The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, October 29, 1868, Image 3

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.Voting Men's Guide to Iluppy Marriage
find Conjugal Felicity. The humane views
of benevolent Physicians, on the Error nnd
Abuses incident to Youth nnd Early Man
hood, sent in sealed letter envelope?, free of
charge. Address HOWARD ASHUVIA
TJON, Box. 1, Philadelphia, Pa.
June 4, 1SG3-Iyr.
- ' .
I- Prepared Prescription Jbr ihe cure nf
and LUNG AFFECTIONS, has now been
in use for over ten years with the most
uiiirkfd euccci"..
The Remedy, prepared under Mr. Wil
son personal supervision, nl?o a ptmphlet
containing the original Prescription, with
full and explicit direction for prep.iration
and use, loelher will a short history of Irs
Xee, may bn obtained of
DRE1IER fc BRO., Dmgzist
Sirondsh-irg, Pa.,
13 South .Second St.,
Vv iiliamsburgh, N. V.
Cc5" Pamnli ets furnikhed free of eharge.
Alay 21, liOS.-lyr.
liar and important relations which they
sustain, their peculiar organization, and the
fhces thev perform, are enbiect to many suf
ferings. Freedom from these contribute in
no small degree to their happiness nnd wel
fare, lor nunc can be h;.ppy who are ill.
.Not only so, but no one of these various fe
male complaints can long be suffered to run
en without involving I he general health of
the individual, and ere long producing per
manent sickness and preu.ature decline
.Nor is it pleasant to coiiti!t a phytician for
The relief of those various delicate au"ectun,
and only upon the most urgent necessity will
a true woman o far sacr.ficj her greatest
charm as to do this. The sx will then
"thank us for placing in their hands simple
pecifi.! which will be tour.d efficacous in re
lieving nnd caring almost every one of those
"troublesome co;n;da:nts peeu'iar to the sex
Hklmdold'm Extract of Eix-iiu. Hun
dreds suffer on in silence, and hundreds of
others apply vainly to drog-.'is:s and t'retors,
who either merely tmta'ize thern with the
hope of a cure or apply remedies which
make them worse. 1 would not wish to as
sert anything that would do injustice to the
afflicted, but Ia:n obliged to any tint although
it may be produced from excessive exhaus
tion of the powf-rs of life, by liboriou. ein
p'oyment, unwholesorna air and food, profuse
menstruation, the use of tra and c ;ffee, and
frequent childbirth it is far oftcner caused
Viy direct irritation, applied to the mucus
Membrane of the vagina itself.
When reviewing the causes of these dis
tressing complaints, it is most painful to con
template the attendant evils consequent upon
them. It is but simple justice to th; subject
to enumerate a few of the many additional
causes which to largely nllect the life,
health and happiness of woman in nil classes
f society, nnd which, consequently, affect
more or less directly, the welfare ot the en
tire human family. The that exists
for precocieus education and marriage, caus-
the year? that nature designed for corpo
real dcvolopment to be wasted and pervert
ed in the restraints of dress, the early con
finement of scho il, and especially in the un
healthy excitement of the ba'l-room. Thus,
with the bud half-clothed, and theniind un
duly excited by pleasure, perverting in mid
night revel the hours dcrigned by r.titure for
leep and rest, vho work cf destruction is
h!f accomplished.
In consequence C this early strain upon
her system, unnecessary effort is required by
the delicate votary to retain her situation in
school at a later day. thu.-? aggravating the
evil. When one excitement is ever, ano:her
in prospective keeps the mind morbidly sen
sitive to impression, while the now constant
restraint of fashionable dress-, absolutely for
bidding the exercise indispensable to the at
tainment and retention of organic health
and ktrength ; the exposure to night air; the
rudden change of temperature ; the complete
prostration produced by excessive dancing,
must, cf neccssiiy, produce their legitimate
effect. At last an early rr.irriae caps the
climax of misery, and the unfortunate one,
hitherto so mterl'y rearjic- of the plain die
ts tes and remon.-trmces of her delicate na
ture, becomes ihe unwilling subject of ironi
cal treatment. This is but a tru Lful picture
Lonir before the ab.lhy to exercise the
functions cf tin! generative organ, they re
quire an education of their peculiar nervous
lutein, composed of what is called the tissue
which is. in common with the female breat
ar.d lips, evidently under the control of
mental emotion and associations at an early
period of life; and, as we shall subsequently
see, these emotions, when exres.ive, lead.
Jong before pubeny, t habits which sap the
ry life ot their victims ere nature has solf-
eonnplcted their development.
For Female Weakne-a and Debility,
Whites or Leucorr.'ior'a.Too profuse Menstru
ation, Too Lng Continued Period?, for
Prolapsus and Bearing Down, or Prolapsus
Uteri, we offer the most perfect specific
known: Helmbocd'u Comtoxd Extract or
fUcHc. Directions n.r use, diet, and advice
Females in every period of life, from in
fancy to extreme old sge, will find it a
remedy to aid nature in t lie d scharge of its
functions. Strength is the :lory of man
hood and womanhood. Hklmbgli8 Ex
th act Blchu i. more strengthening than
ny of the preparations cf Birk or Iron, in
finitely saf;rf and more ph-asint. Uelm
bold's Extract Bichu, having received the
indorsement of the most prominent physicians
in the United Stat-e, is i:ov offered touf.
dieted humanity as a certain cure for the fol
Jowing diseases and tympton:is, from what
ever cause originating : Genrnl Debility,
Mental, and Physical Depression, Imbecility,
Determination of Bio , d to the J lead. Con
fused Ideas, Hysteria, General Irritability,
Rest lessors end Sleeplessness at Night, Ab
sence of Muscular Efficiency, Loss of Ap
petite, Dyspepsia, Emaciation,' Law Spirits,
Disorganization or Paralysis cf the Organs
f Generat'on, Palpitationo! the Heart, und,
in fact, all the concomitants of a Nervous
and Debiliated state of the ty stein. To in
sure the genuine, cut tlrs out. Ask for
Helmbolis. Take no other. Sold by
Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Price
$1.23 per bottle, or t ix bottles for 0.00.
Delivered to any address. Describe symp.
toms in nil communications. Address II.
T. IIELMBOLf), Drug and Cliemica! Ware
house, 094 Broadway. N. Y
UP IN steel-engraved wrapper, with fac-shn
i.e of my Chemical Warehouse, and e;nci
H'Pt. 17, 1Q
Ho, for Scranton !
Monroe County Fair, in October, 1SG7, for
me dcsi uispiay ot Cabinet Furniture
J. il Mccarty.
Monroe County Fair, for the best display of
uwuici uiuiiurc, vciouer, loua;
go to buy Good and Taney Furniture! Why
they go to McC ARTY'S.
why does Mccarty sell his
Goods at LOWER PRICES than any Hooro
in .Alonroe county! Bttattse When he eells
..... .....
a bin of goods dedon t have lo strike st: many
dividends. He runs his establishment cn
his own hook, and saves h'n customers from
two to three profits on all the roods thev
buy of him. Don't tou see it!
Stroudsburg, Pa., Oct. 22, 1S03,
In Bankruptcy,
the District Cfcuff o the Cnitcd States
f-jr the Lattern Distttt nf Pennsylvania
In the matter of Jerome B. Shaw, Bankrupt,
Eastern District of Pennsylvania, ss.
lite undersigned hereby !ive notice of
ni6 appointment as Asuiirnee cf Jerome B.
Shaw, of Tobyhanna Mill, in the County of
-wc.iroc, ami btate ot Pennsylvania, in said
District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt
on his own petition cf the District Court of
said District.
At Stroudsburg, the 2J day of October, 18GS,
October 8, 1G3.
The undersigned hereby notifies the pub
lic lhat he has loaned to Jacob Dermi.
Butcher, of Hamilton township, Monroe co.
Pa-, during his pleasure, a dark Bay Horse,
and caut:ons all persons not to interfere with
said Horse under penalty of the law.
Hamilton, October 17, 1803.
Eleflion of Koard of Directors
vtotice is hereby given, that
Li an Election will be held at the Bank
ing House of Stroudsburg Bank, itj Strouds
burjr. Pa., on the lGth day of November,
lt-08, between the hours of 10 o'clock, a. m.,
and J p. m.t for the election of thirteen Di
rectors foi said Bank, to serve one vear.
Notice is also given, lhat the annnal
meeting of the Stockholders of said Bank
will be held at their Banking House, on the
drd day of November, at 10 o clock, a. in.
By order of the Board of Directors,
J. MACKEY, Cashier.
Oct 13, 1S03. 13wl.
Book Agents.
RE MEETING with rare success in
"V sellin
Sir S. W. Baker's Explora-
tios and Aivetires among the Nile
Tributaries of Abyssimma to uhich is
now added an account of the Captivity and
Release of English Subjects, and the ca
reer of the late Emperor Theodore. No
book is received among all classes of peo
ple with such unbounded farar, or so fully
combines ihrilling interet with solid instruc
tion. Agents, mle and female, sell it rap
idly. "An sdmirab!e record of scientific explo
ration, geographical discovery, and personal
adventure." .V. Y. Tribune.
Jt is issued in i very attractive form, and
is as entertaining as a romance." Boston
Full particulars on application to O. D.
CASE & CO.. Publishers, Hartford, Cons.
Oct 10th, 1S(. ml.
In Bankruptcy,
In the District Court of the United
States, Jar the Kusttrn District of
1 ennsylvant.
In the matter of Rudolph Kintner, Bank
rupt. Eastern District of Fennrjlvania, ss.
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his
appointment oa Assignee t Rudolph Kint
ner, of Stroudshurg.'tn the County of Mon
rop, and State of Pennsylvania, in said Dis
trict, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on
his own petition of the Dietrct Court of si id
At Stroudsburg, the lt day of May 1SC8.
May 28 ,180.
A mild and agreeable TONIC
Extracted entirely from HERBS
and ROOTS. Highly benefi
cial in
and Loss of Appetite ;
and an excellent CORRECT
IVE for persons suffering from
Disorders of the Bowels, Flatu
lence, &,c.
Sold Everywhere.
Depot, No. 413 Market Street,
Sopt 3, 1668. yl.
DOiVT FOIIGCT that when
you want any thin? in the Furniture
or Ornamental line that McCarty, in the
Odd-Fcllows' HjII, Main Street, Stroud-
bur, Fj., is the place to jet it. Sept. 20.
Presidential Iecio.
Sheriff's Proclamation.
Whereas, By an act cf the General As
scmbly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, entitled "an act recrulatin'r the General
Elections within the said Commonwealth,0
parsed on the 2d day of July, 1839, it i
made tiie duty of the Hijrh Sheriff of every
county to give public not ice of puch elections
to be r.olden, and to make known in such
notice what ofiicersarc lobe elected. There-
fore, , CHARLES ltEXRY. Hiffh Sher
ifTof the county of Monroe, do make known
by this proclamation tc the electors of the
county of Monroe, that a PRESIDENTIAL
ELECIION wiil beheld in said county, on
next, being the 2 J Jay of said Month,
at the several election districts below enu
merated, at which time and places are to
be elected by the freemen of the county of
by ballot.
Place of Voting.
The freemen of the township of Chesnut
hill ore to hold their election at the house of
Felix Storm, in said township.
The freemen of the Township of Cool
baugh will hold their election at the Nagles
ville school-house, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Hamilton
will hold their election at the house of Ja
cob P. Reimcr, in said township.
1 he Irccmen of the township of Middle
Sinithfield, will hold their election at the
house of James Place, in said township.
J lie freemen ot the township ot Pocono.
will hold their election at the house of Ma-
nassah Miller, in raid township.
llic freemen of the township of Paradise.
will hold their election at the house of
Abraham Gish, in said township.
Ihe freemen ot the township of Polk, will
hold their election at the house of Daniel
Kerchncr, in said township.
I lie Irccmen o: the township of Price, will
hold their election at the house of Lewis
Long, in said township.
1 he lreemen ot the township of Eldred,
will hold their wlection at the house of Jos.
Hawk, in said township.
J lie freemen of the township of Ross, will
hold their election at the house of Jacob II.
Stocker, in said township.
Ihe freemen of the township of Smithfield
will hold their election at the houe of
Thomas Brodhoad, in said township.
ihe freemen of Stroudsburjr, will hold
their election at the Court House, in said
The freemen of the townthip of Stroud, will
iold their election at the house of Aaron
W. Clark, in the borough of Stroudsburg.
Ihe freemen of the township of Toby ha n-
nah, will hold their election at the house of
Robert Warner, in said township.
1 he freemen of the township of Jackson,
will hold their election at the house of Samu
el R. BossnrJ, in said township.
Ihe freemen of the township of Tunk-
annock, will hold their election at the
house of Benj. F Schafer, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Barrett,
will hold their election at the house of
Deubler, in said township.
Whereas. By the act of the Congress of
the United States, entitled "An Act to a
mend the several acts heretofore passed, and
tor ether purposes," and approved March
third, one thousand eight hundred and sixty
five, all persons who have deserted the mili
tary or naval service of the United States,
and who have not been discharged, or reliev
ed from the penalty, or disability therein pro
vided, are deemed, and taken, to have volun
tarily relinquished, nnd forfeited, their rights
of citizenship, and their rights to become citi
zens, and are deprived of exercising any
rights of citizens thereof:
And irhereas, Persons, not citizens of the
United States, are not, under the constitu
tion and laws of Pennsylvania, qualified elec
tors of the commonwealth :
Section 1. He it enacted hij the Senate
and House nf Representatives of the ('om
montceallk of Pennsylvania in lateral A
sembhj met, and it is hereby enacted by au
thority of the same, That in all elections
hereafter to beheld in this commonwealth,
it shall be unlawful for the judge or inspec
tors of any such election to receive any bal
lot, or ballots, from any person, or person-,
embraced in the provisions, and subject to
the di.-ability, imposed by ssid act of Con
gress, approved March third, one thousand
eight hundred and sixty-five, and it shut I be
unlawful for any such person to vote any
ballot, or billots.
Section l. Tbat if any such judge or in
spectors of election, or any one of them shall
receive, or consent to receive, any euch un
lawful ballot, or ballots, from any such dis
qualified person, he, or they, so offending,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon
conviction thereof, in any court of quarter
sessions of this commonwealth, ho shall, for
each offence, be tentenced to pay a fine ot
not less than one hundred dollar., and to un
dergo on imprisonment, in the jail of the
proper county, for not less than sixty days.
Section 3. That if any person deprived
of citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid,
shall, at any election, hereafter to be held
in this commonwealth, vote, or tender to the
officers thereof, and ofTer to vote, a ballot, or
ballots, any persons, so offending, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction
thereof, in any court of quarter sessions of
this commonwealth, shall, for each offence,
be punished in like manner as is provided in
the preceding section of this set, in the case
of officer of election receiving such unlaw
ful ballot, or ballots.
Section 4. That if any person shall here
after persuade, or advise, any person, or per
sons, deprived of citizenship, and disqualified
as aforesaid, to oflVr any ballot, or ballot, to
the officers of any lection, hereafter to be
held in thicoinmonwealth. or shall persuade,
or advise, any such officer to receive any bal
lot, or ballots, from any person deprived of
c.iizcnsuip, ana disnuaiined as aforesaid,;
sucli person, so offending, shall be gu Ity of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof,
in any court of quarter sessions of this com
monwealth, thai I be punished in like man
ner as is provided in the second section of
this act, in the caso of officers ot'.uch elec
tion receiving such unlawful ballot, or bal
lots. Section 8. That It shall the duty of the
sheriff', in the several countioj of this com
monwealth, to insert in their proclamations
of election, hereafter to be held, the first
four sections of this act, with the preamble
thereof, and upon conviction of any violation
of the requirement of this section, any kher
iff shall he guilty of a misdenieunor in office,
and be punished in like manner as the of
fence prohibited by the econd', third anJ
fourth sections cf this act ore punishable.
J The law regulating the J lection of Presi-
j dential electors, provides as follows:
IVoticc is Hereby Given,
That every person, excepting Justices of
the Peace, who shall hold an office or ap
pointment of profit or trust under the United
States or of this State or any city or corpor
atcd district, whether a commissioned officer
or otherwise, a subordinate officer, or agents
who is or shall be employed under the legis
lative, executive or judiciary department of
ina uuic ut uiv viiiicu oiuit's, or oi any
Incorporate district; and ols.i, that every
member of Congress, nnd of the Si ate legis
lature and of the select or common council
cf any city, or commissioner or any incorpor
ated dietnet is by law incapable of holding
or c.vrrciftng at the same time, the appoint
ment of Judge, inspector, or clerk of any
election of this Commonwealth, and that no
Inspector, Judge or other officer of such elec
tion shall be eligible to be then oted for
And the said act of Assembly, entitled 'an
act relating to elections of this Common
wealth, passed July 2d, 1S39, further provides
I hat the Inspectors and Judges shall meet
at the respective places appointed for hold
ir;g the election in the district to which they
respectively belong, before nine o'clock in
the morning of the second Tuesday of Octo
ber, and each of said inspectors shall appoint
one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter.
m . .... " '
"It shall be the duty of said assessors re
spectively io attend at the places of holding
every general, special or township election
during the whole time said election is kept
open, tor Ihe purpose of giving information
to the Inspectors and Judges, when called on
in relation to the right of any person assess
ed by them to vote at such election, and
such other matters in relation to the as$es
ments of votes as the said inspectors or judg
es, or either of them, shall from tune to time
Agreesbly to Ihe provisions of the sixty-
fimt section of said act every General and
Special election shall be opened between
the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon,
and shall continue without interruption or
adjournment until 7 in tho evening, when
the polls shall be closed.
"io person shall be admitted to vote
w hose name is not contained in the list of
taxable inhabitants furnished by rhe Com
misaioners, unless first he produces a receipt
for payment within two years, of a State or
County tax assessed agreeably to the Consti
tution, and give satisfactory evidence either
on his own oath or the affirmation of another
that he has paid 6uch tax, or on failure to
produce a receipt, shall make oath to the
payment thereof; or, second if he claims a
right lo vote by being an elector between
the ages of 21 and 22 years he shall depose
on oath or affirmation that he has resided in
the Slate at least one year next before his
application and make such proof of residence
in the district as is required by this act, and
that he does verily believe, from the accounts
giten him, that he is of the oge aforesaid,
and gives such other evidonce as is required
by this act, w hereupon the name of the per
son so admitted to vote shall be inserted in
the alphabetical list by the inspectors and a
note made opposite thereto, by writing the
word 'tax, he should be admitted to vote by
reason of having paid tax, or the word 'age,'
if he shall be admitted to vole by reason of
such age; shall be called out to the clerks,
who shall make the like notes in the list of
voters kept by them.
"In all esses where the name of a person
claiming to vote is found on the listfurni.h-
ed by the Commissioners and Assessors, or his
right to vote whether thereon or not is ob
jected to by any qualified citizen it shall be
the duty of the inspector to examine euch
person on oath as to his qualifications, and if
he claims to have resided within the district
for one year or more his oath shall be suffi
cient proof thereof, but shall make proof at
least by one competent witness who Ehall be
a qualified elector that he has resided within
the district for more than ten days next pre
ceding such election and shall also himself
swear, that his bona fide residence in pur
suance of his lawful calling is within the
district, and that he did not remove In said
district for the purpose cf voting therein.
'Lvrry person qualified aforesaid, and who
shall make due proof, if required of his resi
dence and payment of taxes aforesaid, shall
be admitted to vote in the township, ward or
district in which he shall reside.
"If any person nrd qualified to vote in this
Common wealth, ogrceably to law except the
sons of qualified citizens), shall appear at any
place of election for the purpose of issuing
tickets or influencing the citizens qualified i
to vote, he shall on conviction forfeit and pay
ny sum not exceeding one hundred dollars,
for e.ery men offence, and be imprisoned for
any term not exceeding three months.
Pursuant to the provision contained in the
6th section of the act aforesaid, the Judge
1 1 the aforesaid district shall lake charge of
the certificate or return of the election ot
their respective districts and produce them at
a meeting of the judges from each district at
the Court Ho:;sc in the Borough of Strouds
burg, on the third day after the day of elec
tion, being for the present year on FRIDA Y
the Cthday of NOVEMBER next, then and
there to do, and perform the duties required
by law of said judges. Also, Hut where a
judge by sickness or unavoidable circumstan
ces, is unable to attend saidmeetiug ot Judges
then ihe certificate or return as aforesaid
6hall bo taken charge of by one of the In
spectors or clerks of the election of said dis
trict, who shall do and perform the duties
required of said judge unable to attend.
(God Save the Commonwealth)
Sheriff's Office, Siroudaburg,
September 17, 1SG8,
CHANTS for the sale of Flour, Grain,
Feed. Seed-, &.c, 217 Norlh Water Street.
and 220 North Delaware Avenue, Philadel
phia, l'a.
0OPjirticulr attention piid to BUCK
300,000 mum
Just burned and Tor sale at their Brick
lard, near the Stroudsburjj Depot. Persons
desiring Brick furnished by rail-road can bo
promptly supplied, by, addrct-sing their order
Ktroud!)iir, August 13, 1608.
DOS'T yon liiiovr lhat JT. II.
McCarty ia the only Undertaker in
SlrotuUbnrg who understand? his business!
If not, attend a Fan era I managed by any
other Undertaker in town, and you will eee
tho proof of the fact. Sept. 20, '67.
away for worthless articles of furni
ture, but go to McCarty, and you will pri
well paid for it. Sept. 20, 07.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs,
euch. as Coughs, Colds, Whooping
Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma,
and Consumption.
rrojr.tlr never heforo in the whole history of
medicine, Ua anr tiling won so widely and so deeply
upon the t-oi)!iiin-e r mankind, a litis ext ilioiit
remedy Tor pulmonary complaints. Through a lour
scriea of years, ami amuu most of the races of
men it has risen higher and higher in their estima
tion, as it has become better known. It uniform
rh-raeter a:td power to cure the T.-irions nncetioui
of the hmjM an;l throat, have made it known asarc
liable protector ajTaia them. While adapted to
milder form of disease and to youiijf liiltln-n, il U
at Uie same time the most effectual remedy that can
be Riven for incipi.-nt consumption, and the dan
pcrous aft'evlions of the throat and lunjrs. A a pro
vision ajrhist sudden attacks of Croup, it tho'ild
be kept on hand iu every i'amiiv, and indeed as all
arc so!iet:ni03 subject to cold and conghs, all
kltould be provided with this antidote for them.
Although feu led VonanmitUon i thonjcht in
curable, t-t ill jrrcp.t numbers of ca-e where the dis
ease seemed settled, have Iveen completely cured,
and tho pMicnt iwsiorcd to sound health by the
L'hnrvy J'rctoral. ho complete is ita mastery
over the diorders of th Lunfrs and Throat, Uta't
the most ob-tinate of them yield to it. When noth
ing cNe could t each them, under the Cherry i'c
toral tliov subside and dixapiuiar.
Sin'jem ami 1'ultiio Speakers find great pro
testioa from it.
jstl.tna U always relieved and oftea wholly
cured by it.
lirouchiti la generally cured by taking tLe
Cherry 1'eetoral in fcmall and frequent doso.
fco generally are its virtues known lhat me uced
not publish iho certificales of Uiein here, or do more
than assure tha public that iu Qualities are fully
Ayer's Ague Cure,
For Tom and Atrne. Intermittent Fever,
Chill Fever. Kemittent Fever, Dumb
Aarue, PeriodiOR.1 or Bilious Fever, Ac.,
and indeed nil the affections which arias
from raalrioua, marsh, or mi&amatio
Am if name implies. It doea fW. and does not
faU. ContvninsnieUhcr Arsfinie, Quinine, HiHntuih,
Zinc, nor any ether mineral or poixotious substance
whatever, it in nowise ir. jure any patient. The
n'tmber and linpcrt.mce cf i:s enrei in the aj"u dis
tricts, arc literally beyond account, and we believe
without a parallel in the hitory of Asrue medicine.
Our prid U srratifled by the acknowledgment wt
receive of tiie radical cores effected la obetinate
eae, and wt.ere other reuted'.e had wholly failed.
Unacclimated persona, either resider.t" ia, r
travelling through miasm! localities, will b tiro
tected by taking the AO UK CURB daily.
For .eer Cnplaint, arising frara orId!ty
of the I.irer. it is an excelieet remedy, stitaaialiag
the I.irer into he&lthr aetivitr.
For Bilious Disorders and l.ivcr Complaint, it is
an excellent remedy, producing mane tnilv re
markable eurec, where other medicines had failed.
Prepared by IR. J. C. Aykk ,t Co., Trxctical
and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Vus., and sold
ail round tbc world.
Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere
and by VM. HOLLINSI1EAD, and by
DREHER &. RRO., Stroudsburg, Pa.
Delaware, Lackawanna & Western
---Ti iT-g---'
Summer Arrangement, May 4, 1868.
Pass Ex. Mail STATIONS. Mail Si. Tit
P.M. A.M.
3.30 7.V0 Philadelphia, 4 40
a.CO 8.00 New Yora, 1.4 10 00
T.30 10.30 New llHinptoa. 11.35 7.J7
7.47 10.45 Washington, 11.15 C.53
01 11X0 Oxford, 11.00 0.4t
6.11 3 1. to Bridgcril!. 1150 C.39
S.l ll.'-5 MHiiunka Ckunk, 11.40 6 11
e.41 11.35 Delaware, II 35 f.l
S. 51 11.00 Mount liethal 11.10 5 ii
8.05 IT15 Water Gap. 10.55 5.37
9.17 1-2.30 STROLDSBLRO, 10.41 5.2
87 11.40 Srrnsuf Tii!, 10.31 J. IS
9.17 12 50 lienrrrilie, 10.11 S.VS
a. 52 ION Oakland, 10.04 4.49
JO.OS 1.25 Fork. 9.48 4.32
10.17 1.46 Tobvhanaa, 9.57 4.11
10.39 f.CJ Gouio'sboio', 9.14 4.00
11.01 S.2. Moscow, 8.S0 3 33
AM 11.11 23? Dunning, c.40 3.23
11.15 11 45 3 20 scranton. P.10 3.00 G.S5
11.4-2 3 41 CI:uV Summit, 7.41 6 10
11 57 3.50 Ahmeton. 7.3 0.00
12.1 4.06 rctoij-il!, 7.n .10
li S3 4 :ft Nicholson. C.5 .I3
1.17 4.43 iiopbollom, 6.33 4 4?
1.50 S.10 Montrose, 6.1 4.05
2.15 S.3I New Mtiford, 5.54 3.35
S.35 .0 Great 2euU, 5.35 3.10
A.M. P.M. P.M.
Dinner and Supper at Dela-wara Station.
At NEW HAMPTON with Central R.R.
of New Jersey. Trains arrive from New
Vork at 9.11,10.20. 11.1GA.M. nnd 2.40,0.3-3,
7.15, 8.30, P.M.; from Easton G5A.M., 7.
43 A.M , 1.25, 1.35, 3.54, 7.37, S.00 P M.
At WASHINGTON with Morris and Es
sex R.R. Trains from New Vork a rive at
10.C3 A.M., and 7 02 P.M ; from Easton at
7 23, 10.33 A.M., and 12 41 P.M.
At MANUNKA CHUNK wirh Bclvidere
)claware R.R. Tiains arrive from Phila
delphia at 11.20 A.M..8.02 P.M., and leave
for Philadelphia at 12.00 M., 8.20 P.M.
The last train btops at BdviJere until 6.20
A.M. next dv.
At SCRANTON with Lackawanna and
Bloomsburg R. R. Trains arrive from
Wilkes-Barre at 8.00 A.M., 2.55 P.M., from
Northuinl.erlandatll.10 A."M., and 9.17
P.M. Depart for Northumberland at 5.40
A.M., 3.30 P.M.; for Wilks-Barree at 8 30
A.M., 0.42 P.M. These trains stop at all
At SCRANTON with the Delaware and
Hudson Canal Co.'s Railroad, for Olyphant,
Archbald, and Caibondale.
At GREAT BEND wiih Eric Railway.
Trains from the West arrive at 3.43 (leav
ing Buffalo at G.10 P.M.) and 7.24 A.M.;
at 2 and 9.27 P.M. From the Eut at 2.52.
5.27, and 11.31 A.M.; 3 53 and 7.51 P.M.
The latter train with Sleeping Cars attach
ed, arriving at Buffalo next morning at
G.15. R. A. HENRY,
Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent.
Kay 14 103.
Just Published in a Sealed Envelope.
Price Six Cents.
V LECTURE on the Natvre, Treat
mext, ond Radical Cure of Spermato
rrhoea or Seminal Weakness Involuntary
Emissions, St-xuil Debility. and Impediments
to Marriage generally ; Nervousness, Con
sumption, Kpi'epy and fits; mental and
Physical Incapacity resulting from Self
WELL, M. D , Author of the "Green Book,"
The world-renowned author, in this ad
mirable Lecture, e'early proves from his
own experience tl'at the awful consequences
of Self-Abu-e may ho effectually removed
without medicinr, and without diugcruui
surgical operations, bouirp, inttru-.ncnis.
rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of
cure at once certain and eilecttnl, by which
every sufferer, no matter what his condition
may Le, may cure himself cheaply ptivate
Iv.and radically. Tims LECTURE will
Sent, under eeal, in a plain oinflope, to
any address, postpaid, on receipt of n.v cents,
or two not blamna. Als:, Dr. Culverwell't
" Mnrrinre Guide." rrica 23 cents. Address
the Publishers,
1U7 Bowcrv. New Vork.
July 2, 10?. ly j
Pct-dllicc Bex 1.5S0
Hair Vigor,
For restoring Gray Hair lo
its natural Vitality and Color.
A ilrersinj which
i-5 at once ngrcennle,
licahliy, and
for preserving th
hair. Faded or graf
hair is soon restored
to its oritjinul color
xcith the j-oas ami
freshncts cf youth.
Thin lair h thick
ened, falling hair checked, nnd bold
ness ofteu, though not nlwava, cured
by its use. Nothing cn restore tho
hair whero ths follicles tire uestroyorf,
or the glands atrophied and decayed.
But such as remain can L avd fur
usefulness by this application. Instead
of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi
ment, it will keep it cletu and vigorou.
Its occasional usa will prevent the Lair
from turning gray or falliug off, audi
consequently prevent Laldutss. Fm
from those deleterious substances which
make soms preparations dangerous and.
injurious to th hair, tho Vigor caa
only benefit but not harm it. If wanted
merely for a
nothing ebe caa be found so diray..
Containing neither oil nor dya, it d
not soil whit cambric, and yt lam
long ou the hair, giviug it a rick
lustre and a grateful perfune.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aysr & Cc,
Practical akd AxalvtiCal Cuujijisv
piiice ti.oe.
Sold bv W. IIOLLINSHEAD, tad ky
DREHEll Sl BRO., Siroudsqurg, and by a4i
Druggists and Dealers in Medicine every
where. BAUCH'3
Commercial Manures.
BAXJCH & SONS. Philadelphia,
Sole manufacturer.
$5G per 2000 pounds.
50 per 2000 pounds.
$50 per 2000 pound..
The above Manures are furnished ia Lola
bags and barrels, whichever customer! pre
0Cj The Bags are uniform in tesigkt
1G0 pounds.
The attention of Farmers ia especially di
rected to the fact that tbe sources of tb
Raw Material of which the above Manure
are composed, are 'eo well under control'
that we can furnish them of strictly uniform
quality and condition, and that tbey contaia
a larger percentage of ammonia than any
other class of manufactured manures in the--market.
20 S. Delaware Avcnup, Philadelphia.
Cor. Lake &. Lasaile St. Chicago.
NURES may be procured from dealers ia
any of tho principil towns ia the United.
Slates or Diminion of Canada.
For pale by B. F. Brodhead, Delaware
Water Gap. July 2, lSGS.-4w
Sadcllo and Harness
The undersigned respectfully inform
the citizens of Stroudsburg, and aurroua
ding country, that he has coiuweuced the
above business in Fowler's building, oa
Elizabeth street, and is fully prepared t
furnidh any article in his line of business,
at short notice. On hand at all tiuaos, a
large stock of
Harness, WAi, Trunlcs, Yalices, Cr
ptt Bags, Horse-Blankets, Bills,
Skates, Oil Cloths, dc.
Carriage Trimming promptly attended.
Stroudsburcr, Pee. 14, 1S65.
JL to inform all Mechanics and House
Carpenters, intereted, that he will give ia-
siructions in the science of
stair mis 1. 1 I -jo.
during the coming year. Instructions will1
be ivcn at his rrsidence at the Delaware
Water Gap, for f.r full course, or at
any other place with the additional eharre
of his expenses. Those taking lessons ia
the pcience will, when it is practicable, b
assisted in the erection of stairs, he (Michael
Schellenberger) to be paid UaUil wages for
his work.
Delaware Watr Gap.
August G -Cm.
J Iv informs the public that i.e purchased
the patent right of VAN HOESEN'S SASH
STOPPER AND LOCK, and oilers for sI
township rights kr Monroe County, upoe
reasonable rate. Address
Delaware Water Gp,
August G.-Gm.o.o.w. Monroe County, Pa,
I7JROM a drove paesing from Tannersvill
. to Roxburg, Pa., on Wednesday, the
16th iost, a DURHAM BULL, a yearling
passed, marked on the right hip with tar. -Color
mixed red and white. Any one return
ing said Bull, or giving mc information MT
his whreaV"Oute, by address ng me at Belve
dere, N. J., wid bo librrallr rewarded.
f Srr. C2, P?C!?.