Mercantile Appraisement. Notice is hereby given, to all wholesale and retail dealers of Merchandise, Distil lers &.c. of the County of Monroe, and State of Pennsylvania, tbat mey are classitied and assessed by the undersigned, appraiser of Mercantile taxes, for the year 1871, as fol tows, to wit : Class. Barrett. S. Coleman, 14 Loring Andrews &. Son, 13 lalcn8 & Northrop, 13 Shafer &, Rinehart, 13 Clicstnutlilll. Amount 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 Charles Tiid, franklin Slol, Charles Sensanbauch, John Merwine, Henry Getz, Martin KUhpaugh, rSamucI Arnold, 10 14 14 14 14 14 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 700 700 7 00 7 00 700 10 00 10 00 Hamilton. Allen Mctzgar, 14 J. S. 14 fcistler &. Fetherman, 13 (Jcorge II. Barker, 13 Isaac Peter, 14 Saylor & Brother, 11 Ctiollmtigii. jamcs A. Young, 14 Podge f Meigs, 11 L. T. Smith, 1 1 Stroud. Staples &, Stiles, 14 Nelon Detrick, 14 C. W. Decker, 14 Paradise. Jeorge R. Smith, 14 James Kintz, 14 Charles Henry, 14 Pocono Nathnniel Storm 14 Jacob Stouffer, 14 S. Kistlcr &. Co.. 13 S. Kiatler & Co., 14 David Woodsede, 14 i:idretl. 700 7 00 700 15 00 7 00 4 7 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 on 7 00 Jolm Hnrtcr, George Frantz, Jsmes Heincy, 14 14 1.. Jackson. 14 7 00 7 00 ; 7 00 S. R. Bossard, 7 00 1'olk. James Kunkel &. Bro. 14 Jlenry Kresge, 14 Monroe Kresge, 14 Peter Gilbert &. Son, 14 I- E. Wills, 14 II. McCIellan, 14 Timkliaitiiock. Henry Kccnhold, 14 ToIj Iiaima. John Shtilcr, 14 V. P. Blakeslc, 13 Iaac Stoutfer, 14 Timothy 51 illcr, 14 Stroiid.sburg'. Wrn. Flory, 13 Mrs. II. Schoonover, 14 M. F. Evans Co., 13 N. Kuster, 12 XV. D. Waiton, 14 Reuben Miller, .14 C. Hiller, Billard tables 6 in. L. T. Lobar Co., 12 Alexander Raubenold, 14 Morris L, Drake, 14 Dreher &. Brother, 13 F. Fb!e. 13 (J. FJI.lIer, 14 1 S. W.llinm. 14 D. irins Dreher, 14 S.iniucl Hood, 14 M. M. Burnett, 14 John O Soy lor, 14 U-bort Hoys, 14 W.T. B.ker, It M. L. Philips, It Joseph WalLce, 11 R. F. y II. D. Bush, 13 Lcc&.C... It J. B. Miller, 14 Marrv Deats, 14 S. I)c Young, 1 4 J. U. McCarty, 13 William Wallace, 11 Docker & Co., 10 Susm Wmtermute, 14 Robert Huston, 13 Joseph Mat lack, " 13 J. G. Keller, 13 Wm. Hollinshead, 13 Brow n &. Keller, 13 D. II. Whyckoff, 13 J. K. Brodhoad, 1 1 M rs. A. I. La B i r, 14 Simon Fried, 13 0. li. Keller. 13 Miss 1 T. Miller, 14 Charles Herman, 14" 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 4 vv 7 00 1U IK t IHJ 10 (K 12 50 7 qo 7 00 13 00 19 .m 1 wi 10 (W .v 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 Smlflifleld. B. T. Brodhead, David Shannon, James Bell, jr. A. 1). La bar, B. F. Li bar, E D. Hoffman, 13 13 14 14 14 14 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 31. Smillincld. A. (J. Shoemaker, 14 J. II. Merwine, 14 Ilosx. Jacob Bom-cr, 14 Hunt MroudKbur?. D. J. Stemples, 11 J. &. M. Vetier, 12 It M. Kresge, 12 P. Empy, 14 N. S. Detrick, 14 A. W. Loder, 14 Morgan fit Garris, 3 I'hilip Rockafellcw. 14 Burt &. Ilerzog, Brewery 9 7 00 7 00 700 15 00 12 50 12 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 8 00 Notice is hereby givrn tbat an appeal will be held at the Comniiasiner's Office in the Borough of Stroudsburg, on Friday, 30, of June, 1871, at 10 o'clock a. m. all person who feel themselves aggrieved, by the fore gomj Appraisement are requested to attend. SAMUEL ARNOLD, Mercantile Appraiser. awy 25, 1871.-4 1. Executor's Notice. &tnti of J01IX S1IIVELY, dec1 J. I .letters testamcutary upon the estate of j 1 uivelyj deceased, having been grant- fid those having claims or demands against uo same, to make them known without de- ' NANCY S.IIIVELY, FUtcutrU. 11, 1871.-61. Stroudsburg, Pa rjAIY YOU TGIiL WHY IT IS V lat wh?n any one comes to Strouds tnrg to b'.y Furniture, they always inquier 'or AlcCartys Furniture Store! Sept. 26. ' 'i 10 the undersigned by the llcgistcr lor J he probate of Wills. &c., in and for the T1 Monroe, all persons indebted to I The National Stor STILL AHEAD, AXD WHY IS IT, Because You Can Get Good Goods Cheap There. The finest stock of clothing ever brought to STROTJDSBUBG, CAX BE 8EEX AT THE NATIONAL STORE. The styles of coats Walking, Derby and Sack. An WrJ Scotch t'hevoit Suits from S14 to SIS. All Wool, Scotch, from 17 to $20. 0 A fine lot of Basket Cass. Suits from $17 splendid lot of clothins for HOYS, from 3 vu years, upward. 00 All the latest styles of HATS AND CAPS. The very Litest WtOADWAV t&vV of Gosimcr Silk Hats can be obtained at The National Store. Also a fine lot of Silk, Fur Gossimer and ii' in, . , 1. . . , . . ... u 001 nais 01 tne latest styes. A splendid lot of brown and white STIIAW 1 1 ATS A fine lot of silk cassimcr and cloth cans of the latest stvles. A large lot of Ladies' :.nd Gents' furnish ins goods, comprising Hosien' nnd Gloves lor both J'iuics and eits . Overalls and Shirts. A lot of Whitt-plaid and Striped Mnrts ot the Monitor, .Hanh.ittan and ten tral Park Manufacture. Handkerchiefs, lace collars, linen collar and cuffs, needle worked : six thousand o: the latest stvles ofj natter and cloth-faced cellars on hand, the 7 00 U?.i anJ u,auy otner styfc of Cass, suits. 7 00 i3 rencn English, Trivcot, Doe Skin and 7 00 lJlucNavy Suits. A fine lot of Linen Suit w and hite Duck and Manmitfai Yfn A T no -'A.iniuifs 01 Jioraii, naia.v, iionuui aim ni ' w I - a . 11 11 . . 11 .... .1 .1 f .i' 1 ' 1 n .... 11.-- vol conars, j nze coiiai-! new siyie, are 1 ne latest out, all ot which can be obtained at S" TIIK NATIONAL STOKE. An endless variety of Gents cravats from 10 cents to 61. l!.). Sulendid lot of sleeve huttons, studs and coJar buttons: irents linen collars and cutis. Jjadies corsets from To cents to i?l. in. A vcr- nic-e lot of Dress crwxls, such a alapactis, peccails, lusters, traveling goods, -' A 'nnts of the best, only '2 cent-, mus 11US J"".4 snecting ana uckin.i. Particular attention paid to custom work iu) the latest styles von csui select trom a laige lot ot tramples. Anvthinr you desire we war I nml a K,NJ1 uu tiiii iu 10 iuu sum tics i. .... ..1 1 .ii ....1 .1 1. . . - , . oeiore purciiasing ciscwiicrc N. P.USTKli, Proprietor of TIIK NATIONAL STORK. 3I.1I3T St., Slroudsburgr, may 4-tf. BCJSHKILL Woolen Factory! :o: CARDING, SPINNING, WEAVING. DYEING. AND CLOTII-DRESSING. :oo:- Thc subscriber respectfully cives notice to the inhabitants of Monroe and Pike counties. Pennsylvania, and ihe adjoining counties of New-Jesrey, that he has EXTENDED and IMPROVED the old established WOOLEN FACTORY, at Cusiikill. Pa., and is prepared to MAN UFACTURE and FINISH all goods entrust, ed to him promptly, and in a superior man. ner. He is prepared with proper machinery to manufacture ALL KINDS AND COLORS Of Broad and Sorrow Cloths, Blankets, Carpets of all kinds, ISaimoral Skirts, Flannels and Fancy Checks and . Stripes fir Shirts, &.C., &c. WOOL! WOOL!! The highest price paid for Wool in CASH, or cloths given it exchange, and the highest market price allowed. Wool carded lot 7 els. if delivered at th Mill. 8 cis. if laken and returned. Cash to be paid on delivery of wool. Dyeing in all colors, in wool, yarns, or cloth, in superior style, by an experienced dyer. Wool and other goods will be taken and returned, by the tubecriber, once each two weeks, from and to the following places, viz : Hoffman's Store, Marshall Creek ; J. D. Labar's and Freeze's Stores, Shawnee ; R. Boys' Store, Stroudburg; WyckotTs Mill, in Stroud townsliid ; J. & M. Yetters, E 1st Stroudsburg ; Wallace' or Pinshot's Store, Milford; Dingman's or McCarty's Stores, Dingman's Ferry; Nyce's Siore, Egypt Mills, and Brisco's Hotel, Lehman township ; Flatcrook and Millbrook. N. J.; John Clark's store. Port Jorvis. Cash will be paid for Wool left at either of the above named places. Thankful for past fovors, he hopes to receive and merit a libi-ral share of patronage. Terms Liberal and Prices moderate. M ATI JEW PROCTOR, may 18-3m. noH'T I OOL YOIJIt MONKY JL away for worthless articles of Furni ture, but go to McCarty's, and you will get well paid for it. bept. xo, 67. Dissolution JVoticc. The undersigned, heretofore doing busi negs in the Borough of Stroudsburg. Pa. under the arm nanierf J. S v;iira,a jt- Co., hereby notify the public that they hare Liua uay, vy mutual consent, dissolved the copartiiership heretofore between them exist ing. The books of the firm will be left at uie old place ot business for settlement (where L. II. Ilibler, will continue the busi UCSSJ. J. S. WILLIAMS, . . Y II. HIliULEU. April 27, 1871. MRS. A. I. LA BAR, DEALER IN M1LLIXERY GOODS, Dress faking. Cutting and Fitting, Stitching, Patterns of nil kinds j Black and colored VeUeU. Ribbons. Traces and Embroidering. vyorseis ana lloisery. nam and t'ancv Ribbons, Fine Silk, Diess Buttons, Cotton Fringe and Trimmings, White Goods. Also Real and Imitation Hair, al! shades uoods shown with pleasure. Quick sales and 6mall profits will be the motto at this establishment. A call is solicited. Next uoor to William llollinshead a Drug Store, Main St., atroudsburg. Pa. AIRS. A. I. LA BAR. April i0, 1871 tf. NEW AND CHEAP Milliner) and Fancy Store AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. The public are respectfully invited to call hi me ooirc room 111 viexanuer rowier s t 4I.. kJ.i a 1 1 n 1 uilding, a few doors above the Washington Hotel, .Main .street, Stroudsbursr, Pa., and examine the large and elegant, Stock of Millinery, Fancy, and Gents Furnishing Goods. Tins stock embraces all the novelties of the Season, was selected with great care, ami will be ui.sM)scd ot at the foicrst cash jtnecx. tare bargaius are here onered to the ubhc. Vpril 13, '71. 31. DKATS. QFF THE FRONT STREET. LOOK BEFORE YOU LE AP. Or, in other words, examine goods and prices before you buy. 1 have a fplcndid lot ot NEW FURNITURE On hand both of my own and city make at RICES THAT MUST SUIT ALL. PARLOR, BEDROOM, DINING ROOM, KITCHEN FUltrtlTUISE, AT PRICES AS LOW A8 BEFORE THE WAR. Sale Roo" and Manufactory all under one Roof, on Franklin Street, Jmhc rear of the Stroudsburg Bank, SAMUEL S. LEE. April 6, 1871. ly. 0. H. Dreher. . B. Dreher. J (2 doors west of the "JefTersonian Office,") ELIZABETH STREET, Stroiidttbur?, I'a., DREHER & BRO., DEALERS IS Drug, Medicines, Perfumers' and Toilet Article. Paints, OILS, VARNISHES, G1ASS &, PUTTY". Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seeley's Hard m imi:it Till NSi;.S AIko Ritter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Phyxiciaiw' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded. N. B. Tlie highest C.-ikIi price paid for OIL of WINTERUREEN. may 4-tf. READ! READ!! The undersigned would hereby inflrm the public that he h;is just opened a Shop on Main street 2 J door above the Express office, where he will make to order all kinds of Men's and Gent's rUl HOOTS AND SHOES. At short notice, of the best nnteria! and o( the most excellent workmanship. The pub lice is cordially invited lo give him a call. All work warranted to fit and and wear well. Foaling and Repairing promptly at tended lo. Charges moderate. FREDERICK G RUBER. Stroudsburg, March 23, 1571. if. FOR RENT Two first class Dwelling Houses near the center of Town. For tcmi apply at the J EFFERSON IAN OFFICE. April 13, 1871. FiOX'T FOKCET that when U y. you want any thing in the Furniture or Ornamental line that McCarty, in the OJd-Ftllows' Hall, Mjin Street, Stroude burJff, Vd., is the place to gel it. fSept. ilG DRUG STORE tv PEXXSYLTAXIA Department OP THE NATIONAL CAPITOL Life Insurance Company. Chartered by Special Act of Congress. OFFICK : CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING, 135 SOUTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A National Mutual Life Insurance Co, Sl'ECIAL FEATURES. All policies non-forfeitable after the frsl year. CASH DIVIDENDS annually after the second year. Premiums low and mnnagement prudct. No extra premiums for women, artnu or navy officers, or conductors on passengar trams. No restriction to travel. Policy-holders secured bv a deoosit in the United Slates Treasury. All moneys received in this department must be invested here. Policy-holders elect the Board of Trus tees, and the President of each local Board is a member of the Homo Board. Therefore it is a purely mutual company. Agents wanted in Eastern Pennsylvania. New Jersey, and Delaware. president : JOHN P. VERREE. TRUSTEES : John P. Verre, Jamcs V. Watson, C. J. Hoffman, Amos R. Little, John R. Michener, Alexander M. Fox, E. S. Talmngc, Joseph B. Van Dusen, Thomas Cochran, Daniel Sutter, Josiah L. Iliinc?, Charles J. Field, Simon Gratz, Henry T. Hoyt, Robert Shoemaker, George Rcmsen, Charles Watson, Edward Bains, Nathan Middleton, Benj. II. Shoemaker. John II. Bringhurst, F. C. Gillingham, Joseph Ball, Gcorjre Watson, Reeve L. Knight. PEDDLE & WIDDIFIELD. Superintendents. C. D. BRODHEAD, Agent, Stroudsburg. Pa. Februaty 23, 1871. Cm. Notice! Notice! ! To all Whom it may Concern ! ! I The undersigned, having gone into the Broom Business, would notify the public. most respectfully, that he is prepared, with the best and latest improved machinery, and he best quality of material, to manufacture Brooms, Waists, and Small Brooms for children, in a manner superior to any- thinjr in that line ever offered for sail in Monroe Countv at wholesale and retail, a little below city prices. He is also pre pared to furnish to order, at short notice Broom Machine's, Handles, Wire & Twine all of the best, and warrntcd to give satisfac tion. The use of one of my Brooms will set tle the fact, beyond all dispute, that better can be obtained from me. than can be pro cured in the city. To the tanners of Monroe County, he would say that they can now find a home market for all the broom Corn they can raise, and each farmer should strive to raise enough for his own use and have some left to sell. Those desiring seed 'to plant can always nnu an abundance ot the best quality of Seed by calling on the undersigned. The undersigned will, also, attend to SAW FILING at the shortest possible notice, and from his experience in this branch of business, he flutters hims-elf that he cannot fail to give perfect satisfaction. Before purchasing elsewhere, persons will most certainly advance their interests by calling and examining my stock of Brooms. fT? Country Produce taken in exchange. Don't forget the place, on Franklin Street, opposite Wm. Higitsman's Livery Stable. A. R. CARMER, March 10, '71 tf. Found out wliv people iro to McCarty's to lOir f 1 1 fill f II ! luWITlUik kiii'ki it fir Ware Rooms of Ijcc & Co. and holla it at in advance of only ttrrnti-ftrt ami tico- nhith iter cent. Or in other words, Rockiii" Chairs that he huys of Iami & Co. (through the runners he don t havf ) lorOO he sells or y.,.(. 1 nys him to bin Kniiir t ur- Htfurr. Lhh it CO. ?troudshurg, Aug. IS, 1K7. 3t. is 1 1 1 NOW IS THE TIME TO USE It'ouatl's Condition Powder. In the Fall and Winter when your cows ive but little - milk this powder is pure to ncrease .he quantity and improve the qual- tv. For horses, it increases the appetite, promotes digestion. exhiJcratcs the spirits, renders the coat soil and shimmr. ror I loirs one package in your swill barrel will hasten the fattening process at least 1(K) per cent. 'h is powder has proved an excellent article for sheep. Be sure you get the Genuine Youatt's Condition Powder, MANUFACTURED BV v i l. r. i a yi 1 1 o 1. 1 . i s 1 1 1: V I , All other is a counterfeit. Sec that the nnc of WM IIOLLINSHEAD is on each ickage nnd buy no other. Warnnted lo OA 3 satisfaction or the money refunded. ov. 19, 'OS WM. IIOLLINSHEAD. G It CAT JOY IN TUB ciiuasMAiv uii,m:ii lias ojaiu opened his excellent katixg ani SALOON, On Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. ft?" He now extends an invitation to all his friends and former customers to call at his old place of business. Here they can drink of his delightful beverages: linger Beer, I'ui ter, Ale, Khiiic Wine, ive. Ace. and eat of his superior Cheese, Oftler, &c. &e. 07" Minors not allowed lo visit his Sa loon. March 4, 18G0. tf. HENRY T.JIEyiBOLDS COMPOUND FLUID Extract Catawba GRAPE PILLS. Component PartsFluid Extract Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Juice. FOR LIVER COM PLAINTS, JAUNDICE, BILIOUS AFFECTIONS, SICK Oil NERVOUS HEADACHE, COSTIVE NESN.Etc PURELY VEGETABLE, CONTAINING NO MERCURY, MINE RALS OR DELETERIOUS DRUGS. These Pills arc nio?t delightfully pleasant purgative, Mipcrscuing cantor oil, salts, magnesia, etc. 1 here is nothing more ac ceptable to the stomach. They give tone, and cause neither nausea nor griping pains. They are composed of the fiiest ingredients. After a few days' use of them, such an in vigoration of the entire system lakes place as to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising from imprudence or disease. II. T. Hclmbold's Compound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pills are not sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar-coated Pills do not dissolve, but paps through the stomach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the desired effect. The Catawba Grape Pills, being plcasintin taste and odor, do not necessitate their being sugar-cottcd. and are prepared according to rule of Phar macy and Lhemu-try, and arc nut Patent Medicines. HENRY T. HELM HOLD'S HIGHLY CONCKNTRATKO COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will radically exterminate from the system Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Lyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Head, Bronchitis, Kkin DUenses, Salt Rh"iim. Cankers, Runnings from the Ear, White SwcllinES, Tumors, Cancerous Affections, Iodes, Rickets, Glandular Swellings, Night Sweats, Rah, Tetter, Humors ot all Kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyt-pepsia, and all diseases that have been established in the system for years. Being Prepared Expressly for the above Complaints, its Blood-Purifying Properties are Greater than any other Preparation of barsaparilla. It gives the complexion a clear nnd healihy co'or and restores the patient lo a ttate of health and purity. For Purifying the blood, removing all chronic Constitutional Disencs arising from an im pure state of the blooj. And the only reliable and Effectual known remedy for the cure of Pains ami Swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Blotch es, Pimples on the face, Erysipelas and all Scaly Eruptions of the skin, and beautify ing the complexion. iii:iiv t. ic 1:11 itoi.irs CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, THE (IIIEAT IML'ItETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. Irritation of the neck of the Bladder and liifltmmation of the Kideys, L'leceration of the Kidneys ami Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases' of the Pros tale Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, brick du?t deposit, ami Mucous or milky discharges, and for enfeebled and delicate constitutions ot both sexes, at tended with the Following Symptoms: In disposition to exertion, loss of power, loss of memory, difficulty of Breathing, weak nerves, trembling, Horror of pain in the back, hot hinds, Flushing of the body, dry ness of the skin, eruption on the face, pallid Countenance, universal lassitude of the Muscular System, etc. Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to twenty-five, and from thirty-five to fiMy- hve or in the decline or change ot life : alter confinement or labor pains ; bedwetting in children. Helmbold's Extract Illicit u is diuretic and blood-purifying, and cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, and excesses and imprudences in life, impurities of the blood, etc., supersedirg copaiba in affections for which it is used, and Syphilitic affections in these diseases used in con nection with Helmbold's rose wash. LADIES. In manv affections peculiar-to ladies, the Extract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy as in chlorosis or retention, irregu larity, Painrulness or euppession of custom ary evacuations, ulcerated or schirrus t-tate of the uterus Leucorrhoea or whites, steril ity, and for all complaints incident to the tex, whcincr arising irom inuiscrciion or habits of dissipation. It is prescribed cxtcn- sive'y by the most eminent physicians and Midwives lor enfeebled and Delicate consti tutions, of both sexes and oil ages. H. T. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Diseases Arising from Imprudences, Habits if Dissipation, etc , in all their stajes, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and jio r 1 exposure. It Causes a irequem uetirc, uiiu gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing and Curing Stric tures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain nnd Inflammation, so frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling all l'oisonous matter, HENRY T. HELM IIOLDV? IMPROVED ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed as a Face Wauh.and will bo found the onlv soecific remedy la every species of Cutaneous Affection. It speedily eradictes Pimnles. boots. Mcoruutic ury npiw. iiuiiiraiions 01 1110 uiuncuut. nicm- la Redness and Incipient u , I. . . V - vv.v r . m . t 1 1 a. 1. Inflammation, Hives, liasii, xvioin ruiciict, Drvnnsx of Scalo or Skin. Frost Bites, and all purposos for which Salves or OintmiMiiH nr usrJ : restores the skin to a 6tatc of purity and softness, and insures con- 1 niieJ hea lliv aetton to tne tissues o. ns vessels, oil which depends the ngrcable otMrna nml vivacitv of complexion so much anil irlit nml ailuiired. But however valuable as a remedy for existing defects of the skin II T. ITtt'.inbold'd Rose Wash has Ion? bus imiipil in nrinciote c-biim to unbounded pat- rouaje, by p sso.-ing qu ilities whirh render it a Toilet Appeudaje ol the raa-t S tpcrla- tive and Congenial character, conbiniug iii an elegant formula those prominent requis ites, Safety and Efficacy the invariable ac companiments of its use--as a Preservative and Refresher of the Complexion. It is an' excellent Lotion for disease of a Syphilitic . Nature, and as tfn injection for diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising trom habits of dissipation, used in connection with ihe Ex tracts Buchu, Sdrsdjiarilld, and Catawba Grape Pills, in such diseases as recommend ed, cannot be surpa ssed. Full and explicit direction acebmnanv the medicines. Evidence of the most rernonsihle ami reliable character fnrnished on npplicafiorf,- wun Hundreds of thousands of living wit nesses, and upward of 30,000 unsolicited certificates and recommendatory letters, many of which are from the highest sources, including eminent Physicians. Clerrrvmen Statesmen, etc. The proprietor has never resonea to tiieir publication in the news papers; he does not do this from Hm f:.M tf&t his articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to' be" propped dp hf certificates. Henry T. irdmboldV Genuine Preparations. Delivered to any address. Secure from observation. Established upward of twenty voara. Sol.l by Druggists everywhere. Address letters for information, in confidence l& IIENR.V T. II ELM BOLD, Druggist and Chemi.-t. Unly Depots: II. 1. HELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, No. 591 Broadway, New York, or to II. T. HELM BOLD'S Medical Depot, 101 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S ! TAKK NO OTflRIT. Feb. 0, 1871. Cm, Highly Important I . The tndersined lias now feggSptf opened his Store at East 2Lcioiy-ir,.Stroulsburr. in Kistler's iioav lmiMing, opposite the lepot, and lias I men. to both Cities, New York and Philadelphia. and taken great pains in selecting his stock,, consisting or DEY GOODS of all descriptions, a full stock of Yankee No tions, Indies ami t tents under-wear, Over shirts, Knit Jackets single and double, and an unusual large stock 01 Ready-made Clothing; suits for IJovs 4 vcars old to the larwost siws. and at all prices. Over-coats in endless va riety. Also, Shawls of all kinds and all pri ces; Wood and 'Willow-ware: Oil Cloth, floor and table. A full line of White (Joods, Hoots and b'hoes of all kindts and at all jri-- ces. Also, a large stock ot- HATS AND CAPS, China, Glass and Qubcns-ware, rlour, l eed and a' full assortment of fJroec- t ies : Accordeons and other .Musical Iustru- ments. H. M. KHESGE. October 27, 1ST0. tf. LEWIS T. IA BAR & Co. DEALERS IS Dr$ GoditSf . Yankee 2Tot!ott G rocerics, Provisions, Flour and Feed, Fish and Salty Boots and Shoes', Hardware, Wooden Xiar'Cj Crockery, IS rushes it- II room sr. Kerosene. nd, in short, almost evcrvthin?r von r.m think of or ask for; all of which are of- cred at smash down prices, at the old tand, on Main-street, between the Lank ind the Jeffersonian office. The public are invited to call. LEWIS T. LAUAR&CO. Fbcruary 16, 1871. UNDERTAKING ! LEE & Co. would mo.-t respectfully an nouuee that having procured an elegaHl HEAESE, md having a person in their employ of wclve years experience, in the undertaking business, are now prepared to attend to uii ucrtaking in all its branches in the best poss ible manner. COFFINS and CASKETS of anv ? style or quality, constantly or. hand, and 1 r- 1 cauy lor snipmeni al short notice. Order by mail promptly attended to. Our clmrT arc moderate; we have no disposition0 to distress the living or rob the estates of the dead. N. B. Ready-made ROBES, neatlv rot- en up, can be had at any time, ut the Ware ioom ot Lkci k. Uo. May 2G, 1570. ly. A Chance lo make Money ! One Hundred Dollars from One Dollar. A fctirc thins and 110 Deception. Every person owning DORSES, CAT TLE, SHEEP and DOGS are guaranteed to make One Hundred Dollars by using a One Dollar Packnfreof " YOUATT'S CONDITION POWDER," manufactured by William IIollinshead Stroudsburg. If yoti huvo uever used it try Package and if it does not benefit your stock to the amount of one hundred dollars. in your estimation, call at the store and get your money refunded. DORSES. It will give them a good ap petite, keep their skin loose and renders the coat soft and shinhig, keeping them in got-d condition with one-half the feed, being there by a saving of one-half the money. GxMWV-rlt makes them give more nvtlk with one-half the feed, and if they give noro niilk of course you make more BUTTFR, and the more butter the more money. I have so much confidence in 1 he Ctt e Powder that f mnke the above offer, know ing well that il will do all that is claimed for it. WM. IIOLLINSHEAD. 07" Ark to see The Great Tobacco An tidote. March 1, 1SG0. if. J