U U -fit. A'.DDRESS TO Til NERVOUS AND .Debilitated,", whose sufferings have been protracted from Jiidden. causes, andi.wbose cases require -prompt treatment - to render existence desirable: "If - you arc' suffering, or ha ve ruffercd.Yrora i (i f tM o nta ry disclii rges, what effect' does Reproduce upon ybur'gcne ral health ! po yon teel weak. ' debilitated. asuy nrcdi.- uoca a'Jittlc. extra- exertion proJncpalpitatioriibf "the heart! 'Does your J i ver.'or. i: r in a ry' of 'o ay?, or your -1 k id ney frequently get ojt of-ordcr!' Is your .' urine romtftimes thick, milky, or Hoc ky, or 13 it ropy on settling! Or docs a thick; - ecnm rise to the lop! Of is a.acdiment at the bottom after it bus. stood awhile? Do jou have spells of sl.ort breaming or dyspepsia ! Are your biw; el? constipated! .. Do you have pclls of fainting,' or rushes ,of blood (o the head! Jsyour memory Impaired! Is vour . . 1 1 i y minu. consui nuy uivcuing upon uns subject! Do you feci, dull, Iirtlcs.-, niopinn- tired of company, 'of, life! DoVou wtsh'to be left alone, to get a way fr, ni" e very to.ly ? Does iany lit tje thing make foil start or jump ! 'Is your sleep broken or rcstlc.-s J " Is the lustre ct your cyeas.brill.ant! ', Th? bloom oa your cheek as bright! Do ijrjui enjoy yourself, in society as Well !, "Da you pursue your busi ness with the, came energy ! ' Do you feel as mnch'confidciice, In yourself !j. Arc 3-cur spirits dull end "n igging, given "to fits of melancholy?.... If1 so, do not lay it to ;your liver oryspepsh." Ha ve you restless nights ! Your back Ave a It. your knees weak, and have but little oppct'le," and you attribute this To dyspepsia cr livcr-cornnliint ! " ' 1 Now, reader, sel Aabds'c,' venerea d isca ses badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing' aS weakness' cftlie gen erative organs. rl ha organs of ; generation; when in-perfect l.ealUi,piake the man. Did you ever think lint those bold, defiant, en-! ergetic, '.torse vering, -successful; ;4 business- Alien are always thgo whose generative or rgmssare. m . perfect.-health ! - You,, never ihear noj&uchnien complain of being melan choly, of nervodfnes, o(r palpitation of the heart. They arc never afraid thry cannot succeed irj Lusincs; they con t become sad -and difConraged;Vthey';areslw'nys polite and pleasant" fn tie;eorrp-iriy of ladies.'ahd look rou and them -fight in the' face nonc'of your downcast lecki'or any other meanness sibout thrrrt. II dcr not TRcan'th.os'e who keep the organs inflated by running ' tor ''excess. These will not 6n!y ruin'thrir constitalions, but also' those they do business wjth or for. How many men,') fronrtndly-cured dis eases, from the effects pf se!f-abu-e and.cx cceses, have brought about" that state-of weakness, in jhpsjorgrins.iliat lias reduced the general sy 4cei Vtrmuch as (induce al mot every o her dieease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and al most every other form of disease which hu- manny is lieir.io, and me real cause ot. tae trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the right one. uiseases oi inese orrans renuro tlie use of a Diuretic. IIELMBOLU'S FLUID EX TRACT OUCIIU is the srreat Diuretic, and Is a cerUiu cure fur diseases of the DTaddcr, Kidneysj' (Iravcl,' Dropsy, Organic Weak ness, Fcniile Co:iipliints, General Debility, and all diseases cf the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male cr Fcmalct- from whatever cause criminating, anj no matter kif how long st.iL'Jiiig. i "v If no treatment is submitted t , Cunsump tioa or Insanity may enue. Our flesh and Lhd are suppTted from these sources,' and the health and happiness, and 'that of Poi terity, depends upon prompt use cf a relia ble remedy. , - ?":fyr Q Helrubold's a Extract Buchu, ertablishcd upward of IS years, prepared by H,T IIELMBOLD, D.-urgi-t, 591 Broadway, New York', end 104 South 10th' Street; Philadelphia,' Pa. Tricerl.2o pet bottle, or G bottles for 50, delivered to any ad dress. . Sold by all Druggists everywhere. . None are genuine unle.-s done up in steel- rngraved wrapper Willi lac simiie di my Chemical WarfhotirP, and s'ned. ' July 1G. -2m. II. T. HELM BOLD. ' .'.TO't'OXSUKPTIYES: riVIE REV. EDWARD . A. .WILSON'S V Y rei:i red I 'rescript ion for ii:c cure of COXSU.M PTiOX. AS I'll MA BRONCHI TIS, COUGHS, COLDS. and all THROAT and LUG AFFECTIONS, Iti "now" bfcen in use for over' ten years wiih the most marked Fuctess.' " ' 1 The. Ucme.'Jy, prcp.irrd iunder'. Mr. Wi! oni persot;al suprviiofi, aleo a pjmphlct cuiilaiiiing the original rre.cripiioa,' vvuh full and explicit directions for nrepiraticn nd us-, together wilJi a s'lort history of h;s "cnec, may be outainru of-, , , . DREHER &. RrvO., Drog3is?8,' o r - - Sirotidirburir, l'a., or REV. EDWARD AWILSON, ' ' ? ' ' 163 S.iitli Secdu'd Sti, -"' . . Williameburgb,. V. 07" Pamphlet.'! fiirnishcd free ot charge. May 21, 1-sClyr..... -'vii i J SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! in from 10 to 4S hours. ; ". WllEATOS'8 Ol XTMEN'l' ClirCS TlIK ItCU. WurATOJf'a nt Mtx. cures Salt iUt-tCM. "Wheaton's Oi.it.mk3t cures Tjstter. "WiiEATijsi's Oitme.t cures RiKBtah' Itch WlfElTOX'8 OlXTMENT CUre OtuD MlBES. v "IV'beaton' Oiktmevt cures Every ei.ko ft '. jot Humor x-ikb Mauio. .s ; 'Priie, 3'J cents a box; by mail, 00. cents. .Address WEEKS & - PORTER Ao. 170 V-fliiii"tO!i Slrcet, Do;-ton, Ma's.-' . For sale by all Druggists. ;.ep!.19(,iec7.-tyr.:"- : : ? , ClIDE TO mmJIAGE. Young Mprt Gcide to , liar py Marriage nd Conjugal Felicity. I'The'liurnnae 'view of kenevoleht Physician, nrl he- Errors on Abuses incident 'to-VoUh and Eirly Man Lood, sent trt rraled letter envelopes, free of. charge. Addre?' HOWAKU ASSOCIA TION, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa. y - June 1, lea.-lyr. . ?i a link my. On the lstiinst.J at tLc'rcc-lcocei-rAbra- liam AllxrUon, by tho Rcr. Ilecryi Scifert, fMr. Abrahim Bteclipr.of :-Hmnon,. and Miss Margaret J. Albertson, of Preono. 1 L On the 6th inst., by the Itev' EJ jJ Pierce, Mr. David Emmons, of.. Warreo county, N. J., and Miw Harriet Wickoff, of Delaware dVoterCap.!' ii t:r. -k V ' i r i f I In Sinitlifield;'on 't he 11th inst., Tommy, con of Theodore and Hirah Taylor, aged 0 yeare, 0 monthVand 7 day?. At Experiment Willi, 'on Die Otli 4n6t; Ja fifc,on of Josi4h Penfield, of Urooklyn, N. Y., aged 4 mo. and 6 days. 7? ' At the reside-ice of George Li. Walker, in iroulburg.oirtlie 9:h Intf.' ifiiit daugh ter of Chag R. Slyjr, of PhHudelfhi - - 3jB0,ep0;ORIpfSn i : Just Lurned and for sale at iheirDrickf 1 ard.car tne,t3troudsburg Dcpou Persons uuuiHg un.h tiimisncd by raw-road can be promptly suppled by.addressi'rg tbeir.orJer t S.' WINTERMTTTT! . SflW StrondbiirT . A i icflo.- , -c riuuci icuj i. : .,1 v . rMMEblATELYtat the .Tannery of . the i . subscriber, ' near. , Bossardsville, Wonrool county a JOURNEYMAN COURIER, r To a good workman steady employment, at srood wages will. be given.. . Apply eiUicr by let- ier, ot, in person at 111a xaancrv. to xi-' ' ' TESTER Hamilton, .Aug. "-13, 13GS-l3. - iV C01111IV Coiiniiistlniior: 1 -The ' undcrsurnrrfl Iierebv kow merir Vol a candidate for the office of f . ; at the coming election.,-Should ho be elect- ed, he pledges liimsclf to perform Ihc duties of the office with fidelity. 1 . A I ' . .v. lVOTllY VAN WI1Y. Stroudsbur'g, Aug. 0th,,lSG3,-ltc. C II It 1 V Co 111 1 III I; a 11 11 a r. i'TlPe undcrsfgned herehy ofTcrs. himself as a candidate for the e&ce oV.':' k 1 ' '. '., ' at the coming election.-. 'Should he be elect ed nc pledges uimelt loperfynn the duties of tne oincc witli li Jplity.i, 1 .,.HVi Ilaoiilton ,t5p ,J u!y 30, l&08.-te.'. ' I .Auditor's Notice. t The nriderrgned aridiior appointed by the Orphan's Co'nrt of Motiroc County, to make distribution of the' fund's in ;he handi pf E rnanuel II.'GunsauIcs, admttrator of the cs tile of Elijah Denue, dcc'J, "will attend to the duties of siidvappintment, at his office, in . the IJoroughot" Mroudshiirg, oa Thurs. tlay, September ;1 th,, 15-03, at 10 o'clock! a. ra. when. and where all parties interested are required to attend, cr they will be dr- barred irom coming itr f jr their distributive share ot said tumU - 3 1-.: t. ,vr.. i ' - ' i eJj U .vj-iI J.U. STOliMAoditor." I August 13, 16GS. 4t;r i .! is. itr ' Why is it? MMIAT THE FARMERS .ARE ALL lX,aking for.;" -;'l-J"-"V f ' -" ,", ? JII Sit-'.-;, . " , ? rj ) I' ., Biorsc and CiMIc T. . -'..-.I l'owclcrs 2 It is. simply hrcaose thej'.nro ': ;., , JU1E. REST IN-THE MARKET. 1 .. for .; . . . CATTLE, , . .. . , , .. i . . SHEEP,'. , Thec Powders are prepared on'y by, , V ; ' DREHER &. BRO , ' i If .,...( Ifgtr-t5, r-.. r; ; - - 1 ' V" ' ;Stfoiid).i'rg, Pa. Sole Proprietors, and' fir lalcirAocae j- Retail." ' ". '- A good inducement c-flVred ti Merchants, who desire to buy these Powders for retail ing. - Aug.l3,'C-?n.6. , . Cheap Feed.' ; VJT Annlv at the ' ' BREWERY July ,30, lSX'tQ iTEast.Stroudbburg, .tUVSTALi SPRIG;BUKYCUY. i"; ! EAST. HTRO UVIJUTSJ, 1 L'.VJp BROWN & BURT, PnopaicTORs. l Prompily supplied at the lowest 'markef prices and of the best qtiali'vV ' ' " " ? July SO, lS6S.-ly. : : VAN HOESEN'S V;': SASH-sfoPPEfl :& LOCK; - - - ' V - I -'V ' rr'HE UNDERSIGNED RESPIICTFUL- X Iv informs t!;e rub'ic that he purclnsed the pitrnt rinht of VAN HOESE.VS SASH STOPPER AND LOCK, and ofii-rj for suleU towcihip rights iur iiJonroe Lounty. upon rea$oaabIc rates. .'r Addrc-a MICHAEL SCHELLENBERGER,. . - 'v. ' ! - :t Delaware Water G-jp. August C-Cm.e.o.w.J Monroe County, Pa. V K0TK E TO - CAKPfiKTERS - AND ARCHITECTS. rrIIE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE JL to inform nil 'Mechanics' 'and House Carpenters, jnfrettd, tluit he will' Kive. in structions in the science of ' ST A I It K V B f Id I.gJ durir2r the comioir- rear, ; Inttruttioni will be given at.h'u rrbideuce at ibe Delaware Watstr .Gap, 8fgr .r: full .courter'or pt any ,ctLert place wuli the additKnal, .charge of his expenses. Those' taking leeantw in his work. ". I ' ' I " . " ' " . I . , , . - , - - - iir iu are Bier uin, A'osrnst G6:n. 4- Auditor's5 ISTotice: Estate bf. JOSEPJI DRAKE, 4 . deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the,, Orphans' Court of Monroe County, to make distrjbution of jhc money in Ihe hand pf Chnrle? .Drakr Lxcc-itoc . pf ;ho '1t Will arJtamcnt of JoscpliDrake deceased, to and '-arnong-thepartiee entitled .tjiciqto, will, attend to. the dqtics of htV appointment, on Friday, September llhjlSGS. at 10 o'cloclcj' a. m , at the Prothonotary'u Office, ; in thel - Borough of, Stroudsburgi at, wbitv tinjc ami manlvvir be debarred from c-Hi'iing tu .for a "Iitre of the name; o ; THO.? M. ; McILH AN L v , Augus t 6, 1C8. jr I J I i U(l.1.,or- i- t i" ):' r.t 1 ' I muaxi:oT:sitN.oi;ice.i ' I The undersigned Audnorapp.nntcd Lvl tou8hainj'anv'clairnsor deii)aud;isaid fund .. J. . ' i i will present the same, or Lc ucuarrca jrotn cotnin-r in Ur-a Klmre of'lhe-in'T THO. M." McILIIANEV, Anguet6, 1563. Auditor. J tlie tcieacc wiiu.wiicn h.is pracucame . oe uf firc. or washins win; aesitsled In the ej-cctioo ofetairF, ho (Michael uaterin" sarderiv or the cuuueiiucrgeri iu o pam uauai w oyva ioi i tcr any w nere des.reu. in the. QrjJians', Court ofAloar-c Louui vv o . 13 KV, EDWAJU) A. WILSQN,'S(of WU inakedirtribuijon of the uioney to he banfla Jiamaurg'h, N.-Y.) Recip? for-CON. of Daniel Serfas?, Adminislrato; flhc;E SUMPTION and ASTHMA carefully com, ta tei)fJo'ph .Series .deqeateJ.to a nd among pounded jitf tJ. .f,tt,i ,f . - . Kr.t....lw.r.lt lrw-i. t 10 .nViliir.lv. A. M i at I .11 WUflVO W '---T- v l the Prbihouotarv' Office. iO the iB-irouffh fcfl Strojd.ilui'r.fct wbich tirDefliuipiace alfpr v 1 I vigor, For restoring Gray HaiH to its natural Vitality and Color. 1 m - - - a - . -A. clrcc-.si ng-wliicli ' ! f i.;. is nt oucu iiiirccalile. ' '?M vr: ' Fitch d or gray encd, falling hair . dieckcd, v.nd bald- nc 'often, though' : not nlwny?,' cureU J h U !"C ?,r- Jl10- : ntronluea ncd decayed Untouch as remain cfin lc raved for usefulness by. this .application. . Instead' of foulinz the.Iiair- with a 'nrtstv soJi-. m ' . . . J j j meat, it will keep it;; lcau ami vigorous. 1 Its occasioual use vill iirevcnt '.tho liair Irom turning gray or fjillin": off, and- consequently prevent'. -Lhldnes?. I'rec from those deleterious Riili.?tiituo wlnHi make some, rreparnliona dangerous and injurio'.u to tho' hair, the V iiror : can only benefit but not harm it. If Avantcd. merdy for av:" "", i f t ' 1 notliluir, clsc can, bo fcuiul r-o desirable, Coutaitiing r.eiihei'i.i'il. nor. dye,; it Hlocs tiot soil wlrtfc cambric," nuJ yet lasts long C!i.s the I.air, g: ing il i rich glofsy 5 lustre and iWattfiil lierfui'ne. ' 1 Prepared by Dr. J . C Ayep &' Co.', CTICA L AS' b A o A I. YTI C A I. Cli illlSTS, LOWKLL, -"-JIASS. Sold bv- W. HOLLINSHGAD, and by DREHER & CRO., Siroudiur-r. and by all Dru--gi'ts and Dealers in "Medicine every- where."'--! ;,' r - . , . bauch's ' ; CoBimcf rial Jlaiiurcs. "V . . . v m , , , ;s -:' EAUCn & SONS, Philadelphia, NORTH .WESTERN, FERTILIZING CO., ' . Chicago, : : : $ : Sole a sin far Hirers. : - r rices: ; BATGirS RAW E0.E rupSHIUATE; S5G per 2000. pounds?" " ' r -Ttirnn, nurtrn rnvr rrRTiM7Fi? i;.iiuu 7 aii.iuv i uuiiiiiiJiit '' ' $50"pcr 2000 poands ' ; Eirars CHirAflO BLOUD .MAM re, X 50 per 2000 pounds ' OCT" The Bags ore uniform m iceighl '.- 160 pounds. The attention of Farmers is especially di rected to the: fact that the sources ot the Raw Material of which the above Manure? are composed, are to well under control that we can furnish them of ttricily uniform quality aud condition, and that they contain a larger percentage of arn'monii than any other claH of manufactured manures in the market.' : J BAUGH & SONS, ; K; ". 20 S. Delaware Avenue,'. T Philadelphia. NORTH WESTEN FERTILIZING CO., f !.,;' Corf Lake & Lasallc'Sh ! - Chicago. 07- BAUGIPS COMMERCIAL MA MJULs may be procured Irom dealers in an? or . tne -principal towns in me united Stales or Dim in ion of Canada.' For gale by B. F. BrodheaJ,-Delaware WaterGan. - - - -: f July 2, 1863:-4m Attention,. Farmers ! ! All who want a DURABLE -PUMP. Before purchisiug, we ask jou to cxamiue WILLIAM S. KKLLY'3 . r A TE NT T)0 U I5T. F. A L'TI N O FORCE ;FUMP; AND.PIRE. ENGINR In use from Maine to iexa5, giving entire ratisfaction wherever used.- Suilalle for all purposes 'where a Force or SuctioQ Pump can be ucd, and we think it the hctl Pumn cvcr.'ciTcrud to the Public. it has thc advanta'r'j of , the attachment of ,osc for the purpose of forcing water in Case lows or carriage?, conveying of wa- winter u never freezes, and ia already ready for use. r T " ' - ... I.i.-.I.l-t.ITi3 . ' These pumps aro in use, and: warmly re commended at- a Pump and . Fire Engine bd Lynford Mjrsh &, David Keller, btrouds- bur?r. t fj'li&fnas Brodhead; Delaware" Water Ga"p, , nd'a FerriS - 1 ! -r v .Vm ,. i tv.j, d 'nht.ri nnJ tlous!tn(lj, ofheM all'over the country. Pum n(1 town(i!lip rJ;,lt8 In-. Monroe and Norfhamntun CuUntie:for sle by-A ia -,.: ni.A WILLIAM' WISE, fV-nn Wi.ir nit, M,frt r,i .-PjT. Juy 30 16S. ' '' -: ' " T':; -7'- -f :f j' .. T.TTAT'R'Fl'R i .V- .cloe o.at fan parti$.rpjirinf jfpjn.byjt. DCS' h k si r,ocrr boa r ds sc a n tli ng. 2 inch AOU i'IjAInK.' all weU seasoned. APPiy to 4 - u. s. wagner, Ij t . ' . . - r . . .if . ' ., Medicines J rrsh and Pure. ; r Nov, 21, 17, .: V.,MOLUNmiEAD. o,nfT yon it now Hint jr.; II. U McCarty U tho. only "UudcrUkf r in It, , i ...i i . . i . i , : , rxrouueourj wiw iiiiutTbianu mis ouuuittsa: U not. attend, a. ,1'aneral nian.red by any other Undertaker m ton, and you. will see the projf ofilic fagt. Man .1tneP':-f-- y"th' iAy ePs Sarsaparilla; ion priiEri'iaro tbie jcx.ooi. The rcptitntion thi cx ccMi'iit iiifiliciiiC ciiiov?, is dvrivt d from its iuros, m.nm-nt rrmcn arotruir ni.irvcllous. I11vctor.no Oie cf Scrofulous ca.e, where t!ie evstem cceiued fitiiratoil villi ri)riui)tion. . Iiavo 1 on ' -rvttAi. dUontcrt, which were j- Ktti 1 l r. III 1 titit It thpyjrero rainfnlly afitictinjr, have heen ra-iic':dly cured 111 t-ucli prcat r.uuihers in :dmn.-t every fee- ...n m 1113 ewiarry.uiat Cic rblic &careily liccd-tc be infonncdt-ljU va tues or iifCf. ? ? Scrofulous loL-oii is one of the mo-Jt Atmri; encnuexornur rnc. UMesi, tl.i-nin-een ami iinfih tenrat ol theorrr.nistn ir.ltlf.e.inrs l!:i ir.nvf :ti:t;m without cx itin?as!!Sii, ion ofits .ie.-ciice. Asr-iin, it seems to breed iafet-trnn thrt. i:?rhout the bodvTiuni into oi:e or other of ifa hideous f..M:s,4 iu'ier on tin Ftirfaeo or ;uiiou the vif.ilj. In iht -.it.-.r Cle ni.1V La Fi;M:i!v rlcKnrit.l in i.n 1..'...- iuunir jwriueu m ine iiver, or it xlifitVt 11 preseiMXi ly cfis!i;:.;.ir. 0:1 IJie ttin.oroid ut. r: on"".-. ,rinu f.-tri. 01 tne fiotlv. notice the occa sional use of a bottlts of il : vi.-nhte, even when no active ryinitoni of dite.iit ' apjiear. I'ersoi; nCUeled w ith the fulh imr oi: pcnciujjy i.iiu liiiisicuaio relict, aimI. l length, cure, l.y the use cf thi SAJISAfA Itrr, J,A: .. ..ulliitttn's J-irv. Ho a nr - Kt imi.l,. Tt tlrr. SriU Jtit tnn, .Srntd lira, Jthiyircrm, lorn; or .rv. tftou xhscac.- Also in the ; more concealed forms, ,ns - J)ifHVcj,ii. Jjri,f. Heart Jliscaur, J its, 'J?"fi.'-j ., Xrurnftia. : and the V::riciiS I In rou l&W-Iiukh i.t 1. ,',. jlarand iiervouffy.-teiii!t ; .; ' .KheVcVbSle 1 lu,t lnzynuautl itv of this medicine will cure the com i n hit.' J.eumrrhiva or Tl httrt, ffcHnt Via rtu, and .J i-mule: Hirrart, are com--jioplc foo:i relic . d nml tillhiinieTv CTiied ly it pniirt in. find Invh'nnit'njr elTi t. Mi:mlo liiree- ; tion for etuhoitr-e n.u found in oer Aliii.-iunc, np l!:ed ;rrai. J:hrit,,ii;n ;.iut iont, when ;'a'iH".i ly wmr.;iH.ir.fin or exKaneoim-matters in mo iiooi,'Tiei;l finirijv fo it, an rlo J.irrr Vomvlainis. Torpid itti. I'onrrMtitni or lntlnn, . mat ion of the Lirvr, :i;id JuuiuUre, wheuaii.sin;, uM-y ciTcn ut, iroiii n: lT.rkim,? ioifon3 rti tne oiiKHi. imt a. usa i'Ai ii.is.i iA a preat re Rtorer. for. tlie fctrentii oml .v&or.of the Kteia. Those Who niC LnntmSil .ir.d vce. T,..,...- dent, Slrenless. ami trouliled with. Jk'ttnsyim An- prrhtmrton or J-Vam, or any of the affections Tinrtonntie. r.f Wraknrss: Will n 1 iinmed-tR relief and convincing erideuce of its restorative lo ci rupon vi iai. ... 1 r '- i ; p n e p a nnn n y ; Or. J. C ATXn & CO.,Well. Woo.. and by WM. IIOf.LlNSlJEA D, and by DREHER &. RRO Etrcudsburg,.Pa. A I WINE. BITTERS! For the Weak, ' 1 J or the Pale, "' " - J'or the 'Sicily,'- '. ;t I .: -.-! .Fur. the Aged, ' : 'I ' . J-'or Females, , ! ; " ;. .'I J'er Spring use ! ! ! ,Kxf B ITT EHS EQUAL TO them! $8 Specify .S UndardVi nc Xlitt rs, MADE OF . . AVINfl. HERBS AND : ROOTS. :7 Speer'a Celebrated Wine, to well known, with ; , . L ; --; ..' . ' ; x PERUVIAN BARK, s ' V. ":- CHAMOMILE FLOWERS, i , SNAKE ROOT, , .' ' - : . - WILD CHERRY BARIC, ;,'. V s- " : -i GINGER, : and such other HERBS and ROOTS as will in all cases assi.-t Digestion promote ! the Sec-etiina ofthe system 1 in ihe. natural channel.--, and give : i f j w. "; ' T O N E A ND V I G Oil , j' to the . t: ' ' Vourig and Oid, Male and Female! All use it vilh wonderful success! Brings COLO II to the palo white lip, II L O OM A XD BE A UT Y to the thin face and care-worn countenance. Cures FEVER and Create APPETITE. Trythem. Use none other. Ask i for S PEER'S STANDARD BITTERS. Sold by Druggists' and Grocers. See that ..ray signature is over tho cork of each bottle. - I - f ALFRED SPEEB, Paestiic, N. J., and 243 Broailway, N. Y. For Sale by WM. HOLLINSHEAD, Stroudsbnrg. CT Trade supplied LvJOIINSTON, HOI-LOWAY-& (?().; Phib.delpbh GEORGE A. KKLUIY; Pittsburgh; and by all Whole sale Dealer?. ' ' ,;; (.Oct. :n;'G7.-lyr. , V UNDERTAKING. , : w McCARTY has on Iwind the largest and ' J xwvTr beet assortment ol r'h COFFINS i and . mZdX trimmings; lobe fuunj outside of cither city jNew,York or Philadelphia), and will make this branch of hwbiiHBe a speciality:; ; v. " C()FFINS nd CASKETS fauy siie br stylefcaii lc furnlbhed at one hour'a notice for'ShtptnentAti AiCiiAttoB op; pxiTiirRD I. CHM Til AW AMY 8irOP IT S f ROPDSnUKO ' In no case will he charge more than TEN PER CENT above actual cat. t : i - i i:.TaS5AIMH.G attended to in; any : pirt of iho County, at the shortest possible notice. " Sept. 20, M7. Executor's Notice. Estate, of tUEQlUiE,l KE YUAUT, of Stroud Jotpnltip, Monro iui., Vn. dec d. I" ETTERS TESTAMENTARY UPON JL the nhuvc nnuitd Estate have been granted to the undcreiguod, ull persons iu debted to mid, Estate u re requested to make ininu-iHopainent i and Jhoae Laving k'gaj claims against the eanu are desired to pre sent them in proper order fvr sctilcnient, without delay, to SAMUEL NJiYllAR TJ f, i 4 Sir 'iid towuohip, Executors. D. 1). WALTON, Slroudsbur'', Pj., J July 16, lb6S.0. root, Youit'siiKvizY ' a way. for wtHthlum" 'article u( Vurui- i 1 Cm ! -J V . ' ' . ' ' " W 5 a' v J J . , S'rSP" V VICQBS.. U, healths. , r 4 V j .u iJ!J- lurc, nut gi lo AJcLarty o, ani you will eel well rj:4"forit'. -' !":iepUJ20rl7. ; PJJBLTC-NOTICE.T iAT A MEETING OF" THE TOWN XX. Council, held"nt fihe .dsua"I; pL-ice of meeting, on Friday evening, July 17th, lG, u was unanimously'-' . t hesohed. That -.the ioI.'owiP!? ordinance bcbublfched in", the ' jifiersoniani.'' and'Ahe "Monroe Democrat" fv-r the inforu.alioii ell the public: ''":'-l - -: ""o - ' hi a" RHfltiag "to rmifsncrs.'&c, t.n the Streets, ; La he, Alleys, and Sidewalks ;pf 'the bo I rbugh of Sm.U Is'jurg. ' -; '' ' ' ' SrcnoN 1. Be it enacted br the Bur- -;rps and .'Aesisfanta',' or Common' Council of thy boroirh of Stroudsburg, in council met. and it is hereby enacted by the authority of tho sa.-iic. That from and' afler the pWsare of this ordinance, il sh;ill not be lawful fur any person, or persons, to obstruct 'any', of the streets, lanes, u (try, ".or ; .sidewalks cf the said borough, with t vrhicles of any kind, lumber, logs, cor Jwocxl; boxes, barrels, brick, stones; dirt, sand, or with any other material or thiiv of- any-kind whatsoever, and rth:i! any suclu;htruciicnis Lcrebv declared to bii nui.-ance an 1 sul-jct to ? peremptory, abate ment, by removal or otherwise, by the street comniittcp.atler iweaty-fjnr hours police to the parties so obstructing '.ho said street?, hues," alleys,' br' sljewalis,' given; by one or more of said c.o;in'u(tQ to remove the same, which abatemont cr removal shilf'where the parties. refuse or "neglect to do sop after notice as aforesaid, be tnado by; orunder tlie direction cf, the "said street committee, at the expense of; the-parties, as aforesaid, causing ,"frai J, obstruction, with twenty. per centum added to jhe c.t ificrcof, as directed by. the Act cf Afi-setnlly "in such cases 'm-iue and provided. ' " "' ..'... j. Section 2. Any person building, cr about to build,.. fce'ore laying any building material upon any of the streets, " lanes. alley, or. tide walks of. the gjid borough is hereby rcnuireJ. to tako out a permit, which shall be UsUv-'i o-j application lo. the Chief Durgcss, ly occupy so : much of any,"such street, lane, alley or sidcwaNf, without caus ing any unnecessary ohttructich thereof, as may be necessary for the. purposes of tald building, w hich' permit shall,; ia no instance, bo granted for a longer period than three months, . nor., under iiny circumstances, be construed to porinit the obstruction of gut ters; ...J'roculeU, . That ; upon . sitisfactory cause beingshown the siid permit' may be renewed Irom time t time, at the discretion of the Burgess. .'A Jai'urc" to comply 'with the requirements of tin section, will subject all material. and the owner, or owners. thereof, to air. the . paua! lies . of section 1 of this Ordinance, after due notice to remove the same, and failure to do so, as provided in t-aid section. ' r- "'. ' Section 3- All Ordinances,-or parts ol Ordinances or By-La ws now in force, con flicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, are hereby repca.'ed. : .'I. :U" Enacted , mio, an ordinance, by council, and approved, July 17, Anno Domini 15GS. Attest En. L. Wolf, Secretary. July 23,. lv?G?.-3v. ' .; '. . 3Iau!icod: llouLost, HoiTllestorcd Tyfi' Just published, a new edition of ff&7 CtLVERWELt's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without nied c'ne) cf SrERM VTor.r.Ka:A, or Seminal Vv'eakuCv?, . Involuntary Seminal Losses, lMroTENCY, Mental and Physical Incapaciiy, .Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also. Co.NscMrnoN, Epilepsy, and Fits. induced . by telf-indulgeiiCC or sexual ': ex travagance. ' ; " -i ' ' ; OCT" Price, in a scaled envelope, only' 0 cents. ' ' ." '' ' ' I i The celebrated author, in this admirable cssa, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years successful practice, that the nlarm- iny consequences of self-abuse may be radi cally cured without the dangerous use of the knife; pointing out a moJo ot curc at once simple, certain, and. effectual, by mt;ans of which, every. sufferer, no, matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. ' ; ' V'" ' ' OOI'his Lecture ' thou Id be in the' hands cf e cry youth and every man in the lind. ' Sent, tinder seal,! iri a plain emelope, to any addrcs-v. poftvnidcii rt-ceipC of t-ix cents, or l wo n-ij-t Mamps.' Als. Dr. Culverwcll's Marriage Guide," price 25 cents.' Address the Publis-he'rsy ' f . ' - 1 ' CD AS. J. C. KLINE & CO , 1 ' 127 Bowery. New York, July 2, 150-ly.V " Post-Office Box 4,086. V4 MOWER. REAPER. CA combination of different patents.1) FT COMBINES MORE VALUABLE L foatares and w;i!l b-tter"nicel the want. of lrmera than any Machine ever invented. Has been in use : for the past seven years, and has proved a per!cct success. Can be worked euccessfuliy on rough "and stony land, and islhe m:.st durable-Biach:ne in use. Ha9 a looses pole and no pressure on the horse's neck. Has an elevating lever foi raising the bar.' The' bar "can be retained at any required heighth wi'hout the assist ance of tho driver; and can bo securely fold ed for transports im. The Cutt r-bar, in front of driver, is inojnted o.i wheels which reduces the frictiou, and by mcfins of which iho height of cut can be regulated. The pitented -draft arrangement prevents sidt draft, and enables- the Cutters lo pass in and Out of furrows with ease and safety. . The CJuards'uro of malleallo Mron, steel faced; ate plced'-iCar tojcthcr'o-i the B.ir and ferni a' protection to: the-Cutter", and ore warranted not 'to break.' - Tho Bar and Frame arc raised' at the same time and ob btructions passed,! between the. Avheels, at .hij-b'afc th h.le. -T,!w working pirts and Bir always retain tnes.unc rclaiivo pasition; there is, thcrqoro, no unnatural btrain or wear on tho garinjj .oriJvnilt bar, as U the case in oilier machined. .Every machine ik warranted, .. . , . ? . ' ,Yliitcoinb's Sulky Hay.IUke." y. v 'Sliare'8 Coulter Harrow. ...Send for a Pamphlet, giving detailed De scriptions and Illuisir itioaa. . , -. . , : -r. .". IVTtliOASDAl.E. Agent, J.." ' ' , Delawiirc Water Gip, t Apiil o0, i-r6.-3ni. .; ; . :: Qiviv.S,.' .; :..; 10 t&frd:?rmhi stii 'i :Si::i;S;;;' " ' " .tf y-ff&tf-" i 3 -.'. '; ' in 1 1 i - SPECIAL NOTICE ? TO F.1R.HERS A5D ILL TEESWS OU.M.XO !I ORSES.CATTJJi SHEEP- 4r HOGS ( i In the spring of ihd year when a Horse is about sheding Jiis coat nothing will do him belter service than a teaspoonlul of... f, .YOU ATI'S ) CONDITION. rOWDER, "every morning, well mixed wj;h his feed.; -q . t : "COWS. o i In "rnilkinjr ecu s' the subscriber feels con- ' fldent. thit Yovatt's Powder, as he now prepares it. wilf osionish all who use it, and - convince the most incredulous to say that by feding a cow "one leaspoonful of Yocatt's Powder once a day will bo much increase. the-quantity and quility of the milk as to yield one pound of Butter per week morer is promising muco, vet we have tne eviderce" of buudreJa to prove thi assertion. Thi'r increasa is made ly keeping the cow in tl hca Ith v condition w ith a gooj appetite. I HOGS and SHEEP-will be greatly bene fitted by uu'ng this powder. ' One of our cuetomers t.v.rs thht bo had 10 thceo all of wh:cli hid the Distemper, and concluded he would try an experiment with YorArr's ' Powder he pave half of tho number tho Powder, and they recovered in a short time,, the rest died. . Thegemfif.c YOUATTS VEGETATIVE: CONDITION POWDER is propped fron: Youatt's original Recipe at lloilinshead Drug Store. A'f other is a counterfeit. ; Try it and be Convinced. i W, HOLLINSIIEAD. March 12L15G3. : ' LO OK OUT - S ; : ( ! ' : - ... ' ' , ' , VOW THE , ,, - ! bCOMOTIEI :: iJM.'. PETFJIS, hiving rcce'ntiy 7 t puichased Smith &. Trible's -stand, at i EAST STROUDSBURG, . . ? near' the 'Depot; and commenced business with' a 'determination to pleabe, "fetfla justi fied in asking the . continued patronage of' tlie old customers of this establishment. Ho -has taken as a'psrtner - in his ; store, Col. Moll's son, from Mil for J, and they, have fill-r ed the store; with an entire - ' " ' ;" ; NIIW STOCIi OF GOODS, such as ; . ; .; - ; ., . . Dry" Goods, .' .Notions, Groceries, , Provisions, Hardware, V . Willow Waret Boots and : Shoes'." . " " ".; Feed and Hour. ' i - t. t - which they offer vefy'chcap for cash, or in exchange for Produce. Call and examine cur stock before you purchase, and you will, have great reason to be thankful for so do-' ing. - .' ; ' PETERS &. MOTT ' May 21, 15C3. . LYNN'S . . . .... :: GREAT GERMAN ROOT AND HERB STOMACH -BITTEBS! MAMTACTERED axd sold by a;.-i-i. LYosrisr, SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. These Bitters are a certain remedy for, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Headache, AVre ousness. Loss of Appetite, and is a positive preventive of all DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH. The German Herb Stomach Bitters has m restoring, influence upon the system, cspe cnlly upon ' the Digestive Organs, and ia recommended to all persons in delicate health. It is an excellent remedy for Sum mer Complaint, and no family, should, be without it. ' . .. ' ' ' A. II. LYNN has secured the services or a man wlio has had mjny years experience in the tr.anuficture of Bitters, in the well--known German 'Bitttrs Manufactory 5" Schirr.mel &. Co , Leipzig, Germany, and has made arrangements with them for Ger man herbs, roots, &c., necessary for tUa manufacture of the Bitters. . 4 the gekiaS iiiKB srairn hitters ' - is now ready to be sent anywhere. All or ders, wilh which I may be favored will ba delivered nt 6hort notice. A trial of the Bitters is respectfully as-ked. A. II. LYNN, Manufacturer, ' South Bethlehem, Penrt. Sold by C. S. Dctrick &, Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Stroudsburg, Pa.' .- Juue -4, 150S.-Iyr. . , loosTthis way, -;' -tin.: -j-. -ALL WHO WAST - Carriage Wovli cr EIack$Biit3i!Hg; r- n r..f ; DONE IN A .'-.'''' SUPERIOR MANNER! THK Subscriber bcs leare to Irj- Tforui the public that he is fully pre pared; ot b is establishment, at the corner of Simpson' an J Sarah streets-io the borough' of Stroudsburg to make Uv order, every s!jlo of ' ; . Carriage, Wagon, v and) in fact, everything iu his line cf bu siness, at the shortest possible uotice, and on. tho ticst rcascDuhlo terms. T Carriages repaired, trimmed aud paiub ed in the Lest style of the art. llavtug .-first-class. material 'alwfiys oa hanJ; aud none but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that none . but lirit class work' will le turned but.ai his fchop. , - , ,.', In cou-aectlon wilh his Carriagtx Shop ho , has also a lJlacksuiiihShop whero superior workmen will always bo foun4 ready toaitend to the orders of customers i The publi? aro invited to call and cx amino his stock before purchasinir else where, j 1 0 VALENTINE KAUT35. , September 19, lSG7.-tf. , -. , ,. , . J AST CALL! . " The undersigned "respectfully informs alt persons indebted to him by Note or Book ac coontMhat he is row iu want of money u enuble him to' fulfill cngagenienta he ha made for putting up a new Brick building wh?re the old framo now stands. , All vho promptly rcsjonJ to this call will receive hi thankfVaud those who fail will be couipelletl to pay. " " ' " ' 1 NICHOLAS RUSTER." , Stroudsburg, Dec. '12, ' ' " :- 1 O II T Hi' iV WH Y IT I thtt when any one come lo Stroud. bufir tvbuy Futnitote, tlicy aluy tinquue fur McCartv'a Furaituic w'tcr I Stpt. V&-. li