The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, May 21, 1868, Image 2

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    Cljc 5ctTcvoonian,
Ctfjr Our ypuug friend P. S. Williams
lias talen the interest of C. S. Pctrick &
Co. ja the Jewelry Department of their
business, ami will continue at the old
stand for the present, lie is fully pre
pared to supply customers with any
thinjr ia Lis line, fit very reasonable prices.
Dciug au excellent workman, and an at
tentive and obliging business man, we be
epeak fo him a liberal share ci" pntrou
X&r We would call attcution to the
card of Mr. A. Uromley, in another col
umn. Boot and shoe dealers throughout
this Eecticn of country will And him pre
pared with an excellent stock and fail
dealing to meet all their wants.
3Iessrs. Peters & Mott, ihc former
our old friend Wm. X. Peters, late ol
Marshall's Creek, and the latter'a son of
Col. 11, B. Mott, oi Milford, a new comer
in oar neighborhood, have opened the
tand, late Smith & Trible's near the Dc
pot, with a choice stock of all the kinds
vf goods usually kept cn pale in an iuland
store. Both gentlemen are possessed ol
puterj rise, and Icing believers iu the
doctrine that " the nimble sixpence it
better than the slow shilling," purchasers
will find it to their advantage to deal with
ihm. Read their advertisement in this
.week's paper.
A muggy, rainy week, with which
tre were visited since our last, caused the
faces of those who desired to take advan
tage of the time of seed-time to look
jralher blue. A late corn and garden
planticg will be ths result. What, how
ever, appears to be poison to one thing
promift-s to prove meat to the other, for
our crops of timothy, clover, and winter
prain never looked better, or gave better
yroraise of an abundant harvest, than now.
The Wayne County " Herald,"
one of the oldest and most reasonable of
the Democratic organs in the district,
published at Honesdale, Pa., came to
.hand last week in a new dress, and 'greatly
-cukrged in fcize. Aside from its politics,
which we do toot like, it has always been,
under the control of its present editor and
proprietor, T. J. Ham. !., an excellent
paper, and we are pleased to ecc this cvi
t'encc of its pecuniary success. As Wavuc
County is rapidly wheeling into the lie
publican line, having taken the banner
t-nr he greatest per ccntage of increase in
tbe Republican vote last fall, the im
j rovement of the " Herald " is certainly
c reditable to the liberality of its partizafi
The " Republic," the Republican organ
."f Wayne, also announces improvements,
to take place during the coming month.
These we thall notice more at larso iu
laa time.
fsJ The last Monroe "Democrat"
has a very sensible article, oa the pro
j'liety of each neighborhood supporting
if? own mechanics, and artizans, instead
of expending their patronage ia ether
sections of the country. The idea is an
-excellent one; and if our neighbor would
llow it to run through all its raciiCca
tion, we should feel greatly inclined to
credit him with having written (?) sound
article No. 2. But there is somewhat of
inconsistency in this advocacy when taken
ia connection with that other one of his,
which would allow patronage to be ex
iecded to manufacturers in foreign coun
iries scott free. He finds fault with a
law which makes those pay the fiddler
who dance to the behests of foreign work
shops, and send the dollars, which natu
rally and rightfully belong to our own
mechanics and laboriog men, to feed the
mechanics and laboring men of England.
France, Germany, &c, and finds fault
gain, very inconsistently we think, at
the mere dealing with our neighbors;
blood of our blood, flesh of our flesh, and
us m mi me auvaotaes
nd all the disadvantages, all the Mivi
leges and all the expenses, of our common
. WW .
government, uis article, a few weeks
go, -on the tariff, smacked ttron-ly of
nunibuggery; and we do not tec, wLcn
we think of that article, that we can eay
fioy imng tetter 0r this last production
. - " -v 111 ui uetievcr in ine
doctrine, "support your own mechanics;"
bat oar idea of that doctrine is that it
embraces the mechanics of the United
States only those at home first, aud;
when they fail to meet our necessities
then those the handiest to be got at.
T Wistar'a Balsam of Wild Cherry
ud Grace's Celebrated Salve have stood
the test of long experience, aud have
fotue into general ute. These ai titles
rc no quack nostrums, bat gcuuinc pre
parations, skillfully compounded, aud well
adapted to the class of diseases for which
they trc recommended. Hcth W
J''torj. Mn-
"ie t!; pi optic -
The Senate of the United States, sit
ting as. a High Court of Impeachment,
for the trial of Andrew Johnson, Presi
dent of the United States, took a final
vote ou the 11th Article of Impeachment,
ou Saturday last. The vote stood, for
conviction, 85; for acquittal, 10. Seven
Republican Senators voted for acquittal,
as follows: Fessendcn of 3Iaicc, Fowler
ofTcnn., Crimes of Iowa, Henderson o!
Mo., Ross of Kansas, Trumbull of 111.,
and Van Winkle cf Yrcst Va., all of
whom had, on several occasions, voted
for the Tenure of Office bill; and, cn one
noted occ-sion, had voted to sustain Stan
ton in the War Department, and in con
demnation of Johuson'a malicious viola
tions of the laws of the land.
It is claimed by the friends of these
recreants, that their peculiar votes were
the results of conscientious scruples
that the evidence, which was ample and
convincing against the accused, 'was not
of a character to justify thctt in accord
ance with the oaths they had taken, to
convict the President. That acting upon
the dictates of conscience they could not
vote otherwise than they did. And it is
pretended too, by their apologists, that be
cause it was Senators Fesscuden, Grimes,
Trumbull, Van Winkle, Henderson S:c.,
itc, who committed this outrage upon
the wishes of their friends, and upon
stern justice, as demanded by the evi
denee, conscience is to be taken as the
true cause of their treachery. Let those
who choose to believe such bosh do so.
Weak brethren may pander to the crimes
(for crimes the are) of we;ik brethren,
but the following, from the New-York
u World," the organ of the Xcw-York
Democratic branch" of the President's
supporters, will, we believe, furnish a bet
ter key to the cause of their votes than
any other that can be scared up. A Sen
ator, who is not too good to betray his
friends, and a just cause, is not a whit
too good to receive a bribe.
The World
'Let the men of wealth in this city,
(New York) without regard to party, as
semble at the Exchange, or in the Coop
er Institute, and subscribe a sufficient
sum, ten millions of dollars if need be,
to buy a favorable verdict. There are
fourteen Radical Senators whose terms of
c5ce expire in 1SG0. Beyond that time
they are sure of no political position ; eo
far as they know now, they are certain ol
no 'paying place.' Sarely as many as
eight of these men would far rather be
sure of million each-ia hand than to wait
for the uncertainty of a $5,000 oSee by
and by. Let us buy their votes at their
own price."
The 11th article, upon which the vote
wa3 taken, is as follows:
Art. 11. That said Andrew Johnson,
President of the United State.?, unmind
ful of the high duties of his ofDcc aad of
his oath of oSce, and in disregard of the
Constitution and laws of the UuTted States,
did heretofore, to wit : on the ISth day
of August, 1SG0, at the City of Washing
ton, and the District of Columbia, by pub
lie speech, declare and ofnrm in sub
stance, that the XXXIXth Congress of
the United States was not a Congress cf
the United States authorized by the Con
stitution to exercise legislative power un
der the same ; but on The contrary, was a
Congress of only part of the States, there
by denying and intending to deny that
the legislation cf said Congress was valid
or obligatory upon him, the scid Andrew
Johnson, except iu so far as he saw fit to
approve the Fame, and also thereby deny
ing and intending to deny the power of
the.said XXXIXth Congresi to propose
i-neadzieuts to the Constitution of the
United States ; and, in pursuance of sail
declaration, the said Audrew Johnson,
President of the United States, afterward
lo wit. oa the 21st day of February,
18G8, at the City of Washington, in the
District of Columbia did unlawfully,
aud iu disregard of tbe requirement of the
Constitution that he should take care
that the laws be faithlully executed, at
tempt to prevent the execution of an act
entitle J, "An act regulating the tenure of
certain civil ci:es," passed March 2,
1SG7, Cy unlawfully devising and contriv
ing, and attempting to devise and con
trive, means by which he should prevent
Idwia M. Stanton from forth with reiuui-
iojr the function.; r.f !! hOIm nf (.'onrnt,
c , , , '-s.nui.aijr
iwr luu jL'eparimeut ol U ar. notwithstand
ing the refusal of the Senate to concur iu
the suspension theretofore made by said
Andrew Johnson of said Edwin M. Stanton
from eaid office of Secretary for the De
partment of War, and also by further un
lawfully devising and contriving, and at
tempting to devise and contrive, means
then aud there to prevent the execution of
an act entitled "Au act making appro-ria
tions lor the support of the Army for the
the fiscal year euding June o0, 13G3, and
for other purposes," approved March, 2,
18G7, aud also to prevent the execution
ot au act entitled "Au act to provide for
the more cCicient government of the Re
bel States," passed March 2, 1SG7 ; where
by the said Andrew Johnson, President
ol the United Slates, did theu, to Wit : on
the 2Ut day of Fcbrurry, 1SG7," at the
City of Washington, commitaud was
guilty of a high misdemeanor in oEce.
Of coarse, every Democrat voted for
The consideration of the rcaiaiuin" ar-
ticJes was postponed until Tuesday next,
the 26th iust. There is but little hope
of conviction on cither of the articles.
- lft The llepublican Xational Conven
tion assembled at Chicago yesterday. Pul!
Delegations are in att'eudauce from all
the State? and there h ho doubt
a harmouious comparing of notes will re
suit in the formation of su:h a ticlt;f, a?
will br triumphantly -!re!d itoSf j-,JJ.
Our neighbor, tired of the labor
of attending to cur demands upon his
time and attention, has, it appears, hand
ed us over to the tender mercies of the
irresponsible nincompoops, who hang
around h3 establishment. Of course,
we can take no notice of these whelps,
unless it be occasionally, just for the fun
of the thiug, to put a split stick oa their
tails and send them yelping through the
comtnuuitv. One ol these did a uicc
criticism at our expense a couple of week
ago, and another, last week, Cuds fault
with us for always taking the defensive
in the discussions which -arise between
the two papers. The fault is certainly
uot ours. Nothing would afford us greater
pleasure thanto avoid all discussion, and
all asperity in our intercourse with ou
neighbor: and we promise to Co so in the
future, provided he promises to stick to
the truth when writing or selecting
against Republicans, the Republican
party, end its principles. Let hirj avoi
Democratic or Copperhead rcraancing iu
the future, and we promise to do a ful
share towards making his bed a bed o
roses indeed. The why and whereforo o
our always appearing cn the defensive, is
to be found in the fact that he delights
iu willfully uutruthful exaggerations aud
accusations on the other side. So soon as
he abates this 'evil, so soon are we done
with him.
ECDu The Lady's Book for Juue is al
ready on our table, and is a most excel
lent number. It seems curious, but it is
nevertheless true, that one can never dis
cover a lag in the Book. Xotwithstand-
ing every other magazine varies, runniug
through good,bad and indifferent, through
out the year, Godey never lags. All is
progress with him going on all the
time from good and better to best. Terms
$3 per annum. Addres3 L. A. Gcdey,
East Strouiisburs: Buiidinj
T r.ic
7 Choice Building Lots opposite the De
pot will be sold to the highctt bidder, at the
Court-IIouse, on next Saturday afternoon,
at 2 o'clock; or parties wishing to purchase
at private sale can do "so hy calling on Geo.
L. Walker. Parties bavin money cannot
do better than- inrest in theso Lo., as they
will double thair money in a short time.
at 2 o'clock.
DeMott & Ward's United Menagerie and
This compact, comprehensive and de
cidedly novel combination of nature and
art, is announced to visit here cn Tues
day, the 2Gth iust. It i3 according to
well established report, in all respects a
first class Equestrian establishment, and
uader the sole management r.ud proprie
torship cl two ycuag men who hive de
voted their life-times to the prosecution
and advancement of their profession.
Putting both their energies and talents
into the concern, and strengthening their
efforts by those of a number of artistes of
decided ability, they are prepared to give
to the public an cntertainsaeut of the
most sterling, varied and attractive char
actcr. They have adopted a novel and
most acceptable plan of showing their an
imals under the most advantageous cir
cumstances, viz.: in the ring, loose and
untrammelled, thus enabling the specta
tors to sec every motion. They have Old
Grizzly Adams' troupe cf Acting B:nrs,
a real AVestcrn Buffalo, a Corps cf Doss
and Monkeys, the Sacred Bull of II iu
docstan, the dcus of Lions, Tigers, Leop
ards, &c., and a calf Elephant which in
point of size and age is a greater attrac
tion than any which have ever been ex
hibited in America. Their general out
fit is new and tasty, their Horses, Ponies
and 3Iules unsurpassable for quality or
quantity, making a grand pageant in the
streets and giving a superior entertain
ment iu the Pavilion. DeMott and Ward
arc justly entitled to success and patron-
The managcr3 have secured the Fair
Grouds, a most convenient place for the
, -. ..
ble certainty of prompt action, in fact, every
good quality is guarantied for Mrs. S. A
Allen's Improved (new stiIe) Hair Ru
STciiEJt or Dhksmno, in one Lotlle ) Every
Lrugisi sens it. j rico Une UoJlar.
Col. John W. Forney, of Philadelphia,
lor seven years past Secretary of the Sou
ate of the United States, on Tuesday of last
week tcudered lm resignation of that
positiou. The fact and the reason are
thus stated in Wednesday's issue of the
"John W, Forney, in a letter 'address
to Hon. Benjatniu F. Wade, President ol
the Senate, dated yesterday, resigned his
ofiico cs Sccrecary of that body, to take
encct the moment Jus successor is elect
ed. Ilts connection with tho Senate
pleasant in many respect personally,
having thereiore ceased, he is no longer
restrained by any official embarrassment
in commenting upon the course of those
who, in this critical hour, have joined
bauds with Andrew Johnson and his re
bcl associates and sympathizers."
Saturday' 2'tLunc publishes a list of
ouc hundred and twenty five i forgers, coun
terfeiters and perjurers pardoned by Pre
sident Johusou during the past three
years. 'J'ho list is far from being com
plete, but is a fearful commentary upon
the character of the man whom a great
crime elevated ft a pifpn he h:s so
sigu ilfy dihrtnrcd
The Supreme Court of Maryland dc
cided on' Monday, that where a real estate
broker procures : purchaser, who is ac
cepted by the owner, the broker caunot
be deprived of his commissions it I lie pur
chaser rcTuse3 to complete the sale be
cause the title is found to be defective.
T,n tfrniso nf ltfr vnwnt.tlr nn Tlinr.?.
av rasscd the bill reported from ihi Bc-I
instruction Committee tho week before,
by 3Ir. Stevens for the admission of the
States of Xorth Carolina, South Carolina,
Georgia, Louisiana and Alabama. In the
debate on its passage Mr. Stevens made
one of his ablest efforts, indignantly re
buking 3Ir. Brooks, of Xew York, for
various personalities, and enunciating the
great principles of justice and freedom on
which the future of this country is to rest.
The Senate will act upon this bill at an
early day, and these States will food be
restored to their old relatiou3 uudcr the
national flag.
The General Conference of the Me
thodist Episcopal church of the Uuited
States, in session at Chicago last week,
and which rcprcscnat3 the largest and
mort powerful religious denomination in
this country, unanimously ah&pted a re
solution in favor of the conviction of Pre
sident Johnson. This is an evidence of
the deep interest manifested in this cjat-
tcr by the friends of morality and reli
gion, and snows how the result of this
trial of a corrupt ruler is estimated by
those who view it from a Christian stand
The llcpublscaus of Connecticut have
done themselves and the country honor
by choosing 3 the nest United States
Senator from their State Ks-Ciovercor
William A. Duckingham. He will take
the place of Senator James Dixcn who,
though chosen as a llepublican, has
thought fit to ally himself with Johnson
and the Copperheaos. Governor J'uck
lingham is one. of the ablest and purest
men of New Kngland, and will not fail to
represent his State in the Senate most
worthily. He takes his scat on the fourth
of march next.
On Wednesday morning of last week
the case, of John II. Surratt was up be
fore the criminal court at Washington, on
a motion for bail by the prisoner's coun
sel. Judge Coulter, after hearing the
argument, refused to bail Surrat, on the
ground that the prosecution was ready to
proceed with tho trial, but that the case
had been continued uutil the next term,
at the instance of the prisoner's counsel.
A correspondent of the Germanloicn
TtlegrajJi says, in regard to State poli
tics this year :
"It ha3 transpired that the Democratic
State Central Committee of Pennsylvania
proposes in the ensuing canvass to con
centrate attention upon a desperate effort
to carry the Legislature in order to elect
a United States Seuator to succeed Mr.
Kucklew, whose term expires iu 21 arch
next. This intimation may have been
thrown out by Senator 'Wallace, the chair
man of the committee, cs a blind to con
ceal the real point of attack, but it is nev
ertheless true that Wallace is a candidate
to sccced ?dr. Uuckulcw, aud the Demo
cratic leaders do not believe it possible to
carry the State against Grant."
Mr. Vallandghaci has issued the ful
lowiug pronuueiamcnto in the -Daylon
Leihjtr : "No platform cr candidate will
cr can crrry Ohio, cr any Western or Uor
der State, that is committed, openly or
tacjtly, to the proscription of the saga
cious, gallant and truly patriotic men
who refused to support tho late civil war,
with all its evil and bitter fruit cccumlat
iag now every day. Let the Captain
Cuttles of war democracy and conserva
tism 'make a note cf it.' "
Special Notices.
i- Prepared Prescription for the cure nfl
and LUNG AFFECTIONS, has now been
in use for over tea years with the most
marked eucccbp.
The Remedy, prepared under Mr. Wil
son's personal supervision, also a pamphlet
containing the original Prescription, with
full and explicit directions fur prepjrntion
and use, together with a short hietor' of h's
case, may be obtained of
DREIIER 6c BRO., DnigSie:.,
Strojdbli-arg, Pj.,
1G5 South Second St.,
Williamslmrjh, N. Y.
07" Pamphlets furnished free ot charge.
May 21, 1SG8.-Iyr.
in from 10 to 19 houn.
WnnAToN h OiNTMt.vr cures The Itch.
VV ueatos'h Oi.TMr..vr cures Salt Rheum.
Whcaton's Oixtmi:xt cures Ti:ttlu.
Whcaton's Ointment cures Rarrcrs'Itcii
Wiikaton'h Ointment cures Old Sorkh.
Wiieaton's Ointment cures Every kind
of Humor like Magic.
Price, 50 cents a box; bv mail, 00 cents.
Address WEEKS &. PORTER, No. 170
Wiitliinotou Street, Boston, Mass.
For sale by all Druggists.
Sept. 19, !S67.-lyr.
Information guaranteed to produce a lux
uriant growth of hair upon a bald or beard
less fice, also a recipe fur the removal ol
Pimples Blotches, Eruption, etc., on the
bkin, leaving the same soft, clear, and beau
tiful, con be obtained without charge by ad
dressing TIIOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
tsz.i Uroadwiiy, New York.
May 10, ISG7.-lyr.
On the 15th inst.. by the Rev. P. S. Ewr.
ritt, Mr. G coitus Felkui, of Mcshonpon,
Wyoming Co., and Mrs. am.ii; A. Daily.
of tStroudbburg, Monroe Co., Pa.
At Rcrunlon, on tho lCth intt.. lv tin;
Rev. J. Owens, .Mr. 1Ukm:t. of
.Scriitoii, and Mies Emm It. Drur.i.xn, of
Every one at times feels the necessity of
something to tone yp the system depressed
by mental or bodily exhaustion. At' such
times let every one, instead of taking alco
holic or medicinal stimulants, which afford
only a temporary relief, reinvigorate his de
bilitated 6jstem Ly the natural tonic cle
mCht Ol UlC -
'or Protected Solution of the Protoxide of
i ... i
Iron, which vitalizes anu enncnea the feloou
hy supplying it with its Life Element,
Beinir free from Alcohol in any form, its
energizing effects tire 7iol followed by cor
responding reaction, but are permanent, in
fusing strength, vigor and new Lire into
all parts of the system, and building up an
Wm. C Sterling, Eq., of Poughkccpsic
N. Y., Eays:
" Since taking the Peruvian Syrup I fee
better, my strength is improved, my towel
are regular, my appetite tirst-nilc.
"There is an old Physician this city
(older than I am), who Las Leon in the Drug
business fur 10 year?, who has used luc byr
up for three months, raid gives it cs his dc
cided opinion, thrit it is the lest Alterative
Tonic Medicine he ever knew."
For Dyspepsia, Debility, and Female
Weaknesses, the Peruvian Syrup id a spe
ci6c. A 02 page pamphlet Kent tVee. The
genuine has " Peruvian Svrvp " blown in
the class.
J. P. DINS M OUC, Proprietor, S3 Dey
St., New lorlt. bold by all Druggist.
Pulmonic Life Syrup,
Incipient Conumpticn, Coughs, Colds,
Croup, Asthma, Liver Comp'ainte, Dyspep
sia, and General Debility. For tevcral
years I have teen urged by kind fiiendi,
v. ho have used, and Lcen benefited by, my
Life Syrup, to put it up fr general sale;
Lnt few know the large expense, i.o.v that
tliC countcy is flooded with Patent Medi
cine., which attend the same. Fr years
past I was reluctmt 10 do eo, as the capital
required would be large, and I do not wi?h
to curtail the operations of my Venetian
Liniment business. Hut, thanks to the gen
erous public, who have appreciated my Ve
netian Liniment, I am now able to do so,
without any detriment to my large business
in that medicine. The fuundatir.n cf my
succes I attribute to the attending to the
manufacture of every drop myself, and shall
do the same in regard to my Pulmonic Life
Syrup. The ingredients arc perfectly harm
lee?, but act on the Lungs and Liver with
astonuhii-g cfu-ct. Price 73 cents. Depot,
No. .rG Curtlandt Street, New York, near
Jersey City Ferry. Sold by the Druggists
and Storekeepers. l'ay 7.-1 m
A Gentleman who suffered for years from
Nervo-is Debility, Premature Decay, and all
the eflbcts cf youthful indiscretion, will, for
the sake cf sutfering humanity, Fend free to
nil who need it, the recipe and directions
for making the simple remedy by which he
was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by
the advertiser s experience, can do o by -ad
dressing, in perfect confidence,
12 Cedar Street, New York
May 1G, l-07.-lyr.
Scrofula Cured after Seven Years
J. W. Ilonxcri. !n., a prominent lawyer
I of Parkersburg, XV. Va., says: 44 I had
37 n uyyixc; ulcers
when I commerced taking -Dit. Anders'
Iodine Watkr.
44 Mtj Breast, Throat and Fare' teas one
continuous sore. I am now a well man,
and am satisfied tho Iodine Water saved my
Circulars in regard to this remedy will be
sent free.
J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor. 3a Dey
Street, New York. For sale by Druggists
generally. May 7.-Im.
will quickly restore Gray Hair
to its natural color tnd beauty,
and produce luxuriant growth. It U
perfectly harmless, and is preferred
over every other preparation by
those who have a fine head of hair,
as well as those who wish to restore
it. The beautiful gloss and perfume
imparted to the Hair make it desirable
for old and young.
For Rale by all linglat.
Nov. 21, 1807.-1 yr,
would paralyze the world cf fatliion if it
that henceforth no lady or ceutleman could
change the color of their hair with tal-ty.
Yet such would be tho
cf both ecxcp, if that genial, balsamic, joi
boiilosi?, and peerless preparation,
were stricken off the roll of toilet luxuries.
No danger of that, however. It is not for a
day, but for all time. Manufuctnrt.'d by J
CRISTA DOUO. tH Maiden Line, New
York, inld by all iMi'jitit. Applied by
all Hair DrcfM-'r. May 7 -lm
The Last Mil
In Stroudeburr, en tho 17th inst.. Mr.
John Hammon, aged about 81 years.
; ',JURY LIST lAY TERM, 1868.
Gruiul JuroiN.
JJarrktt J. W. Sutton, KJwartl
Heller, John W. Yothers.
CiiESMTinr.L P. &. AlteuioEC, Ja
cob Altcmose, Peter J. Shafer.
Hamilton I erd. Kcster, m. Ha-
uey, Walter Barry.
Jackson illiam Drong.
M. Smitiifikld Samuel' Dcwitt,
Peter Decker, A. V. Coolbaugh.
Pocono Jacob Henry,. Wm. Trail
sne, Jacob Edingcr, Tho?. D. Barry:
Polk Joel'Derlim
SMiTiinEi.D John K. Kdicger.
Stroud Jacob Herzog, Chas. Swinkv
' Stroudsuuro lleuben Thomas1
James Gardner. " .
. Tory ii Ann a James Chr'ntrnao
' "Pel It JlllOJS.
Barrett Fli Utt, Wm. II. Stright.
Chesni tiiiei. Liuford M. Heller.
CooLUAL'uii Wm. B. Thompson, S. Case, Thcs. Frantz, Simon Gru
befJ - -
Hamilton Peter Kunkel, George
Bulz, Baruet Kemmerer, Israel llouser,
Jes. A, Bossard. Dan. Newell, Peter W .
Shafer, John S. Walter, Jos. Kcmmerer.jr.
Jackson John Wilson, Klias Singer.
M. Smitiifikld Mason D. Cortright,
James D. Overfield, Henry Dewitt, Chas.
M. llanna, Calvin Van Auken, K. II.
Gunsaules, John Noaeh, George W. Pe
ters. Paradlsi: Jacob Bccscehcr.
Pocono Peter S. Edinger.
Polk Wm. G regory, Fraukiin Kresgo
Boos Philip Bemel.
SmitiIxIEI.d James Tcel.
Stroudsbi'iui John Shivclcy.
Toryiianna Edward Bush," Peter
L. Kinney.
Ti nkiiannock Henry Kcenhold.
WM. N. PETERS, having recently
V purchased Smith $c Triblc's tlaiiJ,
near the Depot, and commenced busin?
with a determination to ploite, ieela jarii
fied in asking the continued patronage of
the old customers of this Cclabli&hmer.t. U5
has taken as a partner in his elorc. Col.
Mott's son, from Milford. and they have fill
ed the etore with an entire
rEiv stock or goods,
such as
Dry GootJt,
JVotiot3, Groceries,
Iruvisions1 llnrdxcare,
Willow Ware,
Boots and S
I'tol and Hour,
kc. cfrr.,
which they offer very cheap for caeh, or in
cxrhanjc for Produce. Call and examine
our stock Lefi:re you purchase, and you will
hive great reason to be thankful for so Join-.
M-y 21, 1SG3.
(latk rKTK.ns a
l STS ?T ,rx -o,
t . . s F a -i
aft a&&;
No. 13 North 4th St.,'
May 21, ISOe.
Dividend Notice.-
, STROL'DfBVKti Hank,
Rtroudsburg, Pa., May 0, lfS. S
The Directors have this day declared :i Di
vidend, u;x'n the assessments paid on tock.
under resolution of the Hoard of iirtctor of
March 19th, 10G7, crisl to yi.v per cent, per
annum interest from the time the assessments
wore paid, payable at the Rank ten days ti
ter tliid dtitc.
m7t3. J. MACKEY, Cashier.
iouvt l3voclamntian.
Where, the lion. Gkorok R.
President Judge of tbe 4J2d Judicul District if
Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of
W ayr.e, Pike, Mouroe and Carbon, and Abra
ham Levering and John De Yoir.i, EjrV,
Associate Judges of the Court of Common
Pleas of the County of Monroe, and by vir
tue of their offices Justices of the Court tt
Oyer nnd Terminer and General Jui! delive
ry and Court of General Quarter Sessions i;i
and for tho said County of Monroe, have i
sued their precept to me commanding lint
a' Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and
Common Pleas-, and Court of Oyer and Ter
miner and General Jail Delivery and Or
phan's Court, for the said County of Monroe,
to be holdcn at Stroudsdjurg-, on the 25th day
of May, . 1S(3, to continue one week,
if necessary.
Ls hereby given to the Cononcr. Cie Justices
of tho Peace, and Constables of the said coun
ty of Monroe, that they be then aud there
ready with their roll, records, inquisitions
examinations and other rcuenibr.wicoa to do
those things w hich their offices avo appertai
ning, and also Umt those who arc bound by
recognizances la prosecute and give evidenco
against tho prisoners that are or fchall bo in
the jui! cf the taid county of Monroe, or -gainst
ixrsons wbo stand charged with tho
commission of offences to be theu and therti
to prosecute or testify anbull be just.
((oa euve tliet .o:y'no!ueatili.) .
Shcrifl'h OiTico fttroudsburg, f
May 7,JS0S. '