THE LADILS OF STROUDSBURG AND VICINITY. FRANCOIS GREG 01 RE, PREMIERE CHEMIST, i.v OFFERING TO THE PUBLIC ms "ENAMEL OF AMERICA' is ConfiJent tint its merits need lut a trial f upplant the numerous deleterious min eral compounds iww in u--e. UNLIKE THE VARIOUS TABLETS, POWDERS and (o ROUGES, WHICH MERELY COVER AND EVENT UALLY ROUGHEN AND DE STROY THE SKIN. THE ENAMEL OF AMERICA (Being entirely vegetable in all its compo nent parts.) THOROUGHLY REMOVES, AND PERMANENTLY ERADICATES ALL BLOTCHES. FRECKLES. SPECKS, PIMPLES And all impurities arising from a diseased state of the Cuticle, imparl ing the Beautifully Transparent Glow of Blooming Youth. IT WILL POSITIVELY MAKE THE SKIN SOFT AND SMOOTH IN TEN MINUTES AFTER IT IS APPLIED. OR Tke money paid fos it will positively be re funded. A BOTTLE ALWAYS OPEN UPON THE COUNTER FOR LADES TO UfcE, BEFORE THEY PAY FOR IT, FREE OF CHARGE. IT 13 A3 HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ALL DELETERIOUS COMPOUNDS AS SPRING WATER. It has received the following distinguished endorsements: MIS3 J TAX IIOSMKIt, MISS OLIVE LOGAN, miss rrriE oeumax, MISS JULIA DALY, AXD CTHEitS, And is u?ed by the Medical Faculty in their treatmcM for Pimples in the Face and Rougl Skin, and recommended by them to the pub Jic. as an elegant and certain bcauafier o the complexion. IT WILL MOST CERTAINLY REMOVE FRECKLES FROM THE FACE, Foakive Proof of which can be given. THE USE Or ONE BOTTLE Will prove to any one that it is not a ci!cb fenny compound, Lut cne worthy thi-ir pit rouage. IN FACT, A POSITIVE NECESSITY TO THEIR TOILET. TPwicE. One C-ittle, Six lijttle, SI GO 5 00 DUUGGISTS AND DEALERS EUPI'LIED AT MANUFACTURERS' TRICES HY THE DOZ., JR IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. DUEIIER & BROTHER, AGENTS FOR MO.VUOE COCNTT. July 2G, 166G.-Cm. CHEAP GOODS, A11I2 NOW OFFEUEI5 BY A av;iv FIRM, SMILEY & -WALTON, (SUCCESSORS TO R. S. STAPLES.) The subscribers -would hereby inform tLeir friends and the public generally. that they have recently purchase! the entire stock of R. S. Staples, and asso ciated themselves together as co partners under the name of SMILEY WALTON, for the purpose of carrying on the Mer eantile trade in all its brauccs, at the well known stand lately occupied by R. S. TATLFS. We hate already added to our former stock a fresh supply cf FANCY DRESS G 0 ODS, SPRING STYLES. Our goods were bought lew, since the late decline in prices, and cur customers ihall have the benefit of it. W'e also keep a lull assortment of choice I'mmly Groceries 15ool and Shr, Crockery Ware, Wooden Ware, &c. In short, we mean to keep every thiog that constitute a first clsss couutry store. Our purpose shall be to eodeavor to give j-erfect satisfaction to all who favor us with their patronage. Come aud see us. MORRIS SMILEY. J AS. K WALTON. Stroudiburg, Pa., July 20, 18GG. Southerner & Herntiams. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS YAKKEENOTIOXS, STROUDSBURG, PA. August 11,1604. tf. NO EXTRA CHARGE for HEARSE in attending Funerals within 5 miles of Stroudsburg. J. H. McCARTY. May 31, 16G3.-tf. 200 TON PLASTER fir sale Stokes' old Mill, by at HUNTSMAN & HOPLER. April 19, IsOO. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RAIL ROAD. 0 rsrnr. -w --' -ST Spring Arrangement, Feb. 28.18G6. rASSENOEIt TRAINS LEAVE. WrSTWADD. EASTWARD. Morning; Eim'g Tiain. ' Tnun. A. M P. M. STATIONS. Morn'g Tram. 9.0( ll.3i: 1 1.47 ll.SliJ U Hi 12,15 1-2.4.1-12.5 V i.Hi '; 1 .VJ 5.C8 2.26: '-'.40' 3. RI 3. S3 3 35 3.43 4. 'H 4.52 5.0!) 5.lti 5.3S. 5 53 6.20 0.41 7 00 4.00 7.(15 7.22 7.34 7 54 7.5'J S.'JU b.i'J H 45 S.5S SI. 10 9 20 9 35 .52 10.! I 10.-24 in. t(i 10.5S 11.10 I New York. I New Hampton. Wasl.iiiglim. Oxfuri!. HiiJgi'V.lle. "Maiiuiiku Chunk. J Delaware, ; Moiiii: Methcl. Water Gap. J SirouJsbmg. I Spr;iguevll.e, ItemyviHe. ! O.ikl.tnd. I Forks. ToI)yh:inna. ' Gou!dl'Oto M .$( . lKini.inK. ?ScKANTiN. 10.4 ; Clark's Summit, ; Abinglon. j Fiirtnr vil!e. NirliolMMi, ! Iloptioitoin, 5 Moifi ros. i New Milford, Crcal Bend, 10.05 11 II 11.31 11.53 12.15 12.36 12.55 P. M r. M. CONNECTIONS Westward. The MORNING TRAIN from New York connects at MANUNKA CIIUNIv with the train leaving Philadelphia (Kensington De pot) at 7 SO a. m.t and Grca Bend with the throuph Mail Train on ihe Erie Railway, with sleeping car attached, stopping at all the principal stations on that road, and arri ving at Btiffiilo atG 10 a. m. The Evening Train from New York con nects at Manunka Chunk with the train lea ving Philadelphia (Ketising Depot) at 3 30 p. m.; arrives at Scranton at 11.30, where it remains till 10.25 next morning, when it leave?, arriving at Great Bend at 12.55 p. m., connecting with the day Express on the Erie Railway. The Morning Train from Great Bend con nects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the West; at Manun ka Chunk with a train for Philade!dliii and intermediate station?, arriving in Philadcl phij at 6.30 p. m.; and at New Hampton wtlh a train for Laston, Bethlehem, Allen lown, iteaoing and Harnsourg arriving- at IJarrtsbiirg at 8..-Q p. m. The Eveninj Train from Great Bend ccn nects there with the New York Express on the Lne Railway from the est; at Ma nun ka Chur.k with a train which runs to Belvi dere, where it lies over until G o'clock the next morning and at New Hampton with an Express Train for Laston, Bethlehem, A lentown, Reading and Harrisburg. At Scranton, connections are made with trains on the Lackawanna and Bloomsbur" Railroad to and from Piltston, Kingston Wilkcsbarre, Berwick, Bloomsburg, Danville Northumberland, Harritburg and intcrme diate stations, and with trains on the D la ware and Hudson Railroad to and from Car i bondale and intermediate stations. WATTS COOKE, Superintendent. II. A. JlEyii Y, General Ticket Agent. January 4. 1?G0. ly. NEW STORE -:axd:- NEW GOODS REDUCED 'PRICES ! DARIUS DREHER, begs leave to an to bis friends ai-d and to the pub l:c generally, that he has just received general assortment of Lry uoouf, o.iotions, urcss 1 rimmtngs AND MIL I IN Eli Y GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : Calicoes, Laicns, French CItintzs, Chihlrcns Dress Goods, Warlced Edqingx, Fa ru sols, Z'-phers, Shftland Woofs, Shetland Wool Shaicls Delaines, Muslins, IVu'tc Dress Goods, Insert tii-yx, Lad if s and Children's Surfcs Flannel and Cloth, Ludifs, M'asrs and Men's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, SJiroudinijs, tic, itc., Goods shown with pleasure. Quick." sales and small profits" at the old and well known Millinery Stand of F. A. DREHER Ihe Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Dkeiier. Patronage respect'y solicited. DARIUS DREHER. April 2G, 1500. THE VERY LATEST ! m IMPOSITION ! TOT WITHSTANDING THE BLOW L V ad blotters of new teginners. Fable at the old 6tand, on the corner is t-till main taining his reputation as the keeper of the cnea pest store, cecicediy, in this section ol country. 1 here is no mistake m this as the following facts w t'I f-hmv : He is tc.'ling l'UI.MS at from 10 to 20 cts. per yard. DELANES 23 cents per yard, the price before the war. SILKS at from SI to &2 yer yard. All kinds of FINE ERESS GOODS at greatly reduced prices. MUSLINS from 12 to 25 cents per yard. READ Y-MADE CL O THING, so far below war prices as to astonish pur chasers. H ATS at a very low figure indeed. Fable also keeps an eye to the comfort of the inner man, and offers SUGARS at from 10 to 18 cents per pound. COFFEES 23 to 33 cents per pound. MOLASSES, 40 cents to SI per gallon. A good assortment of CARPETS at ncur ly the old rates befbre the war. Fable has no desire to particularize, but if you want anything in his line, of good quality and at lees rates than can be pur chased at 'any other tore, call at Fable's old stand corner of Elizabeth nnd . streets and you cannot fail to be suited. (?No charge for showing' enndf. GEORGE FABLE. SlrouMwrsr, Vi.. April 19, 1S00. r.vci-.'g i Tihin. M. I. M. 5. CO I 10.35 2.30 KI0 5 2.(!8 ( 7.50 ) 1.50 7.40 1.45 ) 7 30 I 1.39 7 25 I 1.30 7.2(1: 1.0.) (3.55S! i 12 30 C.21 3 I 12 19 6.I9 5 12.0'J fi.t( .11.53 5.50- 11.35 5.41- j M.lfi ft.23a , 11X2 5. II 1 9 3" I 4.4'Jt: 10.27 5 4AZ i 10.15 4.32- i 9 55 i 4M" - 9.23 3 4rt I 9.15 ) :i.40 fs-.i :t.5 f.33 i 3fti 8.1S 5 2.47 7.55 2.20 5 7.31 2.07 ) 7.15 ; A. M. P. M. TERRIBLE EXUTE3IENT ! ! ! Ho for Sfroisdsbnrg ! ALL ABOARD FOR THE HEW STORE WITH HEW GOODS. MESSRS. DETRICK & ' WILLIAMS have opened a New Store for the 6ulc of DRUGS, MEDICINES, . WA TCIIES, CLOCKS, andJIDYEIRY, on M iin-street, in Stroustura, next door to the Poot-ofrice, where they have on hand the largest and best as.-ortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Sash, Doors, , Blinds IJriishcs of all himls. Per fumery, Spices and Station ery, ever offered for sale in this Coujity. Call mid 1m: Convinced, lat. That we have the largest and best as sortment of choxe gfods in the market. 2J. We have a!l NEW GOODS. 3J. We are determined to please all who favor us with their patronage. 4th. We will st!l lower than any other house in the Borough. Country Merchants and Physicians orders will be filled at the lowest wholesale prices Please c:ll Lef.ire purchashing elsewhere. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING GOODS l'artxuiar attention paiu to the re pairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, &c, and all work warranted. C. S. DETRICK, P. S. WILLIAMS. Stroudsburg, May 10, 1S0G. ARE YOU AFFLICTED "WITH A COUGH or COLD? Arc Veil Predisposed to Consr.nip lion x Are the lives of your children in jwpi rdy trom sudden and repealed attacks ot Croup 11 so purchase a box or BLADES' EUPH0NIAL LTJBRICATOES! The People's most sure and effectual Rem cdy Jor Coughs, Colds, Croup, Ca larrh. Asthma, bronchitis, Dip thcria'm end all Ptdmonary Diseases. i ne i,iioncaior is a medicinal prcpara lion in the lorm of a Lozenge, which of al modes is ihe most pleasant nnd convenient They contain no deleterious ingredient, and are warranted to be always safe even for the weakest and most ecnsitivc stomach. In Croup they give immediate relief. For Cough and Colds they invaluable. For Catarrh, Asthma and Bronchitis they have no equal m the market, (vide Ccrtifi cales accompanying each box.) Diptheria that dreaded and desolating disease.h tcy control wonderfully and almost immediately No Public Speaker, Singer or Teacher snouiu dc wiiuoui mem, as mey remove hoaiseness and 6trengtheu and clear the voice. 0?"Alwoys use them in time, and if the Symptoms arc severe use very Ireelv. J. II. BLADES&. Co., Pro'p's, Elmira, N. Y. F. C. Wells &. Co., 113 and 117 Frankl in St., Azcnts for N. V. City. DREHER cc I3RO. Agents, Stroutkburr Pa. March 13, 15GG ly. A CARD To the Hotel keepers of Monroe and ad jaccnt counties, lock to Your Interests! ! ! We are offering Liquors, Wiucs, &c. warranted pure, and containing no Drugs Oils, Essences, d'e, whatever, at the fol lowing very low prices : Brandies from 50ef7r$l 00 per gallon less than City prices, U1D3 OUt(:OC. Bourbon Vhiskcy,40p(T,G.3c. tt Mononganela, 40c(-.0.jc. Old Rye, 40c(Goc. ' Apple fiOcfa.Sl 00 Couiujou 15c(V;25c. Wines (all kinds SOcfgl 00 Please give us a call, or send your or ders, aud satisfy yourselves that we do do it, that wc iciil do it, and the reasons why we can do it. Alio, please remember that ice do vol have anything to do icith "Drugged" IA- iucrs. Anything you buy from U3 we guarantee Fare, and much below the pri ccs usually paid lor the Drugged Liquors cry licpcctlully, J. S. WILLIAMS, & Co., Stroudsburg, Monroe Co. Pa. July 27, 1SG5. Important to Everybody The t-ubscribcrs would inform the public very respectfully, that Ihey are carrying on the at their old siand, one door above the Express OCiCC, on Elizabeth St., Strouds bunr, l'a.. where they will be hapny lo wait on their old customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient to call. They have on hand a good arrortmeul of BOOTS &SIIOES, or men women, mioses' and childrens' wear, Gum over Shoes and Sandals for men, youth and misses. A general assortment of Lasts and Boot-Jrees, shoe Thread. Wax. Heel Nails, Pincers, Punches, Eyciettsand Eye- ett Setts, Pegs and Peg-Cutters, Shoe Hum mers, Crimping Boards and Screws, also, Ii ninjr and binding skins, a cood articic of Tampico Boot Morocco, French Morocco and French Calfskins. Lasting and all kinds of Shoemaker tool?, Ink Powder and Shoe Blacking, and rrank Miller s water-proof oil Hacking. All of which they oiler for sale at small advance upon cost. Give us a call, no charges for fchowing noods. 1. S. Boot3 and Shoes made to order and warranted. CHARLES WATERS & SON. Stroudsburg, Jan 13, 18GG. LOOK THIS WAY! t ? Chas. Schaefer & Co. FRENCH k GERMAN STEAM DYIN! ESTABLISHMENT. EAST0N, PENN'A. Will dye Woolen, Silk and Cotten Goods of Every Description, in any Color desired. Orders canle left with II. S. Waoneb, STROUDSBURG. Pa Jun? V, l00.-lyr. TREMEKDOIS EXCITEMENT ! Death to High Prices! Up Town in a Blaze ! METZGAR &' STORM, respectfully in form the public that the days of imposition prices have gone by in Stroudsburg, for the proof of which they invite their friends, from both town and county, to call at their new Store, on Elizabeth Street, in Stroudsburg, one door below the Indian Queen Hotel, ex amine their- goods and learn how low they sell them. We have DRY GOODS in almost endless variety, Cloths, Cassimercs and Vcstings, Calicoes, L'clains and Muslin IS, Trimmings and Notions, anJ everything in that line. We have GROCERIES and PROVI SIONS, ' SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, FISH, PORK, and a full asFortment in that line. We have Crockery Ware, Wooden Ware, Willow Ware, Hardware, a general assort ment. TOBACCO of all kinds, BOOTS AND SHOES, and in fact al most evervthinir that can be called for in a S3 completely stocked Store. Call and tee for yourselves. We take pleasure in showing roods without price and can fell you calicoes from 12J cents to 2o cents per yard, and everytnmg else pro portionately low. Wo feel duly thankful for the many evi donees ot already received appreciation of our efforts to knock down war prices, and can assure the public that there is Etill room for a few more evidences of the Eime sort. Don't forget the place and give us a call. J. P. .METZGAR, JEROME STORM. March 29. 15GG. SPEAR'S PATENT Frmt-Prcserviisg Solution, FOR THE rRESEItVATION OF ALL KINDS OF Fruits, Vegetables, Jellies, Wines, Cider, tic, Kir., Etc. Without Sugar, and Without Ej-pnsivc Sealing or Air-Tight Jars. One Dottle tc ill 2 reserve 128 J'oitnds of Fruit, or 48 Gallons of Wine or Cider. This Solution when properly used effect ually prevents fermentation or decoy of Fruit.-, and, by the most simple and inex pensive process, every variety may be kept in a fresh and perfectly wholeeomc condi tion the year round. It is no new and un certain experiment, but has been in pract cal use for the past eight years, yet hnsbeen. for the mosl part, kept from the public for the purpose ot ascertaining the result of i scries of experiments, all of which have prov cd the validity of all that is now confi dently claimed for it. rruils preserved Ly tins t--o;ution cress good as the best canned" fruits, while the use of the Solution avoids the trouble of seal ing, cosily jars or cans, keeping from the air and liuht, frequent examinations, and th many other troubles and annoyances well known to every housewife. L. II. SPEAR, Patentee. L. P. Won r all, General Agent No. 01 Iludsen St., 1. " Price 1 p-jr bottle. From James R. Chilton &. Co., the Cele brated analytical Chemists, New YorA Having made numerous experiments with Mr. Lewis II. bpear s Fruit-Preserving So lution, we are enabled to state that it will prevent Ihe decomposition of fruits when used in the manner described ly him. The prepnred fruits upon which we experimented had been r.iix'd with the Solution, and were found to resist all cttemptg to generate fer mentation, i here i.s nothing in the nature of this Solution which, when absorbed by the fruits, can act in a manner to render them unwholesome. J AS. R. CHILTON & CO., Analytical Chemists. Sold at Wholesale and Retail ly DREHER &, BROTHER, Druggists, SxROinsnvRo, Pa., Acrms fur Monroe County. Merchants supplied at manufacturers' prices. A sample cf fruit put up last fall wilh this Solution, may be seen at our Store. June 7, 16GG.-Gmo. D. & B. Cabinet Maker, Undertak ing &e., &e. !s Prepared with a Large Stock of CABINET WARE rzO MEET ALL demands upon him, or JL will manufacture to order anything in lis line, in the latest styles lo suit the taste of customers. All work made of the best material and warranted. He is also prepared, with material and fixtures, to attend to the business of UNDERTAKING in a manner that cannot fail to prove satis. factory to all who favor him with' patrou ajre. Prices moJcratc. hhop and Ware-Room on the corner of Sarah and Simpson Sts., April 5, 1SG0. STROUDSBURG, PA. 5I0WEU & KEAl'EK COMBINED. THE CAYUfiA -CHIEF!' WHEELER'S PATENT, WITH DOUBLE iUUVLNU WHEELS, FLEXI BLE FINGER BAR. THIS perfect Mower is superior to any wirntf'irn invni-ifn.l Tf ij I. nil wholy of Iron and Steel. It took, the Premium at the last Strouds burg Fuir. Sold by LIN FO R D VAX UUSKIllK. Stroudbbur- May 24, ;GG. Agent. CIOMMON CHAIRS of all kinds, Cane, J Flag and Wood Seats; Dininir. Bar- Room and Oflice Chairs, with or without Cushions, Rocking-Chairs of every descrip tion at McCARTV'S Ware-Room. May 17, 18G0.-tf. rpiJE HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for .X Grain at S roses' old Mill, Ly 1 1 UNTSM AN & 1 1 OPLER. April 10, 1SGG. TLOUR AND FEED of best quality, al A ways. on hand and for sale at Stokes old Mill, by HUNTSMAN & HOPLER. April 19, iei3. H. S. WAGNER, (Successor to George 1'. Ilcim,) STROUDSBURG, Pa., Would invite attention to his full and va ried assortment of Dry Goods. All ihe usual Departments requisite to a complete rclail Dry Goods Store, Constantly receives strict attention and will always b.-? found to contain full and de sirable assortments. His stock of Ladies Dress Goods is particularly worthy of examination, and he shall be constantly opening oil desirable Novelties in that line as the season advan ces. If you want Prints, call on II. S. Wagner. If you want Bleached Sheeting cr Shirt- incr call on II. S. Waener. If you want Unbleached Muslin or Sheet ing call on II. S. Wagner If you want Notions call on II. S. Wagner. If you want Gloves or Hosiery call on H. S. Wagner, If you want Cloths cr Cassimeres call on H. S. Wcgner. If you want Gents Furnishing Goods call on 11. o. Wagner If you want GROCERIES, Call on II. S You will find Susrars at Wagner. II. II. S. Warner's. You will find Coffee at S. Wagner's. S. Wagner's You will find Syrvps at You will find 'Teas at You will find Spices at You will find Fish at II. II. S. Wagner's. II. S. Wagner's II. S. Wagner's. You will find Crockery at II. S. Warmer's. You will find Wooden-ware at II. S. Wagner's. You will find Brooms & Brushes at II. S. Wagner's. You will, finally, be uble to find whuiyou want at II. S. Wagner's. Belwccn the Bank and the Posi-Office. STROUDSBURG, PA. Feb. 22, 15CG. AND MACHINE SHOP, Hie undersigned having completed his new Foundry mul Machine Shop -would re spccttully inform h;s eld triends, and the public general ly, that he .uily prepared to ml all orders m iiislme with promptness, and m a s1 le superior even to w'nit he was able to do in the old establishment destroyed Ly the flood. Having a full assortment of put terns made of the best material, he is pre pared to supply all demands for Mill Work, Dark 3: ills, Pictr Cast lags and Sash Weights, STEAM ENGINES, MACHINE WORK, &c, &c. Being an experienced workman iiiiujLii, aim t'iiiii;uv ui;r iiune LiUl liie DCSi hands and the best material, the public may rest assured that all work coming from his shop will be fully equal, if not superior, to that produced by any other establishment m the country. Ihe new Foundry and Ma chine l;op is located on Walton street, near Elizabeth street, in the borough cf Strouds- lurgt w here the orders of old friends as well as new one are solicited. Orders from n pistance may be addressed, per mail, to F. LANDERS, Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa. September 4th, 1SG2- J. LAXTa, DENTIST. Has permanently located him- sen m oirouosuurg, aim moved his oflice next dooi to Dr. S. Walton, where he is fully prepared to treat jhe natural teeth, and also to insert incorrup tible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in tue i.nufci. uaii most improveu manner. iViost persons know the danger and folly of trust ing their work to the ignorant as well as the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he is liable to have some failures out of a number of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distance it is frequently put oft until it is too late to save the tooth or teeth as it mav be. other wise the inconvenience and trouble of e-oiiiT so far. Hence the necessity of obtaining the services of a dentist near home. All work- warranted. Stroudsburg, March 27, 1SG2. THE SHAWNEE MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. rFMIE subscriber has opened a Day nnd J- Boarding School, at Shawnee, Penn sylvania, for the purpose of furnishing La dies and Gentlemen, at home and abroad, an opportunity to pimue any studies they may desire, to fit them for the various duties of life. The location is unsurpassed in the rich ness and vnriety cf its surrounding scenery. Its fine valley, its beetling cliffs, und lakes imbosomedjn the mountain, all combine to mate it one of the most desirable places for a Boarding flchool. The location is healthy, and free from the corrupting influences in and near cities and large towns. " For further information, address tho un dersigned, Shawnee, Pa. Rev. J. K. DAYIS, Principal. Shawnee, June 25, 18GG. ilUvi.lvv, :md Paper ElKaigcr, Will attend to, and promptly execute, all ordera with which ho may bo favored. From his long oxperience in the various branches of his business, he feels confident of render ing ontiro satisfaction in his work. He may bo found at his shop, on Simpson street, Slroiidsburg, Ja. J'atron.igo respectfully solicited. March 20,1302. "jVTfCARTY is the only Furniture dealer lT-fl. in Stroudsburg who has a License to .,ii rtruviTirnn r. ' ' flow Foundry sell FURNITURE. Bfrown & Keller DEALERS IN floelis, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Plated ware, Cooks, Stationery, Wall Paper, Notions, &c., &e. They have recently purchased "MEI ICICS OLD STAND," and with increased facilities fur business, and a determination to please, feel justified in asking the con tinned patronage of the old customers of this csiauiisiiment. in constant communication with Importers in New York and Phila delphia, and in possession of peculiar ad-- vantages in this respect, they are prepared! to sell CLOCKS, WATCHES &, JEW ELllY, of superior make and finish as well also as of cheaper character, at remarkably low rates. They also keep constantly on hand the best quality of Silver and Plated Ware, Tea Spoons, Cas tors, Spectacles, Razors, Pen-knives, Scissors, and all sorts of Cutlery; Toys cf all kinds, Childrens Carriages, Bird cages, Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Guns and Pistols, Lamps' of all kinds and Fixtures', Superior Seicing. Machines, Clothes Wringers, School Books, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Ledgers and Day Books. Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Jc, tfc. Photograph Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades, nnd Fruit Cans of every de scription. Lamp Burners altered. Repairing of Clockc, Watches and Jewelry attended to promptly and satisfactorily. Orders taken for Silrcr Ware and filled with dispatch. Stroudsburg, May 19, 1864. tf NONIIOE COUNTY Hntual Fire Insurance Company USTABL.IS.TI'CD 1S1-1, CHARTER PERPETUAL. Amount of Property Insured 1,050,000, The rate of Insurance in this Companjr is one dollar for every thousand dollars in sured, after which payment no further char ges will be made, except to cover actual loss by fire that may fall upon members of the Company. The policies issued by this Company are perpetual, and afford the fullest security, with the largest economy and convenience. This company will not isue Tanneries,, Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. Applications for Insurance may be made to either of ihe Managers, Surveyors or Sec retary. MANAGERS. J. Depue La tar, Jocob KnechtT i':ehard S. Staples, John Edinger, Sibs L. Drake, L. W. Brodhead, Charles D. Brodhead, Jaccb StouGer, Robert Boys, Theodore b'choch, S.-u'l S. Diehcr, Thomas W. Rhodes, Stogdcll Stokes, STOGDELL STOKES, President. E. B. Dreiier, Secretary end Treasurer. Silas L. Drake, Melchnir Sprngle, Surveyors. F. A. Oppelf, ) CT" The stated meeting of the board of Managers takes place at the Secretary's of fice, on the fir.i Tuesday of each monlh, at 1 o'oiock P. M. Sti-i-udsburg, Oct. 8, 15G3. liveryWsTness. Wm Huntsman, Proprietor. p!i Having purchased he stock - iJiTO" i i t- . ri1 uieijr owneu cy nauiz ana Huntsman. I take this onDortumtv tf notify my friends and the Dublic thai I have added considerable newstnrkt the same, and will continue the business at tlie old stand, on l ranklin street, where I am prepared to hire horses and e.irria cp at the lowest csh rates. My horses are safe- fast and gentle, and their vehicles consist of all kinds, to suit ihe taste of the fastidious. Attentive cutlers always on hand, and driver furnished when desired. Call and see for FOUrelves. Klrnnrrtro Intnn t n .. . -t thecountry tt short notice. They will con- unuc 10 run me new omnibus beiween this borough and the Railroad Denot. 1 fntending to go on ihe railroad will be called tor at any part of ihe borough, by leaving iheir names at the office near th. stnilc The omnibus will also be at the depot on the arrival of trains to convey passengers into cown. No pains will be snared to criVP, K!, tUftmn to all who may favor them with iheir patron are. WILLIAM HUNTSMAN. New Vonfcefio'icrv. The Subscriber informs his friends, and the public general ly, that he has o pcaed au extensive Confectionery Store, in the Horongh of Stroud.burg, four doors below "Muster's Clothing Store." Evcrjthinj; in tho lino of Confectione ry, French or Domestic; all kinds of CARDIES, OKA SGESi, LBJIOSS, appm:, Can be had at CITY PRICES, either at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. A lot of Choice I'lowcrs. Please call and examine; his Stock. JAMES KALEFiXTYNK Stroudsburg, May 12, 1SG1. tf. J. H. McCAKTY HAS just returned from New-York with, a sjden iid assortment of PAUL0K; and CHAMBER FURNITURE Call at, his Ware-Rooms. May 31, IStJd.-t'-. 7antedtvo'god"ca15uneT' V MAKERS Sober men, no ota,r. need apply. J. IL McCARTY Way 21, ISCG.-tf. I F YOU WANT A BEAUTIFUL SUIT of Enameled Furuiiure- in Color?, ju-. L-p into McCARTY'S. step I AllgUSt V, lPOfl. May 1T 100.-tf.