The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, February 18, 1869, Image 2

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    l)c 3ctTcrfionian.
Parties are beginning to cast about for can
didates in the uppronching gubernatorial con
test. In the Ik-publican ranks, there appears
to be a settled iletcrminatien to rc-nominatc
our present excellent soldier-Governor, Gen.
John W. Geary, lie made a most successful
fight in the last contest, and has made as good
a Governor as Pennsylvania ever had stand
ing bravely on the platform of principles on
which he vrnil clertotl. nnd Hnino- nntliinir wliirli
BJCS..Large flocks of robins were Hitting a- L.,,,1 :,, wnv mstln n,;. nn
round in the fields in this neighborhood, during h;3 own ll0nc'r an(i'dignitv, or on the honor and
the past week. Docs this injure an early d; -t of our nol(i "nU Vommnwealth. His
Spring ? The blue birds haven't arrived yet. .nn,n;,flnn ,vtm xM TOn aa
icans of Car
bon County are moving to bring forward Gcu
Lilly, as a candidate. We presume, however,
that this is merely complimentary to the Gen
eral, who we know to be an excellent man, a
good Republican, and a gentleman who would
fill the Governor's chair right worthily.
Should a new man be called for bv the Con-
The project of an elevated street railway but " demanded by the people. We
in Philadelphia is being ablated. A bill n "connection, that the Bcpiiblicai
vas read in the Legislature on Friday,
chartering the Market Street Elevated Rail
6? We learn, from the Journal, that our
tu-ighliors of Warren County, N. J., have been.
for Nime time back. suffcrinc severely from tho
depredations of poultry thieves. Several of vcntlon we know r 110 onc wc vould support
the depredators were arrested last week, and Wlta raore cUccrlulncHi, and with greater de-
are in a fair way of trettim? their cWrt- wrc lor m success. Uut, with the cxistin
- stote of things before our eves, we doubt the
f-The sleighing, which lasted, in this lat- policy of wasting strength in the bestowal of
iniic, ten weeks without interruption, is now mere compliments. Let our Stale Convention
P"nc, and the ratling of wagons has supplanted in June be a unit for John W. Geary,
the jingling of bells. Occasionally, yet, a sled On the Democratic side of the house, there
comes dragging along, but it is only a "going are alWst as many candidates at there are
through the motions," and shows but little re- scratching dogs in flea time. The fight, how
gard for the comfort of horse flesh. ever, seems to h&vo nrrrw,1 ,Wn tn n.
r - . ..... - - . uv . . " .- .
l. . 1. - r 1 . - r nn nnr nnn ! 1
A e learn that the Methodist brethren have L i ... t- i .i r - r.i i
i .,1 l , , I -nnn. X JU.-KCX, me JflCIlUS Ul IUC i. CIHlSYlTania
- Mv.vao.uii iu aim luaM- ti- n..i 1 i i i r - ri ,
I Anlrfll Iffiilmoil in nF I .av f '.m .ml
. - " . . ... I ........ ..u..w.v. ... I'nui' v. v. v v .r.i, uu
trnslVf rpns r nnnn Mif.iiii.l,iiu1. .1.-1 1 '
1 1 v" uuuiig ie tt.. rr.r.r,Anma r Tn,:i..i.ii.:
limit ? Niimnir T U mn M : : u:n I 1 7
involve the complete remodng of the build- ... ,i k , it .V r
... . . . I say how the chance stand, between Iheee. for
lllfT IT f i ntArm a I mam. 1. .11 '
a tew evenings since, some $2,000 were sub- ,u . .1 tx
.... . . '. ' that a nomination made bv the Democracr will
remain a nomination martly, and that the best
raSTThe arranirements for buildinp- on candidate the Democracy can trot out can but
of v "
srge seal
...t. t:i i
-jinn.- iiwrai, aim we fiiioum not De surpri
.if the building enterprise of last year was fullv
reached. A number of the improvements are
deigned to be first class residences. When all
to he erected are completed and occupied, the
rapid increase of our population will still leave
.an earnest demand for more,
e, during the coming summer, are aJd ?rco to the contest, and glory to tht tri
al, and we should not be surprised umP'1 which the Kepublicans are sure to win
in October.
EGu.Mr. John leader has requested us to re
turn hi most heartfelt thanks to the following
n ined gentlemen, for their kindness, in aiding
him to put up his new house, between Christ
mas ami New Year last: Isaac Case, James
Smiley, Morris Strauss, and Daniel Ruff, of To- influence cf a dutiful wife over her husband:
.... I...
i'vjianna .Mills; L. W. Van Buskirk, L. C. the 'arly instruction received by a child
Winter, John M. White, Royal Ayzor, Andrew frotn it8 n,other which he dearly treated
Tun-ell. James Buckingham! ITntrW TWl,,.. the subject and as per example cited the
ftSThe "Leliigh Valley Daily Timea," of
Saturday last, thus speaks of the Rev. Mr. Hen-
kel's eloquent lecture on "Woman's Influence,"
delivered in that city on Friday evening. The
praise is well deserved.
m w m
he j.ECTtRE. ine most appreciative
audience ever assembled was in the Court
House last evening-. The lecturt was fullv
up to the expectations of every one. Rev.
llcnkel portrayed in the most truthful man
ner the influence of Woman on man. The
ud I.-aac Slutter, of Strouckburg.
fia5"Governor Geary, having been officially
informed, by the Prothonotarv of the Su-
obedient conduct of George Washington the
Father of our Country, which was solely due
to his mother; the influence of a younor Jadv
over the opposite sex. This portien was
nuitA fl mil ainflp i n rl Tallw lAM.t.Ma.J t.
pmne Court of the Eastern D;stnct, that the rlPt fhjlt noivvih.f-n,tIn;, Asr :v..
ci.e of Brooks and Orrae has been removed, by exist the influence of the youn? lady over
ihe Supreme Court, has, under hia hand, and her beau very often saved him fmm destruc
the great seal of the Commonwealth, directed 'On Her kind wor.l and sociability com-
SheriirMerwine to return the death warrant bined w',n lne religious influence with
u the Secretary of the Commonwealth with a wn,cJl females are generally blessed were
view to awaiting the result of the proposed ac- ,he ol,,J mea,lS tha.l,Cou!d possibly caas- the
.tin of the Court.
tempted one to avoid places unfitted for rea
pecUbility. The speaker comprehends fully
Extensive Gang of Robbers,
For some time there has been extensive
robberies committed in Hunterdon County, of
beeves, pork, calves and poultry. I he de
predations were committed the utmost bold
ness, yet with such secrecy as to seemingly
defy detection. We published, some time
since, the account of the stealing of a hog ;
where a farmer was awakened in the night
by a noise among his hogs, and going out
found that one had just been stuck. Arous
ing his men they dressed it, hung it up and
then went to bed. In the morning the hog
was gone.
A large number of fat beeves were drive
off when ready for slaughter
It is estimated that etock to the value of
$G 000 or ,000 has bean taken during the
Ust year. This was eveidently the work of
no onc man, and a constant watch was ineti
tuted, and on last Sunday was rewarded by
a partial discovery of the gang. A man by
the nime of Young, a wealthy farmer, living
along the line of the Flemington Rail Road.
was arrested and taken to Lambertville,
where a hearing was had on Monday. Evi
dence was brought to light showing notouly
his complicity in the crime but that of
two other farmers. All the parties, were
bound over to appear at Court in the sum of
$6,000, and one of the parties failing to hnd
security was commited to the County Jail.
The matter in causing great excitement in
the neighborhood on account of the former
good standing and respectability of the par
ties. Warren (iY. J.) Journal.
u ajfc- -e i
It is understood that the Committee on
the Revision of the Li wa have resolved to
report a bill regulating naturalization, which
shall embody the following leading points:
The granting of naturalization papers is to
be confined to the United States Courts;
registers in bankruptcy are to be authorized
to receive testimony in support nf applica
tions; applicants are to at compelled te give
previous notice of intentions; any citisen can
how cause, if he has any, why papers should
not be granted ; and four years residence
will be required, the paperste take effect at
the end of one year after they are issued -
No fair minded man can make serious objec
tion to any of these points; and no party that
does not expect to profit by fraud and cor
ruption will oppose them. They will give
force and effect to naturalization papers, at
at home and abroud, and lead dignity and
honor to the name ef naturalized American
State News.
The second Tunnel at Manunkachtmfc, on
the Del. Lack. A W. Railroad, is nearly com
pleted. The price of coal at Mauch Clinnk is $4 for
Egg and Chestnut, and $4.50 for Stoves.
There were 461 deaths, 204 marriage", and
C3- births in Isew York for the week ending
the Gth inst.
Brigham Young will pocket $2,000,
000 from Lis Pacific Railroad contracts.
Within the last six months two thou
sand persons have died of smallpox in
San Francisco alone.
Boston has two potatoes on exhibition
for which the owner wants fifty dollars
rinni flof In tfite Tiovo frftno Yrili? in San
Several wells are being sunk at Parkers j jn county California, and are mak
Miding, Armstrong county, in search of oil. jQ(, at trouble.
operation to take
The excitement is up to fever heat.
'o -' -
A Model surgical
Virginii, Maeachuse'ts, and Kentucky
has furnihed the Speakers of ihe House more
than half the time since the foundation of
the Governmeat Virginia having had the
office fourteen years, Massachusetts ten years,
and Kentucky eighteen years, making an
ggZte offorty-twoyearsoutof the eighty
that the Federal Government hs been
organised. iexi to tnese states comes
Indiana, with eight years of the Speakers-
Samuel ise;aged about iifty years, was the cheek out of a vounir man. and the
m ,,!.,! 1 t I IT "
lounu ueaa in ine Darnyara ox uavia name, jaw out of a woman.
in ixiwer nciuieocrg lownsnip, ierivs county, annmnn -,1-:.-- thft R1nrr1 n m to
on last Saturday moruing. th , h t .... n;ff i. :n OUP a.,v rd
John Mellert, an old citizen of lieadmg, as I e rally go to their uncle
if determined to convince his friends that he Qoe bull fishier in Spain made 4300,
was tired of life, killed himself with a pistol 000 bv his perilious profession, and then
i . r , I.. . '
iasi .uonaay morning. died with U31D2 it
. . i
A uhs O. Frantz, a lad aged about eleven Parsonages in Minnesota and one acre
years, had his right arm torn off at the elbow 0f ground are exempt from taxation, by a
by a threshing machine, on Saturday last, at Maw rcceutly passed in that State.
the barn of fcimon liostetter. in arwick town- The first Protestant church in China
ship, Lancaster county. wa3 inaugurated duriosr last November at
A mammoth hotel is to be erected at Bethle- Hankow, by th Aaglican BLskop of Vic
hem the coming summer. It is to be located I tona.
on Fountain Hill, and to cost from f 120.000 A cotemporary sayg 4twe tvre gained ts
to iou,ow, to be modelled alter the llerdic see by our exchanges that JeSersoa Day is
House, of Williamsport, Lycoming county is spending the winter in three different
Pa. places at once.
On Tuesday last, as a man named Knapp, Channcey Wild, of the Kanawha re
with an axe upon his shoulder, was passing gion, is visiting Cincinatti, is nineteen
near Shippenville, Clarion county, he slipped years old, seven feet high, and weighs
and fell upon the ax, severing the jugular vein, three hundred and four pounds
and causing almost instant death. I A Florida court has had to adjourn
On Monday the 1st inst. while several men five different times because the juryman
were ongagd in rolling a aaw log into the mill "ould go t0 "and snore almost as
of Samuel Wilson, in Helen township, Clarion luuv ua IUBU' s m.
county, the log careened and fell upon John It 13 a sign that the prsent year will be
D. Lyon killing him instantly. unlucky because it begins and ends on
nf: tv t o r Friday 1 fcuperstitions ones may think
tho Scott Foundry of Sevbert. Mc- 90 but WC hoPe th arc fcW
Manus. Co, and a prominent citizen of Read- Captain dosepa Jctcaif, the oldest
in, died on Wednesdav of tmhoid nenemoni. mcmber of the Masonic Order in the Uni-
after a week's illness. He was a son of Judge tc3 StatC8 J,ed in Eire on Feb. 7th, in
Hale, of Centre county, and a brother-in-law lI,e niueiy miu year oi nis age.
of Secretary Wells, and was known throughout I A lad Darned flyers, died in bhirley
township, Huntingdon county, recently
I from hydrophobia, caused by having been
bitten by a mad cat, about a month pre
That last attempt at suicide wa? that o?
a Ueorgia woman who drank a whole hot
tie of caster oil. It is presumed that the
next time she will try a more sudden
The New Bounty Law,
The new Bounty Liw, reported by lie"
presentative II. D. Washburn, from the
Committee On Military Affairs, proposes
to allow every soldier, sailer or inarino
(including slaves and those recognized by
Congress iu an act of February 18th,
18G2, for the defease of Washington,)
who have faithfully served and been
honorably discharged, the sum of eight
and one third dollars per month for all
the time he has served between April
12th, 1SG1, and April lGth, 1SG5. To
any soldier discharged for wounds receiv
ed in battle, or iu the IIdc of his duty,
the allowauce shall be computed to the
end of the term for which he enlisted.
The unmarried widow, or if there be none,
the children, or if none, the parents of
every such soldier, sailor or marine, who
has died, shall receive the sum to which
he would have been entitled. But ia
computing the bounty to a soldier, sailor.
been honored with the Sorakprfihin Jnn. ine oecrcar7 OI l"e avy aiew aays since and Uen. Meade has promised to be pre- or marine, or his representatives, all boun-
than Trumbull, of that State, hawinir bean reccired in "P1 the 8ad ncws his son was sent at the dedication of the monument ties heretofore paid, or dow payable bv
Speaker of the Second Congress in 1793-4. drawned in May, 1866, while on duty off the to the soldiers who fell in the Mexican ('be nation, State, city, county, towu, or
ihe two prominent candidates for the Speak Southern coast.
ershipol the forty-hrst Congreaa are Messrs.
Ulaine, of Maine, and Dawes, of Massachu
the States and elsewhere.
A harbor named KanfTman, of PitUburg,
shot and instantly killed a little boy aged about
eight years, on last Saturday evening. The on.
ly reason assigned by the murderer for the rash
act was that the boy, with others, was in the
habit of darkening his window by standing be'
fore it. The murderer was arrested &nd com
Th Bndhist mnnnjfrv nf IT?nlo In
John Fitstrpaick, of Lancaster, entered the TKlKf c;t.f.l -f - f u'nn
fi?"lfe:: State, marine corps in the early feet aboTC the sea level, isthe mostele-
KrJ.n"X: ,k' : parl0I.inew&r- ttpa- valed human habitation on the surface of
'. ""-- I trick, hearini-no tid ntrs of his unn wmtn tn .1,
one, besides Massachusetts, that has ever .. 0 . T a . , '. , 1 ' .
The Charities of the Sta.-
From the report of the committee of
the Senate appointed by the Legislature
to inquire into the subject of State chari
ties, it appears that there are thirty-six
charitable and correctional institutions in
the Commonwealth, which arc either snp
ported or aided by State appropriations.
To these institutions $5,G0S,3!"i have
been donated. The penitentiaries, houses)
of refuge, lunatic hospitals acd institu
tions for the deaf and doinb and blind,
have been awareded the largest bounties
of the State. Since tho rebellion, $1,
347,G31 have been devoted to the sup
port of soldiers' orphan schools. Of the
total amount expended in charities, tS&
following sums have been received by it!
stitutions located iu the western cud of
the State ; Western Penitentiary, SHI,--G13;
Western IIou?e of Refuge, 323,
250 ; Western Lunatic Hospital, $581r
341; New Brighton Retreat, 610,000;
Marine Hospital, Erie, 20,000; Mercy
Ho?pitalr Pittsburgh, 53,000 ; Pittsburg!
InSrmory, S8,000 ; Home of the Frieud
less, Allegheny, $7,000; St. Paul's Or
phan Asylum, 0,000 total, $1,322,504.
But a small portion of the charities of tho-
State axe- represented in the above ag--gregate.
The private contributions, to'
these and kindred institutions, greatly,
exceed the publrc donations. The benc--!fks
thus- bestowed upon ruSeriog. human"
Uy are ir.ciuablc. It 'u not the purpose
ot the .Legit!, as we understand, it,,
ia creating, a- Board of Public Charities,
to restrict the bounties of the State, but
under the pystetoatie supervision of such
a Board, extend them until the benefac
tions are equal to the deiaands of society,,
and fully up to the refjuircnjcivts of Chri
tian civilization.
Sad Affliciton.
We are sorry to be compelled to announce
-fc3The February term of the several Courts the ubject ned by him for the entertain
er f..Hw. rv ' . nientotan audience and we must confess
. ... . weeiu tnat apparently the shorteet, and really the
.... .... v.viuni: murij iiiut incIrKCtica hrnrntmi 1 1 In ...... .finw n . . . 1 r :
to I tried, though we presume there will be whethe rTn .ubl c or ri.." . .V ih S.:, tT. "l! ' 'T.. head to death almost instantly,
f , , I l . I I J O , l"UIIU tl IIJC
i.uMncss enougnon nana to make a week of devoted to tha lecture last evening. Indeed gravel-bank, near ihe gate of the Milford
it. 1 rom what we can learn, there will be lnal portion or our citizens who failed to at- Cemetery, in a speechless and almost insen
iuite a strife over the applications for saloon lend n,st"u hearing l he very best lecture sible cendilion. Wis horse3 had k-ecome engage a log, tripped and fell, when the log between the applicants and their c tJ cineru in mis c:iy. eiuangiea in tne harness, and were both fell upon him crushing him in such a manner
friends and those who are opposed to the sa- , TT down in the snow, while "Dave" coulj do to cause his death in twelve hours. While
l.on business, and who prefer lesal restraint to . mi;y oi the late Ueneral Ialpme, S DUl. was immeuiaieiy
mural suasion in the conversion
.1a) rs.
A party of five or six pedlers spent last Sa- if n3 public duties will permit him.
turday evening in Jamestown, Mercer county,! A wild turkey was killed in Washing
and spent the evening in a drunken spree. (ton county, Ohio, the other day after hav
rrl m m m . . IT I I J P 1 .
inc wue oi onc oi them went to the house "K ucen soia, was lounu to contain a
where they were drinking and succeeded in eet- Pound and six ounces of railroad spikes
that David Starner, the well-known veteran tinS her husband out on the street, when his He had been dosing himself with iron for j
stage-driver of the various lines in this vie i- companions undertook to drag him back. general ueoillty.
nity, his met with an affliction which v. ill About this time the enrared woman meked nnf A man from the interior of Pennsrlv-
v.,r.,tuluu..Uu.c,v;nHiu a club and dealt one a blow on the h.iekof thefania 10SI nis POCKet boot a dav or two
ago. A by stander saw the thief, but re-
i a i
Two fatal accidents occurred in Clarion
county. m. Reed, while attempting to dis-
war, in Ilarrisburg, on the 26th of 3Iay, by an municipal corporation cr voluntary
fused to describe the pick-pocket. In
explanation of this strange refusal, he
asked the victim, "Why did you charge
me ten cents lor a drink of water when I
was io the army at Gettysburg ?"
assuciaiuu, aiiu an prize money paiu or
payable shall be deducted, so that the ag
gregate bsHinties for all sources shall iu
every case equal, and ia no case exceed,
58 1-3 fo? each month of actual, faithful
service. But no one who served as a substi
tute, or who was a prisoner of war wher
he enlisted, or who was discharged on hi
own application, except to be re-enlisted,
transferred or promoted, or who was dis
charged on the "round of minority, shall
be entitled to the equalization of bounty.
. . . . The family of the late General Ilalmne nothing but sit still. He was immediately i i i i i.,
Tf th 1 Miles ,Rc' have realised S.f f om brought to the villas, when it was ascertain'- V'! sh,Vlng ,a
oftheirncigh- the proceeds of ihe Register's Office in New ed that one side of his person was entirely m,IK m IIelon township, Mr. John
York, which he held at the time of his death paralyzed. At the resent writing (Monday) tripped and fell, and the log fell upon hi
and which General Patrick II. Jones filled
Mr. Thomas Dutton. of Delaware count v.
iwti - I r . i . . .... F
vjenerai iiaipine leu a I rrnn , ceieoraieu his hundredth birthday on
rt, ,V : , , Df oraerhut the unexpired part of the year, on the is eDtily helpless.-.Vt7ord Ucrld.
.... , .muu.1, ueiiverea, upon .nonaay eve- Governor's appointment General Jones re, to Mr. Weaver, an undertaker of Lalti- fused to accept any ptrt of the proceeds for
.wr.T and the remains con veved to that citv bv hi own services." General Haloine left a
r.he train, where they will be interred by I widow and six children, in nearly destitute Feb. 2. He is probably the only person liv
sue si'ia i me uiher, Junius Unittis Booth. """". i tug wu uearu ine nring oi me cannon in
The dLsintcTkient r conducted with the strict- "" Philadelphia on Independence Day, 1776, at
ent prirarr, and bat few persona present t 11 '9 clia,rne'1 ,hat the first train of cars for which time he was seven years of age. He
The Prevalent has alordered the dVlirv'nf le flf :fif;.?I? SaU ke V.mUeJ wi" f Waehinglon for Frrrident, .pd hi
largo log in Wilson's
vM ir,i'l'lxl auu lt?i, a,,u lue i0S upon nis neau
we learn that he is able to talk a little, but and crushed it almost to atoms, causing in
f rnv ft tho T isi wci rkvi vf h.. kA..t.. i l vrifil tY fivopu cnLonnant DrojiMtni!.! I i . i
Jhe bodv nf fr,lff i,-. f,A vl i vv uicucviiygouipe- " ' J """""H"-"'- "'uuai cicc- very uniicuii ana expensive one,
Jiie oouy ot Atzerodt to hxs fnendA W hat led ron ra wav hri, W .t 0;w Tl) ..i tion. In Novrmbr l.ct h. ,nrtD,l t J .. ...... 1 ... '
--j """-ji a"" i . - vk.n, iu certainpti t i.u imp. cant win ntt i
. I . n i.i . . . i.i il . t t . I - - -
ijiai oy way oi and inroush Uuincv is the l,,e Pol, Bl village rreen by a bodv
only avenue by which a train of cars can now guard of his neighbors, and cast his vote for
pass from the Atlantic to Salt Lake Vallev. tirant and Colfax.
and soon to the Valley of the Sacramento and
the Pacific CoasL
-will be the last act of JL J'a. ofUcial drama ?-
Will he go and hang LiiU-sel?
SkTIae process of counting the electoraJ
-i-otti fjr VrolxL-sit and Vice I'resident of the
I'nited .Stale, wm gone through widi, in the
-presence of both houses cf Congress, at Wash
ington, on Wednesday of last week. The votes
were opened and announced ty President
u ade of the Senate. When tlic vote of Geor
gia came to be counted, rpite a "little onpleas
jantuisa" took place, in which Gen, Butler took
a conspicuous part, and which reflected rather
the performances in a bear garden than what
should be the dignified action of an American
"5-Those of our citizens who attended the
services in the Presbyterian Church ou Sabbath
last, morning and evening, were richly repaid
by the ability, eloquence and truthfulness dis
play ed in the sermons preached by th Rcr.j
Dr. Maclise. fany who heard him expressed i
themselves as having been forcibly reminded,'
Joth in voice and matter, of the effort of Dr,
II&U, who officiated at the dedication of the
diurth. Dr. MaclLie will again occupy the
pulpit on Sabbath next, and, we hope, wil
continue to occupy it for many Sabbaths to
come. He is, most assuredly, an earnest work
cr in the cause of his Divine Master.
To Remove Old Putty.
Old putty, il is said, however hard and i
o -o- -o e- n - " " i mt t.. . . n
ine flotmcation oi ueneral urant.
Wasdinoton, Feb. 13. Messrs. Mor
ton, Wilson and Pruyn, the committee
stant death. appointed to notify Ueneral Grant of his
A crons of engineers are ed in mfc!nr election, waited upon him at his head
--o-o S . .1 . , ,ff
surveys along the line ofthe Delaware Division I ua"ers.iuls morDlnS halt past ten.
Canal, with a view to the widening of it be- bcnator Morton made the formal aonounce
tween Easton and Xew Hope, a distance of 37 ment'n an appropriate complimentary
mils. The average width ofthe canal i. 25 c" quamies winch
fn. ,.);. i. .t. naa determined the country in its choice
feet, and it ia rrorn.wd to mcrpns? th u-ult h tn I . . J " "n.o
iu ieeu in some maces tne wort will beal i . . . I n i i ,
nn ni inn tvt oiinAvtn ip ha i Mm . i .j i ax rrii v i.. il i ni irrrv
- WVVi.tJVW&lUUC4UUll,UlUGLlUaLlUUitll j . . r
but if it is as- b d; rfrp.i Slroutlsburff Abrahun
exceed j00,- n p.iant nftor rlcin fnrmnll,. f
, v....1.v yjlB. ,na comnhments PonVOVPi anrt covin,, l.a
- i j i -V"o "
U..U . r -.i. r..n i i . . t-
auouiu iry lauinuuy anu nonesiiy to dis- pptit iitrop
ine lirooKviiic republican ciironicics an cnarge tne duties ot his possition, said
Jury jiisr..
Barrett Lewis W. Mills.
Chcstuthhl Jacob Dcrshimer, Frtderick
Siglin and Daniel Everitt.
Hamilton Emanuel Shoemaker and Stv-
dell S. Lesh.
Jackxon Joseph Frantz.
M. SmithMJ Moaes Cool ban zb. Jacob
Bush, K. II. Gunsaules.
Polk Jacob Kunkel.
Paradise R-jbert Labar.
Price James Price.
72os5 Charles CorreU, John Andrew.
Smith field Da n icl Brow n.
Stroud Charles Henrv, Plulin Lee and
I. Win,
Ackerman, Jacob Weller, Clwis. 11. Andre.
lunkhannock George Merwinc.
Rarrett Ilpnrv trir
. ........ - I.. .. . . . I
elopement in hign life in the south vndofJef- there was one subject to which he desir- Chesnuthill Peter HufTsmith Jr P. ter
ferson count v. that took nlaco lnt wrvlr It ed to allude at this time. He shrinM I Altemnsp. J
A - ;.,...L..I.... -n. -tr - t . ' " 1 , . - . . . " " : ----- v.jju.j.
j V.. e . . - wie&V1'- ' "uul-. oe easily removeaDy running, nays: "The parties are a reverend gentleman endeavor to select tor his assistants in un. tSertoss, Ueo. Zeigenfuss, Cna. Everitt.
7 7r 7a,irge,,C ;ea u IrL0n ?yeT, ,tf w,,enlt,can be cut of reputation, and the fair paramour that tho administration of the government, CooMauA Andrew Slecher.
SiutoffNrw' n!ttWv' To !u7lBtX s,y a. green beguiled the Pator was the wife of a wcll-too capable, honest and patriotic men, and in io-Peter But.. George Snyder.
Ul:0 nh: Rdt X; gentlemanadgoodcitizen. The parties mani- this he hoped to have the concurrence oi JJr Bossard, John J. Stecher, imc
Master Hubert descending from a consider- hous windows, this will be worth trying. Pu,atHi afiVl" 80 to neighboring the benate ; that if he did not succeed in jaci.,07lMicLaH iMi;,or Ja,bC Mne
able and sudden elevation in the world, lie city, the gentleman having disposed of his ef- 6ett,,nS competent men on the first trial, M SmithfuMThomns Cortrht E G
was not much hurt, but his new suit of clothes Mrs. Ernstus Corninir denositcd S22 in a feet, and nut himsnlf in .ban inr inn,n' he should remove them and 6elect others; Mni.r
suffered badly.
rti. and nut himsnlf in h9rx fnr n Irimn1
saviegs bank in 1833, and forgot all about r v-i i . - t . .., 4 that he should have no more hesitancy in
it a week ago, when she drew her de- " ? I 'iJ T " "changing his appointees than those of his
Statistics prove that the New Enml man P811 na" proceeds, amounting to S723.1I. . . predecessor in office.
ahT....j , ... . i .uim umuaia iiarisucK. utxamii m nrn pip ion. it. t r ., o . ..
TTu.ievcu iur me war in jowa was isiicr thsn A: , , ., , . ne naa irom tne nrst deemed it im-
the ISew England man enl
men grow
American recruits
and Western
the army taller
Paradise John J. Price.
Pocono Sebui-tian Brong.
Polk Reuh. M. Krcsjrc. Thos. Altemose.
SmithfieUYln&lay Bush, David Shan-
i rvi r iMirra it n n o rm r rnta str w i irirui r nnn w n 1 1 a unntirivifv t.i i n m 9 aa ... . i
isted at home, that " . vw""ww"u." wtwwt-" b pr0ner to cive anv indication who vnn. non. Jacoa E. Transue.
to 35 and then diminish : that Pr,ce ,or a bad "icle. It would sensible, and lay as if asleep, breathing natur- ri..;A Hnhlnof L;tn,0i :! l.. ua Stroitd Henrv Rorsnrtpr f? Tt T?nr,i
were taller than foreign. n"e btn ,ser to have ,eft him in Egypt, ally but unconscious from that time until the u: StrouJsbvrtr. Samuel SnnW 'r,t,J
.i , , , ' ' with remfhrtn hi npnmn 1 . . . . mivhivu vuiviai uuumvi uiaunuciaiiuu, n , 7, r--- -
men than Eastern, and those in WIl comioriaoie pension. mornincr of the 2Qth. . rnA nfnna tr. u. j i.j. , I Dreher. P. S. Posten. Jnhn R-o v;i;.,
,i 1 i " 1 nc uau dui. jei auvisea anyoooy wnomin u- l t -r, . . . j-
tlian in the navr. I - and fiftrn lionn ilnnnwM tlm. k u-j --I.....J .t. 'n. , , Hollinshead, Beni. Jacobv. Joa. L. Bmar.
In seleti.g a eow; procure, if possible, tAnlr ' nnr,,m? " ! u teicu lu lis P68'. "fl MQ Valentine Albert "
31 rs. M. M. L. Burns will lecture at tha
Court House, on Friday evening, February
i!Jth, under the auspices of Post No. 150. G. A
. r ..... . '
2L Subject "Woman's Mistiion.' The lee-
lure will have no leaning towards woman's
jigh, but will simply be an attempt to teach
how a woman may fill the position assigned
Jier by th Creator as man s helpmeet. Fur
ther partir'alars will be given in handbills.
From a JiW of notices of the lecturess. volun
teered Ly il press, without regard to party
predilettioa, vre select the following, from the
Montrose JJesnM-ai:
"The hiifir is impressed witli the fact that
Mrs. Burns is possessed of a fine degree of litera
ry talent, aad a kflo -Ied?e of hintorr. I
tht is easy ad grux&l, and many passages of
i u ireiure we auuBiraw eloquent and impres
sive. Mrs. Buis cltAins a correct view of
Her iibjeTt, "Woman's True Mission," and
f hould not be confused vilja the so-called "wo
Mtan's rihts"
on; r.7ery yellow nourishment whatever. On reviving not even conversed with any of the per
and black about the head and Iei?8. and I ft vo ah iu mcue sons mcmseives.
. . . .. . I foil in l.-n. 1... 1 .H T.'' .1.- ,
town, on enterinir thebar.rrn-...: warrant you sne win give rich mil lc w..v.c, uu wu uetm.e ijuiei an- rrom me various communications ne
iouoa ine janaioru 'weeping up what hesup-
t -"- - iu nun ; I utl I i i i . r . ... . i o i 1 ww w w. tm
have pretty la rrre era pes out hereV'Ki ranks'" ' iu in i.ew xoric l rice, giio to fc!4U of any evil eflects from this singular suspension persons he should choose would bo onnos
said the landlord; "them's eyes that were " ofthe mental and physical functions, except ed bj combinations of influental men io
Tobyhannah John Stiver.
collected as usual. At the latest accounts she had received, and from what he had
About four tons of human hair are annual, was in her usual health and showed no a W heard, he was convinced that rtmft tb
Special Notices.
gouged out here last night the weakness necessarily attendant upon so the party which had supported him, not r I KluV- LDWARD A. WILSO.'
rennsyivama UUDernaionai UOntest. long a fast. because they were unfit or personally ob PAvorrTnVn,rt reecriPllon Ior ,ne cure 01
Gen. Grant is 47 years of age, and Mr The contest for the Democratic nomina- . jectionable, but because these parties de- vi i flSTiPvA8 , I1M A BRONX1II.
Colfax ,s 46. A ndrew Johnson is Cl; Mr. tion for Governor of Peonsylvania, ac- A man died in Troj the oth.r day, "red the appointment of their own 'dMTNr ?Arp??imvaJ,drllT,IR?AT
WeXsIM w" buried i coffin which he friends. He must n.inlj be gorerned
dill ind Mr' Bw 'uVVi:: correspondents of that school, lies bought, with the idea of the rise in prices, by his own ideas of the fitness of the men marked success 7
ProMdont ni .!, s.;;,. ';. o. g.' .J: hetween Hon. Asa Packer of Mauch over ten years ago. It is said he realiz- for the work they would have to perform. The mip, u v.
1 en 1 m 1 a 1 m v-vi M r - -
- v tva it jo ia ucuaiui iff 1 i- 11 r nr n j. 1 . 1 . . - 1 ,Jr-.w
Summer is 58: and Senator Trnmfc.,11 "IunK "on. eorge v. iass, ot iitts- ed a Handsome percentage on the ad- and that he had finally concluded not to son's personal supervision, also a namnhlet
-.. rf'-f 1 (jncraI . 1,Iams Mctandless, vance. give any indication of his purpose till he containing the original Prescription, witlj,
A Maine farmer who raises many apples Philadelphia. Their respective friends . sent his nominations to the Senate, or if tul1 and explicit direction for prepiration,
in variable sell them at fifiy cents per bush- . . . ,g Te" nara' ana 11 13 ga,a tnat Uen Orant on Monday old his house ne d,d gve the persons selected previous anu U8e toXeUieT wima sliort history f h.
He re- 1 ",,au'-'PII, ueiegauon wm ue a unit to Liieut. lien. Sherman
. 1.. 11 .( ' 1 .. .
el saying they are worth no more
fuses to sell more than four or five
to any one man, being determined that they
w i cjvuiatui 0.
for McCandless.
Surgical Operarion.
alizing a very large s
1 cost.
At the conclusion of his remarks. Mr.
1 rilVn. thfl llPmnT-iMrt vnamKov aP tV. n
T ttT T . . 1 , it I J ' -.-..w WvuVw4 VI IUG
1 ir iv .'lKninirrnn i riTiod rtr I'nunii I ... . . ... .. ... ... . . ..
It V v .-.- lt iS ramored in Washincton. that commiuee, stepped forward, and said al
river In ilZnM euTwwder ?l 7, a.,8.Urg,Cal Colonel John W. Forney is about to set- ugh he and hi. party had opposed the
"r5 "J mrans oi a gunpowder Mrs. lieidler. residing near Hirdahnrn' I.i. .r. J ... . . n i r , , r
engine, it required eleven barrels of oowd- u:.i. ... .,:nr..n i r..n 1Z ue ,n "n aroima, and will come b
der to propel the craft less than
two hours and a half.
. a.uuu 1Q porme(j Mrs. J. was suffering from a j rr J
disease known as ovarian dropsy, which Kossuth ia very miserably poor, and
state tried Pr.Juced a tumor of extraordinary size, looks old and decrepit. He is liyinsr in
in for $65,000, re- notice, t would be only a day or two be- c"e' may t1. of
nm on it orio-innl fore their names were sent in. ui,witit & UlUh, Druggists,
a i . : i aji. n.
u II II i c 4 M
r kk . iiUWARD A. WILSON.
1G5 S,iuth Second St.,
Williamsburgh, N.' V
I 1 I llnnornl a .L.t . I. .IJ . I II n, . - .
D3CK !'"' "cwnuu, uo kumu couut uuuui
A fruit grower in a Western SiAf
th. I. . . : . I'PKta I f 1 m M Iaa1... ! I. . 1. . A i n
.li'.i iiiicu i kji uuiiiiiiv orimsione on il uuivii. mciucr wiiix iuc cuuieuu. iinni.
not snovel under a plum tree to kill the when removed, weished 80 lbs. The
tCbeCfru?t Mrel wa(done weekly and paUeot li doing as well as can be expect-1 It is a yery bad sort of education to be tion and handhakiftS thw bewaa gen
their support ia carrying out the policy
ne naa just announced.
Ihis sally produced a general burst of
laughter from the staff and fcpeotators
gathered around, in which Gen. U. joined
neartuy, aana tne congratulatory cou versa-
May 21, I8d3.-Iyr,
From Ii$nens.2torti of the I'nited Stated
pROPERjita. -Their odor ia strong, diffu
sive, and Koincwhat aromilic, their taste bit
teridh, and analogous to mint.
B -J -j VI. .