NEW STORE -:axd:- NEW. GOODS REBUCEf)' PRICES ! DARIUS DREIIER, legs leave to an- ncuncc to his friends and and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a general assortment of Dry Goods, rTotions, Dress Trimmings, AM MILL1XJJ11Y GOODS consisting, in p::rt of the following desirable article, viz. : ' Go I tCOi'S, 2. a tens, . French Chintzs, Children's Dress Goods, Worked Dd'jiiifs, J'arasols, Zfplirrs, Shetland Woofs, Shetland Wool Shawls, Delaines, JIuslins, Wit it c Dress Goods, Insert iitgs, Lady's and Children's Saclcs Fla nwl and Cloth. Lady's, Misses and lien's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, jiourning Goods, Shroudiins, tt'C, tf'C, Goods shown with pleasure. ''Quick? sales and small profits" at the old and well known Millinery Stand of F. A. DREIIER, The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Dreiier. Patronage respectty solicited. DARIUS DREIIER. April 20, 16(56. GO TO J. 2. SIcCAKTY'S, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, MAIN ST., STtt 0 UDSlitR G, PA., a r.d Buy your Ft) 21 ) ITU IS CAE: PETS, OS'.-CLGTEIS, RIGS, was DOW SSSAUES, CUllTAlTiS & FIXTUISES, TABLE CT.OT52S, &c, and eive At rp-r wo Profits. As McGtrty buyp, direct from the manufac turer, 11. r cash (not GO dayt), he can sell you MURE FURNITURE, OF A BETTER QUALITY, AND FOR LESS MONEY I ha n you can buy at :ctail either in city or country, and every article if warranted lobe os rrpret-cnled. Sept. 26. 1807. Ayer's Cathartic Pill For all iledicino. the purposes of a Laxative Perhaps no one medi cine i 6j universally re quircil by every boily as a cathartic, nor'wn. ever any boibre so universal ly alo;tel into use, m e very cuuutry ami anion;' all cla-scs, as this wild Vrnt eilioiiiiit iurg,:iUve I'M. The oln kiis iv:i son is, tli at it 'u a uioi e re- i -, li.l.l. ...., .. ......... iPZS-k JT' tual reniijilv than any other. Those who have tried it, know th:tt it curel t!is:n: who have Tiot, know that it -res iheir neighbors aiU l'ricii:l, ftii'l ail know th:it w hat it Iocj oii5c it l es alway. that it never tut tiirouira uy fault or nejdet toi" hi efir'ot;iti)n. We have thousamU upou tli.iu mtvls of ccrtiu.'utes of tiii:ii-rvmarka.bie cure of tlie f.IIoviatf fomiilain!..?, but tuch cures ani kuowu in c vn-y ii(:vhhfrh.n.l, an I we neeil not jnibliMi them. Ailni-tcii to all litres an J con.liiioni i' itll clin::te- ; rontiiiiiin:; neither e:i!ruicl or ai)y deleterious ilrt:pr, they may te taken with safety by nnyholy. Their f uirar e-natin preserves them ever fresh aful makes them pleasant to take, while bein. purely vegetable no harm ean arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by tiieir powerful influen-e on'thc Internal viscera to purifv the Mao'l anil stimiilati- it into healthy action rciuove the obstructions of the Hortnif.-h, bowels, liver, aii"t ther orsrans of t.'ie lioily, retr)rirlpr their irregular action tj he-ilth, and by rorreclinir, wherever taey eist, fucli derauje luer.ti as a-e the first origin of !:.-.e.t-o. Jlimite lirections aro yiven io the wrnpjier on tn- box, for the following complaiiits, v.'luea tliesa WW r ini.lly cure: t or lS.):;ii or Cn-ilieatioii, I.itlr. 1 mzuor and JL of Aptcit. they thoult be taken nioileratelv to stimulate the btom ach ami restore its healthy tone and action. t or I.ivr Ci,iJ;;ii an 1 ir vrjou pvmp tn, liiliou 19a!a(hr. KeaSacIte, Jaundice or ru fticbnt, IJilfuus Colic and IJiliom ie evr, tliey fchould be ju diciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For It rMfuft r.r or Dirriu.a, but ono mild uoe ia (.nerally required. For i:hiiuiatUfii, ont. Grarrl, Palftl tittion of the IScart, lain iu te feirte, Jiuck a;id they should be continuously tnken, as reiniired, to chajipre the diseased action o'f t.;e syneiu. Wah bitch c!ia.ufc-e tlioso complaints For t )ro;r and trop.icaI Kw-IMfi- they , ,tv'k?Ii iu 1;'c au,i liequoot doses to pro-flB'-.c the effect of a drastic purjje. ulIr:.a larj'e doec should be taken tt produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a Ituftirr Fill, take one or two I'Uls to pro mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often adi vanUiKecus where no Kcrinu3 deransrement exists Ojie wii. !-.,.s tolnrav.l, oflen findsJhat a dose or these i'illa makes him feel decidedly letter, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the dhrc3. live apparatus. b JJJ. J. C. A.YER & CO., Practical Chemito, LOWELL. MA.8S., U. S. A. Sold hy W. IIOLLINSIIFAD, Strouds- ..... ' bur?, and all Uruggiots and all dealers in Medicine every-where. riage Making. The undersigned takes this method of iDtormiuL' the public, that he still con tinues the above business iu all its branches at his old Ktacd. on Franklin street. oirouasburg, l'a., where he will be hap py to receive orders for work in his line, including general Wheelwrightizig, Blacksmith lug, Painting, Trimming, &c. His Etock, of the test quality of seasoned lumber is large and very complete; and as has a full force of first class workmen ia all the tranches, he flatters himself that he is fully prepared to accomodate all who favor him with orders, and guaran tee entire satisfaction. Kepairiag promptly attended to W.M. HUNTSMAN. July 28, 1870. i t I - Cai HOOPER & McLEAN'S The undersigned hiving been appointed Agent fur the Counties of Monroe. Pike and Wayne, for the sale of this decidedly the best SEWING MACHINE in the world, is offering them to the public at prices within the ranre of all who desire to possess an A. No. 1 Machine. Per.-ons wishing to pur chase will greatly advance tiieir interests by calling upon h:rn at his residence on Cen ter street, od hone above Matluck's Hard ware Store. Parties from abroad desiring information wiil please address GEO. SWARTWOOD, Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pa Price 810. February 23, 1671. Cm. UNDERTAKING. McCARTY has on hand the largest and ,,vA' best assortment of COFFINS and r ivir.p.;V-A-;4fts t to be found outside of either city (New York or Philadelphia), and will mke this branch of his business A SPECIALITY. COFFINS and CASKETS of any size or style, can be furnished at one hour's notice for shipment, at a charge of oxe-third LESS THAN ANY SHOP I.N StKOUDSBURG III nocase will he charge more than TEN PER CENT above actual ccst. attended to in any p.irt of the County at the shortest possible notice. Sept. 26 ,'67 LOOK THIS WAY, ALL AVnO WANT. Carriage Work cr Blacksnithins: DOXE IN A SUPERIOR MANREN! THE Subscriber begs leave to in form the public that he is fully pre- Vpured, at his establishment, at the corner of Simpsou and Sarah streets, in the borouiih of StrouJsbur' to make to order, every style ol Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the shortest possible notice, and ou the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint cd in the best style ol the art. ijaviag cr.-L-ci::ss material always on hand, and none but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that none but Srst class work vail be turned out at his shop. In connection with his Carriage Shop ne lias el.-o a JJlacksmitu bhop, where superior workmen wnl tilwsys be found ready to attend to the orders of customers The public are invited to cull and ex amine his stock before purchase:; else where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. September Id, lfc'J7.-tf. MON110E COUNTY Hutn a! Fire Insurance Company 1 1 ' CHARTER PERPETUAL. Amount of Property Insured $1,800,00, The rate of Insurance in this Company is one dollar for ererj thousand dollars in sured, after which payment no further char ges will be made, except to cover actual lose by nre that may fall upon members of the Company. The policies issued by this Company are perpetual, and aflord the luJJest security, with the largest economy and convenience an.; . i . - ... . a mo cum puny win noi issue Tanneries Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. Applications for Insurance may be made io eiuier oi inc an;,gergj Purveyors or ec retary. MANAGERS. J. Depue Labar, . Jacob Knecht. Richard fc. Staples, John Edinger, Silas L. Drake, Francis Ilagerman, Charles D. CrodLead, Jacob Slouli'er uouert isoys, J heodore Schwh, William Wallace, Thomas W. Rhodes. Stodell Stokes, STOGDELL STOKES, President. E. B. DaEiiEK, Secretary and Treasurer. Silas Lw Drake, Monroe co. Melchoir Sprugle, " Peter Gilbert, Geo. (1. Shu ter, Tho. W. Rhodes, Surveyors. F. A. Oppelt, Wayne co. I. II. Wells, Pike co. lich'd Camden, Northampton. Sam'l Ziegenfus, Carbon. OCT" The fetated mectinjr ef the board of Managers takes place at the Secretary's of fice, ou the first Tuesday of each mouth, at 4 O OiOCK if, l lVt... ' . jJl. A I Ayer's air vi For restoring Gray Hair lo its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which ia at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and frcshiiess. of yoidh. Thin hair is thick an ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cure'd by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicIe3 arc destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such a3 remain can bo Eaved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional uso will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long ou (he hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists. LOWELL, MASS. pmcf. ei.oo. Sold by V. IIOLLINSI1EAD, Strouds burg, acd all Druggists and all deailers in Medicine everywhere. NOW IS THE TIME TO USE Vi.nrAV Coisditaoii Powder. In the Fall and Winter when your cows give but little milk this powder is sure to Increase "Jie quantity and improve the qual ity. For horses, it increases the appetite, promotes digestion, exhilerates the spirits, renders the coat soft and shining. For IIos one package in your swill barrel will hasten the fattening process at least 100 per cent. This powder has proved an excellent article for sheep. Bo sure you get the Genuine Yonatt's Condition Powder, MANUFACTURED BY WILLIAM IIOLLESIIEAS), All other is a counterfeit. See that the name of XV M. I10LLINS1IEAD is on each package and buy no other. Warranted to 3AiS satisfaction or the money refunded. Nov. 19, 'GS WM. IIOLLINSUEAD. Itch.! Itch.! Itch! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! USE HOLLLXSIIEAB'S ITCH t SALT RHEUM 0IXHE5T. No Family should be without this valua ble medicine, for on the first appearance of the disorder on the wrists, betweeu the fin gers, &c, a slight application of the Oint ment will cure it, and prevent its beinj ta ken by others. Warranted to give satisfaction or money reJunded. Prepared and told, wholesale and retai by W. IIOLLINSUEAD, gtroiidi-burg, Oct. 3l,'fJ7. Druggist THE WORLD RENOWNED WHEELER & WILSON Lock Stitch Sewing Machines ! OVER 550,000 IN USE. 1st premium over the whole world! LONDON - . - 1862 PARIS - - - 18G7. 82 MACHINES COMPETING. THE WHEELER & WILSON MA CHINE has received the highest premiums at all the important Fairs held in Europe and America, the awards being made by men of the highest standing and capable of giving an intelligent decision. Sold on the Lease plan, $10 per month. Instructions given at the residence of the purchaser without extra charge. Call and see these unrivaled Machines in operation, by the agent, at WASHINGTON HOTEL, Stroudsbur"". Pa. February 23, 1871 Cm. DO.Vl' FORGET that when you want any thing in the Furniture or Ornamental line that McCarty, in the Udd-illows' Hall, Main Street, Strouds burS, Pa., is,tthc place to get it. Sept. 20 gov, I Ik A GSEAT KEDiOAL DISCOVERY Dr. WAIXEE'3 CALXFOSNIA YINEG-AB. BITTERS Hundreds cf Thousands 2a a a Bear testimony to tholr Wonder ? 2. sr ful curauve r.iiecis. a s ' i WHAT ARE THEY? g O 3 l o H o o II FANCY DRINK. ? lSAe ef Poor Rnm. "Whiskey, Proof Bplrlta . nnd Itefase XJanora doctored, eplced and iweefc- ened to please the taste, called " Tonics," "Appctlx- ors," "BeBtorcrB," AC, ttiat lead tba tippler on to drunkenness and rain, but are a true Medicine, msdo from the Native Boots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. Thoyare the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE a perfect Benovator and Xnrlgorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. Ko person can tae these Clttcrs according to direc tion and remain long nnwelL SlOO vlllbe giTenforan Incurable case, prorldsd the bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the TlUl organs wasted beyond tho point of repair. For Inflammatory and Cbronle Rhcamsv tlsm and Goat Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Ferers Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most success ful. Bach Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which la generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION', Head ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs. Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Cad taste in the ilouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain in the regions of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulato tho tor pid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled edeacy In cleansing tho blood of all impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor to tho wholo system. FOR SHIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Bhccm, Blotches, Spots, rimplcs, rustulcs, Boils, Car buncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-llead, Sore Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Homers cud Diseases of the Lkin, of whatever nnma or nature, arc literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short tne by the uae of these Bitters. One bottle la such will convince the most incredulous cf thoir curative cllcct. Cleanse tha Vitiated Blood whenever yoa find Its Impurities bursting through tho ckia In rimplcs. Erup tions cr Sores ; cleanse It when you find it obstructed and sluggish la tho veins ; clcanso It when it is foul. and your feelings will tea you when. Keep the blood pure and tho health of the system wiil follow. TIN, TAPE and other WORKS, lurking In the system of so many thousands, arc effectually destroy ed and removed. Tor full directions, read carcfuUy tne circular around each botUo, printed la four lan guages x-iigllsh, German, French and Sponlch. J."WALHEIi, Proprietor. E. II. HcDOXALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal, tad S2 and 34 Commerce Stroct, New York. C37-EOLD BY ALL D3UGGIST3 AND DEALEES. October 20, 1870. ly. SAMUEL HOOD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in COOK&PARLOZi STOVES,! TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Metal House Furnishing Goods GENERALLY. Roofing and Spouting done oa short notice, with the Lest material, 1 m ' una at reasonable prices. TT- n I. liis ock: ot Cook, l'arlor and Office Stoves ciuonicea au me uest varieties kuown to the tr.idrt. I CALL AND SEE. o i.-iv i , kjioiu luxru uuimin?, apovc tnc Metliodist vi:uilii. a'juiu sirecr. i STROUDSBURG, PA. August 4, 1870. tf. Harness (fc Saddlery. mi , . . I ifje aDove business has ajrain been re- eumed at the old stand, lately swept away by the late flood, near Baldwin's Hotel, in Stroudsburg, where will be kept constantly on hand the best assortment of Iarncss, double and single, Saddles, Bridles, Collors, and every other article uuaely furnished in - - uu.oo. uijk niiiuc iu uruer nn tU chnrto.l nni;,. Al ... ...w M..w..wk ..v,w.w. aotsui luieni I Ui Mouiltinars and Saddlnrv Hnrrl. WarG .1 I i ii . . I always on nana, vau and make your own election, and it will be furnished in style and price not to be excelled in this market. Strict attention paid to repairing and done in shortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O. BAYLOR. Agent f.r PETER CRUVEf? October 6 1870. tf ip g r SIS wwB cf THEY ABE JT0T A VTLE 2 S ihi (7 1, i H WW Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RAILROAD. Summer Arrangement from May 1, 71, Passenger Depots in New York, FOOT OF BARCLAY AND CHRISTOPHER STS Trains Leave WESTWARD. EASTWARD. n o 3 O C p.m.ip m j 4.00 8.(K), Leave. Arrive. n.m.;p. in.! a m New York lloboken, 1'iiltei son, Hoont-n, Dover Hncketstown Washington Xew Hampton Ox fold, Bridacville 3.15 .l-2j 3 oo y.oo; 4.15! 81V 4.531 H.S.t 5.25 9.25 5.47 W.47 6.2fi!l0.!2 6.511 1 111.511 .2510 65 "021 1 1.112 7.12ill.l2 2.22; 8.22 10 7.50 1.29 7.29 12.491 0.49 ? "5 5 S Ulions. "5 - s mJ5 a, - 3WJ3 " 12.30 0.3( 12.45 6.47 12.12 6.13 12 02 H.5C 5.59 4.30 10-45 3.12 8.53 12.50 6-43 11.50 4.53 11.42 5.44 11.28 5.31 11.15 5.20 4.45 11 -04 4.20 10.54 4.00 10.40 3.30 10.26 3.00 .1' IMS MANUNKACH UNK 3.00 4.07 7.00 8.10 Philadelphia, Trenton, Phillipsburg, Delaware, Mount Bethel Water Gap. STROUDSHURG Sprugurville, Henrvville, Oakland, Forkc, Tobyhanna, Oould.sboro'. Moscow, Dunning, SCRANTON, Clark's Summit, Abington. Bailey Hollow, Factoiyville, Nicholson. Ilopliottnin, Montrose, New Milford, Great Bend, ronklin. Binghamton, Syracuse Oswrgo :henango Forks Greene Oxfurd Norwich Hherburil e Vtica 6.23:10.20 7.23: 11.84 7.30! 1 1 .3- 7.43)11.45 7.56 11 5S 12 03 12 45 I C5 1 40 8.i5 e.i 8.451 9.02 12.59 9.131 I. in 9.30 ; 1.28 9.30 1.3fi 2 15 lO.OSi 4 23 9-5C 4.12 9.34 3.54 3.45 3.30 3.10 3.43 2.31 2.15 2.0U 1 42 1.25 9.25 9.00 8.50 8.32 10.05 10.15 10.33 10.42 10.47 10.5S 8.00 2.10 2 2ft 2.43 8 55 8.4 8.19 H.0K 7.51 7.36 7.15 6.5 11.16! 3 10 11.33i 3.25 II 53; 3.43 12.11 4.00 4.14 4.27 4.45 8.10 9.45 5.25 5.45 6.22 6.45 7.15 9.20 12. 2fi 18. 40 1.00 6-44! 1.1 1 6 30!I2.59 6.10!l2.-oj 9 I'tl; 7.001 11.55 11.30 10.53 10.35 10.03 7.50 p.m. p. m. 'Arriev. Leave. a. ra. a. m. p.m Trains do not stop at Stations where the Time is omitted. connections: At NEW HAMPTON, with Central R. R. of New Jersey, for Elizabeth, Plainfield, Somerville, etc. At MAN UNK A CHUNK, with Belvidere Delaware R. R., for Trenion, Phiilipsbur"; and Philadelphia making close connections for Baltimore and Washington. At SCRANTON, with Lackawanna and Bloomsburo; R.R., and Delaware and Hudson Canal's R. R., for Pitt ston, Kingston, Wilkes barre, Pimouth, Berwick, Bloomsbtirg, Dan ville, INorthumberland, Olyphant, Archibald and Carbondale. AT BINGHAMTON with Syracuse, Binghamtion & New York It. R., for Cort land, Homer, Marathon, Tully, Syracuse, Oswego, etc. With the Albany and Susque hanna R. R., for Albany and the North. With the Utica &, Chenango Division, for Greene, Oxford, Norwich, Richfield Springs and Utica. With fhe Erie Railway, for the North and West. The New York Day Express, on the latter, leaves Binghamton at 4:o'J p. m., connecting at Owego with our Cayuga Division, for Spencer Springs, unaca, ana intermediate Stations. Alt oxlciisivc lot of STOVES of all descriptions hive been received nr tne store of the subscriber, in the borough oi btroudscurg. He has COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES of the latest improvements: and entim npw styles, and considerable saving of fuel, which can be had at the lowest City prices. Also, an Kinus oi Stove-DPipe. aoeui uiieiu oi or pv. ery description, constantly on hand, which win De soia at wholesale and retail, as rea sonable as can be had in the Cilv. All kinds of repairing done in the shortest, cheapest and best mannnr. Cnll n,i .. ... .utll- ,ne nls slck before you purchase els where eo- L WM, S.FLORY . "1 v ,u WUU1. The subscribers would inform tlm r..,k'; .. . KViu.iv VCf rtspecuuny, mat they are carrying-on "w their old stand, one door aWn hr S. Walton's Office, on Elizabeth st. Strmwts. burg, Pa., where they will be happy to wan. uu uieir oiu customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient tn mil They have on hand a tronA arrortmpnl nf - i"( w .. v v. BOOTS &. SHOES. for men, women, misses' and childrens' wear, Gum over Shoesand Sandals for men, youth and misses. A general assortment of Lasts and Boot-Trees, shoe Thread, Wax, Heel laus, rincers, Punches, Eyclettsand Eye lett Setts, Pegs and Pesr-Cuttcrs. Shoe Ham. mers, Crimping Boards and Screws, also. li. ning and binding skins, a cood nrti.i r - ... " xampico uooiJMorocco, French Moroccoand i ienuu va6Kins, casting and all kinds of onoemaker tool?, ink Powder and Shoe Blacking, and Frank Miller's water-nroof uia-iniiir. iii or wnifn than r r.,- ii 1 " bio uioiuttu uuvance upon cost. Give us a can, no cnargea lor showino-iroods. . 1 0-lioo and Shoes made to order and - - o r warranted. CHARLES Waters Jb. snv O. 1 , . " 1 ouuebnrff Jan. 1 13CG. CAN YOU TELL WHY IT IS that when - v u UUO" burg to buy Furniture, they always inquier lor McCartys Furniture Store! Sept. 26. JOB PRINTING, of all kinds neatly ex. ccutcd at this office. f :.jT7'irf,.. r. , i -. . m UNION MOWING MACHINE, f if T-rr mTTi-VTTO A "KTTA fill rpiTT?iiT i-t i Is the heighest of perfection. Light, eaw draft, simple in construction, neat and ac curate in workmanship, convenient toope! rate, perfectly adapted to cut on salt mar4 uneven hill-side or lawn. The workin parts and Bar always retain the famerelt tive position; there is, unnaturl al strain or wear cn the gearing or knife bar, as is the case in other machines. Those who have used it prononuce it the most dor. able Machine made. Price 8120. Reapej attached $1G0. June 15, 157 BULLARD'S HrlPROVED HAY mT7'T"TTTI-r I IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS ! ! I The experiments and public trials of the -past season satisfied all who wilnsssed them I that the Bullard Tedder was the only one t operated that would thoroughly spread all kinds ot Hay, on rough and smooth ground, i 'taking it up from the bottom, and leain it in a light, fleecy condition for drying." r It is the only machine for turning and spreading hay that isof lijbt, eaj-y draft for one horse. Its use enables, the farmer to or, ; cure, and store away hay in one day, and ': adds 20 per cent to value of crops. A large J farmer says : 44 its use in a single season will more than pay its cot. The enterprisir,? farmer will not, cannot do without it : the longer he puts ofTbuying, the poorer he will ; be." Price .'JiO. June 15. 1ST1. ,; .1- V EAGLE HAY RAKE. ' f A light, easy working and very f-im?!e f Rake. Wiil do all that is required and costs I but little. Price Js'JS. June 15, 1S71. BETTS'" HILLING PLOW. . It is a great Labor-Saving Plow, and .. what every Farmer, Planter and Gardener ; needs in cultivating all crops that require hilling, and which are planted in hill or drills. Holds easy, runs steady, and is not liable to clog. Works different widths of rows by using ; it with the long or short wings, thu making a hrge or small hill as may be desireii, 6'1'J. The subscriber is agent for the sale cf ; the above articles. Send for un illustrated ; pamphlet nr call and see the articles. I E. T. CROASDALE. i Del. Water Gap. Ta. : June 15, 1S71. O TO . M. F. EVANS &. CO'S i DRUG STOE3, (Suceessors lo C. S. Dclrich j- Co.,) MAIN STREET, STROUDSBURGJ Kilter's ?ivv E!tiiiIii:-, l Constantly on hand a full stock of pure I Medicines, Drugs, C:ieniical, f carefully selected and purchased for CASH. ; A lull assortment or PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUME-l ry. Fancy Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Catllt Powder, Cattle Liniments. I Also ------- v .- y . j P t up and constantly on hand by M- F. EVANS i CO. PROF. MYERS Penetrating Liniment, anJ I C. S. DETMCK'S Compound Syrup of Tar. ivnu jnerry cv. iioarliound. . Also the best WINES and BRANDIES i for Medical purposes. White Leads, Oh I Paints, Varnishes, Mixed Paints, &c. I WIND O W CL A SS. S ODA A SIL Sil Soda, Whiting, Lubrical Oils, ij-c, tj-c. Trusses, Supporters J Shoulder Braces. f" Five per cent olf on all Cash sales of over one dollar. I decl6'C9-ly I louml out why peojilc go to MeCurty's W t cct their furniture, Ixvauso he huvs it at tW U are 1 looms of Lee & Co. ami Veils it l an ndvaneo of only ticent)-tuo m l":'r ! ninth per cent. Or m other vowh, lioiklllf Chairs that lie Laws of Jxv & Co. ithroK - the runners he ilr.n't Imvnl f..r 4 .: ho ; or !?5,G0. 1: oys hiii to In;,' sme y-nt J, "tun: L:i: fU. Strou-l-bur, Aug. 1, lbTu. ot. J