The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, January 30, 1868, Image 2

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Stanzes to the Hunc.
Hew butiful is this oar nite.
How britc the stars du shine ;
Ail nature sleeps in tranquilnus
Rut this loan hart uv mine. deg lnvit a barkin nou,
At fellers passcn bi
Ifez-j g-sscn on the fur offraune,
With kam and plasid i.
Vn vmn t!r tlian tvi 1 1 frna tl.inw
" ' " - ..... , ... - I (3 f
A hangin in the. skize,
Upwards in wild untramuld wing
Mi thots kutz dust and flize.
O kud i quit litis klod uv kla,
, And aorc aiove the kreud,
Jd Laitii mi sole in ecstacy.
In yonder fieasy kloud.
IIoav kin the poets hi born sole
Mix with earth's vulgar kru! '
Yud it not rut her Ci away
Be hid frum morlel vu!
Ah, yes, hod i a pear uv wings
To go to yander munc,
I pess ide jes as eune stay.thar
Frum now until next Jooti.
And thir a roviiup and down,
Thru purty flours idqyjo .
Or listen to the tin klin rills
Wat frum the niodntain flo.
And then. ide hev no wood tu cut,
Nor any korn to bi
But I wood liv in klover then, '
And lode on punkin pi.
The New York Clerk, or Honesty tlie
Test Policy.
A young man, bv the name of Ames
V3S a clerk for a merchant in New York
itid was entrusted with bills of account
to collect, which he performed honestly
o far as m employer could discover ; bu
Mr. Smith that was the name of the
merchant was a very cautious man and
ft.'n la J "trap.?"' to catch his clerks in
def'randir-i; him, if krcy of them were not
j. roof oj:irst dishonesty. In this way he
iiectitained w liich of them could be trust
ed, and when he found cne to be uishon
he wculd discharge him.
Mr. Smith kept a wholesalee and retail
tlry pood? store, doing an immense lusi
uefs ; ami after he had accumulated a
fortune, and had lepun to think of rctir
ins; ficm luiidfr-s, he said, "Now I am
j;oi!2 to give up my business to such o!
my clerks as 1 know to be honest. I shall
:test them one by one, and to morrow I am
iroii'"- to see what Ames is an honest
yonng man, or a rascal."
The nest morning he called a friend,
whose son was intimate with young Ames,
aud arranged a '-trap" to tcsi his honesty.
A large number of accounts was given
him to collect that day, and Robert L
(Mr. Smith's friend's son) was to meet
him as if by accident, and propose to him
to spend some of the money collected, for
nuts, oranges, ice cream, Ac.
Well, llobert managed to meet Ames
jut as he had completed his collections,
and had a large roll of bills in his pock
ets and '-lots" of fractional currency,
.when the following conversation ensued:
Hubert "Good morniDg, Ames been
out collecting? Got lots of money, 1
suppose ?"
Ames "le-, 1 vc got over a thousand
dollars, and I must hurry it back to th
fctorc, as I'm afraid I may get robbed.
One don t known who may be dogging
his step?, in such a city as .New York, to
-rot I iuj even m the cay time.
L'nUrt --Don't be ia a hurrv. Let'
iiiti Tavlor's
as a "ct some ic creani
ic, i JI pay tne L:ii.
mi . 1 -it :i
So into Taylor's they went and sat down
to a beautiful marble table. - .
'Now, Ames," ssid llobert, "you have
a rocket full of money, and I cm rather
.hort, just take a dollar out of the roll o
greenbacks,' and pay the bill. Nobody
need know. Vou can turn over the money
to the cashier, and if he oiscovers it short
me dollar, you can say you t:can't account
fnr it some mistake somewhere. buch
errors occur often yon know, and nobody
thinks one j3 dishonest. I tell you, Ames
puch chaps as yo'jjdcn't get more than
-half paid for their services, and it would
not be wrong occafionally, to take a few
fiiillings, when it is done without being
.defected. I know a young fellow who
psys all his small bills, such as lor fu
Jeps, segurs, cn4 going to the theaters, in
iThat wsy, and has done so for years, and
his employer never suspected him of d;s
feir," replied
Ames. "I canDot
comply with vour request. A dollar short
in my cash might be considered an error
and overlooked ; but there would come a
ettleirjent with my co?icVicc,vhich
eould not be got over so easily. My fath-
er used to say to me, 'Johnny when you
grow up to be a man, remember that
Aoitesfy is the best policy.' lie's dead
and gone now, but his words will never
be forcotteu. I know 1 am working for
low wages, but I agreed to work for what
1 receive sod 1 have no right to use my
employer's money on that account. No,
llobert, I refuse your request with scorn
and indignation ; 1 am, poor, thank God,
J have never yet 'taken money that did
ot belong to me, an i I trust I never
shall ; and if this ia the way y(u seek to
turn young men from the path of recitude
I desire never to meet you again."
Antes then arose and left llyhvt seat
ed, and returned to the store.
The next ucy Mr. Smith called his
-clerks into his private office, " and told
them to be seated. They stared at each
other in wonder, one aud all, expecting
to be discharged.
"Boys" said he, "I am going to retire
from business. 1 have made a fortune
here, and uow 1 propose to loan my entire
stock in trade some $200,000 ia amount
- and the good will of my customers to
uch of you as I feel that 1 can trust. 1
have my own opiuious on that score.
Ame9, Stanten, aud Dauf'ord handing a
documeLt to Ames here is a bill of sale.
You will, if agreeable, take immediate
possession, and payments may be made at
your convenience. I Lave tested your
honor, each of you, no matted Awe, aud I
have no doubt that you all believe, that
'honesty is the best policy.' Good morn
jog, gentlemen" taking up Lis hat "I
yitib jou prosperity in trade." ,
The firm of 'Ames, Stauton & Danford
is now one of the wealthiest in New York.
Vines is married, lives in the Fifth Ave
nue, is worth half a million ; and all the
result of his refusal to embezzle a dollar
of his employer's money. Thus do we
see boys that honesty is truly the best
l)c 3cffcvsonian,
paration, valued at home and abroad, a rea
Hair Restorer or Dressing (in one bottle)
A great triumph of science. Mrs. S. A. Al
lex's Improved (new style) Every drug
gist sells it. Price One Dollar.
The friends and congregation of the
Presbyterian Church of Stroudsburg
purpose giving their pastor, Rev. $.
Evcritt, a donation visit, at the Parson
age, on Thursday, January 30th, 1SGS
afternoon and eveuing.
The public generally arc cordially in
vited to attend.
A course of Lectures is to be delivered
at the Court-House, iu this borough, un
der the auspices of The Young Men's As
sociatiou of the Presbyterian Church, iu
aid of the fund for the erection of a spire
upon the
e, now in course of erection.
The services of the follow in r centle-
men have been secured:
Tuesday, February 4. 1SGS, A. Iteevc
Jackson, M.D. Subject " A Summer
Cruise iu the Mediterranean."
Tuesday, February 11, 1S6S, L. W
Brodhcad, Ksq. Subject " The Miui
sink and Its Early People."
Tuesday, February li, 1SGS, A. 11.
Jackson, M.D. Subject " Egypt and
the IIolv Land."
.Monday, 1 ebrnary'Ji, 10?, Holmes,
- . . . r. T-r.
jr., Ii?q. tutiject "Curiosities oi
The Committee on Lectures have sc
cured the Court House ior the purpose,
as being more convenient of access than
the old Presbyterian Church, tfhere lec-
tures have formerly been delivered; and
have fixed the price cf adaiissiou, iu or-
der to enable all to attend, at the low
rate of 2a cents, or 1.00 for the course
1 t . 1 T
i7uo;s uj'uu iii i u cioviv, i". .a. i.tu
ture to commence at o cSock, r. m.
he ground has been covered with
r sliMirliin'r in th;ni"hhnr.
- T . . , , -f
ui iecvuiuur. jivcriuuu) uuj ma vine.
excepting always, oi course, me printer,
. , n - .1
has enjoyed the liberty of a sleigh ride,
&2r Proposals will be received by the
Committee, for the erection of the Tower
,n,l r.r fnr ,t,t- rn fli-rrnA f the
, . , , aM, i- , 01
Prcscyterian Churcn, till 1 -ebruary 8th;
plans of which can be seen any eveuing
by calling on lien. J. Mackcy.
tT The llev. Mr. Davidson will lec
ture in the Court-House, ou Thursday,
January 30th, on the Temperance Ques
tiou. Mr. Davidson is lecturing as the
Ageut of the Good Templars, and is en-
deavoring to organize societies in their
interests His lecture will be interesting.
Protracted meeliugs
Analomink on Sunday, the 19th inst..
under the direction of the Hev. Mr Kirk-
Patrick. A great deal of interest is mau -
ifested, but no symptoms of a general re
vival are exhibited. Under the blessing
oi God tue bpint will evince its presence
shortly. We hope for it.
Tli3 Lectures 1
The first of the course of lectures un
der the auspices of The Young Men's
Association of the Presbyterian Church,!
of this place, was given on Tuesday even-
ing at the, by the llev. J.
S l-'verift II3sMl;eet wm " Mv eirrb
b.Lventt. Jiis subject was My
r.r.r " Tie cnlithinoiillp rinhnnd llm TT-vrl I
" iuuii;
neighbor to be, in its narrowest sense,
those living nearest by: but in its broad-
er and Scriptural sense, it embraces the
' i
whole human family. The subject re
solved iUelf into cur duty to our fellow-
man. The lecturerlnstanced three irraud
linderances to faithfully discharging this
duty: namely, national prejudice, caste."
..a.ectaHa.U.. Kach of those di,W.
UI UiauJC.i... w ycaiea auy,
earnestly and eloquently. That the lec-
turer outdid himself, aud agreeably dis-
appointed his audience. Indeed we have
icard only one opinion concerning the
turer ana las sunject, ana mat is, mat
T 1 . '1-1 I
1,.1. y I
uuwi were jrrst rate.
If we can take the Rev. Mr. Kveritt's
lecture as a sample of the course, we can
Rifelr eav that th 4
sdiuy eaj that the public is promised a
... tJ ....(... i IM
luuucuua. ireac.
Ihe next lecture of the course will be
delivered net Tnenv ' v.i.- . t
- - -j , .m uary -i , vy
Dr. Jackson. Subiect " A ..
Cruise in the Mediterranean."
We UP !. Tt . T ,
icinng .r,t Wr T . 1 J 1 I.
"IJ cote i u jcaiiroau nave cut
dowuconductorsandeugineersS5a month.
and firemen 2 a month, Brakesmen are
In41 ff.. -1... It 11 I I
,c V on ?V'-,uacau weaves,
lum 5.1,0V,
Speer's Port Grape Wine.
This noted and excellent wine sam
pies of which can be tasted at all our
dru"ist3 re believe to be superior iu
every respect, and in all desirable quali
ties, medicinal not excepted, to pure and
genuiuc imported Port, worth ten dollars
a gallon.
ley Those who suffer from conghs,
colds, bronchitis, croup, " influenza, or
whooping-cough, will find sure relief iu
Dr. AVistar's Ralsam of Wild Cherry,
which has now been in use for nearly
half a century, and still maintains its long
established reputation as the great rcme
dy for all diseases of the throat, lungs,
and chest.
J5S""Thc Legislature of this State, du
ring the past week, expended a great deal
of time in discussing the Stanton resolu
tions, which finally passed the Senate on
Wednesday night by a party rote. Oa
Thursday Mr. Lrrctt, of Pittsburg, pre
sented a bill fixing the poriod of a day's
labor at eight hours excepting agricul
tural laborers and all special contracts
The IIpusc spent one whole day in dus
cussiug the question whether a Chaplain
should be elected the preachers o
Harrisburg having declined to act further
in that capflcity without payment. Mr
Hiekmau said that they were derelict in
their Christian duty, for they would not
preach the gospel unto the heathen even
when the heathen came to their very
doors. The IIou?c Railroad Committee
, . , - :! j i -n
tiik spkcial klv.ciion
1 Telegraph to the Tribune.
Columiils, Ohio, Jan. 27. Dispatch-
s fr
oru the A lllth District show large
Republican gains, and Deatty is elected
by about 1,'J'JO majority. Gov Hayes's
majority last year was 2 IG. Republicans
jre CJUCU elatea over tne result. Deuio-
!-..- II l 1.1 C 1 . . I ..
ma is aie cry uiuej incy nau couuacuuy
7o the Associated Press.
Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 27. The elec-
tion for Congressman in the VHIth Dis-
trict, to fill the vacancy caused by the
death of Mr. llautilton, resulted iu the
election of Gen. Johu Deatty bv over
1,000 majority. '
Tlie Republicans'at Connecticut have
omiuatcd a 'popular state ticket, and
videntlv n:ean to elect it. Their candi
i nomiua
dat; for irovemor. Mr. Jewell, of' Hart-
ford, is a business man rather than a pol-
I... . . - .... .. -
iticiaii, he has the couU fence of his fcl-
Ijw-citizeus of all rallies. The candi-
uate lor tteut. -governor is I rancis Way
11 ..1 .u, 1 i- t 1
I land, son nt the former ilivtin niivlicl
president oi Drown University. He was
once a law student at Springfield. Mass..
and the JCnnibltcan of that nlace savs:
We shoulJ all be dad to cross over the
line and vote for him in April."
A Gre iu Chicago on the 2Sth inst. dc-
, , 't nmnnn r s-
Gen. Hartranft has signified his wil-
iingncss again to become a caudidatc for
Auditor General. So far no other per
n has been named in connection with
the nominatuu. It may be assumed,
tiiereiore, that he wn havo no competi-
tor for the pluce. He made an excellent
soldier, aud is making an equally good
civil oGccr' lUtrJ Gazette.
ri-tT ii c-.. , . .l
ine icpuDiican tare central Lommit-
tee met at Harrisburg on Wednesday
l ist, and agreed to call the llepublicau
State Convention to meet at Philadelphia
on Wednesday, the 11th of .March nest.
1 - T "K.U"U-K U1.
i" -v... juti
time and place of the Convention will be
generally accertablo
generally acceptablo. J he Democratic
ii -ii . , it i i
convention win meet at narnsourg on
the 4th of March, and in a very few
weeks from this time the Stale campaign
of 1SG3 will be fairly opened.
At Lee, in Massachusetts, there are
said to be a farmer aud his wife, who
have some queer notions about life. They
occupy separate divisious of the house;
KetP I1UU;,B . ou V,e,r ovrn account sep-
C,,C,J i'U'" nu or ua.ry prouuee
,roui cach othcr a9 from Btranirc,Si and
. l. i i . I
hjci uie nignesi marKci rates.
A Philadelphia paper thus recalls a
Iact wn,.c" we presume, is not Known to
. ..... t -j - j
many of those who arc tolerably well read
in American history:
ill. H I. rn r il
-in iiaware wo cx j cnnsyvania icci
especial and peculiar interest. For
twenty years siie was a part of us, govorn-
'T ueitiR enunea to six
4." T C ZK lSil
counties or, the Delaware." In 170:j
these territories obtained leave to secede,
a. have cvcr a,terwarJ enjoyed a dis
The Milwaukee Ntics tells of the pas-
aI 1-1 a 1
geuiroagu mat city, uy express, ol a boy
Wh, - 1 " l-.tclu 1 ..I.- I!." I..
vny. m.
Z 1 1 , ' , 0hfT w ! he
7.2 " Z"' "
u- i- Z x J. . V7J
his fare home, he was expressed by the ;
xuc.c.jiii, b onion a oroau tag nciug sew-
1 IT.!. l i. i ' I
a ' 0,1 wmcn numerous express
ageuw nau maue meir mark.
An "change furnishes this piece of im
portaot information: "Tho only lawful
ri a n n a r
Vl -u.'S eiaiujis 13 lO Clincr
irm;..l t . . i. . . . ,
. . . ""'
aln !, Li.
An v nti,, . . 'e uL.. :.. '
""- "-uuci ui wautClim 13 Illegal,
ana makes the party liable to a floe of
0v for eaPj! offence."
From the AVw York Tribune.
Form The Lines ! '
The time has come for every soldier of
freedom to look to his musket, and re-
lenish his ammunition-box, and sec that
he stands well in line. We are on the
eve of " events that may try the courage
and the constancy of the best of us. I he
Democrats, the Itcbcl?, and the weakkneed
Republicans, have formed a coalition un
der the lead of Andrew Johnson, and
there is no knowing what step may next
be taken. Look at the elements of this
party ! In thff North we have the mur
derers of orphan negro .children the
rioters of July the bounty -jumpers, aud
the assassions. Ye have uewspapers like
the La Crosse Democrat , which eulo
gizes Wilkes Booth, and The Xcw-York
World, which sneers at the martyre
Lincoln. Above them all because it
shows more ability and more reckless
power we have Ihe Aew lork Herald,
whose eduor, tailiug to have the Mont
gotnery Constitution adopted in 1861
hopes to have the principles of that con
stitution adopted now. lhen we have
The Times, insidious, truculent and in
decisive -williug to wouud and almost
afraid to strike not quite so far away
that it may not get within the lines if vie
tory remains with us. Som of these war
upon u by pretending to use the name
of Grant, others by opeuly assailing Graut
In the South we have the rebels aud the
Conservatives the former man stealers
aud man-owners.
These men are bound together with but
one tie "Down with the Di;i;er." Men
who should know better, Christian men,
who read Jiiblcs and pray, vehemently
join iu this cry, "Down '-with the nig
ger." Cowards that they are, they do
not sec that these black-fellow-beiugs
were not thought uuwoathy to shed their
blood for the Union. Iogrates that they
are, they have no compensation for the
tyranny, the oppression the endless
crimes they have heaped upon this race.
They live roMcd them, trampled them in
the dut, taken their children children,
let us say it with th.-imc, with their own
caxon blood tlowinir iu their veius aud
kept them in slavery
Slanderers that
they are, instead of helping these poor
people in their efforts to rise they deride.
belie, ridiculc,slander them. "Down with
-the nigger" "Down with the nigger."
This is all. They cau no longer rob him
I . . ..
nor steal liu labor, nor buy ana sell him.
nor uunt mm wiui uounas, ana cover him
with stripes, and ravish his wife aud
daughter ! Down with him, of course!
l tr cve years, geutlemen ot the South,
you fought to keep the negroes m Sla
verJ ard bitter arc your tears of discom
nture. bhed them no more. For kcre
come Raymoud and lle'nnett, Miles ()'
neiny ana i.rict i omeroy, ana aiiaod-
?:ham and Wdftd, and they propose to
M'lt yur battlo for you. They mean
t'oat you shall -'protect" the negro. Think
Heilly an 1 Erick i'omeroy, and A'allaud
' lfi merry philanthropists of Anderson-
j ville and J.ibby. We shall place them
I 1 i. . ,f r
UIJUcr Jour "proiecuon, ior vou are
white men, and ?rr mean to put the nig
gcr aown.
And in "all their camps we hear the crv
J,ow with the ntgger," and the fur
I., i. .. . . . .
ther cry, "Down with Congress. " As the
nigger cannot well be reached until Con
Srcss 1:3 disposed of, down with Congress
amid dm and cutter and loud-mouthed
I : rri , ii it i
swearing. J.I1IS may DC 311. C kHOW
these valiant men, and perhaps th"i3 cry is
akin tr the el,, Yr i,ruuJ
marcu uu asningcoo. c must pre
pare lor every coutincncv. Let the He
publican party stand clo?c to Con "res
irust no man who is not squarely in line
Let the watchword be. ' Stand by Con
grcss," f ir with all its short-coming we
regard it as the noblest in American his
tory. If Congress falls if its will is per
sUtently defied, if its work is to be torn
to shreds by a vicious President and am.
bitiyus soldiers an 1 middle-iged lawyer
then chaos will come to the South, m-d
we shall be be in a worse condition than
if Lec had conquered in Virtriuia. Shall
the spirit of Slavery triuranh. or the snirit
of Freedom ? The issue has come to that
Andrew Johnson represents the Rebellion
jusi as congress jepreseuts the Union.
0 must eiincr eianu oy oue or ttic
other. There is no middle course. So.
form the lines aud nrenarc for the contest
. . . . .
and Jet the war-cry be, "Stand by Con
The Crevecoeur fowl derives iff name
from the small, heart-shaped divided
comb : it is one of the crested varieties
f ordin-irv aire, nnd h:i a lir vhiio
ful) denendin" cret of (cither The
heu has no comb. Tho plumage of both
seXcs is of a beautiful dark color, with
i,iuc and green meta hues interm nglcd.
Th , r . ,r .
. . t1. '
teuderand remi re nine . enr w e
A pair of this breed was receutly exhibi
tod at a New York noultrv show. f.r
which the price of 3250 was demanded.
No clue to the rernefratora of tha lme
robbery at Petroleum Centre has yt been
obtained, aud some of the detective en...
. "
s,dCr the case nearly hopeless. Mr. Uen
oehoffs income is said to bo thirty thous
While plundering the house one of the
aobbers addresscdMr. Dunnchoff as fol-
lows : "You'll never spend the money
yourself, you old miser, so we're going to
r " ' r yU
a nc.orj:n n ,h Portend Avr
'renchmen Jiving in Saocaranna have an
. .
odd way of conducting their hog killing
orUmary manner, but nstead of scald.
,iia hri-iu. n .,,i.:..
and roj hira oa nn(1 luillj a
'"'r " i.iv-j n oumg en.iua
blazing fire
underneath. y careful turning aud
watching they scorch the bristles off very
A Philadelphia paper wants that town
not to be behind the age, but to have an
What's the difference between a horse
n muw a i.ivj uiiiui tu
a barber? One can't live on phav-
hn.rj and the othcr can.
Are You Out of Debt.
Well ! keep out, sav the Ioica Hume-
stead to th young farmer. Do not per-
:i ir. . . r
mii joursesi to go in debt for anything.
Your actual wants and nsW;a n-a f-w
and by keeping out of debt they remain so!
i on. arc -master ot tbe situation," and
have the pleasant satisfaction of knowing
that you have a dollar'in your pocket,
nrl that, mnrnllv no votl 1 11 .'
, . c?aiiy t is
vnnr uwn i uul uv ' i n in kdi.i i i
, e jUur worK
v.. - ..i.v.c ui common-
dity your wants artificial, your selfre.
rannmoa inecn i n r i vn nrfmiA r i
spect lowered, aud you are not "master
01 tne SllUiauon.
It is an easy matter this - getting in
debt ; for a time all goes smoothly and
pleasantly, but when pay day comes, and
the wherewith is not at hand, the rtla
tive position between debtor and creditor
is rcvened. and the former i at th rn.r
,-. , . , I
cy of the latter: he uno longera free man.
but a slave to go and come at his crcdi useful American Enterprise fhall havethc
tor's bidding, wJio holds, as it were, a effect of driving out of markot th ih.,c,T,.t
sword suspended by a hair which is li-
auie to lau at any momeni. insteau ot,
"Ah ! good moruing, Mr.-
-, this
is a
J - -v... JUU . . J3
AT I i. "
'r. , - "Jul mi ujuuc.
Do not go in debt, because your wheat
or corn crop looks very promising, or the
prospect is good lor litn prices when
your beef, pork, wool, iVc., is ready for
sale: but wait uutil those articles are sold.
even though the want at that time should
become very pressing. Ey doing so you
uiwujf v.iw vvjv.v.g, y
debt aud arc enabled, by haviusr the
mouey in your hand, to save from ten to
hfteeu per cent on your purchases.
T T1 i.C:
chance, but I know a darned site uv 'em
that are mean f rom choice."
There were nearly eighty millions of
r.,..: 1 ...i:....
l JM.tu" ,u '"''"6 iULU
luiM-njai, " i-icui.
I'robably the reason why the way of
the transres.-or is hard, is that it is so
mich traveled.
Special Notices.
The Last
y v
mmmsm v
jyewptyle tnoneB0lje
will quickly restore Gray Hair
to its natural color and beauty,
and produce luxuriant growth. It b
perfectly harmless, and is preferred
over every other preparation by ,
those who have a fine head of hair,
cs well as those who wish to rcstora
it. The beautiful gloss and perfume
imparted to the Hair make it dcsirabla
. ' for old and young.
For Sale by all Druggists
Nov. 21, leoT.-l yr.
A Gentleman who mfTcrcd for years from
Nerkous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
ihe elFjcts of youthful indiscretion, will. f.r
the eake ot suffering humanity, send free lo
all wlio need it, tno recipe and directions
tor making the simple remedy by which he
was Ared. Sufferers wishing to profit by
the advertiser s experience, can do so bv d
dressing; in perfect confidence.
12 Cedar Street, New York
May 16, 1SG7.-Iyr.
X lv from Cilic. Thin need not be. Dr.
Tobias' Venetian Horsu L-ninent will posi
tively cure every cap, if given when first
taken. The cost is only one dollar. Every
owner of a horse should a bottle in his
stable, ready for use. It is warranted supe
rior to uny thtnj for the cure ol Cuts, W ir.d
Galls. Swellings. Sore Throat. S Drains.
Uruises, Old Sores. &c. Tliis Liniment Is
no ic w remedy. It has been used and a p.
proved of for '20 years by the firi-t horsemen
in the country. Given to an over driven
horse, it acts like magic. Orders are con
stantly received from the racing stables of
England for it. Th celebrated Hiram
Woodruff, of trotting fame, used it for years.
and said it is Jar fcuncrior to anv other he
ias tried. Kecollect, Dr. I ohms' Venetian
Liniment is put up in pint bottles. Tnke no
other. Sold bv Dru???ists nii.l Saddlers.
Depot, Ob, Lortlandt Street, Icw lork.
v -
Jan. 'J.-lm.
was recently reported hy the astronomers,
liat ot that! ho cares lor r.n orh myri-
aua ot miles away. Meanwhile, the whole
country id
of excitement at tho wonderful effect produc
ed during the past year upon tens ot thou
sands of
ii u ?i a x p 1 1 1: ti t:s
by that quencher of firey hair, that trans-
former of gray hair, that swift teaulifier of
iair of every unpleasant ehade of color,
a preparation as harmless as tlie April rain.
Manufactured hy J. UKIS rAUUKU, 08,
Maiden Lane, New York. Buld byallDrutr-
gists. Applied by all Hair Dressers.
This country has reason to pe proud of
this splendid specimen of American opera
tive genius ana enterprise. That it will
work a revolution m the watch manufad-
turinr uf the world no one ran f'r..M k-u,
. onnerations of th UMtt,,
- ".!.
establishment, for it turns out watch move-
mnnt t ;t M,nf r.K,irtu
ported . movements beeide the uniform
relinbilitv of t Uc. ninchinr-marip wntUo
must g've them a great advantage over alf
others wherever known. "A poor time-piece
tne machine make will be as rare in tlnj
Juture ns a good one of hand make has been
j -" v vin a
'-i.1' Ior ginnery is arbitrary in u
J R . . ance and ca.n n,akc a perfect article-'
JUfcl as easy as one that is worth es?. It will'
Le a caus of rnnw..i-.T:. V? V. v :,
of trashy foreign articles mi.culled timckeep-
r-lB UJ eo excellent and economi-
cal a substitute." A". Y. 1
iwe have had one of thn uwl, nf
. .
Utnnnnv in a pnsn ,r c..n rn;.u.n
time, an.l, comparing tiicm wi h f.,nnfr firttl
class works of different manufacture posses-
ty us, tney navo established ;n ouroiiin-
mn ulc'r snperionty over any ever introduc
Ior correctness as tunc mfcus.' The
uye not:cc with rpfrrrt r,,.r;.:,1(r fl!-
luiissjiusmonj me aDsence or i-'pecimens
American manufacture, which altln.faK ..
jy comparatively of recpnt birth among us.
aircaiy producing results of the most at-
1 unui y viiiiracier. jnevkatclios manufac
tured l)V tll Vltt,..m f'.....
. J - u.iiinjr aiG ter-
cellence as time-keepers are conre'rned, as
good as anytli ng protlucod bv the French or
bvviss tnanutactures." N. Y. Herald.
. "-"j. wie "reaier
cheapness, the uniform cxceliencp of watrl.
constructerl Ly matliiiierv fo f-xnii'iie tl-pt
the mere pneciarl t'it nwr:,i , ,
jn-adtHiIy irivc the A'r.ficn W..tH,r.
public prelirence whxli will n.,t ,p .inroi...
ed." Harjter's Wcddy.
For Sale by all First-Class Dealers in the
United States and British PiOvmees.
For further information address the Agents,
182 Rroadwav, X. W
Jan. 23, lSGS.-lm.
Song- of Iron.
I am ni!p!itr in th" t'ir,
Fien-fly ipMc;.' by ti.u braip,
Glorioi! m tli M.iluart .-trHmrr.
Laugliiiig :,l the florin ai;J
. '
De:iutPfl! in t!ie palaor pillars,
SrtHiu " Uu- pi-mtt'd nul.
A it b.i:.g l!.e Ur-.c'.ly lii-Wiiing
Quelic.l Atl Iiaimltss to tiif suJ.
Du! tlirre i a eionru- ct--iT.ce.
Whcic I take iii y ? a'ifhsl fiicr,
Gl U to r.irp iv vli:P-i.
wce:est nil, m o.ii'gtr ho'ir.
Pi c ! brforp nic f y .'i.-f !
S c H.e daikt-M IivlIth r
Sit I he rao of lie.ilili hiwI lif.'utjr
Take Hie palvi-t t i;cck ant! tiro'..
Fly. !v;pj;.sih ! fly, rmis!in' tion :
Y' ail arc -.iu.-h-il al Ua'.ii,
For I pive S.;u hmn:!ti i.a'.iirr
Duty ever neeiit-J :rt ng:!; !
Sliall 1 tell in w!int prrat rsf iire
I ran thus .;;, i us -t; r ':p ?
Pa I Ii I. Irfiiibi'!!!. iiyi:i u:fif r.
'l is the !aiii-a Syii'.p."
The PERUVIAN SYRUP i. a ir :e. :t J sohsnon of
the ptotoxule of Iron, a iia lii-rmfi y m idpiIummc slrikf at uu- root f tli-casi I v snroltins ti.
bli'Oil w Mil M ui., I iiniiriirf or !i!t f i'Hu-i.i . I: on.
Tue genuine lia " IViuviau tyr;pv tiloAii ;a tn
I'in hli.'t free.
J. P. CINSMORE. P.-oprietor.
No. ZC, Dc- t., .NeA York.
SoIJ by ail Druggets.
Chronic Diseases. Scrofula, Ulcers, &c-
It is vvfil known that t!.r lu'iirfits ilciived from
driiiking o! tlie Concurs, Sar lioc i ;ut! ntlior ci'le'jrat
etl Springs-is piimupativ owtiig to th lotiijie- they
Dr. H. Anders' Iodine Water
Contains Itt!iiie in t!i same pi'.rr tai e it i U urn!
in these spnnj! waters, btit ovt-r .li'ii pi r rrnl. iiiro in
qiltiiility. cDalalning ;.s it lose 1 1-4 i;iaii:s to fai Ii f,;M.l
ouni p, (iiMlvetl in pine Wrttcr. w i:hoiit a m:U tni.a .)!.-
covrry long sought for. in ronntrv and Knropp.
anil 15 the bt'sl n-iiiPily in Ihp warl-1 for fiofiua. 'an
Crr. Sl Rheum, I "K-ets. and all Chiotuc D;.ats.
t HTIlI.Ty f. er.
J P. DlNS.Moar. Pronriptor. 2i'. !) Strrrl. NV
York. Sold by all DnijiiM.-i. " Jan. C.-im.
ItcliIItcli!! TIcIl!!
in from 10 to 4S hour.--.
Whkatox's Ointment cures Tun Itch.
Whfaton's Ointment cures Salt Ruevm.
Wi! baton's Ointment cures Tetter.
Wheatovs Ointment cures Harbehs'Itcm
Wiieaton's Ointment cures Old Sores.
YViieato.n's Ointment cures KvritY kind
Price. ;")() cents a -box; lv mnil, (JO cent?.
Address WEKKS PORTER, X0. 170
Washin;toi Street, lton, Maes.
Ior sale by all Druggists.
Sept. l'J, 16G7.-lyf.
The Rev. EDTYARD A. YILSO ui:l
send (free of charge) to ;ill who f esiie it,
the prescription with t;ie directions tor ma k-.
ino; and usijij the simple remedy hy which
he was cured of a, lun; iiilrctinii and that
dread disea?e Consumption. His o:tly object;
is to benefit the nfHicted and he hojies ihnt
every sulR'rer will try thi piescriptioi, as.
it will cost them noih:nr, and m-iy prove a
blessing'. Please address
Xo 1G3 S. Second St., ViIli;.mslur!), X. Y.
May 1(J, l$07.-lyr.
The ttb(ve Remely for Consumption, Asth
ma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all
Throat and Lun Ail. ctions, together with
a pamphlet giving the prescription and n
short history of his c.ise, can be obtained ot.
Mr. Wilson's authorized agents,
DRE11ER DRO., Druggists,
Stromlshurg, Pa.
P. S. Pamphlets furnished fixe ofcharga
Dec. PJ, I8!i7.-tjin.
Information guaranteed t produce a lux.
uriant growth of hair upon a bald or beard
less face, also a recipe tor the removal of
Pimplef, Riotches, Eruptions, etc., on the
kin, leaving tho suue soli, clear, and beau
tiful', can be obtained wnhout charge by ad
dressing TIIOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
Rroadway, New York
Mv 10, I?07.-lyr.
Jan V.-lm.