ii-...'r: )c 2cffcvsoman, THURSDAY, J ANTJAEY 23, 18C8. THE GREAT AMERICAN HAIR PRE pirtion, island at home u"nd abroad, a real Hair Restorer or Dressing (in one botlle). Mrs. S. A. A I." leh'h Improved new xtyle) Every gist sells it. Price One Dollar. drug- DONATION. the friends aud congregation of the Presbyterian Turroae civiai rimrcli of StrouJsbarjr, - their pastor, Kcv. 13. S Kreritt, a donation visit, at the Parson- act on Thursday, January 30th, 1868, afternoon and evening. The public generally arc coriially in itel to attend. Lectures. . course of Lectures is to be delivered at the Court-IIou?e, in this borough, un der the auspices of The Young Men's As ociation of the Presbyteriaa Church, iu aid of the fuud for the erection of a Fpirc upon the new Presbyterian Church edi fle. now in course of erection. The services of the following gentle men have been secured : Her. II. S. Kvcritt, who will lecture on Tuesday evening, the 28th inst., upon the aubject of 44 My Neighbor." Tuesday, February 4. 186S. A. Reeves Jackson, M.I. Subject " A Summer Cruise ia the Mediterranean." Tuesday, February 11, 186S. h. W. lirodhcad. Esq. Subject 4 The Mini fink and Its Karly People." Tuesday, February 13, 1?C3, A. R. Jackson, M D. Subject " Egypt and the llly Land." Monday, February 24, 1SC3, S. Holme?, jr., Esq. Subject 44 Curiosities of Language." The Committee on Lectures have se cured the Court House for the purpose, as being more convenient of access than the old Presbyterian Church, where lec lures lnvc formerly been delivered; and Live fixed the rrice of admission, in or- .?r tn enable all to attend, at the low rate of 2." cents or tl.00 for the course Poors oren at 7 o'clock, r. m. Lec tare to commence at 7J o'clock, p M. The Rev. Mr. Davidson will lec 'turt in the Court House, on Thursday, January COth, on the Temperance Ques tion. Mr. Davidson is lecturing as the Agent of the Good Templars, and is en deavoring to organize societies in their interest His lecture will be interesting I. S. Case has beenappointed Postmaster at Tobyhanna Mills, vice Si mon Gruber, resigned. jjgu The Heirs of the estate of Wayne "O. Drake, deceased, on Thursday last, IG:h inst., sold the dwelling house and bt, situate en Main Street, in this bor ough, to Silas S. Drake, for S2.225. AI po the Farm, situate in Cherry Valley, f j Amos La Par, fur $5,733. VuF The French Emperor has come so far down from his high catholic throne as to grant a reception at the palace, on a week aoy, to the managers of the English and American Bible Society. He ssid he was both surprised and gratified to -learn that the Pible had been translated iuto 170 languages. His ftttt were al "ways held on Sunday. tfs- The inhabitants of the islands of Hi. Thomas and St. John's have had an lection on annexation to the United ' State, and vote I almost unanimously t come with us. This is all very flattering to us, but the poor, innocent creatures. who so confidingly throw themselves into 'the arms of Uncle Sam, will find that -lie cannot stav the earthquake nor the a ea, and that the elements will still hold -dominion over them and their wonderful 'ports and barbers. Their case reminds -us of the man who put a heavy mortgage yn his bouse so it could not blow overl 1& Stanton is Secretary of War, and ""has been for some days, and yet there is no war, although many have expected it would come ere this. The republicans of Northampton coun ty met at Easton, on Monday la?t, and electjftd delegates to the Stale Convention and expressed themselves strongly in fa vor of Grant and Curtiu for the Presi dency and Vice Presidency. Judge Maxwell addressed the conven tion dcGuing himself as a friend of Grant and Curtin for the Presidency and Vice Presidency. Judge Maxwell then moved that Wil son II. Hildebrandt, John Percaw, of Easton, Geo. Moyer, South Eanoa, John A. Laubach, of Alien, and Richard Cam den of Upper Mt. Bethel be elected conferees to meet at Stroudsburg, and nominate a delegate to the National Con tention. Carried. The 24th of February has been -set for the aecond trial of John II. Surratt. The regular army of Mexico ia to be 18,000 men hereaUer, and i t.ett SI . w pe r a o n u n. The Fenians.' The Fenians are giving the Uritisb Government almost us much trouble as Mexico gave to Napoleon HI., with this difference; the Pritiah are in the ruidst of their difficulties whilst .the I reuch were away from theirs. England is in a ;rr,etual scare; suspects ill, because she deserves it every thing that is bad is laid to the charge of the Fenians. Wc fear their tremor will lead them into trouble with foreign nations. The Cable pays Geo. r. Train, a promincnt citizen of our couutry, was nabbed by the au thorities as soon ss he touched Pritish soil, few davs aco. Now the American people arc not going to stand any sue! insult. No matter what views Mr Train expressed iu this couutry in regard to Fcuiuuisni he must not be arrested for that in another country. If this is inter national law, who of our prominent men would dare to leave his own country on business or pleasure? No, no, Johnny Pall, you are too much scared and are acting with very great impropriety You had better put jourself in some safe place till you can collect your ideas and cowe to yourseit again, it you continue in your present excitement you will very soon deserve the mad-house and an unaccustoin ed coufinement. Greek lure, explosive letters, powder kegs and the lika are sub- lects too powerful for your unstrung nerves just now, O, Johnny Pull! RT.LKASE Or MR. TRAIN'. London, Jan. 21 Evening. Geo. F. Train was discharged from arrest at Cork this morning. He has pent the fol lowing despatch to his friends in Ameri ca: 44 I have just been released on inter vention of Mr. Adams, and have brought suit against the British Government for one hundred thousand pduuds damages. (Signed) ' Orotic! e Francis Train.' For the Jr7eronian. At a late meeting of the Presbytery of Newton, held at Plairstown, N. J., to consider what could be done in behalf of the Blairstown Presbyterial Academy, the following preambles aod resolutions. were adopted, and the clerk waa directed to forward copies for publication to the Warren and Sussex County papers, the I rithyterian and Stic York Observer, and such other papers as the frienda of the Institution might designate: WncREAS. The eaueeef Christian ejuca- tio-i has met with a s;vera los at Blairs town, N. J., by the recent burning of B;air Hall erected and placed undr the care of the Presbytery of" Newton by John I. BUir, Fq. And Whereas, The founder or this Institute, which has been greatly blessed and prosper ed, no generously proposes, not only to rebuild the boarding-house on an enlarged and improved plan, but also to add another budding lor Academic pnrpos-a, requiring an outlay of some .S3(),0(H); both of which, with several acres of valuable land, he ia about to present to tfji? I'reytery : and Whkreah, Besides all this, the ?ame libe ral donor, by whose mintticent gifts to Princeton and Lafayette Col eges, the eons of the ministers of ttiis Presbyt:ry who pre pare at the Illairrtown Academy m-iy pap through the entire curriculum ol study at eiiher of tho; colleges tuition free, now pro poses to endow this Inlit-ition with al least $10,000 the interest, of w hich ia to go lowards the education of the son of the ministers nt'this Presbytery, thciefore iwterf, That Presbytery, greatly ac knowledging the good ha ml of G td in thiv pnterpriw, do hereby tender taMr. BUir thrir nsoit hearty thanks for his r.oble gen erosity. Ixesnlrcff, That as the worthy and es teemed Principal of this Indilution, Mr. S S, Steven, In-, by thi cahmify, lot near ly all that he had ol tho world's good, amounting to some fiur or fire tbo.smd; dollar, it becomes t'je da'y of the ehurclte ot this Prfbytery and of ib friendu of thorough Christian education, cheerful ly o come kirwar.'l and relieve him trom his creat -mt3rra-rncnt!, without delay. To this eri Presbytery would recora mend the following or soma similar plin moflincd as cireutn-tinccs may require: Let the pastors of the different church es real tl)ce resolutions, or state the substance of them from their pulpits on the next Sabbath after they are received or so poon thereafter as is practicable, am appoint committees fo canvass the con gregations, thus affording the people an opportunity to render the desired relief. DCBitica intracy, ueauiug anu provisiont of every kind are specially needed, a; these were nearly all consumed by the fire, and the Principal has not the n:ans to replace thetn. A3 cuixcu.' oi Diairstown anu vi cinity follow up Mr. Pb-r'a liberality by tr .1 . onering 10 ao trie reaming requisite to place on the ground all the materials for the construction of the buildings: it was desired by Jlr. Blair, and. thought by those present to be the Ica-t that Prcsby ery could with propriety do, to testify their appreciation of the magnificent gift placed in their hands, that they should inrnish the rooms with all articles of heavy, permanent character, which are to remain in the buildings, and. with them become the property of the Presbytery. Thus churches, families and individuals may furnish one or more rooms, such as they may designate. Donations for this purpose are greatly needed, immediately to iurnifch rooms in Mechanics Hall which will be occupied by the school uu! til about the Jst of August next, when the new buildings will be completed and the furniture removed to them. Py order of Presbytery. MYRO.V Uahrm-T. T,lrL 1 i j.-m.a. , lor tSr No Medicine ever appeared with ... 3 stronger vouchers tor its general ana substantial excellence than the Peruvian yrup. Invalids, especially those suffer- i ? .." - '-" i " .1,1 lng IrOin ayspcpl ur uuumijr, suuuiu send to J. P. Dinsmore, CC Dey street, New York, for a pamphlet (seut free), concerning this remarkable remedy. , r Health Giving Wine. -. Some' time since Mr. A. Speer of Pas- saic. N. J , presented us with a bottle ol his Port Grape me. In our turn, we presented it to a friend who was in feeble health.. After giving -the wine a few trials, our friend , assures us he derived marked benefit from its use. We fiud that many invalids in this city are using Sneer's Port Grape Wine with the same bcneBcial results. Druggists keep it. . Iu Cincinnati during 1867 there were 3,035 deaths; the losses by Ere wera 31, 000,000, 8500,000 mora tban the msu ranee, and the city expenses were $2, 883,421 71. The municipal election in Allegheny held on the 17th inst.. resulted in the election of the Uuion Republican nomi nees for Mayor and Director of the Poor Poth branches of the City Couacil wil be largely Republican. Seven and one quarter pounds is weight of aa Oregon potato. the . . Tie Pardon Report. Gov. Gear has prepared and publish cd a message defending his exercise o! the pardoning power. This paper, which is entirely too long for publication, ex hibits the special facts in the case of each pardon, and repeals the fact that in every instance petitions hive been signed which almost always included the name of the Judge before whom the prisoner was tried, the prosecutor, the District Attorney, praying for Executive clemency. As a rule we observe that the county officers seem to have a propensity for attaching their signatures to such papers. This re port shows fifty-two pardons granted in 18G7 by Gov. Geary being a less annual average than the records prove against Governors Curtiu, Packer, Piglcr, Wm. F. Jcbnsoa, ihuok, Kitner or Porter. A Temperance Convention for the State of Pennsylvania will be held at Harris burg, beginning on Tuesday, the 18th day of Feb. ISO, at 10 o'clock A. M. and to continae at bog as it finds busi ness or matter for lis consideration ! Ar rangements hav been made with most of the Railroad couipanies to furnish de legates or representatives of tne various Temperance organizations with fret re turn tickets, making half fare to all such "All Churches, Colleges, and Acade uiies, all Temperance Societies, Divisions of tons of lemperance, Temples of Hon or, and Temperance, Lodges of Good Templars, County Societies auxilary to the Uuion and all other friendly societies are requested to have themselves repre 1 1 Jll seuieu oy sucn nuuioer oi ueiegates as they may choone." Our State Legislature did nothing last week worthy of remark. Several days were spent by the House m discussing the Johnson and Stanton business, resolution! applauding the latter and General Grant being finally adopted by a party vote. fieneral illiam v . Irwin, of Peaver county, was elected State Treasurer by the Legislature last week, over William V. McGrath, of Philadelphia, the Demo cratic candidate. This result has been apparent since the election of all the pro mincnt Legislative officers from east of the mountains. Gen. Irwin is a man o ability and experience, and We think wil make a good Treasurer. . .! A couple in Oregon got tired of living together, and mutually signed a paper whicn they drew up tor themselves ithe wife giving her " beloved husband i lu.I divorce, aud wishing him all the hap ptness he could get," and the husband giving his wife " a little rat colored uvjle." The report of Commissioner Wells puis our annual national expenses at $150,- 000,009 for .ordinary purposes, ?130,000,- 000 for the interest of the public debt, 1 r.iii ibjuk s . ana oo,uvim;uu lor the reduction of its principal. He say3 the United States is the only nation that is materially reduc ing its public debt or its taxes, and the ouiy one able to pay its debt within limited period. Officers of the Legislature. The following arc the officers of the Pennsylvania Legislature' for the present session : Senate Speaker, James T. Graham, ol Allegheny; Clerk, Geo. W. Ham tacrsely; Assistant Clerks, Lucius Hog ers, Fred. fl. Praggins; Transcribing Clerks, Michael Pcilly, Wm. E. Prownc, liucnercr imams, wm. U. Uauslcr Peter J. Conyne ; Sergeant at arms, Wm A. Kuport; Aes't do., Maj. L. G. Mc Laully, James W. Curry; Messenger. nooert rjtiarp; Ass t Messenger, A. P. M'lcan; Doorkeeper, Ethel Fuller. Ilout-e Speaker, E. V. Davis, of Philidelphia; Clerk, James L. Selfridge. Northampton; Assistant Clerk, Edward G. Lee, Philadelphia; Sereant at arms Captain Casper Gang, Allegheny; Assist ants, W. J.-Woods. Israel K. Pavou John McUonncll. Robert Johnson; Post master, A. 31. Henry; Assistant. James Penrose; Doorkeeper, J. H. Hall: Mes sengers, James McCar.dy, Parrett Prows, . uemphiil. T. Uishop: Transcrib nir ClerksFrederick 3IcGec . t;eorro A PackoveD, Keuben Pcrand. John T. Keasey. Wm. A. Nichols . w 0 i General Meade seems determined to do lis duty whether it ploapes the President not. Payard Taylor finds living cheap in Venice. A cup of tea at a first-class res taurant costs but four cents, and a good dinner with wine forty cents. Put this nvolves extravagant luxury. Urcad, usn, and fowls, cooked, may be bought for a trine, and roasted pumpkins seeds, more palatable to somo people than almonds, . .... . . are sold in the streets at marvellously low rates, and eaten iu large quantities. -The Jia ft anion Journal of Clearfield says: lu consequence ot the suauen ais appearance of the snow, last week, all timber operations ceased, and at present, the prospect for jrcttins-out nnv thinjr . a like the usual quantity i3 rather proble matical. Parental Persecution. A most Revolting Dtvdopcment. ; Ec" -ccntly, in the city of Paterson, the father and mother ol a young woman named Mary Carr, undertook to compel her to marry a young man named Hays, whom thev had selected for her husband. She objected to the mate selected for her, and her mother then hit upon the plan ot aa ducting and confining her in an out-of-the-way place, until she should relent. In the carrying out of this plan she was assisted by Hays; but the girl finally made her escape, and the father, mother and "lot er" were all brought, last, week, before the Passaic County Court, where they were duly convicted and punished for their criminal persecution of the poor girl. The evidence on this trial showed on the part of the mother an utter destitu tion of womanly feeling as well as com mon decency. In connection with Hays, she hired several Paterson loafers to ab duct the girl from Lodi, and to this end she was drugged. They took her tola tcrgon and kept her in a close room, but the girl still holding out against them, they resolved, on the second day after her capture, to get Hays into the room, with her, under the pretense that he was druuk. This was accomplished by the mother and stepfithcr, who, having cn ticcd the daughter into a room with Hays, locked the door upon the young couple Until 4 o'clock the following morning the girl struggled with Hays, and then es caped. Her stepfather having risen for the day, she went into her mother's bed and soon fell asleep, but the mother then called Hays and put him into the bed with her. The girl again awoke, and, af ter a struggle, escaped back to her prison room, from which she fled in the even ing. The prisoners coolly pleaded good intention in forcing the girl to marry the man of their choice. Put the plea was too ridiculous to merit a moment s atten tion. The jury promptly condemned them, leaving the Court to administer the proper punishment. The eighth of January banquet at Washington, at which A. J. and five hundred guests were present, did not ter minate so harmouiously as was repre sented, but ended in a genuine row. Wine and whisky flowed freely, hence we are told that Gen. Ed. McCook, min ister to the Sandwich Islands, and an edi tor of a Johnson paper in Washington, had an altercation, when canes were ener getically used and blood flowed more or less. The parties were finally csparated without serious damage to cither. The Legislature of Ohio, on Tues day. elected A. G. Thurman, democrat. to the L. S. Senate, tosucceed, ou the 4th of March, 1G!, the Hon. Pen. Wade. Vallacdigham, the Martyr, was the antag onist of I'hurrnan, but the latter beat him in the democratic caucus more than two to one. This decision lays Vallandigham pretty effectually upon the shelf. Internal Revenue Decisions. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has rendered the following decisions : A mortgage, securing $100 or less, is not subject to a ftamp duty ; but the li ability of the bond or note, which is evi deuce of the amount secured, is the same as if there were no mortgage. The ne cessary stamp may, however, be, affixed to the bond or to the mortgage. Section 1G0. The position of treasurer in the organ ization of Odd Fellows or Free Masons or any other similar organization is not an office within the meaning of the statute. Pond given by the persons holding buch positions are therefore, not subject to a dollar stamp each as bonds "for the exe cution or performance of the duties" of an office, but to a twenty-fire cent stamp only, as a bond not othenwise charged in Scheiulo P. Any person who has a capital 0 in his name cannot be President of the United States. Sec the number of great states ncn who have been bsaten as candidates: George Clinton, Charles C. Pinckney. le Witt Clinton, Willian H. Crawford,' Henry Clay, Lewis Cass, John C. Fre mont, John C. Preckenridge, George P. McClellan, ("and other names.) J. C. Cal houn, Simon Cameron, J. J. Crittendeu, S. P. Chase. S. Calfax and othar-i. The Maine Farmer recommends coun try ladies to take a medium sized pump- Kin seed, carelully cut out the meat on the under side, put a narrow strip of fur around the ed"e, and fasten the string to the sides, and they will have a bonnet in the pink of fashion. The broad end of the bonnet should be worn in front to keep off the sun aud wind. During the short term of Mr Kcmble, as State Treasurer, three years, the debt of Pennsylvania has been reduced uearly 5-000,000, and this too when the war and other expenses, were necessarily arge. ; . : ' Mr. ICenible estimates an excess of 81,. 600,000 over our expenditures duriog the coming year. As this is a much larger excess than is required necessary and wiec to collect he urges a repeal of the three mill tax on personal property, bonds. mortgages and moneys at interest, except the bonds snd mortgages issued by cor- One of the Japanese now performing in Norwich, who belongs to a religious sect in his native country tha,t obliges him to indulge in a meal of live coals twice a week Thursdays aud 'Sundays enter, tained a small party at the Wauregan House oo Sunday evening by the perform ancc of this singular religious rite. lie cut up some pine wood and put it in the stove, and, after it was well charred, took it out in pieces of nbout half an inch square ana two incnes loug, and ate it down as though it had been confectionery. Obituaiy. New York, Jan. 17. John Jacob As tor died in this city this morning in the sixty-fifth year of his age. . James Puchanan is in his seventy-fourth year. Thaddcus Stevens is so weak as to reqnire two stout men to carry biui up the ttep: of the Capitol, to his seat in the House. It is suggested to unite Pennsylvania and New Jersey by a bridee across the Delaware, between Philadelphia and Cam den. . Philadelphia, Jan. 16. To-day the bus band of Mrs. Lucy Graham entered the room where she was mursinjr her sick mother and shot his wife through the head. He then delivered himself into custody. He allegod as. a reason that she had reDcatedly tried to poison him. She is fatally wounded. Every Republican paper in Northern Pennsylvania, is out lor lion. u. A. lrow for the Vice Presidency. The Pittsburg Gazette, aud other influential journals in the central and western counties also re gard him favorably. If the candidate i to be taken from Pennsylvania Mr. Grew is the best man named, or to be named in our iudiiuaeot. lie cau be trusted un der all circumstances, and his public scr vices entitle him to distinguished consid eration at the hands of the people. A cunning trick was performed in New ark, i. J., on Iriday last. A man pre tended to be drunk slipped and fell agains a store window, breaking a large pane of glass. He declared he had no money to pay for the damage, when he was search ed by the propevtcr, and a l.uudred dol lar Din ioumi in his pocket, l his was immediately changed 81 2 being retain for damages, and $88 banded to the inebriate, who staggered off and was soon lost sight of. The S100 bill was subse quently sent to the bank for deposit, when it wa3 discovered to be counterfeit. The elephant Romeo, who recently killed his keeper at Hatborough, has cot been pacified. He is confiaed in a pen of strong timbers and will allow no per son to approach him. Special Notices. PROOFS OF THE SUPERIORITY OF THE AMERICAN WALT II AM WATCHES. This country has reason to pe proud of this splendid specimen of American opera tive genius and enterprise. That it will work a revolution in the watch manuUc- iring nf the world no one can doubt who xammes rne opperatinns ot thj Waltham establishment, for it turns out watch move ments at just about one-half the cost of im ported movemcr.ts beside the uniform relmbility of . Ahe machine-made watches most give them a gret advantage over all others wherever known. A poor time-piece of the machine make will bo as rare in the future as a good one of hand make has been heretofore, for machinery is arbitrary in its performance, andcan make a perfect artie'e just as easy as one that is worthless. It will be a cause nf co.-jrratulation if this highly useful American Enterprise thall have the ellect of driving out of market the thousands f trashy iorei'n;irticl'S mi.-callcd timekeep ers, by iiirnisliing so excellent and economi cal a substitute." AT. Y. Timet. "We have had one of the works of this Company in a case for pome considerable time, antl, comparing them wi'h former first class works of different manufacture posses sed by us, they havo established in our opin ion their superiority over any ever introduc ed for correctness us time pieces." 7Vie YorU. "We notice with regret (writing of the Paris Exposition) the absence of ppecinicns American nianutacMirc, wh eh, although on ly comparatively nf recent birth among us, is already producing rrsults of the most at i'actory character. . . The watches manufac tured by the Walthtm Company are cer tainly, so fr as strength, durability, and ex cellence as lime-k-cpers are concerned, as good as anyth ng produced bv the French or bwiss manufactures. 1. licrala. "The beauty, the precision, the greater cheapness, tho uniform excellence ot watch constructed by machinery i-o exquisite that the mere spectacle of its operat.on i poetic, graduiIJy give the Ai.encin Wutche- a public preference. which will not bo deceiv ed." 'Harper's IVWAy. EVERY WATCH FULLY WARRANTED. For Sale by all First-Class Dealers in the United States and British Provinces. For further information adJrcss the Agents. "ROBBINS& A PPL ETON, 182 It roadway, IV. Y. Jan. 23, 1&G.-Im. Chronic Diseases, Scrofula, Ulcers, &c It is well known lh-U the tpficfil "derived from drinking f the Congress, Saratoga untl vltior celebrat ed Spungy i$ puiicipally owing to the Iodine tliey contain. . Dr, H. Anders' Iodine Water Contains Iodine in the fame rure stale that it i fruad in thee snrinc wtrr. but uver 5imi per cent, ipore in quantity, containing k it dose 1 1-4 grains to each fluid ounce, diRolvt;(J iu p-jiB watrr, wi'lmut a solvent. k dis covery long south! for, in lUi rouiitry and Europe, and is the best remmly m the world fr Sciofuu. Cart curs, Ssl Rhfuin, Vhtit, aud all Chronic Dlatct. Circulars free. J. T. DINS.MORC. rroiiriftor, 3C, Street. Ne ADDRESS TO THE NERVOUS aS'D debilitated whose sufferings have been protracted tiom hidden cause, and whose cases require' prompt treatment to render existence desirable. If you are suffering or have suffered from involuntary dischargei" what effect does it produce upon your gen eral health.' Do you feel week, debilitated. easily 'tired! Docs a little extra exertion' produce pa Ipilation of the heart 1 Docs your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidney get out of order 1 Is youf urine sometime thick, milky, or flocky, or is it ropy on set-'" tling? Or does a thick scum rise to thV top Or is a 6cdiment at the bottom after . it has stood awhile! Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia! Ar your. bowels constipated ! Do you In ve spells of tainting or rushes of blood to the head! It' your memory impaired! ' Is yourmind constantly dwelling upon this subject! Do you ieei Ouil, listless, moping, tired of com pany, of life! Do you wi.-h to be lett alone, to get away from everybody ! Docs any lit tle thing make you start or jump! Is your sleep broken or restless! Is the lustre of" your eye as brilliant! The bloom on youtr check as bright! Do you enjoy yourself ini society as well! Do you pursue your busi ness with the same energy ! Do jou feel aa much confidence in yourself! Are yourr pirits dull and flaggy, given to fits of mel ancholy!. If to, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights! Your back weak, your knee wer-k, and hnve but little appetite, and you ottrituta this to dyspepsia or liver complaint! Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weakness of the gen erative organ;?. The organs of generation, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think of those bold, de6ant, energetic, persevering, successful business men are always those whose generative or. gans arc in perfect health! You never hear such men complain of being melancho ly, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart They are never afraid they ennnot succeed in business; they don't become sad and dis couraged; they arc always polite and pleas ant in the company of ludies, and look you and thein right in the face none of your downcast looks or nny other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs inflamed by running to excess. These will nt only ruiu their constitutions, but also lho;-e they' do business with or for. How many men from badly-cured discas- cs, from the effects of self-abuse and excess es, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysii, tpinal affections, suicide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to. and the real cau e of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, an J have doclored for all but the' right one. Diseases of these organs require the uet of a diuretic. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EX TRACT BUCIIU is the great Diuretic. and is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kidney?, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weak ness, Female Complaints, General Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male nr Female, from whatever cause originating and no matter of how Ion? standing. If n treatment, is submitted to. Consump tion or In-anity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the hdlth and happiness, and that of Pos perity, depends upon prompt use of a relia ble remedy, Ilelmbold's Extract Buchu, established upwards of 19 years, prepared by H T. HOLM BOLD, Drnggisr, 591 Broadway New Yt rk. and 104 Souih 10th St., Philadelphia, P. Price $1.25 per bo'tlo, or G bottles for $0 50, delivered to any address Sold by all druggists everywhere. Feb. 23, "07. Song of Iron. 1 am ni:cht y in th- brr. Fiercely lelded by t!i brae. GI'Minus iu the stniuiifl steamer. Laughing al the worm mi J w ati. r-en:'eous in the palace, pillars, SrtViiiiJ in the pf.iuttd roil. " . A it inu gj-llie dentlly lightning . : ' Quelled and harm less to the sod. But there i a cloriou esenre. Wheie I take my grandrM power, G:iiii to the race iny su:esL. sweetest aid, in din ger's hour. fee before me fly diseases ! Se l h darkest hvdra bow f ' 1 See the roe of he.iltii and beauty Take ihe palest check and broW. Fly, dyspepsia ! fly, ron.umption ! Ye. i. 1 1 i;ts are cru.-hed at length. For I give wkat hnuian nature Only ever needed strength ! Sl':iH I tell in uhat great essence I can lliu your spi its cheer ip t rwlii l, treiiibium, dyinij Miifeier, J 'Tis the famed ' l'cruvian Syrup." The PERUVIAN SYRUP is a protected solution ( the protoxide of Iron, a ne diseovny in medicine that strikes at the root -f disease bv mppHnu; the blood with Us vital prinni-le or lite eiV nici.t. Iron. . The genuine ha " i'erurian Syrup" blown in th glas. Tam . hleis free. r J. I. DINSMORE. Proprietor. No. 3t', l)ev St., new York. Sold by all Druggist. Itcli!Itcli!!Itcli!! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! in from 10 to 4S hours. yViieatovs Ointment cures The Itch, whfatom's Oimtment cures Salt Rhecm. Wheaton's Ointment cur-s Tetter. Wheatoi's Ointment cures Harbehs'Itch Wheaton's Ointment currs Old Sokes. Wheaton'h Ointment cures Evert kind or Humor like Magic. Price, 50 cen!i a lox; ly ail, 0 cent. Address WEEKS & PORTER, No. 170 W shins ton .Street, roton, Wtss, For salo !v nil Drug-gists, Sept. ID, 667.-lyi', TO COmiWilYES. The Rev. EDWARD A. WILSOX wil send (f'rt'P of chire) io nil who tlesire it the prescription wi'h tlie dirt ctins for ma k.. injj and uing the simple remedy ty which, he was cured of a Junj uflVction aid that: dread disease Consumption. His only object is to benefit the afflicted and he hopes that every eutlWer will try this prescription, as it will cost t'lem noihir.fr, and may prove a. blessing1. Please address Rev. EDWARD A.. WILSON, No 1G3 S. Second St., Willhmsburgh, N, Y. May 10, 18G7.-lyr. The above Remedy for Consumption, Asth' ma, Bronchitis, Cough, Cold, and all Throat and Lung AtlV-ctioiis, together with a pamphlet giving1 the prescription and a short history of his case, can be obtained of Mr. Wilson's authorized agents, DREIIER i BRO Druggists. StrouJuhurg, Pa. P. S. Pamphlets furnished free of charge , Dec. ID, 18G7.-3m. . , B LA N K LEASES ' K For -Sal thjs Office. porauou!. - T:k sold !y kl! innfiH. ; Ian. ? -1,. t - f