Argument List--Feb. T. Exceptions to Auditor Report on Estate of Anurias Overficld, deceased. Joim Merwine vs. Jacob Dreher et. al. Philip McCIuskey vs. Benjamin F. end Mary Ann SchaftT. Jacob A. Sobers vs. same. THO. M. McILHANEY, Prot'y. February II, lsfCO. Trial List Feb. T. 1869. J;io. D. Fraiiy vs. the tov.n-hip of Jackson. Philip Krcsge vs. Peter Merwine. Geo. Hotter vs. John Doltcr. Jo!m Raisner vs. Jesse Drake. Ezra Marvin vs. Lawrence t Henry Mc Cluskcy. A. Reeves Jackson vs. Wm S. Ueee. Vn. Hollinthdii vs. Middle Smithfield School District. A. Reeves Jackson is. Overseers of Poor of Stroud township. Hnnn I?. Smith vs. Lewis T. Smith, jnlin Weeper vs. Dodge &. Co. fc'lroudslHsrg Dank vs. Executor of Win. Oversold, c:'ceaeed. K Isar lYtltermnn's Administrators vs. Barnct MansfieM and Samuel Bossjrd. TIIO. M. McILHANEY, Pro'y. Pcbrmrv 11, lfUD. pimps pumps. For pure Vater use, neither Uid taiting wood, rusty iron, nor poison lead, but The Celebrated Cucumbsr Puinp, of wild cucumber wood. entirely tasteless, durable and I'll X' . . . ! I j? .. 2?y rename. 1.01 a paieiii anicr, f'.'r- j lint 1 lit in-rl fvd-f.ishioned wood- TnSi5j3lt! sii Pump, made by machinery, lf.: md therefore perfect and accu- I rate in all its parts, raising an rtv ? equal amount of water, and cost ing less than half the money. .'-jn Easily arranged so as to be non- fr- t-Tr.r'- freezing, and in construction so ainijde any one can put it up anil keep ii in repair. After thorough trial it is ac fcno le.lgd tSi ntsT and cheacst. Twelve fct f f tubing with each pump, free of charge. Dealers supplied at lowest manufacturers rate-. For circular, price lists, &c. Call or addroir, CIIAS. B. BLATCHLEY, So. 8 Xr.rlh 1th Street, Aurnts wanted. Philadelphia, Pa. February 11, 1569 Gm. S oslrjjivi lol of STOVES of 4 all ti-Hcriptions have been received at the fturc of the f-uhf-criber, in the borough ; Sirdutishurj. lie has COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, ef the hte iamrovemeut? ; and entire new Btylef, :ii;d co:i.-iderab'e favijig of fuel, which ran be had at the lowest City prices. Also. all kinds of StbveXPipe. A large assortment of TIN WARE of ev ery description, constantly on hand, which will b si-lJ ti wholesile and retail, as rea Fona'ol" as can be h-id in the City. Ail kinds of repairing do:ie in the shortest, eheane.-l and best manner. Call and exira ine his stock before you purchase elsewhere. Feb. 11, "CO. WM, S. FLORY. THE GREAT E77 a !!5 Eve an, ta taa fa ! A SAFE BLOOD PURIFIER, A SPLENDID TONIC, A PLEASANT BEVERAGE a c2:rtaix cum AND Preventive of Diseases. The Z IN GAR. I BITTERS are compoun ded from a prcscripiion f the celebrated E- gyptian plr,ician, Dr. Cncorsvs, who after years cf trial and experiment, diwovered the Zingvrini Herb f;e mest remarkable veg etable pro iiicti n, the enrih, perhaps, has? ver yielded, certainly the most effective in the cure of disease. I in combination wilh the other valuable properties of which the ZINGARI BITTERS is composed, w ill cure Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, JJilioits Fcvtr, Cholir, Odds, Bronchitis, Consump tion in its first ilac, Flatulency yervous Debility, Female Complaints, Rheumatism, Dysentery, j Acute and Circuit D'izrrhoca, Cholera Mor bus, Cholera, Typhoid and typhus Fc rcr, Yellow Feri, Scrofula, Di scc:Ce of the Kidneys, Habit ual Ccstivcness,c., f-c. In the Piievextiox and CtREof the above Jieases, it has never been known to thousands of our most prominent citizens throughout ell parts of the country, will tes tify, let the afilicted send for circulars con taining testimonials and certificates cf those who have been cured after their caes have "been pronounced hopeless by our best physi cians. Piuncipal, Depot, F. RAHTER & CO. No. G N. F.ont Street, Philadelphia. RECOMMENDED BY Ex. Gov. Pavid R. Porter, of Pennsylvania. Hon. Robert J. F.sher, " 4 Edwnrd McPherson, ' " Joel B. Damier. " " Win. McSherrv. "andoth- - j ers. O-Send for CircuIars.CQ February 11, 1-G9. yl. NOTICE. Eastern District of Pennsylvauia, es. At Easton the 2od day of January, A. D. ISC'J. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoiiitmeut as Assignee of Andrew Hallet, of Slateford, iu the County of Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, within smd District, who has been ad- juged a Uankrupt upou his own petition, by the Diitnct Court of said District. JOHN F GWINNER, Assignee. February 4, 18C9. St. OLANKS OP ALL KINDS lr Sale a XJ t!:is Office. 11 Til i v . -.-- . ; 7-.. nt-y.t. iffSM-w Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that the part nership heretofore existing between W S. Flory and S. Flory, of Stroudsburg, Mon roe county, Pa., under the firm name of Flo ry & Bro., has this day been disr-olved by mutual consent All persons indebted to the said firm of Flory &. Bro , are heieby reques ted to make settlemont on or before the 1st of March, 1SC9, with S. Flory, after which date the books will be placed in the hands of a Justice of the Peace for settlement, and all claims against ths 6aid firm must also be presented to hiii, duly authenticated, for sct tlement. W. S. FLORY, S. FLORY. Stroudsburg, January 28, 18G9. 4t WS. FLORY, thankful for past pat- ronage, will continue to carry on the STOVE AND TINWARE BUSINESS, at the old eland, on an enlarged scale, and hopes that his many friends and customers will favor him with. their orders hereafter as heretofore. He is now prepared to sell all articles, in his line of business, cheaper than ever. Call and gee lor vonrseives. WM. S. FLORY. February 4, 1600. Sheriff's Sale. Iy virtue of a writ of al. ven. ex. de. terria to me directed, issued out of the Court of Common Picas of Monroe Couuty, I will expose to sale, at public vendue, on Saturday, the 20th Jay of February, inst. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House, in Stroudsburg, Monroe County, the following described Ileal Kstate, to wit : A certain tract or piece of land situate id Jackson towushtp, Monroe County, ad joining lands of Phineas Decker, Amos and Peter fcingcr, Jienjamin bmger, Jo seph Muffly and others, containing FOKTY-SEY12X ACRES. The improvements are a Frame Drolling House, 10x'J4 feet, 1 stories high, a Log House, stories high, 16xlS feet; Frame Barn o5x40 feet; 2 small Cooper Shops; a sr.rinir of water near the door, and some FRUIT TREES; about 40 acres cleared, part of which is Meadow. The public - ... . , i . t . : i i . road Irom lannersvilie to rennersviue tiasses alona said property. Seized aud taken in execution as the property of John S. Frutcbey, and to be sold by me ior cash. PETER MEUWINE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, ) February 4, 1SG0. ) Sheriff's Sale. ly virtue of a writ of ven. ex. de tcrris to me directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, I wil expose to sale, at public veudue, on S'tt unlay, the 2.0th day of February, inst at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House, iu Stroudsburg, Monroe County the following described Real Estate, to wit : A certain tract or piece of land situate in Coolbaugh township, -Monroe County adjoining lands of John P. Dowling, Dan iel McCarty and others, containirg 0.1E IIUNDKLD ACRES. About 12 acres cleared, the balance good Timber I, ami. The improvements are a Arf Frame Tareni House, ::STi 2 stories high 10x24 feet, Kitch iiliien attached. lGxlG feet; a Frame Shed 20x3G feet. The North and Soutl Turnpike passes through the premises Seized and taken in execution as the property of Thomas Callaghan, and to be sold bv nte for cash. " PETER MERWINE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg,) February 4, 18Gi). i Sheriff's Sale. Uy virtue of a writ of lev. fa. to me di reeled, issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Monroe County, I will ex pose to sale, at public vendue, on Saturday, the 20th day of February, inst. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House io Stroudsburg, Mouroe County, the following described, Ileal Estate, to wit : All that certain tract cr piece of land situate in Paradise township, Monroe Co., surveyed oa the 17th dny of August, 1787, on a warrant directed to Is?ae Sid- man, bcar'iDg date Jui loth, 1787 - uu number a Commi.ssics;73 Hooks of of said Ccur.'.'v iso. 155, situate about 4 miles cast of "Sullivan's Road, containing 100 Acres and 150 lerclic and 0 per cent, allowances for roads, kc. a AsU Seized aDd taken in exccuuou as ine f Daniel Havilaud, trustee of r r j -- - , James Jellerson uavnana, anu iu ue aum by me for cash. PET Kit MKIIWINE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Stroudsburg, ) February 4, 1869. Sheriff's Sale. 13y virtue of a writ of veu. ex. de terris to me directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, 1 will expose to sale, at public vendue, on Saturday, the. 20th day oj February , inst at 2 o'clock, in the afternoon, at the Court House, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, the following described Real Estate, to wit: A certain tract or piece of land situate in Tuokhanuock township, Monro Coun ty, containing FIFTY A CUES, more or less, adjoining lands of Stephen Kistler and others, all good Timber Land. Seized and taken iu execution as the property of Joseph Iionser, aod to be sold by me lor cash. PETE It 31 Ell WINE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, ) February 4, 1869. Cheap Feed. d-i RAIN AT 25 CENTS PER BUSHEL. VJT Apply at tho BREWERY, July 30. 188.-tf. East Stroudsburg f OB PRINTING, of all kinds ner.tlycx J ciutcd at cmce. ill DR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH iSTTiiS A mild and agreeable TONIC STIMULANT, STOMACHIC and CARMANITIVB BIT TIERS Extracted entirely from HERBS and ROOTS, Highly benefi cial in DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, and Loss of Appetite ; and an excellent CORRECT IVE for persons suffering from Disorders of the Bowels, Flatu- ence, &C. Sold Everywhere. Depot, No. 413 Market Street, Philadelphia. J. K. TAYLOR, & CO. Sept 3, 1S68. yl. A CARD. To the Hotel keepers of Monroe and ad jacent counties. Look to Your Interests! ! ! Wc are offering Liquors, Wines, &C.J icarranled pure, aud containing no Drugs A Oils, Fssences, ct-c, whatever, at the fol low in g very low prices : Uraudics from 50cfV-$l 00 per gallon lesa than City prices, Gins 50e(6i)C. Dourbon Whiskey, 40e(a;65c. u It u u it (I it u 41 u Monongahela, 40e(G5c. Old Rye, 40c(G5c. ' Apple 5Uc(:$l 00 Common 15c(25c. Wines (all kinds 50c(h,Sl 00 lMease give us a call, or send your or ders, and satisfy yourselves that w do do it. that we will do it. aud the reasons why we ch do it. Also, please remember that tr do not have anything to do tcith "Drugged Li quors. Anything you buy from us we guarantee l itre, and much below the pri ces usually paid for the Drugged Liquors. ery Respectfully, J. S. WILLIAMS, & Co., Stroudsburi;, Monroe Co. Pa. July 27, 1SG5. License Applications. The following applications for License will be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessious, to be held at btroudsburg, oa Monday, February 52, 1SG0. HOTELS. Samuel R. Uossard, Jackson township. James Dowling, Coolbaugh " John Kresge, Jr. Stroud " Joseph Norton, Tuukhannock. " EATING . HOUSES. George L. Walker, Christian Hiller, Peter Uorn, Jesse Albert, Philip Itockafeller, Edwin II. Hummel, Stroudsburg, Stroud, Polk. TIIO. M. McILIIANEV, Clerk. February 4, 1SG9. Saddle and Harness Manufactory. mi s i ic u : r-.. Theunders.gncd respectfully informs i ins einccu ui onuuuauu.g, au ding country, mat ne lias commencea mem.. m,nnPr. vn il0tf h work allowed to o above business in l owler s building, on Elizabeth street, and is fully prepared Uj r. ...?i-vri;ri t I lurnisti any article in ii is uue oi uusmess, at short notice. Oa hand at all times, a large stock of Harness, hip, Trvnhs. ,alices, Car- pel Bags, lloVoc-Blanlets, Hells , Zhalcs, Oil Cloths, ike. Carriage Trimming promptly attended to. JUll U. CA 1 1jVM. Stroudsburg, Dec. 14, 18G5. Widows Appraisements. The appraiemeut of Widows' in the following Estates, will be presented for approval to the next Orphans' Court, to be held at otrouusourg, on uouuay, reo ruarv 22. 1869. Estate of Thomas E. Heller, deceased. Jnlin Michaels. " " Charles Price, " Tlitnflnm lirodhend. ti TIIO. M. McILHANEV, Clerk. February 4, 1809. It. D. WILSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Flour, Grain, Meal and Feed, 91 WEST STREET, New York. February 4, 1S69. tf. 300,600 BRICKS Just burned and for sale at their Brick raru, nir tue oiruuu.uu.g desiring Brick furnished by rail-road can be .unnlid hv. addessin? their order Yard, near the Stroudsburg Depot. I j -- 4 W ' to W. S. WINTERMUTE & SON. Stroudeburg, August 13, 16C8. CRYSTAL SPKIXU BREWERY. east stro una una, pa . BROWN & BURT, Proprietor. XXX AI.R fe PORTEK, ly supplied at the lowest market I of i he bet quuli.y. , l?C?.-ly. Promptly price ond July o0 HO OFI oST G- pp riAiroxD. A LARGE QUANTITY OF KUOilAUjM. Also, Vermont lteu. ureen ana lurpjo SLATEon hand, for Sile at wholesale i Slate, and Susquehanna Slate, furnished at and Retail, by GEO. W. DRAKE, Stroudkburg, Monroe Co., Pa l iiiu uiiuuiiuiuiiufc. .' - j . B-I-I1TV ITMnrnSlnVrn iprnh announces? to his friends anc that he is now ready tO i U IVil l'll lliu uii...... . doop Ati vt vn np unii.niNGS with ? FTTD V1VIJ U f tl 1 k I 1 . i aw atJ akJ t I the public generally,? Iai w - , at the shortest notice. &LAiii, wui coosu. i ir ST iTl. nl tn ea in-? on me suascriuer, uw i- Slate, in any section of country, at th;Ueyc.n t. cartca .ro u s . - cheapest rates p6ibl. All work warrant- FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED HorsB art Cattle Powte. Thia preparation, lonir and farorbljr J known, will thoroughly re-inTigort " .( n nil d.anminff the stomach and intestines. It is a sure pr;Tentive of all diseases iMM)ii4 incident to this animal, auch as LIAU FEVER. GLANDEKS. YELLW WATER, HEAVES. COUGHS, IIS- TEMPER, LOSS OK EXRuY, Ac. Its use improves 2nf; i th wind. fires a smooth ; transforms the into a ftne-lookiiig and spirited horse. s3 To keepers ef Cows tl;is prepara tion is inraluat le. It is a sure yv- ventire against Khxleqw-it, Hollow I Horn, etc. It lias livn jiroTen by I actual experiment to incrrate the 1 quantity of milk and eream tw.ntr 'percent, and make the butlvr firm and sweet. In fttr.:t:ic rati.'., it Strea them an appetite, loosens their hide, xd uuu IhemthnTa much raster. In all diseases of Swine, such as Ccujrhi, Tti-ers In Ihe Lungs, Llrer, Ac, this article acts as a specific. By putting irom one- :ing from one- ,.lCrK in a barrel of t&?K&tf? i will be eradi- tir balf a paper to a paper 1 will the abore diseases eatcd or entirely prevented. If giren , I a Ae)ain rtMVuntlfa And X-ta j4 eure for the Hog Cholera. . DAVID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMORE. Md. For aale by J)ruf(rUts and Storekeepers throughout the United Statea, CanaxUa tad South Ameriea. January 23, 1S69. ly. PAlNTIXi!, PALMING, PAIMLG. J A MISS S. WHITE, House aud Sicu rainier. Paper ISanccr uutl Glazier, Corner of Pocono and McDowell Streets, STROUDSBURG, PA. Will pay particular attention to FURMTURE FAIS'TIXO, YARXISIIiya, $c. and when desired, will call at the residence of persons desiring his cervices. COACH PAiyTFXG, CARRIAGE PAiyTiyG, and indeed any work in L. 'thankfu nJ his t k ! r h f.. 1 1 1 r.AiLnt r.rnmntlf attended lo and done in the rtrnst workman- out Gf his hands Charges, at all times, and for all kinds of . . , . . worx, exiremeiy moaeraie. "LIVE AXD LET LIVE; is the moott of his establishment. January 7, 18G9 ly. PAY UP! PAY UP!! Tho underpinned hereby respectfully in- vites all persons indebted to him, to call without delay and pay up. Having, curing tK. nrikt vpar mid out lar?e sums of money ror hi present commodious, comfortable and convenient place of business, he feels him- aelfmorein want of money than ever before, - ianu more um iwiis for prompt payment, lla hopes tins gentle admonition will be heeded at once, and that he will thus be saved the disagrceab.e ne- cessity of urging those indebted in a imperious manner and to their cost. Re- member, it wai the last etraw which broke will thus be saved the disagreeable ne- the Camels back, and that human patience cannot endure forever. Pay up ! N. RUSTER. Stroudtburg, Jan. 21, 1669 aillDK TO MAKUiAf.E. Youncr Men'a Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The humane view of benevolent Physicians, on the Errors and AKiikps incident to Youth and J,arly Man hood, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free rharrr. Address HOWAKU ABULIA. TION.Box. P., Philadelphia, Pa. June 4,1803-lyr. D OXT FORGET Hint wli" vou want any thinr' in the Furniture a t m sua FEV ERS. F Ol X I) E R , Ci3 APPETITE AND VITAL rJN Ac. Its use improres T?N. i increases the appetite y Vvf Y and glossy skin anl 'I V miserable skeleton tjL4 f Ji Dr.n.lor urnameniai uue iihil nicvaiij. . I I! II f". -ft.. In Ida odd-Fcllowa' Hall, Main Street, Strouds. "aa r"u fS 21 burg, Pa., i the place lo gel it. LSept. .0. 3VALUAULti LUia lortaie. penny up polite tho Depot, one 40 by 150, two 20 by 152 feet. Enquire of J. tl. fllCly.MU 1. Stroudsburg, Jan. 7, 18G9. M ISS JEANNETTE JACKSON receive a limited number of pupils instruction on the Piano Forte ami i in Sing- lick's DRAIN l7n ing. Term, Fifteen dollars per 21 Ic.cons. TOPS. nee ti0" 6"e;,,t StroudEburg, Nov. 20, 'Oatf. ! StroiiJsourg, Dec. l, 1--Bi. tn.. SLA T E OCTAGON. short notice, Apply to GEO. W. DRAKE, Stroudbburj, Monroe Co., Pa. o to deliver Slate in Sfroud-kur . l " v1. GEO. W. DRAKE. Stroud&barg, Pa. December 21th, 1668. Public Side of Meal Estate. The subslriber. Executor of the last Will of John Schmuck, lite of the C.mnty ot War sed.tvill fell, UIIU Onii; Ul HV.. .v.- i Roll nt m.blic vendue, at the Dote! of L n- ford Marsh, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pa. on Tuesday, tho 16th day cf Harch next, at 2 o'clock P. M. the FARM whereon Da vid Green now lives, lying in Stroud town ship, on the road leading from Stroudburc to Tanncrsville, adjoining lands cf M. R. Brown, Messrs- P;irett oi Wallace, and cth cr?, two-and-a-half miles from the former place, containing 100 Acres of jLand, ir.h are TIMBER, the bal- U 1VV JB V ' ------ ance in cultivation. The improvements are a two story ApA Brick Houso, uT.fffl FRAME BARN AND WAGONJi HOUSE and other out-buihlings; APPLE ORCHARD in bearing and other FRUIT TREES. The land is uitab!y divided and fenced and well watered throughout. Person wishing to view said farm will please call oa W. S. Wintemute, Strouds burg, Pa. C. O. HARRIS, Executor. Stroudsburg, Jan. 21. lSfiO. Court Proclamation. "Whereas, the Hon. Geokce R. Barrett, President Judge of lhe22d Judicial District ol Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Wayne, Pike, Monroe and t.-irLon, anu aon- ham Levering and Jcnn its xoung, Associate Judjrcs of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Monroe, and by vir tue ot t.'ieir omces, jusuces oi m vuunui Oyer and Terminer and General Jai! delive ry and Court of General Quarter Sessions in and for the said County of Monroe, have is sipl their Drecent to me commanding that ! a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Common Pleas., and Court ol Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery and Or phan'e Court, for the said County of Monroe, ! . o. 1.1 . !. OOI .!,. 10 De OOIUIMI III oiruuusuui;, w. uujr of February, 1S09, to continue one week, if necessary. NOTICE Is hereby eiren to the Cononer, the Justices r.k .lfVnctK'OBrtf!hBiMrnnn. ty of Monroe, that they be then and there ready with their rolls, records-, inquisitions, examinations and other remembrances to do those things w hich their offices are appertai ning, and also that those who are bound by recognizances to prosecute and givecvidence against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail cf the said county of Monroe, or a- j , cheaper tha gain persons who stand cnurged nil w.ey l nc prong vj me puuumg . """a commission of offences to he then and there thereof;1 , to prosecute or testify ns shall be jut. f Uod save llie Umnmot.weaiui.) PETER MERWINE, Jr., Sheriff. Sheriff's Office Stroudsburg, ) January 23, 1800. 5 SOW IS THE TIME TO 911 Vouatl's CoiiaJilaoii JLovr!cr. In the Fall and Winter when your cows give but little milk this powder is sure to increase the quantity and improve the qual ity. For horses, it increases the appttite, promotes digestion, exhilcrates the spirits. renders the coat soft and shining. For Hogs one package in your swill barrel will hasten the fjttenlng process at least 1U0 percent. This powder has proved an excelleut article " - proved f(,r Kjieept ue EUre you get the 0ennia9 Youati's Condition m vnpPTt!ipn rv MANUI ACTURED B Powder, W1ELIAM IIOf.I.ISIIEAIs All other is a counterfeit. See that the name ofWM. HOLLINSHEAD is on each package and buy no other Warranted jjive satisfaction or the money refunded. Nov. 19, 'G3 WM. HOLLINSHEAD. Auditor's Notice. The undesigned Auditor, appointed ty of ihe Orphana' Court of Monroe County, make abatement or legacies arising irom uc- p. Wi!.tl AF, ficiency of a.iu to d !;"cu"y ; Watchmaker & Jeweler, gacies under the last VV ill and 1 tsament ol James Newell, deceased, will attend to the MAIN ST, STOUDSBUKG, PA. duties of his appointment, at the Prothono- Icatrd in corner building, third door be- tary's Ofdce, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, ow tne jefjersoni inoffic. Room handsome on Friday, IVbruary 10, 16C9, at 10 o'clock ly fiUcd up 8nd heavily stocked with the fi- A. M. hcn and where all persons interest- ,irs. St.0rtmcr.t of ed ia siid legacies, will attend if they see . watCuCSt Jewelry, Jewelers Nr proper, or bo torever debarred trom comiug in ' tiOD.8, &0., lor any snare oi mo same. THO. M. MclLHANEY, Auditor. January 2-, 150.- It. Special jSTotice. rnilW NJ KTnKT.S. Ko!e Ardent in Mon will for J roe Conn.y. f..r tho sale of Peter R. Me- ( neatly exeeuieu. anu c ick's DRl PIPES and CHIMNEY gea extremely ; mtnleriiie . tall fcoaa Delaware, Lackaivanna & Western KAIL PwOAD. 7iuter Arrangement, Nov. 1C, 1868. TRAINS LEAVE. WESTWARD. I EASTWARD. 3 O m ,vu I P 5 w a Mail a. m. I y.C'i' Vu VnT 4-y T.3c! .i!a.pp!.i.t. ,11.1a Nfv H;iioplun. 11 301 V:,s!iii-gluu. 1 1 1-47! uxford. 1 1 -iT iiri isevill?. ;l 0jj Mimiilid huui. 11.3-ij Delawaie. : 1-2.40; M,,Unt IWlhol !H iJ; Whter I U.. STROL't'SKCUO, 1 Sprasuf vjlle, S 2-0(5 2.IU I.4' 1.45; 1-1.5 12.51 ,12.41 it:si jli.5i. ill ilt.24 i.jJ Henrvville, I.4K: Oaklani, 05. Fork. 2.2C! Tohylianni. 2 4"j GouUlslioiu', 3.0-J. Moscow, 3.131 Dunninc. a. ra 9.15 Hi 9 iC ill (H) 10 C5 10 25 a. mi 3.V5, Greenville, 10.55' 10 3i 3 5. Slrranton. ia''.20i e.:o 6.05 p. ai. 5.50 5.23, 5.Clj 4.20 3.50j 3 8, p. m J II W 4 17 Clark's suiniHu, 11.10 4.2 Atiington. .4j U.40i I K.24 11.30 4.11; FartorvvMe, i.Wl 5 01, Mcl.oison. H C ) 5.2 ' Hopbollnm, S.43 ia.5.i 5.43: Montrose. fi.Jit. New Mi!f.r l.W 6 S5 Great Eend, 7 59 7.40 !i- tu. I Dimer at Dela-ware Btatioa COSNZCTI03I3: At NEW HAMPTON, witk Cwatrat R, R. of New Jersey, fcr New York.EliiakuLk, Plainfield, Somerillt, Easion, &c. At WASHINGTON, with Morria &. sex R. R., for New York, Newark, Morris town Ilscketstown. Easton, &.c. At MANUNKA CHUNK, with Blvidere Delaware R. R., for Philadelphia, Trtaton Phillipsburg, IJelvidere, &c. At SCR ANTON, with Lackawana & Bloomsburcr R. R.. for Pittston. Vi!kes-bar- ... . . re, Bloomsburg, Rupert, Danville, Northum- berland, &.c: abo. with .Delaware &. Hud- Kon It. K., lor vjivpuani, rcui3iut uu- v j- 4-v i a a a i -1 i .J Carbondale. At GREAT EEND, with Erie Railway for Binghampton, Elmira, Buffalo, Ithica, Syracuse, and Oswego. R. A. IIENRf, Gen. Pass, and Tickfct Ageat. Register's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons ia terestd in the Estates of the respective de cedenta. that t!-.e following accounts havo been filed in the Register's Office of Mon roe County, and will be presented for con firmation to the Orphan' Court of said Coun ty, at Stroudsburg, on Monday, the 22d day of February, 16G9, at 10 o'clock a.m. Account of Samuel S. Dreher, Admini irator, &c. cf Daniel Marvin, deceased. Account cf Abraham Levering, Executor; &c. of Hannah Woolbert, deceased. Account of David Keller, Administrator with the Will annexed, of Mary Keller, de ceased. Account of Samuel Post ens, Executor, fce.. of Elihu Posterns deceased. First account of Michael D. Christraau deceased. Account of Simon Storm, Administrator &e. of David Bowlby, deceased. Account ot Daniel Price (by his Adminis trator, Jacob Price,) and Wilkinson Price, AJrainisstrator of Benjimin Pric-, deceased. , So.nn..i nni! finni Second and MrsI account cf George Buttv Administrator, &c, of James Rackhow, do- - Lcase(j JOHN S. FISHER, Register Register's Oilice, Stroudsburg, ) January 2, S Funiilurc and Carpets. LEE &. CO., most respectfully announce to the Dublic. that they have recently larwely increased their stock which now coa- . i gisis OI Furniture ot all kinds, Carpets of different stjles, Oil Cloths of different petterns. Window Shades and Fixture looiviug uiasses. Picture Frames, Cords and Tassels, Blankets and Comforts, Willow Were, &c, Lc which they will dispose r.f at prices not Icsa than cost, but reasonable. Call and see and examine our stock, and compare prices and material with tho-e of other shops. . . . IVo charge made lor mowing goix;5. Ware Rooms four doors above the Wash ington Hotel, in the Fowler Block. "fr-Also, constantly on hand a large and superior stock of HOME MADE CllAlIta at the store room of LEE & CO, Stroudsburg, Pa., Dec. 24, 19GS 1 y- Ho, for Scrantonl WHO TOOK THE PREMIUM at thar Monroe County Fair, in October, 1SG7, for the best display of Cabinet 1 urniture.7 v v ar a w- rr J. H. McCARTT. WHO TOOK THE PREMIUM at tha ... ,, . .1. i . j:. .Monroo ouniy rair, ior u.a ui unpiaj u Cabinet Furniture, October 1;GS1 J- McCAliri. WHERE DO PEOPLE GENERALLY co to buy Good and Fancy Furniture 1 Why llicy go IO mwoii. WHY DOES McCARTY SELL HIS Goods at LOWER PRICES than any House to in Monroe county ? Because when be sells 1 a bill of goods he don't have to strike so many dividends. He runs his establishment on his own hook, and saves his customers from two to three profits on all the good they buy of him. Don't you see ill Stroudsburg, Pa., Oct. 22, lbO. "to , . .hl3fcecti.,n of C0Untry. A full assortment or fcpeclacies, oi m best quality, and suited to all ages, always on sale. Sdver-ware, and Silver Plated ware, al ways on hand at manufacturers pvices. (7-Repainng neatly executed, ami cnar- rflice.j public respeciiully solicit. I NoveoDbcr ftn, itrja v. t."a