Special Notices. GUIDE TO MARRIAGE Young Men's Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The humane views of benevolent Physicians, on the Errors am Abuses incident to Youth and Early Man hood, sent in scaled letter envelope.--, free of charge. Address HOWARD ASSOCIA TION, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa. June 1, lSGS.-lyr. TOCOSliiPTiVES. L Prepared Prescription for ihc cure of .... ,lu,.,,lm i. H O CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA BRONCHI TIS, COUGHS, COLOS. and all THROAT and LUNG AFFECTIONS, has now been in oso for over ten years with tho most marked success. l he Kemcdy, prepared under Mr. Wil ton a personal supcrvi.-ion, bUo a pamphlet containing me original l'rcscnption, with lull and explicit directions for preparation nnd use, together with a short history of Irs case, may be obtained of DREHER &. BRO., Drug2iats, SlroudEburc, Pa., or REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, 1G5 South Second St., Williamsburgh, N. Y. 0 Pamphlets furnished free of charge. M.y 21, 1SG8.-Iyr. FIFTY THOUSAND HEADS now clothed with masses of ric!i Mack and brown hair would, if Uicy were unfortunately cut orr from a supply of CRISTADORO'S DYE bffgm to red, sandy, and gray. Manhood nnd beauty with the ono defect in their personal appear- nA mm !rl Imp CRISTADORO'S II AIR DYE, rejoice in their rood fortune, nnd rccom mend it to all who require a perfect dye. Alanulacturcd by J. CKISTADORO, OS Maiden Lane, New York. Sold by nl Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dre.-sers. Jun 4, 1G3.-Im. ItcliIItcliIIItcliI! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH ! in from 10 to 45 hours. U'nEATox'a Ointment cures The Itch. Whfaton's Ointment cures Salt Rheum Whbatos's Ointment cures Tetter. Wiikato.n's Ointment cures Bariser Itch Wh baton's Ointment cures Old Sokes. Wheaton'm Ointment cures Every kind . of Humor like Magic. Price, 50 cents a box; by mail, GO cent.?. Address WEEKS & PORTER, No. 170 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. For Bale bv all Druggists. Sept. 10, "lSG7.-lyr. DR. TOBIAS' Celebrated Vcuclian Liniment, whoso wonderf.il cures, sure nnd instanta neous action, in cases of Chronic Rheuma tism, Headache, Toothache, Cuts, Burn., Cramps, Dysentery, etc., luvo nstonithed tho civilized world. It ia no new catch penny, but an article that has stood the tct' of twenty years. The cnormotu eulo ant! rapidly increasing demand is at once the surest evidence of its usefulness and popu larity. Try it nnd bo convinced. No fam ily should be without a bcttlo in the" house hundreds of dollars, and ninny hours of sufTerinsr may bo saved by its timely U"e. Colic, Cramp, and Dysentery yield at once to its pfiin-curative proiortic3. It i? per fectly innocent, and can bo given to the oldeet person or youngest child. No matter, if you have no confidence in Patent Medi cines try this, and you will bo rnrc to hay again and recommend to your friends. Hundreds of Physicians recommend it in iheir practice. None genuine unless signed, S. I. Tobiaa." Price 50 ccntd per 1-oitle. Sold bv all the Druggist?. Depot, CG Cort Jandt Street, New York. June 1, 16G8.-lm. will quickly rcotoro Grav Hair ' to its natural color and beauty, m! produce luxuriant growth. It b perfectly harmless, and Is preferred, pvrr everY other preparation by those who have a fine head of hair, well as those who wish to restore Jt. The beautiful gloss Dd perfume imparted to tho Hair make it desirabk for old and young. ' Por fil by all Druggist EI,0T,19S GEEENWICU ST., 2T. X. Kot. 21, 1807.-1 yr. ?iaruii:o. June 9, 1609, in thc churc'i at Siiawncc, by the Rev. J. Kirky David, Amzi L. J Bar, of Wilkcs-Barrc, Luzerne Co., Pa., and Marietta Btair, of Shawnee, Monroe Co., Pa. At Del. Water Gap, on the 13th iust., at the residence of tho bride'a father, by the Rev. E. J. Pierce. Mr. Svlvanus A. Plrdy, of Purdyvillc, Wayne Co., anj Miss Eliza. BKTU Weiss. In Hamilton, on thc 13th inst., at the Lutheran Pa nonage, by thc lie v. Henry ejfext, Mr. Aarok J. Bmh;nblek aud Almika Ftstcv, toili ol'lldrailtoa, Monroe County, Pa, r jTsT 1 .1 I f Al h V 1 I T-i. OUR PVI3W HAUT iOR THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN IS READY, CIVIXG TITE EFST OF UKESESK3 OP GRANT AND COLFAX, Sketches of their Lives, the Platform, if.us oi .acceptance, Portraits of all I iiiu 1 ilLSUMATS. niltl Illlirll JSTATIHTin!. JiATTEtt rciatimr to previous Presidc-nii.-il . - 1 w . - - - yi-L iiuua. OCT A good Agent wanted in this county. acs . PublifhcrF, 21 John St., New York. June 19, lbGS.-lt. C. W. SEiP. M. D.. Physician and Surgeon, STKOUDSBURG, PA. Office at his residence, on Main Street. ncany opposite rdarsn s Hotel. All calls promptly attended to. Charge i . . .... . reasonable. Stroudirburg, April 11, 18G7.-tf. School Notice. I ' nrrr..r - via-- win ui'iu uii iiiL" iir.st iinninv September next. .,i..T. . ah i - . .a I All persons wishinr Gitu- .I, , rri 1 . , , " , nilntlf! ns; I hora in 1 1 1 - cfIinnK. mn.i I : W V 1 fPPlics ion on or before iho Ut Friday even- ing in July next. By order of the Board. SAM'L REES, Secretary. June 18, lS03.-Ct. Caution! rf IIE SUBSCRIBERS HEREBY CAU- jK tion oil persons against trespassing on their prcmit-cs, cither for the purpose of swimming or lor any other purpose. V lola tions of this caution will be prosecuted to inc iuu extent oi the law. JOHN PALMER, Ja. SYDENHAM PALMER. June 19, 1SG3. NOTICE TO THE TAX-PAYERS OF MONROE COUNTY! 5N PURSUANGE OF AN ACT OF AS .1 sembly, entitled "An Act relating to the collection of State and County Taxes in the County of Monroe," approved May G, 1607, the County 1 rcasurer will meet the lax- Payers oi saiu vouiuy, lor coucciion ot fclaic ana onniy ia.c, ia aim lor UiC loiiowing 1 a rn . i t- . i - I ti.: rr t t-i viz it I 1 ' " I unlav. Julv 25. at the Treasurer's office. Middle SmiLhf.Pb! T.,w.,!.;:v n Mn,h, J..lf7 M.i,nU,,,c r,,i. ii, '- on Tuesday, July 23, at the house of Jacob II. Place Sniilhlicld Township, on Wednesday, w, at Hie house ot Isaac X. La bar, and on Thursday, July GO, at the house of Thomas Lrodhead. StrouJ Township, on Friday, July SI. at Peter Ivcller'ii mill, and on Saturday, August I, at tJic house ot John llohcnshieldt. Jackson nTov.nshiprat the houce of Samuel rd, on Monday, August 3. d Township, at the hou.5 of Man- R. Boscard Pocono nasceii filler, on i ucsday, August 1. CooILaugh lowiiihip, at tnc house of &amng tatc, on VVcdncsday, August o. Paradise lownship.nl the hou-c of Abra- ham Gi.-.h, 011 Thursday. Auit G. Lirrctt lowpship, at thc house of John W. Yotliorj, on Frida', August 7. Price lownship, at the houc of Lewis. Long, on Saturday, August 8. Lldred Township, on Monday, August 10. at thc house oi Joseph Hawk. Ross lowiuhip, on I ucsday, August 11, at thc hou.-e of Jacob II. Slockcr. Hamilton Township, Wednesday, Auuot 12, at the house of Ch:irIea'Eu:card, at Bos- dardsvillc, and Thursday, August 13, at the iousc of Aionzo L. bhalcr, nt Snydcrrvillc. Ciicsnuthill Township, on Friday. AuujI 11, at the house of John Kcrchner, and on Saturday, August 15, nt thc house of Eliza beth Iyic?:ic. Polk Township, at tho house of Thomas E. IIcMcr, in Krcsgcvillc, on Monday, Au- u:-t 17 Tunkhannock Township, at thc house of Reuben B. Bonrcr, on Tuesday, August IS. Jobyannna Jown&hm, at thc house of saac StouTer, on Wednesday, August 19. Tax-payers who avail themselves of thc il ove opportunity to pay their taxes, will be entitled to an abatement of FIVE PER CENT. For the convenience tf tax-navcrj visiting otro-Jdsburg, thc 1 rcasurer will re ... ceivc any of thc above taxes, at.hia office, bc- 1 ire fUd days. REUBEN GREGORY, June 18, 1SC9J Treasurer. Lumber Wanted. WANT TO PURCHASK a lar-c V v qu uitity of Hard Wood Lumber in thc IiO would like it delivered in Jersey City as fact as cut, fo that vc can work it, whiUt yet green, and full of rap; can use lojs frorn twelve (12) to thirty-four (31) inchc3 in diameter Maple, Silver Birch, and IJccch preferred. Addrcra MANHATTAN VENEKR BOX CO., Pot-ofiicc Bx Gl()r, June 19.-1 1. New York. BARRETT TOWNSHIP BOUNTY FUND STATEMENT. Treasurer tf Barrett Township Jiounty laud, for thc year ending June n, 1SG To amt. rce'd of David Price, Col., 81 10 OS Do. do. C Bohncr, do. Do. do, on unseated laud-, 303 30 100 00 1SG7. CR. July'12, Bal. duo Trcarurcr last settlement. 10 " Paid Bond No. 21, 4 i Sept. 0, Jefferson ian (idv.) " " Mo'i. Dem'crat " " 12, Order, W. Price, 57 00 57 00 IB 00 IB 75 7 00 ISC?. March 23, Int. on Bond No.12, IH 00 Horn I Nn T.I) 1 in 12 00 43 07 Junc.S, 1 yr's int. on .?200, Bal. duo township, OS Amt. of outstanding Bonds, $1,100 00 Unpaid interest on came . March lbt, 180, - up to 180 00 1,280 00 Above account examined June 8, 1803, and found correct. JEREMIAH SEE3, L. H. HELLER, O. ollAi LU, Juuc 1. 1??. AvlU'.rs. . ASSIGNEES' PEREMPTORY SALE. Ttrmns Rnv AT-pTTrvvn7To COUNTRY PLACE, 100 ACRES, BAR O ratt, Paradise Torino. Mr, Pa., on , " w "- TW.vn.t v rrrvi- r,r km .x,i;iu, icu:, lt a ' -- w .., . v kUJ HI & UUI II I ai X -J OClOCK. P.onn vi II m nt Dl.i;nlmnki n.lvmfMit triH.-.nt .'r.1-. xt 1 .1 oaic, iPilnout rcsrrvr. m i m . . f . I'llll.AI lTi I 1111 a l.'VPtu vm L that connfrw r, M - ,ftn . ' .... jii.i Jj..vijyvij r.. nerches. . 'n , I "p perches, situate in Barratt. Paradise Town ship, Monroe County, Penna. Beginning m- ' I at a stone on line of land surveyed in the name of Cornelius Depue: thence bv the same i. ou Urir., v. tiO perches to a stone, S. 40 dog., W. 12 perches to a stone; uicnce by land ofliichiuond Compton N. 50 dcg., W. 70 perches to a stone. N. 40 dcir- 'in i i. . . . . 4 : E. 01 perches to a stone; thence by land in warrantee name ol Jacob Corgis, S. DO deer.. L. 7G perches to a stone. N. 40 dog., E. 104 A perches; thence by other land of Richmond Compton S. 17 dcg., E. eG perches to a stone. g., Vr. 121 rerches to the nlacc of beginning. The improvements ore a 2i t veiling, about 40 feet front, by . . . ... . m n, .1 . -.i. y . . auua'i', wiiii iramc nam, -iu ny about I 1 lining UUII. 'XJ U LIUU t :?n flw rvt.n ; n r (""I'tlilf 10 uuuui -t t:i 11 III11VI .1 - . . . . I ,rom Oakland Station, on the He aware, Lackawanna and Wet-tern Railroad.5 Lours1 ride from Philadelphia, nnd about tho fame distance from New York. Acccra from Philadelphia can be had by the Belvidcre Railroad. There id excellent gunning and trout fishing in the immediate locality. tooid subject to a mortgage of JjGOO. OT" Sale absolute. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 111 South Fourth St., Phila. June 13.-3t. LYNN'S GREAT GERMAN UOOT AND IIEUIi STOMACH BITTERS! MAMFACTVRED AND 80LD 13Y SOUTH CETULEI1H.I, l'A. There Bitters are a certain remedy for Dytpei'sia, Indigestion, llendachc. Ncrv ohsjcss. Loss of Appetite, and is a positive preventive ot all DISORDERS OF TIIR RTmTini .rPI,r. TT!. C"t I. It:,. I muuence upon me Pystcm, cspc c,:,11-v unn. lhc W'SCttivc Organs, and J recommended to all persona in delicate health. It is an excellent remedy for Sum mer Complaint, and no lam:Iy should be without it. A. II. LYNN has secured the service: of a man who has had many years experience in the manufacture of Bitters, in the well- known German Bitters Manufactory of Schimmcl &. Co. Lcipthv Germany, and has made arrangements with them for Gcr- man ,cr,l?' rtf'f' S-C-' ncccKary lor thc manufacture of tho Litters. - THE CEK.W HERD STOMAdl C1TTERS 13 now ready to be sent anywhere. All or- dcrs with which I may bo favored will Lc delivered at short notice. A trial of the Eittorj ij respectfully asked. A. II. LYNN, Manufacturer. South Bcthlchcin, Penn. Suld by C. S. Dctrick &, Co., Whokcalc ami Retail Driigiwts, Slroudsburg, Pa. Juno 1, lbG-j.-lyr. A MOST SUCCCSSriL AND ViOS- DEiUTL irSYOTIOK! NEW METIT0D OF WASIILNG CLOTHES WITHOUT LiUOK. THE AIT03IATIC CLOTMLS WASHER k BOILER. It Ins been thoroughly tested and pro nounced Uncqualcd as a CLOTHES WASHER by thc Thousand who have it in use. KECOMMENUATIOXS : Hamilton, Monroe Co., Pa., May 10, SGS. Having thoroughly tested tho "Automatic Clothes Washer " u. new invention, ond one of the mootrfjucccssful and wonderful inven t'ons of the djy, I am satiofiod that, as a clothes washer nnd boiler, it has not its equal. It is self-acting, and disperses with moot of the labor of washing', and nearly, if not quite, all tli2 wear of" clothes to objec lionil in old pl.in3. 11a vinjj fully tcolcd this boiler in my f.un'.ly, I can recommend it as ui u ui 1110 " 1 v.i iuoi iiiiui uli.iui hi uiuh im.i.i . r t 1 -t .1 1 1 . . . . . u I th." K-tr.ro nt 1 110 KiifirrilirrR. m l!ir linrii'rli Ao mntr.lr, I r c n i r. 1 ,...:.. I -n;"uo .auui-canii-, HUlllUVldil". I hero i:i tin nivnitinri Hint r.m nun if In. btc.nl of wathin-day Lcin? a dread to home- wivcr, with lhi3 rnachme, this heretofore arduous work of a whole day will bo duccd to two or three hotirj ran, work ABRM. LEVERING. We, the undersigned, having cccn the "Automatic Clulhcd Wauhcr" thorounhly tested fully concur in tho forgoing rcco.-w-l mendation of Judge Levering. Tizix). Kc iiocii, Ed. L. Wolf, FnnuLRiti: Kkirer, Jacod K. Shaikh, tJlroudtJ.-urg, Pa. Wm. P. Howell, Minister of tho Jot-pel, Cherry VHlley. A. W. lxni:u, Merchant, Kcllcrsvillc, Pa. Joski'ii Kksimeulu, jk., Hamillo.), Monroe Co., Pa. BENJ. DUNCAN &, SONS, Amts, P. O. nddrces, May 2S, lSC. itroud;;burg. Pa. 7 BUiLBlKG LOTS FOR SALE, ojjKbilo tho Depot, at Eut Slroud.sburp. Apply ot onco to Ceo. L. Walker, Real Ini tiate Broker. Office on Main ct., Slrojds- burg, Pa. Feb. 27, 1HGS. 9 i:V. EDWARD A. WILSON'S (of Wil- J.ft Iianisbtirgh, N. Y.) Recipe for CON- JiUAJl'TION und ASTHMA carefully com- pounded at IIOLLINSnEAD'S DRUG STORE. Medicines I'rcsh and Purr. Nov. 21, lb07. W. HOLLINSIIEAD. DOVT you hiiuw lluit 3, II. McCarty ia t'.ic only Undertaker in Slroudcburg who understands his busiiiCLS? If not, attend a Fuucnl managed by any other Undcrtiiker in town, and you will ere the proof of the fact. Sept. 2d, '07. Y067 W9 t It !! 3T If roud J that ;vLcu aiiy eiiC co::io;: u biiig to buy FuniitLic, :!jcy i! w.y i.i juirc for McCiHv'.: Fari'trc Sioi- f Sri-t. U i-.l. dmuustvator's Police. Est ale of CHARLES M. 21 AX X A, late of M at j la binitlijicld Township, deceased. - l , ? "V1 1 of ndm.n.aranon u-oi, the above fcsiaic nave been granted to the subscriber .. --a' : w "y I Iiv t ir ;rfri-.-t W.I U -.C K I f i yi persons indr html lr kh.I -Htn ,. I I J ... UIVU V UV.lt J, LI 1 1 VI llll' I liavni" clnmn .tmki tlm cm,, vuin r,.no,...i I CJ O .v...w.-w..ii.ovill. I --rf -t ...v.... ,u I IIICDI UUI V nill'ion 1 tr.i I nil lur crl 1 l.tmti I t, WILLIAM HANNA. Adm'r . Bmithfiold Up., June 4. ISGS.-Ct. STROUD TOWNSHIP BOUNTY FUND STATEMENT. IIAiniY, Treasurer of JUmnhj runa oj xtirotta lotvnsuiji, in account tcitn said 1 onusup. 1)21. To amount of money in Wlroudsburg Bank to credit of of said township nt former settlement, June y, 107, 802S 82 To amt. of bounty lax re- ceived of Jacob L, Rhodes, Collector, on I . 'i vi ri j'kc? S."90 00 5,700" 00 vl uuriiwaiu vi Ai-uf, ' 0,290 00 7,213 82 CR. Paid John Kern, balance duo ai per Auditors' set! lemcnt, May 11, 'G7 $22 53 55 50 13 CO Paid Printers, publishing Auditors report, paid Township Auditors, June 3, lcG7, t l(3 03 Paid interest duo Jan. 1, 1SG8, on Bond., J?1,51G 22 Do. 1SGG-G7, on Bon da, U3 1', 1,579 G7 Paid note and interest to Stroudsburg Bank, $2,290 00 Paid Bonds numbered 07, 78, 79, 60, hO, 91, .t 93, and with interest accrued, 2,73." CO rjr.025- CO Treasurer's commissions on SG.290.00, 91 3) 123 77 Balance in Treasury, 7,213 62 I:idebtcdncc3 of Stroud Townelrp: Unpaid Bounty Bond;?, 23,9S4 Bal. due tsp. on duplicate, 1,320 83 June 1, lsOy. R. W. tUVINK, JOHN W. VANVLIET, Tsp. Auditors J. A. FETIIERMAN. S June 1, 1SGS. ALBEUT II. BROMLEY, (rVTU 1-ETER8 i KKOMLEV,) MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN No. 18 North 4tli St., May 21, lblid. Vk Ti cxlcnnivo Iotf STOVilSof all descriptions have been received nt " -1 " ' ' " -" wwv.i f o, IA,,,, " COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of tho Litest improvements; ond entire new rc-lttylc?, and considcrnblcsaving of fuel, whicl can be had ot tiie lowest City price Aluo. all Kinds of S(:ove-l?ipc. A larc assortment of TIN WARE of cv- cry description, constantly on hand, which will be sold nt wholesale and retail, as rca sonablf! ns can be had in thc City All kinds of repairing done in thc Hiortcst, cheapest nnd best manner. Call nnd cxnu i iic their sleek before you purchase r Howhcr Oct. 17, '07.1 I LORY & BRO THIIE UNDKRSKJNED WOULD CALL iL allentiun to the ttoek of HAEDW ARE, CUTLERY, AND TOOLS, which he I113 opcncJ (at C. D. Biodhcad'b old aand) on MAIN STREET, STROUDBURC, and would rolicit tho patronage of wholesale and retail deulcis. Goodi at Lowest Cily Prices JOSEPH MAT LACK. April 23, 1BG3.-3.H. DON'T I'OOL YOU It PIOIJY away fer woithlea nrl it leant" Furni ture, but go to WcCuily'ii, and you will get well paid for it. (Sept. 20, '07, m.a:jk ))TTcTai:5 mm ck S SPECIAL NOTICE T(r FARMERS AND ALL FEKSDXS IWMAQ HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP & HOGS In the spring of the year when a Horse is .11111 tiicumg ins coat nothing will do him oeiior tcrvico man a tcaspoonlul of YOUATT'S CONDITION POWDER ovcry morning, well mixed with Lis feed. COWS, In milking cows the Bnlcribcr fecLs con fident that Yoiatt's Powder, as he new prcpurca-it, will nstonih all who uso it. am convi'nac the most incredulous to 6ay that bv iocuing a tow one tcaspoonlul ot Yocatt'k Powder once a day will bo much increase tnc quantity nnd miihty of tho milk as to yield one jvnnul ot liutlcr per week more is promising much, yet we have the evider.ee of hundreds to prove this assertion. This increase is made by keeping the cow in a iicaiiny condition with a good appetite. HOGS and SHEEP will be frreatlv bene fitted by us-ing this powder. On of our customers says that he had 1G thoeii all of which naa me Distemper, and concluded he would try an cxnerimonf with Yol'att'k 1 owder he ave half of tho number the Powder, and they recovered in a bhort time the rest died. The gciTuinc YOUATT'S VEGETATIVE CONDITION POWDER is prepared from louatta original Recipe nt Ilollinchead's Druir utore. A'l other ia a couiiterfoit. Trij it and lie Convinced. W. HOLLINSIIEAD. March 12, lSG. LOOK OUT FOIi THE LOCOMOTIVE! PM. N. PETERS, having recently 7 V purchaccd Smith &, Trible'a trtand, at EAST STROUDSBURG, icar the Depot, ond coinmcncjd Lusines? with a determination to please, feels iusti fied in atking the continued patronage of thc old customers of this establishment. He as taken as a partner in his Ktorc, Col. fdott's eo!, from Milford, and they have fj 11- d tnc fclore with an entire HEW STOCIi OF GOODS, uch as Dry Goods. Autfjiis, Groceries, revisions , ...... ...V It. ., YUluio Ware, i-iW and Flour, kc., iCc, ttc, which they offer very cheap for catih, or in exchange for Produce. Call and examine our etock before you purchase, und you will have great reason to be thankful for eo do ing. PE TERS & MOTT. My 21, 1?G3. UNDERTAKING. McCARTV hason hand thc largest and bctt Oosortmcnt of COFFINS ond TRIMMINGS to be found oatsidc of cither city (New York or Philadelphia), nnd will rrnkc this branch of his business A SPECIALITY. COFFINS and CASKETS of any eizeor style, can to furnished at one hour's notice for shipment, at a charge of one-third LESS THAN ANY SHOP IN SlROUDCrCItO In no core will he charge more than TEN PER CENT above actual cost. attended to in any part of thc County, nt thc cliortcst possible notice. Sept. CO, '07. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western HAIL ROAD. ,V l-i -iltT 11 ij Sarjmcr Arrangement, May 4, 1SGS." TRAINS LEAVE. WESTWADD. EASTWARD. ,..11 j. tKj r T h- rass r.x. M.i. I STATIONS. Mail Ex. lis r.M. A.M. 3..1H 7'd riula.Iolj.lu.-l, 4.10 r.Hj H.(in New York, 5.45 10 00 7.:id I0.:;u New ll.iinj.lon. 12.35 7..17 7.47 10.15 Washington, 12.15 f..M H.HI tl.CO (xfnl. li.lXI l.10 t-M-2 Il.Itl lit !!'.;- illo. 1160 0..-I0 H.I') 1 1 .2.1 M.inuiik4 I 'hunk, II. -til C 23 h.i-j n.:;r. mi.tw.m-, n -.ts S.jl 12.IHI Mount l!. th 1 1110 .V.M J. 05 I.M Walorli.ip. 10.55 a.37 y.17 l.'.so stkii:i).iilko, 10. it J.7 12.10 Siaaif villo, 10.31 5.15 U.37 I-J50 H.-nn v.llf, lo.ai 5.(15 11.02 l.W Oakl.inl, lo.al 4 ; Ki.lH l.'Jj Forks. . i.r. 10.27 J. Ill T.bh:inM, C.?7 4.13 10.3-J ?.(M Cotii, lUio', ti ll 4 im 11.01 Mom'ow, . h.iO 3:irt AV 11.11 233 Imnninf, f.itt II l II 15 5 20 Srranloii. a.iill ('35 11.11 3.11 Cl..tk,.s Suni'inl , 7.1.1 (ill 1 1 57 3..VI Al.in; l.i, 7.35 fi.00 1 2.25 4 (Hi rarloiviillo, 7.l'l 5.10 I ...'):l 4 .2(1 Mrholfon. f.55 5.13 1.17 i. IS IItolt .iii, I 4s 1.51) 5.10 M..nltr, ,.5 4.05 2.15 5 31 Now M1II01.I, 5.51 a.35 i!.J5 5.50 Ojv.it Uciul, 5.35 S 10 a.m. r.M t.m Diuncr aud Supper at Delaware Gtutiou. CONNKCTIOXS: At new Hampton with Central n it: of New Jersey. Traiii3 orrivc fin New Vorl; at J.l 1, 10.20, U.KiA.M.am!2. 10, G.V 7.15, ft.."0 P.M.; from Eiston O..V1A M., 7. 13 A.M., 1.35, l.;.j, 351, 7M7, H OU P.M. At WASI1INUTON with Morrij and Ed sex U.K. Trains from New York arrive nt lO.o:) A.M., and 7.UJ P.M ; Irom Eas tonut7., 10.3 A.M., and 12.11 P.M At MANUNKA CHUNK with Delvidcre Delaware It. U. Trains orrivo from Phila. dclidiia nt 11. CO A.M., fcU)2 P.M., nnd leave for Philadelphia nt 12.00 M., 8.20 P. M. Tho Ian train rtopa nt lielvidero until ti 20 A.M. next day. At SCKANTON with Lickawanna nnd lx)iiisbiir R. IL Trains nrrivc from Wilkca Iiarrc nt e.00 A.M., 2..V P.M.; from Northumberland nt 11.10 A.M. nnd 0.17 P.M. Depart for Northumberland at 5 10 A.M., 3.r0P.M.; b,r Wilkca-llarrcc at A.M., 0.12 P.M. Tlicto trains thm at till t tnt ions. Al SCIIAN TON with tho Delaware nnd Hudson Canal Co.'s linilroad, lor Olyphaut, Archbald, and Caibondalo. At (JIIEAT UE.ND with Eric' Railway. Trains from tho Wett nrrivc nt (Icav. in,? Euiralo at 0.10 P.M.) nnd 7.2t A.M.; at 2 nnd 0.27 P.M. From tho Mast nt 2.52, 5.27, nnd 1 1. Hi A.M.; 3.5:1 nnd 7.51 P.M. The litter train with Klcopin: Cam at tached, urrivlj;" .U FaiTalo next mornin it A. lit...!, t , .Vy I 1 ! (.?. FREE FIGHT f CO.MK ONE, COMK ALL:'7 li One Thousand Dollars in GREENBACKS to lc ju'cn aici l,y ihc siilscriucr, in, tho folluiciii'j manner : Each Euit of Furniture exceeding ono hundred dollar:', will funtain one Jf:10 green back ; exceeding two hundred dollar. 20. All bills cxcccdinar cinlit htmdrrd doll.irH will receive one enameled Bedroom Suit. containing 13 pieces, in any color desired. Also a pretcnt given with each bill exceed ing $10. CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, &o. Every order exceed inf 10 vd. of Urussnla Carpet, will contain fiio greenback, 1 piece oi Riudinir. 4 ivmrra of Canl Tacks. Every bill exceed in? 55 yi!a of Thrcp-nlv or Ingrain Carpet will conUiin 93 nnd oim. piece of Diiidin?,n.id i -miners of tacks: att each bill will bo told at lessnionev lhanc:in" be purchased at retail in New York City. J. 11. JU:tJARTY, Odd Fellows' Hall, Stroudsburg, IV. December 12, 16G7. LOOK THIS WAY, ALL AVIlO WANT Carriage Work or Dlaclisitnlhiisec DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER I THE Subscriber beg3 leave to in form tho public that he is fully pre pared, at his establishment, at tho corner of Simpson aud Sarah street?, in the borough ot btroudsburg, to make to order, every stylo of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at thc shortest possible notice, aud on the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed aud paiut: ed in the best style of the art. Having first-class material alvrays on land, aud none but first-class workmen engaged, the public arc assured that uou but first-class work will be turucd out at lis shop. In connection with his Carriage Shop 10 has also a Dlacksniitli Shop, whero superior workmen will always bo fownl ready to attend to thc orders of customers- Thc public arc invited to call and cx- noiinc his stock before purchasing else where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. September 10, lSG7.-tf. gw Cabinet Ware-Rooms !' NEW FURNITURE ! OPPOSITION TO HUMCCGGERT! PliiHp Miller & Son RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO thc public that they have opened, at their new Ware-Rooms, on Main street, in Siroudiibur, adjoining iho Race, a very su perior assortment of xuranuro. rnibraciiiz complete WRLOR, CHAMBER, nnd DINING-ROOM SUITES, both of their own and city manufacture which they will dispose of at tho luWCot pos sible prices for cash. They ore also prepared to manufacture to order, any nnd every thing in their. line, from a single piece of furniture up to a com plete cutfit from garret to cellar, all of Iho' best seasoned timber, and by tho bct of workmen. They do not claim to be 4 tho only Furniture dealer in Stroodaburg who has a license to sell Furniture' but having paid a license and established themselves in business they arc determined to do full justice to all who patronize them. Their stock of lumber embraces all the kinds of wood em ployed in cabinet-making, and was selected with regard to quality than to price. Remember that we can supply full suites cither of our own or of city mannfasturr, though wc prefer filling the former, because renter justice can be done thereby to pur chasers, UXDEIl TA KLXG ! VXDRTA KIXO .' ' Having provided ourselves with a new, neat, end elegant Hearse, ' a full supply of the latest styles of Collins and burial Cas kets, and nil the other npplijnces'of u lirat class establishment, wc are prepared to con duct the business of Undertaking, in ull it. branches, to the perfect salisfucliuti of al who-favor us with orders in this lino. Machine Saiciny, Turning, Plaining, Cc:. Their factory being fitted up wilh superior Turning, Sawing, and Plaining Machinery, all driven by a powerful steam engine, order from cabinet-makers, carjentcrs, and other.--, for work in these lines will be promptly and satisfactorily filled. They respectfully solicit a call from tin public. "Furniture cheerfully rhown without charge, nnd priors as low ns the lowest. PHILIP MIL LER &, SON . March 1 1, 1S07. XOTICy TO FAITSIKSVS ANl) V00L UliOtt'EKS. rrniin STKonDsmniu woolen MILLS will bo open 011 and altci JUNE 15th nest, wl.eu wo will le pre pared with a larjc-assortment tf CASS1 MERES, ELANKETS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, L1NSEYS, UALMORALS, YARNS, &.c.p tic, e., which wo offer in exchange for wool at prices 110 per cent ch'caper thau beforo thc war. tT Highest cash p hr juiiJfr 1 IV. . LEWIS DOSTEll'S SONS. May 23, ISGS.-tf. LIST l'A Lid Tho undersigned leqicctfully inforim all persons indebted to him by NcHeor look c count that he is now in want of money to enable him to fulfill engagements ho Ins made for putting up a new Rriclc buildin? where tho old lianc now stands. AM" who pioiiiptly respond t t It it- oil will receive hi-: tu-inU ul tl;-c v.Lj f:i! will !o-o'.uipeMtvl MV" NICHOLAS RVST.EI?... ci'r-ovi.Vijrw, Dec. 1 ul.