(S:i)C Scffcvsonian, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1866. WWII STATE TICKET. TOVL GOVERNOR, Major General JOHN V. GEARY, OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY. We leara that the Nazareth Uand, as fisted by Professor Martin, contemplate giving a Grand Concort in this place soon Lcvanway, at his IJakcty Saloon. is keeping steady pace with the times, in securing for the public of Stroudshurg and viciuity the good things of the sea son. He keeps on hand, at all times, to meet the demands of customers, the best bread, the best cakes, the best fruits, the best ice cream, the best mead, and cer tainly the best ale, (Laucr's Heading) to be found in this vrhole section of country, and it pleases us to know that his capac ity as a caterer is duly appreciated. For anything in the cake and confectionery line you cannot go amiss, if you go to Lc vanway. EST The Lady's Uook for August, is already on our table, and a glance at it contents but strengthens the opinionwe formed and expressed of the Uook on the receipt of the July number. The Toilet of Death; in steel, is a perfect gem of the Engraver's art, while the wood cuts repre sentation of patterns, dresses, ice, the gteel engraved colored fashion plate, the music, the letter press and literary ex cellence of the stories, poetry, &c, are all in grand keeping with the high char acter which the Book has alway3 main taincd under Godey's -charge. Each number contains a selection of valuable Tecipes which alone arc worth double the subscription price. Term? 53 per an num in advance two copies 85.50. Ad- lT" If every one would see what ener gy rightly applied will do towards build ing up a business, he has but to keep his eye on McCarty's cabinet rooms for an hour or two on almost any day of the week, except Sunday. Unheralded he came among us, a stranger, in the spring, and we think we venture nothing of veracity when we say that he ha3 sold more furniture, of the best quality and latest styles, and at more rcnumerative prices, in the few months that have inter vened since his arrival, than was sold in a year belore by all the furniture shops in town, ihe reason 13 covious. lie goes into business with the right spirit, and one cannot well call for an article in the cab inet-ware lino but what he has it on hand, or is prepared to get it in quicker time than ihe Durchasers possibly could. We do not write this as a puff of McCarty and Lis establishment, for they do noticed it, bat we throw it out as a hint through which others may find the road to certain gucces3. Improvements. AVe have neglected, heretofore, to no tice the many valuable ana elegant im- nrovementa which, are coins on in our .borough. 3Ir. Peter Born is rapidly finishing n three-story brick adjoining the bank and Reuben Miller's residence, on the lot purchased by him of Wm. S. Ileese, thus filling up a vacancy which was an evesore to all lovers cf neatness who passed along that portion of Elizabeth-st The building will be stuccoed and finish ed in imitation of brown stone, and when completed will, present a very imposing appearance indeed. We observe that friend Born has already so far completed Lis front room on the first floor as to ven Jure to settle in it with his Barber shop. 3Ir. John Kern is also pushing ahead the three Lorv addition to the house pur chased by him of Mr. Samuel Emery, on Elizabeth-st. near the Pocono, adjoiuing Dr. Jackson's residence. This improve tnent is also of brick, and will be finished for two private residences. When comple ted it will prove quite an addition and ornament to that end of the town,, and a monument of Mr. Kern's liberality and enterprise. Mr. Charles B. Keller, is also pushing bhead his new building on the lot pur chased by him of James II. Walton, Esq.. and recently occupied by the Monroe Democrat office. This building is also of brick, will be stuccoed and finished with brown front, with piazza over the first floor, and will present a very neat and imposing appearance when completed. Mr. K. designs occupying the first floor as a Boot," Shoe and .Finding Store, and the remainder of the building as a resi dence for his family. The Phoenix Eire Company have not yet commenced the building of their en gine house, but preparations are active to wecure its completion this fall. The building is to be frame, two stories high, and will be ornamented with cupalo, or belfry. Its neatness and substantial chnr. acter will reflect credit on the company and prove a handsome addition to the por tion of the town in which it is located. The company have secured a lot opposite the Court House and adjoining John Ed- ingcr'8 property. The building will be twenty by thirty feet on the ground, and will embrace every convenience which ex perience can suggest. There are other improvement'1 cither in course of erection or in contemplation, but will we defer a notice of them to anoth er time. E3 We publish below the-proceeding?, as handed to ua by the Secretary, of the meeting held at the Court House, on Sat urday evening last. It purported, in the call, to be a meeting of patriots, pure and undcfilcd, lovingfJL'rcsidcnt Johnson and his policy only because of the peace which the success of the latter would bring to to the country, and the permanence it would secure to republican institutions, and hating the present office-holders of this section, our amiable self among the rest, because, as the call alleged, of their only pretending to support the President. That we might view, in all its glory, an exhibition of patriotism thus foreshadow ed, we attended the meeting. We found there some who were Democrats and some who were Republicans, but very few of either or both combined. Some, we had reason to believe, venerate the President aud his policy, but the large majority of the few present, we nxc satisfied, and so arc they themselves, have greater love for party and its emoluments than for any thing else. We attended that we might once more enjoy the blessed privilege of seeing patriots labor with an eye single to the best interests of the country, but instead of that, we found the meeting under the management of political fisher men, not one of whom but a few months ago, could mention Andrew Johnson's name save in tones of contempt, but who heartily engaged iu throwing their bait, in hopes of catching a fish in shape of a good, fat office. There was not a whimp er about the President and his policy not a word for the country nothing but fishermen fishing lustily, in pursuance of a plan concocted by a head which has not, for some years at least, studied any thing so much as how best to secure the office dispensing and office-receiving leadership of the Democracy of Monroe, without avail. The attendance at the meeting did not comprjze even a moiety of the friends of the President in this section the great majority of whom thought it better to stay away from a meeting with so ir. responsible apaternity,and in the proceed ings of which not even half a dozen of those present took part. We have heard but one opinion expressed of the meeting, and that is that it wa3 a farce and a failure not because of the lack of Johnson spi rit in this section of country, but of the men who essayed to control it, and of the uses to which they attempted to pros titute it. Even its active participants give unmistakable evidence that they arc ashamed of it. The result of the meet ing is but another evidence of the fact, that even a popular cause, will lose its prestige in the hands of men who are prompted to act from selfish motives alone The proceedings as handed in are not exactly as they were had in the meeting We may feel inclined to ventilate the matter a little more fully some other time. communicated. Pursuant to a call, a Johnson meeting was held in the Court-House, on Saturday evening last, for the purpose of selecting delegates to meet the delegates from other counties of this congressional district, who are to select two persons to represent the district in the National Uuion Convention to be held in Philadelphia, August 14. Ihe meetiDg was organized by the elec tion of M. M. Burnet, Esq., Chairman; Jj. II. Urake, ice-President ; and James Carr, Secretary. 31. M. Burnet, James Carr and C. II. Drake, were elected delc- gates. A Few Facts for Ladies. It is seldom that a cosmetic commands by its intrinsic merit a universal popular ity. During the past ten years a hun dred bogus preparations for the skin have been foisted into the market by all of the tricks of advertising, and every attempt has been made to secure for them the patronage of ladies. The device of claim ing a European origin has been extensive Iy used by the cosmetic manufacturers, and they have often charged an exorbi tant price for their articles, for the pur pose of making them appear valuable. In direct opposition to this mode of doing business has the "Enamel of America' been introduced to the notice of the la dies of this country. The proprietors of the "Enamel were satisfied with a good profit on their preparation, and conse quently have not been compelled to re duce its price in order to secure patron- ron !ge. A viit to the store of Drehcr & Brother will convice the most fastid ious that the "Enamel of America" is really a preparation worthy of a trial at least. The city of Erie has a population of twenty-three thousand, a million and a half of dolla rs invested in manufactures. and during the past year about one thou sand buildings have beep erected. EAID ON THE COTJNTERrEITEKS IN NEW-YOEK. FOUR MORE PARTIES UNDER. ARREST TWO OTHER FACTORIES DISCOVERED AND BROKEN Ur SEIZURE OF PRESS ES, STEEL PLATES, ETC., TO THE VALUE OF FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. The efforts of the Government towards the suppression of counterfeiting the Na tional securities continue with unabated 2or. On Wednesday night the secret .service ajrents acting under W. P. Wood, Chief of the Secret Service Division, as sisted by Uuitcd States Marshal Murray, succeeded in arresting a young man by the name of Thomas Wilson, whom they suspectcd'of bein" concerned iu printing the bogus fractional currency and other all knowledge of the business, but upon being informed by Chief Wood that his eutirc operations had been watched for a month past he made a full confession of his guilt, and stated that he was ready to turn over everything in his possession to the Government authorities. The capture in this case, consisted of nine finely executed steel plates tor pnut in fractional currency and ten dollar greenback notes, five steel plates for man ufacturing the long fifty cent Goddess of Liberty stamps, a large quantity of dies and rolls, and a portion ot a press for nrintinir the snunous currency. Ihe remaining portion of the press will be re 'covered by noon. Another Hill Eroken Up. The operation of the Secret Service men had led them to suspect that an cs tablishmcnt for the manufacture of the counterfeit-money was located a short dis tance out of the city, in the direction of Long Branch, and they at once set about its capture. Some adriot plans were laid, but none were crowned with success un til yesterday, when a descent was made upou the suspected spot, and a hnerprint in press than yet taken, was seized. In addition to this, au elegantly executed steel plate for printing the backs of the Spinner head fifty cent note, was captur ed ; also a large quantity of paper, mk, rl'Lj and dyes. The stuff was all boxed up, aud arrived in this cify last evening A trunk, nearly filled with bogus money. just ready for distribution, was alo seized una brought to tins city. . J hey were al placed in the hands of t-he U,uited States Marshal, and the prisoner committed to the County Jail. The arrests in the city still continue. Williara Wall, alias Wal Crosby, and William, alias Charlie, Bartlett, were ta ken iuto custody on warrants issued, on charge of dealing in United States coun terfeit National currency. They committed to jail for examination. were The consternation among the counter feiters is intense. Knowing themselves to be guilty they arc not certain of secur ity for one moment and they find all their efforts to ;square the job" or buy off the officers under Mr. ood to be most uu successful. Thus far, eleven of the most noted manufacturers of counterfeit Na tional securities have been taken into custody, and the amount of plates, press es, dies, rolls and printing apparatus seized coul J not be replaced by the coun terfeitcrs for fifty thousand dollars. The Atlantic Cable It will be seen from intelligence iu print this morning that the Great Eastern has once more startcd on her importa'nt mission in connection with the laying 0 the Atlautic Cable. The auspices have been all cheering' Ihe splice of the ca ble had been completed without difficulty 135 miles had been laid, and the signals were perfect throughout. It would be premature, however, to predict success trorn these things. Last year the cir cumstances attending the start of the mammoth ship on her important voyage were equally favorable, and yet the cntrr prise came to grrcf. But the conditions under which the attempt to lay the cable is renewed this year diher from those 0 the previous attempts, and it is in tha difference we see ground for hope that this time success will crown thepcrscver ingefibrts of those engaged in this mihty undertaking. The lessons of experience taught by past failures, have been turned to profitable account, and every provision which hnman foresight could make a- gainst failnre has been adopted, bhoul the anticipations of those now engaged in laying the cable be realized, we may ex pect to receive exciting news from New foundland before the end of tho present week. A. i. Iribune. The Pennsylvania Resevea. The surviving officers and privates 0 that fighting organization formerly known as the Pennsylvania Reserves, have resolv ed to form a permanent association to per pctuate their fame to posterity. At a meet ing held theotherday in Philadelphia, the following resolution wus offered by Col. II. lliddle Roberta, of the first Reserve Regiment, and unanimously adopted. Jlctofocd, That for the purpose of es tablishing a permanent organization for the division of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, a convention be held at Lancaster, on the 14th day of September, 18GG ; that the said convention shall consist of three delegates from each regiment, officers, non-commissioned officers and privates, it being distinctly understood that this meeting i3 in no way to be perverted to a political purpose, but solely for our joint benefit and pleasure. All the officers who shared the fortunes of the Reserves arc invited to the mect- in; Stage Route Sold. Dean, the veteran staler, has sold the ' t J 9 route between Port Jervis and Deckers to James Cassiday, of Port Jervics, and II. D. Rvder, of this County. Iheso crentlo- men intend stationing several teams here- and running an accomodation stago to Port Jervis, for any of the trains. The touto, stage. &c.. cost them S500 Mil Word Herald. The fag busine89 in Naw VnrL- nmminfa to ?30)00,000 per annum, ELECTRIClTY. THE Ml)2T VALUABLE REMEDIAL AGENT KNOWN IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS. Di. Tobin (late) Proprietor of the Medi cal and EleclrcpathicInslitute,No.27Bond- eL, N. Y., begs leave to inform the inhabi tants of btrcudsburg and vieinity, that he has taken rooms at Marsh's Hotel (for two weeks), where he can be consulted on all furn3 of Chronic and Nervous disease, and demonstrate to the afflicted that although their case might have been considered incur able yet, under the potent effects of the Electropathic treatment, there is still hope. Having used Llcctr.city m our practice tor the last ten or twelve years, we, as a mat- tor of course, .have had many cases which have been considered hopeless, but in no case nave we ever iatieu 10 anoru Tenei, even if we did not succeed in perfecting a cure, touch lias oecn tne case, aurmg me past few weeks, in Easton, Belvidcre and other places that we have viiied in compa ny with Dr. II. T. Hyde, where we have jriven and always fchall endeavor to give, en re satisfaction. lou will undoubtedly agree witn u as 10 me medicinal enecis of Electricity ; but you will naturally ask the question, how does it cure i In answer we would say that it cures by aiding nature. It equalizes the circulation, imparts new life to the nervous powers ot the body, strengthens the digestive organs, cnablmj them them to perform their proper functions ; in a word, it restores Harmony winch lo the human system is Health, and the reverse of which is disease. It is no longer therefore a matter of experi ment, lis medicinal powers have fur years pnbt absorbed ihe attention of medical men throughout the civilized woild. The Medical Journals of Europe.as well as many in our own country, invariably allude to it ad the great Panacea", to be used in all distressing cas es of Chronic and Nervou3 diseases. Dr. Robert Remark, of the University of Ber lin, Prussia, states that four hundred out o six hundred cases (in hospital practice) were restored to health m the thort Fpace ot six weeks. These were Palsy, Atrophy of the spinal cord, &c , &c, considered incurable, Dr. uolding, siys it 13 the best t ennje Keg ulator known, and when properly adminis tercd never fails to excite .Mrnstration. Wo might here refer to -many other au thors, but, at the present time, do not consider it necessary. Suffice it tj say, that, in Incip ient Consumption, Bronchial Affections, Liver and Kidney diseases anl tho whole catalogue of Female complaints, such as Lu- corrhea, Prolapsis, Scc, &c , we have met with great success. In Paralysis, Epilepsy and Corea, Deafness, Amaurosis, &c, &c. we rarely over tail to perfect a cure. Ia Debility, Weakness, Di?pcp?ia, Constipation, lUiil hetvy feelings in the Head, Dizziness Lots ot Memory, reuralgia, Rheumatism &c, &-C, a cure in every case is almost cer tain. In Impolcncy, Spermatorrhoea, and other diseases, resulting from a S'philitic taint, our method of treatment will succeed after everything else has failed. "Catarrh, that loathsome disease that destroys the Happiness of so many, wc have made a specialty of, in connection with the treat mem oi cancer, ana nave curej caes o from 20 to 30 years &tiucing. During the past three ycar9 we removed and cured a great m.iny Cancers, without causing pain or loss of blood. We can show numerous testimonials to that effect. For further in formation coll nt our rooms. Tho Rev. Mr. Kelsey of Xew York say (in a late card received from him) "Dr. Tobin has lately removed a Cancer from Mr. Kel sev's mouth of years standing. We have known Dr. Tobin for yea re, whilst in the city of Hartford, where he has made many remarkable euros. Dr. Tobin is a graduate and a gentleman of excellent moral worth." Ciiaklfs Kclsey, Xo. 3 Willet-st., N. Y. Pastor of the Methodist Episco'l Church U illet-frtreet. Dr. Paino, of Philadelphia, says "Dr. To bin s method oftreatmg Cancer and Catarrh iervous Anecuons, occ, etc., will never fail to be successful. Dr. Tobin is a Gradu ate and a Gentleman we can endorse. MVm. Paine, M. D." Dean of the Philadelphia University 9th below Locust. In conclusion we would say those desir ing Ireatment should not .delay. C. Tobin, M. D. The Cholera. There seems to be a good reason to be licvc that the cholera is fairly established in Xew York and its vicinity. During the week ending on Friday evening last, seventy-five cases were reported in that city. Of these, upon examination, four teen were declared genuine, and of them eight proved fatal a very large per cent age of mortality. In Brooklyn there were nineteen deaths, from the same disease, between the 8th and the 20th. In all these instances the victims were said to be living in the worst possible condition to ward away the visits of the pestilence. The sanitary condition of Xew York can not be very satisfactory. The deaths last week reached the enormous number of one thousand and eighty-three, being about do-ible the usual summer rate ol mortality. On Hart's Island among the army recruits, it is said that the deaths have been many, so much that quite a panic exists upon the subject. In Phil adelphia the return of tho Board of Health shows an increase in the number of deaths, as is natural in consequeucc of the oppressively hot weather of the week, which produced many deaths from sun stroke and exhaustiou, but our coudition in a sanitary point of view is much better thau that of our ucighbor, and if we keep our streets clean and are prudent in our conduct wo may hope to escape the worst influences of the scourge. Inquirer. " - By the late "treaty with tho Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians they covenant that slavery shall never exist among them, and in consideration of tho sum of S300, 000 cede to the Gove-nment tho territory west of the niiiety-eigth degreo west long itude, known as the least district, and obligato themselves to bestow upou all persons of African descent, resident in tho Nations, and their descendents, all the rights, privileges and immunities, in cluding the right of suffrage, of citizens, also givo them each forty acres ol land on tho same terms as the Choctawa and Chickasaws. The serious charge made against Gen. Kilpatrick, Minister to Chili, of introduc ing a woman of more than doubtful rep utation ju(o the best society in Valparaiso, thus brioging disgrace upon tho Ameri' can name, has been investigated by the State Department, and the scandal proves to have no foundation iu fact. Names of Places. Bro. Badcock of the New Brunswick rcdonian, gives the following informa tion about the names of some places in Warren county, X. J., beginning with Manunka Chunk: This station is named after a noted In dian Hill in the immediate vicinity. The name should be spelled Penungauchung, the original and correct authography hav ing been corrupted into the meaningless words Manunka Chunk! Paha nu am, the present name of the township in Xew Jersey on the opposite side of the Delaware from the Kittatinny House, was named after an Indian village situated on what is now Andrew Ribble's farm, the true authography of which was Pahaunualono ! What is now know as Ailamucty in -'. ... Warren county, is a corruption upon the Indian word Alutmvchyhokkin I Thus do the original aud often expres sive aboriginal names disappear from the memory and the record. Ktttatinnu is the Indian name ot a mountain, or rather series of them, and means no end tho Indians doubtless sup posing there was uo end to the range ot mountains to which they attached the name. Tennessee is once agaiu practically in the family of the Union, with all the honors due to her station as a btate re constructed and jiow one of the govern ing powers of the Republic. Both Houses of Congress have according to the joint rule agreed upon early in the session con currently resolved that Tennessee is again entitle.! to uniteu c-tates senators ana Representatives. The Soldiers. A call, signed by four hundred soldiers aud sailors, all citizens of Lancaster city, has just been published in the Lancaster papers, for a meeting to be held in that city, favorable to the election of Gen Geary. The "boys in blue," generally throughout the fetate, are for Geary. Last Tuesday, iu Chicago, one bakery alone turned outin one day, 15,000 low cs of bread. Special Notices. o The Scracton Book Bindery. A complete Book Bindery has been started in connection with the Scranton Republican. Orders left at this office wil be promptly forwarded and returned as soon as finis bed. A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while rosi:din in Smith A incric.i asa missionary, discovered a ?afe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay. Diseases of the U rinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious liabiis. Great numbers hate been already cured iy this nolle remedy. Promp ted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and un fortunate, I will fend the recipe for prepar ing and-usinj this medicine, in a sealed en velope, to any one who needs it, Free oi Cnarge. Please inclnse a post-paid envelope, ad dressed to yourself. Address. IOSEPII T. INMAN, Station D. B;ble House, March '20, 1SG6.-Iy. New York City. . THE CREATE ST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. FARMERS, FAMILES, AND OTHERS can purchase no remedy equal to Dr. Tobias' Venitian Liniment for dysentery, colic, croup, chronic rheumatism, sore throats toot hache, sea sickness, cuts, burns, swell, ing-?, bruises, old sores, headache, musqu.to bites, pains in the limbs, chest, back, &.C. If it does ni)t pive relief the mony will be refunded. All that is asked is a trial, and use it according to the directions. Dr. Tobias. Dear Sir: I have used your Venitian Liniment in my family for a num ber of years, and believe it to be the best article for what it is recommended that I have ever used. For sudde'n a:tr.ck of croup it is invaluable. I hare no hesitation in recommending it for all the uses it pro fesses to cure. I hive sold it Tor many years and it gives entire satisfaction. CHAS. H. TRIMNER, Qnakertoicn, A. J., May 8, 1SGG. Price, 40 and SO cents. Sold by all Drug gists. Office, 51 Courtlandt-ftrcet, Npw Vork. July 12, lSGG.-lm. tr v"" everywhere to sell our im proved $20 sewing Machine. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted five years. Above salary or large commis sions paid. The only machines sold in the United States for less than 5? 10, which ruefully licensed by Howe, Wheeler & Wilson, Grovcr &. Baker, Hinder Si. Co., and ltachclJcr. All other cheap machines are infringements and the seller or user are liable to arrest, fine, and imprisonment. Circulars free. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, Biddeford, Maine, or Chicago, III. January 4, 16GG.-ly. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple rem edy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread di. sease Consumption is anxious to make known to his fcllow-sufierers the means ot cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of tho prescription used (free of charge,) w ith the directions for preparing and usin the same, which they will find a sure cure for i.onsumptiov, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds Covuiis, and all Throat and Lung Affec tions. The only object of tho advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the aMictod.and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and ho hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing tho prescription will pleaso address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, -Williamsburgh, Kings County, New Vork January 4, 18GG.-ly. COA A MONTH Agents wanted for r?vv six entirely new articles, just out. Address O. T. OAREY. City Building, Bid deford, Maine, January 4, lSGG.-'ly. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from aKjrvous Debility, Premature Decay, and .all tne enects ot youinmi muiscreuon, win, ior the sake of suffering humanity, send freeta all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adverriser's experience, can do so by ad dressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chambers St., New York. January 4, I860. Iy, STRANGE, BUT TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge), by addressing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. F. CHAPMAN 831 Broadway, New York. January, 4, 18GG. ly. ITCH ! ITCH I ITCH! ' SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! Wheaton's Ointment Will Cure ISie Itch iu 4S Hours. AIscuresSALTRIIEUM,CIIILBLAlNS and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 50 cent. For sale by all druggists. By sending 50 cents to WEEKS &. POT TER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street. Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, iree ot postage, to any part of the United States. June 7, lbOG-lyr. . TRANSFORMATION ! The superstitions of antiquity are only "food for laughter" at the present day, and yet this is an aje of Minuses, accomplished with the aid cf science. Fcr example: grey, sandy or red hair is to the richest conceivable black or brown, by a simple application of CRISTAD0R0 S HAIR DYE, Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, G As tor House, New-York. Sold by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Drcs.-ers. July 12, lSGG.-lm. THE AMERICAN CCGKISti STOVE Is rnr.nufdcturcd with cerlain improvements secured by letters patent, under date of May 5, 1SG:J, and December 5, 16G5. One of these improvements covers the arrangement of fitting a portable ash pan in the hearth of a Cooking Stove, to receive the a:-hes as it pisses down from the grate. All persons are cautioned against manufacturing, vend ing or usiii"1 other Stoves made in imitation of the American, as suits have been com menced for infringement of these patents, and all persons ma nu'acturing, selling or us ing said imitatio7;, will be liable fur dama ges for infringement on these letters patent. SHEAR, PACKARD &, CO., 17 and 10 Green St., Albany, N. V. The American is for sale by FLORY & BROTHER. Strovdsrurg, Pa. June 14, ISGG.-Gm. PURIFY THE Bf-.OGP If the blood be pure ihe body which is formed from and by the Llood cannot be diseased. But iftherc.be in any part of the hotly ary af fection, such as a boil or ulcer, even a Lrnrsc, the blooJ circulating through thit parttakc up impure matters from the local b flection and carries it into ihe general system. This is the cause of often sudden death to persons of full habit afflicted with toils and ulcers, and who use no medicine; the matter gets into the circulating system and chokes up the fine blood vessels which supply the brain with vitality, and life ceases as if I2'r-l! ty Lightning Now, this can le rcmcJied. BRANDRETH'S PILLS talons all impure matters from the circula tion, and save the general health, soon curing local affections als;. BRANDRETH'S PILLS protect from tedious times of sickness and often save. life. Sold by all Druggists. July 12, lSGG.-lm. REASONS WHY THH AtiERiCAK WATCH MADE AT WALTHAM, MASS. IS THE BEST. 1i is r.mJe on the best piinciple. Its frame is com posed of SOLID PLATES. NOj trran interfoic with the harmony of Us working and no niJJen s-hock can damage Its machinery. Every piece is rnatie and fin ished bT machinery (itself famous for Us i.oveliy, as well as for its effectiveness) and is Iherefoie properly made. The wMoh is what all mechanism should b ACCURATE, SIMPLE, STRONG AND ECONOMI CAL Except some high grades, too costly for gener al ne, foreign watches air chiefly made ty women hi i.l boys. Such watches are composed of severs hundred pieces, screwed and liveted together, An rc-. quire constant repairs to keep them in awy Kind of ordei. Ail persons who have carried aucres,''Ie ines"nd " English Patent Levers.", are peifectlv wei aware of ihe tiuth cf this st iletuent. Al the beginning of our enterprise, moie than t years ago, it w as our fii st object to in ike a thorov ly good low-priced watch far the million, to lake ln place ot these foreign impositions the tefuse of tor eign factories which were entirely unsaleable at home aud peifecily worthless everywhere. How well we have aceomplied this may be nu derstood from the fact, that aPer so many years cf trial, we now make MORE Tit AN l)NE-HLFOF ALL the watches scldinthe umied statss, and that au other have ever givea sucU unversl suU ltfortion. Waiie this department o( cj,r business K continued w Uh increased aci!iues for yei (ect w oik,, wearcul pre.-eM engaged in the mauufactuieojw itch eaofthe HIGHEST SHADE KNOWN TO CURO.NOs. METRY, uueqihtitd by anything hitherto made by our selves, unsurpassed by anything made in the world.--For this purpose we have ihe amplest facilities. We. have erected an addition K our main building"! ex pressly for this branch of our business, and have fiiled it with the b3t w.o,fc.inen in our service. New in chines and appliances have been constructed, which, perform. their work with consummate delicacy exactuts. The choicest and most approved inateii als only are used and w e challenge comparison be tween this trade of our work and the finest imported chronometers. We do not pretend to etl our w atehes !or Jess m,ney Vjan foreign watches, but we do ei' w itho it tear of contradiction that for the same money our product is incomparably superior. All our w U b s, of whatever grade, are fully warranted and this w arrantee, is good at all times against us or our sent in all parts of the world. CAUTION. The public are cautioned tc buy only of respectable dealers. All persons selling counterfeits will be prosecuted. R0BBINS & APPLET0N, AOEXTS FOU THE AMERICAN WATCII C0I l'AXY. If IlO.tDWA.Yt. X