MARRIED July Hth, 15GG, at the Lutheran Parson ic, in Hamilton, by the Rev. Henry Seifert, jfr. Nathan Kresge, of Chesnuthill, and Iis3 Harriet Arnold, of Hamilton. DIED. In Hampton, Va. on the 18th insr., peter L. Starncr, formerly a resident of this place. . CHEAP GOODS, AI1E NOW OFFERED BY A JYZ7U' FIRM, SMILEY & WALTON, (SUCCESSORS TO It. S. ST ILES.) The subscribers would hereby inform their friends and the public generally, that they have recently purchased the entire stock of 11. S. Staples, and asso ciated themselves together as co partners under the name of SMILEY & WALT OX, for the purpose of carrying on the Mer cantile trade in all its brauces, at the well known stand lately occupied by It. S. Stait.fs. We have already added to our former stock a fresh supply of FAXCY DRESS GOODS. SPR1XG STYLUS. Our goods wore bought low. since the - ' . - i Tata decline m prices. sr. a our customers shall have the benefit of it. Y nlsnkppn n full asRorf-m.t .f ohm,'. I.. : - .'.r Croc'ici y V;io, Wooden Ware &v. In short, wc moan to keep every thin:; that constitute a fust clsss country store. Oar purpose shall be to endeavor to irive perfect satisfaction to all who favor u. with their patronage. Conic and see u-. MORRIS SMILEY. J AS. K. WALTON. S:roudsburjr, Pa., July 2d, 1SGG. T r ii i: ij a ises or STEOUDSRURG AND VICINITY FRANCOIS G KEG OIIIK, P 11 E M I K R K C II E MIS T, IN OFFERING TO THE PUBLIC ins "ENAMEL OF AM ERIC .V IS Confident that its merits need but a trir.3 supplant t!iO numerous deleterious m;:i era! compounds now in u-e.- U X L I K E T II E V A R IOUS to TABLETS, POWDERS and ROGUES.CO;Pj.,ljined of. WHICH MERELY COYER AND EYEXT UA LI A" ROUCHEX AND DE STROY THE SKIN. TIlC ENAMEL OF AMERICA (Beinj entirely vegetable in al! it.s compo nent parts.) THOROUGH LY REM O YES, AMI PERM A X E X T L Y E R A D I C A T E S ALL BLOTCHES. FRECKLES. SPECKS, PIMPLES, And all impurities arising from a diseased slate of the Cuticle, imparling the Beautifully Transparent Glow of Blooming Youth. IT WILL POSITIVELY JIAKE THE SKIN SOFT AND SMOOTH TEX MINUTES AFTER IT IS APPLIED, OR The money paid for it will po.-iiivtly be re funded. A BOTTLE ALWAYS OPEN UPON THE COUNTER FOR LADES TO USE, BEFORE THEY PAY FOR IT, FREE OF CHARGE." IT IS AS HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ALL DELETERIOUS COMPOUNDS , AS SPRING WATER. It has received the following distinguished endorsements JJSS JEAN IJOSMEU, MJSS OLIVH LOO AN', MUS JIFFIE GEHMAX, MISS JULIA DALY, AND OTHERS, And is used by the Medical Faculty in their treatment for Pimples in the Face r nd Rough Skin and recommended by them to the pub lic, as cn elegant and certain beautifier of tue complexion. JT WILL MOST CERTAINLY REMOVE FRECKLES FROM THE FACE, Positive Proof of which can be given. THE USE OF ONE BOTTLE Will prove to any one that it is not a catch penny compound, but one worthy their pat ronage. TX FACT, A POSITIVE NECESSITY TO THEIR TOILET. , PRICE. One U.ttJe, Six Bottle, 1 00 GOO UaUliOISTS AND LSALEltS SUPPLIED AT M A N U F A C T V it F. R S ' l'RICES BY THE DOZ., OE IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. DREHER & BROTHER, SOLE AGENTS FOR MONHOE COCTY. July 26, lSGG.-Gm. BLANK MORTGAGES. For snle at i)U Office The Mason & Hamlin Cahlnat nrjmnc forty different styles, adapted to sacred and' secular music, for SSO to SCOOcacb. FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS or ouier ursi premiums awarded them. Illus trated Catalogues free. Address. MASOV &. HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTII-, INew York. September 7, uuttov's Notice. Estate of PETER G. KVXKEL, dec' J. rpiIE undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Monroe county, to examine and if occasion require, resettle the final account of Jacob K. Sliafer, Admin istrator of the Estate of Peter G. Kunkel, late of Polk township, deceased, will attend to the duties of hi appointment, on Friday, the 24th day of August nest, at 10 o'clock A. M.,atthe Prothunctiry's office in the bor ough of Siroudsburg', at which time and place all persons interested may attend if they see proper. THOS. M. McILHANEV, July 2G, 1SGG. Auditor. Auditor's Notice. Estate of SAMUEL B. MILLER, decl. fnnE undersigned Auditor appointed by -ft. tiic Urph ins' Court ot Monroe county. to examine and if occasion require, resettle the account of Isaiah II. Miller, Adminis trator of the Estate of Samuel II. Miller, late of Stroud township, deceased, will at tend to the duties of - his appointment, on Monday, the 27tli day of August next, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at the Prothonotary's office in the Icrrutrli ol StrouusLunr. at which time , .. . .... v- ...... U ......... J".. , phico all persons interested may attend if:' hey see proper. THOS. M. McILHANEV, Jly 1500.1 Auditor. -UiMtov's 2Colkc. In ihr j.u.ttir (f thf cccuunt of Matthias SirrJ.rr, Adm'r. vf.thc Estate of Abraham Cro'zrr, dee'd. fJ'MIE undersigned Auditor appointed Ly 2- the Orphans' Court of Monroe county, to make distribution of th funds in t!i' hands of ?a:d Administrator, will attend to the du ties of iiisa;:p'.);nt:no:t on Saturday, the IStli day f August next, at 10 o'clock A. M., at I ho olTico ot Simn-d S. Drt-hcr, Eq , in the I vr. of troiii.Mur;, when and where all patics in i::t'?ro: nre requested to attend, i r ho dt l arrcd from coming in for a distri butive share of cm id find. S. HOLMES, Jr., uiy C;. l-Ou.- lvv. Auditor. "jJOTIt"E :s !i:rolu- given, that tlte Lists i. i and EM;:ueratioi:s of I neon. es, Licens- i rs. urriV'Pf. Vioil ateiies. nnn silver VI, for Uivisions, Xo. 0, 10, II. (Monroe Co.,) will remain open" for examination, and for the purpose it' receiving appeals relative to nny erroneous or t thc.i'fiice of Jcliii N oxcossive assessment, , Stokes, As:- Assessor, S' roadsLu rir. from tho ITtl. day of Julv to :c CTtii d-v of Julv, lri'-C Appe-'is must Lc made ai writing, and specify the particular ca;;re, matter, cr tiling rcspc'inj which n drcision is reques ted : also the ground or principal of error JAMES L. SELFRIDUE, As.-cssor U. S. Int. Rev., 11th Dist. Penn'a. July 19, TOI-t. Auditor's Notice. Estate of CATIIAIUXE CLICK, dcr1. fJHIIE undersigned Audiicr appointed by JL the Orphans Court of Monroe county, tit make distribution of the funds in the hands of Samuel Gulick, Ad:i.inistr!or of said Es tate, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment, on Monday, tli2 20th day of August next, at 10 o'clock A. M.f at the IVothono-tary-'s office. in Slr;udaburg, at which time and place all persons having any claims - or demands against the t-aid fund will present the same, or be forever debirred Irom coai' in jn for nnv share thereof. " THOS. M. McILHAXEY, July 19, ISOn. Auditor. "Auditor's Notice. Estate of JOIIX WOOLBERT, Sen., deceased. THE undersigned Auditor appointed by JL th Orphans' Court of Monroe county, to make distribution of the lands in the hands of John Wilson, Ad.ninistrator of the Estate of John Woolbert, Sen., late of Jackson town-hio. dece ised, will attend to the duties of his arrxti'.-.ttnent. on Friday, the 17th day of August next, at 10 o'clock A. M.t at the Proth motarv's office in Stroudsburg, when and where al! p2rsjn3 hiving any cliims cr demands agiinst the same will present tnem, I'p'harrpd Irom Cjtninir in for any share of the same. 1 HUO. iH.JU.Jil.lU Inlv ID. lftHO.l Auditor. - - -j j Office of the JacUson Oil Company Steovdsbcro, July 9, 1?GG. .VTOTICE is hereby given, that if the as Ll 6essment of three cents per Eiiare on the stock of the original Shareholders in said Compiny, ordered by a Reso!ut;on of said Company, on the 20th d.y of Xobember hist shall remain unpaid up to 3 o'clock, P. M., ot Tuesday, the 31ts day of July inst.a sum rient number of said share?, to piy the as sPHment due theieon as aforesaid, will be n t!,-t - Av. and at that tiin?, at the CJIK W fci..- j . - r.nnrt.lloiiBC in ihe Borough of blroudsburg at. finhlir. auction bv the Treasurer ofsak i Commnv. A mJetin" of tlic Stockholders of said Company Avill be held at the same place at 3 o'clock,. P. Id., of the same day to consider measures for carrying on the worK, or leas in" th; Wells of taid Company. Pronoials will be received at a meeting o the Directors on the same day for sinkingone or more Wells on the property ot the Com pany with the use of one or both Engines o the Company. By order of the Bmrd. LUKE W. URODIIEAD, July T2, ISOC.-St. Secretary. Estate of CAROLINE M1CUTLE. dec. 7WTOTICE is herebv given, that letters ofj Tl adajinistration on the Lstate of the above named Caroline Michile, late of the township of SmithCeld, in the county of Men roe, deceased, have been granted to Jacob F. Ilerzog, residence inScranton, Luzerne Co., All persons therefore having claims or de mands against the Estate of the said dece dent, are requested to make the wine known to the said Jacob F. Heyzog July 12, 1SG6.-Ct. Alminhtndor. DR. D. D. SMITH, Surgeon Dentist. Dr. D. D.Smith, would respectfully in form the inhabitants of Stroudsburs and vicinity, that be has permanently located himself here, where he will be happy to wait upon all who may stand in need of his professional services. Dr. Smith has recently removed from the citv. where he has had a city and country practice of over twenty years, which he thinks will enable him to do the most diffiult work in his line of business. Teeth inserted from one to full sett, on all kinds of met- tals used in the profession, end also most particularly hard rubber. Give him i call and see his specimens. Teeth ex tracted without pain. June 7, 1SGG. NEW STORE KEV GOODS i AT REDUCED PRICES ! DARIUS DREIIER, hegs leave to an nounce to Jus lrienas, and and to the pub ic generally, that he has just received a frer.cral assortment of Dry Goods, Xof !onst Dress Trimmings. A SI MILL XL: Y GOODS con?i.tin;r, in part of the following desirable . . . , .. ' w - "' " L'nT.. 'ft'ii'di Chintz, CltU'lri it '.s Drtss G'jo'Is. Ii orLnl Li I. j ''', J 'r .'., Z'j'lfrs, Sut hlil'l I Mms, Sh-tl'-id )o! S'uucL. D'htii;-?, Matluify li7(.Vc Dress GooJs, Insert n:rst Lnaj'g ana Children s Sacks ' Fi' tunrl (aid Ci'f'ih, Ead''s, Ji.s'.s oud Jftii's Ifoa, GorcS and Collars, Mo i' riling G' Oi Is , Shrondiiiis, (., Coods shown with pleasure. Quicks sales and small profits' at the old and well known Millinery Stand of F. A. DREIIER. The Millinery business will be carried en as usual by Mrs. Dukhuh. Patronage respcctly solicited. DARIUS DREIIE .11. April 20, 1SGC. THE V m LP0SITI0jt ! N T OTWITH ST A N D I N G THE BLOW and bl-.jsters of new fcegfi.ncrs, Faklc at the old itiiiid, on the corner is still main- ainin" his rcntiiation as the keeper of the cheapest store, decidedly, in this faction ol country. There is no mistake in this as the following facts wiU hw : He is idling PRINTS at from 10 to 0 cts. per yard. DELAINES 2i cents per yard, the price before the war. SILKS at from 81 tn S'2 vcr vard. All kinds of FIXE ERESS COODS at greatly reduced prices. MUSLLNS trom 12 to 2 cents per yard. JUL I D Y-JL 1 DE CL O TIIJXG, o far below war prices as to cstoni:di pur chasers. HATS at a very low figure indeed. Faule also keeps an evi to the comfort of the inner man, and offers SUGARS at from 10 to 19 cents per pound. COFFEES i5 to 3-"i cents prr pound. MOLASSES, 10 cents !.. 91 per pallon. A rood assortment of CARPETS al i;er- Iv the old rates before the w:ir. if you want anything in his I ii:o, ot coo:. quality and alleys rates than can Iw per-, ciiast?ii at anv omcr iorc. can ;n v.wi.t. old stand corner of "Elizabeth and streets and vou cannot fail to be suited. 07 No charge for showing jrnods. (JEORGK TABLE. Stroudsburg, Pa April 1U, 1SGG. - A LECTURE TO YOUN G M E N. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price six cents. A r,ectur " ! Sulnrc, Treat ment, and Radical Cure of Spernnlorcea, or Seminnl Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexujl Debili'y, and Impediments to Mar riage generally. IS crvousnos, consumption, O O . 1 1 1 IT Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental ana rnysicai in capacity, resulting from iv;lf-Abuse, ccc Hy RODE III J. CULVfilwtUi, xu. v., au thor of the "Green Book," &c. Ttip world-renowned author, in this ad mirable Lecture, clearly proves irom his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed tti!hi,i:t medicine." and without dangerous Knrrricnl operations, lourr'ics, instruments, rJnc nr rnr iial?. rointiiiir out a mode of cure once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no nutter what his condition .rnv hp. in iv cure himself ciieinlv. private- ly.and radically. THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE AT.OON TO THOUSANDS AX D THOUSANDS. Sent underseal. to any iddrees, in a plain sealed envolope, on the receipt of six ceuts, or two notaze stamps, by addressing CIIAS. J. C. KLINE &. CO., io ii.nviTi. VoiUi Post-of- fice Box 438G. Marcli 22, 1S00. ly. THE SHAWNEE MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSIC AL SCHOOL. riMIE euLEcriher has opened a Day and I . t. 1 1 .. (JK...nnn Pnnn. -vlvania. for the purpose of iunuthmg l,n tlcs and Genii emeu, ut home and nlroad,an opportunity to pursue any etudies thpy may desire, to fit them for the various duties ol The locatiotiis unsurpassed in the rich ness and variety of iu surrounding fecnery. Its fine valley, its beetling cims, ami idKts imlosomed in Ihe mountams nil combine to make it one of the inoat uesirae iices for a Boarding Pclutol. The location is healthy, and free from he corrup'ing influences in ond near cities and large towns. For further informal ion, address the un dersigned, Shawnee, Pa. Ilov. J. K. DAVIS, Principal Shawnee, June 16GG 7. 7 O EXTRA CHARGE for HEARSE in attendio U within f miles fcv v o - r (of Stroudibarpr J. II. iMeCAKI J . May 31, 160. -tf. H. S. WAGNER, (Successor to George P. Heim,) STROUDSBU11G, Pa., Would infite attention to bis full and va ried assortment of Dry Goods. All the usual Departments requisite to a complete retail Dry Goods Store, Constantly receives strict attention and will always be found to contain lull and de sirable assortments. His stock of Ladies Dress Goods is particularly worthy of -examination, and he shall be constantly opening all desirable Novelties in that line as the season advan ces. iTyou want Prints, call on H. S. Wagner. If you want Bleached Sheeting- or Shirt- ing cull on II. S. Wagner. If you want Unbleached Muslin or Sheet ing call on II. S. Wagner. If you want Xolions call on II. S. Wagner. If you want Gloves or Hosiery call on II. S. Wagner. If 3rou want Cloths or Cassimcres call on H. S. Werner. If you want Cents Furnishing Goods call on ii. a. Wo jrue r. If you want GROCERIES, Cull on II. S. You will find Sugars at Wagner. II. S. II. S. Wagner's. Wagner's. Wagner's. Wagner's. Wagner's Warner's. You will rind Ccfte at You will find Syrujis at You will find Teas at You will find Sjiices at You will find Fish at II. R. II. S. II. S. II. S. You will find CVocAxrynt II. S. You will find Wooden-ware at Wugner's. II. S. Wagner's. You will find Brooms & Itrushrs at H. S. Winer's. You will, finally, be able to find what you wnnl at H. S. Wagner's. Between the Buik and the Post-Office. STUOUDSBURG, PA. Feb. 22, 15G0. my (aood iews for the People! Coltcrt Goods have come down in price ! Large decline in prices of ?1 ulin, t':Iicoei, Do llanos, AikI iugli;iiii. I am now selling Calicoes and le Lanes :.t al".ut ll." t rr cent, lower thau I sold vTmi'.l fKOII I nm selling soinc make of 31ulins for ess than they have been sold for the last two years. GOTTEN GOODS re low enough for any one to buy tbeui now. Large reduction in the price of fine DRESS GOODS. And if you wish to buy good Cloths and fancy Cassimercs, call in. They are 50 cents a yard cheaper than in the fall. AMD CLAflKET SHAWLS, all wool, all sorts and sizes, very low. I can irive vou a bargain in fehawls. And then I have a good assortment ol Coffee, Sugars, baking Molas ses and Sjruns, And lots of other Goods cheap. 2T Don't forget the place, it U at lJItODIIKAD'S Cheap Store, in Stroudsburg Jan. 11, 1SCG. MOWER & REAPER COMBINED. THE I WHEELER'S PATENT, WITH DOUBLE DRIVING WHEELS, ILfcAl BLE FINGER BAR. rTJIIIIS perfect Mower is superior to any XL liertoforc iuvented. It is built wliolv of Iron and Steel. It took the Premium at the last Strouds bur Fair. Sold by LIXFOKD VAX IJUSKIRIC. Stroudsburg, May 2-V, CG. Agent 200,000 BRICK for SALE. milE ii'ndrifrned have now for ealc Two hundred Thousand fresh burnt Brick of) Ihe ht quality, and embracinn; 11 AUD, SALMON AND SOFT BRICK, which they oG'er to the public, at the lowest market price?, tor catn. ROSSARD STONE. Stroudslurg-, Pa., June 11, lQ. j. h. Mccarty HAS just returned from New-York with a enlendid assortment of PARLOR and CHAMBER FURNITURE. Call at his Ware-Rooms. Moy 31, lhnd.-ll. JULY. PYLE'S ' EASTON HALL OF FASHION. OPPOSITE THE OLD EASTON BANK, EASTON, PEN35TA. Tlte Larg-est Stock ! The Tastiest Styles! The Best Quality of Work! The Lowest Prices! The Best Cutter ! The Most Obliging: Salesmen! Are to be found, at this Establishment! Po. C. PYLE, Proprietor. SALKSMEN, CIIAS. W. BACIIMAN, ISAAC SNYDER. LAZE Our Gun hits the Don't You see Do you want to lmy a good HAT, CAP, or set of FURS, If you do, go to VaulTs Hat Store, opposite the Post Office, . where vou will always find a ood assortment of HATS, CAPS AND' FURS, . at prices to suit all. Of these facts you can he convinced bv calling as directed. Remember the place. J. A . PAULVS Hat Store, Opposite the Post Office, Stroudsburg, Pa. X. IV The highest cash prices paid for all kinds of shipping Furs. "Nov. 23. 1865. 18 CliOTOIWG! LOTeiNr! 66. Of the latest styles and best qualities AT PATJiTS HAT STORE. This lieinir :i Iirnncli of li. C. Pvlo's Clothinf? establish- inent of Kaston, the citizens of haso tlie same quality and at the same prices as though hev bought in Kaston. . All goods sold as low here as at Gaston. All are invited to come and examine the latest styles. .Don t iorget the place, PA Nov. 23, 18G5. IIAIll HESTOEEtt A air UreSSerUKU Uiur ncsiuiti, BOTH COMBINED IN ONE. 20,000 living witnesses arc testifying to their neighbors, from day to iay, oj its wonderful effect. 1st. It is not a dye. 2nd. It will not co'- I orthei-kin. 3rd. It will restore tlie liair from a Grav to a beautiful Buck, iirown, Auburn, or whatever nucht have been its original color, aud cause it to assume its former bcaulV 4th. It will cure all Humors and Diseas es of the Sculp; keep the heid cool nnd nice; remove Dandruff and fccurt irom tne head; keep the hoir moist and silk-like in its appearance, as m youtlitul days. The "Martlia Washington Hair Restorer" is as much ahead of anything of the kind now in market, as the buii outshines the moon in brightness nnd glory. The best testimony that can be gtren win be found inside of each botlle. Warranted to do nil we claim lor H. or me money refunded, after nsin two bollix. Try if, ami l Con vl DREIIER & WIO., A?ent? STROUDS BURG, PA. SIMONDS &. CO., Proprietors, FITZWILLIAM. N. H. Sroudsburj, April K 15GG. lyr. SonUuumev & -Herrmann, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FANCY. GOODS AND 1111 UU IXVRRWiMVf STROUDSRURG, PA. August ll.lftljt tf. TTrOTP.n-TWO GOOD CABINET iti.TJ men. llf other j. ii. Mccarty. need applyt May 21, 18G0.-tf. " ...r.-.. .T.i in n'lVnS neat - ly and promptly cecuicd at thisfike 888. The Newest Goods! CUTTER, JOIIX BOWEX, Late of X. Y. City A WAT I Mark every time. the Fur Fly? Monroe County can now pur- L) lil a 11 A 1 STUKifi, Opposite the Post Office. K. V. UMAl. Good News for the Million. The subscriber hastens to lay the import ant intelligence before the public, that ho 0f fashionable and seasciiabla Cloths, Cassimercs, Vestings, &c which he will make up to order on short no- tice. in a manner 6alis!actorv to all. Ji IS shelves, literally groan beneath the Kcady Made Clothing with which they are loaded. Coats, Overcoats, rants and vesxs , t,r ,.e bCcr material, and in the most ' fjhjonablu manner, al prices to suit all. U:ts and Caps. ISoots aiiI Shoes, and indeed every thing- with which he has heretofore supplied the public, will be found re:dy lor inspection and tale at prices which defy competition. ' - Thankful lor favors heretofore received he hopes to merit a continuance of public favor at the old stand. NICHOLAS RUSTER. Siroudsburj, .Deo. 8, 1663. Auditor's Notice. in the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County. . & J. Wallace &. Co. "I Yen. Ex. No. vs. 1 3,MayT. Christian, otherwise called i 1SG0, r".liristrvn!or Frfidricfc. 1 rIIE undersigned Auditor appointed fcy J the said Court, lo make distribution of the money ruled into Court, from the pro ceeiU of the sale of the Real Estate ol a said defendant, by virtue of above stateu veu. u., will attend to the duties ot tiid ppoiutu.u, on Saturday, Au-ust 1?, . 2 o clock p M at the Prothonotary's omce, in urn borough of Stroudsburrr. at which time and placo all persons having: an claims or de mands against said money, will present them, or be forever debarred trom coming in tor any share thereof JldLlIANEY, Ju'y 10, lbGO.j Auditor. BLANK LKASKS For Sale at this Omco.