HELIVIBCLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. HELM COLD'S EUCI1U. IIELMBOLD'S EUCHU. HELMEOLD'S EUCHU, The Only Ioiyii Rczncdy for DIABETES, Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder, In flainalion of the Kidneys, Ca'arrh of the Bladder, Slranguary or pain ful -Urinating. For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single dose Ins been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. Arc you troubled with that distressing pain in the Email of the bick and through the hips! A teaspoonfull a day of Hcim bold's Euchu will relieve you. PHYSICIANS ASJ OTHERS PLEASE NOTICE. I make no secret of ingredients. Ilelm bold's Extract Euchu is composed of Euchu, Cubebs, and Juniper Berries, selected with great care, prepared in vacuo and according to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY. These ingredidnts are known as the most valuable Diuretics afforded. DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kidneys. IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT' BUCUU ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injurious properties, and immediate in its ac tion. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, Sec Medical Properties contained in Dis pensatory of the U. S., of which the follow ing is a correct copy : "Barhu. Its odor is strong, diffusive, and Bomewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, and analogous to that of mint. It is given chief ly in complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Eiaddcr, Morbid Irritation ofthc Bladder and Urethra, Diseases of the Prostrate, and Retention or the Inrotitinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in tire pirts concerned in its evacuation, It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Butaneous Affections, and Dropsy." FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, See Professor 'De wees Valuable works on the Practice of Physic. See Remarks made by the celebrated Dr, Physic, of Philadelphia. See any and all Standard Works on Medi cine, rno.M tee LARGEST Mairdiiictsniiig Chemist IN THE WORLD. I am acquainted with II. T. Ilelmbold ; he occupied the drug store opposite my resi dence, and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally eo before him. I have teen favorable nu pressed with his character and enterprise. VM. WEIGHTMAN, (Firm of Powers &. Weighlman,) Manufacturing Chemist?, Ninth and Erowu Streets, Philadelphia TFrom the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin March 10th, We are gratified to hear of the continued pucce??, in New York, of our townsman. Mr. II. T. Ilelmbold, Druga't. His More, next to the Metropolitan Hotel, is feet front, 230 feet deep, and five stories in height. It is certainly a grand establishment, and rnraks favorably of the merit of his articles. lie retains his Office and Laboratory in this city, which are also model establishments c ihpir class. The proprietor has been induced to make this statement irorn the tact tnat l;s remedies, although advertieted, are GENUINE PREPARATIONS, And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from usins any thing pertaining to Quack ery, or the Patent Medicine order piost of which are prepared by self-styled Doctors, who are too ignorant to read a physician's sitopiest prescription, much less competent to prepare pharmaceutical preparations. These Parties Resort . to various means of effecting sales, such us copying parts of advertisements of popular remedies, and finishing with certificates. The Science of Medicine Etands SIMPLE, jPURE, MAJESTIC, hating Fact for its IBasis, Induction for its Pillar, Truth alone for its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health is most important ; and the afflicted Bhouid not use an advertised medieine, or any remedy, unless its contents or ingredients are known to other besides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfied of the qualifications o: the party 60 ottering. IIELMBOLD'S - CJcimiuc Preparations. TLUID EYTRACT BUCUU, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH Established upwards of 10 years. Prepared by II. T. II ELM BOLD, PRINCIPAL DEPOTS. HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CIIEMI CAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broad K, Xcxt York. And HELMBOLD'S MEDIGAL DE POT, 101 South Tenth Street, Phil adelplda, Pa. SOLD III" ALL imUGGISTS. Octoler 10,1600. AyQr s Sarsapariila, A compound remodr, hi -which wo have labored to produce the most" effectual alterative that can be made." It is a concentrated extract of Vara Sarsapa:ilhi, to comt.incd villi other suhstancc of still greater alterative power ns to afford an c'ectiveBntidoto for the diseases Sar.:a:ariUa i.i refuted to cure. It is believed that sueli a rem edy U wanted hy iho-o who suffer from Stru mous complaints, ar.d that cue which will ac complish their c ure must prove of im:nens ser vice to thi large class of our nHlic ted fellow citizens. I low completely thu compound wjll tlo it has lievn p'.oveu by experiment on many of the worst cubcs to bc'fouu J of tho following complaints : . Scr.oriTL.v xr.n PcROFn.ors CmirtAixTS, Eki-itjoxs a xi Knri'Tivu Dipcas. Ul ctr.3, ri:,iri.'.:s, Elotc-ik, Tuaons, Salt Eiiel-m, Scal!i IIiiAU, Kyi-hilis and Svrni- I-ITIC AfFKCTIOX". M-EKCf ItlAT. DISEASE, Dr.or-sY, Ntrnu.Gi.v o.t Tic Doclocrkaux, DlllllLITY, J)YS-ErslA AX I) J:i:Or.STION, Ekypii-elai, IIose, o:: St. Asthoxv's Finn, and indeed t!;c whole ci ts? cf coniphiuti ariiinj from Imi'Lkity ov Tiic Elood. This compound v.T.l b'3 found a-frreat pro moter c.fJiea'.t'.i, v.l-.ea taken in tho Fpriii;, to ex pel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that Feasou of thJ year. Vy the timely cxpul sion of them many rankling disorders r.roii'pcil i:i the bud. Multitudes can, by tho aid of this rcmedv, rpare t!;emselvc3 f ori the endurance cf foul eruptions ami ulccYous tores, through vhich the FV: tc::i will strive to l id it c!f of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through tho natural channels of t':e body by an r.heiativo racdieiuc. Cleanse OTit t!ie viliatcd b'.oo I whenever you find its impuririej bursting through the skin r.i pimples, eruptions, or tores ; clean.-c it when yen. iind it is obstructed nnd idu-b'i in tho veins; cleanse it whenever it i fr.il, r.nl your feelings will tell you when. Even where r.o particular disoider n felt, icop'.o enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep tho blood hca'.thv, and nil is well; but with tills pabulum cf life disordered, there can be no lusting health. Sooner or later something must fro wrong, and tho great luaehiucry of Uto is disordered or overthrown. Sarsapariila has, and deserves much, the repu tation of accomplishing thc-o ends. Eut tho world has been egn?giouly deceived by prepara tions of it, partly lieeausc ihc drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed f r it, but more lo calise many preparation.-, pretending to be con centrated extracts of it, contain but little cf the virtue of Sarsapariila, or any thing else. During laic years the puijiie have OvCn misled bv large lt;lc, pretending to give a quart cf Extract of Sarsapariila for 'one dollar. Most of these have beiv.i frauds 'iipon the sick, for they not only contain liule, if any, Sarsapariila, but often 'lib curative properties whatever. Hence, latter ami painful disappointment has followed the use cf the various extracts of Sarsapariila which flood the marker, until the namtj itself is Justly despised, mid has become Fynonymous with" imp.).drio:i and cheat. Slill we call this compound Sarsapariila, and intend to ftipply such a remedy as .shall rescue the name from t!i3 load of oblofiuy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground fur believing it has vir tues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the sys tem, the remedy should be judiciously takcu re cording t-j directions on the Lottie. rnniwr.Ei) by DR. J. C. AYEB & CO., LOWELL, MASS. ITrlcc, C-l per KolliOJ Elx Bottle for Aycr's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for tho cure o every variety of Throat an I Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for ns to recount the evidence of it? virtues, wherever it ha.; lee:i t?i ployed. As it has long l?en in const ir.t uso fc .roui'liout t!i:s section, we need n;t do more .ran :is::rc the iicotue its cuality is kept p to th;; lst it ever has Ucn, and that it may 'n ic- l;e I on to do for tLcir relief sill it has ever ue,eu found to do. Aycr's Catliartic Fills, rott THE CCHE 07 Ca-ift'rrncss, .7,Ttnh'cr, J?v.c."VsV?. T:T?i'rrf'on. iJhSr.r.ti ry. I'o'sl Sio-mich, Kri,s:'u!fi3, li'titltirhn, J Aver Co:ih:h:t, Drojsi, T.fti; Turners and iiui Tlfx-ni!, 11 onus, tiu it, Jcwt:.(pt, as a JJui ner Pill, and for Purifyiny the JJ.'cv..'. Ther ar-j snar-coatcd, so that the most srn! tivecau take them plcasantlv, and tlicyare-tho lest aperient in the world for all tin purposes of a family puysic. Price 25 costs per Bos ; Fivo Eoscs fcr $1.00. Great r.nmlKTS of " Clergvmon. rhrslclans, Statesuren. and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify thi unparalleled useful ness A these remedies, hut our sjmcc liere wnl not txnnit the insertion of them. The Agents below named furnih rnitis our Ameuicax Ai. maxac in which they V.ri given; witli ako full desc-rintlons of the nl-ovo complaints, and ths treatment that should be followed for their cure. Do not be put c!f by unprincinaled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand AyekV, and take no other. The tick want the lest aid there is for them, aud thor sl.ouM have it. AU gur r.-ruedlcs are. fyr eo!j by William Ilolilnshead, Drchcr fi Bro. Stroudsburpr, Pa., also, by Druggists and dealers in Medicine everywhere. At whole sale by J. 3f. Maris, 6z Co., Philadelphia. September 23, 15G.j.-ly. COKSTITUTION WATER. The astonishing success which has atten ded this invaluable medicine proxies it to be the most perfect remedy ever discovered. No language can convey an adequate idea of the immediate and almost miraculous change which it occasions to the debilitated and shattered system. In fact, it stands un rivalled as a remedy for the perinjncnt cure Of DIABETES, IMPOTENCV, LOSS OF MUSCULAR ENERGY, PHYSICAL PROSTRATION, INDIGES TION, NON RETENTION, or INCONTINENCE OF URINE, IRRITATION, INFLAM ATION or ULCER ATION OF THE BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, DIS EASES OF THE PROSTRATE GLAND, TONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCVLU8, GRAVEL, Or BRICK DUST deposit, a iid all Diseases or Alfoctions of the Bladder and Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings existing in Men, Women, or Chil dren. or lliosc Diseases I'cruliar to r Females, Conititulioii Wa ter is u Sovereign Item ed y. These Irregularities are the cause of fre quently recurring disease, and through ne glect the seeds of more grave and danger ous maladies are the result; and as month alter month passes' without an effort being made to assist nature, the difficulty becomes chronic, the patient gradually loaes her ap petite, the bowels are constipated, night sweats come en, and consumption finally ends her career. For sale by all Druggists. Price, Jgl. W. II. GREGG &, CO., proprietors. MORGAN & ALLEN, General Agents, No. 40 Cliff street, N. Y. Win. Ilolliiibhead, Dreher & Brother, Stroudsburg, Pa. February 1, 160G.-3rn. TON PLASTER for sale at Stokes' old Mill, by HUNTSMAN Sl llOPI.KIt. April 10, IcO'G. Save ;Yonr Money ! By buviuirof CHARLES B. KELLER, tho following named superior articles cheap or Cash. I have the fanesi assortment ot ISoots and 8iocs, for Men, Women and Children's wear that las ever been oficred in town, cons-stingot Men's, Bys, and Child rem Boots, Women's Glove Kid Polish Boots. Misses' do do do Children's do do do Women's Jloroeo Polish Misses'' . do do Children's do do do do do do do- These are a new and beautiful style of Ladies Boots of tho finest quality, and just suited for cold weather. Al.-o, a lane assort ment of Common Shoes, for Women, Misses and Children. Also, a splendid assortment of Gums and candals tor jJien, women anu cuuuieii. r 11- 1 -I'll I have also a fine assoriment of Linen and Woolen Shirts, of a superior quality, together with Stock ings. Neck-Iies, Collars, Ccc. Also, a quantity of the best quality of Heavy and Light SOLE-LEATHER ; to gether with a lot of the best Men s and French Morocco Also, Lining, Bindings, Last.-. Boot-Trees of all sizes, Thread, Wax, Nail?, Pincers, Punches, Eyelet-set, and Eye- letts, Peg Cutters and Shoemakers Ink, occ, &,c. Store opposite Marsh s Hotel. CHARLES B. KELLER. Stroudsburg, Nov. 30, 1663. ARE YOU AFFLICTED V.'ITII A COUGH or COLD? Arc You Predisposed to Consump tion? Are the lives of your children in jcopirdy from sudden and repeated attacks ot Croup If so purchase a box rt BLADES EUrilONIAL IiUERIOATOES! The People's tnost sure and effectual Rem cdy fur Coughs, Colds, Croup, Ca tarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Dip lheria'm and all Pulmonary Diseases. The Lubricator is a medicinal prcpara tion in the form of a Lozenge, which of al modes is the most pleasant and convenient They contain no deleterious ingredient, and are warranted to be always safe even for the weakest and most sensitive stomach. In Croup they give immediate relief. For Cough and Colds they are invaluable. For Catarrh, Asthma and Bronchitis they have no equal in the market, (vide Certin cutes accompanying each box.) Dipthcrta that dreaded and desolating disease, they control wonderfully and almost immediately No Public Speaker, Singer or Teacher should be without them, a9 they remove hoaiscness and strengthen and clear the voice. 07AI ways use them in time, and if the Symptoms are severe use very Ircely. J. II. BLADES & Co., Prop's, Elmir-i, N. Y. F. C. Wells &. Co., 115 and 117 Franklin St., Airents far N. Y. City. DREI1ER & BRO. Agents, Stroudsburg, Pa. March 15, 15G0 ly. A CARD To the Hotel keepers of Monroe and ad jaccnt counties. Lock to Your Interests! ! ! We arc offering Liquors, Wines. &c tcarrontcd jntrc, and containing no Drugs Ods, Lsscnces, dc, whatever, at the f'ol lowing very low prices : Brandies from 50c(7? SI 00 per gallon less than City prices, Gins Bourbon "WhiskeyjlOcCcrGoc. it 3Ionongahela; 40c(7Gtc. Old Bye, " d0cfV.O5c. " Apple 50efV? $1 00 Common - 15eftr;25c. Wines (all kinds 50cfv51 00 ti Please give us a call, or send your or ders, and satisfy yourselves that we do do it, that wc ictll do tt. and the reasons ichy wc can do it. Also, please remember that tec do not hacc anything to do tcith "Drugged Li quors. Anything you buy from us we gc.urautec Pure, and much below the pri ccs usually paid for tho Drugged Liquors cry Respectfully, J. S. WILLIAMS, & Co., Stroudsburg, Monroe Co. I'a. July 27, 18G5. Important to Everybody. The subscribers would inform tho public very respectfully, that they are carrying on the E2not A: Shoe ISnmr at their old stand, one door above the Express Office, on Elizabeth St., Strouds burg, Pa.,' where they will be happy to wait on their old customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient to call. They have on hand a good arrortment of BOOTS &, SHOES, for men, women, misses' and childrens' wear, Gum over Shoes and Sandals for men, youth and misses. A general assortment of Lasts and BootTrees, shoe Thread, Wax, Heel Nails, Pincers, Punches, Eyclettsand Eyc lctt Setts, Pegs and Peg-Cutters, Shoe Ham mers, Crimping Boards and Screws, also, li ning and binding skins, a good articie of 1 ampico Boot Morocco, r rench Morocco and French Calfskins, Lasting and all kinds of Shoemaker tool?, Ink Powder and Shoe Blacking, and Frank Miller's water-proof oil blacking. All of which they offer for 6ale at small advance upon cost. Give us a call, no charges for showing poods. P. S. Boots and Shoes made to order and warranted. CHARLES WATERS & SON. Stroudsburg, Jan. 18, 18G0. STEPHEN HOLMES, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, STE0UDSBUEO, PENNA. Office Willi S. S. Drelier. FNq. N. B. Special attention paid to the filing of Pension papers, and the collection of back pay, and bounties of srMiers. LEWIS D. VAIL. GEORGE D. STROUD VAIL ant! STROUD. ATTORNEYS AT LAAV, Have rrmoved their Oflice to No. 703 San soul Street, March 17, l-GJ.J Plilhulel plila CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. A positive aDd specific remedy for all dis eases originating from an impure state of the blood, and for all (hereditary) diseas es transmitted from parent to child. la SCROFFULA. STRUMA, GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, ULCERATION, KINGS EVIL, ERYSIPELAS, , SALT RHEUM This taint (hereditary and acquired,) filling life with untold misery, is by all usual med ical remedies incurable. If there is any disease in which the Con stitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in rheumatism and its kindred affections. The most intense pains are almost instantly alle viated enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of twenty or or thirty years standing have been cured. I NERVOUS DEBILITY. SHATTERED NERVE'S ST. VITUS' DANCE, LOSS OF POWER, CONFUSION OF THOUGHTS, EPILEPSEY, inousanus wno nave sullered lor years will bless the day on which they read these lines. Particularly to weak, suffering wo men will this medicine prove an inestirna ble blessing directing their footsteps to a Hope which tulhlls more than in promises IUKKCl'RIAL DISEASES . SALIVATION, ROTTING OF BONES, BAD COMPLEXION, ACHES IN BONES, FEELING OF WEARINESS. DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. Constitution Life Syrup purgos the system entirely trom all the evil effects of mercury rempving the Bad Breath, curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gums and secures the teeth as firm ly as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases, ot the bkm like ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, and all other difficulties of this kind, which so mucn aisngure me outward appearance of both males and females, often making them a disgusting object to themselves and their friends. E CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP CURES ALL SWELLING OF THE (J LANDS Either of the Face, Neck, or Female Breast and should be taken as soon as the swelling and producing troublesome Discharging Sores, which disfigure so many of the youn ger portion ot the community, trom six to twenty years of age. Young children ore very subject to discharges from the Ears, which depends upon a Scrofulous constitu tion. These cases soon recover by taking a lew doics of the Lile Syrup. All scrofulous persons suffering from gen eral Debility, Emaciation, Dyspepsia nnd Dropsy ot the limbs, abdomen and m t:ic fe male, Dropsy of the ovaries and womb, gen erally accompanied with uiCamation and Ul ceration of the Uteru, arc permanently cur ed by Constitution Life Syrup. Tho-disease known as Goitre or Swelled Neck, the Life Syrup will remove entirely. The remedy should be taken for sometime, as the disease is exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will not be removed without extra effort. Tumors of the ovaries. Tumors of th Breast, and swelling of other glands of the body, will be completely reduced without resorting to the knile, or operations of any Kind. . Y Epileptic Fits, Sympathetic or Organic diseases of the Heart, as palpitation, Disea sesof the Valves, producing a grating or fi ling sound, Dropsy of the Heart Case and al the afTectioiu of this important organ (per sons suilenng trom any r.cute pain in the re gion of the heart), will be greatly relieved by Constitutional Iue Syrup. .broken down and delicate constitution suffering from Indisposition to Exertion, Pain in the Back, Loss ot Memory, Forebodings, Horror of Calamity, Fear of Disease, Dim ness of Vision, Dry, Hot Ski.nand Extreme ties, want of Sleep, Restlessness, Pale, Hag gard Countenance, and Lassitude of the M us eular System, all require the aid of the Con stitution Life Syrrp. II FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES. Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue. Spine, Forehead, or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved its equal. Moth Patches upon the female face de pending upon the diseased action ofthc liv er are very unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A tew bottles of Constitution Life Syup, will correct the secretion, and remove the deposit which is dircctiy under the shin. In the diseases of the liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizziness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach or an ulcerated or cancerous condi tion of that organ, accompanied with burning or other unpleasant Symptoms, will be re lieved by the use ot Constitution Life Syrup. u OTAs a general Blood Purifying Agent the Life Syrup stands - unrivaled by any preparation in the World. The rich and poor are liable to the same disenses. Nature and Science hasmade the Constitution Life Syrup for the benefit of all. Pure Blood produces healthy men and wo men: and if tho constitution is neglected in youth, diseaee and early death is the result. Price, $1 5 per bottle; one half dozen 7. F WM. II. GREGG-, M. D., Sole Proprietor, New York. ' Morgan &. Allen, Wholesale Druggists, Agents, No 40 Clill-st., New-York. Geo. C. Goodwin &. Co., Boston. J. II. Reed & Co., Chicago. Fuller, Finch & Fuller, Chicago. Collins Brothers, St. Ixmis. J. D. Park, Cincinnati. Johnson, Holloway &Co., Philadelphia Barnes, Ward &. Co., New Orleans. Barnes, Henry & Co., Montreal, Canada. Hostetter, Smith & Dean, San Francisco California. Yvm. iJoiunshcad, Dreher & Brother, Stroudsburg. (February 8, 16G6.-6.n, LIQUOR STORE. Important notice to Landlords and all others in want of PURE LIQTJOBS, at very low prices. The uudcr?igncd having recently open ed a LIQUOR STORE in the room for merly occupied by Mr. ltobt. 11. Hepuy, Stroudsburg, nre prepared to oiler Li- r I QUORS, wines, ivc., at prices ranging from 2d cts. to 1 00 per gallon less than the same quality can he -jmrchastd at in the cities. We also guarantee in every instance, our Jujuors pure, ana jrec jrom w . 7 J" aft Drvgs ami compounds, anu curuiaiij invite Land Lords and all others ia want of anything in our liuc, to favor us with a call, or, it more conven-ir, incir oruers, which will always be met with prompt at tention, and in either case pure Liquors guaranteed at a great saving of money. W e also, especially call attention to our Raspberry and Strawberry Sykui's, which for richness of flavor and taste, cannot be surpassed. J. S. WILLIAMS, & Co. Stroudsburg, July 13, 18G5. rown DEALERS IX (locks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver are, Plated iare, Bocks, Stationery, Wall Paper, Notions, &c, They have rccer.tlv nurchased "MEL- IOCS OLD STAND," and with increased facilities for businrs?, and a determination to please,, fuel justified in asking the con tinued patronage of the old customers of tin establishment. In constant communication with Importers in New York and Piula delpiiia, and in possession of peculiar ad vantages in this respect, they are prepared to sell CLOCKS, WATCHES &, JEW ELR Y, of superior make and finieh as well also as of cheaper character, at remarkably low rates. They ah?o k;cp constantly on hand the best quality of Silver and Plated Ware, Tea Spoons, Cos tors, Spectacles, Razors, Pen-knives, Scissors, and all sorts of Cutlery ; Toys of 'all hinds, Childrens Carriages, Bird cages, Pishing Tackle, Baskets, Guns and Pistols, Lamps of all kinds and Fixtures; Supetior Sewing Machines, Clothes Wringers, School Books, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Ledgers and Day Books. Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Lik, eje, tj c. Photograph-Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades, and Fruit Cans of cvtry de scription. Lamp Burners altered. Repairing cf Clockf, Watches and Jewelry ultended to promptly and satisfactorily. Orders In ken for Silver Ware and ii i led with dir-pntch. Stroudsburg, May 1(J, ISG-l. if i d AND 5I.G MACHINE SHOP, The undersigned having completed his new Foundry nnd Machine Shop would re spectfully inform his old frioc!-, and the public generally, that he " .jily prepared to fill all orders in hisline with promptness, and in a style superior even to what he was able to do in the old establishment destroyed" by the flood. Having a full assortment: of pat terns made of the best material, he is pre pared to supply all demands for Mill Work, Bark J.ills, Piow Cast ings and Sash Weights, STEAM ENGINES, MACHINE WORK, &c, &.c. Being an experienced workman himself, and employing none but the best hands and the best material, tho public may rest assured that all work coming from his Ehop will be fully equal, if not superior, to that produced by any other establishment in chine Shop, is located on Walton street, near Elizabeth street, in the borough of Strouds burg, where tho orders of old friends as well as new one are solicited. Orders from a pistancc may be addressed, per mail, to F. LANDERS, Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa. September 4 th, 18C2. Has permanently located him self in Stroudsburg, and moved his office next dooi iu Dr. S. Walton, where he is fully prepared to treat jhe natural teeth, and also to insert incorrup tible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in tqe latest and most improved manner. Most persons know the danger and folly tS trust mg their work, to the ignorant as well as the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, ho is liable to have some failures out of a number of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distance it is frequently put off until it is too late to save the tooth or teeth as it mav bo, other wise the inconvenience and trouble of going so far. Hence the necessity of obtaining the services of a dentist near home. All w ork warranted. Stroudsburg, March 27, 1SG2. IHASOIV TOCK, G lazier, antl Taper Hauler, Will attend lo, and promptly execute, all orders with winch he may be favored. From his long experience in the various branches of his business, he feels confident of render ing entire satisfaction in his work. He may be found at hi shop, on Simpson onuui, oirouusuurg, .a. Patronage respectfully solicited. March 20, IS62. SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! Itch ! Itcli ! Itch ! Try Ilollinshead'sltch Ointment, a sure euro for that troublesome disease. War- aantcd to cure, or the money refunded Not injurious. Prepared and sold at W. HOLLINSHEAD'S l)ru3 Store. Stroudsburg, Jau. 11th, 1SGU, m ECeller, A F g: " f ? MONROE COUNTY Mutual Fire Insuiaiicc Company, ESTARILSSItlED 1841, CHARTER PERPETUAL. Amount of Property Insured SI, 050,000. Tie rate of insurancc in this Company ;3 one 0ar for evcry thousand dollars in- sured, after which payment no further char ges will be made, except to cover actual loss by fire that may fall upon members of the Company. The policies issued by this Company are perpetual, and afford the fullest security, with the largest economy and convenience. This company will not issue Tanneries, Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. Applications for Insurance may be made to either of. the Managers, Surveyors or Sec retary. MANAGERS. J. Depue Lalar, Jacob Knecht, Richard S. Staples, John Edinger, Silas L. Drake, Godlieb Auracher, Charles D. Erodhcad, Jacob StoufTer, Robert Boys, Theodore Schoch, Siu'l S. Dreher, Thomas W. Rhodes, Slogdell Stoke?, STOGDELL STOKES, President. E. B. Dreher, Secretary and Treasurer. Silas L. Drake, 1 Melchoir Spragle, Surveyors. F. A. Oppelt, ) OC?" The'statcd meeting of the board of Managers takes place at the Secretary's of fice, on the first Tuesday of each month, at 1 o'olock P. M. Stroudsburg, Oct. 8, 1503. P1I0M1X DRUG STOKE. PRXIIEIl & "BROTHER, (Successors- to Durling & Boy?,) Respectfully notify the public, that hav ing purchased the r.Love establishment, they will continue the Drug and Medicine busi ness, at the old stand. The room is commo dious, and is fitted up with every convenience for the dispatch of business and the accommo dation of customers. Having made large ad ditions to their already largestock cf Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, &c, purchased with a view to the ac tion cf the new tax and tnrill laws, they are prepared to offer rare bargains to purchasers. READER, If you want pare, frcch Drvgs and Medi cines, call on Dreher &. Brother. If you want first quality Paints, Oils and Dye Stiffs, call on "Dreher & Brother. If you w ant Perfumery, in almost endless variety, call on Dreher &, Brother. If you want Lamps and pure, safe and cheap Burning Oils, cell en Dreher & Brother. If you want any cf the most popular Pat ent Medicines, or those which are not nuite so popular, call on Dreher &. Brother. If ycu want the best Cigars or a choice article of Chewing Tobacco, cull on Drtlicr &, Brother. If ycu want Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded, call on Dreher & Brother If you want pure H7;2rs and Lujucrs for medicinal, sacramental or other uses, call on Dreher &. Brother. If you want the best of Jl.tir, Tooth, Nai and Cloth Brushes, Combs, Soaps, Cosmet ics and Toilet Articles generally, call on Dreher !c Brother. In short, If you want any thing usually kept 1:1 a well regulated Drug Store, ycu can only sure to get a pure and genuine article by calling on Dreher & Brother. The underned hope, Ly strict attention to business, and a desire to meet the wants of the public, to merit a continuance- and in crease of tho patronage heretofore, extended to the Phoenix. GEO.. II. DREHER. E. B. DRDIIER. Stroudsbur-r, Oct. 22, 1803. LIVERY BUSINESS. Ws!. I'uBissaan, Prsprietcr. II.: vinir rirl-inwofl V cfr..t i.ueiy owneu ty iauU anarr sman, I la :ie this opport unity notify my friends and the public generally. that I have added considerable new stock to the same, and will continue the business al ihe eld fctand.on Franklin street, where I am prcpired to hire horses and carriages at the lowest cash rates. My horses are safe, fast and gentle, and their vehicles consist of all kinds, to suit tbe taste of the fastidious. Attentive ostlers always cn hand, and drivers furnished when desired. Call and-see for yourselves. Strangers taken to any pait of ihe country al khort notice. They will con tinue la run Ihe new omnibus between Ihi borough and the Ittilroid Depot. Persons friending to go on the railroad will be called tor at any part of the borough, by leaving iheir names at the ofiice near lbs stable. The omnibus will also be al the depot on tho arrival of trains to convey passengers into. town. No pains will be spared to rva satisfaction, to all who may favor them with their patron- age. WILLIAM HUNTSMAN. Aew Confectionery. The Subscriber informs his friend and the public generally, that ho has a penod au extensive Confectionery Store, in the liorough of Stroudsburg, four doors, below "Kuater's Clothlug Store." Everythiug iu the line of Coufectione ry, Frcuch ox Domestic all kiuds cf NUTS, CM X DIES, CHANGE 9, Aiici:s, . , , TIGS, Ac, Cau be had at CITY TRICES, cither at WHOLESALE OK KKTA1L. CSyALso A lot of Choice Flowcrs.-JS Please call and cxaming his Stock. JAMES RALLENTVNE. Stroudsburg, May V2, 180 L tf. BLANK DEEDS For sale at this Offie