HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT 1SFC1IU Is a certain cure for diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROP SY. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FE MALE COMPLAINTS, GENE ERAL DEBILITY, And all diseases of the URINARY" ORGANS, vhcthcr existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating" and do matter of IIOW-LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs rerjuirethe use xf a diuretic. If no treatment is submitted to, Consump tion or Insanity may ensue. Our Hesh and Blood are supported from these sources, and the HEALTH and HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCI1U, Established upwards of 13 years, prepared ly ii. tp. nr:ricoi.D, DRUGGIST, 594 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Feb. S, 1667. br. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL. These Pills are composed of various roots, having the power to relax the secretions of the liver as promptly and as effectually as blue pills or mucury, and without producing any of those disagreeable or dangerous ef fects which often follow theuseof ihe lattei In al! bilious disorders these Pills may be used with confidence, as ihey promote the discharge of vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions from the liver ahd biliary ducts, which are the "cause of bilious elfects in gen cral. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS cure Sick Headache, and all disorders of the Liv er, indicated by sallow skin, coated tongue, costivcness, drowsiness, and a general feel ing of weariness and lassitude, showing that the liver is in a torpid or obstructed condi tion. In short, those Pills maybe used with ad vantage in all cases when a purgative or alterative medicine is required. Please ask for " Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills," and observe that the two-likenesses of the Doctor are on the Government stamp one when in the last stale of Consump tion, and the other in Ins present health. Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Price 23 cents per box. Principal Office, No. 15 North Oth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents: Demas Barnes fc Co., 21 Park Row, New York; S. S llance, 10S Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md.: John D. Park, N. E. cor. of Fourth and Wal nut Sts.t Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker and Tay lor, IJ1 and ldb Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111.; Collins Brothers, south-west corner of, Second and Vine Sts., St. Loui?, Mo. 4th &. 5th. w. ea. mo. 1 yr SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE STORED by Helmbold's Extract Btcnu Feb, 2S, 1SG7. irriKiiB z;i. Aug. 8th, at the Reformed Parsonage, in Fennrsville, by theKev.Gt U. Dpchant, Mr. Joseph Arnold and Miss Lucy Amanda Fuantz, both of Chesnuthill, Monroe County, Pa. Aug. IStli, at the same place, and by the fame, Mr. Heubkx A. Hittino, ol licthlehem, and Miss Sarah Ann Law yer, of Chesnuthill, Monroe County, Pa. iis;i. At Delaware Water Gap, Aug. 20th, 1S67, Ella Kiduway, aged 4 years. Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing be tween Daniel Ruff and John Lasscr, known as the firm of Ruff &, Lasher, Lager Bier Brewers, was this dny dis.lved by mutual consent The books of the firm have been placed in the hands of Daniel Ruff for col lection. DANIEL A'UFF. JOHN LASSEi. Stroud tsp., August 2?, 107. NEW BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT. PETERS fc IZKO.ULEY, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS & SHOES, TEMPORARY SALESROOM, Corner 4.1 h t Spring-Garden Streets, EASTON, PA. THE best assortment of Eastern Manu factures, constantly on hand at the lowest prices. The firm possess great advantage? in the selection and purchnse of the best material nd approved styles of work, and as it is their intention to pursue STRICTLY THE MANUFACTURING AND WHOLESALE BUSINESS, they hope to win the confi dence of all engaged in the retail trade, and merit the patronage of the public. WM. N. PETERS. ALBERT H. BROMLEY. gust 29, 1SG7. X6T The Tall term of MISS MALVEN'S SELECT SCHOOL, for young Ladies and Gentlemen, will commence on Monday, Sept. 2nd. Aug. 22, 1867. Church Notice! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the subscribers ot. the building of the LU THERAN CHURCH, in this Borough, that ti Joseph Trach, has been appointed to f-ol!eet the outstanding subscriptions for .said church. CHURCH COUNCIL. August 1, 1507. Auditor's Notice. Estate of JOHN OVERPECK, deceased. TTHE undersigned Auditor, appointed by JL the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, to make distribution of the balance in the Lands of George Shafer, one of ihe Adminis trators, to and among those entitled lo the ame, hereby gives notice, that he will at tend to the duties of his appointment on SATURDAY', SEPT. 14, lb07, at 10 o'clock h, m., at the Prothonotary's Office, in the borounh of Stroudshuror. at which time ami e pta.ee, all persons having any just claims or lenand against said fund, will present the same or be forever debarred from coining in tor any thare thereof. ' THO. M. McILHANEY, Auditor. August 15, 1607. , ' Register's Notice NOTICE IS 11KUEBY GIVEN, TO all persons interested in the Estates of the respective decedents, that the fol lowing Accounts have been filed in the Register s UlSce of Monroe County, and will be presented for confirmation to the Orphans Court of eaid County, at Strouds burg, on m UN JJ A 1 , the 23d day of rii-.MUEU, at 10 o'clock, . M.: Account of Ezra Marvin, Executor, kc. oi x.nza Ann rclker, deceased. Account of Peter Williams, Adm'r, &c. of Peter Shaw, deceased. Account of Samuel D. Ovcrfield, Adin'r, ive. of Ananias Ovcrfield, deceased. Account of Susannah Shupp, Execu trix, xc. of l redeiick fehupp, deceased. Account of John ). Frailcy, Adm'r Sec. of John Dailey deceased. Account of Philip Metzgar, Adm'r, &c of Catharine Storm, deceased. Accouut ot John Clark, Adm r, Sec. of Jacob Smith, deceased. Account ot George )utts. Adm'r. Sec of Michael Butta, deceased. Account of George Butts, Adm'r. &c. of James Biekhow, deceased. Account of John Ediogcr, Adm'r, Sec. of Philip Huffman, deceased. JOHN S. riSIIElt, Begister. Register's Office, Stroudsburg, ) August 2U, 1S67. j NOTICE! npiIE members of the Monroe County Mu- JU lual r ire insurance Company, are here by notified that the annual election ofMana gers, for said Company, will be held at the Court-House, in the borough of Stroudsburjr. on the first MONDAY in September, being the second day, at ti o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at which time Thirteen Mana ger will be chosen to serve for one year, or until others are duly qualified to fill their places, pursuant to Section 4th of the Act of Assembly incorporating said Company. EDWARD B. DREHER, Sec'y, Office of the M. C. M. F. I. Co. ) Stroudsburg, Aug. 22, 1SG7. f PROOFS OF THE SUPERIOR QUALITY OF THE AMERICAN WATCH MADE AT WALTHAfrS, MASS. The American Watch Company, of Walt- ham, Mass., respectfully submit that their Watches are cheaper, more accu-ate, less complex, more dura Lie, better adapted for general use, and more easily kept in order and repaired than ether watches in the mar ket. They are simpler in structure, and therefore stronger, and less likely to be in jured than the majority of foreign watches, which are composed of from 12o to 300 pieces, while in an old r.ngnsii watcn there are more than 700 parts. How they run un der the hardest trial watches can have, is shown bv the following letter: PEXN. RAILROAD COMPANY. Officeoftiie General Superintendent, ) Altoona, Pa., 13 Dec, lbGo. J Gentlemen : The watches manufactured by you have been in use on this railroad for several years by our enginemen, to whom we furnish watches as part of our equipment. There are now some three hundred of them carneJ on our lino, and we consider them good and reliable time-keepers. Indeed, I lave great satisfaction in say ing your watch es give us less trouble, ana have worn and do wear much lonirer without repairs than any watches we have ever had in use on this road. As tou are aware, we formerly trusted to those of English manufacture, of acknowl edged "food reputation ; but as a class they never kept time as correctly, nor have they done as good service, as yours. In these statements I am sustained by my predecessor, Mr. Lewis, whose experience extended over a series cf years. Respectfully, EDWARD II. WILLIAMS. General Superintendent. American "Watch Co., Walthain. We now make five different trrades of watches, named respectively as follows: Appleton, Tracy tj- Co., "Walt ham, Mass Walthain U atch Company, allharn. Mass S. Larllett, 11 ultham. Mass Wm. Ellery, Boston, Mass Home Watch Company, Boston, Mass All of these, with the exception of the Home Watch Company, are warranted by the American Watch Company to be of the best material, on the most approved princi ple, and lo possess every requieitc for a re liable time-keeper. Every dealer celling these Watches is provided with the Compa ny's printed card of guarantee, which should accompany each Watch sold, so that buyers may feel sure that they are purchasing the genuine article. There are numerous coun terfeits and imitations of our Watches sold throughout the country, and we would cau tion purchasers to be on their guard against imposition. Any grades of Waltham Watches may be purchashed of Watch Dealers throughout the country. ROBBIXS & APPLETOX, 12 Broadway, New Youk. August 22, 1SG7.-Im. LOOK THtS WAY, ALL WHO WANT Carriage Work or Rlacksmithing DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER! THE Subscriber begs leave to in- 5Ts.form the Dublic that he is fully pre- a. pared, at his establishment, at the corner of Simpson and Sarah-streets, in the borough of Stroudsburg, to make to or3er, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the shortest possible notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint ed in the best etyle of the art. ' Having first-class material always on hand, and none but first-class workmen ecaged, the public are assured that none but first-class work, will be turned out at his shop. In connection with Ms Carriage Shop he has alio a IMacksiijith Shop, where superio'r workmeu will always be found ready to attend to the orders ot customers. The publio are invited to cajl aud ex amine bii atoct before purchasing else where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. Mqy 0, 1867.Jm. - BLANK DEEDS For sitle at this .Oflie Caiid.icla.tes. To the Voters of .llonroe County. The undersigned, a resident of Stroud . I. ' . r ii rr . lownsuip, reFpecuuijjr oners mmseii as a candidate for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, should he be elected, he pledges himself to perform the duties of the offce faithfully and impartially, ana to me test ot Ms abilitv. JOHN W. VAN VLIET. Stroud tsp., Aug. 29, 1607. To the Yotrrs of Monroe Coimly. The undersigned, a' resident of Strouds burjr, respectfully offers himself as a candi date for the office of COUNTY COM.MISSIONE7J, should he be elected, he pledges himself to perrorm tlie duties ot theottice faithfully and impartially, and to the best of his ability. TIMOTHY VAN WHY Stroudsburg, Aug. 20, 1SG7. To the Voters of Monroe County. The undersiVned. a resident r.f M Smiitifiph! township, reepectfully offers himself as a cauuiuaie lor me omce ot Comity Treasurer, should he be elected, he pledges himself to perform the duties ot the office faithfully and impartially, and to the best of his ability. MELCHOIIl HE PEW. M. Smithfield, August 29, 1807. , To the Voters of Monroe County. The undersigned, a resident of Hamilton township, respectfully offers himself as a candidate for the office of COUNTY TREASURER, should he be elected, he pledges himself to perform the duties of the office faithfully and impartially, and to the best of his ability. MICHAEL SUPER. Hamilton tsp., August 22d, 1S07. To the Voters of Monroe County. The undersigned, a resident of Polk town ship, respectfully offers himself as a candi date for the office of . County Treasurer, should he be elected, he pledges himself to perform the duties of the office faithfully and impartially, and to the best of his ability. REUBEN KRESGE. Polk tsp., August 15, 1SH7. To the Voters of Monrce County. The undersigned, a resident of I'ocono township respectfully offers himself aa a candidate for the office of County Treusrurcr, should he be elected, he pledges himself to perforin the duties of the office faithfully and impartially, and to the best ot his ability. JEROME M. HELLER. Pocono tsp., August 8tb, 18C7. To the Voters of Monroe County. The undersigned, a resident of Hamilton township, rce-pectfully offers himself as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, should he be elected, he pledges himself to perioral the duties of the office faithfully and impartially, and to the best of his ability. GEORGE L. SLUTTER. Hamilton tsp., August 8, 16G7. To the Voters of Monroe County. The undersigned, a resident of Hamilton township, respectfully offers himself as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, should he .be elected, )f pledes himself to prrionn uie uuiius oi ine oruce iaiiniuny anu impartially, and to the bst of his ability. JACOB STACKHOUSE. Hamilton tsp., August 1, 1SG7. To the Voters of Monroe County. The undersigned, a resident of Hamilton township, respectfully offers himself as a candidate, for the office of County Treasurer, should hole elected, he pledges himself to perform the duties of the office faithfully and impartially, and to the best of his abilitv. PETER KUNKEL. Hamilton tsp., August 1, 1&G7. To the Voters of Monroe County. The undersigned, a resident of Polk town ship, respectfully offers himself as a candi date for the office of Count)' Treasurer, should he be elected, he pledges himself to perforin the duties of the office faithfully and impartially, and lo the beet of his ability. REUBEN GREGORY. Polk tsp, August 1, 16G7. To the Voters of Monroe County. The undersigned, a resident of Chestnut hill township, respectfully offers himself as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, should he be elected, he pledges himself to perform the duties of the office faithfully and impartially, and to the lyst of his ability. JOHN SIIIFFEK. Chcstnulhill tsp., July 25th, 16G7. McCARTY is the only Furniture dealer in Stroudsburg who has a LicenFe to sell FURNITURE. August 2. 18GG. Mkrritt W. Gbiswold In the I Comr ( of M e Court of mon Pleas onroe Co. I of Sept. Term, Oliver Faurot. J 18GG, No. 3. Foreign Attachment. July 19th, I.6G7 The Plaintiff enters a rule for the Prothonotary to assess damages on the judgment in this case. Plaintiff claims judgment in the Supreme Court of the State of New York forS220.G3, with interest thereon, from May 12ih, 18GG. Thel'rothonotary will qesecs the Plaintiffs damages on Saturday, the 21st day of' Sep tember, A. 1). 16G7, at 2 o'clock, r. u , at his office in Stroudsburg. THOS. AL McILIIANEY, July 23, 1607. -GL Vrothonotury. IK. I. I. S.1I1T11, Sui: Offi lice on Main Street, opMsite Judge Stokes residence, Sraoiusuiua, Pa. 07" Teeth extracted without pain. Q August 1, 18fi7. BORDENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE, BORDENTOWN, N. J. An institu tion lor the careful and thorough instruptipn of Young Ladies in all the branches of a complete education. Board and tuition in the Preparatory and Collegiate departments, 20S per year. Wailiing, Ancient ami Modern Languages, anJ ornamental branch es, extra. Winter Session opens Septem ber 19ib. For Catalogues, address REV. JOHN II. CRAKE LEY, A. M. Aug. S.-lllI.J pKCIDE.NT. rown PKALF.RS IN" (lochs, Watches, Jewelry, Silver are, rialcd Ware, Cooks, Stationery, Wall Taper, Notions, ile., &.c They have rcccntlv purchased "MF.Ij ICJCS OLD STAX'd;' and with increased facilities, for business, and a determination to please, feel justified in asking the con tinued patronage of the old customers of this establishment. In constant communication with Importers in New York and Phila delphia, and in possession of peculiar ad vantages in this respect, they ore prepared to sell CLOCKS, WATCHES & J EW- ELUY, ot superior make and finish as well also as of cheaper character, at remarkably low rates. . They also keep constantly on hand the best quality of Silver and Vlatcd Ware, Tea Spoons, Cas tors, Spectacles, Razors, 1'en-knives, Scissors, and all sorts of Cutlery ; Toys of all kinds, Childrens Carriages, Bird cages, Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Guns and Pistols, Lamps of ell Aunts ana lixlures', superior Sewtng Machines, Clothes Wringers, School Books, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Ledgers and Day Books, Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, eje, tj-c. Photograph Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades, and J rutt Cans of every ce scriplion. Lamp Burners altered. Repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry uttended to promptly and satisfactorily. Orders taken for Silver Ware and filled with dispatch. Stroudsburg, May 1(J, 1664. tf CUT JUST OUL DO MR LIEUE IEIT! a new nun STROUDSBURG, PA., PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION. A DRUG STORE, AM) A New and Cheap Stock of (Joods. PETER S. WILLIAMS, of the firm ofDE- TR1CK Sc WILLIAMS, having sold out his entire interest in taid firm, the business will 111 A a win nereauer n; carneu on ty C. S. DETRICK & CO., at the old Stand as heretorore, a few doers below the Stroudsburg Rank. Their Stock consists of a larire and varied Hssortmcnt of Drugs, Medicines, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, l uncy and loilet Articles, Paints, (His, Glass, Window Sash, Blinds, Doors, Var nishes and Brushes of all kinds. C;ill aiil lc Convinced. Mr. PETER S. WILLIAMS. Jeweler and former Partner of the firm, has been engaged by the new business firm, Charles S. Det rick & Co , to superintend the Clock. Watch and Jewelry Business. miAIVCSJ .STOKE East Stroudsburg, Pa., For the convenience of the inhabitants of East Stroudsburg and vicinity, the firm have also opened a Rranch Store near the Depot, where everything in th?ir line ofl business, togeMicr with BOOTS & SHOES, NO I lONS.'iVc , will at all times be found in full assortment, for inspection and pur chase by customers. They have also on hand a fine stock of PUEE WINES & LIQUORS, of the very best brands, which they ctfTer to Hotel Keepers and others, at prices unusual ly reasonable. Drop in airlf tec. C. S. DETRICK. S. S. DETRICK. Julv 23, 18G7. MAKE WAY! GOOD SEWS FOU ALL IN SlIAl'E OF Yew Goods at Stormsvilie. 1 1 iIIE subscriber takes pleasure in inform ing the public, that he has just opened tjio largest and best selected stock of Goods, at his old stand in Slormsvillc, Pa., ever brought into Monroe county, and that he has determined to dispose of them at prices, much cheaper than they can be bought at any other establishment, whether in town or country. His stock comprises, in almost endless variety, and of the best quality. DRV UOODS, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, j QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES, DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c, &c. He has, also, on hand a very large assort ment of new and fashionable Boots and Shoes, both city and home-made, all of which he will dispose of at prices which will make purchasers wonder. Look at a few of the prices at which I am really giving away goods, and you cannot fail to be convinced that my store, in Stormsville, is the place at which to secure real bargains: PRINTS from 10 to 22 cents per yard, MUSLINS from 15 to 25 " yard, Dk LANES from 25 to 35 yard, and all Woolen goods at figures propor tionately low. Roots and Shoes very low home-made at least 50 per cent, below Stroudsburg prices. SUGARS from 10 to 17 cents per pound, MOLASSES from fjO cts. to 1 per gul. In short, all articles in my line far below the Jmotooly prices which have hereto fore prevailed. The excitement growing out of these ercat reductions has alreudy began, but come one, come all, my stock will always be found full up to the demand. JiUI PER, EGGS, and country produce cenerally will not be refused in exchange for goods, and the highest mnrknt prices al lowed. CASPER METZGAR. Stormsville, Pa., Nov. 22, lrGf5.-tf. DR. A. H. SEEM, D"JS3S3T.TIST.-' T7"ILL, bo pleased U see all who wish v to bavo their lJetu;!.try duiio in o proper and careful manner, beautilul eets of artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver, or Rub ber Plates us persons may desire. Teeth carefully cxtructeJ without pain, if desired. The public aro invited to give him a call at the office formerly , Mcuptid by Dr. Scip, next door to the Indian Queen Hotel. All work warruntwJ. April 25, '07, THE UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD CO. TIIEIU FIRST JHORTGAGE B0XDS As an Investment The rapid progress of the Union Pacific Railroad, now building west from Omaha. Nebraska, and forming, with its western connections, an unbroken line across the continent, attracts attention to the value ol the First Mortgage Ronds which the Com pany now offer to the public The first question asked by prudent-investors is, Are these bonds secure!" Next, 44 Are tbey a profitable investment!" To reply in brief: 1st. The early completion of the whole great line to the Pacific is as certain as any future business event can be. The Govern ment grant of over twenty million acres ol land and filly million dollars in its own bonds practically guarantees it. One-fourth of the work is already done, and the tract contin ues to be laid at the rate of two miles a day. 2nd. The Union Pacific Railroad bonds are issued upon what promises to be one ol the most profitable lines of railroad in th country. For many years it must be the only line connecting the Atlantic and Pa cific: and being without competition, it can maintain remunerative rates. 3J. 425 miles of this road arc finibhcd, and fully equipped with depots, locomotives, cars, &.C., and two trains are daily running each wny. The materials for the remaining U2 miles to the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains are on hand, and it is under con tract to be done in September. 4ih. The net earnings of the sections al ready finished are several times greater than the gold interest upon the First Mort gage Ronds upon such sections, and if not another mile of the road were built, the part already completed would not only pay inte-' rest and expenses, but be profitable lo the Company. 5th. The Union Pacific Railroad bonds can be issued only as tho road progresses, and flierefore can never be in the market un less they represent a bona fide property. Gth. Their amount is strictly limited by law to a sum equal to what is granted by the U. S. Government, and for which it takes a second lien as its security. This amount upon the first 517 miles west from Omaha is only 10,000 per mile. 7th. The fact that the U. S. Government considers atccond lien upon the road a good investment, and that some of the shrewdest railroad builders of the country have already pad in five million dollars upon the stock (which is to them a third lien), may well inspire confidence in a first lien. 8th. Although it is not claused that there can be any belter securities than Govern ments, there are parties ho consider a fust mortgage upon such a property as this scry best security in the world, and who sell their Governments to re-invest in these bonds thus securing a greater interest. 9th. As the Union Pacific Railaoad bonds are offered for the present at' 00 cents on the dollar and accrued interest, they are the clierpcst security in the market, being more tnau 15 per cent. Jess lhan U. S. Slocks. KHh. At the current rate of premium on gold, they pay OVER Xl.VE l'ER CENT INTEREST. The daPy subscriptions arc already large, and they will continue to be received in New York by the Continental National Bank, No. 7 Nassau St., Clark, Dodge y Co., Bankers,. 51 Wall St., John J. Cisco tj- Son, Bankers, No. 33 Wall St., arid by BANKS and RANKERS generally throughout the United States, of whom maps and descriptive pamphlets may te obtained They will also be sent by mail from the Com pany's Office, No. 20 Nassou Street, New York, on application. Subscribers will se lect Iheir own Agents in whom they have confidence, who alone will be responsible to them for the afe delivery of tho bunds. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, NEW IOKK. June 13.-3m. NEW GOODS AT (ireaily. Reduced Prices! I WOULD llESI'KCTFULLY AX nouncc to the public, that I have just made large additions to my already exten sive stock and am uow selling Sec, Sec, lower than ever. My shelves are loaded with MVSLIXS, CALICOS, Di: LAKES, and G1XG11AMS, of the most celebrated makes, my charges for winch will prove astonislnug to custo mers. Mv stock of Dress Goods embracing nearly every variety of style. color and fabric is well worth tho atten tion of the Ladies, while in. CLOTHS and CASSIillUIlES, both plain and fanoy, 1 can offer induce ments to gentlemen which they cannot forgo without detriment to their finances. My stock of SUA H'LS, yaxkjjj; XO TJOXS, See , is also full, aud is offered low. jMj assortment of Collees, Sugars Molasses, and Syrups, is very complete, and as usual held at a very low figure. 1 have lots of goods the names of which could hardly be compressed within the limits of an advci tisenieut; all of which will bo sold cheap. llemember, the place to buy, with the best assurance of getting your money's worth is at H ROD HEAD'S Cheap Store in Stroudsburg March I t, 1SG7. .bmiiustiator's SCoticc. Estate of Henry Ransberry, late of Stroud tow no! tip, deceased : Letters of Administration in the estate of tho above named decedent, having been gran ted to the undersigned, (post office address, Straud.-burg, Pa. A by tho Register of Wills of Monroe ('ouuty, all persons indebted to ea id - estate are requested to pay tho same, and those having claims against it to pre sent them, duly authenticated, for settlement w ithout delay. JOHN 1 1 A N S 1 1 F. R R V, A duxr, Slruud-Up, July 31, 107. Tna peculiar taint of Infection Which w call ScnoFi LA'lurk in the constitutions of multitudes of men. It either produces of is uroduccd bv an en- - leebled, vitiated Etato LTfifS" the Moodrwhcreii f&FJLT ,M&Ltosl fl"id becomes in in V3V& fVj-Keompeter.t to s k-gy, fi'Sihe vital forces! sustain in their r--vi-;:Tvisrorous action, anu "VSb-leaves the system to ' fall into disorder and decay. The scrofulous contamination is ra riously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, filth nv.J. filthy habits, the depressing vices, and. above nU, ly the venereal infection. "Whatever be it origin, it id hereditary in the constitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth pencrtion ;" indeed, it teems to l.o the rod of Him who says, "I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Tho diseases it originate Uko various name?, according to the organs it attacks. In tho lung, Scrofula produces tubercles,, und linally Consumption; in th glands, swellings which suppurat and be come ulcerous sorvs ; in tho stomach ant! bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, nil having the same origin, rcquiro tha same remedy, viz., purification and invigora tion of the Mood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leavo you. "With feeble, foul, or corrupted Mood, you cannot have health; with that 44 life of tho fiesh. kfialthy, you cannot have scrofulous discaso. Ayor's Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes that medical-science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, unci for the euro of the disorders it entails. That it is far tupeV rior to any other remedy yet Ctviscd, 1 known by all who haTe given it a trial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class cf cotnUainta, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cure ii has made of the following diseases: Kirjfr'A Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Timor, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches find Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs fronx tuberculous deposits in the lunrjs, "Whit Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Hercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whol series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Atek's America AlmaVac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo learned the directions for its izse, and soma of the remarkable cures w hich it has mado when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those case3 are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader nwiy have acctfs to soma one who can speak to 1.3 in of its lcrcStsfrora personal experience. Scrofula depresses tho ital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal result tljan are healthy constitutions. Hence It tends to shorten, and docs greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. Tho vast importance cf these considerations ha led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. Tlus we now offer to the public under the name of Ater Sabsatarilla, although it is composed of ingredients, some if which exceed the best of arscjjarH'a in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the t uffer iiig and danger of these disorders. PurgO out the foul corruptions that Tot and fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. Hy its pecu liar virtues this remedy stimulates the Tital functions, and thus expels the distempert whieh lurk within the system or; burst out on anyart of it. "We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised much and did nothing; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abun dant trial, and there remains no questioaof its surpassing excellence for the cure otiho afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under tho same name, it is a ycry different medicine from any other which na been before the people, and is far more ef fectual than any other which, Laa ever been available to them. CHERRY TECTORAL, Tho "World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and lor tho relief of Consumptive patienta in advancecistngC3 of tho diafcso. This has been so lor.g used anl 13 uni versally known, that we need do no moro than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that i may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by Du. J. C. Ater L Co., Practical and Analytical ChemiUt Lowell, Mais. Sold by all druggists every where. For sale by Pruggists and dealers in medicine everywhere. June 20, 'C7-ly Hi .D-QVxlRTEBS ;jrl STROUDSBURG, PA.t MARCHING 0RDEKS No. 1 FOU 1867. T TAXSFIELI), is again in the Mercatv ItJl tile field, with his hcad-quartcrt al the old established stand, corner of Main and Green-streets (late Ceo. Fable'a), wher the people can alwajs bo sure of finding the most Fashionable, Durable, and Cheapest Stock of Goods ever brought into the county. He has DRY GOODS of all kinds, GR OCER1ES tf- PR O VISIONS, BOOTS if- SHOES, CROCKERY - GLASS WARE, tyc, f"C,, vjc, tjr.r at such prices as will enable him tc supply his customers a littlo Cheaper than the Cheapest. It beiu imporwsiblelbr him to numerate tha various articles which comprise - his stock, the public are invited to call and examine for themselves. m xuouur.K TO SHOW GOODS. Wheat Flour by the barrel or less quantity. Farmers' Produce, bought, or taken inr exchange for jroods, at the highest marktt prices. Ii. MANSFIELD. April IS, 1507. c. V. SSI p. svs. t., Physician and Surgeon, Has removed his otiieo and residence to the building-, lately occupied by Wm. Davia, on Mjin fetioet. Devoting all hU tiuia Li his profo.-bioii ho will be prepared to &ti bwerull culls, either ilay or uiht, whon not profoionully ciiLf-iyeJ, with promptness, Or Charges reasonable-. UJ) Sslroudcburg, April 11, lH?.-tf, "