I I Cl)c 3cffcvsonian. THURSDAY, FEBHUARY 25, 1869. fOTho Rev. Dr. Maclie delivered two ve ry able and impressive sermons in the Presby terian Church on Sabbath last. It is rumored t hat tlic congregation arc about to give liim a all to the pastorate of the church, with every jinnjHjct that it will be successful. Fowler's Appointment Festival. A festival for the benefit of the Rev. G. L. Shafer, Pastor in charge, will be licld at the residence of Aaron Stone, (late A. Loder a ) in Stroud township, on Tuesday evening, March 2nd. The public are cordially invited to at tend. - Fatal Accident. Mr. Reuben Swink, brother of Charles and Robert Swink, and formerly a resident of Tan uersville in this county, but latterly of Hollis Urvillc, in Wayne county, was instantly killed at KeifenydcrV Sawmill, about seven miles from Sand Cut, in Luzerne county, on the Huh inst. He was st wcrk on the mill, and was in the art of putting a belt on the wheel with a stick, when a strap caught the stl.-k and hurled it a-gain-t his breast with niieh force, as to knock J. in a distance of eight feet, and kill him in stantly. The deceased was one of nature V no-M.-nien, and was much respected by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and fire children, and a large circle of relatives and friends to luourn his untimelv end. The 22nd of February. Mon.I.-.r last was the anniversary of the birth of him was "lin-t in peace, first in war and first i.i the heart" of hia countrymen" the groat, the immortal Washington; and yet, what to ken of the fact was visible in. our borough on lh:it day. There was not even so much as a ng let loose to the brceza. Time was. when the 1th .f July, 10th of September, St h of Jan nary and 22nd of February were looked upon a demonstrative holidays, and the people join ed, heart and soul, in celebrating the events which made the?e days memorable. Now, itli the exception of the -lib of July, they .nrc i'rmitted to pass by without recognition, and there is reason to fear that even the events -f New Orleans and Lake Erie, and the birth f Washington are rapidly being forgotten. Tnget up a decent 4th of July celebration, now-a-day is one of the hardest jobs imagina ble. Lecture. Our rciidere should not forget the lecture, tc come off" at the Court J louse, on to-morrow Friday) evening. The Lecturer, Mrs. M. M. L. I Sums, is a lady of the highest rcspectabilitv nnd of i'.iiihed intellectual attainments. She ii:ia, for some time enjoyed a fine reputation as a writer for the periodical rres?, and since her :nivcnt into the lecturing world, success has at tended her wherever she appeared. Her ub- j-t "Woman's Mission," U one in which every one is interested, and as she appears un- !.-r the auspu-es of Post No. 150 G. A. 71., a x'.re gnr.rantee that every thing will be as it should Ik.-, she should be greeted by a crowded bouse, ihe Scranton JnVVr thus ppcaks of: . Irs. j. : ' V,'e ha ve listened to most of our ablest lec turers to some of them many times but have never lx-iu entertained by more beautiful ihffichN a?id imagery. We" unhesitatingly ao--ird Mr. llnrns a high jdace amonir our "root iHpuIar biturers. In elegance of style, in d.-j.th of thought, and in beauty of rhetoric, rM'h TJ:l, if not the superior of Anna E. Our Table. "Godey's Lad Rook," for Mareh, reached us on Thursday last, as usual, in advance of all the monthlies, and loaded down with artistic und literary gems. Every family should be n Uio regular receipt of the book. Terms, $3 k r annum, in advance. L. A. Coder, pub- i"hcr, Philadelphia. "Arthurs Home Magazine," for March, is p.lso on our table. This is a new visitor to our tectum, and U really a most welcome one. The number before us is full of good thing in a nterary way, containing continued chapters f "The C rahams and the Armstrongs." a fe rial by Mr. T. S. Arthur, whose name Las be come a household word in the land; 'The Kairviilc Sewing Machine Temperance Socie l.S" bj the author of Ten Nights in a Bar room, and other tales of great excellence, be side elegant engravings, fashion plates, patems. usic, Slc, &e. The number before us, in the NK,king department, imparts direction for pre paring rish and Oysters in fifty different ways. Terai, ?2 per annum ; 3 copies $5 ; 4 copies $6, Avr. It is decidedly the best of the $2 maga tin. T. Si. Arthur A Sons, Philadelphia, publishers. The Eame publishers have also gracc-d our ta ble with the Mareh number of "Once a Month," a very ncaL monthly, filled with articles of more than usual literary and scientific merit. The articles, "Among the Shops," "The Great Ne bula in Argo," "Life in Japan," "Audabon," and, indeed, all the articles in the magazine are of unusual interest, and make the work' worth fur more than the subscription price. Terms, $2 per annum ; 3 copies $; 6 copies 510. T. S. Arthur & Sons, Philadelphia. We are also indebted to the same publishers for the March number of the "Children's Hour," a magazine filled with choice and in Mruetivc reading matter for the "little ones." We never taw belter judgment displayed in a work for children, whether we consider the Stones or the elegant engravings by which they are illustrated. The magazine is well worth the subscription price. Term1, $1 25 rer annum, in advance; 1 copy 3 years $3; 5 copies 1 year $5. Addros T. fc. Arthur & Sons, Philadelphia. "Packard's Monthly," for March is also on hand, and when we announce that Junius Hen ri Rrowu, Horace Creely, Louis Gay lord Clark, Mark Twain, and a host of writera of like ce lebrity write for it, we think the reader will a jrree with us that it is dirt cheap, at SJ per an- r.'-VU. . S. J'a. k.inl, publi.-hcr, New York. The Democracy. The loaders of the Democracy opened a vent for the relief of tho party, at the Court House, on Monday evening last, and appeared to have a very pleasant time of it. His Honor Judge He Young presided, with becoming dignity, and, upon taking the chair, in a very neat speech returned thanks to the meeting for the honor conferred upon him, in selecting him as iist chairman, and, at the same time, forcibly set forth the object and duty of the meeting to be, to take measures to socurc the nomina tion of Asa Packer, and his $20,000,000, as the Democratic candidate for Governor. During tho proceedings the Judge developed the strict parliamentarian, which, though possibly a lit tie out of order in a purely Democratic meet ing, is not so far out of the way when consid ercd in connection with the fact, that rumor bo frequently connects the Judge's name with scat in Congress, where skill in such matters becomes a virtue. AH in all, the President made a "werry" good President. For Vice Presidents we had Richard S Staples, of Stroudsburg, Isaac S. Case, of Cool- bangh, Frederick Siglin, of Chcstnuthill, and Robert W. Swink, of Stroud. Ab the Vice President of a County meeting is usually more for ornament than use, and as the Vice Preai dents in this instance proved no exception to the rule, we feel like congratulating the meeting ov er the securing of uch beautiful timber. Hand somer men could not have been culled from the meeting, and with the President at the head, we think we may safely venture the a sertion that a more briliant display of beauty, and pure, disinterested Democracy, never grac ed our judicial lonch. Nor waa less care displayed in the selection of the lower lights of the meotinr. Our excel lent friend, John S. Fisher, would gracs any position, whilst the meeting might have gone a great ways from home, and failed to have found one who would have so worthily filled the re remaining Secretaryship as our amiable friend, Amandus Orcvua Grcenwald, of the Monroe Democrat. When Amandus took his scat, and presented his pleasant countenance to the de- lighte d auditory, we were in voluntary remind ed of the figure-head of General Jackson, which graced the prow of the good frigate Constitu tion some thirty-five years ago, and alout which Commodore Elliot, and the old line Whigs of that period, got into such a terrible muddle ; and we were happy in the reflection that A. O. this time proved to be "the coming man," and that there was no one present to snub him and make him afraid. The meeting being thus beautifully and ably officered, Mr. John M. Coolbaugh, cf Middle Smithfield, moved the appointment by the chair of a committee of one from each township, to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting, which was done, and Mr. C, for his motion, rewarded with the chairmanship. The committee having retired, S. S. Dreher, Esq. was, on motion, called upon to address the meeting. 'Squire Dreher promptly responded to the cull, and though he maintained a bland and pleasant smile during the progress of the speech, it was evident, from his contortions cf argument, that he felt that he had taken upon himself the ta.-k of the bov who had undertaken to roll a big stone up hill, and had as much he could do to keep from getting r mashed by it, without attempting to make progress. The 'Squire was not, by no manner of means, dis couraged by the past defeat of the Democracy O.n the contrary he thought there was reason for encouragement, and he arraigned the Re publican party on its failure to redeem its sol emn proniisc-3 made la-t fall. The 'Squire would be sure he was right, and, diving deep down inio the breast pocket of his coat, he ex humcd a musty document, with which he was was much more familiar last fall than he has leen since, and read therefrom a plank of the Chicago Platform. With this as his theme he improvised most beautiful Democratic varia Hons on the negro and negro sufirage. He charged the Republican party with a violation of pledges, but his attempt to makes his char ges good was a most lamentable failure. He said that Republicans attempted to force ne gro suffrage on the North under the Constitu tion as it is, but his own sense of justice com pelled him to qualify this by saying that mam- more Republicans voted against the absurdity and defeated it. lie again charged violation, in that an attempt was made to establish negro suffrage all over the country, by constitutional amendment, with the aid of prefect State Legi latures. Justice to himself, and to his hearer?, should have prompted him to declare that the project is not yet a success, and is not like to be, unl:s Democratic Congressmen come to the aid of the extreme Republicans. Aband oning this branch of his theme before he kid di lated upon all the facts in the case, the 'Squire next essayed to make "a big thing" out of our finances. Heavy taxes were groaned over, the word extravagance was flippantly used, and charges of an increase of the public debt sevc ral times ventured. Rut mum was the speak er over the cause of our heavr taxes and oar national extravagance, whilu, even in hia own hands, the increase of public debt dwindled down to sonic $30,000,000 in nhape of bonds loaned to the Pacific Railroads, both principal and interest of which the roads are bound to pay. It had probably escaped his memorr that these roads have been the especial pets of both parties in more than one Presidential campaign, and that they have, thus far, been sub sidized by the votes of both parties ; but it was a relief to hear the 'Squire declare that he was, as are the great mass of Republicans, pleased to hear that Gen. Grant was opposed to the granting of anymore railroad subsidies. It would be w ell, if, in view of the fact that lit is too honest ever to make a popular Democrat ic orator, the 'Squire would confine himself to such fpirited platitudes as "two pigs equeal ing under a gate." Such thinga revive the spi ritsof D emocracy hereabouts famouslv, while his "honest confessions of the 60ul," which con tinually keep interlarding themselrc-ft in the heavy matter of his efforts, have only the effect to make the Sheriff' Deputy enuff and ppit prodigiously. The speech concluded, Mr. Chairman Cool baugh reported the resolutions, which had been unanimously adopted in Committee. Judg ing from their tenor, we thould Bay they had their origin in the same brain from whence flowed the speech of the evening. They eung "jiigger," they gave a spasmodic yell over ex tra vagance, and thev liuzzad for Packer. Thev j did this in addition tby recommended Jude Rarrctt for the Supreme Rench. On motion of one of the old foswlrt of Democracy, the only one permitted to take part in the meeting, they were adopted en tnasre. Taking it all in all, the meeting was "a thing of beauty," and should be to the Democracy "a joy forever. There was nothing said about the regular nomination of county officers, as we were led to suppose would be the case. It proved to be Packer from the officers, Packer from the speaker, Packer from the committee, and Packer all around the house : and will, in the end, as in the New York Convention, prove to be Packer, and nothing the. Batehelordom. Reader, have your ever attended a trial in the Court of Ratchelordom ? If vou have not we have, and, though we paid particular at tcntion to the sayings and doings, we could not begin to tell of a hudredth part of the good things that were said and done. Time Satur day evening. Place Robeson'a Saloon. Oc casion the trial of Chip F., one of the most un compromising of the order, for having taken to himself a wife without permission of the brotherhood. And there was an indictment, and Chip waa indicted; and there were judges, and Chip waa judged ; and there were witnesses, and Chip was witnessed against; and there were lawyers and Chip was lawyered, and both prosecuted and defended ; and there were ju rors, and Chip was jurored against and convic ted ; and there was a constable, and order was preserved in Court, and the Court waa proper ly and sufficiently watered. And there was dig nity, and fibbing, and truthfulness, and fun, and punishment in shape of oysters raw. stewed, bar bacued and fried, served up in Mra. II' s. match- Iw . tyk?, and yet Chip, the incorrigible, ptood by and enjoyed the fun innocent-looking and unconcerned in a new-born babe, i'uf- fy thotrght that the punishment was righteous, and that somebody ehould be punished "jea so" every two weeks and others thought as Puffy did and immediately warrants were is sued for the arrest of two other incorrigibles among tha brotherhood, becau.-c of suspicious movements in which they had of late been de tected. At a seasonable hour the Court ad journed and left Chip in close communion with himself. SQuThe Court, on Monday last, granted li cences to all our saloon applicants. This was somewhat of a disappointment to our temper ance folks, whils to the lovera of the "refresh ing beverage," who have been living under a "heavy dry" for nearly a year, it seems to be somewhat cf a cause for rejoicing. We are pleased toobeerve that the indulgence in lager, thus far, is quite modi-rate. Court Proceedings. Court convened on Monday the 22J. All the Judges were prcent. The Grand Jury appointed E. II.Gunsau Ies, of M. Smiihfield, foreman. They dis posed of the following- cases, viz: Commonwealth vs. John A. Quaco. As eault and battery, on complaint of William fluff. Bill returnej ignoramus and prosecu tor to pay cots. Commonwealth vs. James Haldemail. Fornication and BiBtardy, on oath of Catha rine Huffaker. True bill. Commonwealth t. BalJus Glcegler. False pretence, on oath of D. M. SSlutter. Bill ignoramus and prosecutor to pay costs. On Monday P. M. the license npplica- lins were taken up and all granted. A long remonstrance waa presented against the granting of licences to any Eating Houses in Stroudsburg but it was disregarded and Geo. I Walker licensed to keep a Hotel a la European style ; Christian Ililler to keep an Eating Douse; Peter Born and Jesse Al bert, the came. The Judge, however, inti mated very strongly that if either of them should be convicted at any future time of any infringement of the law under which their licences were granted, they should be prepared to pay th? full extent of the fine which the law allows to be imposed, and with an extra suit, to go to jail. On the civil list the following case was disposed of: John D. Frail ey vs. Jackson township. This was an appeal from the settlement of the Township Auditors. Frailey was Treas urcr of the Bounty Fund. Verdict for Plain tiff of $3o 00. Philip Krege r. Peter Merwine, Jr. Ejectment for land in Tunkhannock town ship. On trial as wt- go to press. The remainder of the proceedings will be givn next week. Widening the Delaware Canal. A corp3 of engineers arc engaged in making surveys along the line of the Del aware Division Canal, with a ticw to the widening it between Laston and New Hope, a distance of thirty. five miles. The averago width of the canal is . twenty-five lees, ana n is proposed to increase the width to forty feet. In some places the work will be a very difficult and expensive one, but if it is ascertained that the cost will not exceed $500,000, the company will commence the work without delay. The Portsmouth (N. 11.) Journal h&s a subcriber who has appeared in that office nearly every Friday afternoon for thirty eight years, with his coppers to pay for the paper. The Journal estimates that the coppers would weigh ouo hundred pounds, and would make a column of over fifty feet in height if piled one upon the other. It was recentfy decided by tho Com missioner of Internal Revenue that build ing or loan associations were liable to pay a special tax as brokers or moneylenders. That decision has since been revoked, and such associations are now released from tax. The largest man on record in modern times was Miles Darden, a native of North Carolina, born iu 1700. lie was seven feet and six inches high. At his death, in 1857, he weighed over 1,000 pounds. mt The track of the Central Pacific Kail- road is again clear through the deepest snow of the .Sierras. A horrible t raped v occurred on Friday night, three miles northeast of llalcigh Springs, Tcnti. A party ot white men went to the house ot Col. ihomas uicsens, while he and two men named Wilson and Ilumuhrev were eatincsuppcr, and knock ed at the door, which was opened by Humphrevs. ithout saviuj: a word, the party shot Humphrey through the body, and with kuivcs and pistols in tneir hands rushed into the room and put out the lights. They then commenced firing at Dickens and Wilson. Dickens received one ball in the body and with Humphrey managed to crowd out of the room. Colonel Dickens made his way to a neigh- boring house, and gave the alarm, uo returning with a party of neighbors, a a colored woman, Col. Dickcn's servant, was found dead near the front door. Wilson's body was'found in the room with eight shots through it,"and badly cut to pieces. Humphrey was also badly woun ded. The assassins plundered the house takinsr evervthins of value, and rifled the pockets of Wilson and the negro woman ; took two valuable horses from too stable, und made their escape. The Morris and Kssex Railroad. The lease of this road to the Delaware Lackawanna and Western Railroad Com pany having been ratified by the Legis lature, the latter company have promptly inaugurated measures for increasing the facilities of the road with a view to the comfort and safety of the passengers, and the accommodation of the increasu freight and coal business. They have determined to finish the double track with out delay, and provide such tracks, and additionel facilities as may be neccessary. to provida the means for which the M. k B. Co. have executed $8,000,000 of the bonds converted into stock, and drawing interest at 7 per cent., payable half yearly. in January and July. Ihese are offered at 85 per cent cf their par value, to the stockholders of Delaware, Lackawanna cc estcrn Co., pro rata, according to their respcctivlc shares of stock. These teru)3 arc so favorable that the bonds will probably all be taken up at one, by the parties to xrhoni they are oilered, and the work will thereupon be commenced with out delay. Jersey , City Stutulard. Of the Supreme Court decision, in the Oregon case, which is to the effect that greenbacks are not legally a tender for what is not a debt, the New York Post observes : "The most curious and sweeping result is to destroy utterly the Pendleton doc trine of payment of the five-twenty bonds in greenbacks. Ihese bonds are redeem able at the pleasure of the United State? alter five years, but payable only at the expiration of twenty years from their date lhey become a debt only alter twenty years ; and since greenbacks are decided to be legal tenders only for that which is strictly a debt, and not for other obliga tion.s, they are not legal tender from the United States for the payment of any ob ligation which is only - redeemblc and not payable; such as the five twenty brnds A case involving the right of conduc tors to eject passengers from cars, under certain circumstances, wa3 recently tried in me -t.no county iourc. ine case was this; Mr. Tabor, a passenger, having neglected to purchase a ticket at the offico the conductor demanded of him the usual excess charged when fare is taken on the cars, which he refused to pay, in consequence of which he was put off the train. He then brought suit against the company (Philadelphia and Firie), for damages, and the jury awarded him $S-1G. iri.. mi Lti t i xne case wm prooaoiy oe carried up, as the point is one which should be definitely settled. The Supreme Court of the United States has just decided that a contract en tered into before the passage of theLcgaj Tender act, and made specially payable in coin, is valid and can be enforced. It was further held by the Court that when the kind of currency is not specially men tioned in the contract, payment can be lawfully made in legal tender notes. This indicates that the Court will sustain the constitutionality of tho Icgal-tend act a matter upon which there has been much discussion lately. Illinois has some mean thieves. At Muscatine in that State, a Miss McCar ren recently died and was buried. A day or two afterwards it was discovered that thieves had broken through and stolen a gold watch and chain and some articles of jewelary which had adorned the corpse and the silver nails of the coffin. Poor Mhs McCarren probably had no gold fill ings in her teeth, or they two would have been slolcn. ' A number of prominent Cuban refu gees have addressed a protest to tho Gov eruor of Louisiana, agaiust the charges made by the Spanish consul. . They de clare that notwithstanding their political opinions, theywould not infringe upon the laws in any manner. Mrs. Starkweather of West Rutland. Vt., although as well as ever on Tuesday last had a presentiment of evil, and told her husband that if she should happen to die suddenly she wished to have him take the plain gold ring from her finger and keep it. bhe died that afternoou. Our State Senate, on Friday last, by a decided majority, voted to abolish the present htate tax on all debts secured by bond, mortgage or other security. This is expected to give relief to such an extent as to increase the willingness of capitalists to loan their mouey at tho legal rate ol six per cent. The political campaign of 18G9 will open with the following State elections ; New Hampshire, March 9; Connecticut, April 4 ; Rhode Island. Anrial 7. A Governor is to be chosen in each. Lewis Lane, oolored, was on Saturday, seutenced at Pittsburg, Pa., to be hanged for the murder of his wife. He had been granted a second trial by the Supreme Lourt, but was a second limo couvictcd. MISCELLANEOUS. Ilarnum is engaged in writing another book. The Moravian mission in Greeland is 136 years old. There were 570 Methodist churches dedicated in 1SGS. A "Newsboys' Home" has been organ ized in Philadelphia. Sin Sing prison contains 128S male and 134 female convicts. General Lee is to set up a farm in con nection with his college. A fountain at Rcnniugton, Vt , throws a stream 1G9 feet hish. Glascowhasa chimney 454 feet high, the tallest iu the world. New Orleans has had a wedding be tween a youth of eighty and a matron of 15. . "A house in Lcwiston, Me., was robbed of several hundred dollars' worth of jewel ry on 1 nday night. Francis McQuade, a machinst of Iowa, is under arrest in Roston, charged with making bogus fivo cent pieces. Three men were killed by the explo sion of a locomotive at Rich Station, on the Uuion Pacific Railroad, last Friday. A man recently brought in a bill of $4 against his brothers estate in Sau rran cisco, "for loss of time in attending the funeral." San Francisco despatched five hundred vessels in 1863 with cargoes valued, in the aggregate, at a little less than twenty-three million dollars. None of the barons appointed to en force the provisions of Magna Charta has a descendant to represent him in the pre sent House of Lords, j . At a recent iasmonauie wedding in Paris, one of the handsomest dresses was one "blue from bonnet to shoe," worn by a pretty American girl. The steamer Nellie Stevens was burn ed iu Caddo Lake; Red River, La.7"on Thursday ntght of last week. Sixty three lives are reported last. The salaries of Queen Victoria and the family amount to $3,000,000 annually, in gold. The prices of coal and flour never trouble them. .t an agricultural umner a larmer gave as his toaat: "The Game of For tunc Shuffle the cards as you will, spades must wiu. California's population is only one lourtn icmaie. in Nevada tuere aro eight meu to one woman, and in Colorado twenty to one. It is said that 120 velocipede patents have been applied for already in this country. One hundred caveats, in addi tion to the above, arc also on file. The appearance of a popular singer with a Grecian bend was preceded at a Chicago concert by the orchestra playing "The Camels arc earning." One district in Kentucky has 94 distil lerics, of which 25 were in operation in January. The product of 27 of them was 314,000 gallons of whiskey. The position of arbitrator upon a boundary question between Great Rritaiu and Portugal, has been accepted by the President of the United States. It is rumored from Charleston that filibustering parties, including Cubans, are leaving various points on the Georgia and Florida coast3 for Cuba. Paris, Kentucky, which manafactures more whiskey than any other place of its size in the country, is making prepara tions to hold a temperance meeting No ono is allowed to attend school in Evansvillc, Indiana, who does not present a certificate of vaccination to the teacher. Small pox is prevalent there. Eighty persons have applied for divorce at the February term of the Fort Wayne (Iudiana) Common Plea3 Court a large per cent-age from adjoining States. General Kilpatraick said at Ilolyoke, Mass., the other day, tkat the proceeds of his lectures this Winter had beeu $10, 000 for himself aud 20,000 for the "Grand Army of the Republic. Prof. Goldwin Smith has not only giv en his time and services gratuitouoly to the Cornell University, but purposes de positing his valuable historical library with the new institution. Mr. James Doyle, a well known lawyer of Philadelphia, was fouud in the street early Sunday morning, badly wounded in his head. He did in a few minutes after being carried home. Three men were arrested at Odin, 111., on Friday night, in the act of robbing the mails while being transferred from one train to another. ' The mails have been robbed at that point for over a year. The Okalona, (Miss.,) News says that Mr. Hares' of that place has kuocked velocipede wagons and locomotives out of existence by the invention of a self-propeller that . runs fifteen miles an hour over ordinary roads. Robert Dale Owen comes out in the Roston Advertiser in vigorous opposition to the latest constitutional amendment, on the ground that it prohibits discrimina tion on account of education. He thinks the amendment ought to be defeated il proposed to the legislature in its present shape. A remarkable suit is on trial in the Superior Court, Chicago, involving some city property valued at $1,500,000. The suit is brought by Henry Unlick, eldest son of the late Carl Gottfried Uhlick. The deceased had three sons. Henry disagreed with his father, and the two younger sons were of week intelloct. Old Uhlick, just before his death, confided in Jon H. Muliko and entrusted his affaire to his management. The millionaire died intestate, though he had given directions that his son Henry should receive $50, 000 worth of roperty, and his socca,& a small mouthly ullowance, while the re mainder should be divided be-tweeu his youngest son aud Muliko ; tb,e latter thus receiving about 700,000. Henry claims that his father was oomplctely under Jluukes influence, and appeals against such division of the property. The two younger sons arid- Mulike defend tliq ease- Suspension of the fourth National Bank or FimaaeJpnia, Philadelphia, Feb. 23. The doors of the Fourth National Rank were not opened this morumg owing to the defal cation of Chaster Mac Mullen. The sus pension caused a large crowd to collect iu the vicinty of the Rank. Mao Mullen is here, but refuses or is unwilling to give any information. The poice haTe hiaiin their possession. Ihe banK lias been in bad order for some time and the event has not caused much puprise. The capi tal ol the bank is $225,000, the depo.sito 500,000, and the circulation 8130,000 at the last report. The case of Hon. Leonard Myers. Re publican contestant against Dr. John Moffett, in the Third Congressional Dis1 trict, was closed on Thursday. Mr. Myers proved during the examination over sev en hundred fraudulent votes as having: been polled for Dr. Moffett. The latter proved that but twenty five had been castf for Mr. Myers. Ihe majority ol 31odett was less than two hundred, and nenu Mr. Mvers will obtain the seat to which he was chosen by oyer five hundred ma jority. ? The D. L., & W. Railroad. Osweiro. Feb. 18 The Delaware, Lack awanna, k Western Railroad Co., of Pen nsylvania, have purchashed the Morns fc Essex, and the Syracuse & Einghamton R R'?., and have obtained a perpetual lease of the Oswego & Syracuse R R., thus forming an independent and direct route by rail from the seaboard to Lake Ontaria. The grant of public lands to the Pacific railroads are : Union and Central, all brauches. 35.000,000 acres ; Northern Pacific, 47,000,000 ; Atlautic and Pacific, 43,000,000total 124,000,000 acres Under instruction from the Uuitcd States Attorney General, nolle prosequi has been entered, at Richmond, in the case of : Jefferson Davis and thirty eght other persons indicted for treason. Among tlicse persons, are William Smith Sheddeo, Rrcckiuridc, Longstreet, Early, Ewell and Faulkner. The securities of Davis are released from their bond. Commodore Vanderbilt made ten mil lion dollars iu one day recently ; so it was stated in open court. If this is true, and it probably is, it is undoubtedly the larg est sum ever made in the same time by one man since the beginning of history. It is reported that the Cashier of the 4th National Rank, of Philadelphia is a defaulter in a sum said to exceed 100,000, and that he has made his escape. There was a slight run on the bank, yesterday, but the doors were not closed. They have submitted shootiug for hanging out in Utah, Judge Drake re cently senteuced Chauncey Millard, for murder "to be shot by the sheriff at Provo City, on the 29th." Truly the world movc3. The association for the prevention of gambling closed three hundred and seven teen houses in New York City last year. It is estimated that thirty millions arc spent yearly in gambling at the "hells" oJ that city. An oak tree was recently cut in Cao dia, N. II., which was four i'cet ia diame ter and yielded four toes of ship timber. It had a hallow in which eighty pound of hooey was found. Ex-King Fcdinand, of Portugal, ha consented to be a candidate for the Spanish Throne. It is understood that a majority of the members of the constituent Curtes aro opposed to the Duke of Mcntpensicr. Quito a large armed Spanish force has arrived at Havana, and the Spanish Gov ernment will send out, as soon as trans portation can be furuisbed, an aditional re enforcement of at least 6,000 men. Abner C. Wood.Jof Little Rritain town ship, Lancaster county, drove to market, on the 12th iust., eight head of fat cattle, averaging the extordiuary weight of 2,100 pouuds each. Whilo the people of the North are skating, aud in many pl-ices sleighing, at this fore part of February, they aro eat ing ripe water-melons down in Florida. Gov. Geary, of Pennsylvania, on Satur day respited a mau named Gerald Eaton, who had received the dcath sentence for murder. Harry E. Chamberlain, aged 15, hung himself, on Tuesday, at Akron, Ohio.- His father committed suicide several years since. A Ruffalo despatch of Tuesday night told us of a snow storm, iu that city and viciuity, which lasted for twenty-eight hours, and delayed all the trrins. At Harrisburg, on Monday last, Gea, Church and Marshall Quay had a hand blown off by tho prematura discharge of; a cannon while firing a salute. The Kansas Senate, refused, on Wed nesday last, to striko out the word "white" from the Stato Constitution. A bill locating; tho Capitol of West Virginia at Pnkcrburg, passed th$ Weft Virginia House. A fashioaablp New York lady, recently in the course of two mouths, ran up a bill of more than 522,000 at Stewart's. Plowing has already commenced in some parts of Chester county. Marriages in Philadelphia for the yea? 1.SGS, fvJSI: Deaths, 1UWJV