A Steam Kan. The old ailagc, which proclaims that theie's uothiug new under the un, I as Veen daringly and yet successfully re futed. Mr. Zaddock Deddrick, a Newark machinist, has iuvented a steam taan, one that moved by steam will perform some of the ituiortant functions 01 uuinanny ; mat will, landing upright, walk or ruu, as he iu bid, in any direction and at almost any iiitcof speed, drawing after him a load n hose weight would tax the strength of ihrco stout draught horses. The history, uf this curious invention is as follows : Six years ago Mr. Pcddrick, the invn tor, who is at present but tweuty-two years of age, conceived tho novel idea of con structing a man that should receive vital ity from a perpetual motion machine. The idea wm based on the well known mechanical principle that if a heavy weight be laced at the ton ot an upright slightly inclined lrom a vertical, gravitation will tend to produce a horizontal as well as A vertical motion. The project was not successful. How ever, by observing carefully the cause of the failure, persevering and perfecting the manform, and by substituting steaui i.i place of the perpetual motion machine, the nreseut success was attained. Tha man stands seven feet nine inches liigh, the other dimensions of the body beio" correctly proportioned, making him a second Daniel Lambert, by which name he 3 facetiously spoken of among the workmen. lie weighs five hundred rounds. Steam is generated in the body or trunk which is nothing but a three horse tower engine, like those used in our steam fire enginesr. The legs which support it are complicated and wonderful. 1 he steps arc taken very naturally-and cjuitc easily. As the body is thrown for ward ou the advanced loot the other is lifted from the ground by a spring and thrown forward by the steam. .Leach frtep or pace advances the body two feet, au 1 every revolution or the engine pro duces four paces. As the engine is cap yb!e of making more than a thousand re volutions a minute, it "would get over the rouid on this calculation at the rate of r a Utile more than a mile a minute. As this would be working the legs, faster than would be safe on uneven ground or on broad street cobble stones, it is pro posed to run the engiue at the rate of five revolutions per minutes, which would walk the man at the modest speed of half a tuile a minute. i he Jeilow is attached to a common rock-a way carriage, the shafts of which nerve to support him in a vertical posi tiori. These shafts are two bars of iron which are made fast in the usual manner to the front axle of the carriage, and are carved so as to be jointed to a circular sustaining bar, which passes around the waist, like a girth, and in which the man moves so as to face in any direction. Be sides these motions machinery has been arranged by which the figure can be thrown backward or forward lrom a vertical, near ly forty five degrees. This is done in order to enable to ascend or descend all grades To the soles of the foot spikes or corks are iixea winch effectually prevent slippin The whole affair is so firmly sustained by the fh'ifrs, and has so excellent a foot livid thai two men are unable to push it over, or iu any way throw it down. In order to enable it to stop quickly, it is j-rovided with two appliances, one o v. hiei) will, as before stated, throw it back 'vard frnm the vertical, while the other b-uist!ie knees in a direction opposite to the ii iiural position. An urriiiht post, which is arranged in front . i the dashboard, and within easy r r.cti ;t the front seats, sustains two miua I jie pilot wheels, by the turning of which the?e various motions and volutions are t'irectcd. It is expected that a sufficient ly lurge amount ot coal can be stowed a vay under lbe back seatof the carriage t j work the engine for a day, and enough ater in a tauk under the front scat to 1 it half p. day. In order to prevent "the gaint" from frightening horses by its wonderful ap earar.ee, Mr. Deddrick intends to clothe i'- aud give it as nearly as possible a like Diss to the rest of humanity. The boiler a id such parts as are necessarily heated i!l be encased in felt or woolen under K:i:m?uts. l'ants, coat and vest of the l.ttst ty!es, are provided. Whenever the fires need coaliDg, which is every two or three Lours, the driver stops the ma chine, descends from his seat, unbutons 4 Daniel's'' vest, opens a door, shovels in the fuel, buttons up the vest and drives' on Oa the back between the shoulders lbe steam cocks aud gauges are placed As these would cause the coat to set awk wardly a knapsack has been provided that completely covers them. A blanket Deat ly rolled up and placed on top of the knap sack perfects the delusion. The face is moulded into a cheerful countenance of white cianiel which contrasts well with the dark hair and moustache. A sheet iron hat with a gauge top acts as a smoke fctack. The cost of the "first man" is $2,000, ihough the makers, Messrs. Deddrick & Orass, expect to manufacture succeeding ones, warranted to run a year without re pairs, for $300. The same parties ex-j-ect to construct, on the same principle, horses that will do the duty often or twelve ordinary animals of the same spe cies. These, it is confidentially believed, can be used alike before carriages, street cars and plowg. The cian now construct ed can make his way over any irrigular tsurface whose ruts and stones are not wore than nine inches below or above the Jevcl of the road. CIIAELES "W. DEAN, rnn ClSmGIIAM & ETKIER, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS & SHOES, XVo. IH7 Market street, Below Fifth, North Side, PHILADELPHIA. OCT Orders by Mail promptly filled on the lowest 30 days' or 4 month' prices. OLIVER CUNNINGHAM. A. L. ETNIER. Sept. 19, 107.-1 vr. 0'DS. NEW-STORE JUST OPENED WITH NEW GOODS. Buy your Dry Goods of R. F. & IT. D. BUSH, Corner of Main & Chestnut Streets, (Next Door to Washington Hotel.) -STROUD SBURG, PA., Who have reccited from Isew xorlc and I Philadelphia, the The Largest and Best Selected Stock in market, consisting of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, ' Silks, Shawls, Cassimercs, Satinets, Broadcloths, White Goods, Mourning Good, Shroudings. &c, FRENCH MERINOES, (all colors) ExMPRESS CLOTHS, " ALPACAS, PLAID &. PLAIN POPLINS, SHAWLS, (all styles) BLANKETS, COUNTERPANES, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, BALMORAL SKIRTS. WOOL CAPS &, HOODS, UNDER SHIRTS & DRAWERS, LADIES' VEST. &C, &.C., &c. Sole agents for the Odessa Patent Collapsing Skirt. a full assortment of HOSIERY, GLOVES and YANKEE NOTIONS, loo numerous to mention. A full line of CARPETS, FLOOR OIL-CLOTH A.D MATTING. All of which will be Eo!d at the lowest possible prices. Butler and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. R F. BUSH, II. D. BUSH May 2, 1SG7.-1 yr. MAKE WAY! GOOD KEWS FOR ALL IN SIIArE OF jYcw Goods at Stormsvillc. THE eubcriber takes pleasure in inform ing the public, that he has just opened the largest and best t-elected stock of Goods, at his old fctand in Slormsville, Pj., ever brought into Monroe county, and that he has determined to dispose of them at prices, much cheaper thnii they can be bought at any other establishment, whether in town or country. His etock comprise, in. almost endlee-s variety, and of the best quality. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, - GROCERIES, DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c, ccc. He has, a Uo, on hand a very large assort ment of new and fashionable Boots and Shoes, both city and home-made? all of which he will dispose cf at prices which will make Durchasers wonder. Look at a few of the prices at which I am really giving away eoode, and you cannot fail to be convinced that my ctore, in Stormsville, is tha place at which to secure real bargains: PRINTS from 9 to 12 cent per yard, MUSLINS from 12 to 15- " yard, De LANES from 1H to 22 yard. and all Woolen goods at ugures propor tionately low. lioo's and Shoes very low home-made at least 50 per cent, below btroudsburj; pricep. SUGARS from 10 to 17 cents per pound, MOLASSES from 50 cts. to SI per pal In short, all articles in my line far below the Imonopoty prices which have hereto fore prevailed. The excitement growing out of these great reductions has already began, but come one, come all, my stock will always be found full up to the demand. BUTTER, EGGS, and country produce generally will not be refused in exchange for goods, and the highest market prices al lowed. CASPER METZGAR. Stormsville, Pa., Nov. 22, 1800.-tf. H. S. WAGNER, DEALER IN Dry Goods, Yankee Notions, Groceries, Provisions t Flour and Feed, Fish and Salt, Boots and Slioes, ' Hardware, " . Wooden Ware, Crockery, Brushes & Brooms, Kerosene, and, in short, almost everything you can think of or ask for; all of which are of fered at smash down prices.-at the old stand, on Main-atrect, between the Uank and the Jeffersonian office. The public are invited to call. II. S. WAGNER. Ma V, 1807. GOODNEWS. A CHANCE FOR ALL. Prices Perfectly Crushing. EUSTER His just returned from the cities with THE LATEST PALL & WINTER STYLES and the . BEST GOODS evr offered in this market. Call 1 and see, and be coninccd that your interest lies in dealing at hia establishment. 1 1 id stock consists of CLOTHS, CA8SIMERES, . and VESTING S, MUSLINS, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, AND i? u ;r s . Aa usual, in hU great speciality of RE A D Y MADE CL O THING, his clothing is fully up to the market de mand. Ins shelves being' literally, loaded down, with the most fashionable etyles of OVER-COATS, COATS, PANTS, VESTS, &f., in material and worKmansnin unsurpassed, i t and unsurpaesable custom-work promptly at tend to. Thankful for past favors, he respectfully solicits further patronage. . NICHOLAS RUSTER. September 2G, 1567.-tf. A o i:-tioi:sr. tiihesiiixg MACHINE for Sile. Apply to II. S. WAGNER. Stroudsburg, Oct. 17, 1SG7. PEER'S TOUT GnAPE WINE, USED BY HUNDREDS OF CONGREGATIONS FOR CHURCH OR COMMUNION TURrOSES. ALSO, EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAK LY PERSONS. VINEYARDS NEW JERSEY. SPEEIVS POSIT Gil A PI2 lVIXC, FOUR YEARS OLD. This justly celebrated native Wine is made from the juice of the Oporto Grape, raised in this country. Its vuluable Tonic and Strengthening Properties Are un-urpassed by ny other native Wine. Bern; th pure juico ol" the grape, produced u:jder Mr. Spier's own personal Fupervision, its purity and ger.ui.icnt ss- are guaranteed. The youngest child- may partake of its gn erou qualities, and the weakest invalid may us it to advantage. It is particularly bene ficial to tlic acil and debilitated, and suited to the various ailment that alilict the weak er sex. It i , in every respect, A WINE TO BE HELLED ON. . Invalids use Speer's Port Grape Wine. Females use Speck's Port Grape Wine. Weakly perrons find a l enefii by its use, SPEER'S WINES in hospitals are pre. ferred to ther incs. So!d bv Drugjr U ind Grocers. A. SPEER'S VINEYARD, New Jersey. Office, 243 Broadway, rew York. For sale in Stroudsbur;! by Wrn. HOL- LINSHEAD. OcL31, 'C7-ly. CURT JLST EMOL DO IlIR LIEBE LEIT! STROUDSBURG, PA., PAETITEESHIP DISS0LUT101T. , . A DRUG "STORE, AD A Nw acid ( heap Stock of Goods. PETER K. WILLIAMS, of the firm of DE TRICK & WILLIAMS, having sold out his entire interest in said firm, the business will will hereafter be carried on by . C. S. DETRICK & CO., at the old Stand as heretorore, a few doors below the Stroudsburg Bank. r Their Stock contistn of a large and varied assortment of Drugs, Medicines. Watches, Clocks and jewelry, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Glass, Window Sash, Blinds, Doors, VVr nislics and P, rushes of all hinds. Call and be Convinced. Mr. PETERS. WILLIAMS, Jeweler and former Partner cf the firm, has been engaged by the new business firm, Charles S. Det rick & Co , to superintend the Clock, Watch and Jewelry Business. I2ESAKCE3 STOKE East Stroudsburg, Pa., For the convenience of the inhabitants of East Stroudsburg and vicinity, the firm have also opened a Branch Store near tho Depot, where everything m their line of business, together with UOOTS & SHOES, NOTIONS. &.c , will at all times be found in full assortment, for inspection and pur chase by customers. They have also on hand a line stock of PUEE WINES & LIQU0ES, ; of the very best brands, which they offer to Hotel keepers and others, ot prices unusual ly reasonable. Dron in and eon. C S. DETRICK. S. S. DETRICK. July 25, 107. ISV THtipum CUP .f'' spacK Brown & Keller, MONllOW COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company. estaumsikd 1U, CHARTER PERPETUAL. Amount of Property Insured $1,500,000. The rate of Insurance in this Companv is one dollar for every thousand dollars sured, after which payment no further char- ges will be mace, except to cover actual loss by fire that may tail upon members ot tue Company. The policies issueu oy mis company are perpeiusi, u " eu.. .j, f. x wy-l f Ka fnllAef II VI ff VT I with the largest economy and convenience, This company will not issue Tanneries. Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. Applications for Insurance may be made to either of the Managers, surveyors or &ec- rclary. fll AI AUEKo. J. Depue Latar, . Jacob Knecht, Richard S. Staples, John Edinger, Silas L. Drake, L. W. Brodhead, Charles D Brodhead, Jacob StoufTer, Robert Boys, Theodore Schoch, Sm'l S. Dreher, Thomas W. Rhodes, Stogdell Stokes, STOQDELL STOKES, President. E. B. Dreher, Secretary and Treasurer. Silas L. Drake, Monroe co. Melchoir Spragle, " J J. Depue La bar, " C. D. Brodhead, " F. A. Oppelt, Wayne co Surveyors. flyman Wcstbrook, Pike co. 07- The stated meeting of the board of v t a - Managers takes place at the Secretary s of fice, on the first Tuesday of each month, at 1 o'olock P. M. Balance in the Treasury, Sept. 3, 1S67, after deducting all expenses, S7U7 99, as per account settled by us S. 1 DRAKE, j7;n wmut nmvipn Auditors Stroudsburg, Oct. 8, le63. DEAD-QUARTERS STROUDSBURG-, PA., MAUCIIISG 0RDEKS No. 1. ion 1867. M ANSFIELD, is again in the Mercan tile fiejd, with his head-quarters at the old established stand,- corner of Main and Green-streets flate Geo. FableV). where the people can always be. sure ot finding the most Fashionable Durable, and Cheapest Stork of Goods ever brought into the county. He has DR Y GOODS ofrtl kinds, GROCERIES PROVISIONS, BOOTS ! SHOES CROCKERY GLASS WARE, ifc, fc tJ-C, cJ-C, at such prices as wiJl enable him to supply his customers a litt'c Cheaper than tha Cheapest. It being impossible 'or h m to r umerate the various articles which comprise his stock, tlic public are invited to call and examine for themselves. no tuoublt: to show goods. Who at Flour by the barrel or less quantity. Farmer.' Produce, bought, or taken in exchanrre for jroods at the h jvhrst market B. MANSFIELD. prices. April 19, 15G7. NEW BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS & SHOES, TEMPORARY SALESROOM, Corner Ath tf Spring-Garden Streets, EASTON, PA. THE best assortment of Eastern Manu factures, constantly on hand at the lowest prices. The firm possess great advantages in the selection and purchnsc of the best material and approved Etyles of work, and as it is their intention to pursue STRICTLY THE MANUFACTURING AND WHOLESALE BUSINESS, they hope to win the confi dence of all engaged in tho retail trade, and merit the patronage of the public. VVM. N. PETERS, ALBERT II. BROMLEY. .Agust 29, 16CT. - - PIlOEiMX- DBUfi STORE. DREHER & BROTHER, (Opposite the " Jeffersonian" OfSce,) ELIZAllETH-ISTnEET, ' S TR O UDSB UR G, PA. Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, WINES and LIQUORS for medi cinal purposes, JSASfl, DOORS and BLINDS. All kindd of Painting Materials, Lamps and lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. 07" Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded. G. II. DREHER. E. B. DREHER. October 4, 1SGG. Gothic IlaOrtig Siorc. William IIolliii!ica!, Wholesale and Itctail Druggist STROUDSBURG, Pa. F. . Constantly on hand and for bale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Varuish, Ker osene Oil, Perfumery aud Faucy Goods; also WaIi, hliml am Doors. . Puro Wines aud Liquors for Medicinal purpose. P. H.' Physician j Prescriptions care fully compounded. Stroud-iburg, July 7, 1861. BLANK ' DEEDS For Sale at this Office. DEALERS IN , Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silrer Ware, Hated Ware, Cooks, Stationery, Wall Taper, Notions, &c., &c. They have recently purchased "MEL- IOCS OLD STA A A" and with increased facilities for business, and a determination to please, feel justified in asking the con tinued patronage of the old customers ot thi? establishment. In constant communication with Importers in New York and Piiila delpiiia, and in possession of pt culiar ad vantages in this respect, they are prepared to sell CLOCKS. WATCHES &. JEW- in-lErnv Gf 6uoerior make and tin irh as well aso a8 of cheaper character, at remarkably jow rates, They also keep constantly on hand the best quality of s;. V..r TV .V,n. . Spectacles, Razors, Pen-knives, Scissors, and all sorts of Cutlery ; Toys of all kinds. Children Carriages, Bird cages, Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Guns and Pistols, Lamps of all kinds and Fixtures; Superior Sewing Machines. Clothes Wringers, School Books, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Ledgers and Day Books Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Jc , $-c. Photograph Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades, and fruit Cans of every de scription. Lamp Burners altered. Repairing of Clocks, Watcherand Jewelry attended to promptly and satisfactorily. Orders taken for Silver Ware and filled with dispatch. Stroudsburg, May 1'J, 104. tf A CARD To the Hotel keepers of Monroe and ad jacent counties. Look to Your Interests! ! ! Wo are offering Liquors, Wines. &c, warranted pure, and containing no Drugs, Ods, Lssencts, C'c, whatever, at the fol lowing very low prices : Braudics from 50c(WSl 00 per gallon lcs3 than City prices, Gins 50"c('7oc. Bourbon Whiskey, 40c(7 Ooc. Mononahela, 40c(7 05c. it Old Rye, 40ctVC5c. ppla ouc(f si uu Common loeft'Joc. Wines (all kinds 50cff$l 00 Please give us a call, or send your or ders, aud satisfy yourselves that we do do it, that wc will do it, aud the reasons why we can do it. Also, please remember that we do not j U'are ony thing to do with "Drugged" Li quors. Anytniug you ouy nora us. we guarantee 1 ure, arm much below the pri ces usually paid for the Drugged Liquors. ery Respectfully, J. S. WILLIAMS, & Co., Stroudsburg, Monroe Co. Pa. July 27, 1SG5. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RAIL ROAD. idCiL&Qy Winter Arrangement, 1867-68. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE. WESTWABD. EASTWARD. Passenger Mail Tial.i. Tram. Mail Par-sengei STATIONS lr.il:. Itaiii. A. M. P. M. J.oi New Yurk, 4 50 11.30 New iI.tmiton. 2.::i) 1 1 -4H Wasl.insiun. 2.15 Vil'li Oxford. 2 01 12.13 Hutlgevii:. 1.5'J 13.30 Miuunka criunk. IA0 P. M. Dine 1.00 DcUw:ire. 1.3jDine. 1.10 Mount iicllifl. 1.10 P M. H Water Gap. 12.51 l.iO Slroildsburji. 12:13 1.51 Sj.raguP-U.e. 12--21 0 Z 2 0 Ifpniyville. 13.14 a O 2.20 Oak Usui. 11.55 a Forks. 11.37 0 3.00 Tobyhanna. 1 1.17 f- 3 14 Goiiias.bt'io'. 1104 " V. 3.35 Moscow. 10 40 O 1 3.47 Dunning, 10 3J 4.-'0Ar. ( LSO.l-0 S A. M. ScRANTON. V. M. p lo.Ki 4..isi.e ) Aioro r..2s y 10.40 4 57 Claik's Summit. 9 -Jf 5 55 10.53 5.05 Abington. 9.20 5.40 11.13 5.21 FitrloivriUe. 904 521. 11.43 5.41 Nitholson. t?.40 4 35 12.08 H.P3 llopbo'.tom. F.23 4.10 12.33 6.25 Muiilntsc. h.CO 3.40 l.lkS 4(5 New MilforJ. 7.S1) 3.10 1 3S 7.05 Great UenO, 7. -JO S.45 P.M. P. M- A.M. P.M. Station foot of Liberty street. CO X N KCTI O N S WESTWAHD. The MAIL TRAIN' from New York con nects at MANUNKA CHUNK with the train leaving Philadelphia (Keppinston De pot) at 8 a. m., and at Great Bend with the Express Mail train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car attached, stopping at nil the principal stations on the road, and arriv ing at BufXilo at G.15a. ni., and at Salaman ca nt t.f)0 h. m. The PASSENGER TRAIN from Scran ton connects at Great Dend wit-h through trains going W st and East on the Erie Rail way, arriving at Buffalo at 12 00 midnight, and at Salamanca at 11.55 p. m. COXN F.CTIOXS EASTWARD. The MAIL TRAIN from Great Bend con nects there wilh tho Cincinnati Express Train on the Erie Railroad from the West; at Manunka Chunk with a train fur Phila delphia, Eastou, Trenton, and intermediate stations arriving in Philadelphia at 6.00 p m., and at New Hampton with a train tor Easton, Bethlehem, Allentnwn, Reading and Harrisburg, arriving at the latter place at 8.30 p. m. CONNECTIONS AT SCRANTON are made wilh trains to and lrom all stations on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad, and on the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.' Railroad, Time Tables of which roads are printed below. , R. A. HENR 1', General Pass, and Ticket Agent. REVOLUTION IX TliADE! LADILS,- You cum of OIVL can rcceivo for the DOM A i:, Silk, Merino, and Alpacca Drcsnes, Shawls, Balmorals, Linen Goods, Embossed Table Covers, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Plated W'arc, Sewing Machines, &c. Send clubs often or more, with ten cents for each de ecriptivo check, and tho p;etter up of the club wilt receive a present worth .S3 to $300, according to number sent. Agents wanted everywhere. Circulars tent free. PARK ER &. CO.. CI &. 00 Federal St., Boiton. Jan. 2, ISGS.-iii. Tnn peculiar taint or infection wliicli we call Scr.orri.A lurk in the constitutions of multitudes of men. It" Vither produces or It produced hv nn en- X ft "- U l : V-c!. VltKitCil Stat v ..... .... i - ot tiis I !eoa, wijcrcin I'fS.' v , .itiC.that t'uid becoracs in VV? f,,.nml'-t tO Ml: tlicir and iiTP- -Nni-i "t , .v. . "fail into lUsori'.cr ilorav. 'J'he scrofulous ( cntr.iir.ntion v- Tiui!' caused I v r.ien-ui iul !i.easc, low living, disordered disftioii fro!.i unhealthy food, iiiii.uie nir. h!t!i fud iitiiy hr.biu, tl.c d i'.t-in:r vires, and. r.l ovo r.il. Ly t!i? C!Uiial ir.fv -etion. V."l:;;Uvcr lo it cris:.r, it i !i redit;iry i:i t!.o c oustitutifin, desceudinj 14 fvo:u j.;ivent5 t) children unt the thiitl r.r.d fourth ir: r.cnu;cn ; " indeod. it secnis the rod i f .. v.-l-o v.ys, ' I will vhit tlio ini(.u:tics cf t:.o f .ti-.ers ujon tlioir children." Tiii di-.-ves it oii-inates tako various names, r.cc ordin to tfii orr;.-.ns it nttncKs. Jn the r.-.n.. .Scrrfula. rroduecg tubercles, r.vA linaliy t'on.-i:r.-.:tior. ; in tho glands, j-wcliings v Lim m:; ; urr.t'i r.rul be come ulcerous sores; i.i t:.e itor.iach and lovcl, deranjreiner.ti v.l;",c'i produce indi- ret!n, dv$Kp&:a, r:vl I.vcr coir.rl.-.'niU ; on the skin, eruptive, r.n 1 cutaneous r.'dsction. I hce, all Iiitvin tho r:si.,e crurm. rev.ur txo Mine ieriu-dy, xiz., piuir.cr.ticn r.r.d ie.vijc. ra tion of tl:e' ) loo 1. Purirv b.n IdcoJ, and the?? cLinjrerous disten"pers l.-:ive you. AViit feeble, foul, or corrupted 1 lod. you cannot have health; with t!..-.t 'Mdo cf t:.o f.ohh" hea'.tby, you ennnot hfirc seroftiloua diacaie. Aycr'a Sarsapariila is ccmpcuiKtcii i:-om i!. e riior-t ciiectutl anti dotes ti.at medical science 1." . d;:c(. crvl for tb'u .liictijiff diteiiipf r, ;md for lb cir cf the disorders it entails. Thr.t it i? f.r turfc- rior r siit other remedy yet drviitd. i known 1 y il wl:4 have given it a trial. Tint it dies coni'.-iue virtues truly extraordinary in their cfl'ect upon thin cb-.ts of cvri:laint, is indisputably proven by tl ? v'"-c;-t niultituda of publicly known :ir.d rcn aikaLie cre it has macl of the follow iuj c.:scasea : Kirfj'i Evil, or Ghndui?.r Swellir-rrs, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimple?, Biotchcs zzl Sores, Erysipelas, Itoss cr Et. Anl-ic-ny's Fire, Salt Khenn, Ssald Hcr.d, Coughs froa tuberoulous deposits in tbo l'i:z, Yhiia Svrcliiiigs, Debility, Drcrsy. Ncnralgia, Dyspepsia cr Indigestion, Sjpilis and Syphilitic Infecticn, Ilercuviil liiscae, Female WcrlCnet'i33'!; and. i.vd.n d. the whole scries of complaints u;.t ;:rie fior.i in.purity of the blood. Minr.to report; (,f individual cases may le found in Ayii-.'s Am.mci.v Almanac, which is furnished t the d.uv;its for gratuitous diMrii-ution. wherein r.r.y Lo learned tho dinctions fwr its i::e..;:d roiae of the reniarksble cur3 vi.ich it l i s mad when ail other remedies Lad f:.i'.( d t r.Cord relief. 1hoc cacs ure lurjoic'v t.-.kn from nil tettions cf the ccli.i v. in rdr that every reader r.i:.y Lave r.tccs t &nn;e one who can ej tak to 1 ini i f its Le:Hf.:s f.cra personal cxerier.( e. Sercfnla e'.- i c--res tha vital energies, r.nd thus kacs its vivtiius fsr more kubjett to di tae r.rd it? l'.t.d rctuiw tl-.an r.ie Lf.vltly cciutitutirrs. lience it tends to rhcrtcn, ::nd ch.es c'.er.tly jhorten, the f.veiape tiui:.t:en of l.urv: n i'.fe. Tha v.it in:rort:.i!Ce tf these ccr.i; rM-ns has leel t:s to n-er.d ycrrs in pciiictir wl.icli i r;iitcv,: te to i?s c ine. 'i ; if vrcdy 'x i.:. v c l ow iv c t f A ur.'j ccc'.i l!.w best v.i.;-. 1'v its r.i lie uffcr :!crr. l'urgo vt uv. f.-tr oftcr to ti e p.ii i'.c vr.der t: e- r.:. AltAr.KU.LA. r.Ii': ::rh it : L';.5Cii;iH., tc r. e i vhith c. cf Snri-t ci in j.i.tr:.llve v id y:u inry prcte-c t yo;n e U'ii iv.g t.rd c?ar.?er cf ti ete C.'.-. or ei.t the foul c-orri-pt! rs ti . t r in I!;; I loi i!. Ui '- Ci:t I: : -I'm OI (.HC-.MO, r.n! i;v;! (. i.'? l.c: :i!i v.! I l' !i.v. 1 y hi ptn-u-I'r.r i;tucs ".!.: it n..v u s t':.! I?k1 fi:i. rticr.s, j.i'ii tins t ', t'. o i .-ij cm n nvy r ' t t it. v i'.u--v ';;; n;::.i".s cf .- --.,-, r::tc. l:z Veil.:.-, -"i i:r i C'.-A I. '.:.v,; 1 ut tlier wiil iiviti-.or W d rcitl i i-e cl-.-i point cd iu this. lis ir '.;" 1-ivc i 't pici. ly nVi:n-(-.t.t ti-;:d, av.il t!.o-o vcr.;:'"i r. t;'.c.-t:on rf its M::-i'.u-fii::; c.c vlk '... j '' v i-t.r cf tho r.fi::.cti:.j; uhcrv.es it is i. .MtJ.o.:;ii r.i:k r ll.o l ; I'ltk-rciit inctlicine fr::a any : i c ' I I'j reach, i.', it i. a very :.i r v iiii ii lir. s far ru-Tv f-i.;-.j c cr been 1 ct-n iitfoio t!:o l i- ; ' i : fei-tr.fil th.-.n t.ny i-U.f. avi.il;i!Io Ij the i.i. ...Vll i 1 1 I . i c : c 1 i xv lUii.J i. Tho Woriu'3 Crc-.t Ilcmcciy for Ccusiis, Co:ds, I:.cip:ent Ccu Lumpliop, and lor the relief of Cor.f.uujptivc r rticut3 in odai:cccl 510303 cf the c:eaic. Thi. h.is Icon livj i;-i;l rnJ to uni-ver.-i.i'y kiK.v.n. il.-.t vc nc'.il ! no l.ior tl;an assure tli: j-u!. -Wc ia:t its quality i kept up to tht- best it ecr has I ct-n. jmcl that it ii.nv I o rolled on to do all it lms ever lor.c. Prepared ! y ,1. C. Ayck Co.. i'racticai cul Analytical ( hemut, Lowell. M$. Sr.M by nil ii-urrif-ts every vl:c:o. For sale by Prujrists nnd dealers in tncdiciue everywhere. June 20, 'G7-ly NBW"GOODS AT Croat I y Reduced Prices! J WOULD HESPI-X'TFULLY AX nouuee to the puLdic, that 1 have just made larjje additions to my already exten sive stock and am uow selling II KY WOODS, Sec, &.c, lower than ever. My shelves are loaded with. MUSLINS, CALICOS, DE LANES, and GINGHAMS, of the most celebrated makes, my charges for which will prove astouishing to custo mers. My stock of Dress Goods embracing nearly every variety of style, color and fabric is well worth the atten tion of the Ladies, while iu CLOTHS and CISMHIIRES, both plain and fancy, I can offer induce ments to gentlemen which they cannot foro without detriment to their liuanccs.. My stock ot SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS. Sec , ii also full, and is offered lovr. My assortuicut of Coffees, .Sugars Molasses, and Syrups id very complete, aud as usual held at a very low tisiure. , . 1 have lots of goods the names ol which could hardly bo compressed withiu tha limits of au advci tisemeut, alt of which will be sold cheap. . Remember, tho place to buy, uth tbe best amrauco of getting your mouey a worth is at . . , IJKODIIEAirS , . Chcp Store io Struiiburj;. March II, 1S07. 1