The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, December 20, 1866, Image 2

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' S r
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: Mi
: f
uTljc 2fc(Fcvsonian,
jfciFNo j apcr will be issued from this
cfScs ccxt vrcek. This is in accordance
with our regular custom.
The Ilushkill Mite Society, will meet
at the house of A. G. Hull, oa Monday
evening, Pes. 21th. Ousters an J re
i'reshments will he served. A coriiil in
vitation is eriended to all.
Uusiikill, Dec. IS, 1SG0.
A .New lcars Donation visit will be
iriren to Rev. J. Kiiby Davie, oti Jan. 1st,
ISG7, at his residence, iu Shawnee, Pa
All 3re cordially invited to give au ex
pression of -good will, by their pretence
and their gifts, on this occasion.
13y order of ihe Com. of Arranged.
XSU The season put on its winter garb
on Sunday last. Sao fell ia this neigh
borhood to the depth of at ld;t twelv
inches, and the jiagling cf slsigh bells is
cow the order cf the day. Persons w!
have tried it, however, say that the Eleih
leg is net
first rats.
Annnal Donation.
The auoual donation, for the personal
interest of Rev. Henry Seifert, pastor of
the K. Lutheran Church, in Hamilton
charge, will taLc place, God willing, Jan.
1st, 1SG7, at the Lutheran Parsonage, in
Hamiitoa. All are respectfully invited
to attend.
N. 13. Should the day prove to be un
favorable, the donation will be held the
next fair day.
An invittiioa is hereby extended to
all nieiabera of tha Lutheran Church, id
and about Streudiburg, also to all ether?,
lavoratiy u;?pcseJ to the organization of
a Lutheran congregation, in said borough.
to meet in the Court-House, on Sunday
morning next (20u hst.), at half-past ten
'clock. There vill also be preaching at
the same tie by Rev. D. M. Hcnkcl, of
.Danville, Pa., after wliich the organiza
tion vf ill taka place. Come one, come all !
tST Wc regret to learn that Mr." Jacob
X. WyckoU contemplates deposing of his
property, preparatory to his removing
froia our midst. His place is situated
auum ue teutLT 01 our uorcu;u, on Uie
i .1 t r i t .
main street, and is ia -every rcsr.cct
nost deirabb rreoerty. As the Luild
.itig, which noT7 fcrois two complete res
idences, was erected originally for ho
tel purposes, it weald prove a speculation
cs it it is
or devoted to boarding-house
2f The great revivr.1 vfhich
we men
tioced as commenced on
cay still continues, with no lack in zz M
cn the part cf the churches, and vt ith uu
crarnpled success.' The nunibcrcfseclcrs
ach eight is targe bejend precedent, and
the prosjects are that rclgicu3 scutimeu:
will te overwheliiiicgly in the njyj.iity,
in our borough, ere the meetings close.
doth morning and evening Ecrvices are
"held ia the Methodist Church, and even
icg services at the Presbyterian Church.
t2T The Monroe Democrat takes
strong ground? m
favor cf the election o'
-Governor Curtin to the United State-f-ecatoruhip.
We couldn't anything
better than this from that quarter. In
deed, it jibe. with our notion exactly,
and is quite an kuprovcuiCGt on th's sug
gestion of thcEastoa ArrfVLs.h&t Democrat?
etand aloof, aad say nothing, in hopes cl
thus securing opportunity fcr fault-Cud-ing
in future. There is evidently a streak
f radical-repullicanisn in the composi
tion of the Democrat. Uvea the "
er" was handled with kid gloves in the
Jast issue.
565" The butchering business still con
"tinues in our borough. Since our notice
cf some two weeks r.go, we hare heard o'
a number of" heavy weights" brought to
slaughter. Among those foituuate iu
'the possession of porcine monsters, we
may mention the fallowing: pfc. SS tu
ples killed two hogs weighing, one C9D
and the other 323; Abraham Uush two,
37G and 300; Jscob Posteas two, 317
and 328; Jacob Kaecht four, osc
and the others over 4C0cach; John Push
one, 375; Win. Clements two, 430 and
401; Wru. Wiutermute two, 422J and
S85; T. Schcch two, 305 and 370.
- - .
Another bond robbery was perpetrated
on Monday morning the 10th inst., in
dNTew York at the oGce cf ths Jloyal Fire
and Life Insurance Company. A tin box
containing about $200,000 worth of cou
pon bonds and registered securities was
taken from the vault by one of two young
men, who stated that they wished" to as
certain the rate and conditions of life in
surance policies.
Gen. Schofield says that the President's
jnessage has three beads Copperhead,
Sorehead and Blockhead.
Correspondence of the Jeflersonian.
Home, Pa., Pec. 18GG.
Mit. Editor:
I was at Mil ford some three or four
years ago, and, having heard of great im
provements since that time, L rubbed my
eyes and looked for them as I walked up
the main street of the village. I saw a
littlecbange, but not what my expectation
had pictured to my mind. It is true,
they have a town-clock which, by the
way, speaks out the -hour in tones some
what louder than a common cow-bell. In
thii respect, Milford is ahead of Strcuds
burg, but for sood' buildings and more ol
them, the latter place is far ia the lead
lioth places are pleasantly situated, and
have equal natural facilities for becoming
prosperous -towns ; an J tuougli the spirit
of enterprizc is far below' what it should
be in both places, yet Stroudsburg, man
ifestly, here takes the lead also.
Dr. Halliday is a man worth having
in any place, lie has done nobly in setting
an example to the Milford people, but hia
public spirit has only very slightly " leav
ened" that mass which scem3 to have been
too loug Lnkal tp be raised by such a
process. After decorating his own home
ne :ea u in brushinz up tue street on
which he lives, contributing largely in
building aad repairing churches, ceo.
During the last summer, he took upou
I himself, unassisted, to move, Ct up and
rcpaiut the old academy building, feaciug
and beautifvim the crounds. After he
had defae all this, the jicojdc had a stru
gle to build a little out-building, costiug
a few dollars, on the same ground!
Mr. Kvi S. Decker, the County Super
infendent, has a good school, with et3
cieat teachers, in this academy, but his
services are not appreciated as the
should be. "What is there speaks better
for any village than good schools wel
supported? What is it but old fogyism
that impedes the light of letters and hiu
der3 the full spread of literature iu many
an old settled place in our country ? Where
good schools are well supported, we wili
End everything else that goes to m'ak
happy and prosperous people. Just like
some iu other places, there are those ia
Miiford who, though they have not seen
many years, yet have outlived their own
usefulness. The ftw arc the salt o
i . i i. .i
iue piace, anu to inese would we give
credit for what has been done iu Milford
to beautify and render it an attractive
place to live ia.
After all I didn't see, I spent a day
pleasantly at Milford, and fell into that
marching column of which I was both
captain and private, aad, after two hours
march, reached Port Jervis. This place
has life in it, aad the consequence is it
mods. The few old fc'gies who chanced
to be born hcrc,and who held la d here
before the rail road was made, have all
been run over, crippled and left harmless
in the rear. Considering the pent up lo
cation of Port Jervis, it is in a cost flour
ishing condition. If it was surrounded
by a rich farming district, like Newton,
it would sooa become a large inland city.
Lvca new its population outnumbers
Miidletown, which tad much the best
start. Two or three churches are ia pro
cess of erection, good schools arc found
here, librane?, ivceums and and the
Republicans arc in the majority. Al
these are little auxiliaries which 1 like.
io show what stuff some cf the Port
Jtrtis men are made of, I shall relate a
little exf cric.'tce, which, though not in
tended for my ear, I heard, and it pleased
me. On the first evening of my arrival,
I was standing in "a dry-goods store vhca
the proprietor jokingly asked a geath
man who had the appearance cf Lciu
1 1.1" ! I .
uue vt eo T7 u i k c u lor a living wuat ne
could show hiua that he would like to
have, whoa he observed he did no: have
the green-backs. To this proprietor said
I. V - i 1 il 1 - -.
ne u:u not ncca mem, wsen xio. 1 cuserv.
ed, that he had been ia Port Jervis but
six months, and though he brought a fam
ily with hiai, aad Had but seventy-five
cents in his pocket then, yet he started
business oa that capital, and he had not
a.skcd or accepted cne cent of credit since
he csrae there, and cover would. He
stated that it went rough at first, that
he brought a barrel of potatoes with him,
and he and his family lived on these alone
until he was able to pay fur a loaf of bread,
lie ?ai lthat hewasdoing well in the town
in which he previously lived, and had accu
mutated, honestly ,several thousand dollars,
was not satisfied with this, but staked it
all iu one of the late speTulations of the
day and lost it all at a throw ! Disgusted
with credit, he came to Port Jervis to
start anew, and he had succeeded. A
wild ambition had been satisfied ; he was
doing well, aad no longer longed to be
vastly rich St one bold stroke. I thought,
when I heard this etory, that if $uch men
represent Port Jervis, it must bo an ear
nest place of earnest people.
After tvo or three days spent here, I
turned my face southward, sleepiug again
at Milfurd. From the latter place, I took
the " back road" along which are inter
mingled farming ground some of it so
rough that a sheep'g uosc is not pointed
enough to get the grass from between the
stones and hunting ground meeting
with notbiog more excit'iDg the first
than getting on the wrong " back-road'
and finding myself lost in a French brew
cry. With a mug of ale and broken
French directions, I reached the point
aimed for, and slept soundly in a house
surrounded half a mile distant by woods.
The proprietor felled the first tree here,
and settled some twenty years ago; and
though he has worn himself well nigh out
in the struggle, yet he now has a com
fortable home with plenty surrounding
liinj. I found this " back-road" to con
tinue all the way to Pushkill it may be
farther, but I did not care to explore it
To tell ycu, Mr. Editor, all I saw back to
my starting point would swell my letter
into a double proportion, and I could not
end my story with this. SufSce it to say,
I reached home oa the ninth day of my
excursion, and I feel that it did me good
The fact i3, rail roads are spoiling us; aad
we 4ofl't walk as much as nature requires
in order to health and muscle. Espe
cially when we are iu no great hurry, our
own caloric power is best to propel us.
We pity the poor soldier who has lost a
leg, but with our jWr complete, we are
always gappiug for some couveyance to
carry us. Though, continually boasting
iX oar advancement, alas, how we degene
rate! A. B. 13.
At the late Superintendents' Conven
tion held at Ilarrisburg, the Committee
on Teacher's Certificates recommended in
their report four kiud3 of certificates, as
follows :
1st. Primary certificates, to be gracted
to all persons of certain qualifications on
the first examination.
2nd. Intermediate, to bo granted to
persons having the necessary qualifications
after having held and taught upon the
primary certificate for one year."
ud. Senior, to be granted to persons o
! I
proper quauucations navmg Held and
taught upon the intermediate for three
4th. Professional, to be granted to per
sons of thorough qua'.iGoations and good
practical success, after having held and
taught upca the senior certificate for three
Ihe committee also recommended the
annulling of all certificates now in use on
on the 1st of June, 18G7, and that in fu
ture no certificate's be endorsed or renew
This report was unanimously adopted
withouf debate.
Hysterious Disappearance.
A young lady named Simmons has been
missing from our neighboring village o
Ilawley for a week past, under circum
stauces which leave but little ground to
doubt that she has cither met with a fa
tal accident or been fouly dealt with. -Oa
Wednesday evening of last week at
six o'clock she left the Millinery estab
lishment of her employer, Mr3. Dunlop,
to go to her home, aul since that time no
trace of her can be found. It wa3 at first
feared that she had been drowned, aa she
was obliged to cross a small bridge on the
way to her residence ; but a thorough
search cf the river for miles below Haw
ley has failed to reveal anything to con
firm that theory of her disappearance.
A belief that she has been abducted by
some unprincipled villain is now becom
iag general.
She was a young lady of good standing
in the community, and no efforts will be
spareu to clear up the mystery which at
tend3 her sudden disappearance. liable
Co. Herald.
Sinsular Discovery of Peat.
It is a well known fact that some of the
most important discoveries have been
brought io light by accident. We men
tioned the other day that a half a mile of
the Hancm Itailrcad had sunk out of
sight. They fished for the rails with
furty foot pole, but without finding them.
The result was the rails were abandoned
and the opening filled up with stone.
i'he track sunk in a peat, bed one cf the
most extensive in the State a bed that
would not have been fouud had it not been
fur the
sinking of the
track. Rondout
In view of the probability that the con
tinued resistance of the disorganizers in
the South to the Constitutional Amend
ment, will lead Congress to re-organize
the governnrent of those State3 upon
legal basis, the Richmond Enquirer says:
"The President h bound by lm oath to
maintain the state governments in their
just rights, aud any attempt to abolish
thcai by Congress, as proposed by the
caucus, ico aid necessitate a collision."
Well, if there ehould be "a collision,"
one ot tue parties would he grouud to
powder, and we don't appreheud that it
would be the party of the union.
Hore Trouble with tha Indians.
Official despatches from Arizona, state
that iu the latter part of September, four
white men werckillcd by II ualapaislndians,
near rort iSohaive. A party of citizens,
hearing of the outrages, pursued and over
took the Indians, and killed the whole,
TV,- A .
lug Governor of New Mexico has issued
a proclamation calling upou the citizens
to arm themselves lor protection against
roving bands of Indians.
Coal Shipments.
The Del. & Hudson Canal Company
have shipped by their Canal this year 1,-
302,81)4 tons of coal, against 759,470 tons
in 18G5. This shows an inereaso of 543,-
324 tons over last years business, or over
70 per cent. We believe uo coal company
in the ctate anorus a more iavorable ex
hibit. Next year the Del. & Hud, xpecti
to do better still.
The Lower House of the North Caro
lina Legislature have rejected tho Consti-
tutional Amendment by a voto of 93 to
10 ; and the Senate by 44 yeas to 1 nay.
By a similar overwhelming vote, Alabama
has dismissed the Amendment.
i The New Appointment Law. i
The efforts of the President to eyade
that provision of the Constitution, which
makes the Senate a part of the appoint
ing power, has resulted in the preparation
of a bill to defeat his schemes.
The ioiDt committee on retrench
ment, reported on Monday to both Houses
of Congress a bill, section first of which
provides that all persons holding civil ot
tice, with the exception of the heads of
the Departments, appointed by and with
the advice and conseut of the Senate,
shall remain in office until their succes
sors in like manner are appointed and
fcection second provides mat wnea any
officer appointed as above, excepting
Judges of the United States Court aud
Cabinet officers, shall, between the ses
sions of the Senate, be found guilty of
auy misconduct in office, or become dis-
-a t .
nuahned ia any way to pcrionn ciuucs, in
such case,- and no other, the President
may suspend such officer and name some
person to perform the official duties un
til the next mectiug ol the Senate.
The President is required, within twen
ty days after the meeting of the Senate,
to report such suspension, with the evi
dence and reason upon which it was made,
and the name of the substitute. If the
Senate shall concur in the suspension
they shall so notify the President, who
shall remove such officer and appoint aa
other, subject to the action of the Senate
If the Senate refuse to concur, the orig
inal incumbent shall resume his office and
the substitute cease to act.
Section third provides that the Presi
dent shall have power to fill all vacancies
happening during the recess of the Sen
ate by reason of resignation, expiration of
office or death, by granting commissions
to expire at tue end oi tue next session
If no appointment, by consent of the Sen
ate, shall be made during such next ses
sion of the benate, such office shall remaiu
in abeyance, without emoluments, unti
the same shall be filled by appointment
thereto, and during such time the duties
of the office shall fall upon such other
lawful officer as may exercise the duties
in case of a vacancy in such office. The
duration of no office is to be extended by
this law.
Special Notices.
Do vou wish to have yonr hair cauterized
from the scalp? No. Then beware of the
new brood of Vitriolic and Caustic Dyes got
up by nostrum-mongers, who bear the 6ame
relation to the responsible Chemist that
Pirates and Privateers
bear to honest merchantmen. Remember
that the experience of years, and the very
highest ecientific endorsements, guarantee
the superiority of
over every other in uce. It is purely vegeta
ble, infallible and instantaneous. Manufac
tured by J. CRISTA DO RO, G Astor House,
New "iork. Syld by Druggists. Applied
by all Hair Drcsser3.
New York, Nov. 23, 1850.
T. Allcock & Co. Gentlemen: I lately
suffered severely from a weakness in my
back. Having heard j-our plasters' much re
commended for cases of this kinJ, I procured
one, and the result was all I could desire.
A single plastf r cured me in a week.
Yours respectfully,
Proprietor of the Brandrcth House.
Lyons, N. Y., July 4f 1S62.
Mess's. Allcock &.Co. : IMeas send me a
dollnr's worth cf vour blasters. Tiiev
have cured me of a crick in my back, which
has troubled me for some time, and now my
fither isgoing to try theni for ilifTiculity nb.jut
his heart. L. II. SHERWOOD.
Dr. Green, No. 8G3 Broadway, New York,
mlonns us he sold, oa Monday, June 2 d,
18C2, two ploastcrs to a young wnman suf
fering very severl y f ron lumbago. On Thurs
day she c.illed to get two more for a friend,
and then staled how the two she had purchas
ed on Monday had relieved her immediately
after putting them on. and ctred her in
two days ot a most distressm": Pain in-her
back nn:I loins.
Sold by all Druggists.
This ijrcat medicine cured Dr. J. II.
Sciie.nok, the Proprietor, of Pulmonary Con
sumption, when it had assumed its most form
idable aspect, and when sp2edy death ap
peared to be inevitable. His physicians pro
nounced his case incurable, when In com
menced the use of this simple but powerful
remedy. His health wai restored in a very
6hort time, and no return of the disease has
been apprehended for all the symptoms
quiCKiy disappeared, and bis present weight
is more than two hundred pounds.
omce Ins recovery, he has devoted his at
tention exclusively to the cure of Consump
tion, and the diseases which are usually
complicated witn it, and the cures effected
by his mcdieincs have b?rn very numerous
and truly wonderful. Dr. Sciienck makes
professional visits to several of the larger
cities weekly, where he has a larire cone mrse
of patients, and it is truly nstomshin to tee
poor Consumptives that have to bo lilted out
of their carriages, ond in a few months
healthy, robust persons. Dit. SCHENCK'S
IC, and MANDRAKE PILLS are general-
y all required in curing Consumption. Full
lirectionu accompany each, so that any one
can take them without seeing Dr. Schenck,
but when it is convenient it is best to see
aim. He gives advico free, but for a thor
ough examination with his Respiroineter his
ne is mree uojinrs.
PJease observe, when purchasing, that the
two likenesses of the Doctor one when in
the last stage of Consumption, and tho other
as he now is, in pecfect health are on the
Government stamp.
bold by all Druggists and Dealers.
$1.50 per bottle, or 7 50 the half dozen.
Letters of advice should always be directed
to Dr. Schenck'a Principal Office. No. 15
rYorin mn street, 1'hiladelphia, Pa.
uenerai Wholesale Agents: DemaaRarnM
& Co., N. Y. ; ,S. S. Hance, Baltimore, Md. ;
John I). Park, Cincinnati. Ohio: Walkpr
T-ylor, Chicago, 111.; Collins Bros, St.
L.OU1?, JUO. ! f3J w. oa. mn 1 vr
In consequent of the recent great decline
in gold aud silver and all the materials used
in the manufacture of our goods, and in an
ticipation of a still further decline, we have
reduced cur prices to as low a point as they
can be placed
With Gold at Par,
so that no one need hesit ite to buy a watch
now from the expectation that it will be
cheaper at some future time. The test of
ten years and the manuiacture anu saie oi
More than 200,000 Watches,
have given our productions the very highest
rankamon timekeepers. Commencing wiui
the determination to mke thoroughly excel
lent watches', our business has steadily in
creased as the public became acquainted
with their value, until for months together,
we have been unable to supply the demand
We have repeatedly enlarged our factory
buildings until they now cover over three
acres of ground, and give accommodation to
more than eight hundred workmen.
NVc are fully justified in statin that we
UNITED STATES. The different grades
are distinguished by the following trade
marks engraved on the plate:
1. "American Watch Co." Waltham,
2. Applcton, Tracy & Co." Waltham
Mass. .
"P. 8. Bartlctt," Waltham, Mass.
Wm. Ellerv."
OUR LADIES' WATCII of the first
quality is named "Appleton, Tracy
&. Co. Yv allham, Mass.
G. " Our next quality of Ladies' Watch is
named "P. S. Bartlett," Wajtfiam,
Mass. These watches arc furnished
in a great variety of sizes and styles
of cases.
The American Watch Co., of Waltham,
Mass., authorize us to state that without
distinction of trade marks or price,
to be the best time-keeper3 of their class ev
er made in this or any other country. Buy
ers should remember that unlike the guar
antee of a foreign maker who can never be
reached, this warrantee is good at all times
against the Company or their agents, and
that if after the roost thorough trial, any
watch should prove defective in any'partic
ular, it may always be exchanged for anoth
er. As the American V atches made
Waltham, are for sale by dealers generally
throughout the country, we do not solicit or
ders for 6ingle watches.
CAUTION. The public are cautioned to
buy only of respectable dealers. All persons
selling counterfeits will be prosecuted.
A Clergyman, while residing in South A
rcerica as a missionajy, discovered a safe aud
simpie remeuy lor me ure oi iervous
Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the U
rinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole
train of disorders brought on by baneful am;
vicious habits. Great numbers have been
already cured by this noble remedy. Promo
ted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and un
fortunate, I will send the recipe for prepar
ing and using tins medicine, in a sealed en
elope, to any one who needs it, Free of
Please inclose a post-paid envelope, ad
dressed to your.e!f.
Station D. Bib!e House,
March 29, lSGG.-ly. New York City.
-1 ders ore warranted superior to any others,
or no pay, for the cure of Distrmpor, Worms,
Lots, Cough?, Hide-bound, Colds, &c, in
Horses; and Colds, Coughs, Loss of Milk,
black tongue, Horn Distemper, tS.c, in
Cattle. These Powders were formerly put
up by Simpson I. Tobias, son of Dr. Tobias,
and, Hue ins death, the demand- has been
so great for Jhem, that Dr. Tobia3 has con
tinned to manufacture them. They are per
tectly sife and innocent ; no need of stop
ping me worKing ot your animals. They
increase the appetite, give a fine coat
cleanse the stonmch nnd urinary organs; al
so increase the mils of cows. Try them.
and you will never be without them. Hi
ram Woo J ruff, the celebrated trainer of
trotting horses, has used them for vcars. and
recommends them to his friends. Col. Phil.
1. Budi, f the Jerome Race Course, Ford
ham, N. Y., would not use tlim until he
was told of what they are composed, since
which he is never without them. lie ha
over 20 running horses in his charge, and
fr the last three years has used no other
medicine for them. He has kindly per
muted me to reter any one to him. Over 1.
000 other references can bo seen at the de
pot. Sold by Druggists and Saddlers. Price
2ri cents ner box. Depot, 50 Cortlandt Street,
New York. Nov. 29, I8GG.-7w.
PER YEAR ! We want agents
everywhere to sell our im
proved 820 sewing Machine. Three new
kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted
five years. Above salary or large commis
sions paid. The only machines sold in the
United States for less than 810, which
arcWry licensed by Ifoice, Wheeler
&. Wilson, Grover &. Maker, Singer
&, Co., and Bachelder. All other cheap
machines are infringements and the seller
or user aro liable to arrest, fine, and
imprisonment. Circulars free. Address or
call upon Shaw &. Clark, Biddeford, Mai
or Chicago, III. January 1, ISGG.Ia-
Wheaton's Ointment
Will Ciirnllio lloli in 4ft -Hour,.
Price 50 cents. For Bale by all dru,st8
By sending 50 cents to WEEKS &ToT
TER, Sole Agents. 170 Wnshliirrt umt
Boston, it will ho forwarded by mail, free of
puaiage, to any part of tho United States.
June 7, ISGO-lyr.
Every young lady and gentleman in the
United States can hear something very
much to their advantage by return maiUfree
of charge), by addressing tho undersigned.
Those having fears of being humbugged will
oblige by not noticing this card. All others
will plcaso address their obedient servant
831 Broadway. New Ynrt .
The advertiser, having been restored to
liealth in a few weeks, by a very simple rem
edy, after having suffered, several years with
severe lung affection, and that dread di
sease Consumption is anxious to make
known to hi3 fellow-sufferers the means ot
To all who desire it, he will send a copy
of the prescription used (free of charge,) with
the directions lor preparing and using the
same, which they will find a sure cure for
'oxsumptio.v, Asthma, Bronchitis Colds,
CotoHs, and all Throat and Lung Affec
tions. The only object of the advertiser in
sending the Proscription is to benefit the
afiiicted,and spread information which ha
conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes
every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will
cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing.
rarties wishing the prescription will
please address
Kings County,
New York
January 4, 166.-iy.
A Gentleman who suffered for years from".
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for
the sake of suffering humanity, send free to
all who need it, the recipe and directions for
making the simple remedy by which he was
cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the
adverriser's experience, can do so by ad
No. 13 Chambers St., New York.
A MONTH ! Agents wanted foj
six entirely new articles, just out
Address O. T. GAREY. City Building, Bid
deford, Maine. January 4, 18CG.-ly.
IT3 Kir si:i.
Dec. 1, I860, at the Lutheran Parson
age, in Hamilton, hy Ilev. Henry Seifert,
Mr. I. Anthony, ot Hamilton, and 3Iis3
Elizabeth Murphy, of Chesnuthill,
Monroe Co., Pa.
Dec. 0, 18C0, by Rev. J. Chandler
Gregg, Mr. Joshua Storm and Miss
Mary Alice Neavueart, both of. Para
dise township, Monroe county, Pa.
Dec. 15th, 18GG, at the residence of
the bride's father, Mr. Jacob Edinger, by
Rev. J. Chandler Gregg, Mr. John II.
Teets, of Tobyhanna Mills, and Miss
Lizzie Edingeji, of TannersvilleTa.
P. S. Jacob Kndinger, Ksq., of Tan
nersville, and three of his daughters, have
been married during the past six months.
Now, if Monroe county can beat that, we
would like to knoTV it.
Tanneesville, Pa., Dec. 17, 1SGG.
Office Jackson Oil Company,
'Stroudsburg, Dec. 20, 16CG. f
THE annual meeting of Stockholder,
will be held' ot the Court-House, in
this borough, on MONDAY, January 8th,
16G7, at 12 o.clock M., to elect seven Di
rectors. The stock on which Sssessments are due,
and remaining unpaid, of which previous no
tice has been given, will be positively sold
ot 10 o'clock, A. M., of the above date and
at the above named place, and the accounts
of the year closed up.
Dec. 20, 15GG.-2L Trcsurcr
Just published, a new edition cf
Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay
on the radical cure (without medicine) cf
Spehmatorrhcf.a, or seminal Weakness, la
voluntary Seminal Lojcs impotexcy, Men
tal and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to
Marriage, ect. : also Consmvption, Epilep
sy, and Fits induced by or
sexual extravagance.
05" Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6
The celebrated author in'this admirable
essay clearly demonstrates.from a thirty years'
successful practice, that the alarming conse
quences of self-abusn may be radically cured
without the dangt?rous use of internal medi
cine or the application of the knife point
ing nut a mode of cure once simple, certain,
and effectual, by means of which every suf
ferer, no m.itter what his condition may be,
may cure himself cheaply, privately, and
0OThis lecture should be in the handsof
every youth and every man in the land.
Sent, under seal, in a plain sealed enve
lope, to any tddress jscst-paid, on the re
ceipt of six cents, or two postage stamps.
Address the publisher?,
127 Ilowcry, Now .York, Post-office
Box 4tSG.
March 22, 1SGG. ly.
Use of Richard Christopher vs. Robert
Solomon Hill vs. Mathias Brakely.
James II. and (Jershom Hull ts. William-
H. I. and Sydeuham Palmer.
11. H. J. Kilenberger vs. Del. Lack. &
W. R. 11. Co.
Jacob Krcsgo Vs. Samuel A. Singer.
James Dow ling vs. Lewis T. Smith.
Peter Donser vs. Stephen Kistler.
Reuben Hartzell vs. Peter Arnold.
linham heirs vs. Willam D. anl
James S. Hellis.
Sarah Ann 3Iarvin vs. Henry E. Mar
Reuben Shtipp vs. Township of Polk.
Thomas Callahan vs. Petefr G. Uaird.
Samuel Waruer vs. CharlesRrown.
Drake, Hulick & Co. vs. ' Lewis Stall, jr.
A. A. Shimway & Co. vs. JeVome FctK
Porter & Ilegley vs. Jerome Vcancr.,
1 rotkuotary
- v.., ut. unu j wnat sr
lor rurniture), at McCARTY
wani ro duv cheap. lo in. 1T
ants to 5',1
hia entire block this month to mal?
more. rn '
TLOUR AND FEED of lest quA,litv,l
ways on hand and fur sale at tlVTOii
old Mill, by if
April 19, 1SGG. .
JUST received 50 sett of STAIR l
nnd FIXTURES, latest style J
ful Hartford Carpets at Mctl'MlTY'S
W are-Rooms? Three-Dlv Tanpshft,. TnffraiHi
6, l"ou
January, 4, 18C(h ly.
sale cheap. Dee, G, G6. J, H. M'CA I RtY