STEW STOUE NEW' GOODS DARIUS DREHER, begs leave to an rnui'.ci: to his friends and nnd to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a p-tier I assortment of J).-y Goods, Motions, Dress Trimmings, AN I MIL L IX Ell Y GOODS b 1 1 c!i viz. : I '-vrJi ChiiltZS, L':,-'!Jrr;i Dress Goods, Worked Edgings, J mt.-ij., Zn-pliers, Shetland Wools, Met Until Wool Shaich. White DfCSS GoO,h Jiizcrf ing.f Lady's and Children's Sacks J'lnnnrl and Cloth, Jj'i'Jjs, Misses and Men's Hoes, (VAuv.s anil Collins, J'ji'rii tiiij (foods, Siirn;.'ftiitfx, lie., fv., C;;-w tlidw.n v.-ah pleasure. Quicks nics nnd tmr.ll profits" tt tlio old and well k;;o-,v:i M.l'ir.t ry of F. A. DREHER. 1 1.. j 11 ... i w 1 i '. ii vvi.i ue earned oil . i a i:n:r.. Vv solicited. U. ill US ii HE II ICR. G to-: to 'Evcri&oilv. in A .vo!i!J inform t!ie public irr rc:-.-cciJa:lv on : t.'icir oi l s'nih!. one door aliove t! Otr.ctN en rjiznheth .St., Strottds- i ., where i!-y will L hajipv r o.., and tis manj' uike it convenient to call. w Tlr I: V "-i'' f- i i' !i:u a 7or.,i arroriineiii oi HOOTS &. SHOES, tnrn, wo::icn. n; isles' and ciiildrens' wear, n ovit ShfKonr.d Samials for men, youth f.-r a !: , ruijii". A onjral assortment of i,ats oo?. hoe Thread. Wax. Heel wis r:n:er.-, ranches, Kyolettsand I'ye rt S.-;js. l'o-rs nud I'ey-CutterA Shoe Ilar.i- t: lt.-, Ci i:u;.ii:' Co ir.!? and Screw., alo, li i .-:yr .'. id Lindin skins, a pood article of Tv.riipico V.oct Mjuicco, French iloroccoand i reiicn Lal.ri!i-J Jistin"- and ail kinds of ii:re:.i.tkpr to d--t luk Powder and Shoe Ji.ackir.'i', and I rank 'dillcrs water-proof l.''.iinsr. All ol winch thev oner lor tie a .1 advatjee upon cost. Give us a s lor s.iowin roods. Boots and Shoes made to order and warrant- d. charijis waters & sox. :r?. Jan. IS. ltsij. il' TO J, 11 rrleiAUTV'S, 1 1 1) D riiLLows hall MAIN ST. .S' 77? 0 I'D SB I'll G and B iy youi i :: 2 t a; k, cm n icts C3L-t:2-CT2SS, ESUGS, SHADES, CURrAISS & FIXTURES, TAISZ.E CLOTHS, &c, and sive Lsast Two Profits. At . 'Ti C trty btiyp, direct from the manufac urer. fjr caaii (nut GO day, he can sell you on r: furniture, OF A BETTER QUALITY, AND FOR LESS MONEY th?n yoj can buy at retail either in city or country, &nd every article is warranted to be is represented. Sept. 2S. 18G7 : , " r r. 4 a,- . ."S xte:iiveSolof STOVES cf -.rLL all descriptions have been received at he s'.ore of the subscribers, in the borough of S:rj'jdsbur. They have co on::a stoves, & parlor stoves, if latest iennrovernents; and entire new tjles, fnd coiiaiderabJcsavingof fuel, which ran be had at toe lowest City prices. Also, kinds cf Stove-Pipe. A Lr-e assortment of TIN WARE of ev ery description, constantly on hand, which will be sold at wholesale and retail, as rea iunable as can Le had in the City. All kinds of repairing done in the shortest cheapest and best manner. Call and exam ine their stock before you purchase elsewhcr Oct. 17, 'C7.J FLORY & BRO. itoliec to ircspassers. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CAU X tions all persons against trespassing on ins premises, either tor the purpose of gunning or ior any other purpose. Viola tions of this caution will be prosecuted to the full rxtcnt of the law. E. E. NORTON . BLANK DEEDS " For Sal- at this Office. . j Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Disaa?c?s of tba r.t and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Couh, 13ron3iiitis, Asthma, &ad Consumption. rrnlwMv never lefaro iu tlie whola h!.-tory of mcili'-iM", lia ;i!vtfm; won so widely ami sotteojily anon lini cDiiiiiii-iiftf iif iuaiiI:ii;J, as this cxrtli'iit rt-iiifiv for pulmonary complaint. Tliioufrh a I'jiijr fo.ict 'f ycaiv, ami auuiu nio.-i of tl.e rncpi of tiii'ii it li.- r--;:i l:i:rhfi a:ul liilior in their vr-tima-iiiiii,as it 1i:is luvuaiu bettor known, in uniform r;i:irattor :iivl 'vw to cure tlic various aflectioiis ol' !iif anil throat, have made it known as re )rote: tor .iaiu.-t tlivm. While mlnptetl to lui'. k'r I'unus ol'ili-i'.to nml to j-oimjj clnMivii, it is .-it tin: rami' fmie tiie most cu'ectual rcnidly that ran bo .viv.'ii for -n.iiuupliou, and the dau j:i i oa.1 afl''.,i-t:o:is of tiio throat anil luns. As a pro-vi.-ioa airaint smMc.i attacks of Crtnjt. it t-houM bj krpt on isaii'l ia cverv faniilv, and indeed as nil are souii'Iiukm subji'. r to colds and coughs, all rlio-ild hi! pto uled v. ii!i this antidote for them Alt'.-onh j-elthsl Consumption is thought In-rii.-a!:!'.', dill gix'..t iiumbcs ol eases whore the dis-c.i-c :-i'i:t:icd settled, have been completely cured, ami t!i patient re.-itored to bound health by the l.'Jirn'' l'trt'rtl. S owmjilote its mastery over tl.e diMM-iier of th.; Liinjjs and Throat, tha't the mo.' ; o')!:i:ito of tac.ti yield to it. When noth ing ol. could re a h lheni, under tliij Cherry I'tc tvrnl lliev tnbrida .:! I disaiijiear. Xhtr;rrit untl l'u.'.iic Ajica&w Cud great pro tection from it. A.-.thmn is always relieved aad often wholly cured by it. - r.runehiiis U jroacralijr cured iy taking tlic da rrf i'rrtin nl in si:i tli and frefjtKMit ilnw. mj phnerall are its virtaos known that we need not ;mbii di tii-s certliii'ates of t!jein hero, or do more th i.i as . mo tiio iiublic that iu qualilied aro fully iiiaiut:iiucd A T7" Ague Cure, J For Fever and A?ue, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever. Bemitterst Fever, Dumb Aj;ic. Periodic?! or Bilious Fever, &e., end indeed ?il the affections which arise from mci.-.ri0wi3, marsh, or miasmatic ;n;r.!i, t doe Cure, nnd dns rnt rvd. (Vmtai.jin-r noiiher Arseni.'. Oitinine. TSisuuilli, Ziii , n ir apy iiher mineral or poi joiious Mihstanre v. h;; vt r, i in nr.vt:-c Injure any patient. 1 he uiii.ihi-r and ii.ii(.r;.tiii-e oi'il-J cures in t!:e acnio dis tvi. t.;, aro iilorrdlv l-.evond aecoiint, ?nd we believe viihont a!cl ia i!,e hi-toiy of Acue medicine. Oar iridi ii ;:r.-.;i:Iel by the .VcLnowleilfrment we receive of ii:e iadi-al cares effected ia obstinate caes, r. ;d where o'.her remedies liad wholly failed. I n .x'linnr.ted tuM-son., cither resident in, or ira vpi;:ijr inroii-rl u-rh laiasnifli' locnliiien, will be jiro JTtl.e AdVE CX'Itr: dailv. ttf-ted bv ::kii l'ir f.!r.-f f r.mfslaiitta. fMisins from torpidity of t!i" I.iver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating t!:, T.ivr into lieahhv activity. For r.ilious f:is,-ird-r.s ami I.iver Complaints, it is an oveiloiit remedy, procbicimr innnv truly re r.i:irl.:'.b;.' cures, where thev medicino had failed. I'roiiared bv I)::, -f. r. Ayi:k & Co., Practical and Analvtieal !i '::ii-t , Lov.ell, ilass., aad sold ail r':nd the v, orid. i hicj:, .oo ri:i: noTTzr. '7 Drusrsts and Dealer. every where tojau.i ly Vv.M. IIOLLINSIIEAD, by DREllT.R & P.llO., Stroudsburj, Ta. M AKE WAY! COOi) Xi:VS FOR ALL SUAPr. OF us at Stonosrille. rriliE .subscriber takes plea.sure in inform in the public, th illie has just opened ihe largest and best teh-cted stock of Goods. at l. is oid stand in Stormvilic, Pa., ever brought into Jlonroc count v. and that he has determined to dispose of them at prices. much cheaper l.'iin ihey can be bought at any other establishment, whether in town or country. His ttock comprises, in almost endless niiety, and ol the best quality. DRY GOODS, NOTION'S. HARDWARE. QUEENS W A R E. GROCERIES, DRUGS, .MEDICINES, &c., &c. He has, also, on hand a very large assort ment of new and fashionable Boots and Shoes, both ciiy aed home-made, all of which he will dii'uose of at prices which will make purchasers wonder. Look at a few of the prices at which I am really giving away j ifoods, end you cannot fail to be convinced tiVit my Et.'r-, in Storms ille. is th; place at which to secure real bargains: PRINTS frr.m 9 to 12 cents per yard, MUSLINS from 12 to 15 yard, De LANES from IS to 22 yard, and all Woolen goods at figures propor tionately low. Boo's and Shoes very low home-mnde at least 50 per cent, below Stroudoburg prices. SUGARS from 10 to 17 cents per pound, MOLASSES from 0 cts. lo 1 per pal In short, all articles in my line far below the monopoly prices which have hereto fore prevailed. The excitement growing out of these "real reductions has already bean, but corne one come all, my slock will always be found ful up to the demand. BUTTER, EGGS, and country produce renerally will not be refused in exchange for goods, and the highest market prices al lowed. CASPER METZGAR. Stormsville, Pa., No?. 22, 16GG.-tf. Attention, Farmers ! ! All who want a DURABLE PUMT Before purchasing, v.e ask you to examine WILLIAM S. KELLY'S I'ATKNT DOUBLE ACTING FORCE PUMP AND FIRE ENGINE. in use irom Elaine to l exas, giving entire sat is, action wherever used. Suitable for all purposes where a Force or Suction Pump can Lc used, and we think it the best Pump ever offered to the public It has the advantage of the attachment of hose for the purpose of forcing water in case oi fire, or washing windows or carriages, watering gardens, or the conveying of wa - I I 1 T . - tci anyvviiere uesirea. in winter it never ircezes, and is already ready for use. ItEFEKEXCES. These pumps are in use, and warmly re commended as a Pump and Fire Engine bv T - lf l .. ...... .? lyniora .uursn iSi David Keller, Strouds burg, Thomas Brodhcad, Delaware Water Gap, Wm. Sandt &, George Wise, Portland fjate JJil.'s rerry;, Wrn. II. Bush, Quakertown, and thousands of others all over the country. Pump nnd township rights in Monroe and Northampton Counties, for sale by WILLIAM WISE, Delaware Water Gap, Monroe Co., Pa. July 1803. .A. Card. The undersigned has opened an office for the purchase and sale of Real Estate, in fowlers Uuilding, on Main street. Parties having farms. Mill., Hotels or other proper ty for sale will find it lo their advantage to call on me. I have no agents. Parties roust see me personally. GEO. L. WALKER, Real Estate Agent, Stroudsbu rg, pa. DON'T you Know III a I J.U. McCariy ia the only Undertaker in Slroudsburg who understands his business! If not, attend a Funeral managed by any other Undertaker in town, and you will see the proof of the fact. Sept. 26, '07. away for worthless articles of Furni ture, but go to WcCsrtvV, and you will get well paid for it, ' Sept, 2G,"07. GOOD NEWS, A CHANCE FOR ALL. Prices Perfectly- Crashing. ETJSTBR Has jiiBt returned from the cities wilh THE LATEST FALL & WHITES STYLES and the - BEST GOODS ever ofTered in this market. CalU and see, and Le convinced that your interest lies in dealing at his c.-tiLlishuient. Ilia stock consists of CL 0 TI7S, CA S SIM E RES, I and YESTIXUS, MUSL1XS, YANKEE XOTIOXS, HATS, CAPS, AND F U li S . Aa, in his great speciality of 1L i D J ' MA DK CL 0 TJUX G, hi clolhinjf i.-? fully up to the market de mand, his shelves beino; literally loaded down, wilh ihe moid fathionahle styles of OVER-COATS, COATS, FAMS. TESTS, if., in material and workmanship unsurpassed, and unsurpassable custom-work promptly at tend lo. Thankful for pist favors, he respectfully solicits further patronage. NICHOLAS RUSTER. September 20, 19G7.-tf. 3I0XK0K COUNTY ulutual Fire Insurance Company ESTAESI.SSJ2EO IS 1 1, CIIA R TER PER PE T UA L. Amount cf Property Insured SI.SOO.OOq. The rate of Insurance in this Company is one dollar for every thousand dollars in sured, after which payment no further char 2es will be made, except to cover actual loss by fire that may fall upon members of the Company. The policies issued by this Company are perpetual, and afford the fullest security, with the largest economy and convenience, This company will not issue Tanneries. Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. Applications for Insurance may be made to either of the Managers, Surveyors or Sec retary. MANAGERS. J. Depue Labar. Jacob Knecht. Richard S. Staples, John Ediner, Silas L. Drake, I W. Brodhead, Charles D. Brodhead, Jacob Stouffer, Robert Boys, Theodore Schoch. Sm'I S. Drcher, Thomas W. Rhodes, Stogdell Stokes, STOGDELL STOKES, President. E. B. Dreher, Secretary and Treasurer. Silas L. Drake, Monroe co. Geo. G. Shater, 4i 1 F. A. Oppelt, Wayne co. C Surveyors. Ilyman Wcstbrook, Pike co. Rich d Camden, Northampton, j OCT a he staled meeting of the board of Managers takes place at the Secretary's of fice, on the first Tuesday of each month, at o olocs v. M. A LECTURE TO YOUNG 31 EN, Just Published in a Scaled Envelope. rrice $ix Lents. A LECTURE on the Nature, Treat ment, and Radical Cure of Spermato rrhoea or feeminaJ Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Nervousness, Con- sumption, Epilepsy nnd fits; menial and Physical Incapacity resulting from Self Abuse, &c. BY ROBERT J. CULVER WELL, M. D , Author of the "Green Book," &c. The world-renowned author, in this ad mirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Se!f-Abu.e mny be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of" cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, private ly, and radically. Tins LECTURE will PROVE A BOOX TO THOUSANDS AND THOUS ANDS. Sent, under seal, in a plain eni elope, to any address,705fj)u, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the Publishers, CI1AS. J. C. KLINE & CO , 127 Bowery. New York. July 2, lS68.-ly. Post-Oflice Box 4,586. ALBERT II. BBOMLEY, (LATE TETERS k BROMLEY,) MANUFACTURER AXU WHOLESALE DEALER IN No. 18 North 4th St., May 21, m loots -:& Shoes. HEAD QUARTERS STROUDSBURGr, PA., NAUCillXG ORDERS No. 1. FOR 1867. MANSFLELD, is again in the Mercan tile field, with his head-quarters at the old established stand, corner of Main and Green-sireets (late Geo. Fable'), where the people can always be sure of finding the most . . Fashionable, iiu t able, mid Cheapest Slock of Goods ever brought into the county He has DR Y G O ODS of itll h inds, UR OCERIES PR O VISIONS, BOOTS cj- SHOES. CROCKERY 4- CLASS WARE, cjrc, )-e,, ij-c, 5c, at such prices as will enable him to supply his customers a little Cheaper than the Cheapest. It being impossible for him to rumerate the various articles which comprise his stock, the public are invi'.cd to call and examine for themselves. ,,' '.'.J,.! XO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. "Wheat Flour by Ihe barrel or less quantity. xarmers Produce, houglit, or taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices. B. MANSFIELD. April 19, 18G7. LOOKOUT FOlt TIIE LOCOMOTIVE! WM. N. PETERS, having recently purchased Smith & Trible's stand, at . EAST 5TR0UDSBURG, near lac Depot, and commenced business wilh a determination to please, feels justi- ncd in asking the continued patronage o! the old customers of this establishment. He lias taken as a partner in his store. Col. Mott's son, from Mil ford, and they have fill ed the store witn an entire NEW STOCK OF GOODS, such as Dry Goods. Xotions, Groceries, l'rovisio7isJ Hardware, Willow IVare, Boots and Shoes, Eeed and Flour, &c, 'c, tCc. which they offer very cheap for cash, or in exchange for Produce. Call and examine our stock before you purchase, and you will have great reason lo be thankful tor so do ing. PETERS & MOTT. My 21, 1SGS. PIIOEiMX DKIT0 STOKE. DREHER & BROTHER, (Opposite the JcfTersonian" Office,) ELIZABETH-STREET, STROUDSBVRG, PA. Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, WINES and LIQUORS ,for medi cinal purposes, SASH, DOORS and BLINDS. All kinds of Painting Materials, Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils 0C7 Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded. G. II. DREHER. lj. ix u uhijluu T Tt nnminn October 4, 1S6G. H. S. WAGNER, DEALER IX Dry Goods, Yankee Xotions, Groceries, Provisions, Hour and Feed, Fish and Salt, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Wooden Ware, Crockery, Brushes Brooms, Kerosene, and, in short, almost everything; you can think ot or ask for; all of which are of fered at smash down prices, at the old stand, on Main-street, between the Bunk and the Jeffcrsonian office. The public are invited to call. II. S. WAGNER. May 9, 1SG7. Gothic Hall Bins: Store. William ZSolIiiiIicnd, Wholesale and Retail Drtixsrist STROUBSBURG, 1a. Constantly on hand and for sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup- l nFTJn..a At a:1- i . ply of Brugs Medicines, Paints, un, uiass, rutty, arnish, Ker osene Oil, l'erfumery and lancy Goods; also , Sash, blinds nnd Doors. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purpose. P. S. Physicians Prescriptions care- lully compounded. Slroudsburg, July 7, 1 804. Why is it? Why is it? rjHAT TIIE FARMERS ARE ALL J. asking for Caorsc and Gallic s Powders It is simply because they are TIIE BEST IN THE MARKET roR HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, HOGS, &c. These Powders are prepared only by - JJKrJI & BRO., Druggists, Stroudsburg, Pa. Sole Proprietors, and for sale Wholesale cf Retail. A good inducement offered to Mercbanls, who desire to buy these Powders for retail-nff- ........ Aug,13,'G9mG. B LANKS OF ALL KINDS for Sale at this Office. ' irowii& ECel DEALERS IN. ... Isr, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver WarcJ riated Ware, Cooks, Mat i on cry, wall Taper, Notions, &c., &c. They have recently purchased "MEL ICICS OLD STAND," and with increased facilities for business, and a determination to please, feel justified in asking the con tinued patronage of the old customers of this establishment. In constant communication with Importers in New York and Phila delphia, and in possession of peculiar ad vantages in this respect, they are prepared to sell CLOCKS, WATCHES &. JEW ELRY, of superior make and finish as well also as of cheaper character, at remarkably low rates. They also r.ecp constantly on hand the best quality of Silver and Plated IVWr'', Tea Spoons, Cas tors, Spectacles, Razors, Pen-knives, Scissors, and all sorts of Cutlery ; Toys of all kinds, CLildrens Carriages, Bird cages, Pishing Tackle, Baskets, Guns and Pistols, Lamps cf all hinds and 1'ixtiires; vperior Sewing Much ines. Clothes Wringers, School Books, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Ledgers and Day Books. Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, eje, tjf-c. Photograph Frames, Wall Paper, Window Zsliudes, and Irtut Cans of every de scription. Lamp Burners altered. Repairing of Clock W alches and Jewelry attended to promptly and satisfactorily. Orders taken for Silver Ware and filled with dispatch. Stroudsturg, May 1664. tf LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO AVAST Carnage .liork. or Bladisniithing doxe i:: a SUPERIOR MANNER! 4 TIIE Subscriber bejrs leave to in- ffT-.forrH the public that he is fully HaT pared, at his establishment, at the corner of Simpson and Sarah streets, iu tnc borough ot btroudsburg, to niake to order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the shortest, possible notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint ed in the best style of the art Having first-class material always on hanJ, and none but first-class workmen engaged, the pablic are assured that none but first-class work will be turned out at his thop. In connection with his Carriage Shop he has also a Blacksmith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the orders of customers The public are invited to rail and ex amine bis stock before purchasing else where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. September 19, 18G7.-tf. Crystal Spring Hotel, J. L. Thomas, Proprietor, EAST STROUSBUllG, PA. The House i3 fitted up with Mod ern Improvement., and is supplied I : "-v-iv. nn. uc:i vi Willi n r lulf P M-hnro l,n T Liquors can be had. The best of Stablin attached, with accommodating hostlers in at tendance. t7iorses and carriages can be had at all hours. (7A line of Stages running to Port Jer- vis, via Milford.leaves the House, after the arrival or me morning trains. Sept. 3, 1803. ma. A CARD To the Hotel keepers of Monroe and ad jacent counties. Look to Your Interests! ! ! We are offering Liquors, Wines. &c, warrant eit imre, and coutainin no Druns Oils, Essences, tCr., what iver. at the fol lowing very low prices : Lrandics from 50c( SI 00 per gallon less than City prices, uins Meter JUCW j oc. rourboa W bwkej.Wc&Uac u k i ( ( i ( a tt iuuiiuiiuucij. -ueir !.). ' v; uia liye, 4UcfVr.0oc 44 Apple 50c(Y( SI 00 Common ldcfVi.25e. Wiues (all kinds uUcfWSl 00 Please give us a call, or send vour or- uers, auu sausiy yourselves that wo tto ,, reasons why we can do it. Also, please remember that we do n,,i nave antlniin to do icith " I), llimeii" I .i. minre " j ' - .i-i . ) ?,,.! "- u,u V i ("ctnmtee 1 are, and much below the pi ce3 usua,j paid f DrU(rir0il , m ip ivuyiiung you buy from us we :i lly paid for the Brushed Lhiuors Very Respectfully, J." S- WILLIAMS, k Co., Slroudsburg, Monroe Co. l'a. 27, 18G5. July IF you want the best CHAMBER. PAR LOR or DINING-ROOM SUITES, nr me piaineM, or n you want Ihe best K1TCII- JJ t U UN 11 V RE, call on PHILIP MILLER & SON. March 14, 16G7. IF you want GILT ROSEWOOD MA HOGANY or WALNUT PlfiTimrc FRAMES, ronnd, o?al, oblonir or sonare of any size, can on , - PHILIP MILLER & SON. March14, 1SG7. IF y u want CANE-SEAT, RUSH DOT TOM, or WINDSOR CHAIRS, ell on PHILIP MILLER &. SON. March 14, 16IG7. I you want MAHOGANY, ROSEWOOJ) or I'LAIIX SOFAS, LOUNGES or CHAIRS, call on PHI LTP MILLER & SON. March 11, 1867. IF you want BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, WASH.STANDS, &c.. cal on PHILIP MILLER & SOV March 14, 18G7. BLANK LEASES For Sale at this Office. ft fVcw Cabinet Ware-Rooms! NEW FURNITURE ! OPPOSITION TO nUMBUGGERY! Philip Miller & Son RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO the public that they have opened, it their new Ware-Rooms, on Main street, ia Stroudsburg, adjoining the Race, a very su perior assortment of Furniture, embracing complete PARLOR, CHAMBER, and DINING-ROOM SUITE8, both of their own and city manufacture which they w ill dipose of at the lowest po sible prices for cash. They are also prepared to manufacture to" order, any and every thing in their line from a single piece of furniture uptoa com- p!ete r.utfit from garret to collar, all of the, best reasoned timber, and by the bet of workmen. They do not claim t$bethJ only Furniture dealer iu Stroudsburg VfhV has a license to sell Furniture," but ha fin f paid a licens-e nd established themsclve in business i h'y are determined to do full justice to all who patronize them. Their Mock ef lumb r emirate all the kinds of wood em ployed in c burnt-making, and was selected with regard to quality than to price. Remember we can supply full suiiet either of our own or of city manufacture, though we prefer filling the former, because greater justice can be done thereby to pur chasers. UNDER TA KING ! UND ER TA KINO ! ! Having prov.ded o.r.-e!v -s wi'h nw, neat, and elegant Hearse, a full supply of the Litest s vies of C flins and burial Cas kets, and ll thrj oiher applunces of a firat class cstablhinent. we re prepared to con duct the business of Undertaking, in all it briinclios, to the perfect satisfaction of aM who favor us with orders in this line. Machine Sawing, Turning, Plaining, At. Their factory being fitted up with superier Turning, Sawing, and Plaining M.-ichinery, a'l driven by a powerful tteam engine, ordere from cabinet-makers, carpenters, and other, for work in theso lines will be promptly aud satisfactorily filbd. They rescctfu!ly s -licit a cill from the puMic. Furniture chi erfully shown without charge, and prices as low as the lowest. PHILIP MILLER & SON. March M, 1-G7. HEW GOODS AT tiuit tttruumt 1 1 ices i WOULD RESPECTFULLY AN ncuoce to the public, that I have juit made large additions to my already exten sive stock and am now selling GROCERIES, &c., Sac, lower than ever. Jly shelves are loaded with ML'SLXS, CALICOS, DE LAXFS, and G1XGJIAMS, of the most celebrated make, my chargoi for which will prove astonishing to easte rners. yy stock of Dress Goods embracing nearly every variety of style, color and fabric is well worth the atten tion of the Ladies, while in CJLOTS2S ami CASflMTRES, both plain and fancy, I can offer induce ments to gentlemen which they cannot forgo without detriment to their finances. My stock of SUA WLS, YAXKEE XOTIOXS, etc , is also full, and is offered low. Mj assortment of Coffees, Sugars Mclasses, and Syrups, is very complete, and as usual held at a very low figure. 1 have lots of goods the names of which could hardly be compressed within the limits cf an advertisement, all of which will be sold cheap. Remember, the place to buy, with the best assurance of geil-ing your moQftj'i worth i? at BRODIIEAD-S-Cher?p Store in Stroudsbursr. March 14, 1SG7. UNDERTAKING. McCARTY has on hand the largest and best assortment of COFFINS - tTj! '. v-t- ' .- . and TRIMMINGS tohe fmnl o tti,le of ettlier cn v CNVw York or PhihiuV'phi :). nt d will in;;k- this branch of I is fii-iuci-ii A SPEl'I M ITY. COFFINS i,,m1 CASKETS if any size or style, ciii !e furnini.fd at it,v l.o.trV notice ior fc'lipu j-llf, AT A CIIARiiE OF ONE-THIRD LESS THAN ANY SHOP IN StUOUDSBURO In noease will he charge more than TEN PER CENT above actu il cot. attended to in any prt of the County at the shortest possibie notice. Sept. 2667, .3. LAli'Ta ,IETIST. Has permanently located him self in Stroudsburg, and moved his office next dooi to Dr. fi. Walton, where he is fully prepared to treat the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrup tible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in tqe .atest and most improved manner. Most oersons know the danger and folly of trust ng their work to the ignorant as well aa the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he ia liable to have some failures out of a numbe ot cat o irpoinsf so far. Hence the necessity of tbtairiing thft' services of a dctit near home. All work warranted, " iitroudsb-M?j, March 27, REV. EDWARD A. W I LSON'S (of Wil liam -burh. N. YA U peine for CON- SUMPTIONand ASTHMA carefully com. pounded at' ' HOLLINSHEAB'S DRUG STORE. 0Cj Medicines Fresh and Pure. Nov. !, 1867. W. UOLLINSIIRAD, CAX YOU TIIX WHY IT 18 that when any one comes to Strouds burg to buy Furniture, they a! way sinqueir rcr Mccarty's Furniture Store! Sert, 20, ;es, and it the dentist lives at a dia-vr1 it is fremently put off until it ij tco lala tf? save me loom or lecm us. is n - r,hy