nsw STORE jW- GOODS BEBL'CEti'pRICES ! DARIUS DREHER, begs lrave to an n 'iu'.ro to his friends nnd nnd to the pub lic p-m-rally, tint lie Las just received u gri-cnl assortment of lhj Goods, Xolious, Dress Trimmings, AND MILLlXKIiV GOODS con.-Ming, in part of the following desirable arliclo, viz. : Colu'Ors, Iatrns, French. Chintzs, Children's Dress Goods, Worked JJtljings, Jtrasols, Z'jihers, Shetland Wools, Shetland Wool Shawls . I)rtttlir5f JIusfiiif, While Dress Goods, Insert iit'js. Lady's and Children s Saelcs 1'lilHVrl and Cloth, Ludi's, Misses and Men's llocs, Gloves and Collars, Alouruirj Goods, Shroud inis, tr., fr., . Goods td.own with pleasure. "Quick fairs and Miiall profits" at the old nnd well known .Millinery Stand of i. A. DllUlJMt. Ti:3 Millinery business will he carried on as usual by Ainu. Dhejjwu. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREIIER. April Cf5, 1500. ; (iO TO J. I!. iSIcf AUTI'S, 01)11 -FELLOWS HALL, MAIN ST., STKOCDSBUKG, PA., and Buy your rs:Ji."5'2-Ui:S, CA El PITTS, WSSDOH' SHADES, Cc'2&TAfi:VS& FIXTURES, TAE5EE CS.OTIJS, &c, and save At Least Two Profits. As McCarly buy?, direct from the mannfitc turcr, for cash (not CO days), he can tell you WORE FURNITURE, OF A LETTER QUALITY, AND TOR LESS MONEY llian rou can buy at ctail either in city or country, and every article is warranted lobe ns represented. Sept. 26. Ibu7 Ayer's Sarsaparilla, The reputation this ct relleut ii)cli'-ine enjoy., is dfrivcil from its cures, many of which are truly marvellous. Inveterat'o ca.-C3 of Scrofulous hs-cas-n, v.hcre the Fytoin teemed saturated" v,Uh corruption, have 1-ocn 'Uriliol and crirc:l by it. f-crofulous ji flections ;ind disorders, which were pravntcd Ly the scrolii lou.s contamination until they vrrre painfully fiffii'tinpr, have been radical! n;rc;! in moil irrt-ut numbers in almost everv fco 1 i i n r,( I he roin'itry, that the public scarcely ueetUlo Lo it. formed of its virtues or rsc-?. fcf.rcfulous roison is rnc of the mo?t dr -fnietivs enemies of our race. Often, this un.-ecn and una-lt tciiiiiit of the oririi;irPi tnxiemnnes tiip constitution, . t:v. invites the attack of cnfi eWhiifor fatal diea.-cs, witluuit txcitinjr a Fipicj.m of itpre:-enee. Again, it i-eonis to breed infection throughout tlie body, and then, on soisie favorable occa.-i.n, rapidly develop into one or other of its LiiVmir form-, either on the tnrtaee cr anions the vitals. Jn the latter, tuber cles may be euddenlv deposited in the lunp-s or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it kIiows its presence by eruptions on the tkin.or foul ulcer ation on eome pail of the body. Hence the occa sional nee or a bottle of this Harsaparilta ii nd-Ti-ahle, even when no active rvmp.toms of disea.-e appear. I'erfons aflliried with the followins com plaints penenillv find immediate relief, aiid, s,t k-uih, cure, by the use of this SAUSAl'Ai: I h J;A : St. Anthony's I'irc, Jiose vr JCrtsi pcUis, 3'fttrr, Salt J'.lttuto, tcalit Hcnrf, Hiiirirorm, t "re J'yes, hvrr liars, and oilier eruptions or ViM'-le forme of Scrofulous disease. Also ia the mere eonccalcd forms?, a3 l;tjtejisift, Jn.jtr, llrnrt Viseasc. J'its, J.'ttiiift.ii. j ruliia, and the various t'trcrovs aHectioiU of the inuscu Jur and nervous eyeterns. Sy ih Ills or Vt-urrt nl rnd T.Trreurtnl DLiranrs ere cured Ly it, tacnph a longtime is required for mbduinpthcise obstinate niaiai'iieshvanvniedM-ioe. iut lonp continued use cf this mediciiie will cure the complaint. 1a urorrhoa or It hitc, T frriiie VlrerntirHat ai:d 1'tttnlr Diseases, are com riionly Hoon relieved and uiiiniatclv cured by its r'urifyinp, and inviporatirr erect. "jMinute Uircc ions for each case are found in our Almanac, eup 'hcd pratis. llhrumafixit and iimtt, when ransed by accumuh.unuK of extraneous matters In the Mood, yield tir.uklv to it. as also I.irer Complaints, 2 orj,itiit(, iu.nrp stion ovlnflam tnatton of the lArtr, sn,(i,,ffire, whenarisinp, a Uiey often do, from the mnklin" poisons in the . Mood. This HAUSAl'AHIhLA is a great re storer for the ttrenpth and vigor of the pyteIll. ; Thoe who are Languid and JAtles, &epon ffm, SlerpU ft, and troubled With A't rvovs 4o rrhinBion or J-rat-s, or any of the affections fyinptomatic of . will And imm-dhtte relief and convincing evidence of ita rcfctoraUva Ic wer upou trial. PliEPAJlED L Y Dr. JT. C. AYEB & CO., Lawcll, 3an Practical and Analytical Client hits. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVEliYWIIEBE. Sold Ly W.'IIOLLINSHFAD, Strouds- burr, and all Druggitts and all dealers in Medicine every-where. Carriage Makin 0 The untlersiprnetl takes this method of iuforming the public, that he etill coa tinucs the above business io all its branches nt his old Stand, on Franklin street, Stroudsburg, Pa., where he will be hap py to receive orders for work in his line, including general Wheelwrighting Blacksmith ing, Painting, Trimming, &c. His stock, of the best quality of seasoned lumber is large and very complete; and as has a full force of first class workmen in all the branches, he flatters himself that be is fully prepared to accomodate all who farcr him with orders, and guaran tee entire satisfaction. llepairing promptly attended to WM. HUNTSMAN. July 28,-1870. HOOPER & McLEAN'S mm MACHIKES!' V W U. A. i z. v x j The undersigned hiving been apoointcd Arcnt for the Counties of Monroe. Pike and Wayne, for thg sale of this decidedly ihc best SEWINd MACHINE in the world, is olTering tlioin to the public at prices within the raniie oall who desire to possess an A. No. 1 Machine. Perrons wishing to pur chase will greatly advance their intere.-ts by calling upon hint at his residence on Cen ter si root, ."3d ho ise above Matlack's Hard ware Store. Pirties from abroad desiring information will please a (hires. CEO. SWART WOOD, Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pa. Price 8 H. February :3, 1571. Cm. UNDERTAKING. McCARTY has on hand the largest and , ATia best assortment of COFFINS and TRIMMINGS to be found outside of either city (New York or Philadelphia), and will make this branch of his business A SPECIALITY. COFFINS and CASKETS vf any size or style, can be furnished at one hour's notice for shipment, at a ciia.'ic.k of oxk-thikd m:s3 than any shop ix Sritorosst'no In nocasc wi!l ho charge more than TEN PER CENT above actual co.-t. TV 1 t aT T' ej.tl U&:k tjj.a at fended to in any pirt of the County at the shortest posibit notice. Sepi. 20 ,'07 LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO AVAXT) Carriage Work cr B!ac2:s:uilki HOXE IX A SUPERIOR MANREN ! ttti." w..t. : v l :. . 7 . All lj CUUM It'll CI-"! Il'ill U 111- 'V .iiirm t h r TMitiltr t hnt lu ic fnllir nro W raved, at his establishment, at the corner of Simrson and Sarah streets, in the borough of Stroudsburg, to make to order, every style cf Carriage, Wagon, auu, in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the sho:te?t possible uotice, and on the most reasonable terras. . Carriages repaired, trimmed aud paint ed in the best style of the art. Having fhst-c!a.ss material always on hand, and nctio but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that none but Urst-class work will be turned out at his shop In connection with his Carriage Short he has also a Pheksmith Shop,' where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the orders of customers The public are invited to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing else where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. September lSGT.-tf. MONROL COUNTY 5It;luaI Fire Insurance Company. C11A II TER PER RE T UA L. Amount of Property Insured SI, 500,00, The rate of Insurance in this Comnanv is one dollar for every thousand dollars in sured, after which pa vment no further char ges will be made, except to cover actual loss by tire thai may lull upon members ot the t A company. The policies issued by this Company are perpetual, and afford the fullest security, with the largest economy and convenier.ee, This comjMtiy will not issue Tanneries Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. Applications for Insurance may be made to cither of the Manors, Surveyors or Sec. rotary. MANAGERS. J. Depue Lalar, Jacou Kttccht, Richard S. Staples, John Edinrrer Silas L. Orakt, Francis lla.re.rman, Charles D. Lrodhead, Jacob Stoutftr, Robert Boys, Theodore Kchoth William Wallace, Thomas V. llhouo3 Stogdell Stokes, ' 1 STOGDELL STOKES, President. E. B. Dreher, Secretary and Treasurer. Silas L. Drake, Monroe co. Meichoir Spragle, " Peter Gilbert, 44 Geo. G. Shater, 4 Tho. W. Rhodes, 44 . Surveyors. r. a. jppeii:, vayne co. I I m t "V I . 1 T P J. II. Welle, Pike co. Rich'd Camden, Northampton, Saru'l Ziegenfus, Carbon. ChZr The stated meetinr of ihe bo.irl of Managers take6 place at the Secretary's of fice, on the first Tuesdav of e.irh month, nt 2 o'olock P. M. Ayer's Ho try air vigor. For restoring Gray Hair lo ils natural Vitality and Color. A dressing v.hich is nt once agreeable, Iieallliy, mul clleettitil for- preserving the hair. Faded or grn; hair is soon restored to ils original eolor with the gloss and freshness of yovlh. Thiu hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing cau restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. 15nt such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. lustead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or lulling olF, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and iniiirious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil White cambric, and yet lasts long on the Iwiir, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL ClIKMISTS. LOWELL, 3IASS. piiiCPi si.oo. Sold by W. IIOLLINSI1EAD, Strouds burg, ar.d all Druggists and all dcaalcrs in Medicine everywhere. NOW IS THE TIME TO USE YonaU's Condition I'oivtlcr. In the Fall and Winter when your cows give tut little milk this powder is sure to increase ".he quantity and improve the qual ity. For hors.'s, ii increases the appetite, promotes digestion, cxhiJcrates the spirits, renders the coat soft and shining. For Hogs one package in your swill barrel will hasten the fattening process at least 100 per cent. This powder has proved an excellent article for sheep. Be sure you get the Genuine Yonatt's Condition Powder, MANUFACTURED BY W 1 1 Al A 11 ID O A S . S II E A I All other is a counterfeit. See that the name of WM f lOLLINSHEAD is on each packag.; and buy no other. Warranted to 3a;3 satisfaction or the money refunded. Nov. 19, 'G3 WM. HOLLINS.HEAD. BEAD! HEAD!! The undersigned would hereby inform the public that he h.js just opened a Shop on Main street '2d door above the Express office, where he will make to order all kinds of frfi Men's and Gent's fgi HOOTS AN I) SHOES. At short notice, of the best materia! and ot the most excellent workmanship. The pub lice is cordially invited to give him a call. All work warranted to fit and and wear well." Footing and Repairing promptly at tended to. Charges moderate. FREDERICK GRUBER. Stroudsburg, March 23, ls71. tf. Itcli! Itcla! Itcli! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! USE IIOLLI.SIIEAB,SITriI& SALTRHEO OHTJIEM, No Family should be without this valua ble medicine, for on the first appearance of the disorder on the wrists, between the fin gers, &.C., a slight application of the Oint ment will cure it, and prevent its bring tn ken by ot hers. . Warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. HOLLINSIIEAD, troudsbnrg, Oct. 31, '07. Druggist. Gothic IMl i)rjif Store. Villi::i ESoIliiishcatl, Wholesale and Retail Druprsrist. STllOUDSliUltG, Pa. 7 Constantly on hand and for Bale cheap for cash, a fresh sup wl ply of Drugs, Mediciues, Paints, Oil, dlass, Putty, arnish, Iver oscue Oil, Perfumery aud Fancy Goods; also S.isli, Fliiicls :uiI Doors. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purpose. P. o. Physicians Prescriptions care fully compounded. Stroudsburg, July i, 1SGL pUACII ULl'LAULU' AND TUB EST .ft. "5? 2 Itf PETER-IS OK "egpectfully announces to his friends, the generous public, that his SALOON ia again opened, for the sale of LAGtU BEER, PORTER, ALE, WINES, CIGARS, SCHWEITZER, &c. &c. &c. at his old stand. Call, see and try. .Minors not allowed to visit his Saloon- March 4, '09. tf. A CHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY ' . Dr. WAXIIES'3 CALTFOIUJIA . VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds cf TlioTisand3 Eccr t.-Ktimonv to thp'r Wonder ful C'urhUve liUi-ess. WHAT ARE THEY? o -P. w lJ i Z.1 5" 3 i: - y X " C 9 THEY ARE XOT A VILE uss FANCY DRINK. U t2 LI Made of Poor Rnm, Wliiskcy, Proof Spirits nnd Refuse Liquors doctored, spiced nnd sweet ened to please tho taste, colled " Tonics,"" Appetiz ers," Kestorcrs," ic, that lead tho tippler ca to drttnlienncE3 and ruin, but arc & true Medicine, mado from the Kativo Kocts and Herbs cf CaUfornia, frco from nllAlcohwlic Stimulants. TUcy cro tho JU EAT ULOOI) PUKIPlEil and A LIFE CUVINCi PKIXCIPiE a perfect Kcnovator and InTlgorator cf the Eyttcm, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the Mood to a healthy condition. IC o person can tako these Bitters according to direc tion and remain lor g unwell. S100 Trillbo eivenforan Incurable case, provided tho bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and tho vital crs&iu wasted beyond tha point of repair. For Inflammatory cud Chrouic Rheninii f lm aud Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indiacntioo, RiliotiM, lteuiittcnt tnul Intermittent Fevers RincnscH of tho Rlood, liivcr, Kidneys, and Rlnddcr, tticse Bitters have been most success ful, bucli Rihcascg cro caused by Vitiated Rlood, which Is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Orgaun. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Head ache, Tain in the Shoulders, Coughs. Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Scur Eructations of tho Stomach, Cad taste In tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inaiur.-.ation cf the Lungs, Tain in tho regions cf the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful Ejmrtoms, r.rc the cC'springs of Dyspepsia. They invigorate tho Stomach and stimulate tho tor pid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled tCcacyla cleansing the blood cf rJl impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to t!:o whole eystcnt. FOR StilX DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Cilt T.hcuci, Blotches, Crote, I'iin; lec, I us tulcs, Boils, Cct tunclcs, nig-'.Voims, tcnld-Iicad, cro Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, fcurfs, riscclorctior.3 ef tho Ekln, numors end Diseases of the Sjkin, of whatever came or nature, ere literally dug up and carried out cf the system la a chert time ty the use cf these Bitters. Cno bottle In rach capes wi'.l convince the mcri Incredulous cf their curative effect. Clcar.so tho Vitiated Blood whenever yoa Cnd its I:;. parities burning through the siiia la Pimples, Erup tions or Seres ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed cni ElnggUh la tho veins; cleanse It when it is foul, tad your feelings wi:l t;U jor. v. hor.. Keep the blood pure and the health of the systr-in will follow. TIN, TAPE and other VOIJ2!ISf lurMngJnthe rystem cf so many thousands, arc cCuctr.ally destroy c J and removed. Tor full CirecUons, read c.-.n-fully the circular r.round each battle, j llntsuta f jcr lin jruagwS English, German, rretcli and Spnnith. J."VTALS.Er., Proprietor. I, n. McT'CAU) CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, fan Pranclfco, Ctl r.ad C2 aa:l 1 Commerce Ctreet, lcw York. C3-OLD BY ALL DBUGCICT3 AZCD DEALEES. October 00, 1870. ly. SAMUEL HOOD, Vj '' JjfV " j ''J , 4 ? Wholesale and Jit fail Dealer in COOK & PARLOR STOVES. TIN cVSHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Melal House Furnishing Goods GENERALLY. ttoofms; and goutins done on short notice, with the best material and at reasonable prices. I lis stock ofCoi.K, P.u-W and Ofiu-e Stoves embraces all tlio best varieties known to the trade. CALL AND SEE. Htore third building, above tho Method Church. .Mam street, . STJIOUDrfUUlIG, PA. August 4, 1S70. tf. The above business has again been re sumed at the old slanJ, lately swept away by the late lluod, near Ualdwin s Hotel, in JStroudshurw, where will he kept constantly on hand the best assortment of Harness, douMc and single, Saddles, I5r idles, Collors, and every other article iisuacly furnished in this line of business. Work made lo order on the shortest notice. A lanje assortment of Mountings and Saddlery Hard- war o always on hand. Call and make your own selection.and it will be furnished in style and price not to be excelled in this market. Strict attention paid to repairing and done in Bhortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O. SAYLOR, Apent fbr PETER. fIRIlVKR. October G, 1870.tf c - a . 2 Z - Z X X : iL " - I " K E :i ii hmzm in Harness & Saddlery. IiuportaQt to Every body. Tho FuhFcrihcrs would inform tl very respectfully, that they are carrying on the rrp, Hoot Sz Shoe ISttsincsN lint their old stand, one doer nlnwo rr S Walton's Ofiice. on Elizabeth st. Stromls. burg-, Pa., where they will be happy fo wail en iiieir old customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient to call. I hey have hand a ood arrortment of for men. women, misses' and childrens' wear. Gum over Shoesand Sandals for men, youth nd misscF. A genera! assortment of Lasts nd Boot-Trees, shoe Thread, Wax, Heel Cails, Pincers. Punches. Evelettsand V.vo. lett Setts, Pegs and Peg-Cutters, Shoe Ham mers. Crimninir Boards and Screws, nlsn. Ii. ning and binding skins, a good articie of lainpico Loot Morocco, 1 reach Moroccoand French Calfskins. Lasting and all kinds of Shoemaker tool?, Ink Powder and Shoe Blacking, and l'rank Millers water-proof oil blacking. All of which they offer for also at small advance upon cost. Give us a call, no charges for showing soods. P. S. Boots and Shoes made to order and warranted. CHARLES WATERS & SON. Stroudsburg Jan. 1 1800. ATi exteMvoltf STOVIIS oi all d.-cripiions have been received at the store of the subscriber, in the borough of Stroudsburg. He has COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements; and entire new styles, and consiueriiblesaviiigof fuel, which can be had at trie lowest City prices. Also, all kinds of Stove-Pip e . A large assort ment of TIN WARE of ev ery description, constantly on hand, which will be sold at wholesale and retail, as rea sonable as can be had in the City. All kinds of repairing done in the shortest, cheapest and best manner. Call and exam ine his stock before you purchase rlsew here. Feb. 11, 'CO. WM, S.FLORY. o to Of M. F. EVANS & CO'.S DSUG STORE, (Successors to C. S. Dclrick tj- Co.,) MAIN STREET, STROUDSDURG, Pa. i: iitci's Tiv.w Ilnilctiiiij, Constantly on hand a full stock of pure Medicines, Dnis, Cheiiiicais, carefully selected and purchased for CASH. A full assortment of PATENT MEDICINES, PERFVME ry. Fancy Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Cuttle l'oicder, Cattle Liniments. Also S. DeJrioliN IJorso Powder, P t up and constantly ou hand by t PROF. MYERS Penetrating Liniment, and C S. DETRICK'S Compound Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry &. Hoarhaund. Also tho best WINES and BRANDIES for Medical purposes. White Loads, Oils Paints, Varnishes, Mixed Paints,&c. WINDOW GLASS, SODA ASH, SAL Soda, Whiting, Lubricating, Neatsfoat Oils, .yc, j-c. Trusses, Supjwrttrs and Aho-uldcr hraces. Five percent off on all Cash sales of over one dollar. declG'C9-ly ft'.t'i.ll! ,: I - . 2 THE WORLD RENOWNED WHEELER & WILSON Lock Stitch Sewing Machines ! OVER 550,000 IN USE. " 1st premium over the whole world! LONDON - - - 1SG2 PARIS - - 1SG7. 82 MACHINES COMPETING. THE WHEELER & WILSON MA CHINE has received the highest premiums at all the important Fairs held in Europe nnd America, the awards being made by men of the highest standing and" capable of giving an intelligent decision. Sold on the Lease plan. 10 per month. Instructions given at tho residence of the purchaser without extra charge. Call and see these unrivaled Machines in operation, by the agent, at WASHINGTON HOTEL, Stroudsburg, Pa. February 'J3, 1671. Cm. 1-7 f Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RAILROAD. Summer Arrangement from May 1, '71, Passenger Depots in New York, FOOT OF IiAUCLV AND CIIItlSTOrilER STS. Trains Leave WESTWAKD. EASTWARD. cr S SUiiions. ? i o 3 o 3 p.m. j) in.pi n i Leave. Arrive. i.t'd g.nii Nfiv York o.rn. p. m. ii.m 4.1.: Ilnbohen, 4.5:ij b.VM I'iilUlsol), 'J.-J." iloonlc ii, 5.4T: Dover ( W, lo.Sti! ll.ickf thtovvn 0.r!i. lii.Mii WaMimetoii fi.ss'to 5.; Xav Ilitmpion 7.02, 1 Ox foul, 7.I011.1-" l!ri..-cvi!lo 3 IK! 9.tt0 2.22 j IJOj 1 .2! i2.4i; 12.30j 12.45 12.12 12.02! 11.50! 8.22 7.50 7.29 6.40 6.311 7.17,11.1s MAM NKA CHUNK: 1.59 3.00; 7.00 4.1:7! S.J'i: io.ee; n.ihHielphia, Trenton, I'hillipsburg, lil:w are. Mount llethel Water Cup. STaouDsr.i.'nG Srrat;ipvillc, Ilenrvvilie, 0:kl;inJ, Forks, Tobylinnna, Oouiili-lioro, Moscow, Dunning, SCItANTON, Chnk's Sunimit, AbinRton. fi.tiley tlollon-, FhcIoi yville, Nir t.olson, Mojihotloin, Montrisp, New Milford, Creal Peiul, ('onklin, rincli.tinton, Syracuse Oswego 4.M 10.45 3.12 8.55 12.50 C 45 7.2 7.:t(!' 7. KI 7.5fi P.lltV 1.5: 8. -15 ' 9.I.-.1 1 1 21 1 1.50! 5.3a! 5.44 5.31 5.20 4.13 !4.? 11.32 ll.i: II M.42 II 2 11.151 11-04 10.54; 10.401 10.20 lO.Ohi 12 0.1 12 1'. 1 0.'. 1 40 2 K 4.00 3.30 3.00 12.50; 1.10, 1 .30 1 4 23i 9.50 !l.34 9.25 4.12 354 3.45 U.39 lO.n.1)! 2.pn' 2.1:1 2 ef,! 2.i:t; i 2 .- .- :s 10 3.2.-1: 3.1.V 4 00' 4 H; 4.7! 4. 4.'. s.iol 9.43: 5.251 5.45; 9.00! 3.5ft e.5oi 3.10 1 111. i- II0.S3' .i 10. 12 10.471 1 10.f-i j II.IU 11. S.I II 33, 12.11! I 2.2C, : 12.4li; .f'0: S.32I 8.V4i 8.19 w.OSt 7.51) 7.30, 7.1 5 ' fi.5 2.43 2.31 2.15 2.0(1 1 42 1.25 1.11 r, 30 12..M)! CIO 12.4"! ; 9 on: 7.co; 0-44 Chenango Forks 11.55! II. 30! 10.53' III. 3.-.; 10.0:!, 7.50, 1 t ; rerun Oxford N'irw ir.h Pherburn e Unca p. in. 'a.m. p.m. Arrive. Leave. 'a. m. a. xn. : p.m I Trains do not stop at Stations" where the Time is omitted. CONNECTIONS: At NEW HAMPTON, with Central R. R. of New Jersey, for Elizabeth, Plainfield, Somerville, etc. At MANUNKA CHUNK, with Belviderc Delaware R. R., for Trenton, I'hillipsburg nnd Philadelphia making close connections for Baltimore and Washington. At SCR ANTON, with Lackawanna and Biooms-bnr? R.R.,and Delaware and Hudson Canal's R. R., for Pittston, Kingston, Wilkes barre, Plymouth, Berwick, B!oom?burg, Dan ville, Northumberland, Olyphant, Archibald and Carbondale. AT BINGIIAMTON with Syracuse, Binghamtion &l New York R. R., tcr Cort land, Homer, Marathon, Tully, Syracuse, Oswego, etc. With the Albany and Susque hanna R. It., for Albany and the North. With the Ulica &. Chenanjro Division, for Greene, Oxford, Norwich, Richfield Springs and Utica. With (he Erie Railway, for the North and - West. The New York Day Express, on the latter, leaves Bingbamton at 4:50 p. m., connecting at Owerro with our Cayuga Division, for Spencer Springs, Ithaca, and intermediate Stations. BUOHAN'S Sirliilie I $ t,-. 1 4U AND COMPOUNDS CARBOLIC AND CCSY110 t (Iyal, JIay'lS, 1SC7.) SOLE AGENTS, 1 AKIjOLC LAUNDRY SOAP, TOILUT SOAP, liATIl SOAP, MEDICINAL SOAP, SIIAYIXG " ; DENTAL " DISINFECTING 44 I IN CANS " rAKLOi: OINTMENT. QAIlPOLIC PLANT PllOTECTOK, ; CUES Y LIC OINTM EXT, , CKESYLIC SHEEP J I Granulated Carbolic Powdek, r A Powerful Disinfectant aud Purlu- and at the same time obnoxious to all 1 sect life. E. II. WE EKES, Ageut. ? Stroudsburg, Feb. 1G, 1S71. Gm. 1 FULL ASSOHTMLNT OF 1 HOME MADS CHAi Always on hand at ; SAWUEL S, LEE'S I New Cabinet Shop, Franklin Street Stroudsburg, In rear of Stroudsburg Bank. April C, '71. ly. BLANK LEASES For Salo at this Officf- n 1 Ap.ifk UJ 1 k '2 J I i