The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, March 19, 1868, Image 2

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!)c Jcffcrsommt:
nTects are permanent. It not only restores
u, ,lnr nf ihe liair. but the nnantitv and
I MW V ' ' v f I
nafuril frlo.-sincts. This is tail by every
Mrs. S. A. Allen's Improved
(new stylr) Hair. Restorer or Dressing,
(it o:ie bottle). Every Druggist
Trice One Dollar.
sells it
The a:ietcd should be sure auc
read the card of Dr. 11. A. Rland, in our
o imrtumo nnliimns. as much to their
advantage may be learned therefrom.
fgy Work, which was discontinued
lata in the Fall, has been resumed on the
new Presbyterian Clyirch, and will, we
understand, be vigorously prosecuted un
til the building is completed.
63" The Impeachment trial is now
waiii?i the answer of President John-
con to the summons to appear before the
Court. The answer will be made on
Mondav next, though it is alleged that
the President will ask a postponement for
fifteen davs longer.
tSm Wo had designed sayine t word
er two ia regard to the many improve
ments in oar borough, already begun, or
contemplated during the coming summer,
but the press of advertisement?, which
jbave flawed in upon us, compels a post
ponemeut cf the matter for a week or
$rru Owing to the lateness of the day
rn wMch the copy was received, we are
reluctantly compelled to postpone the ex
vei'ent sermon, delivered by Rev. Mr.
Ilenkcl, a few weeks ago,until next week.
Several other matters intended for this
week's paper arc also unavoidably post
poned. Poverty is Had, but the worst kind of
poverty if poverty of the blood ; this
makes a uaa "poor indeed," for it takes
away his strength, courage, and energy ;
but enrich the blood with its vital e!
ment, Iron, by taking the Peruvian Syrup
(a protoxide of Iron), and you will feel
jich and "as blood as anybody." Try it.
A Good TMng.
"Messrs. Brown & Keller, we learn
have opened a Circulating Library, in
in connection with their Watch, Jewelry
& Stationery business,
book to real can thus
Persons desiring
procure them for
a mere trifle per week. This is a good
thing and deserves to be liberally pat
ronize 1.
We would invite attention to the
card in another column, headed 44 Charles
W. Dean, with Wm. W. Paul & Co."
Dealer? may rely upon this being a first
e!:;ss house. The stock of Boots and
jShccs is immense, and embraces every
-rcric ty of goods in that line demanded
y jullic taste. The proprietors arc gen
tleuaacly, and as our old friend Charles W.
Dean is an attache, purchasers, from this
reighborhood, particularly, can rely upon
.every faculty to make selection at fair
i-S?- The election for
Ri.l Tnwniebln nfReera tbrnn
, r " -o
C'mnty, takc3 place to-morrow'.
Stroudsburg the voters will be called up
011 to elect one Chief Burgess, five Coun
cilmen, one Judge of Election, two In
pectors, two School Directors, one As
scssor, one Constable, aod one Boroug
Auditor. It is important that these of
fice should be fiiJed with good men, and
every voter thould fc& it a duty jncum
fcent upon him to da bin share ia the
good vroik.
Uur citizens, remembering the most
excellent exhibition and concert given
by Mrs. James Carr, jr., last Spring, wil
be pleased to learn that she designs giv
ing two others, at the Court-House, in
this borough, on Tuesday and Wednes
day, the 21th & 25th of March inst.
"The Concerts will consist of Vocal aud
Instrumental Music by the pupih of her
school, and from her well known aptness
as & teacher, we think we may safelj pro
disc a rare treat to those who attcud.
A full Court-House should certainly re
ward this efTort of hers to minister to the
gratification of our citizens.
The value of pure Wine in Sickness.
The chief difficulty with reliable wiues
has been their scarcity and exorbitant
price, but this has been removed by the
introduction of a pure native wine, pre
pared Irom the Tort grape extensively
cultivated by Mr. A. Speer of New Jer
pey. We understand he has submitted
Lis wine to the test of many of our eel
brated physicians, and all concur in its
purity, medicinal properties, and supe
lority to the best Port wioe. Most of
them, to signity their just appreciation
of its salutary effects prescribe it in cases
of debility, affections of the kidneys, and
chronic complaints, requiring a tonic,
eodorifio or diuretic treatment. Exam
iiwr. Druggists sell it.
The Convention held at Philadelphia,
on the 1 1 th inst. , a synopsis of whose pro
ceedings we present in our columns tins
week, did its work up nobly and bravely.
In obedience to the demands of the lie-
publican masses of Pennsylvania, it gave
ua those noble men, whose names were
never born to die, Gen. Ulysses S. Grant
(or President; and Andrew G. Curtin, for
Vice President, subject of course to the
decisicu of tho National Convention,
20tn of May. If that convention but sec
onds the motion there will be rejoicing
over the certainty of success, not only in
Pennsylvania, but, also, in every section
of the Union, upon which stands a body
containing a loyal, Union loving heart.
The work thus far been well done, and
our earnest hope and prayer is that wel
doing may continue to mark the footsteps
of Republicanism, until the elevation of
Grant to the Presidency of the United
States, and Curtin to the Presidency o
the Senate, by overwhelming majorities
will attest that in the settlement of the
questions growing out of the war, the peo
pie are determined that perfect security
to the Union, the Cooststution and the
laws, and the liberties of the people must
be secured. No matter about the politi
cal suffering of rebels who attempted to
destroy us as a nation. They threw the
hazard on the die of rebellion; and fools
indeed would be the great loyal majority
North and South, if it did not, in treating
the conquered make sure work iu sccur
ing itself. Let hut tho Chicago Convcn
tion back up the action of the Convention
of Pennsylvania, and another winter will
see us ell rgaiu in the bends of National
Unity, with greater power for good, -and
strength -before
the world than
Another excellent job, excellently man
ipulated by the Convention, was the re
nomination of Mnj. Gen. John F. Hart
ranft for Auditor General, and Brig. Gen.
Jacob Campbell for Surveyor General.
r..i i -r i- t i
ioi.i genuemen won "nuing laureis in
their cnorts on behall ot the L nion in the
war of the Rebellion: and bv their .-en
, , , . ,
i;emauiy aeporimcnt towaras an wiio naa
business with their respective depart
mrnis. hv their cc.t. ntfention to t.nsi .
. . . . . . 1 . ir 1
nocc ihmr cfriof mfom-ilp inri irotniiliill
"""" e'"J "-""-
care over the interests or the Common
wealth, thev have clearlv established the
fact that, whether in the pursuits of war
or the pursuits of peace, they arc the men
of the people and for the people. Such
men can hardly be spared from the pub
he service, and it would be insinuating
a libel ou the intelligence of the masses,
even for a moment, to suppose any thinj:
else than that the action of the Convcn
tion will be triumphantly sustained.
Another good job, well done up by the
pni.(:n . 1,-. T.t.,. .i.
..u. j...u.,j,.. .u.uwuu,
breathe the true spirit of Republicanism,
form of principles. The Resolutions
" vi-wvu uvtu mui uv auutiuuuu-.i
planks', nor was there a plank or even
a "nail oni'tted w neh b inn 1.1 if n
v., .1 1 ,t m . .
the canvass are an plainly and squarely
made up; and though Democracy may,
aod doubtless will, howl over the absence
nnd 0-. the arrivnl of ihrnr tim,. Jn
nfnKP on Knn,v. .nt.;n
v... -uv. cu:m.u 11 nun
such thundering majorities that bewilder
ed Demoeracv will hardlv believe even
'. '
rr i . , . . I
w .j vnu wcistbuw. i
ine uonveniioo lastea Dut a day, but
the results will prove it to have been a 1
.,f nlni ;t nnnU w t if if u.i me declaration 01 independence, and '"" ".r po oaiu or ucaru- us w
7 . 'r " ' ; with these as our -uidinff stars the Ke- Lcss fe'lso.a rec,Pc for removal of I0,,s,
ueen mwieu 10 ouua me pmtorni lor us, putlic:l party must always succeed I'lmpies, liiotcties, Eruptions, etc., on the '
Rennbliean will stand firmlv nnnn it TL,f 111 skin, leaving the same soft, clear, and beau- acl
x j -j- - iuufc uu vviiuiiui ou vioiiueut COUIU DC
klo. ,?o ,, r. .1. t j"-J nciiuuiicuuisui us pari aiue oi con-
big day for the party, for the people nd8C;encc Jn( j. 1
tor the country; because those results
will prove to be a triumph of right over
. it
of those who
f..,.v,t1t,0 p " n t:r
j j i
.v-0 w.w0 U4 wuul.j B ...c
over tnose who iousht the battles of re-
behion a triumph of liberty over despo-
tism or so creat a inajntude. as to cause
wherever the idea of liberty has
made an impression on .the heart of man
Republicans the day for our work has
come. Let us organize for it.
New Hampshire.
Returns from all the counties of
cive Ilarrimnn Rennhlienn
0 ,
, 3,087 maj6rity over Sin-
for Governor
clair, Democrat
At this the Demoeraev
affect to sneer, and
1 pretend that they see
.r J in it lor nepuDlicans to rejoice
over. Id fact, they are right in one re-
rv r DV uacu iw
nool for It pmi til tea na urn n i.o.l I
old song. But so long as the Democrats
i i u
can raise a huzzah over such victories as
that gained in Pennsylvania last fall,
When mth Jdl'Hl . n
, - I
. 'v'vvv ;ww -
home, and over a thnnsand frnndiiUnt
naturalization papers issued in one Demo
cratic county iQ the State, they elected
tneir canaiaate by less than a thousand
majority, we think Republicans can af-
ford'to be a little jubilant over a majority
,yolt m a btate, which, before the
election was certain to go against them
iue largest rote ever polled in the
oi-ie. i ne lact was clearly demonstrated
C . . - rr. .. .
that New IlamnsblrA ara
Jnion, which, of itself is somcthio- to
. . ' ' V O lu
r oire over.
rf i
Grant and Curtin for President and Vice
President Generals Hartranit ana
Campbell Unanimously Nominated for
Auditor General and Surveyor General.
Philadelphia, March 11 The Re
publican State Convention was called to
order by Col. Jordan, Chairman of the
State Central Committee. m. J.
Mann, of Philadelphia, presided tempo
rarily, and was succeeded by Geucral
Lemuel Todd, of Cumberland county.
The Convention proceeded to ballot as
a means of ascertaining the preferences
of members for candidates for President
and Vive President, and declared for
Grant unanimously. For Vice President,
Andrew G. Curtin received 10'J, H. F.
Wade 22, and E. M. Stantou 1.
Hartranit and Campbell, were unani
mously nominated for re election as Aud
itor General and Surveyor General.
The lollowing were choseu electors at
large : C. Morrisou Coates, of Philadel
phia : Thomas M. Marshall, Pittsburgh.
The.following were chosen delegates at
large : Colonel J. W. Forucy,- James
Orne, of Philadelphia; Geucral Harry
White, of Indiana;. Reed Myer, ol
liradford ; J. W. lilanchard, of Law
rence : Thomas E. Cochrance, of York :
Linn liartholemew, of Schuylkill, and
Gen. Wni. Lilly, of Carbon.
The following resolutions were adop
ted ;
That the creal Republican party of
America, without which the rebellion a
gainst the Government would have
consummated the division of the Union
and the perpetuation of human slavery
with the aid. comfort and lull
of the present Democratic party, is in the
lore ironi 01 uuomcr rem auu auoiucr
. . , r,. ,. i-i . r it
r r..-P .1 riJ .1
trial. Electing its candidate for Presi-
ucui in louu. ana re electing niu in ico-.
it is called upou to decide whether all
sacrifices of Hood and treasure have
only been iu vain but were simply
not only been iu vain but were simply
contributions for the restoration of trea
son, uuder the influence of a man, who
clothed with the couGjence of his coun
try, is prevented from overthrowing the
Government solely by the wise and pa-
triotic stand taken by a loyal Congress.
That we add our voice to the loud ac-
claim in favor of General U S. Grant as
I the Republican candidate for President
and in so doing feel that we are not sim-
r. v resnnni inr to tie. ri ip nF onnot I.
f v , - V'
. . ' N 4 J . . "
.1 r.. "...u...
iiMiii u ii ur ftiriiiinicrrijrwfiiiiinirkiirY-tTni
'.".'.r ,
umpu wuicn, wnue perpetuating the He
publican party, preserves an J perpetuates
itcpublicau crccU3.
-nut earnestly call upon the Senate
. .
ol the United States, sitting as a Court of
fmneaehment to nrneee,! wiflmnt. Uf
frvor or affection, mid that thr r,frr.lfi nl
1 1 1
I ennsylvania will stand-by and maintain
. . 7.. 17 -
me just juagment ot the law.
mat me soiaiers and sailors ot the uni
on. who fouirht and connuered armed
hellion iu the field, and stood true to the
principles I which they vindicated and
the flag which floated over them and led
them to victory, are entitled to the un-
dying gratitude of the loyal people, and
as they saved the country by trial, sufier-
1 muw. uui. . ..v. vo, 1111,1 uui u lUUSlUCi
able claims to the highest honars of the
ins anu sacruices, iiiev have consider
That we tender our most cordial thanksT5Snated lo take charc of lhc office' though
tQ EJw.n M gta,lton for he finuD
Coura2o and patriotism with which he
I - "
uj.i 111a 1 11 lj 1 iit-ti 1 lie innipsrv nr ia
and the rights of the people against the
a"vul "tu ,u,a;,UU3 ' laumcss iccu
tive and his purchased instruments
I hat as experience is sihL-e th hct
instructor of man and nations, so the ex
perience of the rebellion gives us rcnew-
e confidence in the pledges and precepts
presented a thut hefvcPP lU !J
r 1 xi , 7 r .
fessions of Andrew Johnson and th oi l
. T-t .
F-;f 'P o. uranc; mat
lJ P'"! dc"ire th!
iu ia Kuuviuce, anu
iiitiL hu c ijuuusuu lias ia lien raniiiiv n.i
p tr i . . I
way irom ms many voluntary covenants,
l,as accepted equal justice and Kad-
: 1 i n; : . i-i n I
Ti.-f r..ti i r it..
i i tiMk tuv L'uuiiu ubui. iijlui f i i ir :
purpose of preserving the existence of
the nation, is a sacred obligation, bindinc
- nil
the people to its payment in the utmost
, tn .
: . .v .t . .
ments of produduce al iud-raent are
still required, and should, as far jis nt
tainable, bo employed, at once to main
tain me puDiic iaitn and credit and ren
der the burden as light as practicable up
oq toe pruaeoco lodustrv of the
lustry oi tiie coun
try and the wages and proceeds of labor :
thnt it I, iI.a A..t,t0 r .!
tic industry of the country should be sus-
uiuci anu uruiccieu against nirei'rn enni. i
1 ......I r"..
v. a 1. !.. 0 1.1.
I'vuuuu uy aucijuuie mnu mws, anu mil
in whatever particular the existing laws
on the subject are defective, they should
. . i
be amde'J aJ efficient for that
numose. as well n the nnmnsA nf rualnrr
revenue for the Government
rCvenue for the Government.
fill . I . 1 I . n . I
i iisL iv inp i-if fiuin rn i.nn irnn !
tnfi I'rciilntr -ill Hnmaufio .K..f.!..n.
j - - . uiwu. uiuiii, i
. uvujiam, uicuaiuiis
and factious opposition to the complete
cTtr-ucuoln. ' ,inV'DW? U ,UT
foundations laid by tho wise and jud -
- :... i. .? rV. . .
a . n a r .1 i
nwu icisiauuu oi congress, will ue im-
mediately suppressed, and harmonv nnd
frnnrl lie inir rcfnro caltU, r .1 An. l
. y
business established, and the revival and
'"I1." ,
improvement of all disturbed sources of
national wealth and nrnnertv hn cami-wI I
when it is at once made manifest that the
people of this country are firmly fixed in
the,r determination that the fruits of the
iaie oiooay ana ODsutuate struggle shall
not be lost and that factious and rebellious
resistance to the laws shall be effectually
overthrown, which attempted to subvert
the Government bv eavaire crueltv. ra
P,De an(1 murder.
. . . " '
That Peoosvlvania proudly tenders
,0Za,IfeoP,e uof the Utnion' "0D- A-
drew ll lrln hor nrr;t nir f!ni,.rnn.
i .. , ... ! "? "
anil tho vii.iir'i r...
That every American citizen, whether
by birth or adoption, is enthled to the
pratection of the nation and its flag, and
while it is incumbent on tho Government
to institute negotiations, for the establish
ment of international law for expatria
tion, rocognizing by one nation as ter
minating the allegiance due to another,
and conferring all right of citizenship, it
is no less its duty to vindicate its people
of all classes from oppression or interfer
ence at honic and abroad when in the le
gitimate and peaceful exercise of legal
and personal rights.
That delegates from Pennsylvania to
the National Republican Convention in
Chicago are instructed to cast their votes
as a unit, through its 'Chairman, in favor
of Grant for President and Curtin for
Vice President, they beiug distinctly de
clared the choice of the people of the State
lor those positions, and that the right of
a ft . ft t 111
substitution lor absent delegates snail be
solely with the delegation from the State
Considerable opposition was made to
the last resolution. The resolution were
then divided and all except the last adop
At the evening session a lenslhy dis-
-cussiou ensued upon the question of in
etructinir the delegation' to the National
Convention to vote as a unit for candi
The electoral ticket was provided for,
and the Convention adjourned sine die at
a late hour.
Railroad Accident.
On Saturday night, as the coal train
which leaves the Gap about 12 o'clock
was passing over the flats, about a quarter
I of a mile above the station, the embank-
mei)t rave wav. and the Locomotive. Ten
I 0 . '
, , r . ...
der, and some of the coal cars, with the
and Firemen, were tumbled
into the water rather proniisculously,
Fortunately noone wasscriously hurt. One
tM. i,.i ;k w.n w
oracsmau uau a nu or iwo orueu, uui
we believe is doing well. The accident
was owinz to the ice in the GaD. which
C7 1 '
had formed so complete a dam in the
river, that the water backed up and sur
ronm!ej anj undermined the railroad.
0 , . n - ..
0a SuodaT the Company, with a full
force, were laboring to get things righted,
that the trains might run as usual on
w .1... rri.- : .1. .
-c " iu uie v,ap,
in the altcrnoon, lowered the water sum-
cienllv to enable them to take out the
...;,. , .
reiK ouu pu up a insut- nuu, cr
which trains passed safely-on Monday
afteinoon. The openinir of the GaD this
c , c , oc
.nr nir wna nt unimnnl interest nnd WIS
1 c " ""and all diseases of the Urinary Organs,
witnessed Dy a number ot cuizcn3 01
1 -
Stroudsbur'. as well as erowds of nearer
neighbors. Quite a ood deal of lumber
cou,j be seen ; down with the
re-Ian we
learn the loss to lumber dealers
abovc 13 vcr beavy
Mr. Stanbery has resigned the position of
Attorney General of the United State?, in
order to become one of the counsel of Mr.
Johnstm in hia triaI beforc the Scnjte
rpi r 11 .
resignation, of course, has been accept
rt 11 rJ r
has been de -
the immortal Binckley is the real incumbent
It is not probable that any new apr,itmen1
It is not probable that any new appointment
will be made until after the trial is over.
Special. Notices.
Information guaranteed to produce a lux-
r - t i - 1 . i , . .
V"",.w" .X V," ' 'u.l,.a,ru uu
I. - t y.
I ItvlA nt wmmf h ia . . I II I I I .
"-oa"i; x 11 wo. 1 . 1 1.1 1 .11 v. , u n em 1st, i soothin" and nenetratinfr nnil iiea arc
000 t 1 ir. ,'rwu,,,, rt,,u. I-ciraiing qualities are
ov.j uruduna, iew 1 orK.
May 10, iS07.-Iyr.
iw i
Til. KM ..1 T l : l .
u;aiw, ixjus give issue 10 me
"U1 a,,tJ "er cumenaw l" cep interior.
I o remove the r.iiir nf sii.h eiifTarlnr ' :l
, . r. ..s .0
only neCesSaryto vitalize the Blood by sup-
P'y,nff 11 WIin 118 LitJe Element, inox.
Ka Protected solution of the Protoxide of
Ml A ih;a Atrn..n.. i
iro"J W,M .uu cciuany, anu give
x ... .11 .1 i : cr. all
AUrensth, vteor and new life to the whole
Extract of a Letter Jrom Rev. Riciiabd S.
hnrs, of Bolton, Mats.
For years I was a sufferer from Boils, so
uiui my me Dccame wearisome through
I ..
their frequent and persistent recurrence;
a carbuncle, lormcd in the umall ol
mv hirlr nnrmf ;i. n,nc i. :
of 'decornno,ed Sh ZZ. ri'V"
J r:j ' .
f,,re I had recovered from this attack two
.m.ltA X, l- L t ,
"""" - ' vi iuuviun uiunu uui iiiirner un. inn
I wn nnin tl.r.-in..-.l
- ": 0 . , . .. ,,,vu"luu 1
ff Uie Jga to which I had so lor:g
" w" Z'1.13. V.0."1?.1. 1
cuuiiiieiiceu laKinrT uie 1 1 1 V IAIN Hi ItUl
, ContioucJ akin- . , five
. . . . . . u ,YU
S m"" )"Q" .navc naa ".in,n? '
niu nu.ij. x ur yea rs i was one oi I no frrenf. i
mi nu lit I e I V. 1 1 Ilfr mn inni rr , vn mn
n 11. i - .
v. . .. . I
n..i;.i . . . . .
ui kui auu ICin lOfB TY Teller, UIK II1IS fC-
markable remedy, with a kind and intuitive
ThJ did it 1 ,V V"'
anJ , "id its work with a thoroughness
nrt. .v nfit. Mtiihii.hmi ri...t..
AMnA j: a a i . i""
. A Paffc Pamphlet sent free. The gen
nine Ima I'idhvhv Kvoitd l.l...n
. "" """" ' me
J- I. MNSMORE, Proprietor.
No 30 Dev St . New York
nolo by all druggists.
The best known remedy for
in all its manifold forms, including riser
Car, Syphilis, Salt llh um, Consump
Hon, etc., is Dr. Andeb' Iodine Wateh a
....rrt tr,i..t;r. f t.i:.. , '
i;.ni7oro.l nltop 1
Euiut.iv iwiiiu IVIIIUIUL n XOII'DIt I . iiii.iij rtuu uj ocieniiiic re-1
search and exDeriment P, 0,.,i;.,:.
y . w n.u I 111 IT
hiimrira ' frnm )ia cvofnm U I . r
Circulars sent free. J. P. niMMol'
afliwR.., r-
SnU hV nrnrfrr-.etc ' n '
March r, lwiS.-lm.
debilitated whose sufferings have been
protracted from hidden cause?, and whose
cases require prompt treatment to renuer
existence dcsirab'.c. If you are suffering or
lave suffered from involuntary discharges',
what effect does it produce upon your gen
eral health.' Do you feel week, debilitated.
easily tired ? Does a little extra exertion
produce palpitation of the heart 1 Docs your
liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys,
get out of order 1 Is your urine sometime
thick, milky, or nocky, or is it ropy on set
tling?. Or does a thick scum rise to the
topi Or is a sediment at the bottom after
it has stood awhile 7 li yon liavc spells ol
short breathing rr dyspepsia! Are your
bowels const ipatpd 1 Do you hive ppells of
faintin"- or rushes of blood to the head 1 - Is
your memory lmpaireu : is your nnuu
? i , . :j
rnnstintlv dwell in? upon Mis sumeci 5 uo
vou feel dull, listless, moping, tired of c m
nany. of lit-1 Do you wi.-h to be leu alone.
-to get away from everybody! Does any lit
tle ihinc make you start or jump ! Is your
slecn broken or re?tle?s: Is the lustre cl
your eye ns brilliant! The Idoom on your
cheek as trightl Do you enjoy yourself in
society as well! 'Do you pursue your busi
ness with the same energy ! Do you feel as
much confidence in yourself! Are your
spirits dull and flaggy, given to pts of mel
ancholy! Ifeo, do not lay it to your liver
or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights!
Your back weak, your knees week, and
hnve but little appetite, and you attribute
this to dyspepsia or liver complaint!
Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal diseases
badly cured, and sexual excesses, arc al
capable of producing a weakness of the gen
erativc organs. The organs of generation
when in perfect health, make the man.
Did vou ever think of those bold, defiant.
energetic, persevering, successful business
men are always tliooc whose generative or
guns arc in period health; lou never
hear such men complain of being melancho
ly, of nervousness, cf palpitation of the heart
They aic never afraid they cannot succeed
in business; they don't become sad and dis
couraged; th?y arc alwayspolitc and pleas
ant in the company of I tdics, ana look you
and them rirrht in the face none of your
downcast looks or any other meanness tibont
t,,cm- I not mean those who keep the
)g inHamcd by running to excess. These
will ivt only ruin their constitutions, but
also those they do business wiih or for,
IInw many men from hp.dly-curcd diseas
es, from hn effects of self-abuse and excess
cs, have brought about that state of weakness
' those organs that has reduce! the general
system so much aa to induce almost every
hor di.seaso jj;ocv. ,unnc rarai;'
Lpinal affections, suicide, and almost every
0,her form of disease which humanity is
iu, 11m niu real uu u 111 me irouoie
I MM, I i I . A . I X" . I. . 1 I -
.cel SllgI)Ccted .and have doc! ored
for all but the riht one
Diseases of these orcrins require 1 he ues
of a diuretic. IlELMBOLD'S FLUID EX-
TRACT DUCIIU is th" great Diuretic nd
is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder,
Sidneys, Gravel, Drops3', Orgmic Week
ness. Female Complaints, General Debility,
I ..... J
whether existing in Male or Female, from
1 . .
whatever cause originating and no matter
of how lon stand'ng.
If no treatment is submitted to, Consump-
tion or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and
blood ore supported from these sources, and
the health and Inppjneee, and that ef Pos-
periiy, depends upon prompt use of a relia
ble remedy,
Ilelmbold's Extract Buchu, estiblished
upwards of IS years, prepared by
II. T. IIOLMBOLD, Druggist,
591 Broadway, Xew Verk. and
101 South 10th St, Philadelphia, Pa.
Pricc per bottle, or G bottles for
MS 50, delivered to any add res-. Sold bv
a11 Agists everywhere. Feb. 23, 'G7.
JL It u ill only cos-t you your time in
if, if it does ycu no good.
As an Kiterual Remedy in cases of Chron
ic Kheumatism. Channcd Hands. Mosnuitn
Bites, Cuts, Stiffness of the Joints and Con
traction of the Muscles, Headache, Bruises,
Pains in the Limbs, I3:ick and Chest, Sores,
Tooihache, Stings of Insects and Sprains,
onderful curative powers are miracu-
Taken Internally in cases of Sick Head
IO. Colic nivnl Pnmnliiinlc Plw.lnrn
I ' xai-v IU,
fernery, omitmg and Dyspepsia, its
as soon as taken
(7- If the reader or his friends hive any
complaint named in this advertisement, try
tlie V enetian Liniment. Remember, if you
,n nnt tini hot - i,
. . -
Ask tor A)r. Tobias' Venetian Liniment,
....i t.l. .1 t i ...
a..u iac uu uuivr. u is pieasani 10 lane
and clean to use, and eradicates the d.sease
from the svstem so that it doe not return
- ,
as is the. cjse after uing the many Lini-
mcnts ,n "'llcrs, end Oil, now flooding
Uie count rr. that nnlv stnn tho mnn tvhilo
the country, that only stop the pain while
the article is being used, and then return.
Price 50 cent per bottle. Sold by al
the Druc2isU.
Depot, 56 Cortland t Street, N. Y.
March 5.-1 m.
" w"
The Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will
?f,,d ? c,ge) .to all who desire it,
u,e prescripuon Willi the directions for mak-
dread disease Consumption. . His only object
. .1. ..1 - - Zm .
10 wnlm e amicicu anu ne nopca mai
every sutTerer will try I
it W1J cost thcm nothi
this prescription, as
Ulll llinj LMUf C
.ml in . v n.Kii.
Please address
1G5 S. Second St., Williamsburgh, N. V.
May 16, 1607.-lyr.
n'ui n i i r, .. . ..
juonmivu nt.iifUT toruon$ imoiion. Attn.
ma. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and" all
Tl.rnif nn,- 1 ,m iir".; , ".. ...
:'?n 7 Zt Z'::"'",11"
6norl ,,islory f case, can be obtained of
jjr Wilson's authorized nn-enti.
r. iun h auinorizea ngents.
i -.. . . - iyi vi 1 1 i iuii a. i ju a
UKtUKlC UKU., Druggists,
Stroudhburc. Pa.
P.S Pamphlets furnished freeofcharfe
Dec. IV, 18G7.-3m.
Xteli ! Ttcli ! ! Ttcli ! !
in from 10 to 4S hours.
Wheaton- Ointment cures The -Itch,
Wheato.Vs Ointment cures Salt Riieum.
w - n cures Tetter.
v "Eaton a Ointment cure Harbus' It
heaton's Ointment cures Tetter
nr. ,
' "-ATON 8 Ul NT MENT CUreS Old Snill'N
x' -v
U "katon 8 Ointment cures Eveby kind
. .r,ce. J" cents a box; byunail, (0 cents.
wiskks t pouter. No. no
' ' SllinglOU htrCCt
Boston, Mas$.
For snle by nil Drusrirlsts.
will quickly restore Gray Hair
- to its natural color and beauty,
and produce luxuriant growth. It ia
perfectly harmless, and is preferred
oyer every " other preparation by
those who have a fine head of hair,
as well as those who wish to restore
it. The beautiful gloss and perfume
imparted to the Hair make it desirable
for old and young.
For Sal by mil DraggUtc,
Nov. 21, leui.-l yr.
has dawned for all who desire to resume in
age one of the most glorious gifts of youth
the magnificent black or brown tinge
which renders the hair an irresistible ele
ment of personal attract on.
springs from tko. application of 'iut otve bits
dye in tfce worfd That chemical eiixi
contains the vital principle and the coletkig
matter with whx! iiatnre nourishes the
m"t beautiful of the eiiken fabrics where
with she adorns the
Need it be Eaid that this wonder of civiliza
tion is
the most genial, barm!cs-, wholesome, wvi
certain preparation of its kind in the whole
universe. Manufactured by J. CRLSTA
DORO. OS Maiden Ijne. New York. Sold
by all druggists. Applied by all Hair Dress
ers. March 5.-lro.
A Gentleman who mffered fr years from Debility, Premature Decay, and all
the effects of yoaihful indiscretion, will, fur
the sake ot suffering humanity, send free to
all who need it, the recipe and direction
for making the simple remedy by which he
was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by
the advertiser's experience, can do to by ad
dressing. r perfect confidence,
42 Cedar Strcc', New York.
May 16, 1SG7.-Iyr.
,By Rev. D. M. Ilenkel, on the 12h inst.
Samuel M. Ace, of Stroudsburg, and Misa
Elizabeth Heller, of Paradise, Monroe co. Pa.
By the same, on the Ielh in.-t., James P.
Brown, of Stroud lsp., and MUs Leonora
Waltou, of Stroudsburg
March 11th, 1368, in Stroud township,
H.mnah, daughter of Charles and Sarah Ser
gent, aged 10 years 1 month and ;!l years.
Nos. 1311, 1313, 1315, &, 1317
Opposite Penna. R. R. Depot,
March IU, ISG3.Im.
wm. w. pavl. j. d. hoar.
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in
623 Market St., & 614 Commerce St.
above Sixth, North side,
March 19, 1868. tf.
the District Court of the United
S ates for the Eastern District of
In the matter of WILLIAM REISER,
Bankrupt, Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
In Bankruptcy. Pennsylvania, ss.
1 he undesigned hereby irives notice, of
his appointment as Assignee of William Rei
ser, of Stroudsburg, in the County of Mon
foo, and State of Pennsylvania, in said Dis
trict, who hs been adjudged a Bankrupt on
his own petition, by tho District Court of
said Distr ct.
Assignee, &c.
At Stroudsburcr. the 10th duy of March,
A. D. 16G3. f March 19.
Bankrupt Notice.
on tho 6th day of February, A. D.
1868, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued
against the Estate of William Scmnky, oj
Bloomingrove, in the Cunty of Pike, and
State of Pennsylvania, who has been ad
judged a Bankrupt, on his own petition!
that the payment ot any debt, nnd delivery
of any properly belonging to such Bankrupt,
to hitn or for his use, and the tnpsfer of any
property by him, are forbidden by law; that
meeting of the Creditors of the said liana-
ruDt. to Drove their debt, and tu choose ono.
or moro Assignees of his Estate, will he held
at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at
Allen House, Honesdale, Pa. Derore v.
Doster, Eq.. Register, on the yth da0$
April, A. D. 188, at 10 oclock; a. m.
1. u. t.L.t. AivriU,
U. S. Marshal as Messenger,
Per James J. Cope,
i m -i
Sept. 10, l7.-lyr,
March 17, 190 Deputy,