NEW STORE NEf GOODS REDUCeITpRICES ! DARIUS DREHER, legs leave to an nounce to his friends and and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a general asortmcnt of J)y Goods, Motions, Dress Trimmings, AND MIL L IX Ell Y GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : I.nrns, Fmtc7i Ctintis, Children's Dress Goods , "Worked Edgings, Iurasols, Zcphers, Shetland Wools. Shetland Wool Shaicls, Delaines, Jfutlins, White Dress Goodsf Insert tags, Lady's aitd Children's Sacks Flannel and Cloth, Lady's, Misses and Men's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, -c, c, Goods shown with pleasure. ,4Quick! ilcs and small profits" at the old and wel known Millinery Stand of F. A. DREIIER. The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Dkeiier. Patronage rcspectly solicited. DARIUS DREIIER. April 2G, 1SGG. IraportoHt to Everybody. The subscribers would inform the public very rcspcctfu'ly, that they are carrying on the Shoe Rusincss Ctw at their old stand, one door above the Express Office, on Elizabeth St, Strouds Lurg, Pa., where they will be happy to wait on their old customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient to call. They have 0:1 hand a good arrortment of BOOTS &. SHOES, tor nsen, women, mioses' and childrens wear, ium over Shocsand Sandals for men, youth an ! misacs. A general assortment of Lasts anJ Root-Trees, shoe Thread, Wax, Heel Nail?, Pincers, Punches, Eyclettsand Eye Ictt Selts, Pegs and Peg-Cutters, Shoe Ham mers, Crimping Boards and Screws, also, li ning and liadmg skins, a good articie of Tmpico Boot Morocco, French Morocco and French Calfskins, Lasting and all kinds of Shoemaker tools, Ink Powder and Shoe Blacking, and Frank Miller's water-proof oil Hacking. All of which they offer for ec at small advance upon cost. Give us a all, no charges for showing goods. P. S. Bools and Shoes made to order and warranted. CHARLES WATERS &. SON. .Stroudsburg, Jan. 13, 166. . GO TO J. U. JIclMKlT'S, ODD-FELLOWS' HALL, MAIN ST., S TJ: 0 UDSB UR G, PA., and Buy youi I LRSITIRC, CARPETS, OSZ.-CJLOTSIS, RUGS, WHBOW SHADES, CURVAIXS & riXTCRES, TADLC CLOTHS, &.c.y and save At Least Two Profits. As McCarty buy?, direct from the manufac turer, fur cash (not CO days), he can sell you 31 ORG FURNITURE, OF A LETTER QUALITY, AND FOR LESS MONEY thnn you can buy at retail either in city or country, and every article is warranted lo be as represented. bept. 20. 15G7 A N, extensive lot of STOVES of jLjL all descriptions have been received at the store of the subscribers, in the borough of Stroudsburj. They have COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest imnrovements ; and entire new styles and considerablesaing of fuel, which ran be had at the lowest City prices. Also. Ail kinds of Stove-Pipe. A large assortment of TIN WARE ofev- C.7 description, constantly on hand, which will be Bold at wholesale and retail, as rea t.onable as can be had in the City. All kinds of repairing done in the shortest, ebeapeut and beet manner. Call and exam ine their stock before you purchase elsowhcr Oct. 17, '07. FLO It Y t BRO. MISS JEAXXETTE JACKSOxV will receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on the Piano Forte and in Sing ing. Term, FiHeen dollars per 24 lessons, istroudsburg, Nov. 20, 'C tf. DO.VT FOOL, YOL'Il JIOXEY away for worthless articles of Furni ture, but go to JJcCarty'e-, and you will get well paid lor it. Sept. 20,' 67. " BLANK DEEDS For Sale at thin Office. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair lo its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing -which is at once agreeable, healthy, and tffcctiKil for preserving the liair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to Us original color tcith the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair ia thick ened, falling liair checked, ana Laid- ncss often, though not always, cuitd bv its use. Nothing can rsstore llie hair where tho follicles ar destroyed, or the elands atrophied and decayed But such as remain, can be saved fur usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the liair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it cUau and vigorous Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or lulling u, aud consequently prevcut baldness. If'ree from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous ad iniunous to tho, the V igor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothin? else can be found so dairali Containing neither oil nor dye, it do not soil white cambrie, and yet lasto long on the hair, giving it a rieh glossy lustre and u grateful perfurae. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Avar & Co., Practical isd Axaltticaj. Cuxmsve LOWELL, 21 ASS P3IC3 $1.00. Sold by W. IIOLLINSIIEAD, and by DREHER & BKO.. Stroudsqurg, and by aH Orugi'tsand Dealers in Medicine every where. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all the purposes of a Laxative Mediciaa. Perhaps no one medi cine in so uuirersallT re quired by evwrybixiy &s a cathanic, nor "was iever any before so universal ly alopleJ into ue, ia c'verv country anl ainon all'C, us tins lnilii but tOi:itut puratiTe I'm. The obvious rea Fon 14, that it is a more re liable an J far more elTac tual remedy t!ian any othtr. Tiioe who h.ive tried it, know t!iat it cured them: tlio-te who have not, know that it cures their neighbors aud friends, ami all know that what it docs oiicw it doc always that it never fails through any fault or neluctof its composition. Wc have thousands upon thou sands of ccrtiilcatca of tliv?ir remarkali cures of the following comjdainU, but such cure are known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ayes and conditions i;i all clijnates; routaiuin? neither calomel or any deleterious druy, they niay"bc taken with safety by anybody. Their fnffar coatinar pre.-erves them ever fresh and make them pleasant to take, while bcin? purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use ia any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence o:th Internal viscera to purify the blood and etimulati it into healthy action remove the obstructions of th stomach, boweN, liver, and other organ of the body, rcitorins their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such Ueranse inents as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are (riven in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which those Fills rapidly cure: For Iypeii, or "ncllfr-tlf)n. T.!tles nr. Languor and Lud of Apiietil, tlicjr Hhoiil l be taken moderately to stimulate the itora ach and restore its healthy tone anil action. For Liver Complaint and it various symp toms lliliou Heil.clip, Sitli Ileurlarhf, Jauiulice or Grpru ickara, JUiliou Colic and ISllion lre, they should be ju diciously taken for each cae, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cauye it. For Dyimfrry or Iiarrboet, but one mill loe is eenerally required. For IthPiiniatiini, Cont, Grarcl, Palpi tMtion of the Ifrart, lain in thn Ktide, Hack and Juoint. they should bo continuouslr taken, as required, to change tlie diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For lropr and TronicaI SwelllnQi they phould be ftken in larpe and frequent dos to pro dmrc the cTert of a drastic pure. For Mupprevaion a lar-.'e done should be taken as it pro-liucs th? desired efr-t bv svmnathv. As a Dinner Pill, take one or "two fillalo pro mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the Jdomach an.1 bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad vantageous where no rerioiis derancremrnt exists. One who iw-ls tolwrahly well, often find that a dose of the.e I'ill makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the diges tive apparatus. JUJt. J. C. AVEli & CO.. Practical ChemiMt, LOWELL. 3Z ASS., C. 8. A. Sold by Druirjr.sts andlJe;Iera every where and by Wil. IIOLLLWSH EW, and by DREIIER & RRO., Stroudsbur, la. Attention, Farmers ! ! All who want a DURABLE PUMP Before purchasing-, we ask you to examine WILLIAM S. KELLY'S PATENT DOUBLE ACTING FORCE PUMP AND FIRE ENGINE. in use trotn iwaine to lexas, civmir entire satisfaction wherever used. - - W J Suitable for all purposes where a Force or buction Pump can be used, and we think it the best Purnp ever offered lo the public. It has the advantage of the attachment of hose for the purpose of forcing water in case of fire, or washing windows or carriages, watering gardens, or the conveying of wa- a 1 ter anywnere cestrcu. in winter it never freezes, and is already ready for use. REFERENCES. These pumps are in u.e, and warmly re commended as a Putnp and Fire Engine by L-ynlord Jiarsn ci David Keller, Strouds- burg, Thorns 8 Brodhcad, Delaware Water Cap, Wm. Sandt &, Ceorge Wise, Portland (late Dills Ferry), Wm. 11. Bush, Quakertown, and thousand of others all over the country. rump and township rights in Monroe and Northampton Counties, for sale by WILLIAM WISE, Delaware Water Gap, Alonroe Co., Pa. July 30, 1663. WM. W. PA IX. J. D. IIOAR CHAELES T7. DEAN, WITH WM. W. PAUL & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS & SHOES. WAREHOUSE, 623 Market St., & 614 Commerce St. above Sixth, North side, PHILADELPHIA. March 19, J.6CS. tf. . DO.VT you know lliat J. II. McCarty is the only Undertaker in Slroudtburg who understand? his business? If not, attend a Funeral managed by any other Undertaker m, and you will see the proof of th ? fjCt. Sept. 'Jfi, '07. mm GOOD NEWS. A CHANCE FOR ALL. Prices Perfccllj Crushing. RTTSTER las just returned from the cities with THE LATEST FALL & WIITTEB STYLES and the BEST GOODS ever offered in this market. Call! ant see, and be continced that your interest lies 11 dealing at his estublUbment. His klocl consists of CLOTHS, CASSIMERE3t and VESTING S, MUSLINS, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, AND IP U E S . At usual, in his great speciality of READY-MADE CLOTHING, his clothing is fully up to the market de mand, his shelves being literally loade down, with the most fashionable stylet of OYER-COATS, C01TS, PANTS, TESTA lc, n material and workmanship unsurpassed and unsurpassable custom-work promptly at tend to. Thankful tor past favora, be respectfully solicits further patronage. NICHOLAS RUSTE&. September 26, 1867.-tf. MONROK COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Coapany. KSTAIXLISHKD 1811, CHARTER PERPETUAL. Amount of Property Insured Sl.800,000 The rate of Insurance in this Company is one dollar for eery thousand dollars in jured, after which payment no further char ges will be made, except to cover actual loss by fire that may fall upon members of th9 Company. The policies issued by this Company are perpetual, and afford the fullest security, with the largest economy and convenience, This company will not issue Tanneries. Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. Applications for Insurance may be made to either of the Man-jers, Surveyors or Sec retary. MANAGERS. J. Depue La bar, Jacob Knecht, Richard S. Staples, John Edinger, Silas L- Drake, L. W. Brodhcad, Charles D. Brodhead, Jacob Stouffer, Robert Bovs, Theodore Schoch, Sni'l S. Drehcr, Thomas W. Rhodes, Stogdell Stokes, STOGDELL STOKES, President. E. B. Dreher, Secretary and Treasurer. Silas L. Drake, Monroe co. I Geo. G. Shater, ) F. A. Oppelt, Wayne co. V Surveyors. Hyman Westbrook, Pike co. ) Rich'd Camden, Northampton, 07 The stated meeting of the board o.f Managers takes place at the Secretary's of fice, on the first Tuesday of each month, at 1 o'olock P. M. A LECTURE TO TOCXG MKS, Just Published in a Sealed Envelope. Price Six Cents. A LECTURE on Tin Natcre, Trkat mejit, and Radical Cure of Spermato rrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Nervousness, Con sumption, Epilepsy and fits : mental and Physical Incapacity resulting from Self Abuse, Sic. BV ROBERT J CULVER WELL, M. D , Author ot the "Green Book," tc. The world-renowned author, in this ad mirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, boujyies, instruments. rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and etlectul, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition maybe, may cure himself cheaply, private ly, and radically. This LECTURE will PROVE A BOON TO TUOL'SANDS A!D TUOUS AMOS. Sent, under seal, in a plain ent elope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Als, Dr. Culverwell's Marriage Guide," price 23 cents. Address the Publishers, CI1AS. J. C. KLINE & CO , 127 Bowery. New York, July 2, 1 968.-1 y. Post-Office Box 4,586. ALBERT II. BROMLEY, (LATE TETERS 1 BROMLEY,) MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN No. 18 North 4th St., F.ASTOXi Moy ,r, ii:.jva. loots k Shoes, BEAD QUARTERS STROUDSBURG, PA., NARCIMG ORDERS No. 1. FOR 1867. ANSFIELD. is airain in the Mercan- M tile field, with his head-quarters at the old established stand, corner of Main and Green-streets (late Geo. Fable'e), where the people can always be sure 01 nnuuig the most Falaioualle, Durable, and Cheapest Stock of Goods ever brought into the county. He has DR Y GOODS of all kinds. GR OCERIES f PR O VISIONS, BOOTS cj- SHOES. CR OCKER Y fr GLA SS JiYA RE, f-c, te., tt-c, tSc, at such prices as will enable hiui to tupply hit cubtomers a little CheaBer than the Cheapest It being impossible lor him to r umerate the rarious articles which comprise his stock, tlie nublic are invited to call and examine 1 , fur themselves. MO TROUBLE TO $UQT GOODS., Wheat Flour by the tarrel or less quantity Farmert' Produce, bought, or taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market pnce. d. WAnor iiilu. April 18, 16G7. LOOKOUT ( FOR THB LOCOMOTIVE! w M. N. PETERS, having recently purchased Smith & TriblVs stand, at EAST STROUDSBURG. near the Depot, and commenced business with a determination to please,' feels justi fied in asking the continued patronage of the old customers of this establishment. He has taken as a partner in his store, Col Mott's son, from Milford. and they have fill ed the store with an entire NEW STOCK. OF GOODS, suck as Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Provisions. Hardware, Willow Ware, Boot and Shoes, Feed and Flour, &c, etc., fc, which they offer very cheap for cash, or in exchange tor Produce, uall and examine our stock before you purchase, and you will hive great reason to be thankful tor so do- nsr. rLlhllb& ivlUll. My 21, 16C9. PHOEMX BRIG STOKE. DREHER & BROTHER, (Opposite the " JefFersonian" Office,) ELIZABETH-STREET, STROUDSBURG, PA. Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, WINES and LIQUORS for medi cinal purpose?, SASH, DOORS and BLINDS. All kinds of Painting Materials, Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded. G. II. DREHER. October 4, 1866. E. B. DREHER. H. S. WAGNER, DEALER IN Dry Goods, Yanhee Notions, Groceries, Provisions, Flour and Feed, Fish and Salt, Boots and Shoes, llardicare, Wooden Ware, Crockery, Brushes tfc Brooms, m Jvcroscnc, and, in short, almost everything you can think of or ask for; all ot which are of (ered at smash down prices, at the old stand, on Main-street, between the Hank and the Jrfftrsonian office. The public are invited to call. II. S. WAGNER, May 9, 1867. Gothic Hall Drug Store. William HolliiislicacI, Wholesale and Retail Druggist. oTllOUDSliUKu, PA. Constantly on hand and for sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Varnish, ker osene Oil, Perfumery and Fancy Good3j also Sasli, blinds and Doors. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purpose. P. S. Physicians Prescriptions care fully compounded. Stroudsburg, July 7, 18G4. Why is it? Why is it? rpilAT THE FARMERS ARE ALL JL asking for Spinner' Horse and Cattle Powders 2 It is 6imply because they are THE BEST IN THE MARKET FOR HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP. HOGS, &.c. These Powders are prepared only by DREIIER & BRO., Druggists, Stroudsburg. Pa. Sole Proprietors, and for sale Wholesale cj Retail. 1 A good inducement offered to Merchants, who desire to buy these Powders for retail ing. Aug.l3,'G3m6. B LANKS OF AliL KINDS for Sa.!e at Thfe Office. mm & Keller .. DEALERS IN i Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Plated ware, Books, Stationery, Wall Taper, Notions, &c, &c The? hare reccntlr purchased "3EL- ICICS OLD STAND," and with increased facilities for business, and a determination fo Diease. feel justified in asking the con tinued patronage of the old customers of this estab shment. In constant communication with Importers in New York and I'iiila dclpiiia. and in nossefsion of peculiar ad vantaffes in this respect, they are prepared to tell CLOCKS, WATCHES &, JEW - ELRY, of superior make and fioieh as wen also as of cheaper character, at remarkably low rates. - - : i They also keep constantly on hand the best quality of Si7rer and Plated War, Tea Spoons, Cas tors, Spectacles, Razors, Pen-knttes, Scissors, and all sorts of Cutlery; Toys of all kinds. Children Carriages, Bird cages, Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Guns and Pistols, Lamps of all kinds' and fixtures; bupertor Sewing ' Machines, Clothes Wringers, School Books, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Ledgers and Day Books. Paper, Envelopes, I Pens, Ink, Jc, )-c. oorflpA Frames, Wall Paper, Windou Shades, and Fruit Cans of every de script ion, Lamp Burners altered. Repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry attended to promptly and satisfactorily. Orders taken for Silver Ware and filled with dispatch. Stroudsburg, May 19, ISG4. tf LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WIIO WANT Carriage Work or Clacksmilhing PONE IX A SUPERIOR MANNER ! THE Subscriber begs leave to in .form the public that he is fully pre pared, at his establishment, at the corner of fcimpson and barah streets, in the borough of Stroudsburg, to make to order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the shortest possible notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint cd in the best style of the art. tt r 1 1 waving nrst-ciass material always on hand, and none but first-class workmen ensajreu, the public are assured that none but first-class work will be turned out at his shop. In connection with his Carriage Shot he has also a Blacksmith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the orders of customers The public are invited to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing else where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. September ID, 1867.-tf. A CARD. To the Hotel keepers of Monroe and ad jacent counties. Look to Your Interests ! ! ! We are offering Liquors, Wines. &c. tear ran ted pure, and containing no Druns u jbsstnecs, dr., whatever, at the lol lowing very low prices : Brandies from 50c(o,Sl 00 per gallon less than City prices, utns WcQibc. Bourbon Whiskey,40c(rt.G5c. Monongahela, 40c(a.G5c. Old Bye, 40c(Goc. " Apple 50cfVt $l 00 Common 15cfVr25c. Wines (all kinds 50c(Sl 00 Please give us a call, or send your or dcrs, and satisfy yourselves that we. do do it, that we tcill do it, and the reasons ichy wc can do it. Also, please remember that ire do not have anything to do tcith "DrvgeiVlA- quors. Anything you buy from us wc guarantee 1 itre, and much below the pn ccs usually paid for the Drugged Liquors Very Respectfully, J. S. WILLIAMS, & Co., Stroudsburs, Monroe Co. Pa. July 27, 1805. Itch! Itcli! Itch! . SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! USE . HOLLIXSIIEAD'S ITIII & SALT RIIEUI 0IXT3IEM. No Family should be without this valoa ble medicine, for on the first appearance of tae disorder on the wrists, betweeu the fin gers, &c, a slight application of the Oint nient will cure it, and prevent its being tn ken by others. Warranted to give satisfaction or money rerunaeu. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by W. HULLINSIIEAD. Stroudsburg, Oct. 31, 'G7. Druggist. I F you want the best CHAMBER. PAR. LOR or DINING-ROOM SUITES, or the plainest, or if you want the best KITCH EN FURNITURE, call on PHILIP MILLER &. SON. March 14, 1867. IF you want GILT ROSEWOOD, MA HOGANY or WALNUT PICTURE FRAMES, ronnd, oval, oblong or square of any 6ize, can on PHILIP MILLER &. SON. March 14, 1807. I F you want CANE-SEAT. RUSH BOT TOM, or WINDSOR CHAIRS, call on PHILIP MILLER &. SON. March 14, 1S67. I F you want MAHOGANY, ROSEWOOD or PLAIN SOFAS. LOUNGES or CHAIRS, call on PHILIP MILLER & SON. March 14, 1867. IF you want BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, WASH-STANDS, &c, cal on PHILIP MILLER &, SON. March 14, 1867. BLANK LEASES For Sale this Office. New Cabinet Ware-Rooms! NEW FURNITURE ! OPPOSITION TO HIMCICGKUY! Philip Miller & Son RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO the public that they have opened, at their new Ware-Rooms, on Main street, ia StroudsLurg, adjoining the Race, a very su perior assortment of Furniture, embracing complete PARLOR, V CHAMBER, and DINING-ROOM SUITES, both of their own and city manufacture which they will dL-pose of at the lowest pos sible nrices for cash. They are also prepared to manufacture to order, any and every thing in their line, from a single piece of furniture uptoa com plete cutfit from garret to cellar, all ot the best seasoned timber, . and by the bct of workmen. - They do not claim tobether only Furniture dealer in Stroudekurg who has a license to sell Furniture," but having- paid a license and established Shmselvea i business ihy are determined to do fall justice to all who patronize thera. Their tvsci of lumber embraces all the kinds of wood em ployed in obi net-ma king, and was telcctea with regard to quality tna o price. Remember that we c supply lull suites either of our own or vt city manuiaciure. though we prefer filling the former, becauso greater justice can be done thereby to put" chasers. ... UNDER TAKING UNDER TAKlSG it Ilavinsr- provided oursekes wi:h a new. neat, and elegant Hearse, a full supply f the latest styles of Coffins and burial Cas kets, and nil the other appliances of a firjt class establishment, we are prepared to con duct the business of Undertaking, in all its branches, to the perfect satisfaction cf au who favor us with orders in this line. Machine Saving, Turning, Flaining, Jet. Their factory being fitted up with superior Turning, Sawing, and Plaining Machinery, all driven by a powerfal steam engine, orders from cabinet-makers, carpenters, and other, for work ia Ihcsc lines will be promptly and satisfactorily filled. They respectfully s dicit a call from the public. Furniture cheerfully shown without charge, and prices as low as the lowest. PHILIP MILLER & SON. March 14, 15G7. NEW GOODS AT Greatly Reduced Priees! T WOULD RESPECTFULLY AN nounce to the public, that I have just made large additions to my already extao sive stock and am now selling DRY GOODS, GROCEREES, fcc., &c, lower than ever. My shelves are loaded with MUSLINS, CALICOS, DE LAKES, and GIXGI1AMS, of the most celebrated makes, my charges for which will prove astonishing to custo mers. My stock of Dress Goods embracing nearly every variety of style, color and fabric is well worth the atten tion of the Ladies, while in CLOTHS and CAS&I.U IIIIKS, both plain and fancy, I can offer induce ments to gentlemen which they cannot forgo without detriment to their finances. My stock ot SUA WL S, YA XKEE X 0 Tl OXS, kc , is also full, and is offered low. My assortment of Coffees, Sugars Molasses, and Syrups, is very complete, and as usual held at a very low figure. I have lots of goods the names of which could hardly be compressed within tho limits of an advertisement, all of which will be sold cheap. Remember, the place to buy, with tho best assurance of getting your monej's worth is at J ROD HEAD'S Cheap Store in Stroudsburg. March 14, 1S67. UNDERTAKING-. McCARTY has on hand the largest an r-v beft assortment oi COFFINS and TRIMMINGS to be found outside if either city (New York or Philadelphia and will make tikis branch of his business A SPECIALITY. COFFINS and CASKETS of 03 site or style, caa te furnished at one hour' notico for shipment, at a charge or oxE-iaian LESS THAN ANY SHOP IN StROI'DSBCRO 111 no case will he charge more than TEN PER CENT abse actual cost. EHRAIUiWG attended to- h any part of the County at the shortest pessibie notice. Sept. 20, 67 J. IjAXTS, dextist. Has permanently loeaitd him self in Stroudsburg, &t-A moved his office next dmsi U Dr. S. Walton, where he is fully prepared to treat the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt tible artificial teeth oai pivot and plate, in tue latest and most improved manner. Most persons know tho danger and folly of trust ing their work to the ignorant as well as. the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he i liable to have some failures out of a number of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distance it is frequently put oil" until it is too late t save the tooth or teeth as it mav be. other wise the inconvenience and trouble of viin-t. so far. Hence the necessity of clrtaituag the, services of a dentist near home. Ail, work warranted. Stroudsburg, March 27 REV. EDWARD Ax WILSONS(ofAViU liamburgh, N. Y, Recipe for CON. SUMPTION and ASTHMA carefully com. pounded at HOLLINSHRD'S DRUG STORE. OCT MeHcine$ Fifth and Pure. Nov. lr67, W, HOLLINSHEAD. rxvN you TCI.L WIIV IT IS r'1 that wj hen any one conies to Strouds- juur uj uuy 1 urnuure, iney aiwav inquirts 'fsj.M.cCarty'e Furniture Store Scpt. !S. 1 I Ti . t 1