The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, November 01, 1866, Image 2

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    CTI)c 3ctTci5omcui,
Snow fell atNaglesville, on Friday last.
This looks as though winter was after us.
We wrn'd call attention to the advertise
ment of Mr. C, B, Keller, in this week's pa
per. Charley has everything- in the Boot,
Shoe, Leather and Finding' line that can It
desired, anJ his prices arc such that every
body can buy a first rate article at a very
low figure.
XX Peter "Williams, a fow days
ag3; presented us with eight turuips,
raised by Mr. Jacob 11. Fetherman, of
Hamilton, which weighed as follows: one
7 J lbs., one G lbs., one 5 J lbs., three 5 lbs.
each, one 4 lbs., and one 3 lbs., making
sn aggregate weight of forty-one pouuds.
Who can beat those monsters?
Mr. Nicholas Rustcr has just ad
ded to bis former complete stock of goods,
a full assortment of new and fashionable
!yles of Hats, Caps, Furs, ready-made
Clothing, &c. Nicholas does not intend to
make the " fur fly"but will continue, as
heretofore to sell his goods at the lowest
f.os.sil'a rates. If bargains are wanted,
lluster's is the sure place at which to se
cure them.
Wc have lately been in the rcgu
lar receipt of the Fusion Daily Express,
cne of the neatest and most readable of
the iuland dailies published. Within a
lew days wc observe that it has assumed
a quarto form; and dressed in its new
type and edited with its marked ability it
lias really become an honor and an orna
ment to the embryo city of Easton. May
the shadow of friend Davis and his daily
ectct grow Ices.
As Mrs. Win. Drodhcad, of the Water
Gap, hersistcr, Mrs. Davis, of Faston, and
others were about taking a ride in a car
riage, on Thursday last, tha horses became
frightened and ran away, throwing both
ladies from the vehicle, and, wc regret to
ay, so seriously injuring Mrs. Davis that
a physician had to be called in. Her
collar bone was found to be broken, and
l.e received ether injuries Wc arc
ple;cd to learu that she h rapidly im
proving. XC Mr. Joseph Heller, of Fcnners
vill?, a few days ago, met with a very
ferious los3 in his Pork. lie had a loto!
fish salt on hand, and thinking to do
lw3 hogs a kindness ordered lm boy
to throw it into the swill barrel; the
result was that five of his hogs, worth in
she aggregate over one hundred dollars,
tlied from eating the salted swill. He
bad twelve hogs in the pen, all of which
were more or less affected, but seven of
.them arc in a fair way of recovery. This
.fctiould serve as a warning to others.
Humors are njxaia rife of. the start
ing of a new copperhead organ in this
county. It is even said that the mate
rial has already been purchased, and that
ihe new concern will shortly make its ap
pearance. The news causes blue looks iu
Foaie quarters, while in others there are
ll the evidences of rejoicing over the
prospects of both sides of the Democracy
.having a chance to "speak out iu meet
ing." Heretofore the Jwlye has held,
rather tyrannically wc thought, all the
various opinions of the copperhead per
suasion in obcyaocc to his own. Well,
Jet her " wcnlilate." Wc Republicans
have co fears of the result.
Biiih of Dr. Barnes.
It is with feelings of extreme regret that
we record the death of Dr. H. R. Barnes
cf Shawnee, in this county, which occurred
in Philadelphia on Saturday last. Tiie Dr.,
a few weeks ago, look a trip to Columbus,
Miesiss:ppi,to visit some friends a t that place,
end was on his way home, when he w.isat
tacked with Cholera which re.-ul'ad in his
death. He was met on the streets of Piula
delphia on Friday Jast, by one of our citizens.
to whose inquiry as lothe state of his health
he replied that he felt quite well. Shortly
after the fell destroyer seized hold of him,
and on Saturday his friends in th:s county
were startled by the announcement that he
was dead. The Doctor was a young man.
whose gentlemanly deportment and kindness
of heart drew man friends around him. He
'.had been in practice less thai: three years,
but eren in that short time his success in the
.treatment of diseases gave indubitable evi
dence that emin-nce is his profession was
the go-il at which he would certainly have
arrived if life and health Jiad been spared
him. But he has'beervcntclown in the morn
ing of his days, and friends ean but sincere
ly regret that a life which promised so much
of usefulness could not have been longer
spared. His remaing were iirterred at Bath,
Northampton county, PaM tlx, pi ace of hit
nativity, on Tuesday 'last.
Funeral services, iu commemoration of the
!eath of Dr. Barnes, will le held in the
Presbyterian Church, at.-fcbawnee, at half
;pat 10 o'clock on Sabbath morning next.
The Championship. &c.
On Saturday last, the Stroudsburg
Base-Ball Club, played the Sawkill Club,
ofMilford, tho third and decisive game
of the " match," which has been iu course
of settlement between the two clubs for
some weeks past. The result, with the
time of game, the " fly-catches," the
" home-runs," and all the other et cetera
of the att and mysteries of a scientific
gams of base-ball, are given in the report
of the scorers, as follows:
lUiMin, I. r..
ii:i:iin)k, c;.,
T. Hi II. s.
I. e. 3d h.,
Hull, p.,
v.. Hell. I.t b.,
Hn.wii, 2 I I).,
M In k, r f.,
J.icuhy, c. f..
4 S Thrall, e. 4 4
4 ?:Arni:-lri p. P, 4 4
3 lclMi iivein-l, I. ., 3 4
4 HWrlhsl'iib.. 3 4
I I rsiirrinsin, '.U b., 3 4
1 luViinfl'-rirn, m, 3 4
6 I ! L) Witt . f., 3 3
3 7i; Tliislil, f., 2 4
1 II Cldieil, lit b., 2 4
5-7 77 TuUl.
27 33
1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 0 Totals
r.U .1 3 4 in 12 III 77
0 1 St 1 U 8 I 3 033
IInH.e runs Sttoiilburp "lob : T. Ill,4; Huston,
2; Urnun. I ; Mclif.k, I : Jaoubv, 1 Tntitl. i. S.iw
ki!l: Siciiuiiil. t; Arm.-tionK. 1 ; Ellied. 1.
Fly-CiiM-hrs Slrniii'Miiirg dub : V iHituns. J: T.
Krli. fi : l-ee; I , C. Itc-ll, I T'Ul. IC. s-uwklll Club.
Thrall, 4; Sicuwuel. I ; Sim n;ui, 3 ; Eldrtnl, 3. Ti-
t .l. Ii.
finpire-C. V. Bull, if Miiford.
S...rers L. Waters, for StrouJkLurg; C
Ui-ldis. fr Sawkill.
Tune f g;mie t hcu s, 15 minutes.
Of course wc were not there ounclf.
Our business demands are such that we
dare not venture away from home for any
thing short of the pressing demands of
business abroad ; but we were represent
ed, and for all the shortcomings and long
comings of this " mere-mention" of what
was seen, heard and did on the occasion,
our representative alone is rcponniblc.
Ilis version of the affair is, that
We (meaning himself and those who
were with hiui of course), left Strouds
bur";, at about half-past two, 1. 31., on
I rilay, and alter a pleasant rido, over one
tif the best roads to be found any where
l-1c on this " Universal airth." arrived at
the 4t Dike County House," in Miiford, at
half-past eight o'clock, P. M., where we
were greeted by a number of the Saw kil
lers most cordially, and, iu about the
ijuickest tiite imusaginxble, were inform
ed by the, to hungry iren, agreeable sound
of the gong, that supper awaittd a trial
of our sharpened appetites. To the t
ble we went aud such a table! If the
landlord himself had ben of our hungry
party he could net better have provided
for our wants. Fvery thing necessary
was there, and every thing was got up in
a style that showed conclusively that' the
kitchen department was presided over by
a genious, which even Mocsier Blot him
self might envy. Like harvester?, with
the ripened graiu before them, we set to
work, and if the field was not well glean
ed, hungry men need never, by knife aud
fork performance, hope to draw applause
from the cook. ' The tabic was not swept
clean of the good things of earth; but it
would have been if the landlord's heart
had not been more liberal than a fast of
six hours, sharpened by a merry ride
through a bracing air, proved exacting.
Supper over, a luctous cigar and a per
ambulation, by moonlight, came next iu
order; and iu the beautiful views which
met his gaze the sojourner was well re
paid for the pains, the trials and the dan
gers of getting there. Miiford m most
pleasantly located on a bench of table land,
about a mile in width and about three
'juarters of a mile iu length along the Del
aware river. A prettier spot for a village
could hardly be imagined; and the den
izem of the burg, feeling that they too
have a duty to jerl'nrtn, are rapidly mak
ing it an earthly paradise amid the rough
surroundings by which it is encompassed
It is not our intention to indulge in - in
vidious particularizition relative to the
cnterprizc of the Milfordunians, for all are
working to secure a common eud the
beautifying of ihe town; hut wc must be
permitted to say that Dr. Halliday would
prove a jewel to any town, and the Pin
shots, the Dimniicks, the Mots, the
Barnes's, and a host of others whoe names
e would mention if we knew them, dc
ervc lasting credit for the liberality of
their efforts to give 31ilford a name and
a lame throughout the land. As yet, it
ip ay aptly Le called, as llandolph, of llo
anukc, called the city of Washington, a
viija-c of magnificent distances;" but
the spirit of enterprise is there which will
soon make Miiford the compact, thriving
borough, aud the town of beauty,"
which to its inhabitants, and to visitor,
will prove " a joy fur ever." We speak
ofMilford by moonlight, but a view bv
daylight leaves us nothiog to gainsay that
we have saiJ.
The perambulation, during which the
" inner man was slightly attended to, at
length came to an cud, aud we returned
to the hotel to court the aid of Morpheus
in an cfTort to overcome the weariness
which the journey had created. And
here again the peculiar fitness of Mine
Host of the "Pike County House" for his
position, stood out in bold relief. The
cleanliness of his chambers, and tho ex
cellcncc of his beds all attested that " the
right man was in the right place." Once
in bed, we closed our eyes and our thou 'hts
over the plerplexities of life, and were
about bidding sidicu to wakefulness,
when the sound of inusirt struck our ear,
and the midnight serenade loomed up in
the dulcit strains of " Launagarrs Ball,"
and "There is Sweet Kent," &c, &c
On it came, nearer and nearer to our
juarters, until ut length our room door
burst open and a choir of voice, wholly
masculine in initiation, filled the space
with sweetness. Fxperience is worth
something, thought we, and dosing our
eyes we feigned sleep 8o admirably, that
" the old man" was not disturbed even
by the tempting fumes which issued from
the sombre looking, tubular instrument
in the hands of its bearer. It was a com
fortable after-reflection to u, that we!
were in Miiford, where gray hairs com
mand respect and 44 old meu" are per
mitted to slumber on undisturbed by the
hilarity of more youthful years. The sell
of the choristers was complete, though we
must confess that if we had recognized the
44 Spirit of Kye," iu the crowd, we would
hardly have slumbered eo soundly. A1
carnage rid by moonliglit HosbJ Ihe
proceedings of the day, and all went to
bed to be up by times, iu readiness for
.the game of the morrow.
Saturday morning opened the way to
much speculation as to the probable qual
ity of the weather, in a base-ball poiut of
view. There were streaks of clear sky
observable, but there were also porteu
tious clouds, which threatened to dampen
the ardour of the contestants; Neither
Sttoudsburgers, nor Sawkillcrs, both of
whom were about in plentiful numbers
by the first peep of day, could exactly
settle the point to their perfect satisfaction.
By breakfast time, however, nature came
to the rescue, and a full grown shower
made bright faces blue, and placed the
probabilities of the coutest at a discount;
and oft repeated, and earnest, were in
quires as whether the wind set in from
the North, the South, the East or the
West. Nature again, however, came in
(he rescue, and by ten o'clock the storm
had spent its fury, the clouds broke
away, aud glorious sunshine illuminated
both the laudscapc, and th; faces of all,
and all were, who were anxious to see the
game go on. At ouce the clubs, accom
panied by their friends repaired to the
ball grounds; and splendid grounds they
were too level as a barn floor, and just
the spot wc would have chosen for "our fel
ler:," in a friendly way to 44 flax out" the
other " fellers" on. At quarter past clcv
en, A. M., game was calld, when 44 our
Tellers" went to the bat and visa-versied
with the 4othr fellera," until nine in
nings had been gone through with, with
the result as given above. We have wit
nessed quite a number of similar contests,
but we must say that wc never witnessed
one in which good feeling so completely
held sway among the contestants. A
lovely feature of the field, was the pres
ence of a number of representatives of
the beauty of Miiford s beautiful daugh
ters, who seemed to be not the least inte
rested of the spectators.
After the match was decided we re
tired from the field to the Pike County
Mouse, when, after partaking of a most
excellent diuner, and a spoonful or two
of the "ardent, meiely to keep us warm
by the way, we started for the goodly bor
ough of Stroudsburg. which place we
reached in safety at about 10 o'clock, P.
M. It was a delightful trip all' around ;
and among our companions of the trip we
have heard but one expression 44 we
had a bully time." Tor oursclf aud
the club we say, commend us to the Saw-
killers, to Mine Host Bull, and to all who
contributed in the least to our comfort or
rdeasure as well as to Miiford as a glori
ous place to visit Among the Sawkillers,
wc can draw no distinctions their names
are in the list of nines,' and every single
nine is a host in himself, in all that con
stitules the right jolly good fellow. And
if, in the lapse of time another match
should be made up between the Sawkill
ers and the Stroudsburgers, may we be
there to see and enjoy and may Mine
Host or the Pike County House minister
to our wants.
Official Returns of the Lite Llectioci.
Hariiisbuko. Oct. :J0. The following
gives the ofncial vote for uovernor:-
4 X
Commonwealth, Ilarrisburg, October
30, IS'IG IJcturns received today com
pltte the official vote as follows:
(ieary. .... 307,274
Clymer, .... 290,000
Geary s majority, - - 17,178
The total vote for Governor at the last
election was 507,370.
Eli Slifer,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Vote cf Boroughs.
The following is the vote cast at the re
cent ciection by the principal boroughs
iu the State :
Allentown 2045
Norristown 1870
Easton 18G0
1'ottsville 2143
York 217C
Scranton 3808
Lebanon 900
West Chester 879
Phoenixvillo 8G1
l'otttown 653
Number Eight.
West Virginia has joined the glorious
company of loyal btatcs which have ar
rayed thcmselvc3 against the unwarran
able aud usurping courseof Andrew John
sou. . At her election held on Thursday
last, uovernor Doreman was chosen for
second term by an increased majority, and
the Jtepuhlicans also elected three inetu
hers of Congress the entire delegation
the f:i:ne number they have at present
My policy" fares as badly ainonir the
loyalists of the South as in the cooler air
ui i lie .ortnefti fttjtes. 1 his election in
creases to fiftvninc the number of Ke
publican members already chosen to the
fortieth Longress.
Scarcity of Labor in the Weak
Many of ihe Western journals are com
plaining of the scarceity of labor in that
Hection, and a day or two agnwe quoted
the Springfield (111-) State Kegister as an
authority that in that city laborers re
ceivc $1 a day, stonecutters and masons
515, plasterers 31 50, carpenters and
pa i liter S3 50 ; yet even these prices do
not attract working men to the West. It
is argued that labpring people can save
more money in the West than they can
iu the Eastean cities, owing to the much
higher prices of the necessaries of life
prevalent on tho Atlantic seaboard.
Judge Do Young, officially, an
nounced the sale of the 44 Monroe Demo
crat," ia the last number of that paper
Mr. Grecnawalt takes possession on the
1st of January.
Nice One of our exchanges says
that a dancing master in New York has
introduced the "Kiss Cotillion" in which
the gentlemen always the lady as
they "swing the corners." We are not
much on the dance, but would like to
swing n few corners most awful well.
Colored Jurymen in Boston.
The Boston Commonwealth says: "It is
an interesting fact, and an evidence of
the progress of the age toward equal
rights for all, white and black, that in thc
Superior Court of this county for crimi
nal business there is, this term, one col
ored juryman, aud the Superior court for
civil business, urst session, one, ana in
the second session of the same court there
are two. No objection is made to them ;
but, on the contrary, it is said they are an
improvement on many white persons here
tofore drafted for this purpose. This is
the first term of these courts where col
ored men have been put on the juries, al
though in a rcceut term of the Supreme
court, iu a trial for murder, as wc have
recorded, there was one who served."
Unclaimed Fractional Currency.
Treasurer Spinner desires persons who
have forwarded packages of mutilated
fractional currency to the Treasury De
partment for redemption, and have re
ceived no communication from the De
partment, announcing the receipt of the
package and inclosing the amount of the
sum forwarded, to address a letter as be
fore, stating distinctly the amount for
warded, the date of transmittal, and the
name and post office address of the wri
ter. The officers of the Treasury may
thus be enabled to identify a large num
bcr of packages now in their possession,
the forwarders of which neglected to state
their names or post offices.
The Heading Di.jatch pf Wednesday
contains the following: A man named
John Eck, living near Princetown, Berks
county, some time ago offered his house
for sale. For some unknown cause it was
not sold. He then made the following
declaration : "that he wished it would
burn down over his head." Ou Sunday
morning, October 14th, the hou.c was
discovered to be on fire, when some of the
neighbors rushed up stairs, where, strange
to say, they found Mr.. Eck dead, having
received a stroke of palsy a few moments
before the fire. Through the superhu
man efforts of the neighbors the body was
conveyed to the yard before the house
was in ruius.
A Warning fiora the Gallows.
Bernard Fricry, a young inati who was
hungin August, iu New Yoik, for mur
der committed in a liquor saloon, closed
his coufession with these impressive words
I sincerely hope that my unhappy end
will erve as a warning to the young men
in this city. Let me entreat them to a
void all bad habits aud bad company, and
especially to avoid spirituous liquors.
Most of the mil-fortunes that happen to
young men arc the results of idleness and
A singular conscicncc-moiey case has
occurred in the Pension Office. Captain
John Mclvee, Thirtieth Indiana Volun
teer, now residing at Hamilton, Ohio,
was wounded by a ball, which struck the
seventh rib, passed through the lungs
and euicrgcd near the spinal column.
lie was awarded full pension, but has re
turned half the amount received for the
past year, on the ground that his health
is so improved that he is not entitled to
fusion for that degree of disability.
In Harrisburg a new style of robbery
ia reported. A countayman was approach
ed by a stranger, and asked if he could
change a $10 note, and, unrolling a bun
dle of notes, he give two fives for it, and
rolled it up in his bunble. Afterwards
he discovered that the $10 note had a fine
thread attached to it, about three feet
long. It had been the intention of the
thief, ut a favorable opportunity, to use
the thread to draw the roll of notes from
the man's pocket, but the thread had for
tunately broken.
Mrs. Richards, Postmistress at Benton,
Wis., the widow of an enrolling ofScer
who was killed while in the discharge of
his duty, has been removed to make room
for one of Postmaster General Randall's
appointees, a copperhead deserter. The
post-office was given to Mrs. Richardson
to assist her in supporting her fatherless
Republican Festival.
The County Executive Committee of
Lehigh County has issued a call for a
great Republican festival to be held iu
Alleutown on Friday, November 2d, in
honor of the late victory achieved by them.
A number of speakers are announced, a
mong them Gov. Curtin and Gov. Geary.
A grand torch-light procession i to be
oue of the features of the festival.
There was a rumor in Washington yes
terday that the President had interfered
in behalf of the condemned Fenian pris
oners iu Canada. The report doubtless
originated in the fact that Secretary Se
ward had made a demand for a copy of
the evidence on which the parties were
condemnded and a letter which he has
writteu to the British miuister ou tho sub
The Paymaster. Bureau.
During the lieal year cuding June
30th last, tho Paymaster's Department
disbursed to the regular army 810.250,
820; to tho volunteers, $2(8.013,311.
and to the Military Academy 271,171
a total disbursement, for the pay of the
army for oue year, of $250,374,317.
. ..
Death of Miss Seward.
Miss Fannie Seward, the only daughter
and youngest child of the Secretary of
State, died early this morning, Oct. 20,
from bilious fever. Her remains will be
conveyed to Auburn, New York, for in
termeut. "
The squirrel hunters of Solon, Ohio,
had a eqirrel hunt on the 12th. Oue
party returned with Gl5f scalps and heads,
and tho other party with 4105 scalps and
heads. 1
The fast horse Bxcr," of Newport,
V t., have beeu purchased for $25,000.
Five thousand men were rccrujtpJ for
the regular army hit month.
Game in Virginia. i
-TheKichmond Enquirer says; "Game
of all kinds is to be found now in this re
gion. Patridges are more abandent than
for many years; hares jump from behind
every bush; coons infect every corn-field;
opossums spoil every persiommon tree;
squirrels fill the forest; foxes bark around
every hennery, and the music of the
hounds resounds on every breeze. The
crack of the sportmcn's rifle and the dawn
of day greet us simultaneously, while the
huntsman's horn and the set of sun bid
farewell to the parting day."
It is no secret that the health of the
French Emperor has for some time been
declining, aud that serious alarms .are felt
as to his recovery. On the 9th of Octo
ber the celebrated Dr. Langcnbeck, the
chief surgeon cf the Prussian army, laft
for Biarritz to consult with the physicians
of the Emperor on the possibility of an
operation. On the next day a dispatch
was received from the Prussian Embassy
in Paris that there was no hope of recov
ery for Napoleon, and that his death may
be hourly expected, the fact being only
still kept secret.
Railroad Extension.
The extension of the East Pennsylvan-
i llailroad from Allentown to Easton has
been determined upon, and the road will
be put under contract before long. The
new road will cross the Lehigh at Allen
town, past the northern limits of Bethle
hem borough, and run parallel with the
Lehigh to Eastou, there to connect with
the roads lor New lork, and also with
the Bclviderc Delaware road for Scran-
ton. Ihe distance from Allentown to
Easton is eighteen miles.
The information from our distant States
and Territories all points to a protracted
and bloody ludian war. Hie Indians in
New Mexico. Arizona, &c, have become
so hostile and committed so many acts oi
savage barbarity that General Sheridan
is taking the most active measures to pre
pare for the worst and is moving all
the troops at his immediate disposal to
the frontiers.
South Carolina.
uistriet meetings arc being held in
South Carolina urging the Legislature to
call a convention to provide for the pecu
niary distress of the people by preventing
the sale of property lor debt.
A Greenville (S. C.) paper denies that
Governor Orr iavors the Constitutioua
Demand for Laborers.
There is a great demand for hands for
every description of out door labor in
Erie, more especially for laborers to as
6ist iu house t'Uiiuing, as there arc six
hundred new houses in process of erec
tion there at the present time.
Many of the farmers of Chester county
have lost a number of fine cows, by a new
disease, the nature of which baa not yet
been discovered, which has lately broken
out among the cows. As soon as the cows
are taken with the disease they cease to
give milk, and commence to breathe
heavy, swell, and in a few days die,
A little boy, a son of Mr. Reed, the
station agent at Washington, N. J., was
killed on Monday evening of last week.
The little follow was playing on the plat
form and rolled of just as the train was
passing, which cut his head entirely off.
He was about two years old.
A thunderbolt, from a perfectly cloud-
Jess sky, struck a church and three' dwel
ling houses at Rising Sun, Indiana, a few
days ago. It killed a girl, and stripped
all the clothing from a boy, whom, strange
to say, it ouly stunned.
Q iilp. of the Boston I'ost, who has
heretofore been liberal in his views, says
that he now believes there arc two things
destined to be eternally lost his umbrel
la and the man who stoic it.
During the month of September, there
were lost by fire, wreck, collision and oth
er disaster, twenty two vessels, belonging
to the United States, valued at $1,610,
000. o '
The Atlautic & Great Western Railway
earned throe milliou six hundred thous
ud dollars, between Jan. 1st and Sept.
1st, this year.
John Dillcn, of Juniata county, recent
ly caught a panther, which measured sev
en leet from the tip of the uosc to the
cud of the tail.
A family whose house was burned in
Portland, Me., went to board, and were
shown into a room luruished with their
owu stoleu furniture.
Tho Democratic county ticket in Ash
land county, Ohio, is defeated by majori
ties ranging from four to ten votes.
A GOO-pound bear was killed at Stonc
ham, Mass., on Monday. Tho spoils aud
State bounty nettod his captors SI 00.
resolve and assauge pain by railing forth
the acrid humors from parts inturnallo the
skin and general circulation thus, in ma
ilt cases, positively evaporating the disease.
Thore is nothing equal, in the way of a
platrtpr, t. ihe Porous Plaster of Mr. ALU
COCK. E.eryihing is pleasant ab-.ut them.
They arc the placer of the day, nnd a li
type of our present advancement in tience
and art. In Asthma, Cough, Kidney Affec
tions, Gout, Rheumatism, and local deep
seated pains th-y afford permanent relief.
on "Top cal Remedies."
From a poasonal knowledge of these plas
ters, wo can state that they are decidedly
preferable to any other in use. Wherever
relief is to tie obtained by the use of a plas
ter, we 6hould recommend them.
Editor Xew York Mentor.
Agency, Brandreth House, AYu VcrA.
Sold by nil Druggists.
Oct. 11, lBCG -lm,
Estimated the present populatfo.
of the United States, at 25,000,000.
One thousand nevt buildings have bea
put up in Nebraska City this summer.
This meJicine, invented by Dr. J. H
Sciienck. of Philadelphia, ia intended todia
solve the food and make it into chyrne, the Grit
orocess of dies-Mon. liv cleansing ihe ato
macli with Schenck'a Mamirake Pills, the
Tonic aion restores the appetite, and food
that could r.ot be catcu before usin? it w;i
be easily digest ed
CoiisutRpiianc.innot be cured by Schcnck'a
Pulmonic Svrnp unless the stomach and lit.
er is mude heilihy and theuppctiie restored,
lonce the ionic nnd rills are required in
nearly every c-ife o' c-nS-imptmi. A half
dozen koules o! the SEAWEED TONIC and
three vr four boxes i.f the IVI ANDKAKU
PILLS will cure any ordinary case of dy
Dr. bciiExcK m ikos profession I visits !ti
New York, Do-lou, and ut his principal Of
fice in Philadelphia every week. See daily
papers of each pl-ice, r nis pamphlet on con-
Eurriptioo for his inys for visitation.
Please user v, when purchasing, that the
two likem-sseps mf the Doctor, one when in
the last stage of Consumption, and the other
as ho now is, in perltct health, are on th
Government ttamp.
Sold by all Drngt.-t and Dealers, prica
SI. 50 per bottle, or 87 50 the half dozen.
All letters for nduce bhould be addressed
to Dr. ciienck's Principal Office, No. 15
North (Mi S reel. Philadelphia, Pa.
Genera! Whole-ale Air-nts : DeiuAs Barnca
&Co.N V ;S S. Dance, Baltimore, Md.; John
D. Parke, Cincinnati, Ohio; Wh I ker& Tay
lor, Chicago, IU.; Collins Bro?., St. Louif,
Mo. Oct. IS, 0G. 1st w. ca. mo. 1 jr.
In consrtpient of the recent great declne
in gold and s lver and all tho materials used
in the manufacture of our go. d?, and in an
ticipation nf a still further decline, we have
reduced our prices lo as low a point as they
can be puced
With Gold at Par,
60 that no one need hesitate to buy a watch
now from the expectation tht it will b
cheaper at some future time. The test of
ten yeara and the manufacture and sale of
More Uian 200,000 Watches,
have given our productions the verj highe
rank amonsr timekeepers. Commencing with
the deteimination to make thoroughly excel
lent watches, our business lias tteadily in
creased as the juLlic Icc.ime .-icqvi.nnJed
with their value, until for n.onihs togrther,
we have been unable tt rupply. th ; oemand.
We have repeatedly .r.larged our factory
bnildii'gs until they row covr over three
acres of ground, and accommodation to
more than c ght hundred workmen.
We are fut'v justified in stating that we
now make MORE Til AN ONE-HALF OF
UNITE!) STATES. 'I he different gradea
are distinguished by the following trade
marks engraved on the plate:
. "American Watch Co." Waltham,
2. "Appleton, Tracy &, Co. Waltham,
3. "P S. Birtlctt," Waltlmn, Mas?.
4. '-Win Eilery."
5. OUR LADIES' WATCH of the first
quality is nnncil "Appleton, Tracy
Co." Walilnm. Mats.
G. "Our next quality of Lnlies' Watch n
named 4kP. S. Birllett," Waltham,
Mass. These watches are furnished
in a crcat variety of tizes and styles
c f cases.
The American Watch Co , of "Waltham,
Mass., authorize us to state that without
distinction of trade marks or price,
to be the best time-krepprs of ti eir class ev
er made in ary other country. Buy
ers siiould remember thar the guar
antee f a foreign maker who can never Lc
reached, this warrant- is tj-od at all tiuns
against the Company or their agents, and
that if afer the most thotouh trial, any
watch should prove defective in any partic
ular, it nmy always be exchanged for anoth
er. As the Amcrcan Watches made t
Walilnm, are for sale t y d a'ers generally
throughout the country, we tlo not sol.cit or
ders for single v;.tclu.-s.
CAUTION. Th" public are cautioned to
buy only of respectable (it a'ors. All person
selling counterfeits will be prosecuted.
12 itUO VDWAV, . V.
son from pers-Mis reading advertixv
mentsof PitfMit .Medicines, and in nine casrt
out often they mny bp right. It is over 19
years sifce t introluced my medicine, the
Venetian Liniment, to the public. I Jisd
no money to n.ivertise it, so I I ft it for sale
with a few druggists :ind storekeepers through
a small section of the country, many taking
it with great rclm-tancc ; but I tola them to
let any one have it, and tf it d:d r.ot do all
I stated on my pamphlet, no one noeil pay
for it. In some stoics two or three h tttles
were taken Oil trial by persons present. I
was, by many, thought crazy, and tlut w uld
be the last tiicy vvou'd see of me. But I
knew my medicine was no humbug In about
two months I began to receive orders for
more L'liiment. some calling it my valuable
Liniment, vh hid refused to s;gn a receipt
when I left it at thfir store. Now my alf
aro millions ot bottles yearly, and all
cash. I warrant it superior to any ether
medicine for the c u re ofCrpu p, D ia r r !i a'a , I
scntery, CcJic, Yomitin. Spisms, and Sc
sickness os an internal remedy. P i p"
fectly innocent to take internally t see oa'h
accompanying each bonle,. an. I external!
for Chronic Rheumatism, Headache. JdumP't
Froted Feet, tf-irises, Sprnii.s, 01 1 Serces.
Swellings, Sore Throats, &c. &c. SoM J
all the Druggists. Depot, 5G Ccrtlandt
Street, New York.
Oct. ll.-7v.
r.iuious OP YOUlll.
A Gentleman wr ha suffered for years from
ajsjrvous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
the effects ot yoiitkAil indiscretion," will, fr
the sake of suffering humanity, send free to
all who need il, two rpipe nnd directions for
making the simple remedy by which he ws
cured. Sufferers wit-hing to profit by
adverijser'g experience, can do eo by ad
dressing JOHN' R. OGDEN,
No, 13 Chambers St., New York