lje jTclfcvconian, THURSDAY, JUKE 4, 1368. IOll PRESIDENT, ULYSSES S. GRANT, : or Illinois. FOR, VICE-PRESIDENT, SCHUYLER COLFAX, OF INDIAN" A. REPUBLICAN STATS TICKET. TOR AUDITOR-QFNIRAL, Ges JOHN F. II A 1; TUANFT FOE SCHVKTOIl GENERAL, Ces. JACOB M. CAM TBEL L. BALDNRSS, GRAYNESS, and other imperfections of the Hair wnl be regarded s inexcusable after a trial ot Mrs. S. A. Alley's Impiotkd (neir 'yfr) Hair Re storer or Da nasi. o, (in one bottle) Ev- ery Diujifrt tells it. I'ncc une iciiar. 'Xbe alarm of lire, ly which a number of our cinrens were startled, on Saturday last, grew out of the explosion of the kerosene street-lamp, oa tha cor cer, few steps above llollinsbead'i drag Btorc. A broken lamp was about all the iamngo done. The steeple of the New Presbyte rian Church is progressing towards coui rletioa, as rapidly as is consistent with safety. Its lieijrLt, when completed, will be one hundred and thirty feet, and it will, comblued with the church, make a very imposing appearance indeed. t2y Mrs. P. II. Robeson has opened an Ice Cream Saloon at her residence, be tween the Methodist and Presbyterian churches, in this borough, where all who love this delicious summer luxury, and who does net, should call. A liberal sample of Ler manufacture has convinced us that her s&bon is the pUce at which to fecure the luxury in its greatest purity and excellence. We have never tasted better ice cream, or purchased more gen erously filled saucers. Burglary. Ve leara that the residence of Mr. Thomas S temples, at East Strcudeburg, was entered by burglars on the night of the 27th ult. (Wednesday of la?t week) and a lot cf silver spoons carried off. The rogues were either disturbed in theirop erations or concluded, after search, that Mr. S. did not allow his valuables to lie around loose. On the same evening the residence of T'lr. Rockafellow, in the sama village, ras cUo entered, and his pocket-book containing ten dollars and his watch ta ken from the btdrooai, where he and his wife slept. As this is a beginning, and as it is well knocn to the police of our cjties that the pickpockets and burglars have nearly all started out on a Epring and summer rustication, it may be well for our citizens to be prepared for such vibits. " Father Abraham." We have received the first number- of a new campaign paper, bearing the above title, published at Lancaster, Pa., by Ranch & Cochran. The Ranch of the firm, is the Itauch Ned Rauch well known throughout all cewspaperdotn, as jone of the most witty, sarcastic, and yet pleasant vrriter that ever handled a gray ,goo?e quill in an editorial sanctum. Re publicans, hereabouts, remember him as the late able editor cf the Mauch Chunk 'Gazette;" and Democrats have by no oeaus forgotten either hitn or the stal wart blows ha literally showered down upon tbem .in the years gone by. Of course, " Father Abraham," ja his hands cannot be any thing else but spicy and will prove to be richly worth the eub?erip lion price 75 cent for the campaign. t3a-Geu. John M. Schofield, the newly appointed Secretary of War, took posses sion cf the Department, on Monday last, and was immediately waited on by Gen. Grant, Gen. Howard, the Heads of the several Military Bureaus, and the military men in and around Washington generally. He was accompanied to the Department by President Johnson. He is succeeded in his command of the first district, and of the military Department of Virginia, by Brevet Major-General George Htone rnan. -- a m i Cheap Whiskey. Whilst Temperance men are putting forth all efforts to cripple and destroy the whiskey business, Congress are seriously talking of cutting down the tax on the raw material, from two dollars toceventy fire cents per gallon. It is eaid that a large majority of our Solons at Washing ton favor the reduction, and that the Revenue laws will be so amended. This will, of course, secure a cheaper whiskey to be used in the manufacture of " ox yokes," worm fences," and other "rue tfewjc ar?s " of like kidney. Court Proceedings. At the May Term of the several Courts of Monroe County the following business was transacted, viz: David Roth was appointed Constable of Ross township for the ensuing year. The following licenses for hotels, liquor stores and eating houses were granted: Hotel. ViIkin?sn Trice, Barrett. John W. Yolhers, do John Kerchner, Chesnuthill Reuben Shupp, do John Merwine, do Jerome Kresge, do Elizabeth Krepge, d Linford M. Heller, do Jacob B. Tee I, Coolbaugh. Oliver D. Smith, do Simuel Case, do James Wnironhurst do Jerome B. Shaw, do Joseph Hawk, Eldred. Nelson Hefflefinger, do , . Schoch & Kunkel, do Alonzo B. Sliafer, - Hamilton. Charles Bossard, do Valentine Houser, do Jerome H. Fetherman, do Jacob P. Reimcr, do Charles Saylor, do James Place, M. Smithfield Jacob H. Place, do Abraham Gish, Paradise. Henry Braman, do Manasseh Miller, Pocono. Charles Brown, do Amos Singer, do Mary Hotter, Polk tap. David Kresge, do Jonas Snyder, do Aaron Scrfa&s, do Thomas E. Heller, do Jacob W Kresge do Reuben Hartzell Ross. Philip Metzsar do Jacob II. Siocfcer 1 . do Isaac S. Lahar, Smithfield . Theodr.re Brodhead, do Luke XV. Brodhead, do John Hohensheldt, Stroud Jacob K. Shafer, Stroudebur. Jacob Knecht, do Linford Marhr do Aaron XV. Clark, do Henry Stoddart, Tolyhanna, Isaac StoufTer, do Hiram Hay do Reuben B. Bonscr, Tunkhannock. .Liquor Stores. Jerome S. Williams & Co. Slroudsburg. C. S. Detrick &. Co. StrouJ. Joseph P. Metzgar, Hamilton. Eating House. Merari G Jones, SmilhfieTd. Sulle. prcscquis were entered in the following cases:- Commonwealth rs. Henry Tallman Fornication k Bartardy. Commonwealth vs. John Fenncr For nication & Bastardy. Commonwealth r. Charles Fish For nication it Bastardy. Commonwealth rs. Christian Ililler Furnishing intoxicating drinks to minors. Commonwealth rs. Peter Born Fur nishing intoxicating drinks to minors. Commonwealth vs. Rudolph W. M03 teller Assault & Battery. The Grand Jury returned the follow ing bills Ignoramus, and directed the prosecutors to pay the costs: Ccm. rs. Addison Azer. Catharine K. Sctzer, prosecutor, Joseph II. Smith rs. Charles Ililgert, Peter Donblazer et al. Verdict for plaintiff in sum of thirty-Gve dollars. In the cases of Samuel Warner, now to the use of Manasseh Miller vs. Charles Brown and John Dotter vs. the township of Chesnuthill, the plaintiffs took non suits. A. Recve3 Jackson r. David R. Mai ven, the jury found for plaintiff, where upon the Court directed the payment of costs to be made by estate. The time for the Auditor in the ac count of the Administrator of the estate of Atfnaniaa Overfield, deceased, to re port was extended until next term. The time for the Aoditor on account of the Executor of the estate of Adam IIufTsmith, deceased, to report was ex tended twenty days. Stephen Holmes, jr., Esq., was ap pointed to examine, and, if occasion re quire, to resettle the account of Susan Groner, Administratrix of the account of Andrew Groner, deceased. The Grand Jury reported that they had examined the public buildings and tound them in reasonable condition, with the exception of the roof on the jail. wuicn needs some repairs. A numVer of criminal cases, in which true bills were found, were continued over until next term. 527 Owing to the stoppage of the La ger Business, which will fioally take place to-morrow, it is anticipated that quite a drought will prevail in our borough for some time to come. " Spitting fins," will doubtless become the order of the day, and the ' Heavy Dry on, becoming a complaint, both fashionable and beyond the power of medical skill to cure. Oh, cruel Court, thus to cut off what has be come a sort of Becond lacteal fluid to our grown babes, and, cruel Sonnies, thus to urge on the cruel Court. But the thing can be stood," and if we cannot get the " Lager," we can certainly, with out violating the " majesty of the law," do the next best thing take to the wa ter. With many this latter has doubtless become an obsolete practice, but perse verence will soon bring them into an ac quaintance with it again. Remember that there is to be no more Lager after to-morrow, unless somo of pur landlords should come to the rescue. The evidence of the reformatory power of the measure tics in the still vague future j Grant and Colfax. The reader will find brief biographical sketches of Gen. Grant and the-Hon. Schuyler Colfax, on the first page of this week's paper. We do not publish these as necessary to make Republicans ac quainted with our glorious candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency. They know them well, because a goodly portion of their lives enters largely into the most important epoch of our country history, and Republicans kept pace with that history, from the inception of the Rebellion down to the present time. W publish it merely that Republicans may have an answer at hand for the many and notorious lies which Democratic leaders and Democratic editors, daily invent for the hoodwinking of their followers, and to catch those who are lukewarm, and do not care to take the trouble to look into the nobleness of character of our candi dates or the purity of our cause. W will next week publish the patriotic and manly letters of acceptance, written by Messrs. Grant and Colfax in reply to the notice given them of their nomination. Repo rted for Ihe Jt ffcnonlan A Mass Temperance Convention for Monroe County, met in response to the call of Rev. P. Combe, Secretary o State Temperance Union, in the M. K Church, in Stroudsburg, on .Tuesday May 2Gth, at 10 o'clock, a.m. Convention called to order, and Eion Northrop, Esq., was elected President and on taking the chair made an appro priate address. Opened with prayer by the Rev. B. S. Everitt. Wm. Fine was elected Secretary. The Rev. P. Combe explained the object and plans of the State Temperance Union, after which the townships were called and the per sons present from each were enrolled as members of the Convention. Rev. Wm. Ridgeway, James II. Mc Carty, Elon Northrop, Miss Kate Drake and Mrs. Wni. Fine were appointed a Committee on Permanent Organization and to report Constitution, Officers and Managers of County Union. Rev. U.S. Everitt, Rev. Wm. Howell and others were appointed a Committee on Resolutions. Adjourned to 2 p."M. 2 p.m. Convention re assembled Opened with prayer by the Rev. Wm M. Ridgeway. Committee on Permanent Organization reported Constitution, which was adopted The Committee also reported a list o ofScers, as follows: President Rev. B. S. Everitt. Vice-Presidents Revs. Wm. Ridge way, C. W. Ayers, E. J. Pierce, Messrs Elon Northrop and James II. McCarty. Secretary Franklin Coolbaugh. Treasure Miss Kate Drake. Managers by townships: Barrett Rev. B. T. String, Ed. II Heller, Simon N. Stright, Albert L. Nor throp. Chesnuthill Edmond P. Snyder. Coolbaugh Abrua. Coan, -Wm. Mor timer, Patrick Scanlon. EMred To be supplied. JIamilton Rev. Wm. T. Howell Benj. F. Dungan. JacJcson Isaac W. Teeter, Michac Milier, Wm. II. Reinhart, Jer. Kresgc Jonas B. Miller. Middle Smitlifield Iters. II. Litts C. E. Van Allen, and Geo. W. Peters Paradise John Storn, Peter D Dornblasen. Price Samuel Posten?. 'gcoho Rev. George Shaffer, Jacob Edinger, Mr. Teel. PolJc To be supplied. Ross To be supplied. Smithfield Samuel Gulick, Luther Van Vliet. Stroud David W. Green, J. J. An gle, Luther Fillmore. Stroudtliirg-M. S. Staples, J. II. Butts, Rev. Wm. M. James, Amzi W. Wyckoff, Samuel Rees, Nicholas Ruster, Anna M Stokes, Emma Keller. Tolyhanna Jacob Blakesley. Tunkhannock To be supplied. The above officers were eleeted. The Committee on Resolutions reported Resolutions, which were adopted. Revs. Ridgeway and Everitt were ap pointed a Committee to prepare minutes for publication. Adjourned to meet as County Union at 7 o'clock, p.m. 7 p.m. County Union met and was opened with prayer by the Rev. C. W. Ayers. Rev. P. Combe introduced the Rev. B. S. Everitt as the President elect of the County Union, who proceeded to make an appropriate inaugural. Ad dresses were also delivered by Wm. S. Kirkpatrick, Esq., of Easton, and Rev P. Combe, after which the audience was dismissed by the benediction by the Rev. E. J. Pierce, and the large audience dis persed well pleased with the entire pro ceedings of the day, and satisfied that the Temperance movement had been propi tiously and properly inaugurated for Monroe County. Wm. Fixe, Secretary. The United States Treasuay received ?2000 in "conscience money" from New lork (monstrous strange !) oo Saturday. t?y- The Sunday-School Room of the NewPresbyteriau Chjirch in our borough, was dedicated on Sunday afternoon last. The exercises were of a very interesting character. An admirable v address was made to the teachers and parents by D. M. Stiger. Esq., of Jersey City, and one no less admirable to the children by Ju lius Ilowel, Esq., of the same place. Several clergymen were present, and took part in the exercises. Excellent singing by the choir and children enlivened the services, and Prof.-Clements manipulated with his accustomed skill thekcy3 of the rr. .I'll 11 O J organ.- me cnuarcn oi iuc ouuuaj School arc trying to get a Bell for tho Church, and through the pastor they asked and urged the audience to take shares in its capital stock. Such shares are offered at 25 cents each, and the well- pleased audience showed their apprecia tion of it, by taking 415 shares, at the par value of S 103.75 The congregation and especially the children, are delighted with their new room, and certainly they should be; for it is neat, commodious and pleasant. The congregation will continue to hold their regular services in that room unti the completion of the maiu room, which they hope to dedicate sometime in Au gust. The services, on Sunday were al attended by large and attentive audiences thus testifying to an appreciation of the new building. There are sixteen counties in the State of Pennsjlvanio which aro without debt viz : Bedford, Blair, Bradford Cambria Clarian, Elk, Fulton, Greene, Juniata Luzerne, Montour, Pike, Somerset, Union Venango, A cstmoreland. Cambria coun ty has the least debt, $2,000. Philadel phia owes, S35,G9G,GG1 51 ; which is just $74,G09, more than the State owe, its debt being $3o,G2 1,0o2. 1 he other coun ties whose debts exceed a million of dol lurs arc Allegheny, 2,300,4 U 48 ; Berks, 51,800,000. . Murder in Reading. Reading, Pa., June 1. Frank Lyon a young ian about twenty one years o age, "was shot and killed in the street on Saturday night last, by a man named Julius Weber, whonr it isallcgcd,he had attacked with stones. Lyon had been en gaged in a serious melee with some olhcr parties just previous to the affair. T here arc various versions as to the details of the occurrence, and the blame seems to attach to Mr. Weber for committing the homo cide. Death of Ex-President James Buchanan hANCASTF.it, June 1. Ex-president James Buchanan died at. his rcssdence near this city, at half-past eight o'clock this morning, after an illness of four weeks, in the 77th year of his age. Davis Bartlett, of Mass., who has made this spring one thousand five hundced pounds of the finest sugar from four hun lred trees, is also a great hunter. He trapped the past wiuter, iu his own town fifteen foxes, nine raccoons and a wild cat weighing fifteen pounds. A dog stirred up a nest of rats in a barn at Ba. ttleboro , the other day, and a man came up just in time to see them take re fuge in a barrel. Putting a cover on it he poured in a quantity of hot water, and when the struggles within had ceased counted up no less than seventy dead rats. To go to law is a costly proceeding in Missouri. Two citizens of that State quarrelled about the ownership of colt, and went law. Fifteen witness on each side swore positively as to the owner ship. Ihe judge being rather doubtfu how to decide, hit upon a wise expendi cnt, and ordered that the colt be sold to pay the costs of court. It brought forty dollars, the costs amounted to thirty eight and the remaining two dollars were divid ed equally between the parties. A Hint for the Fraterity. The Conneautville Record complains of beng swindled by one Josiah Carpen tcr, 442 Washington street, New York e had a chance to be swindled in the same way, but on receipt of the proposi tion we .referred the business to our agents, Mcssis. S. M. Pettengill & Co., in Park Row, 2sew lork, and their an swer saved us from advertising a party of doubtful standing. Whenever we receive propositions for advertising from parties in .ew iort, with whom we arc unac quainted, wc refer them to Pettengill & Co., and if their answer is uot favorabl the advertisements are not accepted. By adopting tins plau our cotcmporarics may save themselves from loss and avoid trivin" character to parties who seek to swindle the public. Meadvillc Republican. Another Remarkable Fact in Law. J kenton. June 2. In the United States District Court to day, in the case of William Walton, under indictment for passing counterfeit monev. .IudrQ Fiol.l decided that in a contract made in New Jersey to sell counterfeit monev tn delivered in New York, the latter and not the former htate have cognizance of tho offense. alton had been conviefoi! but before sentence his counsel, Mr. Mer cur ahreve, raised the question of iuri.-d:- tion. Walton may be tried in New York Dut cannot be convicted in New Jersey A singular freak of nature was on an Arkansas town, recently, in ihi B,rv in ot a marf with three ears : one on .irh drU of his head, and a third which belon ed to another mau between his teeth. It is fashionable now for the HKmM. cy to prate about econmv. General ltn. seau, subpoenaed by the President from Alaska and not called, will have a bill for mileage and witness feaa nf ir l.n.t.. and dollars. This is a specimen of John son's retrenchment. THE CAMPAIGN. Address From the State Central Commit- tee-An Appeal tQ All Good Citizens. Philadelphia, May 27, 1863.. To the Voters of Pennsylvaiffa : The National Convention of the Re publican party, with a unanimity and en thusiasm unprecedented, has nominated candidates for President and Vice Presi dent and announced the principles upon which thev appeal to the people for sup port. As to the individuals selected no word of commendation is necessary. Their deeds form a part of the history of the country. No matter who the candidates in op position may b, they must represent an orjcanizatian that was unfaithful to the country in the hour of its direst peril and faslejto liberty and the rights ot man. For four years the Lepubhc shook with the tread of armed men in a strug gle to determine whether the will of the majority constitutionally expressed shoul - . - ... bo tke law of the land till changed in the miodc prescribed by the organized law In that struggle three thousand millions of treasure were wasted three hundred thousand hero martyrs . found in our ran somed soil their graves, and sorrow sit to-day at almost every fireside, mourning the uureturuiug brave. This waste of treasure and legacy woe was caused by the minority, in a fair election, refusing to submit to the will o the majority constitutionally expressed Suspended on the issue hung the life o at i.t t the republic ana inc nopes oi maaiuua. The only political organization' to give aid, sympathy, and oncouragenient to that minority in its attempt to dismember the Republic and thus destroy our liberties was the party calling itself Democratic. At its last National Convention, while half a million of men were in arms, for the overthrow of the Government, it de clared the war for the Union a failure and demanded nn immediate cessation hostilities. '. c were nsked to Fpike our gun when the foe was at bsy. And the rajrs ot Lis black banner were drooppiug away. To take down the proud name our nation had won, And strike her bravo bird from his home in the sun." Had the policy ot the JJeraoeratic par ty been successful, the genius of impar tial history would have written on the tombstone of the present sreneration an epitaph of indelible, unfading and en less disgrace that it preferred the Re public should die rather than endure the sacrifices necessary for it to live. The men and the party that saved the Government in war can preserve and pro tcct it in peace, lhc great captun ol the acre will lead the loyal hosts of the Republic to victory in November next as he led its armies at Donelson, Vicks burg, and Appomattox Court House. Republicans of the Keystone State, ef ficient organization secures certain vie tory. Your party in its infancy saved the territories of the Union from the blight and curse of human bondage, and consecrated them forecr to free hemes and free roc a. In its early manhood it ha3 grappled and crushed the most gigan tic conspiracy ever formed for the de struction of liberty and free government l reachcry of public servants or aposta. of trusted leaders cannot stay its onward march. With truth and justice for weapons and the hearts of the people for a bul wark, if true to yourselves, a certain vie tory awaits you. "The price of liberty i eternal vigi lance." Galusiia A. Grow, Chairman State Cen. Rep. Com. A bold thief at Chicago, the other day, stole a fcojt'UU diamond ring and escaped successfully. 'Entering a jewelry store, he requested the clerk to show him the di amond rings, and selecting one contain- lag tho largest and most valuable stone, put it on his finger, coolly bade the clerk "good morning," walked out of the store, fastening the door after him with a block of wood, and disappeared before the po lice could bo summond. Tbe Potter Journal says it is estimat cd that the pigeons have benefited that county to the amount of one thousand dollars a day since they commenced roosting there, about a month piuce. They were caught and sold by the wagou load to eastern dealers, at one dollar p r dozen. Some time ago the New York World thui alluded to General Grant: " As Washington was elected and re elected on the strength of his character and services, without pledges either askod or given, wc' trust that General Gran! will be elected, if at all, iu the same way and with the same generous conGlence Having restored the authority of the c vernmcnt, we hope that he may add the highest civic to the highest niilitar fame by restoring long lost cordiality o! feclinrr." ; A Child with Four Legs. We are informed tht wliiio fittinT child was born in the western n.-irt iA ili county, on Bradohaw, about a week ciiwr wiai 13 wueiy uuiercnt horn tbQ shape that is usually assigned to such pn.du. . tions. The head, arr-1 Vr,c . the waist arc i3 common-, but from th Waisl down, the chil l is duplicated that is, the lower extremities are four in nnm ber, all well formed, instead of two. The physicians sav that, with rnr thn bilities aro in favor of the child being reared. rayetUndle Observer, M-ty 21. 7, One of tho largest rafti that has ever gone down, the Delaware, reached the city a week ago. It was brought from the uenign, and required httceu men to man age it. There was one stick of square timber in the raft 5G feet long 37 iuches lace, and 3 feet deep. i- . , - ... - $2,347,845 in specie was shinned in Europe from New York oa Saturday.' i Soldiers' Graves. In various parts of the country Fridaj" and Saturday last were devoted to a moat beautiful ceremony by the friends of th bldiers who died during the rebellion. At most of the cemeteries fresh flower were strewed on the mounds of the gal- a"nt dead, and thousands of people looked on sadly yet admiringly. Faradise Valley, Call, lying between the Tuolumue and Stanislaus rivers, eon- tains an almost unbroken gram field or one hundred and fifty thousand acres. A number of prominct lawyers in Loui- siana nave written to uen. urauv i protection in- pursuing their professions. These men have undertaken to bring to justice many of those rebels who naye been persecuting l niooisi?, and have db interfered with and impeded by rebel cit izens. Gen. Grant has ordered Gen. Buchanan to give such protection as is ne cessary in the premises. . Coburn and McCoole the pugiliaU were arrested in Indianua, aa they ware about to tiglij. J'hey have been tried aud sentenced to forty days imprisonment, and are now in confinement. ' 1 By an Act of the Legislature any town ship having on baud any surplus bounty money arisiog 1'roiu taxes hid and collect ed, i authorizo-1 to pay the same into tho state treasury lor common shcool pur poses. The population cf Readiug in estimated at 42,'jUif. : : : The College oi New Jersey, at Prinoo toif, receive J Juriu oue week last month, douation aaiouutitig tJ $225,0d0. There are 7O,0'J-ai j'ghta iu Philrdtl phia. ' . Special Notices. I.UIDE TO MliilUAGE. Young Men's Guide to Haj py Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The humane views of b nevolent I'l yticuns, i n ihe Grror and Abuses iucisif t to Yout'iund Eirly ilnn hooj, st-nt in HraWl letter envelope?, free cf charge. Addre?tf flUU'AUD ASSOCIA TION, Box T., I'hilauclphia, Fa. June -J, lG-J.-lyr. Itcli!Itch!! Itch!! SCRATCH! SCUATCII! SCRATCH ! in from 10 to 4i hours. vVnKATo.N s Ointment curps Tite Itch. Whfaton's Ointment cures Salt Rusvif. Wh baton's Ointmknt run s Tetter. Wheatovs Ointment cures Barbers' Itch Wheaton's Ointment cuv Old Sores. Wiieaton's Ointment cures Evert kihd of 1 1 V Hon liku Magic. Price, 50 cents a lox ; Ly mad, CO centa. Address WERKS & PORTER, No. 170 Wiishin-to Street, Do-ton, Mas. For sale by all Druggists. Sept. 19, 1 -507.-1 yr. DR. TOBIAS" Celebrated Venetian Liniment, whose wonderful cure?, sure and instanta neous ncti'n, in ca-os of -Chronic Rheuma tism, Headache, Toothache, Cut, Borna, Cramps, Dysentery, etc., hive astonished the civil-zed wcrl 1. It is no new catch penny, but an article that has stood the teat of twenty yearp The enormous sale and rapidly increasing lemand is at once the surest evide: C' of us usefulness and popu larity. Try it Hiul t e convinced. No fam ily should be without a bottle in the house hundieda of did'ars, anJ many hours of ftifiering may be aved by i'-s timely u$e. Colic, Cramp, and Dysentery yielJ at once to its pain-curative propert cs. It is per fectly innocent, and can be-given, to the oldest person or youngest child. No matter, if you have no confidence in Patent Medi cines try this, and you will be sure l buy again and reco:ntnend to your friends. Hundreds of Physicians recommend it in their practice. N-ne gr-nuine unless signed, " S I. Tobias." Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold by all the Druggist. Depot, 50 Cort landt Si net. New York. June 4, IoS.-lm. The Last &Mm &cc RDRESSlfitfi will quickly restore Gray Hair to its natural color and beauty,, and produce luxuriant gTowth. It !a perfectly harmless, and Is preferred, over every other preparation by those who have a fine head of hair, is well as those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfume. Imparted to the Hair make it dcsirabla -for old and young. For Bale by all DrwggUt. DEPOT, 198 GREENWICH ST., K. Y. Nov. 21, lU7.-lyr. May 'JO, 18fH, at the Luther in Parsons in Hamilton,: bv the Rev. Heurv SeiferLJJr. Jou.n J. Hei.ncy and M iss Catharivi Zaor. arias, both of Hamilton, Mcnrvq Co , P. MI