NSW STOKE -:A.n:- AW GOODS RGDl'CGD PRICES! DARIUS DREHER, begs leave to an nounce to his friends and and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a general assortment of Dry Good., N'otions, Dress Trimmings. AND M1LLIXERY GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : Calicoes, Lairnx, French Chinlzs, Children's Dress Goods , WorZW Edgings, li ? sat , sZejihcrs, Shrflaml Wools, Shetland Wool Shaicls. Deb tines, Muslins, White D ress Goods, Insert ings, Lady's and Children's Sacks Flan in I otid Cloth, Lady's, Misses and Mens Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, Er tfr., floods shown with pleasure. 4Quicki wles and small profits" at the old and well known Millinery Stand of F. A. DREHER The Millinery business will be carried on a? usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREHER. April 26, 1SG0. Important to Everybody. The subscribers would inform the public Trr respectfully, that they are carrying on the IJoot fe Shoe business .at their old stand, one door above the Express Office, on Elizabeth St, Strouds burg, ra., where they will be happy to wait on their old customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient to call I hey have on hand a good arrortment of BOOTS & SHOES, for men, women, misses' and childrens wear, (turn over Shoes and Sandals for men, youth and misses. A general assortment of Lasts and Boot-Trees, shoe Thread, Wax, lice Nails, Pincers, Punches, Eyclettsand Eye lett Sett.--, Pes-s and Peg-Cutters, Shoe Uam mers, Crimping Boards and Screws, also, li nmg and binding skins, a good article of Tampico Boot Morocco, French Morocco and French Caliskins, lasting and all kinds o Shoemaker tools, Ink Powder and Shoe Blacking, and rrank Millers water-proof oil blacking. All of which they oner for mle at small advance upon cost. Give us a call, no charges for showing goods. P. S. Boots and Shoes made to order and warranted. CHARLES WATERS &. SOX Stroudsburg, Jan. IS, lsC(5. XIO TO J. II. ftlcCAKTY'S, ODD FELLOWS' II ALL, MAIN ST., STROUD SB UR G, PA. and Buy your JFUK3 ITUZ&E, CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, ItUGS, WINDOW SHADES, XRTA!SS& FIXTURES, TACLE CLOTHS, &c, and save At Least Two Profits. As McCarty buys, direct from the manufac turer, for cash (not GO days), he can sell you MORE FURNITURE, OF A BETTER QUALITY, AND FOR LESS MONEY rthan you can buy at retail either in city or country, and every article is warranted lobe represented. Sept. 2G. 18G7. Saddle and Harness Manufactory. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens 01 fctroudsburg, and surroun ding country, that he lias commenced the above business in rowler s building, on Elizabeth street, and i3 fully prepared to furnish any article in his line of business, at Bhort notice. On hand at all times, a Urge stock of JLtruKss, Yh trusts. Whins. Trunks. Yolicrt. Car jtt Dags, Ilorsc-Blankets, Dells, Slates, Oil Cloths, dc. "Carriage Trimming promptly attended to. JOHN O. SAYLOK. .Stroudsburg, Dec. 14, 1SG5. CiXCOVEtt & BAKEK, IIIGIILST PREMIUM, ELASTIC STITCH, FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Vill Hem, Sticth.Fell, Braid, Cord, Bind, Gather, Tuck, Quilt, Embroider, &c, &c. No better double-threaded Sewing Ma chine in the world. The stitch will not break on bias seams when stretched as others do, and neither does it draw the work. THE WILCOX & GIBBS read machine has no superior. Yon would be delighted to see it ew four! thousand Etilches in a minute. A beautiful,' perfect and noiseless Sewing Machine. Call and eec the wonders of the Age. full instructions given with every Ma chine. J. Y.SIGAFUS, Azenl, Oct 17, 1807. StroudsbuigPa. iYoticc to Trespassers. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED IIEKEBVCAU J- tions all persons against trespassing or premises, either for the purpose of gunning or lor any other purpose. Viola tions of this caution will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. E. E. NORTON, -Stroud Ur., J ily 30, 10H. SPEER'S STANDARD WINE BITTERS! P 2 For the Weak, For the Pale, For the SicUy, For the Aged, For Ft mules. For Spring use!!! Ky No 1JITTKKS KQUAL TO THKMi 'XS Spccr's Standard Wine Bitttrs, MADE OF WINE, HERBS AND ROOTS. Spccr's Ctlcbratcd Wine, so well known! with PERUVIAN BARK, CHAMOMILE FLOWERS, SNAKE ROOT, WILD CHERRY BARK, GINGER, and such other HERBS and ROOTS as wil in all cases assist Digestion, promote the Secretions of the system in the natura channels, and give TONE AND VIGOn TO TUB Young and Old, Male and Female All use it with wonderful succcm. Bring' COLOR to the palo white lip, BLOOM AND BEAUTY to the thin face and care-worn countenance Cures FEVER and Creates APPETITE. Try them. Use none other. Ask for SPEER'S STANDARD BITTERS. Sol j uruggisis ana urocers. see that my signature is over the cork of each bottle. ALFRED SPEEB. !' Passaic, N. J., and 243 Broadway, N. T For Sale by WM. HOLLINSHEAD, Strondsbnrg. r Trade supplied bv JOHNSTON, HOL LO WAY & CO., Philadelphia: GEORGE A. KELLEY, Pittsburgh; and by all Whole sale Dealers. Oct. 31, '67.-lyr. Manhood: How Lost, How Restored SJ) Just published, a new edition of Arlff I)r- Ci'ivERWEn's Celebrated Ess at mi the radical cure (without medicine) of SpEEMATckRHcEA, or oeminai eaKness, involuntary Semina T . . T . . . r 1 . i-jaatjc, 1.HIUH..M., jjenuii anu l'nysica Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. also, Lonscmptjox, Lpilepsv, and Fits, induced by seli-indulgence or sexual i travagance. CO" Price, in a sealed envelope, only C cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarm ing consequences of self-abuse may be radi cally cured without the dangerous use of the knife; pointing out a mode of, cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of wnicn every eunerer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. C7 This Lecture should be in lha hand of every youth and ry man in the land. Sent, under seal, i:i a plain em elope, to any address, 001., on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. CulverweH' "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the Publishers, CllAS. J. C. KLINE &, CO , 127 Bowery. New York, July 2, ISOj.-ly. Post-Office Box 4,50. Attention, Farmers ! ! All who want a DURABLE PUMP. Before purchnsing, we ask you to examine "WILLIAM S. KELLY'S TATE.NT DOURI.B ACTINO FORCE PUMP AND FIRE ENGINE. In use from Maine to Texas, giving entire satisfaction wherever used. Suitable for all purposes where a Force or Suction Pump can be used, and we think it the best Pump ever offered to the public- It has the advantage of the attachment of hose for the purpose of forcing water in case r n 1 u. wns, or wasning winoows or carriage, wuiering garoens, or tne conveying of wa 1 r .7 ici aiijrw.H.'rc uesircu. in winter it never freezes, and is already ready for use. REPEUEXCF.S. ... These pumps are in use, and warmlv re commended as a Pump and Fire Engine by Lynford Marsh & David Keller, Strouds burg, Thomas Brodhcad, Delaware Water Gap, Wm. Sandt & George Wise, Portland (.late JJills f erry), Wrn. II. Bush, Quakertown. and thousands of others all over the country. Pump and township rights in Monroe and Northampton Counties, for sale by WILLIAM WISE, Delaware Water Gap, Monroe Co., Pa. July 30, 18G8. FINAL NOTICE TO - Thieves, Trespassers tud Sabbath Breakers! We the undersigned, having for some time past been greatly annoyed and damaged by an idle, impudent and unnrinciDled rla who go through our crops, break our fencei. catch our fifh, injure and destroy our trees, bushes and vines, carry away our fruit and use or sell if, annoy us by shooting. &c. &c. regardless of dogs, threats, stones, &c, have resolved to bear witness and Drosecute to the full extent of the 1 aw. nnw or all cifTpnArrs. whether friend or foe, and hereby nlede ourselves to liberally reward any person fur- nisning eviuence sulncient lor conviction. Mich 1, Kaasbbery, Wm, Findlet Evsh. OTROUD JJl'RSON, U. E. DURFEE, Jesse It. Smith, Wm, Corteltou. UOI1ERT UROWN. Stroud tsp., Aug. 29, 16C8 3t .A. Card. The undersigned has opened an office for the purchase and sale of Real Estate, in Fowler's Building, on Main street. Parties having Farms,. MilU, Hotels or other proper ty for sale will find it to their advantnfr. to call on me. I have no a cents. Part loo must see me personally. CEO. L. WALKER, vReaI Estate Agent, Stroudsburg, pa. G OOD NEWS. A CHANCE FOR ALL. OiS one pAt'TarWlv fVililiilin t 1 two A VI icvtij vi wouuip. las just returned from the cities with , - THE LATEST PALL & WINTER STYLES and the ? BEST GOODS ever offered in this market. Ualll and see, and be convinced that your interest lies in dealing at his establishment. II is stock consists of CLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, and VESTING S, MUSLINS, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, AND IF U E S . At usual, in his great speciality of READY-MADE CLOTHING,. his clothing is fully up to the market dc mand. his shelves beinir literally loaded down, with the most fashionable styles of OiER-fUATS, GOVTS, FASTS, TESTS, ic, in material and workmanship unsurpassed, and unsurpassable custom-work promptly at tend to. ' Thankful for past favors, he respectfully solicits further patronage. NICHOLAS RUSTER. September 2G, 18G7.-tf. EllT JUST E.110L DO 1IIRLIEBE IEITI A IVEW-Fin.lI IN STROUDSBURG, PA., PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION. A DRUG STORE, A'D , j A Xeir and Chenp Stock of Goods. PETER S. WILLIAMS, of the firm ofDE- TKICK & WILLIAMS, having sold out his entire interest in said firm, the business will will hereafter be carried on by C. S. DETRICK & CO., at the old Stand as heretofore, a few doors below the Stroudsburg Bank. Their Stock consists of a large and varied assortment of Drugs, Medicines, II atches. Clocks and jewelry, Fancy and Toilet Articles, . Paints, Oils, Glass, Window , Sash, Blinds, Doors, Yar- . nishes and Brushes of all kinds. Call and Ic Convinced. Mr. PETER S. WILLIAMS, Jeweler and former Partner of the firm, has been engaged by the new business firm, Charles S. Det rick &. Co , to superintend the Clock, Watch and Jewelry Business. , BU AIVCI1 STORE East Stroudsburg:, Pa.; For the convenience of the inhabitants of Eas Stroudsburg and vicinity, the firm ha ve also opened a Bra re,11 Store near the Depot, where everything in their line, of business, together with BOOTS &. SHOES, NOTIONS, & will at all times be found in full assortment, for inspection and pur chase by customers. They have also on hand a fine stock of PURE WINES & LIQUORS, of the very best brands, which they offer to Hotel keepers and others, at prices unusual ly reasonable. Drop in and see. C. S. DETRICK. x S. S. DETRICK. Julv ), 1SG7. AX extern! vc lot of STOVES of all descriptions have been received at the store of the subscribers, in the borough of Stroudsburg. They have COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements; and entire new styles, and considerable saving of fuel,' which can be had at the lowest City prjeos. Also, all kinds of f j ; , , S to ve-3?ipe. A large assortment jof TIN WARE of ev ery description, constantly on hand, which will be sold at wholesale and retail, as rca eonabln as can be had in the City. ? .. ; . All kinds of repairing done in the shortest, cheapest and best manner. .Call arid exam ine their stock before you purchase elsewhcr. Oct. 17, ,'G7. . . FLORY &. BRO. ALBERT II. KUOMLEY, (LATE rETERS 4 IlItOMLET,) , f - , " ' 't " ' . MANUFACTURER : AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN oofs & Shoes. No. 18 North 4th St., May Si, 16G3. BLANK MORTGAGES For sale at this Ofitce. . HEAD QUA ltpitS STROUDSBURG, PA., MARCHING. ORDERS No. 1. , ion 1867. j "lTANSFIELD, is again in the Mercan A tjic fieKI. with . his head-quarters at the old established stand, corner of Main and Green-streets (late Geo. Fable), where the people can always bo sure of finding the most ' ' ; ; -; .' , FahiouaIlc, , Durable, and ' Cheapest Stock of Goods ever brought into the county. He has Dll Y GOODS of all kinds. GROCERIES 5- PR O VISIONS, BOOTS if- SHOES. CROCKER Y ij- GLASS WARE, Src, fc f-c, V-c, at such prices as wiJl enable him to supply his customers a little Cheaper than the Cheapest. It being impossible for him to enumerate the various articles which comprise his stock the public arc invited to call and examine for themselves. HO TKOUni.E TO SlUVW OOOP3. Wheat Flour by the barrel or less quantity. Farmers' Produca, bought,, or taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices. B. MANSFIELD. April 1?, 1U7. LOOKOUT. YOU THK ' LOCOMOTIVE! N.. PETERS, having recently purchased Smith & Tnble 3 stand at EAST STROUDSBURG, near the Depot, and .commenced . business with a determination to please, feels josti ned in asking the continued patronage the old customers o'this establishment. II has taken as a partner in his store, Co' Mott's son, from Mil ford, and they have fil ed the store with an entire NEW STOCK OF GOODS, such as Dry Goods. Notions, Grffferies, ' J'rovisions, llnrdicare, itillow ti arc Hoots and Shoes, J'tid and 1'lour, Sic.. f-c.. Cc which they offer very cheap for cash, or exchange tor l'rouuce. call and cxamin our stock before you purchase, and you wi have sreat reason to be thankful for so do ing. PETERS & MOTT. My21,ieG3. PILOEMX Dltttt STOKE DREHER & BROTHER, (Opposite the " Jetrersonian" Office,) KT-IZAUKTII-STUEtT, STROUDSBURG, PA. Dealers in , DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, WINES and LIQUORS for medi cinal purposes, SASH, DOORS and BLINDS. , - All kinds of r i Painting Materials, . : t'- r. - Lamps and Ijantcrns Burning and Lubricating Oils K7-Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. G. II. DREHER. E. B. DREHER October 4, 18G6. H. S. WAGNEE, DEALtlt IN Dry Goods, Yankee Notions, Groceries, . , . " , J'rovisions, Hour and Feed, 1'ish and Salt, Roots' and SJiors,' ' Jfardieare, V.. Wooden Ware, : Crockery, - - ; Jirushcs 0 Rroonis, Jvtrostne and, in short, almost evcrytliing you can think of or ask for; all of which aro of fcrcd at smash down prices, at the ok stand, on Main-street, between the Rank and the Jrjfcr soman office. The public are invited to call. II. S. AYAGXER. -May 9, 18C7. , Gothic Hall Drugstore. 'William Ilolliiishcad, Wholesale and "Retail Dnigsrist STROUDSRURG, Pa. Constantly on hand and for sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil, Ijlass, Putty, Varnish, Ivcr osene Oil, Perfumery and Fancy Goods; also . . Sash, lIinds mid Doors. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purpose. P..S. Physicians I'rcscriptions care fully, compounded. Stroudsburg, July 7, "186-1. Why is it? Why is it? rjMlAT THE FARMERS ARR ALL JL.- asking for Spinner's ' Horse mid Cattle It is simply because they arc THE BEST IN THE MARKET . FOR . , k HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, HOGS, &c. These Fowdcrs arc prepared only by DREHER & BRO., Druggists, ' Stroudsbun?. Pa. Sole Proprietors, and for sale Wholesale tf A good inducement offered to Merchants. who desire to buy these I'owdcrs for retail ing. ' ' Aug.l3,'G8mG. B LANKS OF this O&ce. ALL KINDS for Sale at irown & Keller. .-DEALERS IN ' Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silrer ware,' Plated Ware, Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Notions, ilc, &c. They have recently ourchased UMEL ICICS OLD STAND," and with increased facilities for business, and a determination to please, feel justified in asking the con tinucd patronage of the old customers of this establishment. In constant communication with Importers in New York and Piiila DEi.ru i a, and in possession of peculiar ad vantages in this respect, they are prepared to sell CLOCKS. WATCHES &. JEW- ELRY, of superior make and finish as well also as of cheaper character, at remarkably ow rates. They also keep constantly on hand the best quality ot Si'irr and Plated Ware, Tea Spoons, Cas tors, bpeclacles, Kazors, Pen-knives, Scissors, and all sorts of Cutlery ; Toys of all kinds, Childrens Carriages, Bird cages, . Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Guns and Pistols, Lamps of all kinds and rtxtures; Superior Sewing Machines, Clothes Wringers, School Books, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Ledgers and Day Books, Paper, En i elopes, Pens, Ink, 4c, c. Photograph Frames, Wall Paper, Window ' Shades, and Iruit Cans of every de scription. lamp Burners altered. Repairing of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry attended to promDtlv and satisfactorily". Orders taken for Silver Ware and filled with dispatch. Stroudsburg, May ID, lSCi.tf A CARD To the Hotel keepers of Monroe and ad jaccnt counties. Look to Your Interest! I ! ! "We are offering Liquors, "Wines, Sic. trarranted jaire, aud containing no Druas utu, r.ssi ueis ,ic., whatever, at the lol lowing very low prices : ISrandics from 50r(W $1 00 per gallon less than City prices Rou r bon W h isk cy , -10cf".65c. Monongahcla, 40c(a C5c. Old Rye, " Apple A0c(i G5c. 50cfrSl 00 (( Common l-itQi'lhc. Wines (all kind3 50c(l 00 1 lease give us a call, or send vour or dcrs, and satisfy yourselves that we do do it, that we trill do it and the reasons ichy wc can do it'. - Also, please remember that ire do n have anything to do tcith "l)ni.ied"lA quors. Anything you buy from us we guarantee l urc, and much below the pri ccs usually paid lor the Drugged Liquors cry iicspeciiuily, J. ?. WILLIAMS, & Co., Stroudsburg, Monroe Co. Pa July 27, 18G5. GOOD NEWS VTLANTIC TELEGRAPH, : ,;? ' VIA : LEE & BROTHER'S New. Cabinet Ware-Rooms ' I iiiv UiMJKltcJlGNED HAVE RE- -1- cently purchased the entire stock of furniture of Messrs. Rogers &. Danner, on .uain oircei, inrce doors below the Wooler Mills, to which they have added a lare as sortment of all kind of superior Furniture " mviuastu lacimies ior ousmcssanu a determination to give satisfaction to a who may favor them with a call feel inst ficd in asking the continued patronage of the oiu customers of this establishment. They keep constantly on hand complete PARLOR, CHAMBER and DL ING-li O OM S UITS 11 4 - - Doui ot their own and city manufacture wmcn nicy will dispose of at the most reason able rates. iney employ none but the best of work men, and purchnso none but the best naality of well seasoned lumber, and arc thpmfnrp prepared to manufacture to order on the short est notice any and every thing in their lin irom a smgie piece ot lurniturc up to a com plcte suit. --! Kcpainng and trimming of all kinds of turniture done with dispatch and neatness. uic iowcsi possioie terms.' TJiidex takin g also attended to at short notice. an ana see incm before you purchase wieuwuurc. vyomparc prices and material. Juraitoro cheerfully shown without charire sr. o. r,. s. S. LEE ii you want Cane-Seat, Wood-Scat or uusn-iioiiom Uliairs, call on ! LEE & BRO. tr - ii you want Uurca us, , Bedsteads, Cup- Ua.uo, iauiuis, ivasit oiands, etc., call on . . ' . LEE & BRO. In short, if you want any thing in the Fur niture line from a single article to a com pletc suit, call on LEE &. ItRn (Kr W are-Rooms 5 doors bove Washing- Inn lintel Ti l. b Stroudsburg, Not. 21, 16G7. IF you want the best CHAMBER' Pat?. LOR or DINING-ROOM SUITES, or uic piamcsi, or ii you want tho best KITCH EN FURNITURE, call on PHILIP MILLER &. SON. March 11, 1SG. IF you want GILT ROSEWOOD, MA HOGANV or WALNUT Plfyrrnirc FRAMES, ronnd, oval, oblong or square of w.iy tiic, can on PHILIP MILLER & SON. March l i, 1807. ' you want CANIvSEAT. RUSH BOT. TOM, or WINDSOR CHAIRS, call on PHILIP MILLER &. SON. March 11, 1S07. IF you want M A II OG AN V, ROSEWOOD r PLAIN SOFAS. LOUNGES or CHAIRS, call on PHILIP MILLER &. SON. March 11, 1607. IF you wart BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, WASH-STANDS, &ic, caf on PHILIP MILLER &. SON. March 11, IS07. BLANK LKASES For Sale it this Oillcc. New Cabinet Ware-Rooms! NEW FURNITURE! OPPOSITION TO HUM BUGGERY! Philip Miller & Son RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO the public that they havo opened, at their new Ware-Rooms, on Main street, in Stroudsburg, adjoining the Race, a very su perior assortment ot Jrurniturc, embracing complete 'ARLOR, CHAMBER, and . DINING-ROOM SUITES, oth of their own and city mannfacturo which they will dispose of at the lowest pos sible prices for cash. - - I hey are also prepared to manufacture to order, any and every thing in their line, Irom a single piece tn tsmiturc up to a com plete ootfil from garret to cellar, all of the best seasoned timber, and by the best off workmen. They ds not claim tfcethr only Furniture dealer in Slroudebirrg who' has a licence to sell lurnitare, but havingf paid a license and established themstfivevint businessthey are determined to do full justica to all who patronize them. Their stock of lumber embraces all the kinds ot wood em ployed in cabinet-making, and was selected. with regard to quality than to price. Remember that we can supply full suite either of our own or of city manufacture though we prefer filling the former, because- greater justice can be done thereby to pur chasers. UNDERTAKING ! UNDERTAKING If Having provided ourselves with a sew. neat, and elegant Hearse, a full sopply off the latest styles of Coffins and burial Cas kets, and all the oiher appliances of a fir it class establishment, we are prepared to con duct the business of Undertaking, in all it branches, to the perfect satisfaction of alii who favor us with orders in this 4ine. Machine Sareiny, Turning, JYduuwy, As. Their factory being fitted up with superior Turning, Sawing, and Plaining Machinery all driven by a powerful steam engine, orders from cabinet-makers, carpenters, and other, for work in these lines will be promptly and satisfactorily filled. They respectfully solicit a call from the public. Furniture cheerfully shown without charge, and prices as low as the lowest. PHILIP MILLER & SON. March 11, 16C7. GOODS AT (Jrealiy Iledueeel Prices r V WOULD RKSPKCTFULLY AX nouuee to the public, that I have just made large additions to my already exten sive stock and am now selling DRY (iOOD.Sj mkoce: sui:s, &c, ilc, lower than ever. My shelves arc loaded with ML'SLINS, CALICOS, DE LAXES, and G1XG11AMS, of the most celebrated makes, my charges for which will prove astonishing to custo mers. My stock of Dress Goods embracing nearly every variety of style, color and fabric is well worth the atten tion of the Ladies, while in CLOTHS ami CASSIMERE)?, both plain and fancy, I can offer induce ments to gentlemen which they cannot forgo without detriment to their finances. My stock ot 7.t WLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, & a, is also full, aud is offered low. My assortment of Coffees, Sugars Molasses, and Syrups, is very complete, aud as usual held at a very low figure. I have lots of goods the names of which could hardly be compressed within tho limits of an advertisement, all of which will be sold cheap. Remember, the place to buy, with tho best assurance of gcttiug your money's worth is at RRODIIEAD'S Cheap Store in Stroudsb'xr. March 14, 1SG7. FREE FIGHT ! " COME ONE, COME ALL." One Thousand Dollars in GREENBACKS to Le given atray by the subscriber, in the following manner : Each suit of Furniture exceeding ono hundred dollars, will contain ne S10grcen back ; exceeding two hundred dollars, $20,. All bills exceeding eight hundred dollars: will receive one enameled Bedroom Suit,, containing 13 pieces, in any color desired. Also a present given with cachi bill exceed ing $10. ' CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, &c. Every order exceeding 40 yds. of BrussuU Carpet, will contain oo $5 greenback, 1 piece of Binding, 4 papers of Carpet Tacks Every bill exceeding 53 yds. of Three-ply or Ingrain Carpet will contain $3; and one piece ot Binding, and 4 papers of tacks; ami each bill will be sold at less money than can be purchased at retail in New York City. , j. ii. Mccarty, Odd Fellows Hall, Stroudsburg, Pa., December 12,1867. UNDERTAKING. McCARTY has on hand the largest and, best assortment oi COFFINS and TRIMMINGS lobe found outride of either city (New York or Philadelphia), and will make this branch of his business A SPECIALITY. COFFINS and CASKETS of any size or style, can to furnished at one hour's notica for shipment, at a tiuuu or ost-uimu LESS THAN ANY SHOP IN SrUOVDSBURU In no case will he charge more than 1LN VhK. CENT above actual cost. J'MIlMIiMIIVft attended to in uny part ol the County, ar incfclioxiu! fc-sitlc a?ti:q Sopt. 2G, "r7