-A'.... irw i)c Mfcvsoiiicm, THURSDAY, APRIL 11,1867. IMPORTANT. Having procured. ouo of Gordon's Fast Printing Machines, we arc now fully pre prepared to print liill Heads, Prescrip' tion and other Labels, Cards, Circulars, Letter Heads, Envelope Cards, Dodgers, Pamphlet &c, &c, either in plain or colored inks, or bronze, with the greatest dispatch, and at the lowest city prices. Our stock of Plain and Fancy Type, Pa per, Cards, &.c, to which we are constant y making additions, canuothe surpassed Orders Iroin town or country, by mail or otherwise, promptly attended to Jy Our Orst and fourth pages con tain a host of good things for tho reader's perusal. I,-. mm m CGT Tha weather still continues very fine, and with the warble of the robiu and blue bird, fixes the arrival of spring to a certainty. Among the 1st ol April changes last week, we forgot to mention that o Wm. Keiser, who ha removed his stove and tinware store into the rooms vacated by Jack Lee, next doer below the Wash iogtou Hotel. 2" We would call attention to the card of Dr. ircip, in another column. The Dr. has been a practitioner fa cur county for several years, the la.st year in the" borough of Stroudsburg, and is well liked by all who have availed themselves of his services. 2r Many persons are to-day suffering from Dysreria who do not kuow it; they fel a heaviness after eating, a sort o( languor or lack of energy, and attribute it to the Spring weather. It is nothing but Indigestion, and one dose of CoeV Dyspepsia Cure will confirm this fact. The Key. Dr. Alday returned to town, with his family, on Friday last, having been re-appointed to this charge by Conference. The crowded house "Which greeted him on last Sabbath, morn ing and evening, clearly demonstrate that the Methodist brethren cannot too soon carry to completion the contemplated en largement of their place'of worship. t$-i- James White, of this borough, a carpenter in the employ of the Del. Lack. & Western Ilailroad, met with a painful becident, last week, in the mashing of one of his little finders. He not it caught be tween the bumpers of'two coal cars We are pleased to learn that the finger is healing as rapidly as can be expected. tc& Ouf readers should not forget the entertainment, consisting of Charades, Tableaux, Music, &c, to come off, this evening, at the Court-House. As the ex hibition will be a strictly moral one, and the object the laudable one, of aiding the fund for the erection of the new Presby ierian church, every person who can pos fibly crowd into the Court room should be there. Mr. Darnet Mans5eld, who pur eha"td the Mcllhaney (late Geo. Fable's) ftore, is now in the city purchasing a heavy stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. for the spring trade. IJarney will doubt less make it the interest of oar citizens to bay cf him. Full particulars will be given in his card, which will appear in ficxt week's Jefferson Ian. SQr The Kev. Mr. Henkel, the pastor cf the Lutheran congregation, recently formed in our borough, with his family, took op his residence among us last week. He occupies the Fowler house, on Main ptreet, opposite the covered bridge. He will preach his ind action sermon on Satbjih next, at the Court IIoufc Ser vices to commcuce at two o'clock, p. in. As be will, iu all probability, take thin occasion to set forth the distinctive fea tures oi the Lutheran faith, we advise our readers, without regard to sect, to go and hear him. EU-We understand, that Prof. Geo. L. Walker, the accomplished Musician, who has recently located himself in our borough for the purpose of imparting in structiou on the Piano Forte, Melodeon. Jcc, proposes to raise a class of twcnty-Sve pupils, at twenty-five' dollars each for three mouths instruction, and, at the end of the term, to pre?ent, as a premium, a splendid Rosewood Melodeon, valued at $110, to the scholar who has made the greatest progress. The premium, to be awarded "by a committee selected by the pupils themselves. This is a display of liberality oo the part of Prof. W., which should be met by a corresponding liber ality, in shape of patronage, on the part of the public. The number of pupils being Jimited to twenty fire, as the maximum -number to whom the Professor feels that Justice can be done, application for class .membership should be made at once. Professor Walker has his rooms at Marsh's JJotel, where applications should be made. - As a token of the estimation in which ilio Kev. Mr. Ilenkcl, was held by the citizens of Danville, from whence lie re moved to this place, we present the fol owing, from the Intelligencer published in that place: 4 On last Sabbath afternoon, Rev. D. M. Ilenkcl, who lor the last seven years las teen Pastor of the Trinity Lutheran Church ol this place, preached his tare well sermon. The Church was crowded to ovei flowing, aud many were compelled to leave for want of room. Alter some appropriate remarks suggested by his text and the occasion, 3Ir. Ilenkcl gave brief and succient history ot the progress of the Trinity Lutheran Curch under his administration. " At the close of his remarks, Rev Mr. liams. at the request aud on behal of the congregation, delivered a short and appropriate address, at the conclusion o which he presented in tne name or tne congregation, to tho Rev. Mr. Ilcnkel, a haudsorae gold watch, as a token of their regard personally, and their appreciation of his able and efficient services as their Pastor. 'The whole of the services on the oc casion were interesting and impressive. Aud the Rev. Mr. Henkel retires from his charge at this place enjoying the full confidence cot only of his own people, hut of all danomiuutions and of the pub lic generally. We wish for him in the new field of labor to which he has beeu called, abuad ant succss. Improvements. Geo. W. Drake, having purchased his father's property, on Main-street, in the lower end uf the borough, is improving it by the erection of a two story frame dwcl ling house, in liea of the one story frame, for many years occupied as a feed store The building is erected on the balloon frame principle?, a style very common in the West, but rarely adopted in this sec tion of country. It has the advantages of stiffness and cheapness over the old style frame. William T. Raker, is remodeling his two-story frame, adjoining his residence down town, with a view of turning it into a candy and general confectionery store. Chailes Musch is fitting up the old frame building, adjoining Wm. T. Laker's residence, on the Robert Doys's lot, and long occupied as a shoemaker shop, lor a residence. Samuel Emery is fitting up the old Methodist church, on Green-street, pre paratory to its occupancy as a residence. The foundation of J. S. Williams & Co.'s rectifying establishment, adjoining the above, on the corner of Green & Mou roe street?, is completed, and the brick woik will be commenced forthwith. The firm expect to occupy the premises, with their business," about the first of June. The " Lycoming Standard" is the title of a new twenty-eight column paper, the first and second numbers of which are on our table, started at Wil liamsport, Pa., by Levi L. Tate & Co. The paper i3 neatly printed with new type, and is edited by that wsr-horse of Democracy, Levi L Tate, Esq., formerly of the Columbia Democrat. Of course the Standard will deal only in Demo cratic thunder; and as its editor is among the strictest of the sect, we mayexpcct to find it advocating nothing as sound but what floats into the Copperhead net. Not withstanding Levi's detestable politics he writes a spicy article, which it is always refreshing to read, and we welcome the Standard with strong hopes for its pecu niary success. Itj politics deserve only defeat. Py the way, friend Tate, how about Gen. Butler for President? lie was a favorite of yours about the time he took command in Maryland, if we re collect aright. Ef-fA- We received a copy of the Home Journal last week, the first one in some six weeks. The number before us is No. 1 of the enlarged series, and, in all its features, shows the progressive spirit which has marked the Home Journal ever since it started under the lamentated Morris & Willis. The paper js now under the control of Morris Phillip & Co., aud is dug-cheap at the subscription price, S3 per annum. As the organ of the use-, ful, the true and the beautiful, in all that goc to endow society with perfection, it has no equal anywhere. We have been a regular aud interested reader of the Home Journal from its commencement until the present, with the exception of the six weeks preceding the last, never having missed a number before. Two of the most melancholy ppec imens of literature that have come under our observation in many a day, are con tained in the Monroe- Democrat of last week. We allude to the valedictory of the retiring and the card of the remain ing partner. The book of Lamentations contains nothing half so heartrending; and the complaints of Job, in his most doleful days, hardly approach them iu in tensity of grief. We pity the victims of the disappointment which produced such outpourings of the bitterness within. It is evideut that experience did not prove all to be gold that glittered in that quar ter. Yu have our condolence, boys, giren with melancholy cheerfulness. They have been enjoying strawberries in San Francisco for a month. LIusicaL Many of our readers will be glad to earn that Mr. Geo. L. Walker, the cele brated Pianist and Composer, intends re maining in Stroudsburg, and will receive scholar? on the Piano and Melodeon. Mr. AValkar is an Artist ot rare ability, and those who wish to acquire n thorough kuowledge of Music will do well to avail themselves of this opportu uitv. Mr. Walker can be seen at the Stroudsburg Hotel. We arc in the weekly receipt of the Farm and Fireside, a weekly paper, devoted to the Farm, the Garden and the Fireside, published at Philadelphia, Pa. As a specimen of the typographic art the paper is not excelled by. any other pub lished, while an exceedingly valuable feature is that its matter is all practical It is a paper which should be considered a household necessity with every one who tills the soil. Yvr particulars, as to terms, &c., see advertisement. m- There was a tremendous destruc tion of store boxes, in front of our office, ou Wednesday night of last week, in hon "or of the Democratic victory in Conncc ticut. The " Cops" generally were jubi lanton the occasion, aud acknowledged the small favor to be thankfully received, as we suggested they should, by the burning of store boxes, and the giving of the little boys a chance to ventilate their lungs. Rhode Island was not included, hj the jubilants, in the rejoicing. Of course not . - W ft MM ..I A Now License Lar. The following bill, regulating the grant ing ol licetc, has passed both Houses finally, and will become the law on which future license will have to be granted. A FLUTimn j? uttlkm ent to an act fur ther to regulate the granting of license to hotels and eating house, approved March thirty first; one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Sen ate and Ho:is2 of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Itiinsylvania in den eral Assembly met, and it is hereby enact ed by the authority of the same, That when an application is made to any court of quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, for license to sell intoxicating drinks, it shall be lawful for said court to hear pe titions, in addition to that of the applicant, in favor of, and remonstrances against the application for such license, and in all cases to refuse the same whenever, in the opinion of said court, having due regard to the number and character of the peti tioners for and agaiust such application, such license is uot necessary for the ac commodation of the public aud entertain ment of strangers and travelers, and upon sufficient cause being shown, the said courts shall have power to revoke any li cense granted by them, and all laws in consistent with this section are hereby re pealed : Provided, That the sureties in the bond, required of the applicant for license, shall be signed to his petition. Sec. 2. That applications for license to keep an eating house, beer house or restaurant, authorizing the sale of domes tic wines, malt and brewed liquors, shall hereafter be made in the same manner and to the same authority as application for license to keep a hotel: Provided, That the regulation in relation to bed rojins and beds shall not apply to applicants for an eating house, bejr-house and restau rant license, and the tenth section of the act of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight, authorizing couu ty treasurers to grant an eating-house or 'retail brewery license, is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. No license to keep an eating house, beer house or restaurant, under the provisions of the second section of this act, shall be granted in any incorpo rated city for a less sum than fifty dollars, nor elsewhere for a less sua than twenty dollars. Sec. 4. If any person, after the passage of this act, shall sell spirituous and vinous liquor3, domestic wines, malt aud breweJ liquors, without having obtained a license authorizing him so to do, such per son shall, on couviction in the court of quarter cessions, he fined, for the first of fense, in any sum cot less than fifty, nor more than two hundred dollars; and for the second, or any subscqueut offense, such person shall be fined not Ie.s than one hundred dollars, and, iu the dis cretion of the said court, be imprisoned in the county jail not less than thirty days, nor more than ninety days: Pro vided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to repeal the provisions of the act cf Assembly passed March thirty-first, one thousand eight hundred and fil'ty-six. relating to salei by druggists and apothe caries. Sec. 5.- That the provisions of the first section of this act shall not apply to the city of Philadelphia, or to the county of Allegheny: Provided, That nothing in this act shall authorize the 'ranting of licenses to hotel aud iuu keepers, to vend vinous, spirituous and malt liquors, and to license beer houses, eating-houses and restaurants in any locality where licensing of hotels, inns, beer houses, eating-houses or restaurants is now prohibited by law. "Dotvti Anions the Dead Men." Ileiiter Clymer, J. Glancy Jones, W. R. Reed and other politically dead men of Pennsylvania, have written a fraternal and doleful letter to James Buchanan (the deadest of dead men), asking his counsel as to the chances of the constitu tion being saved by the democracy. "Old Duck" clasps his hands in prayer, a usual, and, appealing to Providece, he thinks there is a chance under the utterly worthless constitution ot Duchanau. When such ghosts of the dear departed get up out of tho ground to repeat their old mummeries of Mumbo Jutubo there must be trouble in the graveyard. Ar. V. Her-all. Duty of Township Auditors. It may not be geuerally known that a general law ol the last session ui gislature, approved April 21, 186G re quires the bounty accounts ol every ui& trict to be carefully audited by the Town ship Auditors, "prepare a condensed state ment of the condition of these fioance3, and publish the same at tho cost of the district for three successive weeks, in two narcrs'" It not only renuires this duty to be performed by the Township Audi tors, but it imposes a penalty ot titty uoi lars upon each Auditor who refuses to comply, one-half of which Cue goes to the school fuud of the district. It provides, also, that the Auditors shall notify the School Directors or other parties Having the disbursement of the bounty funds, to appear before them at such a time as the Auditors shall fix, lor the purpose ot en .... . .. . Y abling the Auditors to close up the bounty accounts of tho township for ttc lisca year. Union League in the South. In organizing the loyal Southern lcrn neo- ,tr th ileeonctrnPtinn l.iw. t he I I it. - t i:i.i.. ;,. t.. rw,Vt I ro. " -un-.j. iu u, .,u.M . . , - of Alabama, we are informed an true of other portions of the South col ored voters are'readtly admitted members of the League, and there is a good pros pect of carrying a number of the South ern States through this and similar in strumentalities in the hands of the Ke publicaus. "Our friends in Washington have moved in the matter of assisting in the organization of the South and the prosecution of the campaign. Although the time has been long and the content severe, the loyal people in the South have only just got iufo a position where they can ugiit The United States census returns place the population of IV-nusylvania, in loOO, at 2,JJ1,0U) : in lSUti it was o,4:Jl,i 10, obtained by multiplying the number ol taxable, tiveu in the Auditor General's report bv live. Thi it will bssccn "lves ' J ' ' ' ' ? an increase, in sis years, ol 010,001. Special STotices. Know Thy Destiny. Madame E. F. Thornton, the great En glish Astrologist, Clairvoyant and IVycho- metrician, who has astonished the scientific classes of the Old U crld, has now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thorn- ton possesses eucii wonoeriul powers ol sec - mil sight, as to enable her to impart know J- edge ot the greatest impcrunce to the single or married ot either sex. While in a state of trance, fche delineates the very features of the person you arc to marry, and by the aid ot an instrument ol intense power, known as the Psychomotrope, guarantees to produce a iiiuiini; jj,nuii;in uiu iuiuic iiucujuu ui ino applicant, logemer wimuaieoi marriage, positi.in in life, leading traits of character, &c. This is no humbug, as thousands of testimonials can assert, hue will send when desired a certified cerlifcate, or written guarantee, tint the picture is what it pur- ports to be. J!y enclosing a lock of hair, anl stating place of birth, age, disposition ted for good, wholesome fool, vi hich, hy these D LADDER, KIDNEYS. GRAVEL, DROP and complexion, and enclosing fifty cents medicines will be digested property, ai! SY. ORGANIC WEAKNESS,' FE and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, gooj healthy bh.-od made; thus tuild'ing up MALE COMPLAINTS, GENE- you will receive the pidure and desired in- formation by return mail. All comrnunica tions sacredly confidential. Address in con fidence, Madame E. F. Thornton, P. O. Rox 223, Hudson, N. Y. Feb. 14, 'C7.-ly SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE- STORED by IIelmbold's Extract Bcciiu. Feb. 23, 15G7. A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residing in South A merica as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Ivirly Decay, Diseases of the U rinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on Ly baneful and v icious habits. Great numbers have been i il i- n , r, ,. m- . I i fPit hv n dpsirn tn lirnlit thr .nlTlirtcil nml nn. r . , r m l.i , fortunate, I w il send the recipe for prepar- : ,, ' - ... t:: iL l'Y 7 , , . . .. " i nnn til nnv imp tvlirt iipuiI j it f,V0 Char a c t - v ui i ., , , dressed to yourself. Address, JOS HP II T. INMAN. Station D. D.b!e House, March 29, lSGG.-ly. New Y'ork City. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are regained by Helmsold'h Extract Rc- chu. Feb. S3, C7. Wonderful lint Trn. MADAME REM IN-GTON, the world-re- nowned Astroloirist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoyant state, de- lineates the very features of the person you ar to mirry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, luiown as tho Psycho- motropc, guarintecs to produce a perfect and loreiocK, or worse still, as red as a hery me lifelike picture of the future hu-band or wife teor of the applicant, with date of m.irriage, oc- cupat:on, leading traits of character. &.c This is no imposition, as testimonials with- out numbers can assert. Ry stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and nair, an.i enclosing nny cents, and ttamned envelnpe acl(Ir.issed l. jourselr, you will re- ceive tho picture bv return nin'il. tn.rotti.-r with desired inform ition. (r Address in confidence. Madame Cer- trvde Reminoton, P. O. Rox 207. West Troy, N. Y. rpcb. iv.-ly. , THE GLORY OF MAN is STRENGTH. Therefore tho nervous and debilitated should immediately use IIelmbolds Ex- TRACT BlCIIC. Feb, 2, '07. ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH! Wheaton's Omtnient Will Clli4 l!ii Efeli iii .JM ISoiiin. AlsocuresSALTRHEUM.CIIILBLAINS and a MERUPTIOxNS OF THE SKIN. Price 50 centis. For sale bv all drurrrfusfa B 6cndin? 50 cents to WEEKS &, POT. TER, Sole Agent?, 170 Washington street uosion, ii win ue lorwarued Ly mail tree of n . . -.. ni l' i .. postage, to nnv partpf the United States. June 7, 16G0 -lyr. HEL3lUOLD'a EXTRACT BUC1IU gives liealth and vigor to the frame and bloom to the pallid cheek. Debility is ac companied by many ahnning symptom, and if no treatment is submitted to, consumption, iiisaiiuy ur euuepuc Ills enfUC. I Feb. 28, 1607. REDUCTION IM PRICE OF THE AMERICAN 'WATCHES, MADE AT WALTHAM, MASS. In consequent of the recent ureat decline in gold and s lvcr and all the materials used in the manufacture of ovir and in an ticipation f a still further decline, we have reduced our prices to as low a point as tncy can be placed Witii lioia at par. so that no one need hesitate to buy a watch now from the expectation that it roil be cheaper at some future time. Tho test of r.n rears and the manufacture and sale of More than 200,000 Watches, I Urp frjvpn our productions the very highest rankamoiiT timekeepers. Commencing with t!ic determination to make thoroughly excel- lent watches', our business has steadily in- creased as the public became acquainted sent by Mail nr Express on receipt of an or--with their value, until for months together, derby W. C. CLARK &. CO., Chemists, we have been unable to supply the demand. No. 3 West Fayette t?L, Syracuse, N. Y. We have repeatedly enlarged our lactory buildings until they now cover over three acres of ground, and give accommodation to more than eight hundred workmen Wo nm fnllv iustified in fctatinrr that we ttatin; )NE-I1 - - j j . now mn ke MORE Til AN UN E-Il ALl Ur Al l. TNT'. WATCHES SOLD IN THE OLD IN THE UNITED STATES. The different grades -- -- : . , . . ft,,owlnLr tradc. marks cmrraved on the niatc: 1. "American Watch Co." Waltbam. "App!cton. Tracy & Co." Waltham, ivjass, Mass. 3. 4. '1. S. Birtlctt," Waltham, Mass. " Wm. Ellery." . 5. 'OUR LADIES' WATCH of the first quality is named Appleton, Tracy &. Co." Waltham, Maes. C. 44 Our next ejuality of Ladies Watch is named "I. S. Birtlett," Waltham, Mass. Tl'Cfe watches arc furnished in a rcat variety of t-izes and styles ofcar.es. " Thc American Watch Co., of Waltham, fncc a ut t-.nri .- lis to ptatfi that Wl! hfiut distinction of trade marks or price, ALL THE PRODUCTS OF THEIR FAC- TORY ARE FULLY WARRNTED to be the best time-keepers of their class ev- er made in this or any ot.'icr country. Buy- crs sliouiu remcmocr tnai uiuikc me guar- I . I ... t. amcc oi a loreign Kiahtr w uu can iiult uv rcached, this warrantee is good at all times against the Company or their agents, and that if af er the most thorough trial, any watch should prove defective in any partic ular, it rn.iv always be exchanged for anoth- er. As the American Watches made bt Waltham, are for sale ly dealers generally throughout the country, we "do not solicit or- hers for single writches CAUTION. Th public arc cautioned to buy only cf respectable dealers. All persons J gelling counterfeits will he propccntcd R0BEINS & APPLETON. XGnxx3 FOR xnE American watch company i K'tOADWAV, V. HELM COLD'S FLUID EXTRACT EU- CHU is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injurious properties, an l immediate I 1 II KB I 1 CU. U. CONSUTvIPTION CURABLE BY DR. ' SCHENGK'S MEDICINES. TO CURE CONSUMPTION, the system must be prepared s.i that the lungs will heal, To accomplish this, the liver and stomach must first be cleansed and an appetite crca- t,e constitution. SCHENCK'S MAN DRAKE PILLS cleanse the stomach of all bilious or mucous accumulations; and, by I using the Sea Weed Tonic in connection, the appetite is restored SCIIENCK'S PULMONIC SYttUP is .nmiciuus as memc anu, i;y us- ir.g the three remedies, all impurities are II - !. 1 I- expelled from the system, and gjood, whole some blood made, which will re;,el all dis e.ise ii patients will lake tne.se metiicmes according to directions, Consumption very frequently in its last stnge yields rcacJily to their action. Take the pills frequently, to cleans the liver and stomach. It docs not follow that because the brwc!s are not costive they are not required, for some " ' N 1 , , V . V 1 nc biomam must ue ncu ncaiuiy. anu nn appe- tite created to allow the Pu'monic Syrup to . . J r " acton the respiratory organs nroneilv and n . -. . rr.i J - a aj any irritation. Then n that is re- quired to perform a permanent cure is, to rl . . . ' prevent taking cold. Lxercise about the room as much as possible, cat nil the richest r t v . . , t . ioou iai meai, game, ana, m iact, anytning the appetite craves; but be particular and masticate well. T2d w. ea. mo. 1 vr. TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT and UNSAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Use IIclmuold's Ex- tract Richu and Improved Rose Wash Feb. 28, lSrfoJ1 E So "7 ladies of their beauty, whn the nnrror shows them their once jet or colden ringlets streaked with grey. Rut never was uluea more ' illse i I5C JllIO!l. Though the hair he as uhiie as Time's own PRESTO! 11 13 mvesteu in a moment with the most magnificent black or brown by the agency of CBISTADORO'S HAIR DYE, i'"-"1111! n ii.rira..inu uuu jjuicij vr-niiuu- preptirnnoti. iiantuacitirea i.y j. i;uirti .. DORO. 0 Astor House, New York. Sold by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. March 2I.-hn. V0 TIOX OR IXCOX' iiiML.luot Urine, irritation, inllaoiation or uIcorati3" G bladder, or kidneys, dis- easos of l,,e Prost?lte glands, stone in the uIaJder, calculus, gravel or brick dust de- Posl, anu.a" utseasesoi ine bladder, kidneys nnu uropsicai swellings. Use IIelmdolds Flvid Extract Biciiv. Feb. 28, 16G7. BRAND RET I PS PILLS. These Pills are safe and sure. They ore i rep.ircd bv a process which secures all the host nuxlitira of tho herbs of which they are composed. without any of their bad. They benefit in n1' cases, and do harm in none. Sec B. Brandreth is in whito letters on " l. f . rr U.t 1 ... "uvcrnmeni fciamp. uinicii .-ii. IIELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EX TRACT BUCI1U Js the. (ireat Diuretic, IIELMBOLD S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SAR- SAPARILLA Is the Great Wood Purifier. Both are prepared accordinj to rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are the mosi active tint can be made. TFcb. 2S. G7. JDS? A Yousa Lady returning to her country heme, after a sojourn of a few months in the City, was hardly recognized by her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, ehc had a soft ruby complexion of al most marble smcotlinces, and instead of twen three Ehe really appeared tut eighteen Upon inquiry as to the cause of fo great a change, fche plainly told ihcm that she used the Circassian 15alw, and considered it an invaluable acquisition to any Lac"yV toilet, lly its use any Lady or Gentleman can im prove their personal appearance an hundred (old. It is simple in its combination, as Na ture hereeff is rimple, yet unsurpassed in its efficiency in o rawing impurities from, al so healing, cleansing and bcantifying tne skin and cor.nplex:on. By its direct action on the coticle.it draws from it all its impnr- itiep, kindly healing the tamr, and leaving the service as Nature intended it should be. clear, soft, mooth and beautiful. I'rice Hie tnly American Agrnts for the pale of the same. rcb. 14, 67,-ly. IIELMBOLD S EXTRACT BUCHUand Improve Improved Rose Wash cures secret and del- . . , , ! 11 ... lcate 0 isomers in an mcir euj-cs, at imie expense, litile or nochan?c indict, no incoTii expense. vcmenceand r.o exposure. It is pleasant in ta.te and odor, immediate in it, action, and liree irom ou iiijun.u3 .vil.w ret). jsoa CHILDREN'S LIVES SAVED FOR 50 TTIIOUSANDS OF CHILDREN DIE A annually of Croup. Now, mothers, if you would epend 50 cent?, and always have a bottle of Dr. Tobias Venitian Liniment in the house, you never need fear losing your 1 ii tie one when attacked with this complaint, It is now 10 years since I have put up my Liniir.ent, ond never heard of a child dying of Croup when my Liniment wa? used; tut hundreds of cases ot cures h:ivc been report- Jed to me, and many state if it was 810 per I tint tip I hev would nut hr? without it. I'.osv'r which, it is a certain cure for Cuts. Barns. Headache, Toothache, Sere Throat?. Swel- ling?. Mump?, Colic, Di.rrhoe.i. Dysentery. Spisms, Old Sore?, and pains in the back and chest. N one once tries it who is cvey wiidoui u. ii is warr.u-.ieu periectiy sat . ii TV-il l: . .. u ianv jiiierri.niy. x uii uirecuons wun cv- ery bottle. S dd by ihe Druggists. Depot, lob Cortianut street, .sew lork. March 4. Io0. v. ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON. STITUTIONS, cf loth ecxcs. use Helm- hold's Extract Bichu. It wiM give Iritk and encrpetic feelings, and enable you to bleep wen. t el). tiu. Free to Everybody it- 7 A Large G pp. Circular, giving informa tion of the greatest importance to the young of toth sexes. It teaches how the hemely may become beautiful, the despised respected, ar:d the forsaken loved No young lady or gentleman should fail to send their Address, and receive a ccpy pOSIpaiU, ll ret U HI mflil. Address 1 O. Drawer, 21. Feb. 14," 'C7.-Cm. Troy, N..Y. BELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT Is a certain cure for diseases of the ERAL DEBILITY, And all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever ciuse originating and no mattcr wf I0W LONG STANDING. ninBo ftl,n. nr,r r.,ir th .... - 0f a diuret:c - If.no trcat'ment ia submitted to. Cm?ump- tion or IcMnity nlay ensue Qur Flesh and Blood are supported from thcie sources, and ,iiC HEALTH and HAPPINESS, and that of Po-tcrity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HELMPOLD'S EXTRACT EUCI1U, Established upwards of IS veers, prepared Ly is. t. nrr.TicoLD, DRUGGIST, rQl Broadwav, New York, and 101 South 10th St., Philadelphia, Vi. Feb. 28, 1SG7. In Stroudil urg, on the 0t!i in.-t., X.t.Jciii B. Bvsii, oged 7 1 years, 8 months and 1 day. At Green Valley. March 27th, Mrs. Sr sam Britzman, relict of Adam Erutzman, aged 77 j-ears, 4 months ard IS days. Her long and painful illness she bore with. Christian patienco and resignation, as slow ly she felt life ebbing away. Sustained by the hope of a better home beyond the skieir she departed trusting in Jesus. Her home is vacant, and " the place that knew her will know her no more.' May her survif ing children and friends heed the admoni tion tint comes from her grave, Be ye a!so ready." FOR SALE, rpwo NO TOP BUGGIES; ALSO, A J. Fine Young Horse For particu'ar apply at IIOLLINSIIEAD'S Drug Sure. Stroudsburg, April 11, lrr07.-2t. Professsor of Music, "Will takr n limited nnrr.her ef Scholar on'the PIANO-FORTE and MELODEON. For further particulars apply at the Stroudsburg Hotel. April 11, '67. C. VV. SE!P fh. D Physician and Surgeon, Has removed . his oflice and residence t the budding, lately occupied by Wm. Rav: Esq., on Main strPt. Devoting all his t;n' t hi profe.-si.ui he will be prepared to an swer all calls either day or nijjht, when cot professionally engaged, with p-omptness. OCT Charges reasonable. V) Stroud.-burg, April 11, 15G7.-tr. Office of Jacmox Oil Stuouhsui uo, l'.v., April 5, 1S07. ) At a meeting of the Directors of the Ja' snn Oil Co., held at their office on the abovj named day, it was resolved to tell at T"b out-cry, all the remaining unsold orJio Capital Stock of said Company. Said salo will take place at the office tho Company, April 27th, at 2 o'clock, p- 1 J. LANTZ, Secretary. April 11,-31.