A Gen. Spicer of the confederate army was arrested in New York a few dajs eince as the same thief who adroitly stole tome government bonds from the counter of the sub treasury, when for an instant the eye of the clerk having the bonds in charge wai turned away. On examining this confederate General one of the stol en bends was found on his person and al no the ttrcadhcad letter of Frank Illair. The moral and political principles of that Democrat rest in the same pocket. There is a deed on reeord in Mont gomery county, Ohio, which is remark able for its brevity and strength. About forty years ago a positive old farmer, re aiding near Liberty, donated a lot to the church in that place for a church and graveyard, made the gift irrevokable and the purpose unchangabls, by deeding the lot "To God Altuightly, and his heirs and assigns fjrevcr." Nothing short of the last trump will disturb that deed. A large eagle was shot while on the Vricg by II. Comfort, of Falls township. Hucks cnunty, on the l'Jth ult. lie was wounded and brought to the ground, when he was cftreJ; and confined in a rorn crib. 5veral families who har spent the summer in Dunbarton, Xevr Hampshire, remained to admire the woods in autumn, nn i on Saturday list took a ileigh ride, and had a merry time. MAliIMi;T. On the -th inst., by the Rev. V. B. Ridgc rav, Mr. Aliul Leonard of Oouldsboro, Lu cerne co., and Mi1 Fani.de P. Gordon, of riroud ti.wiihip. On the nine Jar, by the same, Mr. Wilson r..-vrtho!t iuiw. of Slateford, Northampton co., trnd Mivs 1 'iantl.a Hunt, of Warren co., N. J. 0;i the 12:h in-t., by the same, Mr. John 4 "irot'inKi ke and Miv Mary C. Pitlinger, both f Warm: e-i:nty, N. J. iitho 1 J t h in:-t., by the same, Mr. Adam Ritihhr, of Smi.hf.cld, and Mis Margaret A. ILdu-rman of Middle .Smith field. mi: i . At the re-id noe ef Mr. Jacob Shaffer, in tiil. li.roiiL'b, on the l llli lnl., Juliu? Marti, al.ut 3 years. The di-rcuse-d was a Btranv;cr in this place. His death ciw.ed ff-m a i-cvere wound nit. the iii'Ii.c of r,:;e of h Lr4cos accidentally received while hi-i'i-in' ti:i;le-r. near Gould-bsrongh, iT:io :Jir c- weeks an. Alxut two w-ks ngo r. Tea-: brought i- the residence of Mr. Shaffer, Lore 'u- ivcl the best of medical and Fi:r i. tI a'.tniiioij. arid rrus otherwise as kinelly cart.'! f. r t.-' though he had been an own son. 1 h: --.sill rcI re:i!;y from his wound his tli-r '-i va the bath of j.e.ire. His funeral, whh ;vk ph'x mi -Mind-iy, was 1 irgvly attvn hd ; and it may be a cor 2 Motion to his friend-i, if f.U'.d. t k:i.:w thr.t all the- observance' of a christian buri:.' marked the depositing of his b'. lv in the- crave. Before proceeding to the (Vii)i-i;iry. the Rev. 1. M. Iltnkel, of the Lu thcra:i (.'! urch, delivered a:i able and iruprep- ive exhortaiion at the hou.-e. It is ?aid that the bvei.-.-d wa"a Currier or Morocco Ire-cr by trade ti!;d ha relatives residing at Lancas-cr-i jRsi-Laiu-astc-r paper, j'-kasc r.ctice. In this Mari in, r l-.iot:-3i. on the I'.'lh 1:1st., Heurv on -f Y.7T-JL Marvin of JacliFor town- h;p. in tin ;h vear of hi-: wzc. TIS J E ANNETTE JACKSON will receive a iitni'ed number of pu;ii!sfor intruc::or. on ih" Pi;:no Forte and in Sing ing. Term, Fi'ieen doM .rs per 24 k.-sons. StroudsLurg, Nov. 20, 'U? if. Auditor's Notice. ra.'afe of MICHAEL BUTZ, late of Jack. ton tctcntJiiji deccasrd : riMie titidersined Auditor, appointed hy A. tiie Orphan' Court of Monroe County, to audit the account of George B iiz od mims'!ftor of the c-s'ate of ilic.hatl Butz. late of Jzckecu tawr.hip. deceaeed and to make cii.-ir: lotion of the n.o.sies in hi.! h-tnds to and hti-.rtf: tS pirt.es entitled thereto, will atw-nd t tl:e e!u'i--p of hi." app-dnlnie'it, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10th. 15 6-, at 10 o'c'rck. a. rn.. at his office, in the bor ough of Stroudaburg, at which tia.e and pace nil pcrrC3. living any claims or den ands iki faid fund will present the tame, or be de barred fi e-rn C: m i ng in torn t-haro ofsisch rrj jr.ic?. I). S. LEE, Auditor. October 19 IrGS 'OV- IS THE TIME TO ISE VouaU's CoiKiitioii Fowdcr. In tie Fii51 ayd Winter when your cow pie but little u.dk thi ponder i mrc to increase tiie cuantiiy and improve the qnal-i it jr. For hors-'i, it increnae the appetite, p;omoieti d gestion. exhiierates the Epiii's. renders the tAt foft end shining. For Hog one package in your ;am11 barrel will hasten the fattening process at le;;st 100 per cent. This powder has proved an excellent article for sheep. B'j pure you get the Genuine Youatt's Condition Powder, MANUFACTURED BY 1 1. 1. 1 A 'I EI O I.I. I X Ml K A E, All other is a counterfeit. See that the name of VM 1IOLLINSU EM) is o:i each jackair' nd buy imoihcr. Wnrr.n;ted to rr.ve sit sftcti j:i or ihe in 'iev refunlel. Nov. 1 fJ, 'GS W M. HO LLI NS HEAD. Eleedon of Uoard of Directors. TVTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Til AT J- an Election will be held at the Bank ing Ho'ite of htr'ud-'burjr Bank, in Strouds burjr. Pa., r.i, the 10th day of November, 16, bcUvfecn ihe hours of 10 o'clock, a. m., nd 3 p. u., fur th- lection of tliirteen Di rector f i -id Huuk, to teeve one vear. Notice is also ;ven. that the annnal ieetiii of the NtockUoJ Jer of fciid Hi n k wdl Le held at their liankinj llouce, on the 2rd day if November, tt 10 oV.lock, a. ui. Ey order of the B.j.rrJ of Directors, J. MACKEY. Carter. Oct 13. 1SGS Jowl. Dividend xotiee. The Directore of the Strnudaburg Bank havtt this day declared a dividend of H per cent, for the last fix months, on the assess ments of t-tock paid in, to b-j paid ten days liom the date of this notice. J. MACKF.V. CVhiff. '.rf Vcvcrnrrr 6ff. GUIDE TO MARRIAGE Young Men's Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The humane views of benevolent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuse incident to Yolith and Early Man hood, tent in Pealed letter envelope., free of charge. Address HOWARD ASSOCIA TION.Box. P., Philadelphia, Pa. June 4,1663-lyr. TO COXSIHIPTIYES. r MlE REV. EDWARD A. WILSON'S I Prepared Prescription for ihe cure of CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA BRONCHI T1S, COUGHS, COLDS, and all THROAT and LUNG AFFECTIONS, has now been in use for over ten years with the most marked success. The Remedy, prepared under Mr. Wil son's personal supervision, also a pjmphiet containing the ong nal Prescription, wuh full and explicit directions for preparation and use, together with a short history of h;s case, may be obtained of DREHER &. BRO., Druggists, Stroudsburg, Pa., or REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, 1C5 South Second St., Williamsburgh, N. Y. T" Psmph ets furnished free of charge. Msy 21, IsC.-lyr. Woman. FEMALES, OWING TO THE PECU liar and important relations which they sustain, their peculiar organization, and the offices ihey perform, are subject lo many suf ferings. Freedom from these contribute in no email degree to their happiness and wel fjre, for none can be happy who are ill. Not only ert, but no one of these various fe male complaints can Ion? be suffered to run n without involving the general health of the individual, and cro 1qi: producing per manent s ckness and prcu.ature decline. Nor is it pleasant to con.-u!t a physician for the relief of those various delicate affections, and only upon the most urgent necessity will a true woman so far sacrifice her greatest charm as to do thi.-. The sex will then thank us for p'acirg in their hands simple pecifics which will be found efficacious in re lieving and curing almost every one or those troublesome complaints peeu'iar to the sex. Helmbold's Extract or Eitni. Hun dreds sutler on in silene--, and hundreds of ethers apply vainly todrugiss and Sectors, who either merely tmta'ize them with the hope of a cure or apply remedies w hich make th-'m worse. I would not wish to as sort anything that would do injustice to the afflicted, but lam obliged to say that although it may bo produced from excessive exhaus tion of the powers ot life, by l iloriciu crn p'oyment. unwhclesoma air und foot!, profuse menstrutim, the use .f tea and c ffef, and frequent childbirth, it is far ortener tauseJ by ilircct irritation, applied !o ihe muc-e membrane of ihe vagina itecif. When reviewing th.j cau cs of these dis tre??ing conipl.iin??, it 15 mcst painful to con template she sttcnJant evils consequent upon incm. It is butctmp:e ju.-tice to in? suDject to enumerate a few of the many additional causes which to largely affect the life, health and happiner-sof woman in ell classes of society, and winch, consequently, affect uir.re or less directly, the welfare ot the en tire human family. The tnai:ia th.it exists for precocious education and marriage, caus es the years that natur designed tor corpo real development to be wasted and pervert ed in the restraints of dress, the early con finement of t-chol, and especially in the un healthy excitement of the laJl-room. Tfms, wuh ihe body ha It-clothed, and the mind un duly excited by pleasure, perverting in m:d night revel the hours designed by nature for -leep and resi, the work cf destruction is half accomplished. In consequence of this early strain upon her svstem, unneccs: arv effort is required by the delicate votary to retain her situation in school at a later diy. thu.i aggravating the evil. When one excitement is over, another in prospective keeps the mind morbidly sen sitive to impression, while the now constant restraint of fashionable dress, absolutely for bidding the exercise indispensable to the at tainment and retention ot organic healih and strength; the exposure to night air; the -udden change of temperature ; the complete prostration produced by excessive dancing, must, of necessity, produce their legiumate effect. At last an early marriage caps the climax of misery, and the unfortunate one. Irthertoso utterly regardiessof the plain dic tates and rcmonstnnccs of her delicate na ture becomes ihe unwilling subject of medi cal treatment. This is but a truthful picture of the experience of thousands of our young wnmen. Lone before the abd'uy t ) excrete the functions of the generative organs, they re rvj;rc an rducalio:i ct their peculiar nervous sy-tem, composed of what iscal'ed the tissue which is. in comtnor. wiih the female breast and lips, evidently under the control ofj mental emotion ana associations at an cany noriod of life: and, as rrc shall subsequently ce, lhese emotions, when excessive, lead, long before puberty, to habits which sap the very life of their victims ere nature has self- completed their development. For Female Weakne-a ana uebii.iy, Whites or Leucorrhera, Too profuse Meestru- - V" 1 Ik I . ation Too lvng cor.tinueu renous, jor Probipsus and Berirtg Unwri, or I'roiapsns Uteri, we offer the most pertect specitic known: Uelmhovuh Comfo.nd Extkact or Cix-HC. Directions for ue, diet, and advice acc'iinpny. Females in every period of life, from in fancy to extreme old age, will find it a remedy to aid nature in the discharge of its functions. Strength is the "lory of man hood and womanhood. Helmbold's Ex tu act BecKU is more strengthening than mvof the preparations of Br rk or Iron, iu- f.nitplv safer, and more pleasant. Helm bold's Extract Bichu, having received the indorsement of the most prominent physicians in th United States, is now offered toal flicttd hunmnity as a certain cure for the fol lowing dUeases and symptoms, from what ever cause originating : Genenl Debility, Mental, and Physicil Depression, Imbecility, Determination otBIo -d to ttie Head, Uon fused Ideas, Hysteria, General Irritability, Resilcssue and Kleepiessnessat Night, Ab sence of M'iscular Efficiency, Ioss of Ap petite. Dyspepsia, Emaciat'n n, La vv Spirit:, Dirorganizati n or Paralysis of the Organs of Gcneriit on. Palpitation of the Heurt, nd, in fact, all the concomitants of a Nervous and Debiliated slate of the system. To iu- eura the genuine, cut th:s out. Ask for Helmboldm. Take no other, bold by Dru'Md's and Dealers everywhere. Price 81.25 per bottle, or six bottles for fcG.00. Delivered to any address. Describe tymp lonis i.i all communications. Address H T. HELM BOLD, Drug and Chemical Ware ho.ig. ,r94 Broadway. N. Y NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IN steel-encrraved wrapper, with fac-sim i!e of my Chemical Warehouse, an.! signed II T. I1KLMI50L11 Ep. I'.', Auditor's Notice. Estatt of GEORGE SHUPP,ae of Chest nuthill township ti'cctased : HMHE undersigned Auditor, appointed by -I. the Orphans' Court of Monroe county, to audit the account ot John b. r isr.er, ad ministrator of the estate of Georee Shupp late of Chestnuthill township, deceased, and to make distribution of the monies in his hands lo and among the parlies entitled there to, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment,on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11th, 18G9, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at his office, in the bor ough of Stroudsburg, at which timeand place all persons having any claims or de mands on said fund will present the stme, or be debarred from coming in for a Bharc of such monies. STEPIIFN HOLMES, Jr., Auditor November 12, 1SG3. td. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RAIL EOAD. Winter Arrangement, Nov. 16, 18G8. TRAINS LEAVE. WBSTWABD. EASTWARD. O 2 I a Mail o c 2 " StaUont. Mail a; g. 3 2 c a. m. 9-Xl York. '3 !!iiln1Hpl!ta, 11.15 Hamptoa. 0 Washington, ' Oxford. '57 Hri:l3erii:. j; 05 M.mut.ka JUiuak. .11 JO DflavAai. Mount Hethcl 15 55 Wart-r Cart. 1 io sTRouDsnunc, 1-20 Spraji.ifvi!, l.T0 ncnrvvTe, O;tkl;onj. 2 05 orV, Hi 0.30 ? 40 s-aa 5.10 2 00 ISO 1 41 l.SJ 1C5 12.il 12.4 I 1V.31 12.14 li.iS 11 27 11.S1 3 15 11 00 10 50 10.33 St'.CO 6.30 2 45 1.4S fi.OSp. m. W.40 5.50 0.24 5.25 U 00 5.IU S.43 4.20 .20 3.50 T 59 3.33 7.40 2.50 a. m. p. in. a.m. --' Til)vlianna. 9.15 2 4(1 Oou'Ulsboio', 9 50 3.02 Moscow, 10 05 3.13 rtinnine. 10 25 a. m- 3.55 Gr-pnville, 10.55 10 30 3 5. Scrai.tor.. liro 4 17 Clark's Summit, 11.10 4.25 Abington. 11.30 4.41 Fartory viiie, 12.f0 5 01 Mclolnn. 12 25 5.2.1 fltipbtntom, 12.55 5.45 Monlrovr, 1.20 New Mi'ford. 1.50 0.25 Great Bend, Dinner at Delaware Station. connections: At NEW HAMPTON, with Central R. R. of New Jersey, for New York, Elizabeth, Plainfield, omerviilc. Easten, S;c. At WASHINGTON, with Morris &. E--'ox R. I?., for New Yi-rk, Newark, Morrif town Hocketstown. E-ifiton. &.C. At MANflNKA CHUNK. with Belvidere Delaware R. R., for Philadelphia, Trenton, Phillips-burrr, Belvidere, etc. At SCRANTON, with Lackawana it R!oom..burT R. R, for Pitteton, Wiikes-bar-re, Dloomehurg', Rupert, Danville, Northum berland, tScc ; al.-o, with Delaware &. HuJ Fon R R., for Olyphant, Archibald, and C;irbonda!e. At GREAT BEND, with Erie Railway, for Binghampton. Elmira, Buffalo, Ithica, Svracuse, and Ojwcso. R A. HENRY, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent, Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of ven. ex de terris, to me directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, I will expose lo sale, at public vendue, on On Saturday, Xocrjnbcr 2Sth, 1SCS, inst , at 2 o'clock in the alternoon, at the Court House, in the Borough of StrouJsburg, the following described Real Estate, to wit: The undivided one-seventh pirtof a tract or piece of Land situate in Price township, Monroe County, containing One II n ii tired Acres more or Vs?, adjoining land of Jared II. Pe ters, Wilkinson Price, Michael R. Walsh and GlhT?, about GO acres cleared, about 50 acres of which are balance TIMBER LAND. g! The improvements are a frame "'? jl''fl DwtlliJi? House, 30 by 40 feet, two stories high, FRAME BARN, about 30 by 40 feet. Seized nn l taken in execution as the prop erty f Emeline Pr.ce, and to be sold by me for cash. CHARLES HENRY, Sheriff. SherifFs Office, S:roud.burg, November 4, lbG"?. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of ven. rx, de terris, to me directed, is-sued out of the Court of Com mon Picas of Monroe County, I will expose to sale, at public vendue, on Saturday, November 29A, 1608, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, the following described Real Estate, to wit: A certain tract or piece of Land, in Jack son township, Alonroe County, containing1 76 Acre and 110 t'crclicf, all good TiniDcr Land, adjoining lar.d of John Woolbert, Jr. David Williams, S.imuel Abel and others. Seized and taken in execution as the pro perty of Joseph B. Wood ling, and to be soIJ by me for cash. CHARLES HE.MtY, Sheriff. SherilTs Office Stroudsbug, ) November 4, ItCS. $ Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of ven. ex. de terris to me directed, issued out of ihe court o Common Pleas of Monroe County, I will ex pose to tale, at public vendue, on Saturday, November 28A, 1?69, ct 2 o'clock in ihe afternoon, at the Court House, in the Borough of Strou Isburg, the following described Real E-tatc to a it : A certain tnct of land sutiated in Toby hanna township, Mouroe County, containing rouir aci:i, adjoining land of Catherine Adams, Samue Hays. The improvements are a J-z Duelling Hotise, if r. mil i j stone nigii. j i) py j o icci, aocui 3 i.cres MEADOW. Seized and taken in execution as the pro perty of Nicholas Seym ) re, and to be sold by me tor cath. CHARLES HENRY, Sheriff, SherifFs Office, Stro;idib.irg. ) NovcTtbcr i, 16S. i LYNN'S GREAT GERMAN ttOOT AND HERB STOMACH BITTERS! MAXrrACTUnED AND BOLD BT i-i. lyustjST, SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. These Bitters are a certain remedy fcr Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Headache, Nerv ousness, Loss of Appetite, and is a positive preventive of all DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH. The German Herb Stomach Bitters has a restoring influence upon the system, espe cially upon ihe Digestive Organs, and is recommended to all persons in delicate health. It is an excellent remedy for Sum mer Complaint, and no family should be without it. A. H. LYNN has secured the services of a man who has had nmny years experience in the manufacture of Bitters, in the well- known German Bitters .Manufactory of bcnimmel &. Co, Leipsig, Germany, and has made arrangements with them lor Ger man herbs, roots, &.c, necessary for the manufacture of the Bitters. TIIE GERM HERB STOMACH BITTERS is now read? to be fent anywhere. All or ders with which I may be favored will Le delivered ct ehort notice. A trial of the Bitter is respectfully asked. A. II. LYNN, Manufacturer, South Bethlehem, Penn. Sold by C. S. Detrick &. Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Stroudsburg, Pa. June 4, 1SG8.-Iyr. LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO WANT Carriage Wcrk or BlacLsmiihias DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER! TIIE Subscriber bes leave to iu- furm the public that he is fully pre pared, nt his establishment, at the corner of Simpson and Sarah street?, it make tc order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the shortest possible uotice, and ou the most rcn?oi:.iblc terms. Carriages repaired, trim mod and paint ed in the best style of the art. Having first-clnss material always on hand, and none but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that none but first class wcrk will be turned out at his shop. Iu connection with hi. Cariiagc Shop he has also a Ul.icksmith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the orders of customer.' The public are invited to eall and ex amine his stock before purehnsinj; else where. VALENTINE KAl'TZ. September 19, 1SC7 tf. Crystal Spring Ihteh J. L. Thomas, Propritlor, EAST STJIOUSIJURG, PA. jiOi The Ilou.-e is fined np with Mod T!!I!prn Ininrnvfinirit. nid is prrnnlied jifeiyi-with a ch.'ico Bar, wlicre tiie bctt of Liquors can be had. The Lest of Stablinj attached, with accomnicdating hostlers in at tendance. C7IIorscs and carriages can be hid at all hours. 0?A line of Stages running to Port Jcr vis, via Milford, leaves the House, after the arnval of the morning trains. Sept. 3, 1SGS. mi. MAY GROCERY STOIISi. riHE PUBLIC ABE INVITED to call at JL the New Grocery Store of the sub-cri ber, on .Main street, one coor below the JefTersonian" office, Stroudsburg1, Pa., and examiue of the Lest stock of GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, FLOUR 5c, ever bought to the place. Everything in the Grocery line will be found on sale in great abundunce, and at prices at which all can purchase and live. Purchasers will pave money by heeding thi no' ice. GEORGE P. HELLER. October 22, 1SG3. tf. For doing a family washing in the best and cheapest manner. Gunranteed equal to any in the world ! Has all the strength of old rosin soap with the mud and lathering qualities of genuine castilc. Try this pplen did Soap. Sold by the ALDKN CHEMICAL WORKS, North Front Street, Philadcl- hia.. Sep. 3, 'G8. yl. CRYSTAL SPRIXG BREWERY, east STRovnnuna, pa. BROWN & BURT, PaorkiKTons. xxx ALB & poiri'Ei:, Promptly supplied at the lowest market prices and of ihe best quality. July :J0, ISO 9.-1 y. J. B. COOPER. E. L. ROGERS GENERAL COMMISSION MER- J CHANTS for the Fale of Flour. Grain Feed. Seed-?. &c, 217 North Water Sircet and 220 North Delaware Avenue, Philadel phia, Pa. (CrParticulnr attention paid to BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. Oct. 1 'Cm6 3G0,()0 BRICKS Just burned and for sale at their Brick Yard, near the Slrouiltburg Depot. Persons desiring Brick furnished by rail-rond can be promptly supplied, by, addressing their order to W. S. WINTERM UTE & SON. StrouJburg, August 13, lr-G8. CAITIOX ! The nndersianed hereby notifies the pub lie that he has loaned to Jacob Dennis Butcher, of Hamilton township, Monroo co, Pa, during his pleasure, a dark Bay Horse and cautonsall perKms not to interfere with said Horfo under penalty ol the Uw. CHARM'S !LVNIS Humdicn, OcifWIT, e&. MONROE COUNTY Kulual Firo Insurance Comafinr .V-t'.wV . -fr-j ,V - " r. Emnbi$i;D ife5i, CHARTER PERPETUAL. Amount of Property Insured 1,800,000. The rate of Insurance in this Company is one dollar for every thousand dollars in sured, after which payment no further char ges will be made, except, to cover actual lot-s by fire that may fall upon members ot the Company. The policies issued by this Company are perpetual, and afford the fullest security, wilh the largest economy and convenience, This company will not issue i.atineries. Distilleries or Cabin-ci Shops. Applications for Insurance may be made to either of the luaiiugers, Surveyors or Sec retary. MANAGERS. J. Depue Labar. Jacob Knecht. Richard S. Staple.", John EdinjrtT, SiluB L. Drake, L. W. Brodhead, Charles D. Brodhead, Jacob StoufTer, Robert Boys, Theodore Schoch, Sm'J S. Dreher, Thomas V. Rhodes, Stogdell Stokes, STOGDELL STOKES, President. E. B. Dkeiisb, Secretary and Treasurer. Silas Ifc Dralce, Wonroa co. Geo. G. Shater, ) F. A. Oppelt, Wayne co. ( Surveyors. Hyman Weslbrcok, Pike co. ) Rich'd Camden, Northampton, Or The stated meeting of the board of Manager, takes place at the Secretary's of fice, on the first Tuesday of each month, a: 1 oolock P. M. P. S. WILLIAMS, Watchmaker & J eweler, MAIN ST, STOUDSBURG, PA. L-cat d in ccmer building, third door be low th Jefferponi in office. Room handsome ly filled up, and heavily stocked with the fi nest assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers Io tioas, &c, ever ofiVred in thisscctim of country. A fuil assort inent of Spectacles, of the best qiKiI 'y, and suited to all ngs, always on sale. S.Iver-ware, and Silver Pi.ited ware, al-w.:v-- en hand at mamifacturers pnees. CORepairing neatly executed, and char ges extremely moderuic. Calls from the public, respectfully solici'ed. November oth, lt'Oa yl. im A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN, Just Published in a Sealed Envelope. Price Six Cents. 4 LECTURE on thi Nature, Treat -TA. ment, and Radical Cure of Spermato rrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emission, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriape generally ; rservou-?ness, Cen sumption, Epilepsy and fits; menial and Physical Incapacity resulting from Self- AbuKe, vc. BY KOBEKT J. CUJAElt- WELL, M. D , Author of the "Green Book, &c. The wor'd-renowned author, in this ad mirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abu-e my be effectually removed without medicine, apd without danerou3 mrgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, punting out a mode of cure at once certain and ehectuil, by which everv t-urTorer, no matter what h:s condition may be, may cure himself che.i ply, private Iv. and radically. This LECTURE will PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOl'8 ANDS. Sent, under real, in a plain envelope, to ny address, post pat d, on receipt ot hi cer.ts. or two p it t-tamps. Als , Ur. Culverwell s .Marnasre Guide, price 2o cents. Address the Publisher.", CHAS. J. C. KLINE &, CO , 127 Rowery. New York, uly 2, ISGS.-ly.l Post-OShce Box 4,586 Book Agents. A' IlrJ alLfjliNU with rare fucccss in selling Sir S. W. Baker's Extlora tions and Adventures among the Nile Tributaries of Abyssinma to which is now added an account of the Cattititt and Release of E.nolish Subjects, and the ca recr of the bite Emperor Theodore. No jook is received among all closes of peo ple with such unbounded favar, or to fully combines thrilling intercut w ith solid niFtruc lion. Agents, mile and female, sell it rap dly. An admirab'e record ot scientific explo ration, geograph cal discovery, and persona adventure." N. i. tribune. It is issued in i very attractive form, ani is as entertaining as a romance. Boston Journal. Full particu'ars on application to O. D CASE & CO., Publishers, Hartford, Conn Oct I5ih, 18(iS. ml. Ho, for Scr anton ! WHO TOOK THE PREMIUM at the Monroe County Fair, in October, 11:67, for the best diep'ay of Cabinet Furniture ? J. 11. JUCUAltl . WHO TOOK THE PREMIUM nt the Monroe County Fair, tor the best display of Cabinet Furniture, October, InbST J. II. McCAUTV. WHERE DO PEOPLE GEN ERA LEY to to buy Good and Fancy Furniture 1 Why ihey go to McCARTV'S. WHY DOES MiCARTY SEEL HIS C.ooJa at LOWER PRICES ihan any House in Monroe county! P.ecause when he sella a bill of goods he don't have IOBtriketo many dividends. He runs his ettahl.&hmenl on hi-i own hook, and snvea his customers from two to three profits i-n all the goods they buy of him. Den t vou see it! Stroud.-,burg, Pa.,Oct. 22, lGS. ost poz:ivr llm! win? ii vou want any thioi in tho Furniture or Ornamental line that McCarty. in the Odd-Fellow' Hill, Min Streot. S:roud--burg, Pd., i the piece to ;i it. TSept. TO. Ayer's SL3JC For restoring Gray Hair io its natural Vitality and Color. A drcssim; whidt ii at ouce nrccable, healthy, and r-lloctual for preserving the hair. Faded or $r:y hair is soon res' or ad . to us orvnnai coiar ijiQiS Ofi'l of youth. freshr.css Thin 3:air is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though cot always, cured by its use. Nothiu? ta:i restore tho hair vhero tho follicles arc destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved fcr usefulness by tlifs r.pplica'icn. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it cleau und vigorous. Its occasional use wiil prevent tho hair from turning gray or fulling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which maka some preparation dangerous and injurious to the hair, tho Vigor caa only benefit but net harm it. If wanted merely' for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so desira!!). Containing neither oil nor dye, it dfto not soil white cambric, and yet liuto long ou the hair, giving it t rith gloaajr lustre ar.d a grateful prfuaia. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aysr St' Co., 'KACTICAL AXD ANALYTICAL ClILHISTg, IXHV12LL,, 31 ASS. rzics ti.vo. Sld bv W. HOLLINSHEAD, and by DREIIEli t BRO., Siroudsqurg, and by all Druggi-ts and Dealers in Medicine every where. DR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRA3CH fi A mild and agreeable TONIC STIMULANT, STOMACHIC and CARMANITIVE bitters; Extracted entirely from HERBS and ROOTS. Highly beiie-fi-cial in DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, and Loss of Appetite ; and an excellent CORRECT IVE for persons suffering from Disorders of the Bowels, Fiatu- lence, occ. Sold Everywhere. Depot, No. 413 Market Street, Philadelphia. J. K. TAYLOR, & CO. Sept 3, 1S69. yl. Saddle and Harness v Manufactory. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Stroudsburg, and surroun ding country, that he has commenced the above business in Fowler's building, on Elizabeth street, and is fully prepared i- furnish any article iu his line of busiu2f8, at short notice. On hand nt all timet, a large stock of Harness, W .., Trunks, VuUccs, Car pet Bags, llorte-liuinletf, Jellt Si-alct, Oil Ctutht, dc. Carriage Trimming promptly attendtti to. JOHN O. SAYLOU. Stroudsburg, Pec. 11, lSu.". NOTRE TO CAIU'EXTEIiS AND ARCHITECTS. riMIE UNDERSIGNED DECS LEAV3 J. to inform all Mechanics and Hou Carpenter?, interested, that he will give i structione in the science of STA3XI BUB2.D2G, during the coming year. Ir.btruct.ons will be jjiven at his rrsiiience at the Delaware Vatr Gap, for Js23 fr full course, or at any other place with the additional charge of his expenses. Those taking lessons in the science will, wuen it is practicable, be assitcd in the erection of stairs, he (Michael Schellenbergei) to be paid usuil wages for' us work. M ICIIAEL SCll ELLEN HERGER. Delaware Water Gap. August 0 VAN HOSSEN'S SASH STOPPER 5c LOCK. r pHE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFUL- i ly lulorms the public tint he pim-nsr a the patent right of VAN 110ESEVS WASft STOPPER AND LOCK, ai.J o'Wts tor township, rights for Monroe County, upon reasonable raten. Aii'tress MICHAEL SC 1 1 ELLEN PER G ER, Delaware Water G p. August 0 -Cm.e.aw. Monroe County, Pa. For Sale, JO. v igor, CI HEAP FOR CASH, 1 Ihiildinjr Lot on 'Main St., 20.xlf0, 1 do at Eat St.ouJs. burg, nearly opposite iha Dep:i, a very dc siiablo Lot 4tb15), 1 dwelling house otv llark Street, nvv occupied ly Thcodom- Mann. Eucuire f Oct. : v-t.