During the two mouths ending on the 21th inst., 81,781 immigrants arrived at Castle Garden. When we remember that large numbers have also arrived at Bos ton, Baltimore, l'hiladclphia, and the Southern ports, the figures become as tounding. The wife of Edward A. Pollard, of Vir ginia, had Mr. I'ollard and Miss Crotty arrested on lucsday for assault and bat tery. In her complaint she charges Pol lard with haying consumed her means in supporting himself, and then deserting Iter. In reply he says sue is a maniac through jealousy. Special Notices, miDE TO MARRIAGE.- Young Men's Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The humane view? F benevolent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses incident to Youth and Early Man hood, sect in scaled letter envelope?, free of charge. Address HOWARD ASSOCIA TION, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa. June 4, 1SGS-Iyr. to iusuFTim rmiE REV. EDWARD A. WILSON'S f. l'rcrared Prescription for the cure of CONSUMPTION, AS III MA BRONCHI TIS, COUGHS, COLDS, and all THROAT and LUNG AFFECTIONS, has now been in uec for over ten years with the most marked sucecss. The Remedy, prepared under Mr. Wil son's personal supervision, also a pamphlet containing the original Prescription, with lull and explicit direction for preparation and use, together with a short history of h;s case, may be obtained of DREHER & BRO., Druggists, Stroudsburg, Pa., or REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, IG-j South Second St., Williamsburgb, N. Y. (0 Pamphlets furnished free of charge. May 21, JtfGS-lyr. FIFTY TIIOl'SAXD HEADS now clothed with masses of rich black and brown hair would, if they were unfortunately CUT OFF from a supply of CRISTADORO'S DYE, begin to TR. U'lIITC, red, sandy, and gray. Manhood and beauty, with the one defect in their personal appear ance remedied lv CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE, rejoice in their pood fortune, and recom mend it to all who require a perfect dvc. Manufactured by J. CKISTADORO, 'OS Maiden I-arse, New York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. June 4, 1SG.-Im. Iicli!Itcli!! Itcli!! SCRATCH! SCRATCH' SCRATCH! in from 10 to 4S hours. Wheaton's Ointment cures The Itch. WnKATOx's Ointment cures Salt Rhelm. Wh baton's Ointment cures Tetter. Wh baton's Ointment cures Careers' Itch Wn Raton's Ointment cures Old Sores. Whkaton's Ointment cures Every kind of Humor like Magic. Price, ")0 cents a box ; by mail, 60 cents. Address WEEKS PORTER, No. 170 "Washington Street, Bo.-ton, Mass. For sale bv all Druggists. Sept. 19, HG7.-lyr. DR. TOBIAS' Celebrated Venetian Liniment, whose wonderful cures, sure and instanta neous action, in cases of Chronic Rheuma tism, Hendnche, Toothache, Cuts, Burns, Cramp, Dysentery, etc., have astonished the civilized world. It . is no i.ewr catch penny, but an article th;it has stood the tcs of twenty years. The enormous sale and rapidly increasing demand is at once the surest evidence of its usefulness and popu larity. Try it and be convinced. No fam ily should be without a bottle in the house hundreds of dollars, anJ many hours of ufFering mny be saved by its timely Use. Colic, Cramp, an 1 Dysentery yield at once to its pain-curative properties. It is per fectly innocent, and can be given to the ldet pcrton or youngest child. No matter, if you have no confidence in Patent Medi cines try this, and you will be sure to buy again and recommend to your friends. Hundreds of Physici.ms recommend it in their practice. None genuine unless signed, 44 S. I. Tobias." Price 5'J cents per bo! tie. Sold by all the Drurgi'5. Df pot, SO Cort landt Street. New York. . Jine 4, lSGS.-Im. JJBBRESXO. HliRDREssiKfi; Jtewe inoneBoifte will quickly restore Gray Hair to its natural color and beauty, and produce luxuriant growth. It b perfectly harmless,' and is preferred grct every other preparation by those who have a fine head of hair, ii well as those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to the Hair make it desirable for old and young. for Bale by all DrvggUtt. pEPOTj 10S GREENWICH ST., K. Y. ov 2 1, l57 T. mi zsU Since the establishment of the Military Academy at West Point, 197 Pennsyly. anians have graduated there, which n larger number than from any other State. save cw loric, winch bas had 328 grad- PIAKKICD. At Weatherly, on the 18th inst., by the kcv.-U. r. Gray, Mr. Hkston D. Rot be. formerly of Stroudsburg, and Miss Josephine U. Uoovkn, ot eatherfy, Carbon Co., Pa At the Lutheran Parsonage, in Hamilton, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Henry Seifert, Mr. Fianklin Haney and Miss Eliza Jane Rasely, both of Hamilton. At the same place, on the same day, Yy the same, Air. Peter v. Learn and Miss Martha A. Learn? loth of Pocouo. C.W. SEIP, M.D.. Physician and Surgeon, srno cd.su cue;, pa. Office at his residence, on Main Street, nearly opposite Marsh's Hotel. All calls promptly attended to. Charges reasonable. Stroudsburg, April 11, 18G7.-tf. Caution! riHE SUBSCRIBERS HEREBY CAU JL tion all persons against trespassing on their premises, either for the purpose of swimming or for any olhcr purpose. Viola turns ot this caution will be prosecuted to the lull extent ot the law. JOHN PALMER, Jr. SYDENHAM PALMER. June IS, 1SC3. NOTICE TO THE TAX-PAYERS OF MONROE COUNTY! IN PURSUANGE OF AN ACT OF As sembly, entitled "An Act relating to the collection of State and County Taxes in the County of Monroe," approved May C, 16C7, the County Treasurer will meet the Tax payers of said County, for collection of State and Connty Taxes, in and for the following places, to wit: ior the Borough of Stroudsburg, on Sat urday, July io, at the Treasurer's office. Middle bmithneld Township, on Monday, July 27, at th c hcusc of James Place, and on Tuesday, July '2, at the house or Jacob II. Place. Sniiihiield Township, on Wednesday, '20, at the house of Laac S. Li bar, and on I lwrsday, July 30, at the house of Thomas Brodhead. Stroud Township, on Friday, July 31, at l'cter Keller's mill, and on Saturday, August 1, at the house of John Hohenshieldt. Jackson Township, at the house of Samuel R. Bossard, on Monday, August 3. Pocono Township, at the house of Man- nassch Miller, on Tuesday, August 4. Coolbaugh Township, at 'the house of Samuel Case, on Wednesday, August 5. Paradise Township, at the house of Abra ham Gish, on Thursday, August C. Birrett Township, at the house of John W. Yothers, on Friday, August 7. Pric? Township, at the house of Lewis Long, on Saturday, August 8. Eldrrd Township, on Monday, August 10, at the house of Joseph Hawk. Ross Town.-hip, on Tuesday, August 11. at the house of Jacob II. Stocker. Hamilton Township, Wednesday, August 12, at the house of Charles Bossard, at Bos sardsvillc, and Thursday, August 13, at the house of Alonzo B. Shafer, at Snydertville. Chcsnuihill Township, on Friday, August 14, at the house of John Kerchner, and on Saturday, August 15, at the house of Eliza beth Kiesgc. Polk Townthip, atthc house of Thomas E. Heller, in Ivresgcville, on Monday, Au gust 17. - Tunkhannock Township, at the house of Reuben JJ. Bonscr, on 1 uesday, August 18 Tobyhanna Township, at the house of Isaac StoufTer, on Wednesday, August 19. Tax-payers who avail themselves of the above opportunity to pay their taxes will be entitled to an alatement of FIVE PER CENT. For the convenience cf tax-piycr visiting Stroudsburg, the Treasurer will re ceive any of the above taxes, at his office, be fore said days. REUBEN GREGORY, June 18, 1503 Treasurer. W ft UAIOX MOWER & REAPER. (A combination of different patents.) IT COMBINES M ORE VA LUABLE features and will better meet the want of Farmers than any Machine ever invented. Has been in use for the past seven years and hns nroved a perfect success. Can be worked successfully on rough and stony land, and is the most durable machine in ue. (las a loose pole and no pressure on the tarse neck. Has an derating lever for raisin" the bar. The bar can be retained at any required heigh'h without the assist ance of the driver, eii'l can b? securely fold ed for transportation. The Cutt r-bar, in front of driver, is momted on wheels which reduces the friction, and by means of which 'he height of cut can be regulated. The pitented draft arrangement prevent side draft, and enables the Cutters to pass in and out of furrows with case and safrty. Ti c Guards are of malleable iron, steel faced; jre placed near together on the Bar and form a protection to the Cutters, and arc warranted not to break. The Bar and Frame are raised at the same time and ob structions passed, between the wheels, as hicrh as the axle. The working parts and Br always retain the same relative position; there is, therefore, no unnatural (strain or wear on the rearin2 or knife bar, as is the r.:isf ill other machines. Every machine is warranted. Whitcomb's Sulky Hay Rake. , Share's Coulter Harrow. 1 ' SVnd for a Pamphlet giving detailed De script ions mi l Illustrations. E. T. CRO A3I ALE, Agent, f);;law:.trc AVaf:r GirV ASSIGKEES' PEREMPTORY SALE. THOMAS A SONS, AUCTIOXEEILS. QUNTRY PLACE. 190 ACRES. BAR V rati, Paradise Township, Monroe Co., I'a., on TUESDAY, JUNE 30M, 1SC8, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, without reserve, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, all that country place of 100 acres and 64 perches, situate in Barrait, Paradise Town ship, JUonrue County, Penna. Beginning at a stone on line of land surveyed in the name of Cornelius Depue; thence by the same IN. SU dejr., W. 80 perches to a btone, H. 40 deg., W. 12J perches lo a stone; thence by land of Richmond Cotuplon N. 50 deg.. W. 76 perches to a stone, N. 40 deg.. E. 64-pcrchcs to a stone: thence by land in warrantee name of Jacob Cargis, S. 50 deg.. tL iQ perches to a stone. N. 40 deg., E. 1041 perches; thence by other land of Richmond Com p ton S. 17 deg., E. 86 perches to a stone, S. 40 deg., W. 124 perches to the place of beginning. I he improvements arc a 2k story frame dwelling, about 40 feet front, by 2o feet deep, with frame barn, 40 by about wJ iect The property is about i of a mile from Oakland Station, on the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Railroad, 5 hours' ride from Philadelphia, and about the same distance from New York. Access from Philadelphia can be had by the Belvidere Railroad. There is excellent gunning and trout fishing in the immediate locality. Sold subject to a mortgage of $(300. 077 Salt! absolute. M. THOMAS &, SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth St., Puila. June 18.-3t. LYNN'S GREAT- GERMAN HOOT AND HERB STOMACH BITTERS! MAMFACTtBED ASD SOLD BT SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. These Bitters are a certain remedy for Dyspepsia, Iiuli&rstion, Headache, Nerv ousness, Loss of Appetite, and is a positive preventive of all DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH. The German Herb Stomach Bitters has a restoring influence upon the system, espe cially upon the Digestive Organs, and is recommended to all persons in delicate healtlu It is an excellent remedy for Sum mer Complaint, and no taniily should be without it. A. II. LYNN has secured the services of a man wiio has uau many years experience in the manufacture of Bitters, in the well known German Bitters Manufactory of Schimtnel t Co, Lcipsjg. Germany, and has made arrangements with thrm for Ger man herbs, roots, &c, necessary for the manufacture of the Bitters. THE GERMAN HERB STOMACH BITTERS is now ready to be sent anywhere. All or ders with which I may be favoicd will be delivered at short notice. A trial of the Bitters is respectfully asked. A. II. LiNN, Manufacturer, South Bethlehem, Penn. Sold bv C. S. Detrick &, Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Stroudsburg, Pa. Jdne 4, 1868.-lyr. 1 MOST SUCCESSFUL AND WON DERFUL INVENTION! NEW METHOD OF WASHING CLOTHES WITHOUT LABOR. THE AUTOMATIC CLOTHES WASHER k BOILER. It has beca thoroughly tested and pro nounced Unequaled as a CLOT II E S W A S II K II by the Thousands who have it in use. KF.COM MEN OATIOXS: Hamilton, Monroe Co., Pa., May 10, 16G8. Having thoroughly tested the Automatic Clothes Washer," a new invention, and one of the most snccessful and wonderful inven l:ons of the day, I am satisfied that, as a clothes washer and boiler, it has not its equal, u is 6ei(-aciing, anu dispenses wun tnubt of the labor of washing, and nearly, l! not quite, all the weir of clothes so objec- tional in old plans. Having fully tested this boiler in my family, I can recommend it as one of the greatest improvements of the kind. As regards labor-saving, and clothes-saving, there is no invention that can equil it. In stead of wathing-day being a dread to house wives, with this machine, this heretofore arduous work of a w hole day will b re duced to two or three hours easy work. ABKM. LEVERING. We, the undersigned, having seen the ''Automatic Clothes Washer" thoroughly tested fully concur in the forgoing recom mendation of Judge Levering. Thko. Schoch, ' - Ed. L. Wolf. FrKDKBICK KEI8EB, Jacob K. Shaflr, iStroudsburg, Pa. Wm. P. I low EL I., Minister of the Gospel, Cherry Valley. A. W. Loder, Merchant, Kellersville, Pa. Josikph Kemmebkr, jr., Hamilton, Monroe Co., Pa. BE.NJ. DUNGAN &. SONS. Ae;, P. O. adJrcF, Stroudsburg, Pa May 28, IS0S. Jb$. 7 BUILDING LOTS ililE FOR SALE, opposite the Depot, at Eat-1 Stroudsburg. Apply at once UrGea L. Walker, Real Ea Htate Broker. Office on Main 6t., Stroada. burg, Pa. Feb. 27, 18G3. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON'S (of Wil liamt-burgh. N. YA Recipe for CON SUMPTION and ASTHMA carefully com pounded at H0LLINSHEAD S DRUG STORE. 07" Medicines Frtsh and Pure. Nov. 21, 1307. W. HOLLINSUEAD. flO.VT you know I hat J. II YJ McCarty is ths only Undertaker in Siroudsburjj who understands his business If not, attend a Funeral managed by any other Undertaker in town. and You will see i the proof of the fact. Sept. 2(5, '07 CAN VC that iv I ou ti:ll wiiv it is hen auv one conies tJ Struuds laiz t- buy Fumiturr, thy olway timpiir fjr McCuriy's Parniture Xwti I .lcpt. J y iliin.M.-l.-M- fcn.Ti if ii i lit in Mil i T H BARRETT TOWNSHIP BOUNTY FUND " STATEMENT. Statement of CHARLES HV DECKER, Treasurer of Barrett Township ltuttnty tuna, fur the year ending June 8, leo. DR. To amCrceM of David Price, Col., $140 03 Do. do. G. Bohner, do. 3!).i 30 l)o. . do, on unseated lands, 100 00 G33 93 18G7. cn. July 12, Bal. due Treasurer last settlement, 8237 lfl M " Paid Bond Na 21, 57 00 M. . .4 . . 22, 57 00 Sept, 9, JefTcrsonian (idv.) ,18 00 Mon. Dem'crat ,18 75 12, Order, W. Price, 7 00 1863. , March 23, Int. on Bond No.12, 18 00 Bond No. 30, 118 00 June 8, 1 yr's int,on 8200, 12 00 - Bal. due township, 43 07 -8035 93 Amt. of outstanding Bonds, 81,100 00 Unpaid interest on same up to March let, 19G8, 180 CO 81,280 00 Above account examined June 8, 18G3, and found correct. JEREMIAH SEES, E. II. HELLER. Auditors. G. G. SIIAFER, June 13, 1803. Ai extensive lot of STOVES of all descriptions have been received at the store of the subscribers, in the borough of Stroudsburg. They have COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements; and entire new -ty!es, and considerable sating of fuel, which can be had at the lowest City pricos. Also, all kinds of Stove-l?ipe. A large assortment of TIN WARE of ev ery description, constantly on hand, which will be sold at wholesale and retail, as rea sonable as can be had in the City. All kinds of repairingdone in the shortest, cheapest and best manner. Call and exam ine their 6tock before you purchase clsewhcr. Oct. 17, 'G7. FLORY BRO. T HIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD CALL attention to the stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, AND T O O L S, which he has opened (at C. D. Brodhcad's old stand) on MAIN STREET, STROUDSBURG, and would solicit the patronage of wholesale and retail dcaleis. Goods at Lowest City Prices JOSEPH MATLACK. April 23, lG3.-3m. ALBERT II. BROMLEY, (LATK 1'ETKltS i 11UOMLKY,) MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN oofs & Shoes, No. 18 North 4th St., May 21, 1SG CuminirilYator'o JCotUc. Estate of CHARLES M. 7A.Y.Y.t, talc of Middle Sinithfield Township, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT letters of admini.-tr.niori upon the above Estate have been cranted to the subscriber by the Register ol Wd!s of Monroe County All persona indebted to said Estate wil make payment without delay, and those having claims against I lie same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to WILLIAM NAININA. Auin r M. Smithficld tsp., Juno 4, 18W.-0t. School Notice T HIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS of Strouds burg will open on the tiret Monday in September neat. All persons wifchmg situ- at.ons as Teachers in the schools must make Hnnlieation on or before ihc 1st Friilay even i ing in July next. Ry order of the Board. HAM'L REES, Secretary June 18, 19G9.-3t. D. OXT I'OOL. YOU It 31 0 SKY way for worthless articles of rurni ture. but ro to McCarty, ami you wtM set well paid for it. Sept, 2, '(7 BLANK MOItT(.M.K8 SPECIAL NOTICE ' TO FARXERS AXD ALL PERSONS OWXIXG HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP &. HOGS! In the spring of the year when a Horse if about fcheding his coat nothing will do him better tervice than a lenspoonlul of YOUATT'S CONDITION POWDER, every morning, well mixed with his feed. . cows, . In milking cows the subscriber feels con fident that Youatt's PowDEtt, as he now prepares if, will astonish all who use it, and convince the most incredulous to say that by feeding a cow one teaspoonful of Youatt's Powder once a day will so much increase I he quantity and qutlity of the milk as to yield one pound of Hatter per week more is promising much, yet we have the cvidei ce1 of hundreds to proe this assertion. This increase is made by keeping the cow iu a henlihv condition with a good appetite. HOGS and SHEEP will be greatly bene fitted by u-ing tips powder. One of our customers says that he had 10 heep all of which had the Distemper, and concluded he would try an experiment with Youatt's Powder he gave half of ih number the Powder, and they recovered in a short time, the rest died. The genuine YOUATT'S VEGETATIVE CONDITION POWDER is prepared from Youutt's original Recipe at UoHinshcad's Drug Store. A'l other is a counterfeit. Try it and be Cominred. W. HOLLINSUEAD. J March 12, 13G3. LOOK OUT run tiik LOCOMOTIVE! W1 purch PETERS, . having recently hascd Smith & Trille's stand, at EAST STROUDSBURG, near the Depot, and commenced business with a determination to plejse, feels justi fied in asking, the continued patronage ol the old customers of this establishment. He has taken as a partner in his store, Col. Mott's ton, from Millord, and they have fill ed the store with an eulirc NEW STOCK OF GOODS, such as Dry Omul. Aotions, Grocer tcs t Provisions, Hardware, Willow Ware. Jiorjts and Shoes, Iced and Hour, iVc, Cc, Cc, which I hey offer very cheap for cash, cr in exchange for Produce. Call and examine our stock before you purchase, and you. will ic creat reason to be thankful tor SO CO ng. I U I Uto 0C JIUi 1. May 21, 1EC3. UNDERTAKING. McCARTY has on hand the largest and best asscrttnent ol COFFINS and TRIMMINGS to be fuund outside of either city (New York or Philadelphia), and will make this branch of his business A SPECIALITY. COFFINS and CASKETS of any size or tyle, can to furnished at one hour's nolice for shipment, at a charge of one-third LESS THAN ANT SHOP IN StROV'DSBFRO In no case will he charge more than TEN PER CENT above actual cost. It ended to in any p.irt of the County, at the shortest possible notice. Sept. 20, '67. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western KAIL ROAD. Summer Arrangement, May 4, 1868. TRAINS LEAVE. WESTWABD. EA8TVARD. liss Ex. Mail STATIONS. Mall Ex. r.M. A.M. 3.SU T.iH) riiiiatlf Iphia, 4 40 5.K S.00 Ne Vol t. S.4j M.00 7.3t I.:W New Il.impton. 12.35 7.37 7.47 10.15 Washington, 12.15. 6.5. KOI 11.1X1 Oxford, . 13.00 0.10 H. 12 li.io li.flucviUe. 1160 o.:io S.l'J 11.25 Mnunk4 rhunk, 11.40 6 S3 .ll I Ml DcUttiUf, Ii :i5 6.1(3 8.ol 12.00 Mount lie iht'l - 11.10 5.51 0.05 12.1. " Vler(;ap. 10.35 5.37 'J.I7 12.30 STUOL'DSUl RC, 10.41 5.25 J.27 12.40 Sfr:igui!l, 10.31 5.15 V.37 12 50 Ilcnrvville, 10.21 5.U5 11.52 1.W O.ikUaJ, li.;4 4 4.1 10.0S 1.25 FtMkf. i.4G 4.32 10.27 1.4(1 ToL)hnnnn. 9.?7 4 13 Ioum v.in t;uiihbru'. v ii 4 o II III 2 22 Moscow, .50 3 : AM 11.11 2 33 biimiiiiu', f.40 3.2S 11.15 11 45 3 30 rrautoii. Ml) 3. DO 11.41 3.42 ClHik'.Suiilimtf 7.4.1 fi 10 11 57 3.50 AbinRlon. 7.: 0.00 12.25 4 Ort Fart.nyviilr, 7.li 5.40 12:1 4.2 NIcIimImmi. f' 55 5.13 1.17 4.4S llopbolloin, .3H 4 4 1J4I 5.10 Montrosr. fi.15 ' 4.05 2.15 5 31 N" Milfonl, 5.54 3.35 2.35 5 50 Grt-Ml Ilciiil, 5.35 3.lo ' A.M. P.M.1 P.M Dinner and Supper at Delaware Station. 'connections: At NEvV HAMPTON with Central R.R of New Jersey. Trains arrive from New York at 0.1 1.10.20, 11.1 GA.M. and 2.40,G.3, 7.1o, 8.30, l'..M.; from Labton OAoA.AI 7 43 A.M , 1.25, 1J, 3 51. 7 37, 8.00 I M. At WASHINGTON with Momaand li cx li.lL ' Trains from New lork arive at 10.33 A.M.. and 7 02 lM ; from Eiston at 7 2. 10.33 A.M.. and 12 11 P.M. At MANUNKA CHUNK wirh Belvidcre Delaware K.K. tTrains arrive from Phila delnhia atll.20 A.M., 8.04 P.M., and leave for Philadelphia at l-'.uu jh cm I'.m The last train stops at Bclvidcre until C.20 A.M. next day. At SUKAIN lux wiui i.TCUawanna and Bloomsturu 1L It. Trains i.rrivc from Wilkee-liarrc at 8.00 A.M., 2.55 P.M., from Northumberland at 11.10 A.M., and 9.1 P.M. Depart for Northumberland at 5.10 A.M.. 3.30 P.M.; for Wilka-Uarreo at 8 30 A.M., C.4J P.M. These trains stop at al stations. At SUllA 1 U.N with the Delaware ana Hudson Canal Co.h Railroad, for Olynhant Archbald, and (arhondal. - At GltKAT BEND wiih Eric Riilway Traius from the West arrive at 3.43 (leav inir Buffalo at G.10 P,M ) and 7.24 A.M at 2 and 0.27 P.M. From the Ei.t at 2.52, 5.27. and 11.31 A.M.: 353 and 7.51 P.M The latter train with Sleeping Cus aitac cd. arriving at Bill'alo iie.t mrninp 11.1."). . ' R. A. IIENRV, C.-tl. P'tr. Jill Ti-ket A-!U. FREE FIGHT! "CO.MK ONE, COME ALL." One -Thousand Dollars in GREENBACKS to be given aicay lytie subscriber, in tht following manner ; Each suit of Furniture exceeding e hundred dollars, will contain one $10 green back ; exceeding two hundred JoJl8fsr $20 All bills exceeding eight hundred doilaf will receive one enameled Bedroom Suit, containing 13 pieces, in any color desired. Also a present given with each bill exceed ing $10. CAEPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, &r. Every order exceeding 40 yds. of Brussofa Carpet, will contain one greenback,-1 piece of Rinding, 4 papers of Carpet Tacks. Every bill exceeding 55 yds. of Three-ply or Ingrain Carpet will contain 83. and on piccj ot Binding, and 4 papers of tacks ; and each bill will be sold at less money than can be purchased at retail in New York City. J. II. McCARTY," Odd Fellows Half, Stroudsburg, Pa. December 1 2, 16G7. LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO WANT Carriage Work or Dlacksraithfn DONE IX A SUPERIOR MANNER i THE Subscriber begs leave to in- fforni the public that he is fully pre pared, at his establishment, at the corner of Simpson and Sarah streets, in. the borough of Stroudsburg, to make to order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything In his line of bu siness, at the shortest possible noticcLamL on the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paiaf cd in the best style of tha art. Having first class material always on, haud, and none but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that none but first-class work will be turned out at his shop. In connection with his Carriage Shop ic lias also a Llacltsmith chop, where upcrior workmen will always ba found ready to attend to the orders of customers The public are invited to call aad ex mine his stock before purchasing else where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. September 19, lSG7.-tf. iew Cabinet Warc-Sodmsl NEW FURNITURE .5 OPPOSITION TO HUMBIGGERY! Philip Miller & Son RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO the public that they have opened, at their new Ware-Rooms, on Main street, ia Stroudsburg, adjoining ihe Race, a very su perior as-ortmtnt of J; urniturc, Embracing, complete ARLOR, CHAMBER, and DINING-ROOM SUITES, both of their own and city manufacture which they will dispose of at the lowest pos sible prices for cash. They are also prepared to manufacture to order, any and every thing in their line, from a single piece of furniture up to a com plete outfit from garret to cellar, all of the best seasoned timber," and by the beet of workmen. They do not claim tohetho- only Furniture dealer iu Strouds-burg wha las a license to sell i urniture, but bavingr paij a license and established themselves iui businessthey are determined to do full justice to all who patronize them. Their stock of umber embraces all the kinds of wood cm ployed in cjbinct-making, and was selctiec? with regard to quality than to price. Remember that we can supply fall suies either of our own or of city mannfactureU though we prefer rilling the former, becaosa. greater justice can be done thereby to pur chasers. VXD Eli TAKLXG ! USDER TA KIXG ! ! laving provided ourselves with a new. neat, and elegant Hearse, a full supply of he latest styles of Coffins and burial Cas- icts, and all the other appliances ot a nrst- . class establishment, we arc prepared to con duct the business of Undertaking, in all its- bra nehes, to the perfect satisfaction of all who favor us with orders in this line. Machine Saicing, Turning, Plaining, &c. Their factory being fitted up with superior Turning, Sawing, and Plaining Machinery,, all driven by a powerful steam engine, orders- from .cabinet-makers, carpenters, and other,. or work in these lines will be promptly ana satisfactorily filled. They respectfully sdicita call trom the public. Furniture cheerfully shown wiihta charge, and prices as low as tbe lowest. PHILIP MILLIilv &. SU-v ' -March 14, 1SG7. NOTICE TO FARMERS AXD Y00L GROWERS. finilE STROUDSIHUIG AVOOLKX MILLS will be open ou and after JUNli 15th next, wbcu we will be pra pared with a large, assortment of. CASSIMKRKS?,- ' MLAXKETS; : .. TWEEDS,. ; FLANNELS; LINSKYS, DA LM ORALS, YARNS; -&c., &e., &nk which we offer in exchange lor wool a prices 20 per ccut cheaper than before the war. Zr Highest casJi price paid fur WooK LEWIS DUSTER'S SONS, May 23, ISGS.-tf. ' LAST CALL! The undersigned rosy e fully in fur ma alt persons indebted tohiiu by Noteot Book ac. count that he is now in want of money to. enable him to liiltill engagements he haa iuade for putting up a new Brick building where the old frame now stands. All who. promptly respond to ihiscall will receive hi thanks, and those who fail will be compelled to nay. .NICHOLAS RfSTERv itreudsburg, Dec 12, IK'T.