Schuykill County. , . For some years past Schuykill county lias not been governed by Pennsylvania, but by the "Miner's Union." Kxception thould be made of a few months, when the United States interposed, and sent Gen. Siegle there with a regiment or two of troops. The strong hand of military discipline reduced the members of the Union" to some sort of outward respect for the rights of their fellow citizens. Coal having receded very greatly in price, the "Union" men arc on a strike. So far, well. Men who have labor to sell, and if they do not see fit to part with it on the terms offered, have an undoubted right to keep it, so long as they pay their war, and do not get on to the pauper lists. But this is not the point at which they stopped. A notice was posted through the county, in these words : March 1, 1S67. "Take notice from this time, if you want to live, for I think your time will be very short, so you must look out for all you get, and any man on the colliery until the l) ceuts is put on. Diagram of a coffin and pistol. Higher wages, or death to the employ ers who refuse ! Four Superintendent! of mines have been personally warned to leave under penalty of death tor noncom pliance. Several murders have been com- nutted, and a number of nouses rouDeu These same miscreants have committed a hundred murders in that same county. during that last few years, for which none of them have been brought to punish went. Governor Geary has now been appealed to for aid, and the suggestion has been raaue that the general govern ment be solicited to make l'ottsville a re gular military post. As the case stand: the "Union" has complete "jurisdiction." it is high time the penitentiary and the gallows received their dues. General Sheridan, in command of the Fifth Military District, issued an official order on Wednesday last removing from their respective positions Andrew S.'IIer ron. Attorney-Geueral of Louisiana ; John T. Monroe, Mayor of New Orleans, and J'dinund Abell, Judge of the First Dis trict Court of New Orleans. These are the men who encouraged and protected the Rebels who committed the bloody luassacre cf Unionists last July, and who vrere then recognized by Andrew Johnson jis the proper authorities of the State. General Sheridan has filled their places by appointing well known Union men, whose authority will be strictly enforced. This the kind of "reconstruction" which Johnson and the Copperheads so bitterly vppose, knowing that under its' operation their rebel friends will be shorn of power. The pay and allowances oT the gentle men who wear tars and shoulder-straps in our Army on its peace footing arc re ported to be ass follows : Gen. Grant. 18,120 ; Lieut -Gen. Sherman, 814,814; Major-Gen. Ilalleck, 87,717 ; Major Gen. Meade, 87,717; Major-Gen. Sheridan, 7,717; Major Gen. Thomas, 87,717; 3Srig.-Gen. McDowell, 85,517 ; Brig.-Gen. llosecran3, 85-517 ; Colonels, S4.500 ; Lieutenant-Colonels, $3,1)1)4 ; Majors, $3, 705; Captains, 83,049; First Lieuten ants, 2,713; and Secoud Lieutenants, S2,G53. The notorious Islwm G. Harris writes, from Mexico, where he is living in exile, :md doing penance for his active part in I he rebellion, a doleful letter to the Menip 5is Acalanche, in which he depicts that country as anything but a pleasant place whereia to dwell. lie has left in search of a new home. He will roam the world over and found no dwelling place so com fortable as that one he has forfeited by treason and infidelity to the Government. ' Grain Trade of Davenport The Davenport (Iowa) Democrat vaakej up a statement from the principal raia dealers of that city, footing, up for the year 18GG, an ag-re-ate of 3,484,059 bushels. Of this amount there were of wheat. 1,40G,532 bushels; barley, 1,009, !1)G ; corn, 057,035 ; oats, 379,000 ; rye, '21 430. GENERAL .NEWS. Gen. M'Clel'an is coming home. There are 11,517 school-houses is New York State, of which 181 are builtof logs. A German in St. Louis, recently died leaving one dollar to each of his children afid half a million to his widow. . Isaac Stover, of Philadelphia, won at a raffle in old South Rethlehern last week, a hog which weighed b"G5 pounds. Poultices made of stewed pumpkins are said to be an excellent romedy for inflam matory rheumatism. Why is an individual who is knocked lown in an election row like the Globe ? Because he is flattened at the polls. A man in Jackson, Miss., gave his in tended money to buy her bridal outfit, and the following morning she married his brother. The following is probably the worst co nundrum ever perpetrated: Why is a log's tail like an old man ? Because it is infirm. Kentucky Radicals are - about to estab lish a daily paper iu Louisville. Abund ant capital has been subscribed. A stir ring race for success at the next election is to be made. There will be accommodations on the Great Kastern for 2,800 passengers, when runuing between New York aud Havre, in connection with the Exhibition next summer. It is stated as a fact, that where oak forests have existed ever since the first settlement of the country, if the trees are cut down, there at oace spring up on the f potpine saplings, covoringall the ground. If, in turn, the pine trees are cut down, cak trees, iu turn, succeed them. Returns published iu the Albany Even ing Journal show that ia 793 town the Republicans have gaioed nine in this Spring's elections, an compared with those of last Spring.- Now the Republicans have 538, and the Democrats 255; then tkej had 529 and the Democrats 201. ; POLAND'S I Manic Bilious Powders! ' - ,t m-ft-rvnATiA nnTrtT r 1 1 li I a i uit ivv i loin X is the discovery of the Rev. J. Poland, formerly Pattnr of the Baptist Church in Goffs town, N. II.,. and a man dearly beloved by that denomination throughout New England. He was obliged to leave the pulpit and study for medicine to save hi own me. and his -Magic Powders are one or me most wonderful discoveries of modern times. It is The Great Liver and Bilious Rem edy which completely throws is the shade all other discoveries in medicine; and it af fords him much ratification that they re ceive the unanimous approbation of all who have tested them. The Mag'C JJUious Pow ders a re a Positive Cure for Liver Complaint! in its most aggravated form, and an iuune diate corrector of all BILIOUS PER A WCETtlEMTS ! Excellent for HEADACHE. CONSTIPATION, PIMPLES. BLOTCHES. A SALLOW SKIN. DROWSINESS, DIZZINESS, HEARTBURN, PALPITATION, And a most wonderful Cure and Preventive of Fever and Ague! (We advise all who are troubled with this fe.irfiil malady to always keep the Powders on hand ready for immediate use.) Here are a few important particulars: 1st They are tho Great Specific for all Bilious Affections. 2d. They are the only known remedy that will care Liver Complaint. 3d. They are the only known remedy that will cure Constipation. 4th. The Powders are so thorough their operation that one package will Le all that the maiorilv of those usinrr them will require to cllect a cure. 5ih. They are mild and pleasant jet the most effectual cathartic known. Gth. They are the cheapest and best med icine extant, is they can be cent by mail to any prt of the globe for the price, 50 cents, Circulars, containing certificates, informa tion, &c, sent to any part of the world tree of charge. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, or by mail on application to C. G. CLARK & CO , General Aunts, NEW HAVEN, CONN. Price, CO CcnU per Box. O OE'S DYSPEPS CUBE! riHIS GREAT REM CD Y FOR ALL L DISEASES of the STOSSACEJ, is the discovery of the inventor of Coe's vnl mole Cough Uj learn, while experimenting for his own health. It cured Cramp in the btomarch for him which had before yielded to nothing but chloroform. j ne almost oaiiy testimony irom various parts of the country encourage us to believe there is no disease caused by a disordered fctumach it will not speedily cure. PHYSICIAN'S ENDORSE AND USE IT ! Ministers give testimony of its efficacy I And f'rom'all directions we receive tidings of cures perfjrmed. Dyspepsia ! It is sure to cure. Heartburn! One dose will cure. Sick' II- adache ! It has cured in hundreds cf cases. Headache and Dizziness ! It tops in thirty minutes. Acidity of the Stomach! It corrects at once. Rising of the Food ! It stops immediately. Distress after Fating! One dose will remove. Cholera Morbus! Rapidly yields to a few doses. Bad Breath ! Will be changed with half a bottle. IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS! Its UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS isow ing to the fact It Cures by Assisting Ifatnre TO RK-ASSKRT HER 8WAY IS TUB SYSTEM ! Nearly every dealer in the United Staips sells it at ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C. G. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, SEW HAVEN, CONN. For sale by Dreher &. Bro., Del rick &, Williams, and Wm. Hollinshead, Strouds burg, Pa. Jan. 24, 'G7-ly COXSL'HPTIOX IAN DE CURED. THE TRUE REMEDY DISCOVERED AT LAST. UPIIAR'S Fresh .71 cat Cure, Prepared from the formula of Prof. Trous seau, of Paris, cures Consumption, Lung Disease, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Marasmus, General Debility and all morbid conditions of tne system dependent on deficiency of vi t alforce It is pleasant to taste, and a sin gle bottle will convince the most skeptical of its virtue as the great healing remedy of tne age. a bottle, or six bottles for 3. Sent by Express. Sold by S. C. UPIIAM. No. 25 South EIGHTH Street, Philadelphia. And all pirncipal Druggists. Circular, scm free. Feb. 23, 'G7.-3m. MT. VERNON HOTEL, M. &. T. P. WATSON; Proprietors, No.'s 117 & 119 North SECOND Street, (Between Arch and Rice,) PHILADELPHIA, PA. Close proximity to the business center of the city, excellent accommoJationf, and care ful attentien to the comfort and wants n guests are characteristics of the Mount Ver non. The House has been thoroughly ren ovated and new-furnished. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. October 11, 13SU.-U. j. h. Mccarty HAS just returned from New-York with a splenlid assortment of PARLOR and CHAMBER FURNITURD Call at his Ware-Rooms. May 31, ISGG.-tf. JUST RECEIVED. 5,000 reet of Rose ana uut 1'icture Frame Moulding, from 1 inch to a inches wide. Also 500 feet of Black Walnut. J. II. McCARTY. A-.gust 2, 1660. O EXTRA CHARGE for m'Ai?ui.. - MS tit attending Funerals within f miles of Stroudtburg. J. H. McCARTY. May ai, IbOO.-tf. DON'T piy :3.o for a WASH HTAND, when you can get them at McCarty's tar superior for $2.50. August 2, I860 CAN YOU tell why everybody goes to McCarty's to buy FURNITURE! August 2, ieC0. APR L PYLE'S EASTON HALL OF OPPOSITE THE OLD EASTON BANK, EASTON, PBNKA. The Largest Stock ! The Tastiest Styles! The Best Quality of Work! The Jbowest Prices! The Best Gutter ! The Most Obliging Salesmen ! Are to be found ' at this Establishment ! R. C. PYLE, Proprietor. SALESMEN, CIIAS. W. BACIIMAN, ISAAC SNYDER. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RAIL ROAD. Winter Arrangement, Dec. 3, 1866. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE. WESTWABD. EASTWARD. Passenger Mail Tiaiu. ' Tram. A. M. 9.0U II JO 11.60 I M. IM3 12.14 Dine 12.45 5 1.31 Mail raifenger Train. Train. P. M. 2.30 2.08 1.50 1.45 1.35 I. 30 Diue. 1.00 12.44 12.24 12.17 12.07 A P. M. 1149 II. 30 1I.IO f 10.57 10 34 O 10 24 STATIONS New York. New iliimpton. Washington. Oxford. IditigevUle, M-iiiuiika Chunk. Del aw are. Mount Kelhel. Water Gap. Strou(l.-burg. Sprag'-ievllie. lleni) ville. 1.45 o V. 3.11 Oakland. 2.2J Forks. 2.50 Tobvhanna. 3 04 Goulds tui o'. 3.?6 Moscow. 3.37 Dunning, 7) 4.10Ar. Le.U55 A. M. 10.10 10.40 10.51 11.13 11. 4.1 12.03 Ii.34 r. m. 108 1 35 P. M. SCRANTON. r. m. C.2 5 50 5.35 4.30 Le 9 45 4 Si Clark's Summit. 9 23 9.15 8.59 8.35 P. IS 7.55 7.34 7.15 5:00 5. 1 A 5.M 6.20 Abington. Factory ville. Nicholson. Ilnpbo'.lom. "ontrose. . 5 m 4.30 4-05 3.35 3.05 2.40 P. M. C4I 7.00 New ilford. Great ileiid. P. M- M. 'Station fiol of Liberty street. Pier 15 North Rievr CON N ECTIONS WESTWARD. The MAIL TRAIN from New York con nects at MANUNKA CHUNK with the train leaving Philadelphia (Kensington De pot) at 7.30 a. m., and at Great Bend witli the Expres-8 Mail train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car attached, stopping at oil the principal stations on the road, and arriv ing at Buffalo at 6.13 a. ni. The PASSENGER TRAIN from Scran ton connects at Great Bend with through trains going West and East on the Erie Rail- j way, arriving at Buffalo at 1.23 a. m., and at Salamanca at 12. (H) m. CONN KCTION S EASTWARD. The MAIL TRAIN from Great Bend con nects there with the Cincinnati Express Train on the Erie Railroad from the West; at Manunka Chunk with a train from Phila delphia, Easiou, Trenton, and intermediate stations arriving in Philadelphia at 0.30 p. m., and at New Hampton with a train for Easlon, Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Harrisburg, arriving at the latter place at 8.30 p. rn. CONNECTIONS AT SCRANTON are made with trains to and from all stations on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad, and on the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.'s Railroad, Time Tables of which roads are printed below. WATTS COOKE, Superintendent. It. A. HENR F, General ticket Agent. January 4, 1SCG ly. MAKE WAY! GOOD NEWS FOR ALL IN SIIArE OF iVcw Goods at Stormsvillc. ITlIIE subscriber takes pleasure in inform ing the public, that he has just opened the largest and best selected stock of Goods, at his old stand in Stormsville, Pa., ever brought into Monroe county, and that he has determined to dispose of them at prices, much cheaper than they can be bought at any other establishment, whether in town or country. Ilis'etock comprises, in almost endle variety, and of the best quality. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, QUE ENS WARE, GROCERIES, DRUGS, MEDICINES, Lc, &c. He lias, also, on hand a very large assort ment of new and fashionable Boots and Shoes, both city and home-made, all of which lie will dispose of at prices which will make purchasers wonder. Look at a few of the prices nt which I am really giving away goods, and you cannot fail to be convinced that my store, in Stormsville, is lh place at which to secure real bargains: PRINTS from 10 to 22 cents per yard, MUSLINS from 15 to 2. yard, De LANES from 25 to 35 4 yard, I and all Woolen goods at figures propor tionately low. Boots and Shoes very low home-made at least 50 per cent, below Stroudsburg prices. SUGARS from 10 to 17 cents per pound, MOLASSES from 00 cts. to $1 per gal. In short, all articles in my line far below the Jmonopoly prices which have hereto fore prevailed. The excifementgrowingoutof these great reductions has already began, but come one, come all, my 6tock will always be found full up to the demand. BUTTER, EGGS, and country produce generally will not be refused in exchange for goods, and ths highest market prices al lowed. CASPER METZGAR. Utormsvillc, Pa., Nor. 22, l6G.-tf. 1887. FASHION. The Newest Goods! CUTTER, JOnN BOWEN, Late of N. Y. City ASTEOLOGY. The World Astonished AT THE WONDERFUL REVELATIONS MADE BY THE GREAT ASTR0L0GIST. lUadaiaic II. A. I'EKKIGO. She reveals secrets no mortal ever knew She restores to happiness those who, from I doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love loss of relation and friends, loss of money i &.c. have become despondent. She brings together those long separated, gives in forma tion concerning absent friends of lovers, re stores lost or stolen property, tells you the business you arc best qualified to pursue and j in what you will be most successful, causes speedy marriages and tells you the very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness and characteristics of the person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost su- pernntural powers unveils the dark and hid- den mysteries of the future. From the stars j : we see in the firmanent the malefic stars p , that overcome or predominate in the confi 5 uratioifi from the aspects and 'positions of the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens 3 1 at the time of birth, she deduces the future j destiny of man. Fail not to consult the J greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs jou ! but a trifle, and you may never again have so favorable nn opportunity. Consultation fee, with likeness and all desired information 1. Parties living at a distance can con su't the Madame .by mail with equal safety and satisfaction to themselves, as if in per son. A full and explicit chartwritten out, with all inquiries answered and likeness en closed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest secresy will be maintained, and all correspondence re turned or dost vyed. References of the high est order furnished those desired them. Write plainly the day of the month and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Address, Madame II. A. PERRIGO, P. O. Drawer 293, Buffalo, N. Y. Feb. 11, I567.-ly. AFFLICTED ! Suffer no More ! When by the use of DR JOINVILLE'S ELIXIR you can be cured permanently, and ata trifling cost. The astonishing success which has attend ed this invaluable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness, General Debility and Prostration, Loss of Muscular Energy, Im- potency, or any of the consequences of youth ful indiscretion, renders it the most valuable preparation ever discovered. It will remove all nervous affections, de pression, excitement, incapacity to study or business, loss of memory, confusion, thoughts of self-destruction, fears of insanity, &c. It will restore the appetite, renew the health of those who have destroyed it by sensual excess or evil practices. Young Men, be hambuged no more by "Quack Doctors" and ignorant practition ers, but send without delay for the Elixir, and be at once restored to health and happi ness. A Perfect Cure is Guaranteed in ev ery instance. Price 1, or four bottles to one address, $.'J. One bottle is sufficient to effect a cure in all ordinary cases. ALSO, DR. JOINVILLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the speedy and permanent cure of Gonnorrhea, Gleet, Urethral Discharges, Gravel, Stricture, and all affections of the Kidneys and Bhddcr. Cures affected in from one to five days. They are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harmless on the system, and never nauseate tho stomach or impregnate the breath. No change of diet is necessary while using them, nor does their action in any manner interfere with business pursuits. Price, 1 per box. Either of the above-mentioned articles will be sent to any address, closely eeakd. and post-paid, by mail or express, on receipt of price. Audreys all orders to BERGER, SIIUTTS & Co., Chemists, No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Feb. 14. 1SG7.-Iy. KXtDLSIOK! EXCEI.SIOIII! CIIASTELLAIl'S nair Exterminator ! ! For Removincr Superfluous Hair. To the ladies especially, this invaluable depilatory recommends itself as being an al most indispensible article to female beauty, is easily applied, does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. U is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, totally and radically extirpating the same leaving the skin soft, smooth and natural. This is tho only article uaej by the French, and in the only real effectual depilatory in existence. Price 75 cents per package, sent .ost-paid, to any address, on receipt of an order, by BERGER, SIIUTTS & Co., Chemists, . 2?5 River St., Troy, N. Y. Feb. 14,lSG7.-ly. 7' BLANK DEEDS For sale at this Oflie mm! ejiq it mitur9wi H. S. WAGNER, (Successor to George P. Ileim,) STR0UDSBURG, Pa., Would invite attention to his full and va ried assortment of . Dry Goods. All the usual Departments requisite to i complete retail Dry Goods Store, rVmstantlv receives 6trict attention and will always be found to contain fuil and de sirable assortments. IHs stocK oi Ladies Dress Goods is particularly worthy of examination, and he shall be constantly opening all desirable Novelties in that line as the season advan ces. If you want Prints, call on II. S. Wajrncr. If you want Bleached Sheeting or Shirt- ins call on ii. o. ajjner. If you want Unbleached Muslin or Sheet ing call on w v fir li. o. wanner. If you want potions call on II. S, Wagner. If yon want CZore or ITosiery call on II. S. Wagner. If you want Cloths or Cassimeres call on II. S. Wegner. If you want Gents Furnishing Goods call on II. S. Wagner. If you want GROCERIES, Call on II. S. Wagner. You will find Sugars at II. S. Wagner's You will find Coffee at II. S. Wagner's. You will find Syrvps at You will find Teas at You will find Spices at You will find Fish at II. S. Wagner's. II. S. Wacner's. II. S. Wagner's II. S. Wagner's You will find Crockery at II. S. Warner's. You will find Wooden-ware at II. Es. ajrner s. Yod will find Brooms &. Brushes at li. a. v ngner s. You will, finally, be able lo find what you want at 11. o. Wagners, Between the Bank and the Post-Ofiice. STROUDSBURG, PA Feb. 22, 1560. A CARD TO THE LADIES. Dr. DUPONCO'S Golden Periodical Pills, FOR FEMALES, . Infallible in Correcting Irregularilies.Remov ing Obstructions of the Menses, from Whatever Cause, and ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL AS A PREVENTIVE It is now over thirty years since the above celebrated Pills were firtt discovered by Dr DUPONCO of Paris, during which time they have been extensively and successfully used in most nt the public institution?, as well as in private practice, of both hemi spheres, with unparalclied success in every case, and it is only at the urgent request' r.i .1 i w f ui i ue iiiousanud oi j.auies wno nave used them, that he is induced to make the Pills public for the alleviation of those suffering from any Irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it. ONE PILL IS A LOSE. Females peculiarly situated, or those sup posing themselves so, are cautioned aain using thee Pills while in that condition lct they "invite miscarriage," after which ad monition, the Proprietor assumes no respon 1. 1 i . . eiuiiiiy, aiujouzu ineir mi.'aness would pre vent any mischief to health, otherwise the Pills are recommended as a MOST INVALUABLE REMEDY for all those afilicting complaints so peculia to the sex, viz. : Distressing and Painfu Menstruation, Retention, Pain in the Back and Loins, Pressing. Down Pains. Rush of Blood to the Head, Dizziness, Dimness of Sight, Creen Sickness, Heaviness, Fatigue on any Slight Exertion, Palpitation tthe Heart, and all the various distressing com pja.uia, (jurucuiany mai most annoying weakening, ana the oegiuning of all othe iemaie weaknesses, The Lcucorrhoea, or Whites. At the same time, there is nothing in these pills that can do injury to life or health. LiCt the directions be strictly followed, and you win hnd them to be all they are repre stnieu. OSE BOX IS SUFFICIENT. 50,000 Boxes have been Sold Within Two Years. Ten Thousand Boxes sent by Letter, both by myself and Agents, to all parti of the world, to which answers have been relumed, in which ladies say, nothing like the above pills have been known since the Science of Medicine dawned iton the World, In Removing Obstructions and Restoring Nature to its Proper Channel, QVIEtino the nerves and bringing back the Rosy color of Health" to the check of the most delicatn. Price SI per Box, Six Boxes So. Sold in Stroudsburg, Pa., by DREHER & BROTHER, Sole Agent, Ladies by sending 1.00 to Dreher &. Brother, Stroudsburg Post-Office can have tho pills sent (confidentially), by Mail, to any part of the country, "free of postage-" Nov. 22, ISOG.-lyr, J. LAiVtffi, JltiiVriST. Has permanently located him self in Stroudsburg, and moved his office next ilooi in Dr Walton, where he is fully prepared to treat ihe natural teeth, and also to insert incorrup tible artificial teeth on pivot aud plate, in tqe .atest and most improved manner. Most persons know tho danger and folly of trust ing their work to tho ignorant as well as the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, ho is liable to have poi.?c failures out of a number of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distance it is frequently put off until it is too late to save the tooth or teeth as it mav be, other wise the inconvenience and trouble of going 6o far. Hence the necessity of obtaining the services of a dentist near home. All work warranted. Stroudbburg, March 27, 18G2. TVTcCARTY is the only Furniture dealer J.vA in StrouiUburg who has a License to sell FURNITURE, August 2, J?G6. m, ICeller. mm DEALERS IN Clocks, Watches, Jcrceiry, Silrer Ware, Plated Ware, Books, Stationery, Wall Taper, Notions, &c, &Cf They have recently purchased "MEL ICJCS OLD STAND," and with increased facilities for business, and a determination to please, feel justified in asking the con tinued patronage of the old easterners of this establishment. In constant communication with Importers in New Ycrk and Phila delphia, and in possession of peculiar ad vantages in this respect, they are prepared to sell CLOCKS, WATCHES &, JEW ELRY, of superior make and finish as well also as of cheaper character, at remarkably ow rates. They also keep constantly on hand the best quality of SiZrer and Plated Ware, Tea Spoons, Caf. tors. Spectacles, Razors, Pen-hmvest Scissors, and all sorts of Cutlery ; Toys of all kinds, Childrens Carriages, Bird cages, Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Guns and Pistols, Lamps of eli kinds and Fixtures; bupenor Seictng Machines, Clothes Wringers, Schooi Books, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Ledgers and Day Books, Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, c$c, c. Photograph Frames, Well Paper, Window Shades, and Fruit Cans oj every de scription. Lamp Burners altered. Repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry attended to promptly and satisfactorily. Orders taken for Silver Ware and filled with dispatch. Stroudsburg, May 10, 1664. tf AND MACHINE SHOP, The undersigned having completed his new Foundry and Machine Shop would re spectfully inform his old friends, and the public generally, that he ' .oily prepared to fill all orders in hisline with promptness, and in a style superior even to what he was able to do in the old establishment destroyed by the flood. Having a full assortment of pat terns made of the best material, he is pre pared to supply all demands for Mill Work; Barfc H:ills9 Plorr Cast ings and Sash Weights, STEAM ENGINES, MACHINE WORK, &c, &.c. Being an experienced workman himself, and employing none but tho best hands and the best material, the public may rest assured that all work coming from his shop will be fully equal, if not superior, to that produced ly any other establishment in the country. The new Foundry and Ma chine Shop is located on Walton street, near Elizabeth street, in the borough of Strouds burg, where the orders of old friends as well as new one are solicited. Orders from a pistance may be addressed, per mail, to F. LANDERS, Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa., September 4th, 1S02. LIVERY BUSINESS. Wm, Huntsman, Proprietor. Having purchased he stock lately owned by Knut2 and (T Huntsman, I take this opportunity to notify my friends and the public generally, that I have added considerable new slock to the same, and will continue the business at the eld stand, on Franklin street, where I am prepared to hire horses and carriages at the lowest cash rates. My horses are safe, fust and gentle, and their vehicles consist of all kinds, to suit the tate of the fastidious. Attentive otlers always on hand, and driver furnished when desired. Calf and see for yourselves. Strangers taken to any part of the country at short notice. They will con tinue to run the new omnibus between this borough and the Railroad Depot, Persons fntending to go on the railroad will be called tor atanypartof the borough, by leafing iheir' names at the office near the stable. The omnibus will also be at the cepot on the arrival of trains to convey passengers into tovn. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction to all who may favor them with their patron age. WILLIAM HUNTSMAN. DR. 0. D. SMITH, Surgeon Dentist. Dr. D. 1). Smith, would respectfully in form the inhabitants of Stroudsburg and vicinity, that he has permanentlj located himself here, where he will be happy to wait upou all who may stand in need of his professional services. Dr. Smith has recently removed from the city, where ha has had a city and country practice of over twenty years, which he thinks rill enable him to do the most diSult work ia his line of business. Teeth inserted from one to full sett, on all kinds of met tals used in the profession, and also most particularly hard rubber. Hive hiui a call and see his specimens. Teeth ex tracted without paia. Juna 7, lbUG. SCKATCII ! SCRATCH ! SCHATCII I Itch ! Itch ! Itch ! Try Ilollinshead'sltch Ointment, a sure cure for that troublesome disease. War ranted to cure, or the money refunded-, Not injurious. . Prepared and sold at W. IIOLLINSHKA1VS Drag Store.. Stroudsburg, Oct. 11th, 1SGG. JOHN DE YOUNG, Conveyancer and Real Estate Age-t OJicc opposite liouert Hustons Sivrc, STROUDSBURG, Vx. Jan. 10, 107. JOB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS neat ly and promptly executed at this c&?c ly and promptly executed at n. 17, 1SG7. 200 TON PLASTER f.r sale a Stokes old Mill, bv HUNTSMAN & HOLLER. 19, April 1SGU BLANK MORTGAfiEsT" For sale at this Office i