The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, October 22, 1868, Image 3

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    U U
Young Men's Guide to Happy Marriage
nd Conjugal Felicity. The humane views
f benevolent Physicians, on the Errors and
Abuse incident to Youth and Early Man
Jiood, sent in pealed letter envelope, free of
charge. Addre.-s HOWARD ASSOCIA
TlON.Box. P., Philadelphia, Pa.
June 4, 18G?-lyr.
I Prepared t'reeeription for ihe cure of
and LUNG AFFECTIONS, hus now been
in use for over ten years with the most
marked 80 cress.
The Remedy, prepired under Mr. Wil
on's personal supervision, also a pamphlet
containing ie ong.nal fretscription, wi:h
fall and explicit directions f.r preparation
and use, together wilh a ahort history of h s
ais, may be obtained or
DREHER Sl BRO., Drngsists,
Simudsburjr, Pa.,
1G5 South Second St.,
Williamsburgb, ft. Y.
CO" Pmnh !s furnished fre of charge.
&uy 21, liC.-lyr.
Jl licr nd import inl relations which they tin. r prcn i r rr?i ! 1 vn ni ti-
lEces ihey prlorm,are tulject to many "u' -
ferms. t ree;orn from these contribute in
n-j small degree lo te:r happines and wel
.re, for n ine can be happy who are ill.
fiol only but no on of these various fe
sRale complaints can ln? le suffered to run
ea without involving the general health ofj
Cka lEdivulual, and ere long producing per
(runout s-ckness and prcn.ature decline
Nor is it pteat!t to conduit a phys clan for
lbs relief oftkow various dt-licate afToclian,
nd orily cpo:i tke most urgnit neceesity will
a. true wo;mn o fir eacr.fice her greatest
charm a to do t!ii-. TIkc-x will then
tiank us fir p'acnp in iheir hands simp'r
peoifies which will be found efficac ousin re
lieving and coring a. most every one or thoe
troubles. i. c coiiiniatnts pecu'iar to the aex
HtLMDOLD'a Extract of Bcciiv. Hun
dred.4 cuVr on in silence, and huircds of
ctl.ers apply vainly todrugis's and .octors,
whoei'her merely tmta'ize them with the
hope of a cure or apply remedies which;
make th-m worse. I v-ulJ not wish to as
srt anything that would do injustice to the
afflicted, but I am ubhgfd to ay thai although
it may be produced from excessive exhaus
tion oi IH3 powf rs ot l He. by lutonous em-
p'oymrnt. unvvholesoma air and foot, profuee
menstruition. the use of tea and c fitie, and
frcq-ier.t chilJb rlh, it is far o'tener caueed
r cirect irritation, applied to tne ccucus
soembrant of ihe -agina iftclf.
When reviewing tbe cau-cs of these dis
tret!ing coiij!.iin'p, it is most painful to con
template the attendant evils cortf-eqtient upon
them. It is but simple jutice to the mbject
to enuniera'e a tew of tne many additicna
ctuses which o largely nCVct the life,
health and happie-i cf woman in all cNses
of secisiy. and wh ch, consequently, affect
more or les.- dinctly. the velfare oi the tn
tire human family, ihe mai that rx:ts
for precocious ecJccaii:i and man iage, caua
s the years that nature designed tor corpo
real devolopment to be wasted and pervert
ed in the rtraints of dres. the early con
nement of fcho-d, and ebpeciilly in the un-
keslthy excitement of the ball-rcom. Thus,
wilh the a-'dj hilf-clothed, and the mind un
du'v excited by p!ea-tire, perverting in m d
night revel the hours icigncd by nature for
sleep and roe', the work of destruction is
half accomplished.
in consequence oi this earJy ttra:n upon
her system, nnnece.arv effort is required by
the delicate votary to ittdin her ri'uation in
school at a liter day. thu agr.tvating the
evil. When one excitement is over, another
in prp -ctive keeps the mind morbidly sen
sitive to impression, while the now constant
restraint of fathionaLle dress, absolutely for
bidding the i xerciss indispensable to the at
tainment ard reiention ot organie health
and tr ngth ; the exposure tonight air; the
udden ci.ane t.-f tempera' ure ; tl.e complete
srostrai ion produced by excessive dancing.
niut. of necest-py, prf? their legitimate
effect. At Izsiati ear! marriie caps the
climax of misery, and the unfortunate one,
hitherto so u:trly regard 'cs of (he plain dic
tates and remonstrance of her delicate na
ture, becomes the unwilling subject of medi
cal treatment. This is but a truthful picture
f the experience o! thousands of our young
Lon before the ability to exercise the
functions tf tho cenerative organs, they re
iiire an education ot their peculiar nervous
sy.fein, composed of w.'iat is called the tissue
which is. in comm m wiih t!ie female breast
aad lips, evidently under the control of
mental emotion- and associations at an early
period of life; and, as we shall subsequently
aee, these emotions, when excessive, lead,
Ung before puberty, to habits which sap the
very life of their victims ere naturw has self
completed their development.
For Female Weakne-e and Debility,
Whites or Leucorrhces.Too profuse Menstru
ation, Too Long- Continued Periods, for
Prolapsus and Bearing Dwn, or Prolapsus
Uteri, we offer the most perfect specific
known: Hclmbocd's Com pond Extract or
Btcav. Directions f r use, diet, and advice
Females in every period of I if, fruia in
fancy to exireme old age, will find it t
remedy to aid nature in the d scharge of i'B
funitioc- Strength is the glory of man
ood aid votoanho'id. Helmsolu'c Ex
JfikCT Btchj? is wjre strengthening tjian
any of the preparations of Citk or Iron, in
nitejy safe and ;iure pltaant Helm-old-'
Extjmct Bt'CHC, having received the
;ndtor8eten?of th' most prominent physicians
in the United Stat e, is now offered to af
flicted humanity as n cerlam cure fr the fol
lowing diseases and symptoms, from what
ever cause originating : GenTi I Debility,
Mental, and Physic! Depression, Imbecility,
tjeterrai nation ofBlo-d to tne Dead, Con
fused Ideas, Hysteria, General Irritability,
Resilessn?8 and Sleeplessness at Night, Ab
sence of Muscular Efficiency, Loss of Ap
petite, Dyi-pepg.a, Emaciation, Law Spirits,
Disorganization or Paralysis of the Organs
f Generator!, Palpitationot ihe Heart, and,
in tact, ali tfj'e eencomitants of a Nervous
and Debiliated state of the system. To in
sure the genuine, put th s out. Ask for
Helmbold's. Take n other. Sold ly
Druggisss and Dealers everywhere, Pries
1 25 per boUle, cr six bottles for $6J50.
Delivered to any address. Describe symp.
tems'iuair cumm-nications. Address II.
T. HELM BOLD, Drug and Chemical Wate
house. f)94 Broad w a v. N. Y
UP IN steel-engraved wrapper, with fac-sim-!e
of my Chemical Warehouse, and s gned
rt. 17, im. ,V '
Ho, for Scranton!
WHO luurv TUB PREMIUM at the
Monroe County Fair, in .October, 1663, for
me oesi uisp:ay ot Cabinet Furniture
J. ii. Mccarty.
Monroe County Fair, for the best display of
Cabitisi Fumiturc, October, 18G81
iTiir.nn . .
fh.: w'"ucr;"ATTT4.v.,Jnj
- s wvikx i .
WI1V nnra l-.- trr-V nr.,, nro i,vjvjt.k fmujman any House
in Monroe county! Because when he sells
bill fii riwli ho lin t h ln.trilr..nm.n
dividends. He runs his establishment on
his own hook, and saves his customers from
two to three profits on all the goods the
buy of him. Don't vou see it !
Stroudsburg, Pa., Oct. 22, 18G3.
In Bankruptcy.
in me insinci L.ourt cf the United States
jut tve uasiern uistrcl J I'cnnsulcania.
In the matter cf Jerome B Shaw IUnfcnmt
in me mauer cr Jerome IS. fchaw, Bankrupt,
Eastern district of Pfinniylraiiia, St.
The undersigned hereby gives notice ofj
:s appointment as Assicnee of Jerome R.
QI..UI I .fTl V. Hfll il
xr 1 . l.v".. l,lcVn'7?
",u'"w. oiib oi i-ennsvivania. in eau
Diftr.ct, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt
a . .
l - jj M;eirjct.
I rrTnnn nncnv .
tivuiiivi iiuuwii, ABiiriicc.
At Stroud.burg. the 2J day of October, 186?.
October g,
tmim i
The undersigned hereby notifies the pub
lic that he has loaned to Jacob Dennis,
Butcher, of Hamilton township, Monroe co.
Pa-, during his pleasure, a dark Bay Horse.
and caut onsall persons not to interfere with
said Horse under penalty of the law.
Hamilton, October 17, 1S61?.
Elee Hon of Co ard of Directors.
fVT I r V lu npopnv eirrv Tium
-'" 1 1 ijuaju i unii., in.n i
i- an election will be held at the Hank-
ing nouse oi otroudnurg mnif, iu btrouda-
burjr. Pa., on the 10th day of November,
leOtf, between the hours of 10 o'clock, a. m.,
nuu u k iu., inr uie election or inincen ui-
rectors foi said Bank, to serve one year.
Notice ii also given, that the annnal
mecnug oi me .tocsnoiuer or and isank
Oct 13, 1SGS. 15w4.
Book Agents.
A RE MEETING with rare success in
XJL selling Sir S XV. Baker's Explora
tions and AnvtXTiRcs among the Nile
Tribitaricj of Abtssi.wia to uhich is
now added an acc'-unt.f ihe Captivity and
Release of English Subjects, and the ca
reer of the lite Emperor Theodore. No
book is received among rll cUsecs of peo
ple with such unbounded faiar, or so fully
combines ihrilling intered w ith solid instruc
tion. Agente, mjle and female, sell it rap
idlr. "An sdmirab'c recrd of scientific rxplo-
ration, geograph cal dircov.-ry, and personal
advent ure." .V. I'. Tribune.
'It U lcc:ifrt in
win be held at their Banking llouse,-on the Thomae Brodhead, in said township
3rd day of November, tt 10 o'clock, a. m. The freemen of Stroudsburg, w
uy order or the UoarJ ot D-rectors, their election at the Court House,
J. JHAlshxji, Cashier. borounh.
ied m very ufractive form, and j third, one thousand eight hundred and 6ixty
aiaing as a romance." Boston I five, all persons who have deserted the mili
is as cnterta
Full particu'ars on spplication to O. D
CASE &. CO , Publishers. Hartford, Cos
Oct 15th, 1MI9. nil.
In Bankruptcy.
Li the District Cvurt oj
States, Jor the Eastern,
the United
District of
In the matter of Rudolph Kintner, Bank
rupt. Eastern District cf PeoDtylTanis, n.
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his
epfjomtmfnt as Assignee ot Rudolph Kint
ner, of Strouds5nrg, in the Couniy of Mon
roe, and state ot l'ennerlvania. in said Dis
trict, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on
hi own petition of the Dutr'ct Court of said
At Sfrnndsburg, the l.t day of May 18C8.I
May 28 ,188.
A mild and agreeable TONIC
Extracted entirely from HERBS
and ROOTS. Highly benefi
cial in
and Loss of Appetite ;
and an excellent CORRECT
IVE for persons suffering from
Disorders of the Bowels, Flatu
lence, &LC.
Sold Everywhere.
Depot, No. 413 Market Street,
Sspt 2, 1858 yl.
Po!jr FOIl GET
lliut W lie ii
vou want anr thinir in
the Furniture
or Urnamental line that McCarty, in the
Odd-Fcllowa' Hall, Main Street, Sirouds-
ln;rg, Pa., is the pfce to get it. Scf''
Presidential Election.
Sheriff's Proclamation.
VucaxA, By an act of the General As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
. . , ........ w u vk irtuiauiiL' iui uciien
nil onfitlnH ! mn . iI..Ut:i.iL. f?. I
Elections within the said Commonwealth'
pa?ed on the 2d day of July. 1639, it i.
made the dnr of ii... Hin-i. shrifrnf n
rnnntv In rrlvm iti,ll!. m;. .( ..t.
r"" """y"" musieuiwii
notice what officers are lobe elected. There
fore. 7. CHARLES HENRY. Hirh Sher
rff.r.i.. . . . . . . .
by this proclamation to the electors of the
county of Monroe, that a PRESIDENTIAL
ELECTION will beheld in said county, on
next, being the 3d day of said Month,
at the several election districts below enu-
a -. .
merarea, at wmch time and d aces are to
be elected ty the freemen of the county or
iuonro. i u L4 rr PERSONS FOR
" uiisur I'KtsiIJKNr AND VICE
pnpcinPVT OFTflP nvi-rvn qtatit
by ballot.
- Place of Vuliu?.
tk. r. r.i. .
I"" re to hold their election at the house of
f t Stnrm ;
I awaias aas D41U 1U m MAUI ,
The freemen of the Township of Cool
Laugh will hold their election at the Nagles
ville school-house, in said township.
The freemen of tho township of Hamilton
win i.old tlieir election at the house of Ja
cob P. Reimer, in said'townehip.
The freemen of the township of Middls
Smitlifield, will hold their election at the
house of James Place, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Pocono,
will hold their election at the house of Ma
nassah Miller, in said township.
llie lreemen of the township of Paradise,
hold their election at the house of
Abraham Gish, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Polk, will
hold their election at the house of Daniel
Kcrchner, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Price, will
hold their election at tho house of Lewis
r ...
ix)ng, in said townsnip,
The freemen of the township ofEldred,
will hold their election at tlie house of Jos
Hawk, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Roes, will
hold their election at the house of Jacob II.
Stocker, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Smithfield
will hold their elect on at the housa of
ill hold
in said
The freemen of the township of Stroud, will
hold their election at the house of Aaron
V. Clark, in the borough of Stroudsburg.
The freemen of the township of Tohyhan-
nsh, will hold their election at the house of
Robert Warner, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Jackson,
will hold tlieir election at the house of Samu-
e - Bossard, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Tunk-
hannock, will hold their election at the
house of Benj. F Schafer, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Barrett,
will hold their election at the house of
Deubler, in 6a id township.
Whereas, By the act of the Congress of
the United States, entitled "An Act to a-
mend the several acts heretofore passed, and
tor other purposes," and approved March
tary or naval service of the United States,
and who have not been discharged, or reliev
ed from the penalty, or disability therein pro
vided, are deemed, and taken, to have volun
tarily relinquished, and forfeited, their rights
of citizenship, and their rights to become citi
zens, and are deprived of exercising any
rights of citizens thereof:
And whereas. Persons, not citizens of the
United States, are not. under the constitu
tion and laws of Pennsylvania, qualified elec
tors of the commonwealth:
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives cf the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania in General As
sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by au
thority of the same. Tint in all elections
hereafter to be held in this common wc. 1th,
it shall be unlawful for the judge or inspec
tors of any such election to receive any bal
lot, or ballots, from any person, or persons,
embraced in the provisions, and subject to
the disability, imposed by said act of Con
gress, approved March third, one thousand
eight hundred nd sixty-five, and it shall be
unlawful for any such person to vote any
ballot, or ballots.
Section '2. Tbat if any such judge or in
spectors of election, or any one of them shall
receive, or consent to receive, any such un
lawful ballot, or ballots, from any such din
qualified person, he, or they, 6o offending,
shall be guilty ot a misdemeanor, and, upon
conviction thereof, in any court of quarter
sessions of this commonwealth, ho shall, for
each offence, be sentenced to pay a fine ot
not lees than one hundred dollars, and to un
dergo an imprisonment, in the jail of the
proper county, for not less than sixty days.
Section 3. That if any person deprived
of citizenship, and diqualified as aforesaid,
shall, at any election, hereafter to be held
in this commonwealth, vote, or tender to the
officers thereof, and ofFer to vote, a ballot, or
ballots, any persons, so ofTending, shall ba
guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction
thereof, in any court of quarter sessions of
this commonwealth, hal, for each ofTence.
be punished in like manner as is provided in
the preceding section of this act, in the case
of officers of election receiving soch unlaw
ful ballot, or ballots.
Sectiom 4. That if any person shall here
after persuade, or advise, any person, or per
sons, deprived of citizenship, and disqualified
as aforesaid, to offer any ballot, or ballots, to
the officers of any flection, hereafter to be
held in this commonwealth, or shall persasde,
or advise, any such officer to receive any bal
lot, or ballots, from any person deprived of)
ciiizensnip, am? disqualified as aforesaid,
such person, so offending, idvill be gu Uy of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof,
in any court of quarter sessions of this com
monwealth, shsll be punished in like man
ner as is provided in the second section of
this act, in the case of officers of such elec
tion receiving such unlawful ballot, cr bal.
Section 8. That it shall the duty of the
sheriffs, in the several counties of this com
monwealth, to insert in their proclamations
of elections, hereafter to be held, tha first
four sections of this act, with the preambU
thereof, and upon conviction of any violation
of the requirement of this section, any sher-
iff shall Le guilty of a misdemeanor in office,
and bt punished in Ilk manner as the of
fences prebibifed by tb second, third and
fourth ecctkne cf this act ure puoichaHe.
Th law regulating tho j Iciion of Pre:-
ntial elector, provides is follows:
uentiai electors, pro
IVoticc is Hereby Given,
That every peron, excepting Justices of
tne 1'eace, who shall I.old an office or ap
pointment of profit or trust under the United
States or of this S:ate or any city or torpor
ated district, whether a commissioned officer
or otherwise, a subordinate officer, or agents
who is or shall be employed under the legis
lative, executive or judiciary department ofi
tnis estate or the United States, or of any
incorporate district; and a Is-, that every
member of Congress, and of the S ate legis
lature and of the select or common council
of any city, or commissioner or any incorpor
ated distr.ct is by law incapable of holding
or ekfrcising at the same time, the appoint
ment of Judge, inspector, or clerk of any
election of this Con. mon wealth, and that no
In apectur. Judge or other officer of such elec
tion shall be eligible to be then oled for.
And the said act of Assembly, entitled 'an
act relating to elections of this Comn.on-
w-alth, paseed July 2d, 1839. furl her provides
That the Inspectors and Judges shall meet
at the respective places appointed for hold
ing the election in the distric. to which the y
respectively belong, before nine o'clock in
the morning of th second Tuesday of Octo
ber, and each of said inspectors ahsll appoint
one cierk, who shau be a qualified voter.
"II liall be the duty ot said assessors re
rp:ct!vey to attend at the places of holding
every general, special cr township election
during the whole time said election is kepi
open, for the purpose of giving information
to the Inspectors and Judges, when called on
in relation to the right of any pcron assess
ed by them to vote at such election, and
such other inatters in relation to the assess
I ments of votes as the said inspectors or judg-
es, or either of them, shall from time to time
Agreeably lo the provisions of the sixty
firat section of said act every General and
Special election shall be opened between
the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon,
and shall continue without interruption or
adjournment until 7 in tho evening, when
the pnlls shall be closed.
'No perbon shall be admitted to vote
whose name is not cntined in the list oi
taxable inhabitants furnished by rhe Com
missioners, unless first he produces a receipt
for payment within two years, of a State or
County tax assessed agrceally to the Consti
tution, and give sati.-f'actory evidence either
on Ins own oath or the affirmation of another
that he has paid such tax, or on failure to
produce a receipt, shall make oath to the
payment thereof; or, second if he claims a
right to vote by being an elector between
Ihe age? of 21 and 22 yenrs he shII depose
on oath or affirmation that he has resided in
the State at least one year next before his
application and make6uch proof of residence
in the district as is required by this act. and
that he does verily bel.eve, from the accounts
guen him, that he is of the acre aforesaid,
and gives such other evidonce as is required
by this act, w hereupon the name of the per
son so admitted to vote shall be inserted in
the alphabetical list by the inspectors and a
note made opposite thereto, by wri'ing the
word tax, he shou'd be admitted to vote by
reason of having paid tax. or the word ere,'
if he shall be admitted to vole by reason ofi
such aire: thill be called out to the clerks.
who ehll make the like notes in the list of
voters kept by them.
"In all cases where the name of a person
claiming lo vote is found on the liotfurnih
ed by Ihe Commissioners and Assessors, or his
right to vote whether thereon or not is ob
jected to by any qualified citizen it hall be
the duty of the inpctor to examine such
person on oath as to his qualifications, snd if
he claims to have resided within the district
for one year or more his oath shall be suffi
cient proof thereof, but shall make proof at
least by one competent witness who shall be
a qualified elecor that he has resided within
the disirict for more than ten days next pre
ceding 6uch election and shall also himself
swear, that his bona fide residence in pur
suance of his l.iwful calling is within the
district, and that he did not remove In said
district for the purpose of voting therein.
'Every person qualified afurcstid, and who
shall make due proof, if required cf his resi
dence and payment of taxes aforesaid, hall
be admitted to vote in the township, ward or
district in which he shall reside.
"If any person not qualified to vote in this
Commonwealth, agreeably to law except the
sons ofqualified citizen?), shall appear at any
place of election for the purpose of issuing
tickets or influencing the citizens qualified
to vote, he shall on conviction forfeit and pay
any sum not exceeding one hundred dollar,
for eery such offence, and be imprisoned for
any term not exceeding three months.
Pursuant to the provision contained in the
6lh section of the act aforesaid, the Judges
of the aforesaid district shall take clnrge of
the certificate or return of the election of
their respective districts and produce them at
a meeting of the judges from each district at
ihe louri Ho'6e in ihe Co rough f Srouds
burg, on the third day after the day of elec
tion, being for the present ear on FRIDA Y
the Cth day of NO VEMBER next, then and
there to do, and perform the duties required
by law of said judges. Also, that where a
judge by sickness or unavoidable circumstan
ces, is unable to attend saidmeeting ofJudges
then the certificate or return as aforesaid
shall be taken charge of by one of the In
spectors or clerks of the election of said dis
trict, who shall do and' perform the duties
required of said judge unable to attend.
(God Save the Commonwealth)
Sheriff's Office, Siroudsburg, )
September 17, 1668, (
VJI CHANTS for the sale of Flour. (Jrain.
Feed. Seeds, &c, 217 Norih Water Sireet.
and 1W0 Worth Delaware Avenue, Philadel
phia, 1'a.
(KrParticuUr attention pid to BUCK
300,000 BUICKS
Just burned and for sale at their Brick
lira, nmr me oirouasourg jiepoi. 1'erpons
I . L 4.1. I I
desiring Brick furnished by rail-road can be
promptly supplied, by, addressing their order
Stroudsburg, August 13, 1868.
PiO.VT you know llutl J. II
YJ McCarty is the only Undertaker in
Stroudsburg who understands his business!
If not, attend a Funeral managed by any
oiner undertaker town, and you win see
. I fjVa.B 1 -II
the proof cd lb. faat. Sept. ;8, f67.
JL away for worthless articles of Fomi
lore, but go to McCeriy's, and jpu
tfcll fa id for il.
A vnr'fl H Ath n.TH f "Pill3
AJGT S IvaTvIiartlC .THIS,
for all
tha purposes of a . Xtaxatire
Perhaps no one metll
cine U BO-uuivers&lljr re
quire! by every body as
a cathartic, nor wa evor
any before so umvor-iul-ly
adopted into us, iu
e Ver r couatry au J aiuonx
all classes tail iniJj
but efficient purgative
fill. The obviou rvtt
ion i , that it U a more re
liable and far inure effec
tual re:ncly tlian any
oth.-r Tiiu4ti whi Ii if
tried It, know that it enrod tlium: t!toe wh have
not. know that it cures their neighbors and friends,
and all know that what it does once it doej aiwsvs
that it never fails through any fault or nejrlertof
Us composition. We have thousands u;xm thou
sands or certificates of tbeir remarkable cures of tn
following- compUiuts, but such cure are koowu in
every oeiarhborhood, and we need not publish thorn.
Adapted to all aes and conditions in all rliucitea;
containing neither calomel or any deleterioua drujr,
they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their
sugar coating preserves thm ever f;c&h an l makes
them pleasant to take, while bcinir purely vegetable
no harm can arise from their nso in any quantity.
They operate by their powerful influence on the
internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it
into healthy anion remove the obstruction of the
stomach, bowels, liver, and other organ of the
body, re.-toring their irregular action to health, and
by correcting, wherever they exiat, such derange
ments as are the first origin of disease.
Minute directions are given in the wrapper n
the box, for the following complaints, whion those
J'ilU rapidly cure:
For Ij ajeiMla or Vndlgeatloit, X.Ut!ea
nraa. Lauruor and JUs of A:m. they
should be taken moderately to stimulate thu slo:u-
acn ami restore its no.iiuiy tono and action.
For llvi-r Complaint and its various symp
toms, Ittllona If eadiache.Sick lIKl4cha,
Jttuatllc or lire! Mtcknraa, Union
Colic and Hilloua Favors, they should be ju
diciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased
action or remove the obstructions which cause it.
For lyaenrery or Diarrhoea, but one mild
dose is renernlly required.
For Ilhnunaatlans, Wont. Gravel, Palni.
tatfon of th Heart, I-aln la the iI,
Hack and Ioina, they should bo continuously
takca, as required, to chanre the diseased action of
the sybtem. With such chaago those complaints
For Iro pay and nropaical Nwllinr they
should be taken in large and frequent doses to pro
duce the effect of a drastic punre.
For ftuppreaalon a lar?c tlooe should be taken
as it produces the desired effect by aymoathr.
As a Dinner fill, take one or two I'ills io pro
mote digestion and relieve the stomach.
An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and
bowels into healthy motion, restores the aypetite,
and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad
vantageous where no serious deranaremeut exists.
One who feels tolerably well, often finds a dose
of these makes him feel decidedly better, from
their cleansing and renovating effect on the diges
tive apparatus.
2B. J. C. AVER Jt CO., FracCleal Chemist,
LO WELL. 31 ASS., U. 8. A.
Sold by I ruggists and Dealers everywhere
and bv WAi. IIOLUNSHEAll. and hr
UKniir.rt ci r.rCU., Stroudsburg, Pa.
rxrkT-vaanniai w M . . "
Delavrare, Lackawanna & Western
Saninsr Arransemeiit, Slay 4, 1S68.
TTSi? lf-BH iWfc r-i. w "TS
Pats Kz. Mail STATIONS. kf;l It. rats AM.
J SO T OO Philadelphia, 4 49
CO 8X0 Ne I oi k.. 1.4S 10 041
T.3U 10.30 New Hnusptus. IS 35 7.JT
7 47 10.45 Wnshlnfcton. 6.H
SOI 11.00 OiforU, 11. DO 6.40
it 11.10 Hailgerilia. 1150 6.30
.! ll.M Mrtut.k t buDi, 11.40 6 tt
6 4 11.35 DdxHtif, .35 t.lS
S.51 11.00 Mount Kelhal 11.10 5.51
9 05 14.15 WatrrCap. 10.35 .3T
9.17 1 i 30 SIROVDSBVRU, 10 41 5.SJ
7 13.40 Sprgunl!a, 10.3 1 5.15
37 12 50 Uanrtri! , C.1i 5 Xi
t.52 I.CS Oak la ui, 19 J4 44
10.C3 IJti Foik. .46 4.32
10.37 1.4S TobThanna. 9.17 4.13
I0.3U .0O CcuiOkboie', 914 4.0
11.01 t.ii Moscow. 8.50 3 3
AM 11.11 3 33 iMnnmr, 8 40 l.'ZJ
1115 1145 S 20 S-rriii.Uin. S.I0 2bd 6J5
11.43 3 41 C.a-k'i Sumxil, 7.43 6 IU
1157 J.50 Abirjlon. 7Ji 6jOO
13.35 4.C6 FarloiTTtllti, 7.19 5 40
l.V 4 36 Nirhultnu. 6.55 5.13
1.1T 4.43 llopbutlom, .',. 4
I.5d 6.10 Monlrose, 6.15 4.0 s
3.15 5.31 New Mi fold, 5.54 3.35
S.35 -0 Great 4, 5.35 3.10
A.M. P.M. F.M.
Dinner and Supper at Delawxra Station.
At NEW HAMPTON with Central R.R.
of New Jersey. Trains arrive from New
York at 11.1 6A.M. and 2 10.0.3.),
15, 8.30. P.M.; from Easton 655 A.M., 1.-
43 A.M , 1.25. 1.33, 3 54. 7 37. 8.00 P M.
At WASHINGTON with Morns and Es- 1 rains iew lork arive at
10.33 A.M., and 7 02 P.M ; from Eastjn at
7 29, 10.33 A.M., and 12 41 P.M.
At MANUNKA CHUNK wirh Belvidere
Delaware R.R. Trains arrive from Phila
delphia at 11.20 A.M.. 8.02 P.M.. and leave
for Philadelphia at 12.00 M., 8.20 P.M.
The last train Mops at Uvlvidere until 6.20
A.M. next dy.
At SCRANTON with Lickawanna and
oonisburg; R. R. Trains errite from
Wilkes-Barre at 8.00 A.M., 2.55 P.M., from
Northumberland at 11.10 A.M., and 9.47
M. Depart for Northumberland at 5.40
A.M., 3.30 P.M.; for Wilks-Barree at 8 30
A.M., (3.42 P.M. These trains stop at all
At SCRANTON with the Delaware and
Hudson Canal Coa Railroad, for Olyphtnt,
Archlald, and Carbondale.
At GREAT BEND with Erie Railway.
Trains from the West arrive at 3.43 Cleav
ing UufTalo at 6 10 P.M.) and 7.24 A.M;
at 2 and 9.27 P.M. From the Ea.t at 2.52.
5.27, and 11.31 A.M.; 3 53 and 7.51 P.M.
The latter train with Sleeping Ca;s attach
ed, arriving at Buffalo next morning at
6.15. R. A. HENRY.
Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent.
Ray 14 1869.
Published in a Scaled Envelope.
Price Six Cents.
A LECTURE on tii e Natcrk, Trxat
jTX. ukxt, and Radical Cure of Spermato
rrhoea or oeminal Weak no., involuntary
Emissions, Sexual Debility. and Impedimenta
to Marrisce generally ; Nervousness, Con
sumption. Enilensv and fits: menial and
rhysical Incapacity resulting tiom belf-
WELL, M. D , Author of the -Green Book,"
The wond-renowned author, m this ad-
mirablo Lecture, clearly proves from his
own experience that the awful consequences
of Self-Abue may be effectually removed
without medicinr, and without danyerou
urical operations, bougies, instruments.
rings, or cordials, rintinrr out a mode of
cure at once certain and etfectual, by which
every sufferer, no matter what his condition
may be, may cure himself chiplv. private
ly, and radically. This LEQTURE will
Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to
any address, postpaid, on receipt of u cents,
or two putt rtamps. Als, Dr. Culverwell's
Marriage Guide nricc 25 cents. -Address
ht Publishers,
127 Bowery. New York,
7.. July Z, UK
ly l foii-Offce-BcA i,9
Hair vi
For restoring Gray Hair to
its natural Vitality and Colcr.
A tlresiinj "r Ji-Ia
Ls nt ouc nrrclk,
licahfjy, und tlfectiui
for pres?cr;"no; tl.O
liair. Faded or vro f
hair is scon ra'uitd
to its original co!o'
tciih ihe g?oi and
frt'slmtss cf yuv.ih.
Th in l.xir is
ened, falling hair chircked, s.nd bu!d
ne3a often, tliou'i not always, curud
by its use. Nothing ecu ietcra lli i
hair where tho follicle) ma t!.s( roved,
or the gland i atrophied Mid Jecc?ii.
But such as remain run Le rnve'l fur
usefulness by this r.pplication. Iu?icd'
of fouling the hair with l-asty at.i--raent,
it will keep it cIcrii nud vigorois.
Its occasional use will
prevent frmr
from turning tray or fvlliu; off,
coiisequsntly prevant l!Jiien. Fre
from those deleterious fuLtttucs whicK
make some preparations t!;;j:fJOus and
injurious to tha hair, the Vior oia
only benefit but not Lara it. If vr&nud-
mere'. for a
nothing else can be found so deairaliJs.
Contaiuiusr neither oil cor dve. it tki
aiuiug neither oil cor
not soil white cambric, and"
Song on the hair, giticg ii a rick
lustra and a grattful pcrfuscc.
Prapared by Dr. J. C. Aver a C?.K
Practical asd Axaltticl. Cx:s3ii2r,,.
phics: $t.oo.
Snld bv XV. HOLLINSIIEAD, and lr
DREI1ER &. BRO.. SircudHour?. anj Lv aJi
Drurgits and Dealers in Med cico every
BAUCH & EONS. Philadelphi;
Chicago, .
foi .TTaxiufucturcrs.
$55 per20C0 pounds.
$50 per 20UU pounds.
S50 per 2U00 pounds.
The above Manures are furni?hd in loths
bigs snJ barrels, whichever customers pre--fer.
07" The Bags art uniform in- weight'.
160 pounds.
The attention of Farmers is especially di
rected to ihe fact that the tources of th
Raw Material of whicli the alcve Manures
are composed are f-o well under control
that we can furnr.-h them of etricily uniform;
quality and condition, and ihut they co:uai.
a larger percentage of ammonu than anj
other clat-s of manufactured manures in the
market. BAUGII & SONS.
20 S D.'laware Aenu-, Ph-lade!phiak.
Cor. Lake &, lAFaile St.-., Chicago.
NURES mny be procured from dealers in
any ot the principal towns in the United
States or Diii.inion of Cjnada.
For sale by B. F. BrodheaJ, Delaware
Water Gan. TJulv 2. lS68.-4it
C w - -
Saddle and Harness
The undersigned respectfully inforc.s.
the citizens of Stroudsburg, and surroun--dinsj
country, that he has commenced the-
above business in Fowler's building, on.
Lhzabcth street, and is fullv ri:ared to
urnish any article iu his lins of busines.
at short notice. On hand at all titles, a
arge stock of
Harness, XV hips, Trunks, Yaticrx, Car
pet Bags, Horse-Blankets, Bells,
Slates, Oil Cloths, cfr.
Carriage Trimming pro;.:;::iy attended.
to. JOHN O. irAYLOR.
5troudburp, Dec. 14, 185"i.
X to in'orm all Mechanics and House
Carpenters, interested, that he will give ia
structione in the science of
during the coming year. Inbtructiors will.
be given at his residence at the Delaware -
Water Gap, for S25 fur full course, or at.
any other place with the additional charge
of his expensen. Those taking lessons in.
the science will, when it is practicable, b
assuted in the erection of stairs, he (Michavl
Schellenbcrger) to be paid usual wages for
his work.
Delaware Water Gap..
August 6 -Cm.
X lv informs the public that he purch8d'
the patent right of VAN HOESEN'S SASH
STOPPER AND LOCK, and oflVr (or m1
township rights for Monroe County, upoa.
reasonable rates. Ad.lres-s
Delaware Water G p.
August fi -flm.e.o.w. Menrwe County, Pa.
ROM a drove paesing from Tannersviil
to Roxbu-j, Pa on cdncs.tay, th
16th inst. a DURHAM BULU a yearling
passed, marked on the right hip with tar.
Color mixed red and white. Any one return,
ing said Bull, or giving me information of
his whereabouts, by addressing nv at Belvu
dere, N. J., will be liberall? rewarded.
- Vi