1 t i 1 1 6 i 1 .;3 :' . HEW STORE -:anp:- iW GOODS TiSDi'CEi)' PRICES!' DARIUS DREIIER, begs leave to an pounce to his friends and and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a general assortment of Dry Goods, Xotions, Dress Trimming. AND MIL L IXER Y GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : Calicoes i ' La tens, French Cliintis, Children's Dress Goods, Worked Fd-yings, Parasols, Z'phcrs, .. Shetland Wools, Shetland Wool Shaicls. Delaines, Jlit. I iits, White Dress Goods, Insert in'js, ' Lady's and Children's Saclis Flo nvl a iid Cloth, Lady's, Misses find Jhn's Hues, Gloves and Collars, Jlournivj Goods, Shroudings, C'C, Cc, (Joods shown .with pleasure. Quicks pales and small profits'" at the old and well known Millinery Stand of F. A. DREIIER. The Millinery business will be cairied on s usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREIIER. April 3, 1SCG. GO TO J. II. SIcaRTT'S, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, MAIN ST., STP 0 CD SB UP G, PA., and Buy )out Oir.-CLOTI5S, RUGS V, DO'V SHADES TASSLE CLOTHS, &c, and save At Least Two Profits. As McCarty buys, direct from the manufac turer, flr cash (nut GO davs), he can sell vo MORE FURNITURE, OF A LETTER QUA LITY, AND FOR LESS MONEY than you can buy at : ctail either in city or cotmiry, and every article is warrantee! ti be aa represented. Sept. 2G. 1S67. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, T?or nil Ho di cine. the pwpoaes of a Lisative Ferhaps no 02 w.-li-cine H ui!'vci-s:uiy rc quiriil l.'V creiyfo.xty as a cathartic, nor'was l-vi-r any be lore so univcrvi! ly afl.jjitcl into iiif, n every country ar.-l : 1 1 r 1 n 1 -r all c'la?e, as tiiio uuH )it cT-ificut purirstive I'M. The obvious mi Fon is, that it i a ii.v.n- re liable anil far xijora cGcc- "tiial reniedv t'lta nav '----- ----- """ other. trip'l it. know that it rurefl tiioin Those who 11 w-c tr.osc who iKivc an tall know that what it 'loc3 ome it dot's iihv-.v that it never fail" tlimu..fli any fault or lH-ii t .if its composition. We have .huusanU unon th-.H:-p nn'ls rt certificates of their remarkable cures 01' ti'.c f.illowin corriplaints, but stuh cures are knov.ii in every nvhlorhool, and we nedl net jvi'.iish tiH--.ii. Al.jt''l to all acs anil eon.Jilions in all r.li:n:itt ; rontinin-; neither caloinel or any ileietorinm 'inijr, they may 1)C taken with safety by anybody. Their nipar co'aUn? preserve? them ever lVe.h and ma ':? them pleasant to take, while bcin : purely vegetable ro harm can arise from tlit-ir n?e in any qnant'.ry. Thrr operate by their powerful infloem-.e on the interna! vUrcra to purify the blood and tt::n:i!:i''- it Into healthy action remove the obstructions of the Mima -h, )MiveU, liver, and otliT organs of tho body, lestoring their irregular ac tion to health, auil by correct in?, wherever they cxit, t uch tlcranje n;ents ,ti are the first orijrin of iliscaso. Minute lirer,iions are piven in the wrapper on the box, f r the following complaints, which thee j-itr.i rno'dly cure: Kor 7yjr;Mt or I tifUs:i!on, T5llr-r-.ru. T.iji-jMor and of .li;ptiti, th.-.-y Fhoul.J he Utken moderately to fcthniilatc the itoui ach and rt-nore its healthy tone and action. For f.:r ;Ftip;i:nt ami it various svrip tom., rriMoita iload.it U. Sicl IK jMii:tilicn or ji rrrn MicUncM, IIi!iua C'otic aad Flllioiifi Fcrcr, they should bo ju diciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased art Ion f-'r remove the obstructions which cauc it. For 3ypnf i-ry or lUiarriiuea, but 0110 tniM dose is srenerally rcjuired. For JBS:trii3uatint, Gout, firarrl. Ii1rtJ T;Ilon of th Itrart, laiu in tho fei?, tJitCM and Z.oin, they should be continuou'lv tiken, as reuirc-1, to chnnjre tlie diseased action o'f the syttetn. Yitli 6uch change those coiuplaiuta ciis-ii-r,!r. For truj.r and Iroptcal S-.TolIInc- they should be taken iu larpe aud IVequont doses to pro drtf e the clect of a drastic pure. For rtu jii-elon a larfrc dose shotiVt be taken m it produces the desired cfToct by sympathy. A a lHnuer take one or two I'llla "to pro mole dipestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach ami bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, nd invigorates the system. Jfence it is often ad vantageous where 110 serious derangement exists. One h-!io fff-lg tolerably well, otlen finds that a dose f these I'ill makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansinit and renovating effect on the diges tive apparatus. 2)2:. J. C. ATEJt & CO., Fraciical Chemiss, LOWELL. MASS., U. 8. A. Sold Ly V. IIOLLINSUFAD, Strouds- buri and all Druiro-Uia and all dealers in Medicine every-vvhere. Carriage Making. The undersigned takes this method of jQiormiug the public, that he still coq tinues the above business in all its branches at his old Stand, on Franklin fdreet, Stroudsburg, Pa., where he will be hap py to receive orders for work iu his line, including general Wheelwrightinff, Blacksmith mg, Painting, Trimming, &c. Jlis stock, cf tha lest quality of seasoned lumber is large and very complete; and as has a full force of first class workmen in all the branches, he flatters himself that he is fully prepared to accomodate all who favor hira with orders, and guaran tee entire satisfaction. Hepairing promptly attended to WM. HUNTSMAN. July 28,-1870. HOOPER & McLEAN'S SSWLW MACHINES! y mi, ". rfef Thp nndcrsio-ncd Invinir been appointed A trout for the Counties of Monroe. Pike and Wayne, for the sale of this decidedly the best SEWING MACHINE in the world; i ofTcring them to the public nt prices wilftin the ranze ot all who desire to 'possess an'A. TT.i. 1 ..Maehine. Persons wishin-r to pur chase will greatly advance their interests bv calling upon him at his residence on Cen ter si reef. :M house above Math.ck's Hard ware Store. Parties from abroad desiring information will please address CEO. SWART WOOD, Stroudcburjr, Monroe County, Pa Price 810. February 2IV 1371. Gm. UNDERTAKING. McCARTY has on hand the largest and 3 best assortment o COFFINS and TRIMMINGS tobe fmnd outside of either city (New York or Philadelphia), and will make this brand of his business A SPECIALITY. COFFINS and CASKETS of any size or style, can be furnished at one hour's notice lor shipment, at a charge of one-third LES-S THAN ANY SHOP IN STItOCDSBURO In uocase will lie charge more than TEN PER CENT above actual co.-t. attended to in any pirt of the County at the shortest possible notice. Sept. 2007 LOOK THIS WAY, ALL AV110 WANT Carriage Work or Clacksmithine EO.VE IX A SUPERIOR MANRENM-' THE Subscriber bei;s leave to in- (-rfurni the public that he is iu'.'.y pre pared, at Ins establishment, at the corner of Simpson and Sarah streets," in the borcucrh of Stroudsbur, to make to order, every style of Carriage, Yagon, acu, ia fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the shortest possible uotice, and 011 the most reasonable terms.. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint ed in the best style of the art. Having first-class material always on hand, and r.cne but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that none but lii st clasi work will be turned out at his shop. In connection with his Carriage Shop he has also a Elackstnith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the orders of customers The public are invite.' to tall and ex amine his sUick before purchasing else where. YA LENT IN I KAUTZ. September ID, lGT.-tf. MONROE COUNTY lltif ual Fire Insurance Company. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Amount of Properly Insured $1,800,00. The rate of Insurance in this Company is one dollar for every thousand dollars in sured, after which payment no further char- 1 - ges will be made, except to cover actual lose by fire that may fall upon members of the Compatiy. The poV.cies issued by this Company are perpetual, and afford the fullest security, with the large economy and convenience, This company will not issue Tanneries Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. Applications for Insura,, may be mode to either of the Manager, Surveyors or Sec. retary. MANAGERS. J. Depue La bar, Jaccb Knecht, Richard S. Staples, John Edinget, Silas L. Drake, Francis Ilagerman, , Charles D. Brodhead, Jacob Stouller, ' Robert Rovp, Theodore Schoch, William Wallace, Thomas W. Rhodes, Stogdell Stokes, ' STOGDELL STOKES, President. E. B. Dreher, Secretary end Treasurer. Silas L. Drake, Monroe co. Melchoir Spragle, Peter Gilbert. Geo. G. Shater, Tho. W. Rhodes, ' l Surveyors. r. . wppetr, wavne co. J. II. Wells, Pike co. Rich'd Camden. Northampton. Sam'l ZiegCDfus, Carbon. 07" The stated meetinrr of ih bnn rd n f Manajers takes place at the SperPtnrw'a nf. tice, on the first Tuesday of each month, at 2 o'olock P. M. ?lJ Ayer's: Hair Vigoj, ' For restoring Gray Hair lo its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original . color trilh the gloss and ' freshness ' of yovth. i r.' i ' 5" Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and btild ncss ofleri, though ' not always, cured hv its use". Nothing can restore,, the hair where the follicles arc destroyed. or the glands atrophied and dectiyed. But: such as remain can be haved lor usefulness by this Application.'- Instead of fouling -the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, ' and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor cau only bcucfit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a ' ' ; ' ; " ' hair: DRESSING, .1, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containinjr;Ticit!icr oil nor dve,' it does not ,voil. white cambric; ..aud yet Lists ,! '.,1 ' - ' :. t. ' 1.,,.,. long on ine unit, giMiig iiiiniu iu; lustre aud. a grateful peilume. . Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., I'UACTICAL AKD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS. LOVELL, lilxYSS. PItlCPi $1.00. Sold by W. IIOLLINS11EAD, Stmuds hurg, and all Druggists and all dculcrs in Medicine everywhere. ' " 'money cannot BUY IT ! For Sljf'it is Priceless I ! The Diamond Glasses, MAM'FACTTRED BY J. K. SPKM'Elt &C0i, Si Y Which are now offered to the public, are pronounced 1-y oil the celebrated Opticians " of the World to be the" MOST PERFECT, Nutural, Ariificial help to the human eye ever known, They are ground under their own sup ervision, from minute Crystal Pebbles, melt ed t'geiher, and derive thoir name, "Diamond." on account of their . h-mlness and brilliancy. The Scientific Principle on which I hey re constructed brings the core or centre of ihe lens directly in tront of the eye, producing a clear and distinct vision, as the natural, heali by sight, and preventing all unpleasant tensation?, such as glimmer ing and wivering of sight, dizziness, &c, peculiar to all others in use. They arc Mounted in the Finest Manner, in frames of the best quality, of all materials used fir that purpose. Their Finish and Durability cannot be surpassed. . CAUTION. None genuine unless bear ing iheir trade mark 5 elamped on every frame. ' P. S. WILLIAMS, Jeweler, and Optician, is Sole Agent for STr.OLDSnVR, PA. From whom they can only be obtained These jjoods are not supplied to Pedlers, at any price. June 10, 1370. ly. Itcli! Itcli! Itcli! ' SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! USB IiaLLIXSlIOB'S ITtll k SALT RHEUM 0IXT3IEM. No Family should be without this valua ble medicine, for on the first appearance of the disorder on the wrists, between the fin- crs, &c, a slight application of tlie Oint menl will cure it, and prevent its being ta keo by others. ;j . " i : i Warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. . " Prepared and foi l, wholesale and retail, by W. IIOLLliNSIIEAI),. troudsburff, Oct. .'H,'fi7. DruggisL Hotlih -Hail Dniff Store. WiUinni EBulitcaslicad, Wholesale and Retail Druggist. STKOLDSIHTIIG, Pa. ejht Constantly on hand and for XfHTjf sale cheap lor cash, a fresh sup gjpA ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, kfff Oil, Glass, Putty, A'aruish, Ker osene Oil, Perfumery aud Fancy Goods; also Sash, Minds and Doors. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purpose. 1'. S. Physicians Prescriptions care fully compounded. - . . r ' Stroudsburg, July 7, 18GI. eacj: dlcuked. AND THE est s 2 o ;csr o v m 5) respectfully announces lo his friends, the generous public, that his SAL O O 1ST is again opened, for the eale of POETES, ALE, WINES, CIQAES, ECHV7EITZEE, &c. &c. &c. at his old stand. Call, see and trv. Minors not allowed to visit hia Sa. 1 loon. fMarrh 4. '(50 tf A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKEE'3 CAUTOMOA YINEG-AE BITTERS Hundreds Tof Thousands ' 2 & e s a in is o u. a o P "3 a Bear testimony to thlr Wonder- : Jul curauvo iai.c..- s s s WHAT ARE THEY? O 2."3 C o THEY AKE SOT A u-is ' ' g FANCY DRINK. PI? Made of Too Rom, "Whisker, Trout Spirits and Refuse Xiiaaors doctored, spiced andBwect cned to please tlie tasto, called " Tonics."" Appetiz ers," " Kestorcrs," c, that lead tfco tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, mfido from the Native Hoots and Herbs cf California, frc from all Alcoholic Stimnlants. ! Tboyare ths C1UEAT BLOOD I'UKIFlElt and A LIFE GIVIXt RI'CIl,L.En perfect llenovatcr ad Invigorator or the System, carrylns off all poisonous matter nnd restoring the blood to a healthy condition. K0 person can tako these Bitters according to direc tion and remain long nnvcll. 8100 'Willhe given forati inrurable case, rrcyided the bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or ether means, and the vltiil organs wasted beyond tho point ofrenairail '-iw. - j For Inflaraniutory and Chronic Rheuma tism and Gout, Dyspepsia, vv InUlzentioc, RiIioae, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers Diseases bf tho Illootl, Liver, Kidneys, nnd Uladder, theso Bitters hare been most succccs- Sa.r ynch DIscattcs tra caused ,by 1 itiatcd Blood. Tvhich Is generally produced by derangement cf the Diet-stive Ores. us. DYSFEl'SIA Oil INDIGESTION, Ecad ache, rain in tho Shoulders, Cocghs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Eonr Eructations cf tho Stomach, Ead tactc ia tho iiouth, BUious Attacks, Talpitaticn of the Heart, Inilimn:ntion cf tho Lungs, Tain ia tho regions of the Uidacys, and a hundred ether painful Bymptoms, are the Cspringsc Dyspepsia. j ' : Thry iavisorato the Btomach nnd rtimulaio the tor pid liver and howels, 'which rcndcrthcuTOfuaequallcd tGcacyla clcatiEinrJ the blood cf all i-.npnrities, nnd lu;partiu3 new life and vigor to ths v.holo system. FOR SKIX DISEASES, Lrertions, Tetter, Salt i:hcum, Blotches, S rotr, rin.r'.cs, 1 m tults, Boils, Ccr bcnclcs, Bia-Worms, Scr.ld-Ucad, Sore Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Ecuals, Biscolorations of tho Ekin, Humcrs and Diseases of the L-kin, c f whatever nr.mc or nature, r.rc literally dug up and carried out of tho Fystcm in a chert time by tho use of theso Bittcrr.' One bottlo ia ruch cases Ti-r.l convince the riost incredulous cf their cia-utivc ciTcct. Cleanse the Vitiated Bleed vhencver yon Hnu i:s Ixparitics tars lias through the chin iarimplas. Ere p. tlcns cr fcoros ; chance it vhea you i!rfl it chrtructcd and sluggish ia tho veins ; cl'jr.r.o il ivhcn it is foul, and your feelings v. ill tc'.l ycuTrhe.-.. Keep the blood pure and the health ef tho ryslcra v. ill follow. FIX, TAFE and other AVOR3:s, lurhing'n the rystcr.i of so many thourandr., rj e effectually destroy ed aud removed. I-'or fall C!ractIon3, iced carefully tho circular r.ronnd each bottle, printed In four lu--gTigcs Unglish.Gcnnan, French and Epanish. J. TTALlvEn, Tropriotor. H. H. iicDOX ALD CO., Drcsrlsls r.r.l Ce2. Agents, Cr.--. rranc!?eo. Cel., . ? f.- S3r.ndCi Comnotce ftrjtt,-Nev.-Yorlc. ' j Vzol rr aix dvgcicto a::o b Oclobcr 20, 1370. ly. A.MTJBL HOOD, i!;ff";-u'yilV",A1w; -.??5'H Y. !( :i?t. 4, I I . s Si. Wholesale and Ri'ail Dealer in CQOK&PARLOSTOYGS, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, ,f . - i AND IX, i i,.; Metal llcusc i'uniislihrg Goods l , GENERALLY, :.. Iioofisig.and Spoutiug done on sdiort notice, wrtli the best imitcrial and at reasonable prices. in wk-k oi oK, i a nor ami Uilice toYes cuibruces'ull the best varieties known to the trade. CALL AND SEE. ' ' Store third building, alxne tho Methodist , Lhurch, Main street, STIIOUDSIIUKG, PA. August 4, 18T0. tf. The above business has again been re sumed at the old stand, lately swept away by the late flood, near Baldwin's Hotel, in Stroudsburg, where will be kept constantly on hand the best assortment of- ' Harness, double and single, Saddles, Bridles, Collors, and every other article usuacly furnished in ti,;. 1 : 1 : tir . , . (.a niiu ui uusniess, ivorK maue lo oruer on the shortest notice. A large assortment of Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware always on hand. Call and make your own selection, and it will be furnished in style and puce 1101 10 rje exceiieu in tins market. Strict attention n.iiil tn rpmirinrmn,i ,ir.n i (-...... v .1 1 UUUV m shortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O. SAYLOR, Agent for c - a . ill- . .. r -m s?s n .0 - ; - ' S or vfii ri . ft j- s?.Ci i.;---j.i-J,4 sir. i m Harness '& S'addloiy Important to Every body. .The Subscribers would inform the public very respectfully, that they are carrying on eg,, i Hoot , & Business at their old stand, one door above Dr. S. Walton's Office, on Elizabeth st. Strouds- burg, Pa., where they will be happy to wait on their old customers, and as .many new ones as can 'make it convenient to call. They haveVn hand algood f arrortmcnt of BOOTS & SJIOES, for men, women. tnisscB' and childrens' wear. Gum over Shoesand Sandals for men, vouth and misses. A" general assortment of Lasts and Boot-Trces, shoe Thread; Wax, Heel Nails-Pincers, PuncHesEvelctts ami-Fve- lettiSctts, Pegs nnd Peg-CuttersShoellam- mors, crimping ioarus anu screws, also, 11- ninjr and binding skins, a good articie of Tampico Boct Morocco, French MoroccoanJ French .Cal!skiuy5, Lasting and-all kind of Shoemaker lo'd,; Ink I Powder and Shoe Blacking, and Frank Miller's water-proof oil blacking. All of which they offer for alse at small tdvancc upon cost. Give us a call, no charges for f bowing poods. ? . P. S. Boot.- and Shoes made to order and warranted. - . .CIIATXES 'WATERS SOX. Stroudsburg Jan. 1 lSGfi. . 4 T oxloii;v; Ilf STOVSJS of alLdtiscriptiiutj-have been 'received at the store of the subscriber, in the borough of Stroudsburg. lie has COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements; aud entire now tyles, and consitieriib'esnving of fuel, which can be had at tne lowest City prices. Also all kinds of Stove-Pipe. A large assortment of TIN WARE of ev- erv description, censta r.t! v on hand, which will be sold at whcjcsile and retiil, as rea sonable as can be lad in the Citv. All kinds of rrjvi ring done in the shortest, cheapest and Lest uanuer. Call and exam ine his stock before 'ou pnrehise eN'-uhore. Feb. 11, 'GO. " WM, S.FLOUY. O TO Of M. F. EVANS & CO'S 31. r Z n 4 ft ft Lr nit -1 k Successors to C. S. Del rich Co.,) MAIN STREET, STROUDSBURU, JV?. , Constantly on hanO a full stock of pure . SIcdieliics, Drugs, Clifaiicais, carefully FeleeTod ard purchased for CASII. A full iisr-o-tmont of ' PATENT MEDICINES, PERFVME rtj. Fancy Soaps, Tucll Brushes, Cut lie Poicddr) Cttillci. llbri'uichisj. . . ! t 1 Also , .,,.. .- - - . P t up and constantly on hand by PBOF. MYKRS Peaet-atin- Liniment, and (1 S.'DETItlCK'SComiwund Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry cc Iloarluumd. , . " Al?u tho lest WINES and BRANDIES for Medical purposes. White Loads, O.ls, Paints, Varnishes, Mixed Paints, occ. WIND O W C LA SS, SODA A SJ, SA L Soda, Whiting, Lvbr'xalhig, Neotsfout Oils, ij-c, tj-c. .Trusses, Suitor tirs ant! Shoulder Uraccs. Five per cent elf on nil Cash Sales cf over one dollar. declO'CO-!y . , THE, WORLD. REMOVED -: ? ; M M ' I H IU , WHEELER 'c: V7ILSON i Lock- Stitch Sewinr Machines'! OVER 550,000 DT USE. 1st premium over the whole world! LONDON - - - 1SG2 PARIS - - 18G7. ; 82 MACHINES COMPETING. THE WHEELER & WILSON MA- cm: NE has received the highest premium at all t ... .jtj.ui lam a airs nciu in l.urope and America, the aivnnli bninr men of the highest standing and capable of gmng an intelligent decision. Sold on the Leaso plan, $10 per month. Instructions given at the residence of the purchaser without extra charge. Call and see these unrivaled Machine. in operation, by the agent, at WASHINGTON HOTEL, Strondfchiirrr P.i February 1871. Gm. Del.urare, Lacaua.i & Vj'eslcrn : : .RAILROAD. : -1 1 Summer Arrangement from May 1, 71. Passenger? Depots, in New York, FOOT OF BAROLJY AND CHRISTOPHER STS. -TWAINS Lr.AVE WESTWAIU)., EASTWARD. t Est '-gs! Stutions. S-l -21 ? III 41 I I p.m.'p m.'a in I.f-;(vr. A n i vc-.r ). ia. p. to. !r. m .- ! 4. no' S.Uu , Ni-v Y.r,. . , : 3.1.'.. 'J.l-i,.-' j 4 15 S.I V ' :i:.-!,:Kr'r, ' ' ' 'J I'D' O.D,!' i T 4..',a: S.Ml I l':.!U- ..-., S.--'; S.'i'i' 11, . - I- '" 5.1? ; !l. l?i ? 1 PftfJ 5 1 i 1 T . - I ( Ki.ii; - f li:ii::.-t;-tf.va jli.O i--l''. 1 ' j ..'m in. Mi" ' V.,s!ii-ii.-ti !l 'i.'.S;:. . I :.S5 10 ;."i I Xctt Sl.iiiiitut if". 45' i. . , . t j T.i- 1 1. (.' j orta, - . li-'.j-'i " ? 7. 1 7 1 1 . 1 -1 M A i Mi A C i H T it 1 1 5: 59 4.117 in 1 rei.'o , 1 !0.-:c . J'hii.flsf.iilf, 1J.LK (3ii: . - ; 7."'! J I tt I IV !;s-..irV ' -'II. J;' . II 3j". , M'.!U-t IU V.icX tA-: 5.4! ' I 7.4't 1 1 l.'i V. si. r c.rv " 1 1 -J-3 5 ."1 ! I-M3: ".'' II j ? S i iiori-sat ROill.lai 5.2-.. $..; jo'-, S.(". ; -; : ;r.-n illv. U14 1 -;m I,,-, Hi,; j Jlefirv'ic, ; l"..v; I.Shi .Ill' A i . . ' - - I I .... JJ -M .l k I -1 1 : . I 111 2 15 S.W f i'orlis. ' ' !!!' 3.' J 1 ; ! y lo.r.o 1 i '' "!i h;-"r :;,: -- 1 0 -, -i - , I '.'.IS 1 i! , CinU!!n', . t '.!..'" r I .3: 1 s 1 !!-.- , ' ' .(.31 314- j l.3!i. .-i.lfi;-:-ife'i j y-'5, , ' 'irt.o.V 5 rn : SCRAN'i'o., i ilCOj 3.S(. . 1 jHM5 2 .!. ). ..'..c.MI. 3.1'JJ , .1 1 '"-- 2 Chtrk SiniiJui!,- .;::-. ( ' 10.4-2- 2-!:t - 1 A!.. 1 -;..:. ' 1 V V.4?j 'i''-" ! .,-JJl.-J.)t-'.V, ' S. '' i I'V- 1 -V, r'..-'.' vvU-, - ; -ll.l" 3 !-i J l Ni-.-l ,-!,;,.- -t T. -11 --''r . 11.33 :!-,., j. ,..,,,.; 1 2.f , T.I.'. 1 - ! 1; r.'.':-r" t p ).i li.-ii1! ; ' or. . 1 12.11 4 (,: -I Ncu V, i' fori!, - I2.2 4 11"' n.v 1! !s-i ' '-. !" -1-7 ' 1 ,:.-,. 1 !.'. 4.1.-. 1 r.!it.-;:-.i!i'rtr,' j ; '.1 4.. (:-.. tt-i i I ;..!'. f; -o..:,.-: ! if. f vf..r, . ' ! i F " ' V -. 1. : : 1 1.'-.! ll.r.n : i'i.53, j 7.1 5 ; I ' In riwiru c 9.'2n i;::c;i p. t:(. ii.m. p- ni- -' r' '''' . Trains do ntjt; s'r-p at fi tat ions where the Time is cniltcd. , : coxxrcTi;;:-:'-: ' At NEW HAMPTOY, with Central P. R. of New Jersey, fi.r E!iafcf.-tJi, Plainfieh!, Somerviile, etc.. i ' At MANUNKACnUNK.wi'h Brlvidere Delaware R. IX., for Trcircn, Piiiil ip.-Lurg and Philadelphia n-n k I : i cr - close connections for Baltimore and Washing'. At SCR ANTON, v.-ith Lackawanna and Blo'inisb-ir j R.R.. r-.rn! Del i wa re I vj.fi-, ; Canal's R. R., for Pitt stci. Kingston, Wi'h -barre, Plymotit!i.;IJ(?rwirk, B'ooinburg. Dap. ville, Northumberland, OSyphant, Archi!--aM and Carbo'nlale.' AT BING'HAMTON viih Svrrc!:?c. Binghamtion & New York U. R.,.'for Crt luid, Iloiner, Tilfiraihon, .Tul'y, Syracusr, O.-wCgo. etc. Wjth tlio Albany nrd Siquc hanna R. R., fir Albany and, th? North. With the Utiea:Afc Chenah:ro 'I)ivL--ion, fl.r Greene. Oxford; orwcl.R'chGoia Spring and U;ica. Wi'h Ihi? Evh; Railway, fr I'iO North and Wcit. Tlie New York Pjv Express, on the .'alter, leaves ' Bingl-flr.'i-ii at 4:")9 p. rn..! Connecting 'at Owejo rrii our Cayuga Div:o:i. fir Spcr-cor Spris's, Ithaca, and iniorine'Ii-iti? t:''' ns. 1 AN!) 5l1T Jw-x;- ; : CAEBCLIO AND i i Ji-y i? : soli: a cents, 0 uniOLc;LAr:-;puY .soap, TOILI'.T SOAP, liATH'KOAl',5' MP.DICINAL sOAP, niviai " DENTAL? DISINFF.CTIXG " JSASfW r. PAPvLOiV OINT'Mr.XT. c AKEOLic plant riioTncio::, ciii:svlicointmi:xt, ; CUESYLIC SIIIIEP l-il'- Guanllati:i) Oaki-ouo Vcwwa:, I A Powerful Disinfectant r.nJ Puvil'-r, and at the fcauie timo oltiosiou3 ta a!! ' sect life. f . . Stroud$burg, Fcb- KJ, l7l. Cm." A FULL ASSOHTML'N'r OF HOME MADE CHAIE3 . Always cn hand at SAMUEL G. LTr.'3 Now Cabinet Shop, Franklin Street Stroudsburg;, Tcca'a. In rear of Stroudsburg Rank. April 0,71. ly. ' For Sale at this Office. October 0, 1870. tf -rrii