais 1 Ono Doorkeeper. 2 Two Assistaat Doorkeepers. 1 One Keeper of Speaker's room- 1 One Messenger. 2 Two Assistant Messengers. 1 One Librarian. 1 Oue Chaplain. 1 One Postmaster. 1 Oue Marshal rotunda. G Six Pages. 1 One Superintendent Folding lloccov 5 Five Pasters and Folde7s. 1 One Engineer. 1 One Fireman. 1 One Janitor. 38 Total amoant paid officers of Senate, session 1870, $26,460.65. Total expenses, session 1870, Senate. 592,260.35. Officers of the Senate, Session. 1871. 1 One Chief Clerk. 3 Three Assistant Clerks. 5 Five Transcribing Clerks. 1 One Sergeant-at-Arms. 3 Three Assistant Sergeants-at-Jirms, 1 Ons Messenger. 2 Two Assistant Messengers. 1 One Doorkeeper. 3 Three Assistant Doorkeepers, 1 One Keeper Rotunda. 1 Oue Postmaster. 1 One Chaplain. 1 One Keeper Speaker's Raom. 1 One Supt. Folding Department- 8 Eight Pasters and Folders. 3 Three Firemen. 1 Oue Watchman. 1 One Laborer. 1 One Janitor. 9 Nine Pages, 1 One Librarian. 1 One Assistant Librarian. 49 Total amount paid officers ef Senate Session 1871, 47,904.50. Total expenses of Session 187IrSenater thus far paid, 140,757.68. Care of Heroes. A celebrated writer eays : All horses must not be fed in the same proportions,, without regard to their ages, their con stitutions, and their work, because the impropriety of such a practice is self evident. Yet it is coustaotly done, and i the basis of diseases of every kind. Never use bad hay on- acuouat of ih cheapness, because there is not proper nourishment ia it. Damaged corn is exceedingly injurious, because it brings on inflammation of the bowels and skin- diseases. Chaff is better for old horses than hay, because they can chew and digest it bet ter. Mix chaff with corn or beans, and' do not give the latter alone, because it makes the horse chew his food more, and digest it better. Hay or grass alone will not support a horse under hard work, because there is uot sufficient nutritive body iu tither. Whn a horse is worked hard its food should chiefly be oats; if nod worked hard, its food should chiefly be hay, be cause oats supply more nourishment and flesh-making material than any other kind; of food : hay not so much. For a saddle or coach horse,, half a peck of sound oats, aud eighteen pounds of good bay, are sufficient. If the hay is not good, add a quarter of a peck more oats. A horse which works harder may have rather more cf each. One that works little should have less. Rack feedisg is wasteful. The better plan is to feed with chopped hay, from a manger, because the food is not then thrown about, and is more easily chewed and digested. Sprinkle the hay with water that has salt dissolved in it, because it is pleasing, to the animal's taste, and more easily di gested. A tcaspoonful of salt in a buck et of water is sufficient. Oats should be bruised for an old horser but not for a young one, because the for mer, through age and defective teeth,, cannot chew them properly ; the young horse can do so, and they aso thus pro perly mixed with the saliva and turned! into wholesome nutriment. How to Get Rid of Fleas. Mr. Ely said, at the last meeting of the New York Farmers' Club, that there are two or three substances that are obnoxious to the flea he doesn't liU the smell of them, or thsy remind him of something he doesn't like to think aboat these are carbolic acid and sulpher. If you want a barn thoroughly purged oi weevil, or Hce, or flea, the best way i to fumigate w,tn sulpher. JJut if you white-wash all around the stables and posts of the yard' with a wash made by adding carbolic acid to the lime, it will drive iuo& of these pests away. Washing an aaimat thud 'infested with crubolic soap suds will give it relijf.