The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, December 05, 1867, Image 2

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    l)c cffcvsonian,
" $y At a meeting ot the Council of the
E. Lutheran Church, held at the Lutheran
Parsonage, in Hamilton. Dec 2d, 1&07, it
was unanimously Resolved, That the mem
bers of said Church, are refnectfully remind
eJ that the Annual Donation will take place
January 1st, 1G3. AM are respectfully in
riled to attend.
The friends and congregation of the M. E.
Uhurch at Middle Smilhfudd, purpose giving
their Pastor, Rev. Henry Litts, a dormton
visit at the Parsonage, Providence permit
ting, ot Thursday, the 12th December.
A cordial invitation is extended to all.
. Should the day prove stormy the visit will
take place the next lair dny.
07" The President's Message was pre
Ei'tited to Ccnirs on Tuesday last. His
Excellency still clirgs to 'he theories whicl
thus far have produced serioua differences
between himself and Congress. In next
v.veek'a Jcffersonian we will give a full and
XJinupn-n-ive summary of the Message.
07-LcHiaii Valley R. R. The stock
this company is now 0.1 the list of the cw
York Stock Exchange and is regularly call
ed there. Th- roid Uie now '92 miles of
track and sidings. It Ins n capital of -S10,-750,000,
and a funded debt of less than 1.
500,01)0. fjr THE LITTLE CORPORAL f.r
December is a capital number It contains
0:i the Hearth Rug," "The Great Pjnjin
druin Himself," Jennie Memory String,"
a new Rhyme of Little Red Riding Hood,"
t!ie conclusion of "Camp Truce,"' Lc-iJes a
mu'iiber of sparkling poems among which i.
a perfect gem, by the Associate Editor, Mrs
Emi'v Huntingdon Miller, entitled "The
Baby's S ocking;" music by Geo. F. Hoot, -a
letter fri.m Theodore Tilton, and an Edito
rial describing the beautiful process by which
Cromos art made.
A new volume of Tus Little ConroaAi.
begins with the: next number. The publish
er has determined to continue his offer of the
November and December numbers free to
a'l n-.-w sub-cribcrs received during Decem
ber. Terms -SI 00 a year. Sample copy
.tree if sent for before January 1.
Publisher of The Little Corporal.
Chicago, III.
Th3 Lectures !
According to announcement J. L.
Kingwalt, Esq., of Philadelphia, gave in
the Presbyterian Church of this place, on
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, his
popular Lectures on the Plains and
. J'ocky Mountains," illustrated with large
and good paintings and fine dissolving
.views. The church was well filled with a
select and appreciative audience both
evenings. 1 ne lectures are highly enter
taining and instructive, giving a graphic
view of the principal geographical fea
tures of the country, and also of the cus
toms and peculiarities of the Indians, to
gether with many of the incidents attend
.ing the traveling over the Plains and
..Mountains. Persons wishing to familiar
:iize. themselves with the history of the
country beyond the Mississippi Kiver,
cannot help being greatly benefited by
Air. 11. 'a lectures.
9 i
3"" We again call the attention of our
ireader to the County Institute to be
Hield in this place next week. We trust
our people will give it all the encourage
tuent it deserves. It is customary in
-ther sections of the country to entertain
rtcachers attending upon institutes free of
charge. And we think the people of
troudsburg and vicinity will not fail to
display their hospitality to the teacher?
who will spend a fevr days with us fur the
purpose of improving themselves in the
.Practice and Theory of Teaching.
EST Three Fenians were recently cxe
cuted at Manchester, England, named
respectively, Allen, Gould and Larkin.
'Their obsequies are being very generally
-observed tfrVoughout England and Ire
daud. Much feeling is manifested by
the Fenians, and apprehensiou felt by the
" Five Hinntes for Refreshment."
Everybody whehas traveled by railroad
lias heard the above announcement, and
has probably suffered from eating too
fcastilj, thereby sowing the seeds of Dys
pepsia. It is a comfort to know that the
1'erui-tan Syrup will cure the worst case
of Djepepfcia, as thousands are ready to
The weather has taken a rather
decided change. Sunday and Monday
last were cold and squally and threatened
at one time to give us a fair instalment of
pdow. Eutitls time for old Winter to
commence his reign, and those who are
not prepared for it after so unusually fine
a Fall, deserve to be caught aud pucished
f )T their tardiness.
tu At this season of the year, when!
so niauv of onr reorlc arc sufferinir from!
colds, we call attention to Ajcr 8 Cherry
y i
Pcctorixl as a sure cure not only for
cou-'hs and colds, but all affections of the
lungs and throat. Having used it in our
family for many year?, we can speak from
personal kucwled:c of Us efficiency
There may be other remedies that" are
ood, but in all our experience this has
proved to be by far the best. Its quali
tics are uniform and wholly reliable .It
is pleasant to take, and should be kept at
command, by every family, as a protec
tion against a class of complaints which
seem harmless in the beginning, but be
come afllictiiig.and dangerous if neglect
cd. N. II. Register.
This is the first week of Winter. Soon
we' may expect fnows and winds and
chilly weather. Dc careful of exposure.
and provide yourselves with Coe's Couh
Ibilsum, for Croup,' Coughs, Colds and
Sore Throat. It is an excellent remedy
E?-$100 bouus will be given for itn
mediate possession of a house on or near
Main Street, with good water on premi
ses. Will pay a liberal rent. Apply at
this ofSec.
Real Estate Sales.
George L. Walker, Ileal Estate Agent,
sold, on Thauksgiviug day, Mrs. Frauces
Hauck's farm of 13 acres, in .Stroud town
ship, for 1,700, to Mr. Huntington, of
New York.
December Court
Juilgc Elwcll, of Eloomsburg, Colum
bia County, will preside at our next Court
in place of Judge Barrett, detained at
home by sickuws of his wife.
ESX-The.Atlantic Telegraph announces
that Mt. Vesuvius, Naples, Italy, which
has been smouldering for a long time, is
now in a grand state of eruption.
Thanksgiving ia this place was
very generally observed. All prominent
places of business were closed. Religious
services were held in the M. E. Church
at which place the pastor, Dr. Alday,
preached a very able aud appropriate
3?" Mr. George L. Walker is now
erecting what he expects to make a first
class Erewery in East Slroudsburg. Mr.
Y. is full of enterprise and energy.
Tlie Port Grape in New Jersey.
The following caunot fail to satisfy any
skeptical persons about Spcer's wine be
ing purely a grape juice wine:
Passaic, Oct. 23d, 1S05.
This is to certify that I have been a
raeident of Passaic for the past twelve
years, during which time I have known
Mr. Alfred Specr, and been thoroughly
posted in the manufacture by him of his
celebrated wine3, aud can testify to the
fact derived from a personal knowledge
that this excellent Port Grape Wine is
made entirely from the Oporto Grape,
which he extensively cultivates in vine
yards in sight of my residence. The
Port Grape vine is a variety of his own
raising, cultivated exclusively by himself,
and is a superior grape
U. S. Deputy Collector Int. Rev
Our druggists have some of this wine
direct from Mr. Speer.
L 0. 0. F. Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
The semi annual session was held on
Tuesday, 2Gth ult., at the hall, North
ixth Street, Philadelphia, the Grand
Master, Richard Watson, presiding. For
ty two new members were admitted, a
number of charters were granted to in
stitute new lodges in various sections of
the State, reports from committees and
the Grand Representatives were submit
ted and acted upon. Amendments to the
By-Laws were offered, which will be acted
upon at the annual session, to be held in
May of next year. Nominations for the
Grand Lodge were made, the election to
take place next snriug. The attendance
of Representatives was unusually large
for a semi-annual session, and the. delibe
rations of theboby were marked with the
hest ot leciing and harmony throughout
The next tession to be held will be the
anuual one. and will take place at Pitts
burg, the Grand Lodge of the United
States having granted permission to that
effect at its late se.-si.m, held in the city
f New lurk in September last, lhe
body adjourned late in the afternoon.
At the New York charter election,
Tuesday. Johu T. Hoffman, the Tamma
ny candidate, was re elected. He receiv
ed 02,031 votes, to 22,832 for Wood, in-
dependent Democrat, and 18,405 for Dar
ling, Republican.
Trial of J. Davis.
,-The United State District Court met at
Richmond, at 11 o'clock on Tuesday of
last weet. Chief Justice Chase was ab
sent Justice Underwood took his .seat,
and, after the jury was tsworo in, deliver
ed his' charge, saying that any one who
had committed treason must bo indicted
if brought to their cognizance, unless par
doned by the President. He aUo char",
ed that public officers guilty of violating
the revenue laws should be unsparingly
dealt with. The trial of Jefferson Dali
was assigned to the 20th of March, 18C3.
in order that Chief Justice Chase might
be present, and Davis' bail was extended
to that day, and his leave of absence was
further extended until the Chief Justice
could be present. Davis was not present.
U. V. Gi:.rttr,
Scranton Coal Sale.
The regularly monthly sale of Scran
ton Coal was held on Wednesday last, at
No. 1G Exchange Place, cw lork.
There was a large attendance, but the
bidding was slow and depressed. On an
average, the prices did not come up to
witlnu twenty cents per ton of the bid
ding at last month s sale
The following
is the return :
11,000 tons Lump,
1 1,000
3.801 50
5.00(V5 25
Compared with the prices of last mouth
the decline in lump is 3 cents per ton;
iu steamboat, 2 cents; in grate, cts.;
in c:g, 30 ccuts; in stove, 20 ceuts; and
iu chestnut, 1-1 J cents.
Mr. Walker's Plan.
"In the multitude of counsellors there
i3 safety," ia an old adage, which 13 con
tradicted by another, more homely, name
ly, thst4luo many cooks spoil the broth
The United States seem to bo iu a fair
way to test which of these proverbs is
most reliable as applied to the subject 0!
the finauccs. are likely to have pleu
ty of advice as to the best methods of tid
iug through our difficulties, and if among
them we strike upon the proper one we
will be lucky. The latest essay upou our
embarrassments aud the proper remedy
for them, is by Robert J. alker, becrc
tary of the Treasury under a former ad
ministration, and, therefore, beiug sup
posed to have some knowuledge of finance
and having, in his opinion, authority to
speak ; he has also, he thinks, a right to
protest against an improper financia
policy, because he was, the agcut 0
the United States in Europe for the sale
of o 20 bonus during the war, and was
successful iu that undertaking, whicl
triumph, he Fays, is to be ascribed to the
circumstance that he addressed the Ger
mans, who were the principal lenders to
theL uited States, having power, by au
thority of the Secretary of the Treasury
to promise that the bonds should be puid
in gold. The simple idea of Mr. Walker
is, that the government ought to put an
end to all projects of repudiation, such
as are urged by Pendleton and Rutlcr, by
borrowing iu Europe two hundred aud
ffltv millions in gold, which amount, to
gethcr with the gold and legal tenders iu
the Treasury, would be sufficient to re
deem the whole of the greenback curren
cy, and brinj; back specie payments at
once, llus amount, Mr. U alker says
being very large, could not be borrowed
iu this country without such a monetary
exhaustion as would produce disturbance
a contraction, and a terrible revulsion
He says it must be acquired by a for
eign loan, iu order to save us from loss
and ruint home. Unless this is done
be is of opiniou that contraction must con
tinue here, greatly to the injury of the
country, which would algo be oppressed
by immoderate taxation. The new loan,
he is of opinion, could be got at a par in
Germany. Next to this would be, as a
measure of safety and relief, the reduc
tion of taxation, confining it to a few ar
tides of luxury, which ought to yield
enough to pay the interestoa the debt and
the public expenses, and give something
toward die reduction of the public debt.
Commencing at first with, the compara
tively small sum of one million of dol
lars for the first year, Mr. Walker would
pay two millions in the second year, and
go on adding a million for each year, un
til, in the year 1000, the payments
would amount to thirty-two millions.
Ey this means more than fire hundred
millions of dollars would be paid 08
at that time. In the same period, it is
calculated, according to former experience,
that the wealth of the nation wiil have
increased from 30. 593,450, 5S5, the es
timate of 1870, to 1G5,GG3,432,11G, the
estimate for the year 1900
These are the principal suggestions of
.Mr. Walker:
Meddling with others sometimes brings
people into scrapes, and thereby one of
the elders of a certain church made bad
worse,. A young fellow entered the
church aod took his seat with his hat on.
An elder noticing it, stepped up and re
jnesteil him take it oil. II is request not
being complied with he came to the young
man a second tune and seeing he hesita
ted, the elder Jilted it off, when to his
ehagrin, out rolled a quart of hickory
nuts, making more nosie .than consistent
with decorum. "Mud," quietly said the
yonth "See what you have done.
l I M I M
A iud;e in Allegheny ccuntv has de
cided that the moderate whippinrr of a
scholar in school for insubordination, is
perfectly legal. Naughty boys will there
fore take warning and behave themselves
Efficacy of Onions.
A writer says : "We are troubled often
with severe coughs, the results of cold of
long ftauding, which may turu to con
sumption, or premature death. Hard
coughs cause sleepless nights by constant
irritation iu the throat, and a strong ef-
fort to throw off offensive matter from the
lungs. The remedy I propose has been
tried by me, and often recommended to
others with good results, which is simply
to take into the utomach a piece of raw
onion, alter chewing, lhis esculent in
an uncooked state is very heating, and
tetnJs to collect the waters from the Iun-s
and throat, causing immediate relief to
the patient.
Coal Ashes.
During a recent visit at the residence
of Robert J. Swan of Geneva, X. Y,, he
informed us that he had kept his currant
bushes eutirely free of the currant worm
by the use of coal ashes. He applies
them in ppring by covering the ground
about each bush four or five inches deep
or more, for a distance of two feet on each
side. The mechanical sharnnesa nf
ashes prevents the soft Iarviu from rising!
through them. Although the season oi'j
fruit had passed when we saw the bushes,
they showed great thriftiness, and unin
jured leaves. Fxrlnvge.
The Pardoned
A resolution ndortcd by the Uuitcd
States S"euate calls upon the President to
report bow many counterfeiters ot uniieu
States bonds, coin and currency he has par
doned since his entry into office in lSGa.
The iuquiry would bo much more inter
esting il it could be ascertained bow many
couuterfeiters were convicted during the
same period and sentenced to imprison
ment, r rotu the numerous accounts ot
such convictions and the freuuepcy of the
pardons, it would be supposed that very
few who have becu convicted haje rc
mained iu prison to serve out their time
The proportion utlcascd ought to be about
ninety per cent.
Senator Euckalew, while in Doylcstown
m. m ... 1 9
last week, is said to have given out his
views in regard to the political situation
jn a fashion not very assuring to bis Deui
ocratic brethren. He told them that they
couhl not have General Sherman as their
Presidential candidate, because he would
not run against Grant, and could not be
trusted by the Democrats anyhow. More
over, he was clearly, of the opinion that
the Republicans would elect the next
President without doubt, even if the Uem
oerats should hold all they get this year
when national questions were not the on
lv issue before the people. In this the
Senator doubtless uttered his honest con
victions, but not exactly what his party
friends would like. The result will prove
that his foresight is better than theirs.
A spread-eagle orator of Xew York
Sr?r itantpd ti wino nf a bird to flv tr
nrrrv town and rmtntrv. to cverv villa.rJ
and hamlet in the broad land ; but h-
wilted when a uaurhtv bov in lh ermr
-J J
sang out : "Dry up, you eld fool : you'd
be shot for a gooes bcfjrc you flew a mile."'
A correspondent of the Maine Farmer
writes : Mr. Cushman Walker, of Horlg
don, Aroostook county, si xtj-three yc:irs
ot age, has, with the help ot a boy lour-
teen years of age, harvested the present
year forty tons of hay, four hundred and
fifty bushels potatoes, twcuty-Gve bushels
carrots, twenty-five bushels turnips, ten
buahels cucumbers, four bushels beans,
one hundred and fifty bushels buckwheat,
eleven bushels barley, fifty bushtls pea
nuts, two hundred aod ten bushels oats
l'lantedone quart of corn the 14th of Sep
tember ; raised thirty-two bushels of sound
ears, one bushel of pop corn. He has one
bushel of sowing of rye, not thrashed, aud
one bushel of sowiug of peas not thrash
ed together with six bushels of apples.
He has not drunk a glass of spirits for
thirty four years, and has hired but one
day s work the past season.
The oldest couple iu Ohio are Mr. and
Mrs. Boyd, at Irouton. He is 110, and
she is in 107. They get mad at each
other every little while and threaten to
obtain divorces, lhe other day the dame
refused to sew on a shirt button for her
spouse when he iudignantly inquired "if
he had "ot to live so all his life.
Pan Rice, the showman, has retired
permanently from the business." At hi
farewell pefformance in Pittsburghe made
a speech, in which he boasted of having
made more money than any six circus
managers in the country, and said that
he had given away, during twenty-six
years, more than a million and a half ol
dollars to various charitable enterprises.
In Richmond, a few days ago, it was de
cided that a persou who had taken a
counterfeit note and kept it for several
months, could not then recover from the
persou he took the note from. It jvas
long ago decided in Pennsylvania, that a
persou ''receiving a counterfeit note from
an innocent person in payment, and keep
ing it by him six months without notice,
was guilty of gross negligence and must
sustain the loss."
Some l'ennsylvanians are reported to
be buying farms in lennessce, generally
in the neigborhood of Chattanooga. A
good deal of Northern capital appears at
present to be seeking investments iu the
Teach the Women to Savo.
There's the secret ! A saving woman
at the head of a family is the very best
savingsbauk yet established one that re
ceives deposits daily and hourly with no
costly machinery no manage it. The idea
of saving is a pleasant one, and if the wo
men would imbibe it at once, they would
cultivate and adhere to it, and thus, when
they were not aware of it, would be lay
ing the foundation of a competent secur
ity in a stormy time, and shelter in a
rainy day. The woman who sees to her
own house, has a large field to save in.
The best way to make her comprehend it
is to keep an account of aU current ex
penses. Probably not one woman in ten has an
idea of how much are the expenditures
of herself and family. Where from one
thousand to two thousand dollars are ex
pended annually, there is a chance to save
something if the effort is only made.
Let tke houwife take the idea, act up
on it, and she will save many dollars, per.
haps hundreds, where before she thought
it impossible. This is a duty, yet not a
prompting of avarice, but a moral abliga
tion that rests upon the women as well as
the men.
Forty thousand barrels of crambcrries,
it is estimated, will be the crop of New
Jursey. Ocean County furnishes 10,000
barrels, rsew hngland, Michigan, New
Voak, North Carolina and other localities
will produce probably 50,000 barrels ad-
ditional. It is thought that the value of
the crop will be not less than 31,200,000.
Iu this State once valueless swamp lands
are now worth $I,000 per acre for cratn-
bery culture.
The valuable trotting mare Mountain
Maid, belonging to II. S. Hitner, Ksq, of
Montgomery county, took a premium of
1,000 at Washington city a few days
since. There were three other hor?es
tntered as competitors, but the Maid dis
tanced them all.
The ioint equipment of the Lehigh
rati lines, Lehigh Valley and Lehigh
and Susq. Railroads - on the opening of
the new year will have" a capacity lor
uioving over a hundred thousand tons ot
coal per week. And, with the canal
open uextpring, the three Lehigh lines
which will then De 10 operation win nave
a joint capacity for moving to market a
hundred and laity tuousauU tons ot coal
per week.
Weston, the pedestrian, has arrived at
Chicago on time, having made his twelve
hundred miles in twenty -sir walkingdays,
without breaking the Saboatb.
Maine lumbermen are entering upon
their winter's business. The sleighing is
cxcelleut she most of the way in the
woods, and logging operations arc fairly
Mr. John Kcttercr, of Hamburg, Eerk
county, has in his possession an cxtraor
dinary curiosity of vegetable wrowth,' in
the shape of twenty-three small but Lcau
tifully formed heads of cabbige, unitcc:
to one stalk, and covered with le.ivcsr so
as to have the appearance of a single mam
moth head. It was brought from I Jul
adclphie. '
The apple crop of Illinois is said to be
very large. The Waukegan Gazette
mcutions one Arm in that city whose trade
iu wiutcr apples will amount to o,000
A man is Susquehanna county recently
took -0G Pnds of honey from one bee
The Danville iron works have discon
tinued mouthly cash payments.
II. R. Chain & Co. of of New York
during 1300 sold $73,000,000 worth of
dry gooJ3 the largest years business 0
auy rbo'esale house in the world.
A fellow has beeu arrested in Londo
for acting as a trainer of youthful thieve.
It Wii3 showti that he had a sc'iojI an'
gave regular lessons in rogury.
Special Notices.
debilitated whose sufferings have been
protracted from hidden causes, end whose
cases require prompt treatment to render
existence desirable. If you are sutFering or
have suffered from involuntary dis-c barge?,
what effect docs it produce upon your gen
eral health? Do you feel week, debilitated,
easily tired ! Does a little extra exertion
produce palpitation of the heart ! Docs your
liver, or urinury, or ybr.r kidneys,
get out of order? Is your urine sometime.
thick, milky, or flocky, or is it ropy on set
tling! Or does a thiek scum rise to the
lop! Or is a sediment at tlie bottom after
it Ins stood awhile! Do you have spells of
shirt breatning or dj-spepsia! Are your
bowe's constipated! Do you hive s;ei!s of
fainting or rushes of blood to the head ! Is
your memory impaired! Is your mind
constuitly dwelling upon this subjee'. ! Do
you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of com
pany, of I if..-! Do you v.Mi to belett alone.
to get away from everybody ! Does any lit
tle Ihing make you start or jump ! Is your
s'cep broken or ret-t!e:"8! Is the lustre of
your rye as brilliant! The tdootn on your
cheek as bright! Do you enjoy yourself in
society as well! Do yriti pursue your busi
ness with the same energy ! Do you feel as
much confidence in yourself! Are your
spirits dull ai.d fliggy, given lo fits of mel
ancholy! II to, do not lay it to your liver
or dyspepsia. .Have you restless nights!
Your back weak, your knees week, and
hive but fittlo appetite, and you attribute
this to dyspcpn or liver complaint!
Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal diseases
badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all
capable of producing a weakness of the gen
erative organs. The organs of generation,
when in perfect health, make the man.
Did you ever think of those bold, defiant,
enerjictx, perscve:ing, succcss'ul business
man are always fiose whose generative or.
g:ins are in perteet health! 10a never
heir such men complain of being melancho
ly, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart
They are ncvr afraid they cannot succeed
in business; they don't become sad and dis
couraged; tliry are always polite and pleas
ant in lhe company of Tidies, nnd look you
and them right in the face none of your
downcist looks or any other meannci-s about
them. I do not mean those who keep the
organs inflamed by running to excess. Tluse
will not only ruin their constitutions, but
also tho.oe they do business with or for.
How many men from badly-cured diseas
es, from the effects of self-abuse and excess
cs, have brought about that state of weakness
in those, organs that has reduced the general
system so much as to induce almost every
oilier disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis,
spinal affections, Piiicitle. nnd nlmo.-t every
other form of disease which humanity is
heir lo, and the real cau e of the trouble
scarcely erer suspected, and have doclored
lorjilI but the right otn.
Diseaes of these organs require the urs
TRACT HUCHU is the great Diuretic, nd
is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder,
Kidney.-, (iravel, Dropsy, Organic Weak
ness, Female Complaints, General Debility.
and all diseases of the Urinnry Organs,
whether existing in Male or Female, from
whatever cause originating and no iv.atiej
of how Ion j standing.
If n treatment ia submitted to, Consump
tion or Insanity may rnsur Our flesh nnd
blood are supported from tbest sources, nnd
the health nnd happiness, nnd that of Pos-
perity, depends upon prompt uso of a relia
ble remedy,
IIelmboIds Extract Bncliu, ctillished
upward of IB years, prepared by
II T. 1 1 OEM HOLD, Druggist,
t"V)l Broadway, Now Ynjk. and
101 South 10th t.. Philadelphia, PX
Price- 91. 11 per battle, ar t bottles for
fcO 50, delivered to nny add res-. Sobl by
all drujisti everywhere, rcb. u7.
Information truarar.tccd to produce a lux
uriant crrowth of hair upon a bald or beurd-
lt!tyj face, nlao a recipo for the removal of
Piimdfs. niotch.os, Lruptions. rtc, on tho
skin, leaving tho same soft, clear, nnd beau
tiful, can In' obtnitu'd wi'liout charge by Ad
dressing TIIOS. P. CHAPMAN. Chemist,
-3 Broadway, New York.
May 10, ISfir.-rlyr.
Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Where thu urU-)e is known it is a oik ol topercro
gallon to say one word in ia its favor, a e)l ii il ct
tl)lihJ 'i unfiling ienie!j for Coughs, CokJa,
Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, A.thma,
f the Throat, Chest, ami Lun, as well as In, most
dreaded cf alt diseasr , Conmmpiion. w Inch high ni(f
ical iiwthority has pmaounccd to le an incurable di-'
.te. Those who hare Psed this remedy know Its val
ue ; ifrosi who Tiave not, hntcbut to matex tingle triaf
to be s!if.ed t!?.if of a.'I o!fr r it is the remedy.
The Eer, Jacob Sechler,
weil rotn ml rmrcli rrrpcirii unrni; the Gerrrir
poputrttionol Ws eounti V, riV s as follows:
Huncrer, Ta.. Feb. 1C, rSM
Messrs. S. V. Fow It' U Son, UoKtiv
Dear Sns: Haririz rc.VWtfcd fn my fi.rnily import-,
anl Iwiif fits from lhe use of v tal'rtiMft" jp ration;
Wutitr' lialsain of Wild Cferr H aflords eiitj
pleasure totVecommei.d it lo theuW.- ?ome eighi;
vtars mo. one of mv .Un'.'.tfri spcmcl if y' ii de-.
i-.iine. and hale hopes of nor recovery were fVrtaiu'
eu. iiifMi procured a ihh le 01 your exreueni w1'
and before Hie luri tken t!ie w hue of it there hJ
girat improve ment in her lif-a!ih. I have, in my in
dividual case, made firmirnt use of your valuable
me'.:i-ine. arm nave nivtuys wen bt-iu fil ed :by It. I
would, however, caution Hie public :cniit imposition
lx.-r.auM" Itiere is a good del of spmious Wistar! Dl.
saiu of Wili Clicrrv ii.1-ai throughout the eouniir
Noni genuine unless UL'TTv ia Uiw
w rapper.
1'repared ty SETII W. FVVI.E & SCVS rSTreimma .
St.. Ilaston, a'nd for Kite by Orudis! generally.
From .."r. J ones Curliu,
1 was afflicted with a severe Worn on ora-o ti
fiugers, and tried many icfneOtr. w Uvf ntlu- My
ft lend indue ed i.e to a p!y yit S.lve. In dat
it extracted the irifl.imni.tlioii fi.w my fVner to a to.
enable me l rename mr workx. rati a4mui sm that
the Salve wurke-d Jv.e mir;-!", for it effected eur
without leaving a cr. u tin he.i hirtnr iy prononnre
Orace's Stive an excel kfl reined y nd do outdouM jx
will lie njvrtualed throiigfiout lhe imvL."
S-ETH W. FOWLi: A SON, rroprielor..
SoldLy Ap,cs itr.d Ci l'C-"! generally.
of p opularity, without a competitor, and de
fying cornpelion, bound to flourish as long
spreads her sail., or naiure produces fiery
tinted hair, or Timo sheds iu white spray
on human heads,
wins ''golden opinions from all sorts ot peo
ple," and co.n never, go Ly the board"
while it is bM desirable by man or woman
to be comely. Manufactured bv J. CltlS
TADORO, GS Maiden I.inr, Xe'w-Vork.
SolJ by all Druggist. Applied by all Hair
Dressers. Xov. i!8.-lm.
The Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON wii!
send-Xfrcft of charjrc) to all who desire it,
the prescription with the directions for mak
ing and using the simple remedy by which
he was cured cf a lung affection and that
dread diseflc Consumption. His only object
is to benefit lhe afflicted nnd he hopes that
every sufferer will try this prescription, at
if will cost them nothing, nnd may prove a.
blessing. Please address
No IGo S. Second St., Williunsburgh, N. V.
May 1G, 18G7.-lyr.
ItcliIItcli!! Itcliir
in from 10 to 43 hours.
Wheatox s Ointment cures The Itch.
Whfaton's Ointment cures Salt Rheum..
Wii eaton's Ointment euros Tetter.
Wiieaton's Ointment cures Barbers' Itchi
Wheaton's Ointment cure. Old Sores.
Wiieaton's Ointment cures Every xinu
of Humor like Magic,
Price, 50 cents a box; bv mail, 00 cents
Address WEEKS &. PORTER, No. UD
Wnshinoto!! Street, Bo-ton, Mass.
For sile by all Druggists.
Sept. i'J, liG7.-lyr.
This medicine, invented by Dr. J. II.
Schenck, of Philadelphia, is intended to dis
solve the food and make it into chyme, the first
process of diircstion. By cleansing the sto
mach with Schenck'a Mandrake Pills, th
Tonic sinn re.-tores the nppetite, and food'
that could not be eaten before using it will
be easily digested.
Consumptinncannot te cured by Schcnck.
Pulmonic Srup unless the stomach and liv
er is made healthy and the appetite restored,,
hence the Tonic and Pill.s nre required in
nearly every case of consumption. A halfV
dozen bottles of the SEAWEED TONIC nd
three or four boxes of the MANDRAKE'.
PILLS will cure any ordinary case of dys--pepsia.
Dr. ScnrxcK mttkes professional visits in.
New York, Bosdon, nnd at bis principal Of
fice in Philadelphia every week. See daily
papers of each place, or his pamphlet on con
sumption for his days for visitation
Please "bserve, when purchasing, that the
two likencssess f the Doctor, one when ix
thd laet stage of Consumption, and the other
ns he now. is, in perfect health, are on the
(lovernment stRmp.
Sold by all Drujrpist9 and Dealers, price
1.50 per bottle, or S7.50 the half dozen.
All letters for ndvice should be addressed,
to Dr. Sciienck's Principal Office, No. 15
North Gib Street, Philadelphia, Pi.
(Jeneral Wholesale Agents: Detuas Barnes
tSi. Co. N Y.; S.S. Ilance, BaltimoreMd.; Johni
D. Parke, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker &. Tay
lor, Chicago, III.; Collins Bros., St. Louif
Mo. Oct. 18, '60. 1st w. ea. sno. 1 yr-
X ders are warranted superior lo any
others, or no pay, for the cure of Distemper,
Worms, Bots, Coughs, Hide-found, Colds,
&c., in Horses; and Coids, Couhs, Iss (4
Milk, B'ack Tongue, Horn Distemper, fcc
in Cuttle. They nrv perfectly if aad in-,
ncccnt 1 no. need of stopping tbc, wotVicg o
your animals. They in;r.eau; lp np;etit?,
give a Sue coat, e'eam-e the stomach, and
uriuary orguus; nKo increase the milk oV
cows. Try. them, aad you will never bo
Without thti'.i. Hiram Wo.druff the celts
brutcd iraiaer of trolling horses, has used,
them for years, and recommends them to,
his friends. Col. Phifo P. Bush, of the Je
rome Raco Course, Fordham, N. Y., would
not use them until he was told of what they
are composed, t-incc which he is never
without them. .He has oyer twenty run
ning horses in his charge, nnd for the las!
three years has used no other mrdidine fur.
thrm. He has kindly peniHed mo 10 r".
for any one to h'tn, Over I.Ct'O other ref
erences cr.n bo seen at the depot. Wold. ljv
Druggists and Saddlers. Price 25 cent
per box, Depot, 5ii Cwt'andt St;oct, Nw
York. (Nov.' 53.-1 m.
sales that Mrs. S. A. Allen's I xproyvu
(new style) Hair Restorer, or Dkersinu
(in one Lottie) is pr. IVrred by every one.--
Every Drujgisl sells i, t?.xe
Nov. 'Jl.-lm.