Separator Capilli. Throw away your false frizzes, your switch es, your wig Destructive of comfort, anil not w orth a fig; Come aged, come youthfjil, come ugly and fa-r. And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair. REP ABATOR CAPILLI. For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatctcr cause it may have fallen out) and forcings growth of hair upon the face, it has no equal. It will ferce the heard to prow upon the smoothest face in from five lo eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to three months. A few ignorant prac titioners have asserted that there is nothing that will force or h.isten the growth of the hair or beard. Their assertains are false, as thousands cf living witnesses (from their own experience) can. bear witness. But inmy'will say, how are we to diitinguish the genuine from the tpurious 1 It certainly is difficult, us nine-tenths of the different Preparations advertised for the hair and beard arc entirely worthless, and you mav h.ive already thrown awiy large amounts in their purchase. To such we would ay. try tUe KOfurator UapiMi ; it will cost you noth ing unless it fully comes up'to our represen tiona. If y,ur Druggist does not keep it, send us one do'.lar and we will forward it, postpaid, together with a receipt for ihe mo nev, which will he returned von in nnnlira . - . , 4 j 1 1 tion, providing Wit:re satisfaction is not giv en. Address, W. L. CLARK & CO.. Chemists. No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. V. ir cb. 14, lS67.-ly. There cometh glad tiding of joy to all, . To young and to Id. to "rent and to small : The beauty which once was&o precious tied ra re, I free for all, and all may he fair. BY TUE USE. OF CHASTELLAR'S WHITE LIQUID For Improving aud Ucaulif'yin'r the Com "plexion. The most valuable and perfect preparation in use, for giving the skin a beautiful pearl Iike tint, lliat is only found in youth. It quickly removes Tan, Freckles, Pimple, Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallowness. Erup tions, and ail impurities of the skin, kindly healing the same and leaving the skin white nd as alabns-ter. Its use cannot be de tected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vpgotable preparjtion is perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and is considered by the Pari tan as indispensable to a perfect toilet. Up wards of 30,000 hollies were sold during the gjjstyear, a sufficient guarantee of its effi-c-cy. Price only 75 cents. Sent by mail, tpost-naid, on receipt of an order, by BERGER, SIIUTTS &. Co.. Chemists, 255 River St., Troy, N. V. Feb. 14, lS67.-ly. CrisperComa. Oh! she was beautiful and fair, With starry eyes, and radiant hair,, Whose curling tendrils soil, entwined, Enchained the very heart and mind. ClilSPL'K COJIA, Tor Curling the Hair nf cither Sx into Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or Heavy Jlassive Curls. Tiy using this article Ladies and Gentle tnen can beautify themselves a thousand fold. Ii is the only article in the world that will curl rtraiht hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Cris pr Co:ni not only curies the hair. Lut in vigorates, beautifies and cleans it; is .highly and delightfully perfumed, and is the i.ost complete article of the kind ewr offered t. the American public. The Criper Con.a will be t-ent to any address, sealed and post paid for &1. Addre-s all orders to W. L. CLARK &. CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracu?e, N. Y. Feb. 14, 15G7.-ly. WHISKERS AND IS L U ST A. C HIE S ! fVORCED to rrow upon ihe &fnujthed ace t f - l, a . . 1. . a,...- ' Ml IMMII inter u wttK! iy U'!'l Dr. SEVIGNES RESTAURATEUR CA 1'ILLAIRE, the most wonderful discovery in modern science, acting upon the Beard nd lLiir in an almost miraculous manner. It lias becn-u.-eJ by the elite of Paris and Ixndin with the mot flaiterinir nieces. Name of all purchasers i!J be registered, and if entire satiefictiou is nt gUcn in rv--ry instance, the money Hill be cheerfully refunded. Price ty mail, sealed and pot y id, 1. De&criptue circulars and tcti tnouials mailed free. Address BERGER, SIIUTTS t CO . Chemist. No. 2i River Slree, Troy, N. Y., Sole a?ents for I lie U-4 Mieu o:ates. i-eb. 11, '67.-ly BEAUTY! Auburn, Golden, Flaren & Silken Curls, 1 PRODUCED bv the U5e of Prof. DEC . REUX FRISER LA CHEVEUX. One application is warranted to curl tlie mot straight and stubborn hair of either sex into wavy ringlets or heavy massive curls. Has been used by the fiiehiombles of larisand Liondon, with the most gratifying results. Do8 na injury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and post-paid, 81. Descrip tive Circulars mailed free. Address BER IER, SIIUTTS & CO., Chenist. No. -Jbo lliver Sl, N. Y., SJe Ajrenfs for the United f3tates- Feb. 14, lS67.-ly. AVE YOU SEEN THOSE BEAUT I ful Hartford Carpets at SlcCARTY'S Ware Rooms? Thre-piy Tapestry, Ingriin, Brussels, ccc, &.c. (and O what splendid Par lor Furn.ture), at McCARTY'S. If you want to buy cheap, go in. He wants to sell his entire stock this month lo make room for inore' - Dec. T, 18GG. Found, In the borough of StrouuVou rr Pa a Note for Twenty-eight Dollars, papable one day after date, in favor of Francis Culler Dated Stroudsburg, April 1st, 1607. ' J. A. CLEMENTS April 19, 1607. ROSE AND GILT FRAMES made to order. A fine lot of Ovil Frames on hand J. IJ. McCARTY. 4 May 17, 166G.-tf. DINING-ROOM FURNITURE in Wal nut, Oak and White Ash, Extension Tables, any ske you wish, at AJcCARTY'S new Ware-Rooms. fMv 17. iHfifi.-tf TF YOU WANT A BEAIJTiFiTr. kiiit J. of E.tameled Furuiiure in Colors iustl Info r-. . . . May 17. I560.-lf POLAND'S Magic Rilions "Powders! rlllllS rKEl'AKAMUiN X is the discovery of the Rev. J. Poland, formerly PaMor of VINO'S the Baptist Church in Goffs- town, IV. il., and a man dearly beloved by that denomination throughout New England. He was obliged to leave the pulpit and study for medicine to save his own life. and his IVIaoic 1'owdr9 are one of Ihe most wonderful discoveries of modern Jimes. It is The Gkcat Liver and Bilious Rem edy which completely throws in the shade all other in medicine; and it af fords him much gratification that tliy re- ceivcthe unanimous approbation of all who have tested thcin. The Magic Bilious Pow ders are a Positive Cure for Liver Complaint! in its most asryravated lorm, and an imme- diate corrector of all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS! Excellent for HEADACHE. COXSTIPATIOS, PIMPLES. BLOTCHES, A . SALI40V SKIN, DROWSINESS. DIZZINESS, HEARTBURN, PALPITATION, . And a most wonderful Cure and Preventive cf Fever and Ague! (We advise all who are troubled with thi fearful malady to always keep the Powders on hand ready tor immediate use.) Here are a few important particulars: lft. They are Ihe Great Specific for all Bilious Affections. 2d. They ore the only known remedy that will cure Liver Complaint. 3d. They are ihe only known remedy that will cure Constipation. 4th. The Powders ore so thorough in their operation that one package will Le a'l that the majority of those using them will require to effect a cure. 5th. They are mild and pleasant jet the most effectual cathartic known. (5th. They are the cheapest and best mod icine extant, is they can be sent by mail to any pirt of the globe for the price, 50 cents, Circulars, containing certificates, in'orma lion, &.c, sent to any part of the world tree of charge. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, or by mail on application to C. G. -CLARK & CO., General. Ac NTS, NEW HAVEN, CONN. Price, 50 Cents per Box. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE! HIS GREAT REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES of the STOMACH, is Ihe d'scovery of the inventor of Coe'a val uable Cough Bilsarn, while experimenting fur his own health. It cured.Cramp in the otomach for. nun which had before yielded to nothing but chloroform. " The almost daily testimony from various parts of the country encourage us to believe there is no disease caused by a disordered stomach it will not speedily cure. PHYSICIANS ENDORSE AND USE IT ! Ministers give testimony of its efficacy I And from all directions we receive tidings of cures perf rmed. Dyspepsia ! It is sure to cure. Heart turn .' One dose will cure. isick-IL adache ! It has cured in hundreds of cases. Headache and Dizziness I It top.s i thirly minutes. Acidity of the Stomach ! Ii corrects at once. Rising of the Food! It stop immediately. Distress after Fating! One dose will remote Cholera Morbus! Rapidly yields to a few doses. Ijad Breath ! Will be changed with half a bottle IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS! Its UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS is ow ing to the fact that It Cures by Assisting: Nature TO KF.-ASSERT HLR SWAY IN TUB SYSTEM ! Nearly tery dealer in the United Stales ceils it at ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C. G. CLARK & CO , Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, COHS. For sale by Dreher &. Bro., Detrick &, Williams, and Win. Hollinshead, Strouds burg, Pa. Jan. 24, 'G7-ly DEALERS IN flocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silrcr Ware, Plated Ware, books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Actions, &c, &c They have recently purchased "MEL ICICS OLD STAISD," and with increased facilities for business, and a determination to please, feel justified in asking the con tinued patronace of the old customers of thi? establishment. In constant communication with Importers in New York and Phila delphia, and in possession of piculiar ad vantages in this respect, ihey are prepared to sell CLOCKS. WATCHES &l JEW EL II Y, of superior make and finish as well also as of cheaper character, at remarkably low rates. They also keep constantly on hand the best quality of Silver and Plated Ware, Tea Spoons, Cas tors, iSpeclacles, Kazors, Pen-knives, Scissors, and all sorts of Cutlery; Toys of all kinds. Children Carriages, Bird cages, Ftshinar Tackle. Baskets, (Juns and Pistols, Lamps of all Kinds and Iixtures nupertor Sewing Machines, Clothes Wringers, School Books, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Ledgers and Day Books. Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Sc., cfc. Photograph Frames, Wall Paper, Window oouf j, aa i-run Cans of every de ' scr ipt ion. Lump Burners altered. Repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry oitenri,l i ..i , . . , W I'llMIJUUW nd satufactor. ly. Orders taken for Silver aim niiea Willi dispatch. Stroudsburg, May 19, 1664 tf Money Wanted. npiIKSUBSCUIIJERUESPECTFUL Ij requests all persons indebted to hini to pay up without delav. TU m due him is absolutely wanted. A word to the wise, ccc. f et. ii, '07.J NICHOLAS KUSTEfi. iron k Keller. I 867. MAY. PYLE'S HALL OF T? A QTAAT OPPOSITE THE OLD E ASTON BANK, EASTON, PENNA. The Largest Stock ! The Tastiest Styles! The Best Quality of Work! The Lowest Prices! The Best Cutter ! The Most Obliging Salesmen! Are to be found at this Establishment1! R. C. PYLE, Proprietor. SALESMEN, CIIAS. W. UACIIMAX,. ISAAC SNYDER. I)elavare,Xackauaniia & Western RAIL ROAD. U.ZIZIA Kit Winter Arrangenieiit, Dec. 3, 1866. TASSKXCJER TRAINS LEAVE. WESTWABD. EASTWARD. Passenger Mail Tiaiu. Tram. Mail Passenger Train. Tram. STATIONS A.M. P.M. 9.00 New York, S.-.'O 1I.30 New ilairn ton. il.3.1 II..S0 Washington. 2.K3 r. M. UM9 OiforJ. 1.58 I? 13 Uiulgetllle. 1.45 12.1(5 Miiuiika Chunk. Dine 13.45 Delaware, 1.30 Dine, l.ou Moim: telhel. MM! l.'.'O Water Gap. 12.44 1.31 Slrouil.sbutg. 12.3'J 1.4A Spraguerlhe. 12. IT - IMS Item y Title. 12 07 P. M. 2.11 Oakland. Yl.4'J 2.2J Fork. 11.30 2.50 Tobvhanna. 11.10 3 04 GoulJ.vlioio'. 10.57 3 S6 Moscow. 10 34 3.37 Dunning, 10 24 4.I0Ar. ) (Le.955 A. M. S SCIIANTON. J P. M. 10.10 4.30U ) Ar9 45 C.W 10.40 4 5i Claik's Summit. 9.23 5 20 10.53 5:00 Abington. W.I 5 5.35 11.13 5.1(1 F.iriorvville. 8.50 5 15 11.43 5..tli NuhoUon. .35 4. 3d 12.08 5.i8 Hophottom. MS 4.05 12.33 6.20 Montrose. 7.55 3.33 P. M. 108 6 41 New Mitford. 7.34 3.05 1 35 7.00 Great Bend, 7.15 2.40 P. M. P. M- A M. P. M. Q P Q Ui ! cs ; Station foot of Liberty street, Pier 15 North Kiexf" CONNECTIONS WESTWARD The MAIL TRAIN from New York con nects at MANUNKA CHUNK with the train lenvinjj Philadelphia (Ketifinston De pot) at 7.30 a. rn., anJ at Great Bend with the Expret-s Mail train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car attached, stopping at u 11 the principal stations on the road, and arriv ing at Boffthi at 6 IS a. m. The PASSENGER TRAIN from Scran ton connects ut Great Bend with through trains going Wi st and East on the Erie Rail way arriving at Buffalo at 1.23 a", m., and at Salamanca at 12.00 m. CON N ECTIONS EASTWARD. The MAIL TRAIN from Great Bend con nects there with the Cinrinnati Express Train on the Erie Railroid from the West ; at Manunka Chunk with a train from Phila delphia, Easton, Trenton, and intermediate stations arriving in Philadelphia at C.30 p. m., and ut New Hampton with a train for Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Harrisburg, arriving at the latter place at 8 30 p. m. CONNECTIONS AT SCRANTON ore made with trains to and from all stations on the Lackawanna and Bloomshurg Railroad, I .1 ?. I IVY sf . . . ttuu on mt; weiaware ana uuos'in anai o. s Railroid, Time Tables of which roads are printed telovv. WATTS COOKE, Superintendent. R. A. IIEXR Y. General Ticket Agent. January 4. 18G0 ly. MAKE WAY! GOOD NEWS FOR ALL IN SHAPE or icw Goods at Stormsvilic. rpiIE sub.criber takes pleasure in inform ing Ihe public, that he has just opened the largest and beat selected stock of Goods, at hid old ttand in Stornnville, Pa., ever brought into Monroe county, and that he has determined to dispose of them at prices, much cheaper than they can be bought ot any other efUbli&hment, whether in town or country. His clock comprises, in almost rndlesn variety, and of the best quality. urn: uuuds. NOTIONS, HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. &c. He hair, also, on hand a very large assort ment of new and fashionable ' Boots and Shoes, both city and home-made, all of which he will dispose of at prices which will make purchasers wonder. Look at a few of the prices at which I am really giving away goods, and you cannot fail to be convinced that my store, in Stormsville, in th-5 place at which to secure real bargains: PRINTS from 10 to 22 cenU per yard, MUSLINS from 15 to 25 " yard, De LANES from 25 to 35 yard. and all Woolen goods at figures propor tionately low. Boots and Shoes very low home-made at least 50 per cent, below Stroudsburg prices. SUGARS from 10 to 17 cents per pound, MOLASSES from 50 cts. to I per gol. In short, all articles in my line fur below the Jmoiiop-! prices which have hereto fore prevailed. The excitement growing out of these ereat reductions has already began, but come one, come all, my stock will always be found full up to the demand. BUTTER. EGGS, and country produce eiierully will not be refused in exchange for goods, and the highest market prices al lowed. CASPER METZGAR. oiermsviiie, Pt ., Nor. 2, 1660,-tf. 1837. FASHION. The Newest Goods! CUTTER, JOHN BOWEX, Late of N. Y. City ASTEOLOGY. A. The World Astonished AT THE WONDERFUL REVELATIONS MADE BY THE GREAT ASTR0L0GIST. Hatlamc II. A. I'BUUIGO. She reveal secrets no mortal ever knew. She restores to hapniness tliose who. from ! doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relation and friends, loss of money. ! ic, hive become despondent. She brings i together those lonjj separated, gives informa- tion concerning absent friends of lovers, re J stores lost or stolen property, tells you'lhe business you are best qualified to pursue and I in what you will be most successful, causes speedy marriages and tell you the verylay you will marry, gives you the name, likeness and characteristics of the person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost o pernatural powers unveils the dark and hid den mysteries of the future. From the Btars ; we sec in the firmancnt the malefic stars , that overcome or predominate in Ihe config. uration irom the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny or man. rail not to consult the J greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs you ! but a trifle, and you may never Brain have so favorable an opportunity. Consultation fee, with likeness and all desired information 81. Parties living at a distance can con- hu't the Madame by mail with equal safety and satisfaction to themselves, as if in per son. A lull and explicit chart,-written out, wiih all inquiries answered nd likeness en close, sprit by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest secresy will be maintained, and all correipoiidence re turned or d?stmyed. References of the high est order furnished those desired thern. Write plainly the day of the month and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Addrcs, Madame II. A. PERRIGO. P. O. Drawer 2J3, Buffalo, N. Y. rob. 14, I 07.-1 y. AFFLICTED! SLifFex no VIore When by the use of DR JOINVILLE'S ELIXIR y ou can be cured permanently, and ai a inning cos.t. The astonishing success which has attend ed this invaluable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness, General Debility and I rost ration, Loss of Muscular Enerirv. Im potency, or any of the consequences of youth- iui indiscretion, renders it the most valuable preparation ever discovered. Jt will remove all nervous affections, de pression, excitement, incapacity to study or Dusiness, lossot memory, confusum, thoughts ot sell-destruction, fears of insanitv. &.c. It will restore the appetite, renew the health ot tnose wlio have destroyed it by sensual excess or evil practices. loung fllen, be humbuged no more bv uacK uociors" and ignorant practition ers, but send without delay for the Elixir, and be at once restored to health and haDDi ness. A Perfect Cure is Guaranteed in ev- m l- sr. -m . cry instance, rnce or lour bottles to one address, $3. . One bottle is sufficient to effect a" cure in all ordinary cases. ALSO, DR. JOINVILLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the spe-dy and permanent cure or uonnorrhca. Gleet, Urethral Discharges, Gravel, btneture, and all affections jof the Kidneys and BI idder. Cures affected in from one to five days. They are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harmless on the system, and never nauseate the tttom.ich or impregnate the breath. No change of diet is necessary while using thcin, nor does their action in any manner interfere with business pursuits. Price, Jfl per box. Either of the above-mentioned article will be 6ent to any address, clospl spIoi ,wi post-paid, by mail or express, on receipt of jjiicu. uuress an orders lo BERGER, SIIUTTS &. Co., Chemists, i. -Jo River Street, Troy, N. V. Feb. 14, 16G7.-ly. uxcui.mok: exclusion:: CHASTELLAR'S Hair Exterminator ! I Tor Removinfi: Superfluoui Hair. To the ladies especiully, this invaluable depilatory recommends itself as being an al most indispensible article to female beauty, is easily applied, does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on ihe roots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, totally and radically extirpating the same leaving the skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and is the only real effectual depilatory in existence. Price 75 cents per package, sent .ot-paid, to any address, on receipt of an order, by BERGER, SIIUTTS &. Co., Chemists, 25 River St., Troy, N. V. Feb. 11, l07.-ly. 3 BLANK DEEDS For sal st this Ollie NEW GOODS AT Greatly Reduced Prices! I WOULD RESPECTFULLY AN nnunte tn the nuhlie flint T hnve iiist made large additions to my already exten sive stock and am now Ecllio DKY GOODS, GROCERIES, ie., &c, lower than over. My sheWes are loaded with MUSLINS, CALICOS, DE LAKES, and G IK (J 11 A MS. of the most celebrated mates, ray charges for which will prove astonishing to custo mers. My stock of Dress Goods embracing nearly every variety of style, color and fabric is well worth the atten tion of the Ladies, while in CLOTHS and CASSIMKRES, both plain and fancy, I can offer induce cents to gentlemen which they cannot foriro without detriment to their finances My stock of SUA )YLS, YAKKEE KO T10KS, &c , is also full, and is offered low. My assortment of Coffees, Sugars Molasses, and Syrups, is very complete, and as usual held at very low figure. I have lots of goods the names of which could hardlv be compressed within the limits of an advertisement, all of which will be sold cheap. Remember, the place to buy, with th best assurance of getting your money' worth is at BRODIIEAD'S Cheap Store in Stroudsburg March 14, 1807. JUST RECEIVED AT Brown & Keller's. LARGE STOCK OF WALL PAPER, WISDOW PAPER, COTTAGE SHADES, &c. MAIN-STREET, Stroudsburg, Pa. March 7, 1SG7. Ko more Bald Heads! Ko more Gray Lochs! Dr. LEONS' Electric Hair Rciicwcr, is pronounced by all who have used it the very best preparation for the Hair. It is a positive cure for Baldness, fradicates Dand ruff and Humors, stops the Hair from falling out, and speedily restores (Jray Locks to their original hue and luxuriance. It operates on the secietions and fills the glands with new life and coloring matter. Thin, dead, laded or gray hair will always be brought back by a few applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makes the hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain in any desired position. As a Hair Dressing it has no equal. The sales are enormous and it is a universal favorite with old and vounjr of both sexes. Sold by Druggists throughout the United Mates. Address all orders to ZIEGLER &. SMITH, Sole Proprietors, 137 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Nov. io, isoo.-iyr. Good news for Mothers! Mothers, are you oppressed with anxiety ior your little ones! Are your slumbers and hearts broken by their cries 1 Do you awaken in the morning unrefreshed and apprehensive! It so, procure at once a bottle of Dr Leons' Infant Rrmedy and you will have no more weary hours nf watching and anxiety. 71 Tf T IV) v v r VP 4 m r r v has stood the test of years. Thousands o nurses and mothers bear witness that it nev cr Tail to give relief if used in season. It is a mild, yet sure and speedy cure, for Colic, tramps and W tndy I'atns, and is invaluable tor all complaints incident to Teething. bold by Druggists every where. Address all orders to ZIEGLER & SMITH, SOLE PROPRIETORS, 137 worth Third 5t, Philadelphia. Nov. 15, 18GG.-lyr. COMMON CHAIRS of all kinds, Cane Flajr and Wood Seats: Dining. Bar- Room and Office Cha irt) with nr without Cushions, Rocking-Chairs of every descrip tion at McCARTY'S Ware-Rooms. May 17, 16G6.-tf. JOB PRINTINGOF ALL KINDS neat Iv and promptly executed at this office Jan. 17, 16G7. TUST received 50 setts of STAIR RODS tJ and FIXTURES, latent styles, for sale cheap. Dee. 6, C0. J. II. M'CARTY. I F YOU WANT A GOOD PARLOR Suit in Rose, Mahogany or Walnut. MeCARTY has it. fMy 17. l66.-tf A Thing of Beauty, &c nil HE SUBSCRIBER II AS OPENED: in Dr. Walton's brick buildin-. nearly opposite the Stroudsburg Houitf (Marsh's), Main-street, Stroudaburg, Pa.f a full line of GREEK, DRIED and CAKKED - FRUITS, comprising ORANGES, LEMONS, APPLES; PEACHES, RAISONS, CUR RANTS, PINE APPLES, FIGS, &c, &c., which he will dispose of at prices whicV will place them in the reach of all. He also designs kecpiug on sale, a full ai. sortment of Nuts and Candies, and, in? their season, a full line of GAUDO VECETAfiLES, which he has made arrangements to re ceive daily from first hands, so as to se cure the greatest desideratum freshness. He respectfully solicits the patronage I of the public. A. C. J ANSON. 1 CD. -I, wox'T ise ah 6mm, "WEBSTER'S Vegetable Hair hvkorator is not md from torn picked up r. cipe, nor do wo claim to import root nd herbs from some ua inbabitcd country; bat we do claim, (and we bar yrithe testimony or tnoatands who are niing it) that jt will restore Gray Hair to its nat ural color la four weeks, aud is the best Hair Drcsainr In the market. It will not cause the head to ach, or affect the sight of the eyes. A discriminating public tells ns our Inviprorator has true merits. Try it and be convinced. Sold by all Druggist. J. WEBSTER & CO., Proprietor!, iNvsirrjY, r. ir. Wm. Ilollinshead, Agent, Stroudsburg; Pa. Oct. 25, 18C6. ly Rheumatism Shorn of iis Terrors. THE LAME MADE TO WALK! THE undersigned announces to those a flicted wtih Rheumatism, no matter of how long standing, that he has discovered a sovereign cure for that painful complaint, no matler in what form it attacks the patient. His remedy consists of a combination of herbs, which, prepared and usd according" to direction, will be sure to drive the disease out of the system, and affect a speedy and permanent cure. It has been tried by a number of persons in this section of country with invariable success, as certificates in his possession will show. Afflicted, you have now a means of relief on which you. may safely rely. Try it and be convinctdl that hopelessness is no longer a word right fully to be used in connection with Rheu matic complaints. I will furnish the herbs, with full direc tions for the preparation and application of the remedy, or I will call on the afflicted at their homes and apply it fur them as they may desire. For particulars apply, in person cr by letter, to JACOB II. LTJTTS, Stroudsburg, Pa. Read the following Certificate. Stroudsburg, Pa,, J March 19, 1SG6. I, John Nixon, do certify, that, about the 1st of September, 1564, 1 was attacked with Rheumatism, and was conSned to the house, and mo.-t o" the time to my bed, for evan. months, suffering great pain all the while. During the time I doctored with three Doc tors without receiving any relief. I had suffered all that it was possible for mortal to suffer, and had about made up my mind that my case was hopelcs., when Mr. Jacob H. Butts called to Kec nie and offered me a cure of Irs own discovering. I tried his rem edy with the following result: I commenc ed using it on a -Thursday evening, repeat ed the trial on Friday, and, to my great joy, and relief, was able, on Saturday-, to walk half a mile and back. Since then I have en joyed good health JOHN NIXON. March 21, 1S67. Df. W. H. WITMORE, HAS. BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL practice for a number of years, with the ex perience of the different hospitals in Europe;, also, a member of the Analytical Medical Institute of New York, continues to attend to all professional cases at his offce, Na 92S Filbert Street, Philadelphia. yo PA TEXT MLDICLXES are used or recommended ; the remedies adminietervd are those which will not break down the constitution, but renovate the system from all it has sustained from mineral medicines, -and leave the system in a healthy and per fectly cured condition. DYSPEPSIA, That distressing disease and fell destroyer" of health and happiness, undermining the constitution and yearly carrying thousands to untimely graves, can most emphatically be cured. MELANCHOLY, ABRERRATIONS, that state of Alienation and weakness of the mind which renders persons incapable of enjoying the pleasurea or performing the duties of life. RHEUMATISM, In any form or condition, chronic or acute warranted curable. EPILEPSY, or falling ickiiess, all chronic or stubborn cases of . FEMALE DISEASES, Radically removed; Slt Rheum and every description of ulcerations; Piles and Scrofu lous diseases which have baffled all previous medical skill, can be cured by my treatment; and I do say a 11 diseases; yes, Consumjttion can be cured by wearing my Medical Jacket,t which is a protection to the lungs against changes of weather in all climates, havjnp, investigated for years the cause and charac-. ter of intermittents (fever aud ague) in aU parts of tho United States will cure p" manently all chronic or acute cases of Aff"9 and nervous diseases in a few days. CANCER CURED WITHOUT THE KNIFE OR DRAWING BLOOD. Tape Worm, that dread to the Human Family for years, can be removed with two, or three doses of my newly discovered reme dy, warranted in ail cases. Consultation W tho English and German Languages free oi charge. Will make visits any distance, desired. May be addressed by letter (confi dently,) and Medicine sent with proper oi-. rections to any part of the country. OFFICE Ko. D28 Filbert Street, March 28, '07-ly PHILADELPHIA: JMM wmmm