The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, March 28, 1867, Image 2

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    I)C 3c(Fcisonian,
THURSDAY, 3IAECH 28, 1667.
Having procured one of Gordon's Fast
Frintiug Machines, we are cow full pre-
prepared to print Bill Heads, Prescrip
tion and other Labels, Cards, Circulars,
Letter Heads, Envelope Cards, Dodgers
Pamphlets, &c, etc., either iu plain r
colored inks, or bronze, with the greatest
dispatch, and at the lowest city prices.
Our stock of Plain and Fancy Type, Pa
per, Cards, &c, to which wc are constant
ly making additions, cannot be -surpassed.
Orders jrom town y country, by mail or
otherwise, promptly attended to.
fSrThe reader will find important mat
ter on the fourth page.
Bgi, Locals are about as scarce this
week as " white mice." There is nothing
to note.
t?y- The attention of builders is called
to the advertisement of the Building Com
mittee of the Presbyterian Church, to be
found in another column.
Messrs. Huff & Lasser, advertise
their Brewery and Lager Beer business
in tLis week's paper. They manufacture
a superior article of "Lager; and as people
will imbibe, it well fwr them to
know that they can do no better than to
patronize the home manufactured article.
Mr. William Clatk, formerly cf our
borough, aud who, for several years, baa
held a clerkship in the Collector's office
of the Delaware Canal, at .New Hope, Pa.,
Las been promoted to the Col'ectorship
of that port. This will prove gratifying
to Mr. Clark' many friends in this sec
tiou of country.
w That Hacking Cough must be a
source cf great trouble, and will certainly
produce fatal results if not attended to.
Just enough of Coe's Cough Balsam
to wet the throat, taken once an hour,
will cure it in a very short time acd only
costs U5 or 40 cents.
2- Great excitement and astonish
ment is caused by the wonderful cures
of Croup by the use of Blade's Lubri
catop.s. In cases where every other
remedy has failed they have proved sue
cessful. Families having childreu sub
ject to Croup or Whooping Cough should
not be without a bos of the Lubricators.
Directions accompany each box. Sold
by all Druggists.
Fatal Accident.
Wni. Baily, a lad cf 17 years cf age,
who father resides in Paradise township,
ittempte J to jump on an empty coal train
passing north, at Tobyhanna, oa Tuesday,
and missing bis hold fell beneath the
cars and was dreadfully mangUd. Both
r.rnis and both legs were cut off, and, bis
lack was broken. lie was killed instantly,
lie was not in the employ of the Railroad
Company, and had no business about the
Si. We learn that our youcg friend
Dr. A. II. Davis, contemplates soon leav
ing Stroudsburg, for the purpose of loca
ting himself in the Goldea State. The
Doctor was a close student, and gradua
ted with credit from the University of
I'ennsylvania, and during the several
years' eiperience he has bad in practice,
has evinced a skill which argues eminence
in his profession. We with him abundant
success, and commend him, both a a phy
sician and a man, to the citizens of any
locality in which he may conclude to set
tle himself. A number of families is
which he has practiced here, will regret
to learn of hi3 contemplated departure.
Ic? While the Copperhead presses
throughout the North, are denouncing
the patriotic Senators and Representatives
in Congress for the passage of the Mili
tary Reconstruction law, the late rebel
leaders of the South, with Gens. Lee and
Longstrect at their head, are warmly urg
ing the Southern people to accept the situ
ation, and to vote for Conventions, so as to
eeenre the epeedy'bringing of the late
rebel States into the Union under that
law. They feel that the terms f the law
are light in comparison with the crime of
rebellion, and they do not hesitate to tell
the people so having no az to grind but
that which will bringpeace, union and pros
perity to the country. The Northern de
nouncers, however, work with quite a dif
ferent object. They knew the country
Tequires the law, and that it can only
reach a safe anchorage under its whole
eomc provisions; but they also know that,
with the country restored, come3 only the
more certain death of (jopperhcad-De-mocracy,
and, hence, that if they would
preserve their vocation they must prevent
Southern acquiescense in the law. The
Southern leaders and people show signs
of returning reason iu their conduct,
which the Northern Copperhead would,
do well to cinuUtc.
The Township Elections.
We give below the names of the per
sons elected to fill the several offices iu
the respective towuships, and the borough
of Stroudsburg, named. The elections
passed off with more than usual quietness.
Barrett. Constable, Townsend Price;
Assessor. Wilkinson Price; Assistant
Assessors, Henry Deubler, Jacob II. Price;
Jud"e ol Llection, W iliiam C. Long; In
spectors, Geo. II. Miller, Madison Price;
Supervisors, Godlieb Boner, John Sees;
School Directors, m. 11. Long, Lenja
min Ilanna; Overseers of the Poor, Chas
Price, William P. Sec3; Auditor, Edward
Heller, Jeremiah Sees: Town Clerk,
Win It. Stri-ht.
Chest n ntlull. Constable. Francis
Krcse: JuJ-rc of Election, Charles Ser
fas; Inspectors, Dauicl Everitt, Peter
iluJsiuith; Supervisors, Minon Murphy
Situou Snyder, Jackfon Everitt, Henry
Grcory: School Directors, Jonathan
Darrohn, E. C Davis; Assessor, George
H. Weiss; Assistant Assessors, Jacob
Grcenamovcr, Jacob K. Shafcr; Auditor
Charles II. llcauey; Overscere of the
Poor, Jouas Denser, John Wagner; Town
Cierk, George Miller.
CorAbaugh. Supervisors, William B.
Thompson, Simon Grubcr; School Dircc
tors, John Wolf, Isaac S. Case; Judge o
Election, James A. Young; Inspectors
John Callahan, Joseph Wilton; Consta
ble, F. W. Giersch; Auditor, Andrew
Sc-bring; Overseers of the Poor, James
Welsh, John Warner; Town Clerk, Win
B. Thompson; Assessor, Daniel Calla-
ghan; Assistaut Assessors, u. 11. Case
James Buckley.
Ehh-cil. Justice of the Peace, Thilip
Druiuheller; Constable, Anthony II
Berger; Judge of Election, Jacob Frablc;
Inspectors, Amos Smith, Solomon Heim-
uach; Supervisors, John Correll, Solomon
Ilcitubach; School Directors, Joseph
I'ehr, Samuel Jones; Auditor, Jolm
Tetter, Assessor, Joseph FraL'e; Assist
ant Assessors, Jacob Correll, Jacob Boyer;
Overseers of the Poor, David Correll, Ja
cob Frantz; Town Clerk, Reuben Christ
man. Hamilton. Justice of the Peace, Geo.
L. Slutter; Constable, Win. McXeal;
Supervisors, Christopher Biltenbender,
Henry Ftnncr, John Linker, Amos
Storm; School Directors, Jonas Neyhart.
Theodore Shoemaker; Assessor, Israel
Houser; Assistant Assessors, Charles
Feuihermaa, Stogdell S. Lesh; Auditor,
Peter Kunkel; Judge of Election, Enos
Wcrkhciser ; Inspectors, Aaron J. Bit
tenberider; Town Clerk, Jacob II. Fcth
ermau ; Overseers of the Poor. Joseph
le, .uicnaei caper.
Jac?:on. Constable, Charles Brock;
Supervisors, Levi ShilTer, Jacob Krcsge;
School Directors, Philip Frailey, Reuben
Krse; Assessor, George Setzer; Assist
ant Assors, W:n. Setzer, John A. Singer;
Overseers ofthc Poor, Levi arner, James
liefer ;
n 1 1
Judge of Election, 8;irauel Ilel-
Inspectors, Thomas Miller, Charles
r. Houser; Auditor, Adam A
Town Clerk. Elias Singer.
cinger :
Middle rJmi'thJ'rhl.CoTistMQ, John
W. Vauauken; Supervisors, John Ilan
no, George M. OverGelJ; Assessor, John
Turn; Assistant Assessors, Washington
OverSeld, John Coolbaugh; School Di
rectors, Samuel Decker, Martin Place;
Overseers cf the Poor, James Place, Job rf
.cuunK; uuug o i.iccuon, inonia
Lr. j.reioje; inspectors. Joan iewut,
Henry Bu;h; Auditor, E. II. Gunsaules;
Town Clerk, E. G. Shoemaker; Treas
urer, John Ilanna.
Paradise. Supervisors, John Storm,
Joseph Jones; Constable, Charles Hit
gcrt; Overseers of the Poor, James Hen
ry, Joseph Bush; Town Clerk, J. C. Sny
der; School Directors, Francis Boorem,
J. C. Snyder, Jacob Hilgert; Auditor,
Amos .New hart; Judge of Election, Thom
as lluey; Inspectors, William Detrick,
R. S. Storm: Assessor. James Heller:
Assistant Assessors, John Storm, Jacob
Pucono. Judge of Election, Thomas
ShiveJy; Inspectors, Samuel Shick, Peter
S. Listing; School Directors, Samuel
Storm, Jacob Smith, Peter II. Metzger;
Town Clerk, Philip Learn; Auditor, Ad
am Anglemoycr; Constable, John Alle
gcr; Assessor, Simon Labar; Overseers
of the Poor, Peter S Edinger, Abraham
Smith; Supervisors, Wni. Transue, Nel
son Cramer; Assistant Assessors, Jacob
Long, Peter Shick.
Poll:. Constable, Charles II. Barthol
omew; Judge of Election, Joel Berlin;
Inspectors, Cornelius Smitb,4rn. Smith ;
Assessor, Peter S. Hawk; Supervisors,
John G. Miller, Rudy Hawk; School
Directors, Samuel Anthony, John Swartz,
Joseph Gruber; Overs eers of the Poor,
Johu Kunkel, Michael Hciney; Auditor.
John Kunkel; Town Clerk, J. M. Kresge.
J'.ics. Supervisor?, Josiah B. Snow,
Gerhard Haa3; Jud-e of Election, Geo.
W. Sebring; . Inspectors, Perry -Price,
v lJliam Price; Auditors, Daniel Long
Harrison Sebring; Assessor, Jchn L.
Bush; Assistant Assessors, Perry Price,
Joseph Fetherman; School Directors,
Samuel Posteus, George W. Sebring;
Town Clerk, Wm. II. Bates; Overseers
of the Poor, Perry Prica, Leonard Lcs
somi; Justice of the Peace, Lewis Price.
Ross. Justice of the Peace, Peter
Gruber; Constable, David Roth; Judge
of Election, John Andrew; Inspectors,
John Smith, Levi Newhart; Supervisors,
Peter Mixscll, Levi Buskirk; Overseers
of the Poor, Joseph Frantz, Jacob Schoch;
Assessor, Daniel Andrew; Auditor, Peter
Smithfichl. Justice of the Peace,
Benjamin V. Bush; Constable, Martin
Yetter; Overseers of the Poor, Melchoir
Heller, Simon Myers; Auditor, Charles
Christian; Judge of Election, Atnraiel
Bush; Inspectors, Wm. T. Myers, God
frey Tansue; Tovn Clerk, Isaac It. Tran
sue; School Directors, Abraham New
hart, Abraham Labar; Assessor, Abra
ham Newhart; Assistant Assessors Ma
thew Devit, Abraham Fenner; s'uper
visors, John Turpenning, Michael Wal
ter, iUathias bchaler.
StrouJslury Borou'jh. Chief Burgess,
Wm. K. Ilaviland; Town Council, Geo.
W, Drake, Robert Huston, Peter Wil
liams, Reuben R. Cress, Gershoni Hull;
Justice of the Peace, James Carr, jr.;
Judge of Election, David S. Lee ; Inspec
tors.. John Keener, Charles , bhater ;
School Directors, Wbj. Clements, Samuel
Bees, jr., James II. McCarty; Overseers
of the Poor, Win. S. Wintermute, Peter
II. Robeson; Assessor, John McCarty;
Assistaut Assessors, Frederick' Keiscr.
Harrison S. Drake: Auditor, Daniel
Brown ; Town Clerk. Joseph T. Walton ;
Constable, John E. Snyder.
Stroud. Judge of Election, John V .
Huston; Inspectors, P. S. Lee, John C.
Daudt; Constable, Jacob Houser: Asses
sor, Jacob J. Angle: Assistant Assessors,
Charles Swiuk, Abraham Metzgar : Over
seers of the Poor, George Burd, Johu
FrankenScld : Supervisors, Philip Heller,
David Eckert, Daniel Lee: School Di
rectors, Simon Barry, James S. Fisher :
Auditor, Jacob Fetherman : Town Clerk,
Mathias Shafer.
Tobyhanna. Constable, Robert War
ner : Judge of Election, 1-redenck P.
Miller: Inspectors, Win. Shiffer, Jonas
Christman : Supervisors, Frank Adams,
Joshua McKell, Hiram Hay: Overseers
of the Poor, Jonas Christman, uilliam
Adams : Assessar, Samuel G. Eschen-
bach : Assistant Assessors, Jacob Blakcs
lee, William Adams : School Directors,
Edward Bush, Robert Warner : Auditors,
Samuel G. Eschenbach, Edward Bush
one year : Town Clerk, Samuel G. Esch
Tunhhannoch Constablo, George L.
Alteoiose: Judge of Election, George
Alteruose : Inspectors, Wm. Hay, Perry
Altcmose : Supervisors, George Merwine
Benjamin F. Schaeffer : Assessor, Peter
Merwiue, jr. : Assistant Assessors, Geo
Alteniose, U in. Hay : School Directors
Petar Merwine, jr., B. b. Schaeffer
Auditor, Peter Merwine jr. : Town Clerk
Perry Altemose : Overseers of the Poor
Peter Merwine, jr., Philip Green2moyer
Jmlfpentlcnt School District, at Bush
kill. School Directors, Charles L. lie!
ler, Amos II. Schoonover.
The President Vetoed.
Congress quite recently passed a Reg
istry Law for the South, for the purpose
of securing a fair Tote under the Recon
struction Law passed some four weeks
ago, and which is, very generally, being
accepted by the South. The President
in order that a door might be left open
through which his peculiar friends, the
ex-rebels of the South, could crawl into
power, ia spite of law vetoed this till.
Congress, on the principle that one good
turn deserved another, and believing that
the peace of the whole country was o
more importance than the comfort o
rebels, vetosd the President, by a vote, in
the House, of 114 yeas to 25 nays, and
in the benate, 40 yeas to 7 nays. This
makes the ticeffth veto which Congress
has inflicted on the President within the
last fifteen months.
For the JeJTersonian.
" Have tre a Eaboon amongst us?''
Will wonders ever ceaso? Wise men
good men, after much careful .thought
had come to the conclusion that a true
republican form of government was the
very test for the highest interest of man
Thia d fact had been on trial incur
country about three-fourths of a century
when the great Rebellion broke out.-
When that rebellion had been crashed,
these same wise men declare! that .ths
trying ordeal had passed, and that the fact
was established, beyoud all future cavil,
that self-government could and would
ever sustain itself. But alas, for human
hope and human' wisdom ! A produ
suddenly dropped from England-7-or was
kicked out and turns up, in this latter
day, and in this county of 3Ionroe; and
through the medium of the Monroe Dem
ocrat knocks things endways!
The first " doleful sound" came from
the tombs where he should have been
more safely confined and poetry swells
his bursting nature. This froth of feeling
spent its fury in two efforts in the Jeffer
sojiian, and then the awful prose of thegreat
Rip Snorter dashed out its thunder, with
out lightning, through the Democrat.
Sano people read, marveled and stood
aghast! The inquiry went forth, " Have
we a baboon amongst us?" . And echo
answered, " We have!"
The bill forbidding railway companies
from making any distinction in the treat
ment of passengers on account of color or
race, under a penatly of S500, having
passed both Houses of the Legislature,
lias been approved by the Governor and
is now a law. Its immediate effect will
be to abolish the odious distinctions which
have heretofore existed in the street cars
of Philadelphia, where filthy and druuken
whites have been allowed the full enjoy
meutof privileges from which decent col
ored people were excluded. In New York
and Washington, cities supposed to be far
behind Philadelphia in the development
of literal and humane ideas, there has
never teen any distinction among railway
passengers on account of color.
It is announced from Richmond that
Gen. Lee is strongly in favor of the peo
ple voting for a convention, and that every
man notactunlly disfranchised should not
only take the necessary steps to prepare
himself to vote, but to prepare all his
friends, white and colored, to vote right.
He thinks the co operation of all the peo
ple, officials and citizens, should be
prompt, and that tho chief object should
be to get as quickly and quietly as pos
sible back into the Union, with such
rights aware left. He thinks the oath
proposed is such as every good citizen,
uot disfranchised, ought now to bo able
to take, as a simple matter of truth and
duty as a citizen of the country.
" hi mm
It snowed hero yesterday.
Governor Curtia and wife, in company
with several other well known Pennsylv
ania, sailed for Europe on tho steamer
Fulton on Saturday week. ,'1 he object 01
. ...
the trip is tho restoration ot his neaiin.
which has been much impaired recently.
lhcrscw lorW Evening i'0sf,in nouug
his departure, says : "Governor Curtin
leaves with the test wishes of the loyal
people of this country, who appreciate
and will remember his constant devotion
to the best interests of the nation during
the eveutful years of our great civil con
flict. lie was Governor for six years, as
long as the Constitution of the State per
mitted, and was the only one, wc believe,
who remained Governor during the whole
period of the war. Hearing that he was
about to go abroad, severalof our leading
citizeus invited him to a banquet, which
they desired to give in his honor, but the
natural disinclination topublic demonstra
tions personal to himself, however kindly
meant, compelled him to decline ; but it
was none the less gratuying to the laith
ful public servant to feel on the eve of his
departune for a brief sojourn m toreign
lands, that he had the good wishes not
only of the people of all political parties
of his own State, but also of those of this
commerical metropolis "
The Bankrupt Law, pa-sed at the close
of the S'Jth Congress, is now in operation,
and its provisions are available for the re
hot 01 the thousands who hud the "pres
sure of debt to be, in the language o
Gen. Jackson, "the bane of enterprise.
According to this law, the minimum 0
debt upon which a bankruptcy can be de
clared is 300. The bankrupt must be
or become a citizen of the L uied States
A register is to be appointed iu each Con
gressional District, whose duty it is to
adjudicate upon, receive surrenders of ar
rests, &.C., and preside in bankruptcy pro
ceedings. Six months after complying
with all the conditions of the act the
bankrupt is fully discharged.
In the distribution of a bankrupt's pro
perty the following i. the order iu which
all claims shall be paid. The costs of the
proceeding ; debts due the united States
due the States, taxes, fcc. ; wages of em
ployee3 not exceeding SoO due for the
last months of service, debt due any per
sons who by any law of the United States
entitled to priority ; all the other credi
tors pro rata.
Special IvTotices.
STORED by 4Ielmbold's Extract BvCuu.
Feb. 23, 15G7.
are cafe and sure. They are prepared by a
process which secures ail the best ti'ialitie
of the herbs of which they arc composed
without any of their bad. They benefit in
all cases, and uo harm in none.
See B. Brandretli is in white letters on
the Government btamp. March 21.-lni.
are regained by Helmbold's Extract De
em;. Feb. 28, 'G7.
So say the ladies of their beauty, whn the
mirror shows them their once jet or golden
ringlets streaked with grey. But never was
there a more
False Conclusion.
Though the hiir be as white a Time's own
forelock, or worse still, as red as a fiery me
teor v
it is invested in a moment with tho most
magnificent Hack or brown ,by the agency
a perlectly wholesome and purely vegetable
preparation. Manufactured by J. CRISTA
DORO. 6 Astor House, New York. SolJ by
Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers.
March 21.-lin.
Therefore the nervousr and debilitated
should immediately use Helmrold's Ex
tract Buciiu. Feb, 28, 'G7.
annually of Croup. Now, mothers, if!
you would spend OU cents, and always have
a bottle ot Dr. lobias Venitian Liniment in
the house, you necr need fear losing vour
.... . .. .... o . .
little one when attacked with tins complaint.
it is now IU years since I have put up my
Liniment, and never heard of a child dyinf
ot Croup when my Liniment was used; but
hundreds of cases of cures have been report
ed to me, and many state if it was 10 per
bottle they would not be without it. Besides
which, it is a certain cure for Cuts, Burns,
Headache, Toothache, Sore Throats, Swel
lings, Mumps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
opisms, u:d bores, and pains in the back
and chest No one once tries it who is ever
without it. It id warranted perfectly safe
to take internally. 1 ull directions with cv
cry bottle. S Id by l he Druists. Depot.
00 cornanut Mrcet, rvev lork.
March 7, 18G7.-7w.
UNSAFE REMEDIES for unpleaamt and
dangerous diseases. Use Helmbold's Ex
tract Buciiu and Improved Rose Wash.
Feb. 28, 16GG.
Wonderful but True.
MADAME REMINGTON, the world-re
nowned Asirologist and Somnambulistic
Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoyant state, do-
mcaics'ine very features or tho person you
arj to imrry, and by the aid of an instrument
of intense power, known as tho Psycho-
motrope, guarantees to produce a perfect and
lifelike picture of the future hutband or wife
of the applicant, with date of nnrriage, oc
cupation, leading traits of character, &,c.
This is no imposition, as testimonials with
out numbers can assert. By stating place
of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and
hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and tttmped
envelope addressed to yourself', you will re
ceive the picturo by return mail, together
with desired information.
OT Address in confidence. Madame Ger-
trijde Remington, P. O. Box 297, West
T" 1t ir rn . . . -
iwjr, ah. x. lien, li, 'U7.-ly.
TINENCE of Uri ne, irritation, inflamnt inn
or ulceration of the bladder, or kidneys, dis
eases of the prostate glands, stone in the
oiatuer, calculus, gravel or brick dust de
posit, and all diseaacsof il
and dropsical swellings.
Use Helmbold's Fluid Extract Blciiu.
Fch. 28, 1607.
In consequent of the recent great decline
in gold and sdver and all the materials used
in the manulacture of our goods, and in an
ticipation of a still further decline, we have
reduced our prices to as low a point as they
can be placed
WitH Gold at Par,
so that no one need hesitate to buy a watch
now from the expectation that it will be
cheaper at some tuiure time. The test of
ten years and the manufacture and saleot
. ... .
More tnan watcnes,
have given our productions the very highest
rank amon? timekeepers, uornmencing with
- 1
the determination to make thoroughly excel
lent watclie., our busines3 has steadily in
creased as the public became acquainted their value, until for months together,
we have been unable to supply the demand
We have repeatedly enlarged our factory
buildings until they now covpr over three
acres of ground, and give accommodation to
more than eight hundred workmen.
We are fully justified in stating that we
UNITED STATES. The different grades
are distinguished by the following trade
marks engraved on the plate:
1. ' American Watch Co." Waltham,
2. Appleton, Tracy & Co." Wultham,
"P. S. Birtlctt," Waltham, Mass.
Wm. Ellery."
OUR LADIES' WATCH of the first
quality is named " Appleton, Tracy
&. Co. n Una in, Mass.
G. Our next quality of Ladies' Watch is
named "P. S. Bartletr," Waltham,
Mass. These watches are furnished
in a great variety of sizes and etyles
ct cases.
The American Watch Co., of Waltham
Mass., authorize us to state that without
distinction of trade marks or price.
to be the Lest time-keepers of their class ev
er made in this or any other countrv. Buy
ers should remember that unlike the guar
antee cf a foreign maker who can never be
reached, this warrantee is good at all times
against the Company or their agents, and
that if after the most thorough trial, any
watch should prove detective in any partic
ular, it may always be exchanged for anolh
er. As the American alches mode
Waltham, are for sale by dealers generally
t h mi! rrKirm t tlm rniintrv n nnf e- ?.
ders for single watches.
CAUTION. The public are. cautioned to
buy unly of respectable dealers. All persons
selling counterfeits will be prosecuted.
gives health and vigor to the frame and
bloom to the pallid cheek. DtLiiity is ac
companied by many alarming symptoms, and
if no treatment is submitted to, co-sumption,
msanny or epuoptic ms ensue.
Feb. 28, 1SG7.
These Pills are composed cf various rcots.
having the power to relax the secretions of
the liver as promptly and as eCoctually as
oiue puis cr rr.ucury, and without producing
any ot those disagreeable or dangerous cf
fects which often follow the use of the lattei
In all bilious disorders these Pills may b
used with confidence, as thcy promote the
discharge ct vitiated bile, and remove those
obstructions from the liver ahd biliary duct?,
which are the cause of bilious effects in gen
Sick Headache, and all disorders of the Liv
er, indicated by sallow skin, coated tongue,
costiveness, drowsiness, and a rencral feci
ing of weariness and lassitude, showing that
the liver is in a torpid or obstructed condi
In t-hort, those Pills may be used with ad
vantage in an cases when a purgative or
alterative medicine is required.
Please ask for "Dr. Schenck's Mandrake
Pills," and observe that the two likenesses
ot the Doctor arc on the Government stamp
one wnen in Uie last state ct Consump
tion, and the other in his present health.
Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Price
z.) cents per box. Principal Ofhce, No. 15
North Gth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
General Wholesale Agents: Demas Barnes
& Co., 21 Park Row, New York; S. S.
Hance, 103 Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md.;
John D. Park, N. E. cor. of Fourth and Wal
nut Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker and Tay
lor, 13-1 and 136 Wabash Avenue. Chicago
111.; Collins Brothers, t-outh-west corner of
beyond and Vine Sts., St.. Louis, Mo.
1th it Gth w. ea. mo. 1 yr.
Improved Rose Wash cures secret and del
icate disorders in all their stages, at little
expense, little or no change indict, no incon
venience and no exposure. It is pleasant in
taste and odor, immediate in its action, and
free from all injurious properties.
Feb. 28, 18G7.
A Clergyman, while residing in South A-
incnca as a missionary, discovered a safe and
simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous
Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the U
riniry and Seminal Organs, and the whole
train of disorders brought on by baneful and
icious habits. Great numbers have been
already cured by this noble remedy. Promp
ted by a desire to benefit the alllicted and un
fortunate, I will send the recipe for prepar
ing and using this medicine, in i sen led en
velope, to any one who needs it, Free of
I icaso inclose a post-paid cnvelon,n.
dressed to yourself.
Address, JOSEPH T. 1NMAN,
Station D. Bihln Fl
March CD, 15GG.-ly. NCw York Citv.
HELMBOLD'S FLUhVeytr r.-v mr.
CIIU is pleatant in taste and odor, free
from all injurious properties, and immediate
in us action. rr.,i, m i17
1 "
Wheaton's Ointment
Wili;Cur lli Ilch In 4H IIoiii-k.
Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists.
Bf sending 50 cents to WEEKS & POT
TER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street,
Uoston, it will bo lorwarded by mail, free of
postage, to any part of the Unitod States.
June 7, lSUO-lyr,
Know Thy Destiny.
Madame E. F. Thornton, the nreat En
glish Astro!ogist, Clairvoyant and Psycho
metrician, who has astoniehed the scientific
classes of the Old World, has now located
herself at liud6n, J. i . Madame Thorn-
ton possesses such wonderful rowers of see
ond sight, as"to enable hor to impart know!-.
edge 01 the greatest imporance to vy rijmls
or married of either sex. While in a state
of trance, she delineates the very futures of
the person you are to marry, and by tl-e aid
of an instrument of intense pow er, known as
the Psychomotrope, guarantees to produce a
lfehke picture ol the future husband or wifeof
ihe applicant, together with date of marriage,
position in 1 ire, leading traits of character,
&c. This is no humbug, as thousands cf
testimonials can assert. She will send when
desired a certified certificate, or written.
uarantce, that the picture is what it pur
ports to be. By enclosing a lock of hair
an 1 slating place of birth, age, disposition,
and complexion, and enclosing fi'ty cents
and stamped envelope addressed to yourself,',
you will receive the picture and desired in-
tormaiion uy return mml. AH communica
tions sacredly confidential. Address in con
fidence, Madame E. F. Thornton. P. O. Box
223, Hudson, N. Y. Feb. 14, 'G7.-ly,
STITUTIONS, of both sexes, use Helm
bold's Extract Biciiu. It wi'l give brisk
and energetic feelings, and enable you to
sleep well. Feb. 2e, '67.
Free to Everybody.
A Large G pp. Circular, giving informa
tion of the greatest importance to the young
of both sexes.
It teaches how the homely may become
beautiful, the despised respected, and the
forsaken loved.
No young Ldr or gentleman should fail
to send their Address, and receive a crpy
postpaid, by return mail.
Address P. O. Drawer, 21.
Feb. 14, 'G7.-Gm. , Troy, N. Y.
7s the Great Diuretic,
helmbold's concentrated extract sar
Is the Great Blood Purifier.
Both are prepared according to rules of
Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are the most
active that can be made. Feb. 29, G7.
ZSf A Lady reluming to her
country home, after a sojourn of a few months
in the City, was hardiy recognized by .her
friends. In place cf a coarse, rustic, flushed
face, the had a soft ruby complexion of al
most marlje tmootLne-s, and instead of twen-
three she really appeared but eighteen
Upon inquiry a to iLe cause of to great a
change, she plainly told ihem that she u?ed
the Circassian Balm, and considered it an
invaluable acquisition to any Lady's toilet.
By its use any Lady cr Gentleman can im
prove their personal appearance an hundred
lo!d. It is simple in its combination, as Na
ture herself is simple, yet unsurras-sf d in
its efficiency in drawing impurities from, al
so healing, cleansing and beautifying the
skin and complexion. By its direct action
on the cuticle it draws from it all its impur
ities, kindly healing the same, and leaving
the service as Nature intended it should be,
clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price 1,
sent by Mail or Express on receipt of an or
der by W. C CLARK & CO., Chemists,
No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y.
The only American Agents for tho pale of
the same. Feb. 14, '67.-ly
Is a certain cure for diseases of the
And all diseases of the " '
whether existing in
from whatever ciuse originating and no
Diseases of these organs require the usa
of a diuretic
If no treatment is submitted to, Consump
tion or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and
Blood are supported from these sources, and
and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt
use ot a reliable remedy.
Established upwards of IS years, prepared
534. Broadway, New Yrrk, and
101 South 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Feb. 'JS, It 67.
?i a si::i5:i.
On the !23rd of March, at the house of the
bride's father, by the Rev." L. N. Wormin,
Jlr. Jacob Stewart Newhart and Mim
Mart Jane Mengel, both of Ross township,.
Monroe county, Pa.
On the 2Gth inst . bv the Rev. R. Pitt?,.
at his residence, Oliver Smith and Mary
L., daughter cf John Heller, Esq., all of
Bushkil, Pike county, Pa.
In this borough, on Friday last, after a lin
gering illness, which she bore with Chris
tian fortitude. M cf
Wayne G. Drake, Esq , aged 04 years.
Manufactured by Huff & Lasser,
in otroud township, on the road lead
ing Iroin Stroudsburg to TannersviMe, within
three (3) miles of Stroudsburg.
The cbove firm have lately erected an e.T
tensive Brewery for Malt Liquors in said town
ship, where they are ready and able to man,
ufucture any quantity and of the best quali
ties of Beer and Ale. They have always on
hand a large stock of the above-named I--crages
which can be fully recommended lor
iheir supfpority f flavor and substance by
B. Mansfield, proprietor of the Indian Queen
Hotel, and other Hotel and Ueaurant
Keepers in Sircuid&burg, atij throughout the
Those commencing business, and those
having already established places fur the
sale of superior, wholesome liquors, wo"!J
do well to patronize our young friends since
they are selling their articles cheaper, nt
the cost of freight being saved, than thef
can be bought eh-ewhere. Orders by Mai',
promptly attended to. Address.
RUFF & LASSER, Brewers,
Stroudsburg, Pa
March 2319G7.