How to Cure Sick Poultry. Martinsville, Clinton Co., April 23. Jo the Editor of the Lincinnatc Gazette: I have cecn ana read in your valuable paper a treatment for chickens and other fowls, for "poultry diseases' Wc lost a great many chickens from the above, and 1 inspected several : found diseased liver and enlargement of the heart. I then M1 i i .,-. . ou SraiQ' i puivcnzcu resin, ou grains add 1 rallon of corn meal, and mir wrll give twice per week, fcmcc I commenced V - the above we have not lost one. Far . tners will do well to try it. I am, old friend, Jtc. your, S. 13. JuxkixsM. L. A r n 4 a n ma C t a a -,u uiaut ui irom iwo to nvc Dcr i. i . cbui. uas iakcn piacc iu Uovernmcnt ec vanuta bidcc itie Lnicago nominations were made. This indicates rrcttv clear. ij a conviction ou the part of the publ ion ou the rart of the public not only that Grant and Colfax will be elected, but that the resolution in the platlorm to which they have given their nanercticc respecting the public debt as ercs ita payment iu good faith, and ac coramg to the terms ot the contract. TO CONSUMPTIVES. rrMIE REV. EDWARD A. WILSON'S 1. Prepared' Prescription'for the cure of CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA BRONCHI TIS, COUGHS, COLDS, and all THROAT nd LUNG AFFECTIONS, has now been ln use lor over narked success. ten vears with the most - Tbc Remedy, prepared under Mr. Wil- eoa'a personal supervision, also a pamphlet containing the original Prescription, with jou anu expncu uirections lor preparation 3 . .. ... . .! na nae, logcmer wun a snort History or hs caw, may be obtained of DREHER &. BRO., Druggists, Stroudsburc, er REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. 165 South Second St Williamsburgh, N. Y. Pamphlets furnished free of charge. My 31, iees.-iyr. FIFTY THOUSAND HEADS tw clothed with masses of rich black and brown hair woul J, if they were unfortunately CUT OFF ftorn a eupply of CRISTADORO'S DYE, k9in to TIRS VIIBTE, red, sandy, and gray. Manhood and beauty, with tne one detect in their personal appear aacs remedied by CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE, rtjoiee in their good fortune, and recom mend it to all who require a perfect dye. Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, 03 Maiden Lane, New York. Sold by nil Druggists. Applied by ail Hair Dressers. Jane 4, 163.-Im. Itclalltdl!! Itcll!!U SCRATCH! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH! in from 10 to 43 hours. Wheaton'b Ointment cures Tnc Itch. Whkatox's Ointment cures Salt RiiErM. Wheaton's Ointment cures Tettei. Wueaton's Ointment cures BaeeeksItch Wheaton's Ointment cures Old Sores. . Wdeaton's Ointment cures Eveet kind of Ht'MOtt lieu Magic. Price, 50 cents a box; by mail, 60 cents. Address WEEKS & PORTER, N0. 170 Washington Street, Button, Maex. -For sale by all Druggists. Sept. 19, 1907.-lyr. DR. TOBIAS' Celebrated Venetian Liniment, whose wonderful cures, sure and instanta ncoua action, in cases of Chronic Rheuma tism, Headache, Toothache, Cuts Burns, Cramps, Dysentery, etc, have astonished the civilized world. It is no new catch penny, but an article that has stooJ the test of twenty years. The enormous salo and rapidly increasing demand is at on.ce the surest evidence of its usefulness and popu larity. Try it and be convinced. No fam ily should be without a bottle in the house hundreds of dollar?, and many hours of suffering may be paved by its timely use. Colic, Cramp, and Dysentery yield at once to its pain-curative properties. It is per fectly innocent, end can be given to the oldcet person or youngest child. No matter, if you have no confidence in Patent Medi cines try this, and you will be sure to buy again and recommend to your fricn6. Hundreds of Physicians recommend it in their practice. None genainennlcs3 signed, H. I. Tobia8.', Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold by all the Druggist. Depot, CO Cort landt Street, New York. June 4, 19G9.-lm. The La Success A 1 rii! HteuRESsrMfi uill quickly rcstro Gray Hair to Its natural color eiid beauty, nd produce luxuriant growth. It U pcrfocU harmless, and is preferred. tvcf every Other preparation by those who "have a fine head of hair, fej well as those who wish to restora it. The beautiful gloss and perfume " Imparted to the Hair make it dcsirabla for old and young. For Sl by all DruggUtn PEPOT, 108 CREEMTICU ST., N. Y. Nov 21. Jsi7.-I vr. Special Notices GUIDE TO MARRIAGE. xoung Men's Guide to Happy Marriajrc 0fL "?J ' K"! IT' lllf?Te V1CW? ,. 71 7i 1 J. ":.wu ri "l,u hood I ? T i- "'" "uk.-uui.i- ; HUN, Box P., Philadclpliia, Pa. June -1,1803.-1 yr. ITI. JD. COOLBAUGII, Sign and Ornamental Painter, I SHOP ON MAIN STREET, Opposite Woolen Mills, STKOUDSUUKG, PA., I espectluliy announces to the citizens of blrou,sb.urS: onJ vicinity that he is prepared iu uucuu 10 cji who may tavor Inui with their patronage, in a prompt and workman like manner. CHAIRS, FURNITURE, &c, painted ana repaired. PICTURE FRAMES of all kinds con- stantly on hand or supplied to order. June 11, 1605. ly. LYNN'S GREAT GERMAN ROOT AND IIERI1 J C T 0 II A f! If R I T T P I? 3 ? S V ill II 1 1 1 Ii 11 k3 I I manufactured and sold by , - SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. These Bitters arc a certain remedy for Dvsnensia. Imlirrstinn. ITvatlarhe. Vrrr- ' ' - ousness. Loss of Appetite, and is a positive preventive of all DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH. The German Herb Stomach Bitters has a restoring influence upon the system, espe cially upon the Digestive Orjrans, and is recommended to all persons in delicate health. It is an excellent remedy for Sum mer uemplaint. and no laimly should be without it. A. II. LYNN has secured the services of a man who has had many years experience in the manufacture of Bitters, in the well known German Bitters Manufactory of Schunmcl &. Co, Lcipsi, Germany, and has made arrangements with them for Ucr- ... - i man neros, roois, c., necessary ior me uiniiuiawiuiv ui i lie THE GERMX HERB STOMACH BITTERS id now ready to be sent anywhere. All or ders with which I may be favored will be delivered nt short notice. A trial of the Bitters is respectfully asked. A. II. LiNN, Manufacturer, South Bethlehem, Penn. Sold bv C. S. Dctrick &. Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Stroudsburg, Pa. June 4, 18GS.-lyr. MOST SUCCESSFUL AM) W0X- DERFUL INVENTION! NEW METHOD OP WASHING CLOTHES without i. a con. THE AUTOMATIC CLOTHES WASI1EJ? h BOILER. It lna been thoroughly tested and pro nounced Unequaled as a CLOT II ES W AS II Kit by the Thousands who have it in use. RECOMMENDATION?: Hamilton, Monroe Co., Pa., May 10, 1. Hiring thoroughly tested the "Automatic Clothes Washer," a. new inTcntion, end one of the most successful and wonderful inrcn l:ons of the day, I am satisfied that, as a clothes washer and boiler, it has not its equal. It 13 self-acting, and dispenses with most of the labor of washing, and nearly, if not -quite, all the weir of clothes so objec tional in old plana. Hiving fully tested ihU boiler in my family, I can recommend it as one of the greatest improvements of the kind. As regards labor-saving, and clothes-saving, there is no invention that can equal it. In stead of wathing-day being a dread to house wives, with this machine, thi3 heretofore arduous work of a whole day will be re duced to two or three hours easy work. ABRM. LEVERING. We, the undersigned, havinrr rccn the "Automatic Clothes Washer" thoroughly tested fully concur in the forgoing recom mendation of Judge Levering. Tiieo. Sciiccu, Ei. L. Wolf, t Fbedcbick Keiser, Jacob IC Shafeu, Stroudsburg, Ta. Vm. P. Howell, Minrtr cf the Gospel, Cherry Valley. A. W. Ix)DER, Merchant, Kellcrsvillc, Pa. Josei'ii Kemmerek, jr., Hamilton, Monroe Co., Pa. BEN'J. DUNCAN & SONS. Agents, P. O. address, Stroud.-burg, Pa, May 2?f 1SG3. LOOK OUT for Tin: LOCOMOTIVE! 7f7M. N. PETERS, having recently r v purchased Smith &. Triblc's rtand, at EAST STROUDSBURG, near the Depot, and commenced business with a determination to please, fccla justi fied in asking the continued patronage of the old customers of this establithment. He has taken as a partner in his store; Col Moll's son, from Milford, and they have fill ed the store witu an entire NCW STOCK OF GOODS, such as Dry Goods, . ' , Notions, Groceries, -l'iGVtsious, Jl'iithcnve, Wt'lluu: Ware, Boots and Shoes, y Feed and Flour, &c, fc, tic, wbirh ihov offer rcrv cheap for cash, or in exchange for Produce. Call and examine our stock before you purchase, and you will have great reason to be thankful for so do ing. - PETERS &, MOTT. Miy 21, 1GS. C A IV YOU TJCXL. WJ1V IT Is that w!n;n any otic comes to Stroudo- hnr'j to buy ruruilurc. NvdV oinouirc 0x !IcCtrtv's raMii'ue S'.-rc! 'S-p!- I Administrator's Notice. "V'f, Zii.?.MiM1?M' "AAISA, latecf wV. v7n,,pt aeceasca. (VTOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT i-1 letters of administration upon the above Estate have been granted to the subscriber by the Register of Wills of Monron Pnnn.v Pc indebted to said Estate will make payment without delay, and those naving ciauns against Hie same will present wiem uuiy aunienticatcd tor settlement to i i . . . . - . WILLIAM 1 1 ANNA. Adm'r M. Smith field tsi.. June 4. 1S68.-GL STROUD TOWNSHIP BOUNTY FUND STATEMENT. SIMON HARRY, Treasurer of Bounty Fund of Stroud Township, in account Ktin saw i otcnsnijK DR. To amount of money in Stroudfcburg' Bank to credit of said town&hip at former settlement, June y, 1S07, ggog go To amt. of bounty tax re ceived of Jacob L. RheJcs, Collector, on duplicate of 1SG0, J?"90 00 On dnplicate of 107, 5,700 00 0,290 00 7,218 62 CIJ. Paid John Kern, lalanco duo as per Auditors settlement, May 11,'07 22 I3 Paid Printers, publishing; Auditors report, 55 50 Paid Township Auditors, June 8, 1SG7, 18 00 Po id interest due Jan. I. l&GS, on Bond; 1,516 22 Do. 18GG-G7. on Bonds. 33 45 1,579 G7 Paid note and interest to Stroudsburg Bank, .$2,200 00 Paid Bonds numbered 07, 78, 79, 80, 69, 91, & 03, and with interest accrued, 2,735 00 5,025 00 Treasurer's commissions on 80,290.00, 01 33 Balance in Treasury, 423 77 87,219 S2 Indebtedness of Stroud Township: Unpaid Bounty Bonds, 823,959 Ba. due tsp. on duplicate, 1,325 BS lima I I Hli4 R. W. SWINK, JOHN W. VANVLIET, J. A. FETIIERMAN. Tsp. Auditors. June 4, 16G3. ALBERT II. BROMLEY, (LAT.P PETERS 1 BROMLEY,) MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN No. 18 North 4th St., eastox, n::i.A. May 21, 16G8. A IV extensil e lot of STOVES of JjL nil descriptions have been received at the Etorc of the subscribers, in the borough of Stroudsburg. They have COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements; and entire new tlyles, and considerable saving of fuel, w hich can be had at the lowest City pricos. Also, all kinds of Stoyc-IPipe. A large assortment of TIN WARE of ev ery description, constantly on hand, which will be sold ut wholesale and retail, as rea sonable 83 can ho had in the City. All kinds of repairing done in the shortest, cheapest and best manner. Call and exam ine their stock before you purchase clscwhcr. Oct. 17, '07. . FLORY & BRO. rpilE UNDERSIGNED WOULD CALL JL attention to the elock of HA'J&D W ARE, CUTLERY, AND TOOLS, which he has opened (at CD. Brodhcad'e old ttand) on MAIN STREET, STROUDSBURG, and would solicit tho patronage of wholesale and retail dealers. Good? at Lowest City Price. JOSEPH MATLACK. April 23, 1608.-3m. O.K'T FOOL OVtt IBOSII3Y way for worthless articles of Furni turc, but go to McCurty's, and you will gel well paid for it. Sept. 20, 07. BLANK MORTGAGES l s:tl( it ill Oilier. boots & Shoes, SBfi4B MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT, 1868. T 1ST OF RETAILERS of Foreign and JLi Domestic Merchandiso in Monroe Co.. subject to the payment of license for the year 1803: Boroti"h " of StroiiIbiirs. R. T CI.8. Lirrniie. F. & H.-D. Bush. store- 14 J J. B, 87 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 15 7 10 10 10 7 7 4 10 7 7 00 Mi Her. rlo 00 00 Lcc &. Brother, cabinet ware, Samuel Hood, Btnvrs. 00 00 i . - --i Miss Winicrmnte, notions, Joseph Matlack, store. 00 00 fcabina I)e zounc, notions. J. B. Morgan, store, J. II. McCarty, cabinet ware, 00 00 K. Huston, store, 14 00 00 00 Hcrrman, La Bar &. Co., notions, 11 CD. Brodhcad. store. J4 Brown & Keller, jewelry, 13 Drcher & Brother, medicines. 13 00 00 William Ilollinshcad, do. 13 00 00 00 00 Charles B. Keller, boots & shoes, 14 S. D. Drcher, saddler, 14 A. C. JniiLcn, confectionery, 14 mrncl Mansheld, store, 13 00 00 00 v. juuicr, notions, . 14 A. B. Ostrander, confectionery, 14 J. Storm. 13 10 00 7 00 Flory &. Brother, stores, 14 Philip Miller &, Son, cnb. ware, 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 50 7 00 ' 7 00 12 50 'Ilss ochoonovcr, fancy goods, 11 v aicrs cv, fcon, Loots !fc shoes, 1 1 Nicholaa Rusicr. store. 12 Fable & Myers, do. 14 R. Miller, saddler, 14 II. S. Wagner, store, 12 M. L. Drake, boots &, shoos, 14 7 00 10 00 C. S. Detrick & Co.. medicines. 13 Alex. Raubcnold, jewelry, 14 7 00 Darius Drcher, fancy good, 14 M. M. Burnett, tailor, 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 J. O. Saylor, saddler 11 12 50 7 00 C. Frankcnficld, cabinet ware, 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 Will mm T. Baker, confectioner, 11 James Gouger, do. 14 D. II. Wyckoff, tobacco, 14 Christian Hillcr, billiard table, 0 Stroud Towmliip. Decker &. Dunn, store, 14 7 7 4 7 7 4 0 4 10 '10 00 Nelson Dctrick, groceries, 14 00 00 00 William N. Peters, store, 14 C. S. Detrick &. Co., medicines, 13 Miss R. Morgan, notions, 11 00 Philip Rockalcllow.confcctioner 14 00 Abraham Rockafcllow, Ktorc, 14 00 00 00 riiomas Stcmple, dc 13 Charles Foulkc, ten pin alley, 4 Earrctt Township. Palens &. Northrop, store. Wm. K. btright, groceries, Decker & Dunn, store, Shafcr & Rheinhart, do. J. S. Coalman, do. . Paradise TowuIiip. George Smith, store, 14 7 7 7. 00 ? & . M 00 00 Susillificld Totriislilp. Elias Huffman, store, 14 Amos La bar, do. 14 Will iam Brodhcad, bird saloon, 4 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 Do. ten pin alley, 4 Joel Shannon, fctore, 14 B. F. Brodhcad, da 14 Merari G. Jones, groceries 14 James Bell, jr., store, 14 I J. D. Labar, do. 14 A. B. Frees, do. 14 Tobyliniiiui Township. Timothy Miller, storo 14 i Isaac Staufcr, do. 14 00 00 00 Charles Blakcslcy, do. 14 Jackson Township. II Marvin, store, 14 7 00 Coolhaush Township. Dowling &. Brother, groceries, 14 4 7 7 4 15 00 00 00 00 00 Rhodes &. Son, store, 11 14 I 11 James Young, do. Susan Youn"-, do. Dodge &. Co., do. Pocono Township. 7 oo S. Kistler &. Co., Btore, 11 Daniel Custard, do. 14 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 00 00 00 00 00 Jacob Sloufcr, do. 11 George Lcssig, do. 14 Nathaniel Storm, do. 14 Staples & Barry, do. 14 Ko Township. . Reuben Hartzcll, store, 14 CO 00 00 00 00 00 Jacob Bonser, do. 14 I'ollc Township. 77a v id Krcsge, elore, 14 John G. Weist, do. 14 14 11 II. McClcllcn, do. do. B. M. Kresgc, Peter Gilbert, Uldrcd Township. Joseph Hawk, etorc, 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 John Harter, do. 14 Ilinc &. Frantz, do. 11 Hamilton Townsliip. Allen Mclzgar, btore, 11 J. A. Bossard, do. 11 Stephen Gca rah, do. 11 .' W. Lodcr, do. 14 Joseph Bittcnbcndcr do 14 Savior &. Brother, ' do. 14 Cheiiiitliill Township. John Kcslcr, siddlcr. .14 7 00 John Merwinc, etore, 11 7 00 Charles TidJ, do. 11 7 00 Samuel Arnold, do. 14 7 00 George Miller, saddler, 14 7 00 L. M. Heller, More, 14 7 00 Charles Scnsabaugh, do. 14 7 00 Henry Gctz, do. 11 7 00 George Weiss, do. 11 7 00 Martin Kishnauch. do. 14 7 00 Itliddle Smithficld. E. G. Shoemaker, store. 14 7 00 Notice is hcrcl.v given, that an appeal will be held at the. Commissioner's Ollicc, at Stroudsburg, on MONDAY, the 15th day of JUNE, 1339. at 10 o'clock, a.m., where oil persons who feci themselves aggrieved by the forgoing appraisement arc required to attend. E. II. GUISSAULES, Miy 11, lSG Mercantile Appraiser, ."Administrators .Notice. Estate of DANIEL BOYS, late of Stroud twiishtp, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that letters of Ad ministration upon the above Estate have been granted to the subscribers by the Register of Wills of Monroo county.' All persons in deLtcd to eaid Estate will mako payment without delay, and thoso having claims a gainst tho eamc will present them duly ai thcrUicatcd fur settlement, to JOHN BOYS, Stroudsburg, Ta. JAMES ANDRE, Stroud tap. May 7, 18G3. 0t. Executors REV. EDWARD A. WILSON'S (of Wil liamsburgh, N. Y.) Recipe for CON SUMPTION and ASTHMA carefully com pounded at HOLLINSHEAD'S DRUG W10Y,R cZ-Mvti: VYrs en 1'nrr. v. '!, l'fif W. IinLLLNr-iiHiAP J 7 00 7 00 7 00 JsA 7 oo tr: M 700 jsi Executor's Notice. estate of ABRAHAM TRANSVE, late oj i uraditc township, Monro: County, deceased. Letters testamentary upon the aboie named ,siaie nave teen e ran ted to tha unders m i ii : i i . . . . . -Ui pt'wuo uiucoicu to said rotate are requested to mako immediate navment : and those having legal claims against the fcame ar aesirea 10 preseni mem in proper order i . for settlement, without delay, to JOHN A. TRANSUE, Executor. Paradise Valley P. O.. Pa xuay Ut T1 HE NEXT SESSION OF THE STROUDSBURG ACADEMY wi commence on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th, 18G9. Pupils admitted at any time For terms, &c, apply to J ERE. FRUTTCHEY, Principal. Feb. 20, 18G9. SPECIAL NOTICE TO FARMERS AND ALL TERSO.NS t WM. HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP &. HOGS! In the sprim: of the year when a Horse its about sheding his coat nothing will do him better service than a tcasnoonlul of lUUAiTo CONDITION" POWDER, every morning, well mixed with his feed. COWS. In milking cows the subscriber feels con nucm uiai iouattb 1'owdeh, as ne now prepares it, will astonish all who use it, and convince the most incrcduloua to aay that by 1 ceding a.cow one teaspoonful of Yocatt s I'owder onco a day will so much increase the quantity and quality of the milk as to yield owe pound of Butter per week more is promising much, yet wc Lave the evidence of hundreds to prove this assertion. Thie increase is made by keeping the cow in a healthy condition with a rood appetite. HOGS and SHEEP will be crcatly bene niieu oy using this powder. Un or our customers says that he had 16 sheep all of which had the Distemper, and concluded he would try an experiment with Youatt's Powder he gave half of the number the Powder, and they recovered in a fchort,time, the rest died. The genuine YOUATT'S VEGETATIVE CONDITION-POWDER is prepared from uatt's original Recipe at Hoilinshead's Drug Store. AU other is a counterfeit. Try it and be Convinced. W. 1IOLLINSIIEAD. March 12, 18G9. m 7 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE, opposite the Depot, at East Strondsbarg'. Apply at once to Geo. L. Walker, Real Es state Broker. Office on Main st., Slroads- burg. Pa. Feb. 27, 1868. UNDERTAKING. McCARTY has on hand the largest and best assortment of COFFINS and TRIMMINGS lobe found outside of cither city(New York I or Philadelphia), and will make this branch of his business A SPECIALITY. COFFINS and CASKETS cfantmsizeor style, can be furnished at one hour's notice Tor shipment, at a charge or one-third less than any shop in Stroudbdvr. In no case will he charge more than TEN PER CENT above actual cost. EMBAIiMIIVG attended to in any part of the County, at the shortest possible notice. Sept. 26, G7. Delaware, Lackaivamia &, Western RAIL ROAD. Summer Arrangement, May 4, 1368. TRAINS LEAVE. 7 oo tCrzi--- 7 00 WESTVTABD. I EASTWARD. Tata Cx. Mail STATIONS. Mail Ex. Tas? T.M. A.M. 3.30 7.03 Philadelphia, 4 40 5.00 8.00 New Vor. 8 -IJ 10.00 7.30 I0JU) New ll:iinpton. 12.33 7.37 " t 7.47 I0.4S' Washingtun, 12.13 fi.55 8.01 11.00 Oxforil, 12.00 U.40 f.12 11.10 llridKCVillc. 11 50 f..30 f.V) 11.25 M.inunk t hunk. 11.40 6.22 H.42 11.35 Pcl.iwair, 1135 6.l ?.5I 12.00 Mounl lU lhol 11.10 5.51 ' 0.05 Water Oai. . I0.i5 5.37 9.17 l-'.30 STUOLDSDURG, 10.41 5.25 0 .27 12.40 firagueville, 10.31 5.15 9.37 12 50 lltnrvville, 10.21 5.05 11.52 1.0S Oakland, 10.04 4.4!l 10.U8 1.25 Forkx. 0.40 4.32 10.27 1.4fi Tubyhanns. 9.27 4.13 I0.:W 2.00 (.onldsboro1. l.U 4.IHI 11.01 2.22 Moscow, 8.5(1 3 AS AM 11.11 8.33 Dunning, 6.40 3.'2S 11.15 11 15 3.20 Srranfon, .10 J.oo 0.35 11.12 3.42 (.:.irk' Summit, 7.43 0 10 11 57 3.50 .AbiriKNm. 7.35 P.OO 12.25 4 00 riH-toryvil!", 7.M 5.40 12.53 42H Nicholson. rt.55 5.13 1.17 4.4 HopboUcin, O.tH 44 l.M 5.10 MontroM-. fi.15 4.05 9.15 S 31 New Mtiford, 5.51 3.35 2.35 5.50 GrcalLVuJ, 5.35 3 10 A.M. P.M. P.M Dinner and Supper at Delaware Station. connections: At NEW HAMPTON with Central R.R. of New Jersey. Trains arrive from Now York at 9.1 1, 10.20, ll.lGA.M.and 2.10, U.iio, 7.15,8.30 P.M.; from East on 0.55 A.M., 7.- 13 A.M., 1.25, 1.35, 3 54, 7.37, H.00 l'.fll. At WASHINGTON with Morria and Es sex Trains Irom xncw iorK arrive ni 10.33 A.M., and 7.02 P.M ; from Eas tonat 7.28. 10.33 A.M., and 12.41 P.M At MANUNKA CHUNK with Bclvidcrfi Dclawaro R.R. Trains arrive frorri Thila dclphia at 11.20 A.M., 8.02 P.M., and leave for Philadelphia at 12.00 M., 8.20 P. M. The last train etopa at Bclvlderc until 0 20 A.M. iiext day. At SCRANTON with Lackawawia a;wl Bloomsburg R. R. Trains arrive from WilltcBarrc at 8.00 A.M., 2.55 P.M.; from-Northumberland at 11.10 A.M. and 0.47 P.M. Depart for Northumberland at 5 10 A.M., 3.30 P.M.; fur Wilkes-Barree at 8.30 A.M., 0.12 P.M. Thcao trains Btj at all stations. At SCRANTON with tho Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.'o Railroad, for Olyphant, Archhald, and CnrlK-nda!o. At GREAT BEND with Erio Railway. Trains from tho West arrive at 3.43 (leav- ioz Buffalo at 6.10 T.MA and 7.21A.M at 2 and 0.27 P.M. From tho East at 2.52, 5.27, and 11.31 A.M.; 3.53 and 7.51 P.M. The lallcr train with Sleeping Cars at tached, arriving at Buffalo ncsl inorniiig nt 0.15. K. A. HENRY, 'ion V.i - -iinl T'Axl Agent. '! .v 11 lr'.. FREE FIGHT r " COME ONE, COME ALL," One Thousand Mm in GREENBACKS to le oiven array ly the eubscriler, tn ih follotcing manner i Each suit of Furniture exceeding ooo' hundred dollars, will contain one $10 green back ; exceeding two hundred dollars. 820. All bills exceeding ciirht hundred dollars will receive one enameled Bedroom Soir, containing 13 pieces, in any color desired. Also a present given with each bill exceed ing $10. CARPETS, 0IL-0L0THS, &c. Every order exceeding 40 vda. of Brussufr Carpet, will contain ono 5 greenback, V piece of Binding, 4 papers of Carpet Tacks. Every bill execedins 55 rds. of Three-nlv or Ingrain Carpet will contain unH nno- pieee ot Bindincr.and 4 mncrs of tacks: and each bill will be sold at less money than m be purchased at retail in New York Citv. J. IL. JJltUAlu Y Odd Fellows' Hall. Stroudaburg, Pa; December 12, 18G7. LOOK THIS WAY, ALL TTnO WANT . Carriage Work or Blacksniilhlng DONE IX A SUPERIOR MANNER! THE Subscriber begs leave to in form the public that ho is fully fro pared, at his establishment, at the corner of Simpson and Sarah streets, in the borough of Stroudsburg, to make k order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything in hi3 lino of bu siness, at the shortest possible notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint- cd in the best style of the art. ing first-class material always on hand, and none but 'first-class workmen engaged, the public arc assured that none but first-class work will be turned out at ibfihop. In connection with hi3 Carnage Shop nc lias also a iilaccsmitn .shop, whero superior workmen will always bo found' ready to attend to the orders of customers The public are invited to call and ex amine hie stock before purchasing else where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. September 19, 1867.-tf. New Cabinet Ware-Rooms! NEW FURNITURE r OPPOSITION TO HLMBI GGERY! PhiUp Miller & Son RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO the public that they havo opened, at their new Ware-Rooms, on Main street, in Stroudsburg, adjoining the Race, a very su perior assortment ot r urmture, embracing, complete PARLOR, CHAMBER, and DINING-ROOM SUITES; both of their own and city manufacturo which they will dispose of at the lowest pos sible prices for cash. They are also prepared to manufucturo to -order, any and-every thing in their line, from a single piece of furniture, up to a com plete outfit from garret to cellar, all of the best seasoned timber, and by the led of workmen. They do not claim to be tho only Furniture dealer in Stroudsburg " who has a license to bcII Furniture," but having paid a license and established themselves in business they are determined to do full justice to all who patronize them. Their eiock of lumber embraces all the kinds ef wood em ployed in cabinet-making, and was selected with regard to quality than to price. Remember that wc can supply full suites cither of our own or of city manufacture, though we prefer filling ihc former, bcciuso greater justice canjbe done thereby to pur chasers. UNDER TAKING ! UNDER TAKING .' Having provided ourselves with a new, neat, and elegant Hearse, a full supply of the latest styles of Coflina and burial .Cas kets, and all the other appliances of a first class establishment, we are prepared to con duct the business of Undertaking, in all its branches, to the perfect satisfaction of all who favor us with orders in this line..' Machine Saicittj, Turning, Plaining, ifv. Their factory being fitted up with superior Turning, Sawing, and Plaining Machinery, all driven by a powerful itcam engine, orders from cabinet-makers, carpenters, and other. . for work in these lines will be-promptly and -satisfactorily filled. - They respectfully ealicit a call froni tb.6 public Furniture cheerfully shown without charge, and prices as low as tjie lowest. PHILIP MILLER &. SON. March 1 1, 1S07. NOTICE TO FAKSiKKS AND WOOL GKOWEKS. fpiIH ST110UDSI5UKG WOOLKN MILLS will be open on and after JUNE 15th next, wheu wc will ho pre pared with-a large assortment of CASSIMERES, BLANKETS, V. TWEEDS,- - I'LANNELSv LINSEYSy 1SAIM0RAL8, YARNS, ke.t tto., Ao.r which wc offer in exchange for wool at prices 20 por cent cheaper than Lforo the war. IT IIl"est cash price pa id or Wucl. LEWIS POSTER'S SONS. May-28, lSG8.-tf. LAST CALLf The undersigned respectfully informs all persons indebted to him by Notour Book sc. count that he is now ia want of money to cnkblc him to fulfill engagements he has made for putting up a new Brick building where the okl framo now stands. Alt4who promptly respeud to this call will receive lr thanks, and thiwe who fail will bo tvuiptlU'd. to pay. Nl( tinLs UT' n n