--- - .:. ill I i 1 ! ' - 1 1 I . CijC-ScffClOniaU-THirRSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1868. FOB PRESIDENT, UL.YSSES S. GRANT, -: ' 01- ILLINOIS. FOB. A'ICeTpBESIDENT, ;SCIIU.YLEU COLFAX, OF INDIANA. . REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. JOHN F . II A II T II A N F T FOU SUnVEYOH-GEXLRAL, -. Gr.s J A C O B M. C A M 1' B E L L SUCCESSFUL, DECAUSE OF SUI'lv itkicr MrniT. ISIks X. A. AtLEN'e iMritov- ;n(T!Pij I!air KtsronEii cr Dressing : in one lollle.) t:ery Urvg gist sens Price Cue Dollar. Sao Biiacli of Grapes it. On Standard in anothcrcclumn. SPEKR'S . STANDARD WINE BITTERS hiijhlv recommended by physicians for Jysfentic3. on account ot lis tonic pro pertkj?, its purity, an J its delicious flavor OCj'Wc feel gratified at Icing- alio to an nounce, that the Fair and Festival, held by - llie ladies of the Fresbjlerian Church, last week, to raise funds to furnish the new Church, in fccordancc with a p!edge oj theirs, was a complete success. The net pro- eeed, vc are informed, reached nearly sev en hundred dollars. Episcopal Church Service. Episcopal servics will be held, on Sunday ' next, at the Delaware Water Gap, at 10 o' clock, 8. m., and at the old Presbyterian Church, in Stroudtlurg-, at 4 o'clock, p. m. The Ilev. Mr. Coleman, of Mauch Chunk, is xnected to officiate. A corjial invitation is extended to the public to be present. "''.' . Casp Meeting. The Evar.gelical Association cf Monroe Circuit, will hold a Camp Meeting, in the Grove, on Air. Strcepe's land, in Chestnut- Li'I township, about one mils east of Srod , hcadsvillc, Monroe coua'y, Pa., coramor.cing Friday, the 11th day of September, and to . continue one week. A cordial invitation to be present is exuuded to the public gener ally. DAVIS IIAMCHIGHT. Preacher in Charge. Grapo Bitters. Every cr.e knows the value of the grape, as a Jucious end healthy fruit. Specr'e Standard Wine B.ttcrs" is the ultimate of the grape; in its properties mildly stimuli tinir. diuretic, sudorific, and tonic. More than 6cven-cirhthscf them are the pure joice vf the grape, f imply made bitter by Peruvian Park, Chamomile Flowers, Snake Root, Cal amus, Wild Cherry Park, &c. Sold by Dr l- gta 2- The MauchXhunk Gazetic, following the fashion of the times, we observe, has been enlarged to a thirty-two column paper, and is now printed on a power press. The Ga zette wns always an excellent paper ; and we nre srfticScd that its enlargement cannot but redound more to tha literary benefit of its render.-, t'jan to the pecuniary benefit of it? proprietors. The litter hive oar bisL wieh es for a pleasant and pro2talle fj!nr-3.; (7Wc have just read, with considerable interest, tiie pro?rcctus cf the "Home Life Insurance company." The company is ope ting under New York Slic laws, and ap pears to be doing a safe and profitable busi ncs. Ail policies of the "liorne are non Borfeiling, and the assured, in all cases, gets all the insurance he pays for. Its present number of policies ia force is 10,0C0, and its mreets reach the gocul taJ wholcconie sum of -l,e02,237 S3. It has offices at 18 Court street Brooklyn, and at 2oS Broadway, N. Y and has for its officers and directors Tcn: ilerhan of probity, selected froai amongU?e leet 'townees men f both cities. Mr. Geo. -.1 Walker, cur well known Real Estatc "Broker, and who is really one of bur roost ac tive and efScieifl business men, has the agen cy for this section cf country. ' i Wa H. H. Eartrain. Among t!ie many notable charges daily occurring, fronv-ihe Democratic to the Union ide of the f optical Xorld, we know of no ne nvre worthy of grave consideration, io Ibis latitude, than that of Wm. II. II. Bar tram. During the McClellan campaign Mr. B. resided in Middle Smith field township, in this com ty, and' w as one of. the most, if not ei!ly the most, cfiective of the Democratic pcakera iwtrcKluced into this section of coun try. He fairly divided the honors with Rev. C. C. Burr -for earnestness of oratory, and xeal iu the cause in which he wag cn"aed. o o fio much were the Middle Smithfitlders ta ken up with him, tint a largs majority of tlie Democracy listened to him in preference even to C. C. Burr himself. Mr. Bartram is1 now the editor and publisher of the Indcpcn dent, published at Midland, Michigan, and is battling right manfully fjr the success of Grant &. Colfax.' His labors in the good C&nse are not confined alone to the editing of the paper. As a member of the Repub lican County Committee, and on the . stump, he ia equally earnest, and active for the advancement of correct principles. We gladly welcome the Independent to our ex change list, and Jieartily wish its editor a fulj measure both of po!itical anj pecuniary euc. ORGANIZE. Ves, that's the word, brethren, and the word gives tho idea." Organize, ii is not necessary that we wait to be jogged, or call- ed upon, by some one having aumoruy. ii we wait, we may never get ourselves into 1 t 1 active, working order; nnu mc issues ui take, in the pre.-ent contest, are altogether too impottar.t for us to think of allowing a day to pdss by without active, earnest, telling work being done. We t-hould await the ac lion of no one, but every Republican should and every true Republican will, resolve him self into a committee of one, and labor to raihcr together all who arcc W illi him, Tor frequent consultation as to the best means of seccrin- a full vote ot our own in October ami November, and securing for our excellent ticket the addition of as many from the ranks ofour opponents as possible. We should form Grant and Colfax Clubs : and ' this can as readily be done by an carnet movement o two or thice as by a dozen. You hive only fmlraw usa paper worded something like w i I this . : t - 'We, the undersigned, pledge ourselves to support thenotn'iiationsof ihc ltepi:Uican party for the several fifiices to be filled at the coming, fall elections, and we agree to form a Club for cur more perfect organiza tion, and for. the more certain advancement of the great cause in which wc are cniict Sign this yourself, and get as many to sijrn with you asyou can. Tliis accompiiscd appoint a suitable night for your meeting, to which invite your neighbors, no matter what shade of political ' opinion, and i:o- matter whether signers or not. - At this meeting e- lect a ' President, two -Vice Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer.. Let ihce be active, , intelligent, working men, and you will have your organization properly comple ted. This done, place yourself in correspon dence with your Couuty Standing Commit ter, secure a supply of documents, and go to wor like nailors, giving every moment yon cin possibly spare from your accustom ed labors t the good cause. With "such organization, and with such work properly performed, it will not require many campaigns tochangetbe political com plexion of this democratically benighted re gion. The people are heartily sick and tired of their thraldom to political parasites and corrupt party leaders. The harvest for Re publican voters is even now ripe; ana it needs but that stalwart men ia!I wield the keen scythes of truth cmoung the people, to ensure a yield of an hundred fold beyond what has ever yet been gathered for our coun try, its institutions anj their perpetuity, in this broad field ofdemigegue-ridden Monroe. Bear in mind thit it is little grains of sand which form mountains, an J from little drops of water the oceans are gathered. Little ef forts, earnestly made, and faithfuFy fallow ed up, will j'jst as certainly produce a Re publican majority in Monrce, as they did in Susquehanna, and Rradford, and the other couuties of the State, rescued from the pes tilent embrace of the slave adoring Democ racy. Republicans, organize and try. .The game is certainly worth the effort to secure it. ' - Post Wadsworth, No. '150, G. A. R . Last Tuesday eveninjr, Col. II.' F. Beaxid: m', a-sit-teil by Cajrf. L. II. WiHTTi.E.SEV, ?K)th of Great Rcml, mur-tercil in the charter mcmlxTs, and perft-ctcfl the orgnniz:itim of I'o.--t Xo. 1 30, f Irand 'Army of the Republic, Department f IVna-vlvanhi. Bvtwecn tliirty and forty old. Soldiers were jiresLiit at tlil meeting, many of them rcpixst-ntativt of the let regiments furnished to the Goveninu-nt by the Old Keystone State." After organization, on motion, the Post vrim named in honor of the prallnnt WAnswoimi, and will le known Lcre:iftt r by that name. Aiitr muster, the Po.-t jTOfekil to an elec tion of ofiiccrs fur the ensuing term, ending' with January J. -4, 15UP, with the following re sult : JW CvmminJer John W. Walker. &;nlor Yirc CMunrnlrr IIcnj.T. 1 lunt.-'inan. Junior Vice V"i:mn:i1cr II. B. Ilitcheoelc Chipfria Lovi Smith. 'Adjutant D. S. Lee. V V Surgeon Clia. .1. Yettcr. . , , (Jvartcr Ma!cr John McCarty; :', &rt M"j'' A. C Janiitn. ' Q. ?I. SnrtftThco. Down." Tie f jllowing officers were appointed by Poe t Commander Walker : ''.'- ' . Ojjlccr (f Jfay 1L W. Reynolds. . .' Ojjiscr iff Guard -S. S. Lev. i , : Col. Beakdsley then installed ihe newly elected OjHecrs into their respective jKMitioiiH, after which considerable jxcncral busdnes w as done, and the Kncatupincnt of l'ost No. 1-jO adjourned to met't on -Wednesday evening of next week, at Thomas' Hotel, Ea.t .Strouehs- Inirj;.' ;; '. ' We fire assured by Cajt. Whittlesey, that no Post in his knowledge Ptarte-! out tmder more favorable auspices than docs Po-t WadirorlL. lie pays our "boys in Blue" a hiH "eompli ment in the remark tltat "the Post is composed of men of inteUIene-e, and its jofliceT cannot fail to make It a Auccess."," He lhink there js no obstacle in the way of thL Post' ranking among thy firot in ihli Department. Certainly not more than one, if one;, other Tost starts out with a better or. larger charter jncnibepdiip in Eastern Pciin.vlvauhi. We trust 'the time I far distant when Pot Wadsworth No. l'A) fliall take a "back seat' and hincertly hope it.- days of uscfubiess and patriot ie effort may. outlive its enemies', r.nd the traduwra of the fair najue of the G. A.R. . . . : ; . , i ' The acquaintance formed, with Captain L. 11. Wjuttj-esey, Editor of the "Pcnnsyl vanian," published at Great Bend, P:u, and tint few hours of his corupany, njoyed by tin, on Tueslay and Wednesday, forms aiuwt a fjrecable episode in' our Editorial life.' The Capt ain is a wholesoled, clever gcntle-nian, and one whom w e often hope to meet. .' Col. H. F. Beaujley, whose acquaintance w e also made, at the same time, though not a member of thr eraft, i3 so near the right ftripe hat wc really think he ought to If. May their shadows nev er be less. '-- J6ST Wc had designed this w etlvaking a .nr.tbv vuof the -lical: 'Es'tato business Hi Monroe' County for the last ciglicen months, md of the inirrovcnieiitSJjiacli haet growirotst of that Inwuewi through the incentive zU cn it bv the t fliciont nge-nry establk-hecl, in tins t.or ou"h and -now conducted byd rr O wtfinfe l Vai.kek. By. means of this ageney our eoun- tv has been literally opened up to the view of capitalists aWoad; and as' a conse-queucc farms, town lots, and Water powers in rent liuniTjer? have found ready purchscrs at goenl juices, ar.d the demand instead of diminishing is rapidly i: ncreasin;. By .Mr; "Walker's air ::uid sqi'.are nanncr of doing business, in so far as we can learn, in everv instance, both ieller- nd pur chaser ha been 'made perfectly satisfied. with his bargain. We will touch the matter more at length in a future number of our paper.' T 0C7"A friend who has travelled in Gcrma ny, reports the following incident for which lie vouches: During the summer. Dr. J. C. Aycr spent some weeks ot Dresden, in con ference with the chemists of Central Europe, where he was heralded as the ' inventor of ihe wotld-rcnouncd medicines that, bear his name, and cnnsidcreJ one of the American celebrities. While ridiug.one day.hisopen carriage fell in with the cortege of the King of Saxony, on a drive - from the review. The Doctor scon became the chief at traction and received the marked attention of the people, who were even more demonstrative in their courtesies to him than to Kirg John himself whom they see so constantly. King John', observing thus, wrapped' his military cloak around him and reclined on his scat, while our great American medicine man did the honors for tho royal retinue, graciously bowing, hat .in hand, on every side, uutil wearied by his excessive condescension .to this old monarch's people. -' ; ?s '"' w " ' , ' . 7 : Communicated. ' - At a regular meeting of Oakland Lodge, No. 512, I. O. of G. T., held July 23th, 15G?, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : " . . Viiereas,.. It has pleased God, in His all wise providence, to remove, suddenly, our beloved brother, Albert L. Northrop, a mem ber cf Canadensis Lodge, N. 394, therefore, be it -" " - -. . licsolccJ, That in this sudden and afrlic live dispensation of Divine Providence, the members of our sister Lodge have sustained tin irreparable loss, the community a relia ble and intelligent citizen, and the Tempe rance cause a faithful and efficient advocate and supporter. . " . Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt sympathies to the relations and friends of the deceased, and, in this the hour of their ssd bereavement, would point them to "Him who docth all things well," for cemfort and con solation. - -r ' Resolved, That the family ofthedecesseJ, and the Lodge cf which he was a member, be furhiihed a copy of these re!utions, and that they be published in the Keystone Good Tcmp'ar, the Monroe Democrat, and the Jcf fcrsonian. . - E. II. I1KLLER, ) ELY UTT, , V Com'tec JEREMIAH KRESGE,) Death cf.ThaddeTis Stevens. Thaddeus Stevens died at precisclj 12 o'clock, Tuesday night, at Ii is resiJence in Washington, pa Capitol Hill. Simon Stevens, ThaJJeus Stevens, jr., a uep hew, anJ his liousekecper, .Irs., Smith, were at his led side; also, sister Loretta auel sister Genevieve, of Ihe .Providence, Hospital, and J. Scott. Patterson, of, the Interior Department, and the servants of his household. Breathing his la.;t, he passed away quietly and calmly, without a strugs le, B3 though falling asleep. - Will it be Done Again ? 1 In 185(3, soon after tho Democratic Convention, a r arty of Democrats were talking together over the proceedings. - We happened to be present, and iu re ference to the momuations, one of them zealously remarked, ''Bachauau I the old fool ! lie will do to run the campaign, but we want a young man for action.- llut a Jy does of medicine will settle Mr. Dcchanan was elected, and a sly does cf medcine was r; J ministered at the National Hotel, which, however, . failed of the mark.- Mr. Duchanan did not die. and John U. Hreckinndge did not be come President. . Is the nomination of Mr. Seymour like that of Doclianan, to be followed , by the poisouing of the President, in order to give a young man like Prauk P. Blair, with his revolutionary letter, the sncces sion to the Acting Presidency ? It looks as though that were intended. Will it succeed? Soldier' Friend. The following are amon the ardent supporters and f riends of Grant and ' the Chicago l'latforiii : . SlJKRMAX, -. SilKBlAN,' Zl , -Thomas, - , . j . Pa It IIAGL'T. ... -; r t - The following are aiusng.lbe ardent supporters, and friends of Seymour arid the lammany l'latloroi.: ; f,n:. Bkauuixiaud, " i 1'onar.sT, "' - ? - i ' HaMTOX -: ::.j-'..:.r. ; - t '-tJKKM '1 . J; jJ; l I , Toombs u .'i o) : Which will you - staod .bythe men that fought to save your GorernincDt-or those who fought to destroy it. If the Jormer join the (Jrant Club to- morrow uigut. A 'Pew days ego a gentleman 'visited Wooster, Ohio, looking for a site oo which to locate a paper mill. As soon as his er rand was known the business men ofthc j lace, instead of raising their rents and the price of lots, at once proposed to fur. nish hem, free of cost, a suitable site and a steam engine to run his machinery. He accepted the proposition, and will er ect a mill that will cost about $35,000. The business mcu of Wooster. Ouio, have uuucrsuuuing. .,: I im .'.1 The New-York corrcspotulVnt of the Phila" JeTpVta Jtlfer " says :-uV e ' ?f' interesting political rumor of-the day "is lat Mr. Scwafd, who passed through the city jesterday, on !his ; way to Auburn, was uLutit'to. break.gxouDd UrU-avWJiL Gen. Grant. A brief editorial in one ol the Republican-morning papers 1ms a hint to the same effect ;.but the Secretary, in cobyorstition pti the subject, I'auaardl, was much more outspoken than the hint would seem to imply. Ihe Democratic politicians were not a little perplexed by this . iu6vc'men t.' They 'say: they, c juoof understand h6w the Secretary can take su'tli a position, and yet' occupy-np!ace in- the Cabinet of: President ! Johnson. But in answer to this, the more knowing ones oh the other side iutitnatc that, if they will t have patience : awhile longer. President Johnsou himscli will be follow iug the example of his Secretary of Sta te That is how both sides are talking:: : Time must tell which; is nearer..thc truth." : !!..-. : : . ...? .-The PresidentjOf tho-South. Caruliua Democratic State Convention, held on tho Gth inst. at Columbia, on. taking ,his scat in the chair, said :;,r - i, , Your State hus been dcspoileJ'of her sovereignty; your, people havctTbeen rue piivcd'ol their1. liberty. v -You are nowu terinc: on tho great work of 'restoration Wc must restore the great, . proud,. nobU Carolina of former days.! Cheers. J . Ihe cruinbliug walls aud solitary, smokeless chimneys of your noble State House arc typical of our present political cuuditiou. Thank.God, that noble, Jbravo building lies iu ruins. : Applause. f.lhaukUocl it is qot desecrated by: these, -beings .who assume tCrlegislate for us., ,Ijct-U3.fre solve before bih Heaven that tha Ltu which was once the home of the Iluquo- not and the Cavalier, shall never be ruled by the Puritan aud Afrifcan.'.' Great ap p'ause- ;.-...-,,. . ., ;Mr.,Wado Ilamptoa coutiivcd to mod crate the blustering and bullying, rcsolu tions iuto Pickwickian nothings, but the real animus of the Convention is dPy cd in . the above speech,, which, was not probably submitted for the lammany de icgatcs- revision. At a Seymour ?and Blair ratification meeting at Atlanta, Ueorgiaj one of . the speakers denounced the constitution?. ameudinentas "prcpurcd'.' principally for the purpose of keeping out of ouici sue centlemen and true patriots as A.. II. btc t.hcns,1 Howell Cobb. Robert .Toombs, 1 11. Hill,. John C.-Breckenridge and. Jef lersen Davis ! As the speaker' nam rath of the patriots in the above list there was a storm of cheers ; but when te mcu tioned the' name of Jell Davis,, the , ha was at once the scene of a wiuf and ,tu multuous uproar. Both, delegates am! spectators jumped to their feet as if in excitement' uncontrollable. k rllats and handkerchiefs were waved nal shak( fiercely above their beads, and vel!.-; and shouts and cbcers and wild : stamping for the space of several minutes shook the hall. It was the "old rebel yell." v According to the New York YorlJ -v 1 Jsruocrats -liaTC out a sum chance; on which ti hang a feeble hope. , It says : t:Our success depends upon our ability to bring over a few votes from tho other side in live or six states ; unless wc can ac complished .this,, luf-t year's - election ie turcs'suow that wc shall Le defeated." This 13 undoubtedly ouc of those "honest confessions good for the soul." It de fines the exact .situation in a few words. Every one can judgevof the chances of Democratic success by .lookicg around hitn' ud feeing who of. his. .hitherto Re publican . neighbors are going to desert and go-over te the euemy. Doubtless his own locality will be a very good index of other places, as likes causes produce like effects, and the same causes are'apcrating throughout the country."! ! The President is reforming. Ho' for merly violated the law first, and called on his Attorney-General for his opinion af terward. Now he ask3 Mr. Kvarts to in form him whether be can lawfully appoint a successor to Commissioner Rollins, and whether be can regard Congress an hav ing adjourned instead of taking a recess, and whether, consequently, he can make appointments to the Russian; A'enezuclan, aud l-'cuador missions; and not only so, but he purposes to wait until 3Ir.-Kvarts givc3 his opiuion.- It is not even certain that he will not be guided by' it wheu given. Wc may thank the Democratic Convention for having sat so early. ' The Western papers annbuuee the ap "pearance .of a most singular and fatal disease among the cows in that part of the country." It is believed that tlie disease has been introduced by cattle from Texas. It isasccrtaiticd that upon "all; the "cows that have died there are" immense num bers of ticks and lipc such as arc" always to be found on : the"5. Texas ; cattle.3 'The cows generally did on the third' day after iny arc - attacKpu. "o- rcrac'jy nas'yei been found foV the 'disease. v Iu the vici nity of New Albany,' -Indiana- over tne hundred cows have already died. i. i I " - '. , I, -re i. The largest man in Kcritucky7,JWmG. Willis, has j usF"dieJ aE" his residence in Boon county, in that S(ater6f apoplexy. He was siek but. a few' hoursi "Ilisage was forty -eight! Ilc was without ' doubt the largest man in the State, weiphing fire hundred pounds on. the day pf his death. Ilfs height tvas about six ffet.V lie kept a toll-gate,' aud the' passer by had to' go to him to pay their toll in 5 place1 of ' him goiug to them. . 1 '. J'" ")' i - 1 T, Patriots .will 'remember' that" whin "Judge' Wooward was ruunlug for the Governshlp'of this State 1t was openly asserted by theDemocracy that, should he be elected, DOTJuion trpops should pass to ihe front through -New Tork ur Pc n n s j I v a n i a 1 h a t S ey m b u r a n d 5 Voo d -ward would throttle the' Government and cud tho war. ,i ' '" ,.-''""!.' ' ! ' ' The Moston Iust says .Mr. Seymour Is an "irrststablc besom," Why iiotallhiui a paralcllogarui and done with it ?.-Jt-; Last fall Frank 1. Elair passed down the -Missouri river ou a steamer wh av for some time at our levee. i '-A cum- ber'of our citizens went aboard to pay their respects to him. At-Mcngth coot versation turned upon ir.c relative merits of 09 auJ ""a.3 gentlemen present expressed it as Tiu, thanSficrman an J all the balance of them hnPA into one..' Will the supporters of Mr. Blair accept this opinion of their chief and cease their senseless twaddle ibout Grant's incapacity ? SY. Joseph ( iVtf . ) Uh i'Ht - Death o Gk:?. C: 0. IIalvine. With intense regret wc announce the sudr dcn'deatiron Monday morning of Brcv.' Brig.-Gen., Chat les G.. Halpinq,., better known to r the reading', public as ''Miles O'Kcily."-, He died from -congcstloa of tho, brain, supenudace l oy sunstroke, re ceived a weekasb. and from'whicu'ho has been suffering since. lie was Register of the city aud County cf New York, aul editor of the New York' Citizen. . A bril liant writer 'a brave soldier, a warm friend. Gen: Ilakiuc's death jyj.ll be deeply de- 1 lie, was -the autliorj'.of the piece of Poetry, which appeared in the Tribune," a row years ago, addressed to the 'Vmcricah flag, and' commencing: "f'. e;'(. .'X.''A ' ' " Take down that Haunting lic." ) v. . - ";r- r"TT . . . : 7 : ; Howell Cul, after , his CendisU speeeb at Atlauta. Ga., a few days ago, anathem atizing and denouncing the Uniou men of the -Soath, should. rremcmber Andrew job uson's scathing rebuke delivered,, iu the Senate in 1SG0. ,Tn referring to the seceding tuumbcrs of Buchanan's Cabinet, Mr, Johnson said i ,"t!obb remained in the Cabiuct until the Treasury was bauk- rupt .anel the national credit: disgraced at home and abroad, aud then -Vc. conscien tiously seceded J'. , -Such is the maa who sets himself up as a censor ol men and morals at the, South, as described, by cae who is at. present, his bosom friend They have in Iowa -a notorious ; Cop perhcadr of the Brick Pouicroy species named Claggct. This specimen. of Dcm ocracy. has received a uomiuatiou ; for Cougrcss, and, taking his cue from Blair. harrangues the people in a style of which the following -is a sample : We. tell them (the Republicans) that the days of their tyranny and thieving are fast drawing to a close, and that they, will go out of of fice at the-next Presidential election, either by ballots or bullet3 by ballots if the people are allowed to vote, . and by bullets it they are not. , ; ; ; - . - - ; "r A leading Democrat of Port Jervis, Y., in a note to the editor of The Union, says:I can t go', becession and Copper hc.i'iisni as cmoouicd in the nominations of the Democrats. . I don't see it. I be lievc the best blood of this country was shed in putting down . the , most ; wicked and infernal, of all rebellions. . We mus stick to our principles (all good Democrat, and Republicans alike), and stand by th. oia lug ana treuu unaer our icet tne iu of secession aud repudiation unfurled an: borne by Horatio Seymour. I tell you we must whip them again, and we will do it' . .. - .,... " The Elmira Gazette, the only Demo crafie daily in .Chemung Couuty, .New Ytuk, lias co;nc out for Grant and Colfax declaring that Horatio, Seymour can not and'shouTd uot bo, clcctd President of the Uuitod .State i.?". The Gazette wiil do ot J service, ,'ThcK!njira Advertiser .says' it is unJei'tovl that no attempt will be made to' establish Democratic,' paper In that city. A political count of the Boston" Corn Exchange has been male with the follow ing result : Of 217 members, ' IDS favor the election of Grant, ob Seymour', la arc doubtful, o would 'not' vote, and 4," were not in town. .Now we shall, hear the Democrats talk about ' the "Puritauieal faualicism ol lassachuselts." ' ' , TtfKjYitiVAPAJU.K Ptti has r arrived and can be ccn in J.jrry's Museum'-' for August.; .The subscriplioo price of this sprightly" monthly for, young people, is only 51.50 per auuum, with liberal terms to Clubs aud valuable premiums for new subscribers. ' The Publisher will send a specimen number free, to -auy one who wishes to .'form.' a Club. . Address, Ilou . acc 11. I'ULLtit, uS3. Washiu'glon Street, Boston.; .;, . " Col. 11 B. Burnham, TJ1 ' S., ? Judge Advocafc(of the; II ustings' Court;' Kicli uiond, Va , is in idwa visiting his brother, II. B.VBurnham; of tho.A'allcv House. lie is takipg vacation from hll iirduot s labors, being obliged to held court three weeks in, every mouth1, besides 'attending to the' duties of , his military position. Sci-uuton Hcitubllciin. , ' ' , ' - -t : .--m v w. I '.A .1 .';:',!-:; ! .Thcj1 FlOjr.Vpcr. CeuLXCIauw of. the Bankrupt Act, wbkh provided . that .no person should. be dbcliarged whos 'estate would not pay fifty "per cent., puttie dollar, an d which, took effect on the 1st of Juue lust,. has been further pxhcuded'to the 1st of Jauuary next.,,. This gives five months . ".. . . z i -' j x-1 - '.-.- more: .uuie, ior,ii;o applications Ct "those who have no assets. I ho corner stoue of the -new Court Douec, in process of erection iu Franklin, J'a:, was'Jaid, with Odd Fellows ccrcmon ies on the. 15th inst. Colonel James , S .Myers and. Jluai John ..-McCalmont were the orators-, Among ihe doeumeuts place J jn;thc Btone was a remonstrance, , "signed by abut titty citucus, against laying tlji corner stono under; the, auspices. of a' se cret society ii i TttuWiiludefji hiu Age is quoted assay ing that ill one ward in Philadelphia, oo$ hundred, thousand Germans have com? out lor Seymour'. audiJllair,,, This is not lhe; ume,; butjhe suuio ; ,kind;of a sory, as that about j'tliQ ftcn thousaud (Cats' which were; liualljr . fcqucczed dow p- iutp 4igur old eat au4 auoihcr.oue' t 1, , HIS C EL LAN E 0 U s7" " The cost ef putting down a Democrat! Kcbcjilon was oyer ?3 ,000,000,000. Tho wheat crap of Utah is estimated at 830,000 bushels.- (lolorHdo hacuUWatcd sixty thousand acres of wheat and corn. " Vt ho bcasteu that they would norfoteT a man nor a dollar to put down the Re bellion. ? The Democratic party. One drop of strong spirits of hartshorn will iustantly remove the pain caused by sting cf a bee, wa?p, or hornet- -r . 4- , y The Helcrgh (N. C ) BtandtirJ gaaroi. tecs 50,00 raatriry for GraDt &d - Col Tax in. North Carolina. r . ?. j ?.;.,! Schurz will yreak in PcnnsylvaCriS em . !. : -C.l . t-i -i tlie political ifsusj ti iiic Viiu iu u .... latter-part ol Augast. .. ; . . '. If the Democrats love fne Uniorr and" the Constitution so wen, how it is ins- they waged war on tola lor years-1 The Hon'. TJ 'AV. 5 Green", a promincn ludiinapoiis Demacrat ; repudiates Sey mour and Blair,. and comes oUt for Grant ' and Celf!tXi'-r"v'' r.WMVHH The rDemocrntie .leaders -.say theyvant "a return to; the rule of; old-fashioned Deiaocracy' Thut's !vhal Hampton, Cobb Scmmcs, aud 'the oilier Tvcb'crh wanto' The Vmil. faysthcl Veatlicr.is very just uow."(. Haying Rot so close o-.the hot place, it will uot;tnke,iiiuch tapat , Ihem where it's alcv.l I alter ia Xoveiabcr. . '; The Hon. T. W; Green,: prominent IndiaQapoiis ' Democrat,' repudiates Sey mour and Blair,5 and comes out for Grant and Coifax.. :,,..vi.?.n. ; -:;if.r;;. Gen.' Blair took breakfast by. the side of Gea. Craut the other day in Omaha. It is the first an Plait time Blair has been, or will be in good company during- tha ,.0-. ... , . The RcbeU'arc delighted. with Frank Blair. They'sny he hai fight - id him," and that is why they like him. They didn't admire tho ''fiht" in Grant, Sher man," Sheridan, Thomas and Meade; quit so much. - ':'' ' '' ' ; -. " J ... Up in A'ermount they have a disgusted Democrat, wh'j.siys that ho 'has an old Bell and : Everett ; ticket stowed ; away at his"hou?cau 1 he is' go!ng to vote it at the Coming election. ' ' Mr.'S. S. Cox ,says of Horatio Sey mour : . "The more ynu rub him . the brighter he shines." Tlie same may" be said of a brass candlestick . aud Blair's nose. ' ' The'' Presidency has "no attractions" for Horatio Seymour. .-Oh no. He says it don't. He al?o said the nomination didn't, , He's ,a; first class dccliner, Horo tio is." 'Artemas Ward 'said 'not a: drop of good .liquor has "pn?ed my - lips in fif teen years. "Cau?e why ? I reached oui and nipped it before it got by.'' Gov. Seymour says he has beerr "cauiiht up l-y, the whirling tide." That was what.aihvl Parly when Sheridan.got after, him aud sent him "whirling through Win Chester." '. . - A veteran of an Albany battery, who fought all through the war, remarked re cently : - uTl;e- soldiers got no encourag ing words from Horatio Seymour when they were in the field, and they will give. him none now." Being a t Democrat makes the colored man fit company at dinner in South Car olina now-a days. - We read that'the col ored Democrats Jn the vicinity, of Wil Fnton, u Abbeville Disti ret, - gave an "ex cellent dinner to their white friends at that place on Slfurday last. . A larjre crowd, composed of 'whites and blacks were in attendance. Short addresses, were dpliveie l by the 'ev. Mr. Porchcr, and James Biya i, colored." " ' ; : ... r ; , L . ' ; A Sink Eobbery in Vermont. Troy, Aug 10. The first National Bank of Hast Warrington, A'crmont, wa robbed on Saturday night. 'The lock of the vault was picked by burglars, and an unknown amount cf bond-', belonging te individuals,,w;isfctolea: Nut muchmoncy was obtained. . , ,. :; ., .. ' " Spil6tices" - ,. ' -o . . . nirar jAits: rursTJAnsir At Duiiiicu ijc Bko. Drug Store, you will find a full astortmcnt cf the best Fruit Jars iu the market, at the lowest ci?li prices ' Call and sec. f July 9, 'G9. Gt The Last Success. it c ' will quickly restore Gray Hair '! to Its natural color and bcautyt ' f find produce 'luxuriant-' growth."" It hv !; . perfectly harmlcs'3, and is preferred: i!: . oxer every . ' other ! preparation ' by those who' hive a' fine head of hair," as well as those who wish to jestore J it. The beautiful gloss and perfume,, - imparted to the Hair make it desirable ti!' Iff old and young. vTlj-? , - For Bale by all DriiggUt. .. $ J DEPOT, 108 GREENWICH ST., T. rCt 1 in uA Yi rl 1 nn T "I WW K SMw V I 3 IKS&sMCt-! Nov 21, IS07.-1 yr. ;