1 3 '. ; . . i i . .4. tft Dcuolco to poUtics.-X'itcvnturc, aviculture, ricntc, iHoralilij, out cucval 3ntclliqcnrc. VOL.25. STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA., JULY 26, !SC6. NO. 19. r -PiiMis!!p by T.hhmioic .Schoch. T f : .1 M-s-T jvv ! !:-f v,-.-: I 'f .v will Ik: c1; fi,-p;)I :t !'." r:: niii.iv r.U, I u I) 'I'fT-U!!.t !t IK ). .1.1 .11" tl:.-.-.f 1!,. .L.h'ii am! Ill Tv .:' .' : ro.u ii'.i s ;iro r:ii.l, K-'it.M. iii .""i:s .! f i'c .f ';,.-l;! lines) r rcr !!i-i!t-:.- St .'. K.ioii :i'l.!inoii-t! f.'.r'-.T iinrs in t r ; 1 1 1 1-1! . OI A 1. Ti KINDS, !::?''.ol s-lylo of the Alt, iU('-' ; r.'.l !i-l'.-iic :d on t lie ".THEMESDOUS EXCITEJ1E5T ! Death to IBgli Prices! Up Town in a Blaze ! . MET5H3AR & STORM, respectfully in form the public that the days of imposition prices have grnc by in Stroudsburg, for the proof of which they invite their friends, from both town and county, to call at their new Store, on Elizabeth Street, in Stroudsburg, one door Lelow the Indian Queen Hotel, ex amine their goods and leara how low they sell them. Yc have DRY GOODS in almost endives variety, Cloths, fassimeros and Ycstings, Calicoes, Delains and Muslins, Trimmings and Notions, ond everything in that Iin. We have GROCERIES and PROVI SIONS, SVG A IIS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, FISH, FORK, and a full assortment in that line. We hive Crockery Ware, Wooden Ware, Willow Ware, llardtcarc, a general assort ment. TOBACCO of all kind?, BOOTS AND SHOES, and in fact al most everything that can to called for in a completely stocked S;ore. Call and sec for ycirselvcs. We take pleasure in showing goods without price, and can sell you calicoes from 12 cents to cents per yard, and everything elso pro portionately low. Ve loci dulytnanktul tor tiic many evi ,lnrp nf nlrrviHv rrr.fv.vn.-l a nnrrci 1 1 ion of. our efforts to knock down war prie s, and ' ran n.sure the Dublic that there is stiil room for a low more evidences cf ihc same sort, j Don't forget the place and give us a call. J. P. MET2GAR, JEROME STORM. March 29. 15GG. SPEARS PATENT Frnit-Presmiag Solnliou, Ton TIIC ritilSKKYATION OF ALL KINDS OF Fruits, Vf gf !n!)!cs, Jellies, V. incs, I Cilr, t:ir., Citr., z:ic. i lYitJt'tut Sitjtr, tm7 Yt'ithnut Kspesue j S"ilui'j or Air- Fi'ji't Jars. One Jj'j'i': Kill pri f' fic IliS Putnuls (f Fruit, or 48 Gallons oj )'ine or Cider. This Solution when properly used, effect- ually prevents fermentation or decoy of Iruit., and, by the most simple and inex- ; pensive process, evory variety may be kept in a .fre.-h and perfectly wholesome condi- tion t'.ie year round. It is no new anJ ua- J certain experiment, Lut has been in practi- j cal use for the putt eight years, yet hasb-en, ! lor the most part, kept from the public for j the rurD03e of ascertaining the result of a : seriesof experiment:, a!! of which have prov-; cd the valid, ty of nil that is now confi-;ff dently claimed fur it. rruits preserved ly th:s o.u'ion areas gOfd as the best -canned" fruits, while the use of the Solution avoids the trouble of seal ing, costly jnrs or cans, kef-pin from the air and light, frequent examinations, and the many other troubles and annoyances well kno.vn to every hou.-ewife. L. II. SPEAR, Patentee. L. P. Worrall, General .Aeiit, No. 01 lludsen st., N. Y. Price ?1 p-jr bottle. From James IS. Chilton &. Co., the Cele brated analytical Chemists, New York Having made numerous experiments with Mr. Lewis II. Spear's Fruit-Preserving So lution, we are enabled to state that it will prevent the decoaiposition of fruits when used ia the manner described by him. The prepared fruit3 upon which we experimented had been mixfd with the Solution, and were found to resist all attempts to jrenerate fer mentation. There is nothing in the nature cf this Solution which, when absorbed by the fruit?, can ac in a manner to render them unwholesome. MS. R. CHILTON &. CO., Analytical Chemibtu. Sold at Wholesale and Retail by DREIIER & BROTHER, Druggists, Stroudsbveo, Pa., Sole Agents for Monroe County. , 0?" Merchants supplied at manufacturers' prices. ' A sample of fruit put up last fall with this Solution, may be seen atour Store. June 7, lbGG.-Gmo. D. & B. Cabinet Maker, Undertak es &c- &c Is Prepared with a Large Stock of CABINET WARE rilO MEET ALL demands upon him, or L will mannfacture to order anything in his line, in the latest styles to 6uit the taste of customers. All work made of the best material and warranted. He is also prepared, with material and fixtures, to attend to the business of UNDERTAKING. in a manner that cannot fail to prove 6atis. factory to all who favor hi in with patron- ?e. IJ rices moderate. i Shop and Ware-Room on the corccr of Sarah and Simpgon His., April 5, loo. STROUDSBURG, PA. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western j RAIL ROAD. !?: J, . r.T Spring Arrangemeiit. Feb. 2G.18GG. l'AssKxcr.n trains i.kavi-:. WKTWAni). I i:stwaud. Mnnunsr'' Fvi'T Train. Tram? V. M. I V. M. STATIONS. Morn'K ' Train. 1. M. .'.;.'o 2.3--I j 2.M- i l.'.r. : j. 45 l.-.l.l l.o.i J 12.51) f 12.1'J 1 ! am 1'. M, 0. fi:) n..ia' 11.47? 11.5'.). V! in: J 'J, I. 1Z.4-, 12.53 1. tG 1.30' 1.41, 1 5- 2.08. 2.20 2.40 3.(11) 4.ro 7.0j i Xcvv Yoi li. i New Il;uiipton. ; O.xfon!, ; ni ktvllle. -v M.iimiik-i Cliunlc. 5 Delaware, Moun:;et!icl. Water Gap. SlrouJsbur. Spraguevllie, Hem yvillc. 5 Oakland, s Forks. ; Tobylianna. j Gouklslioio' ; Moseo v . j Uunniii!?. , Cieeiiville. ' SlHAMoN. ; Clark's Summit, ' Abington. j Fftetoryville. Nicholson. Hopl.otom, .Mont rose. New Milfortl, M.as .-.10 7.50 7.40 j 7 "0 ' - .i - 7.'J2 7.:i 7 r. t 7.rj ft. 'o H..V. 9.1a y so 9 35 0.5i 10.11 10.21 lO.Ki C.l'.K fi.ioj: 5.50? 12.0') 11.53 11.33 ! II. Ki ! 1 1 .02 ' 10.37 : : 5.41-1 5.233 5.11 4.11C 4.4ljC 4.32!J 3.4S 3.40 :.. 3.02 2.47 2.2fi 2.07 1.50 P. M. 3. -J3 3 3. 3.48 4. Cri 4.52 5. '!l' 5. 1.. 5.20 5 55 f..2li "-.41 7 (XI M. 10.53 11.10 11.7.0 10.47 10.55 11.11 11.31 11.5:1 12.15 12.35 12.53 P. M. ', 10.27 J 10.M ' 0 53 i 1VJ.1 'i ; y.. 8 o!) es.s ' s.is ' 7.55 7.3J ' 7.13 A. M. Great Bead, CONNECTIONS. Westward. The .MORNING TRAIN from New York vit connects at MANUAKA CHUN K with the i , , r I i fir . . ,' train leaving Philadelphia (Kensington De- ; put) at 7 30 a. m., and Great Bend with the i . t j -.i .i i throanh Mail Train on the Erio Railway, with sleeping car attached, stopping at ail the principal stations on that road, and arri ! ving at Buffalo atG.10 a. ni. J Tiie Eenina Train from New York con ! nccts at Mar.unka Chunk with the train lea j ving I'hilidclphia (Keriaing Depot) at 3.30 I p. m.; arrives at Scranton at 11.30, where it j remains till 10.'2" ncxl morninjr, uhen it : leaves, arriving at Great Bend at 12.55 p. m., connecting uilh the day Express on the i Eric Railway. A lie M rnin 1 rain irom lireat bend con necls there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erse Uailway from l he W est; at Manun-, ka. Chunk with a train for Philadeldhii andjly intermediate fctalions, arnvinir in Pbiladel phia at G.30 p. m.; and at New Hampton; with a train for Lastun, Bethlehem, Allen town, Reading and Harrisburg, arriving at Ilarrisburg at 8.30 p. in. Tin? Evening Train from Great Bend con nects? there with the New York Express on the Erie Railway from the West; atManun ka Chunk with a train which runs to Belvi dero, where it lies over until G o'clock the next tiiorniii u r:-i at Aew Hampton with an rets Train fur Euston, Bethlehem, AI- lentown, -Reading and Ilarrisburg. At Scranton, connections are made with trains on the Lackawannn and Bioomsburij Railroad to and front Pittton, n I "'Jii'1 " I v l r n c n I Wilkcsbarre, Berwick, Bloomi-burg, Danville Northumberland, Iljrrisburg and interme diate fctatiors, and with trains on the Dela ware and Hudson Railroad to and from Car boudale and intermediate stations. WATTS COOKE, Superintendent. J!. A. JlEyR i", General Ticket Agent. TEKIiiBLE EXl'ITEJJEXTS!! f ALL ABOARD FOR THE VJU1 0 j finf UjTlj M L UI P fl II M VT OIUilL HI I II ULlI UUUU0 MESSRS. DETRICK & WILLIAMS have opened i New Store for the sale o DRUGS, MED1CIXES. wa rem-: s CLOCKS, and JEWELRY, on Main-street, in Stroudsburj, next door to the Post-office, where they have on hand the largest and best as.-ortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Drugs, Faints, Oils, Yarnishes, Glass, Sash, Doors Blinds, Brushes of all kinds. Per fumery, Spices and Station ery, ever offered for sale in this County. Call and be Convinced. 1st. That we hae the largest and best as Uortment of choice goods in the market. '2d. We have all KEW GOUDS. 3d. We are determined to' please all who favor us with their patronage. 4th. We will eell lower than any other honsi? in the Boroush. Country Merchants and Physicians' orders! will be filled atttie lowest wnoiesaie prices. Please cill before purchashing elsewhere. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING GOODS. 0;- Particular attention paid to the re pairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, ccc, and ail work warranted. C. S. DETRICK, P. S. WILLIAMS. Stroudsburg, May 10, 1600. DR. A. REEVES JACKSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Begs leave to announce that, in order toj prevent disappointment, he will hereafter de-1 ... . . .. A .. . 1 i.irniriWU ! .C S week cidjciy to mixtatiom I and Surgical Opeeationsj at his office. ; Parties from a distance who desire to con- j fult him. can do so, therefore on those days Htrdsburg, May 31, ltfGQ-tf. ! TTIWUR AND FEED of best quality, al! ;nva on hand and for sale at Stokes Milfkv ' HUNTSMAN &, HOPLER. April 19, 18G0. T HE HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for Grain at Stokes old Mill, by HUNTSMAN & HOPLER. April 10, 1600. WANTED TWO GOOD CABINET MAKERS Sober men, no other I j need apply. May 21, lSGO.-tf. J. II. McCARTY. Furniture ! Furniture ! P llCt Furniture' Store.. mi iieips x::v isitm.dixo. two ors i.r.ow t!i. l.-t c:ic ljurir, 1 a. Tie is ling lus I'nrnitur-.' 10' ton r W'nr-lii iitfiri l.oiif iVfiolit or l.roah ' Mm v IT, iHliUtf. per cent. less than ! price?, to say nothing; age. . T YOU WANT" A IJK.M'TIFI'L Sl iT of Hnarnek'd ruruiiurc in Colors, just -tcp into M CAliTVS. .Mav. 17, lnil.-tf. F VOl' WANT A Got.)!) 1WKLOR Suit i;i Uo.-o M;.ho:fnv r Walnut. IMcCARTV hi Mav IT, l'W!.-tt: !"IN1N(;-R00M KullNrj'URI-: in Wal- Ij nut, Oak and White A!i, IvXtonsion ! : Table?, any siso you wish, at .McCARTV'S new Ware-Rooms. May 17, ISCG.-tfl ClOMMON CHAIRS of all kinds, Cane, J Flag and Wod Seats; Dining, Bar Room and Office Chairs, with or without j Cushions, Rocking-Chairs of every descrip tion at McCARTY'S Ware-Rooms. Mav 17, lSGa-tf. OSE AND GILT FRAMES madeTo orJcr. A fine lot of Ovl Framf s on hand J. II. McCARTY. May 17, 18GG.-tf. IF YOU WANT A GOOD MELODEON, from one of the best makers in the Uni ted States, solid Rosewood Case, warranted r. u . irr OTvy i. . 1.1 J n n i i i pecially invite all who are good judges ot v. i . , . .i n J n .iiusic io coine aim lesi inein. lie win tc-ji you from any maker you wish, 810 less than those who sell on commission. The reason is he buvs for cash and sells for the sa'me, with less than one-half the usual per centage that agents want. J. II. McCARTY. May 17, ISGG.-tf. j TTTNDERTAKING IN ALL ITS BRAN U ches. Particular attention will be git en to this branch of the subscriber's business. He will always study to please and consult the wants and wishes of those who employ him. From the number of years experience he has had in this branch of business he cannot and will not not be excelled either in city or country. Prices one-third less than lsusual- charged, from 50 to 75 finifhed Coffins a 1- ivavs on hand. Trirnminirs to suit the best Hearse in the country. Funerals attended at one hour's notice. J. 11. McCARTY. May 17, 16GG.-tf. Saddle and Harness Manufactory. The ntider.sir.nc .1 respectfully informs the citizens ol ctroudsburg, and surroun ding country, that he has commenced the above business ia Fowler's building, on Elizabeth street, and is fully prepared to j furnish any article in his line of business, i f cli At Ua hand at all times, a i i. p Harness, Vt'hijs, Trunks, Yah'ces, Car 2et lJfs, Jlorse-Hhinhcts, Jiclls, Skates, Oil Cloths, fc. Carriage Trimming promptly attended to. JOHN O. SAYLOll. Stroudsburg, Dec. 14, 18G. (ioihk Mall Bniff Sfor William CIoIliii!icad, Wholesale nd Ilclail Druggist. stuoudsijurg.pa. Constantly oa hand and for sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Varnish, Ker osene Oil, Perfumery and Fancy Goods; also Sasli, blind ami Doors. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal i purpose. P. S. Physicians Prescriptions care fully compounded. Stroudsburg, July 7, 1SGI. TIN SHOP ! The undersigned begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has now opened a TJX SHOP, on Main street, near the Stroudsburg Mills, opposite Troch &. Walton's, formerly R. S. Staples' Store, where he is prepared to manufacture and sell at wholesale and retail, all kinds of Tin, Copper and Sheet IrotMYare. ALSO, tovc, Stove X'ipe and Elbows. Old and second hand Stoves bought 'and sold, at cash rates. CASH paid for Old Lead, Copper and Brass. 03r Roofing, Spouting and Repairing promptly attended to. and warranted to give satisfaction. Call and see for yourselves. . WILLIAM KEISER. Stroudsburg, Zec. 8, lb05. LOOKTHIS WAY ! t RKAB ! Chas. Schaefer & Co. FRENCH & GERMAN' STEAM DYING ESTABLISHMENT. EASTON PENN'A - dTe Woolen, Silk and Cotten y GJ 0f Every Description, in any Cfjor (lcgiretl ' Orders can be left with Sontheimek &, Heurman, STROUDSBURG, Pa I Jun21,16CC.-lyr. I). Si. M!S!, G1 OVERNMENT AGENT, FO It T 1 1 E CO LI .ECTION OP PENSIONS, BACK PAY, & BOUNTY. 07" No charge unless successful. Office with S. C. BtiiMET, Juno 11, lbCO.-Ut 15 L A N K M O RT G A G E : K.or sale at this Ofiicc McCarty New Counterfeits. A HOW t it; i:ut of tl.-. -tat lank.-- ;'.itt.--t out u! fire ,4 tl:i: a:t f tl le en; l;tei rs i-" iliro tci (la t.. a ' tin Nation UlUUllt ill" s ::1 H . i (urn:! .tf u! t . 1 Ml.l ur:oiH i this ci;u:t( ( 1' the j'C'.i is c haw l.UeL :i ti.e lliei't'::.- e:i in tin- lial.'il fif taking 1 ... I ' l ' V ' I T 1 1 ' I I I . i nit it will i:iW bf UK i:;t)ic iM'stiii'as. ljiin.-rlf u:- :.i t!i. 11 ay tn bo a liltlo ;o t 1 :-.. I id i'.n- e 10 h ., f li :i :':;;, V ot tile I'ir'Ur 1 .11 money i-j cireiiKili ;i. 1 V;..tmh's (,'oiui terfeit 1 'elector, i n- .Jiilv l!, cjntains the loilowiiig c'.eei'ioti f.iH of i;i'v eounLei-- feitS J '"ii. if iy' it '.k.i ' 1 iir-if. Nil" .::'-. ."0 cent note--, new i.-sue. Oa the tuj ci'ilie bill tiie v.-ov;l.; j'uniiihc'.l o-ily by the As-i.t;intJ.'retisurer and .Pesigivi tcd Deposif-ories of the United States yf observe the two words 'of the oa the genuine there is .1 little space betweeu them, not so 011 the imitations. 50-ccut. The long green issue ; good imitation,. they arc sixteenth cf au inch narrower than the genuine. 50-ccnt notes ; the engraving is good ; but- the gilt frame arouud the head is very bad. The pa per has, however, the appearance of a common print paper, and is very whitish. The whole of it is a littlesmallcr than the genuine. Six barrels on right cud of Washington arc very indistinct. 25-ccnt uotcs, new issue ; very dark green, poorly engraved. ' 25-ccnt uotcs, poorly engrav ed, on poor paper, and the gilt frame a round the head dou't show any gilt. 10 ccnt notes, very coarsely doue, and the greeu ink very pale. United States Compound Interest Notes. 50s, imiiation ;vig. (on lefteud), female erect, holdiug sword in left hand, her right hand resting on Pible male bust, 50 on above ou right cud. Well done, and likely to deceive good judges. 100s, counterfeit arc iu circulation. A fac simile of the genuine hill, but the en graving is not so fine. They arc dated May 15, 1SG5 ; letter 13. The greeu in the back of the counterfeit is paler than that in the genuine, lie careful and examine well all before takiug them as they have deceived some of our best jud- es. United States Legal Tender. (Green backs) 5s, a new issue and very well done. The only prominent defect ishcav- ier shading around the works ''United States" in the title. The counterfeit is about oue tenth of aa inch shorter than the genuiue. A new issue, dated March 10, 1SG2. The red seal is badly execu ted, as is also the borler of the note, which is made up of repetitions of the letter X. General appearance -bad. A great number arc iu circulation. 50s, United States Treasury (greeu-backs) are in circulation from an entirely new plitc, said to be the best counterlett yet made of the Government notes. So look out for them as some few have taken them. Large uuuibcr ot one dollar counter feit green-backs are in circulation. Ex cepting a few miuor discrepancies, tho spurious note is au exact fac simile of the genuiue bill, lhe general appear aucc is alo very sood. lhe rrecu iu is of a somewhat lighter shade than that used or. the genuiu, and some parts of the note look tcratchy aud blurred. The C. 1 il. ........ c....,.ll 1.- . . 4 . t- .1 . . i er riiiht ouarter ol the note arc printed in green ; in the geuuine they arc white. The head of" Chase is darker. Dill has a coarse appearance. 5s. Imitation the portrait oa the right and the figures of liberty on the left are rather coarse Well calculated to deceive. 5s and 10s raised from Is. Potrait of Chase oa up per lei t corner. 10s. Imitation the portrait of Lincoln ou the left end is very dark, nd the eyes poor, while the toes of the female ou the right end can scar cely be seen. Ou the geuuiue they arc very distinct. Look out for them., 20s. Imitation poorly done, engraving coarse, coarse, and the bills looked blurred. The greeu uinc. ink .used is lighter than the gen The dies and 20s are one-eighth of an inch larger than the geuuine. 50s. Altered from 2s. In the genuine 50s the signature of the Register is on tho lclt, aud the Treasurer on the right end of the bill. In the altered uotcs tbey are both on the right end with two strips of lathe work between them. 50s. Iuiita tiou tbey are so well done that all bauks refuse them. 100s, imitated. Upper left, spread eagle sitting ou a rock. Tho general appearance of the bill isood. The wings of the eagle are coarse aud the clouding streaky. The imprint of tho American Dank Note Company at the top is larger than ou the genuine. Oa the right cud of the back of the bill the 100 ia tho circles arc inverted thus; "l00-" Iu the geuuiue the 100 iu the circles on the left cud read thus; "001"; in the counterfeit they are thus: "100.' The paper is also heavier. National Bank Notes Imitated ATi tional Banks. Is, altered to 10s vig. of Is, two female figures with hands clasp ed, oue pointing upwards. 10s have fig ure of Franklin drawing electricity from the clouds, and on back of bill ii De Soto discovering the Mississippi. Oa back of Is is thi Landing of the Pilgrims. Well done. 50s, altered from 5s; the 5s have rigs, ou each end aud landing of Co lumbus ou back. Look out for tho alte ration First National Bank, Indianapolis, Indiana. 20s imitation Goddess ot Lib city, farmers, artisans, &c., ou lower right corner : battle of Lexington ou lower left corner baptism of Pocahontas on bacjc of note. The general appearance of the note is good aud calculated to dcccive.- ! Obsot rve on e.'urirorleit fn..' t-utt .f i ;!- on lower leff c irnvr t -ii. ';lu,. ti,' sopnll v.-;tik around iiemvs :.';),'' ;url tin-h-iti'l . the fonialt! on tli. man's brea-f. A 1 i 1 can M.-;iri-e. :i' mvii. 1 .'! I g-n.nne no part of the gnu touches andjould be devised ; but Capt. J. V. Meigs the lingers are quite d.tnet. O,, CMin-jof this city has devised a system which tej-leit under the words - I hi,-nr.ro" w h,u-. j d-Co uway with manv objections made to it rc:i.,s I his n-.te is ,vire 1, .v., thp.rojgmia which have preceded his. lie has ui: i.'ul mrr, uaMriiies g!;nuine nas "'. alsn om: I..i:iweeii I nited uirlii.ull States, which is omitted in c--n!itrfetL '1 hese lines can be added, however, in luture imp-regions. The letter ..4ia"" in .. . . i " 1 reti -'U ! r uti.i.r ; larg.-r than t li other the eoui.t'.'ifeir i- tho "en ui ne it. is at loa;-t 1 -- .-. ..... O ceiving tne notes ot triis denomination. uuu iva laiscu irom xs vig, ion iow- er centre) two lemales with nanus elaps ed, one pointing upwards. 20s raised from 2s vig. (on left hand) female seat-! cd holding flag. - 50s and 100s raised from 5s Columbus discovering America on lower left end. First National Banh Notes. 20s, a close imitation of the genuine notes, and well calculated to deceive. The back of the bill is rather course. The plate is liable to be altered to any of the National Eanks. Merchants National Bank, DuLuquc, love a. 10s altered from Is. The figure 1 on upper right hand corner erased, and a large X substituted, letters one on left of vignette, and along the top and bottom of note altered to ten, general appearance good. Merchants National BunJc, Washing ton, D. C. The suspension of this bank will not effect the notes, as all National i i i i i r lirnt nnliQ nrs crn rn.l I.tt l.nvornmonf- ; " " -.v-. j honf The Best Eecornmendation. A youth seeking employment cauie to New York city, aud on inquiring at a certain counting room if they wished a clerk, was told they did not. Ou men tioning the recommendations that he had, oue of which was f rom a highly respect- j cd citizeu, the merchant desired to see them. In turning over his carpet-bag to ' find his letters, a book rolled out on the floor. "What book is that V said the mer chant. "It is tho Bible, sir," was the reply. "Aud what are you going to do with that book in New York V j The lad looked seriously into the mer chant's face, aud replied, "I promised , ! my mother I would read it every day, and i snail uo u. The merchant immediately engaged his services, and ia due time he became a partner in the firm one of the most rcs- pectable iu the city . 1 J Care for Slander. A lady sends the following recipe : The following is a cure for that troub lesome disease of the mouth called slan der. Like a good many patent medicines, if it does no good it may do no harm. "Take an ounce of good nature, one ounce of au herb called miud-your-business, mix this with a little charity for others, and two or three sprigs of kcep-your-tongue-betwecn-your-teeth ; simmer them in a vessel called circumspection for a short time, and it will be nt for use. Applica tion : the symptoms arc a violent ltehiog in the tongue and roof of the mouth, which invariably takes place when you re iu company with a-species of animals called gossips. When you feel a fit of it cotuiug on, take a tcaspoonful of the mix ture, hold it in your mouth, which jou will keep closely shut until you get home, and you will be completely cured. Should you apprehend nd a relapse, keep a small bottle lull about you and on the slightest symptoms repeat the dose." Luzerne union. A little campaign newspaper has been started at McConticllsburg, Pa., the coun- men narrower. u:i cour.tcricit ti:e.hicld j has produced a vcitical motion of the beside the eagle on hack of note contains , breech-plug by a horizontal motion of tho hut six stars, and they arc very imperfect j guard, and within the short space of one on geuumc seventeen stars arc visible. and three-eighths inches. We have seen Xo doubt the plate will be improved up-j this improvement on a Springfield rifle on and altered to many 5ther banks, as j severely tested, by having its 'parts clo"--this can be done with a slight alteration, jged with sand, and by itspeculiar recip 50s imitation a fifty dollar counterfeit1 procating movemcut clean itself with but note on the Tenth National Hank of New !a moment's loss of time. The same princi Yorfc; wa3 a few days since presented. at! pie is now being applied by the iuventer the Treasury Department. We have not! to wagiziue gun3 capable of firing fifty seen the new fraud and at present can j shots before replenishing the magazine only say to our readers to use care in re- and without taking down from theshoul' ty seat of Fulton, called "The Whang- up vi moruiugs, we publish tho following doodle." It is full of patriotism and fun. advice, which we find in an exchange : Here is an extract from its salutatory : "Every person who toils daily at any "This week the Whangdoodlc utters its i kind of labor, requiring great physical or Grst yell a yell that will reverberate j mental exertion, should be extremely through the innermost recesses of our i careful to practice a regular system of mountains caverns and throughout tho j ablution at the close of each day's work, length and breadth of our fertile vallies.j Sometimes a person may be so complo T his shriek will be followed, as tho cam-t tely exhausted as to render this anything paiu progresses, by others loud and pierc- i but an inviting performance ; yet by this jQO, j omission a great deal ef the refreshment It is the iutcntion of the Whang-' which tho hours of repose arc desigued doodle to take part with the Americau'to impart, is lost. Tube cleanly is a Eagle, and fight every and all parties that ' strictly religious duty, and is absolutely countenance nuy thing like Wrong aud csseutial-to sound and refreshing slum Injustice in tho Reconstruction of the 'ber; hence tho labor of keeping one's Rebel States. So we squaro off, at the person clean is amply repaid by the elas Btart, in front of tho Rebels, Copperheads ticity which follows from nightly ablu and Johnsou Republicans. , tions before retiring. Heed this advice, "We won the game fairly in the field, and tho reader will sleep soundly ; dwro aud insist that there be no cheating in gard it go to bed unwashed ,, and you will r.nr.t nrr nn U O Watlt CVCrV POUHWC made, and will hold tho dealer responsi ble fer'evcry card poked up his sleeve." Out of 220,030,000 passengers on Urit- ish railways duriug tho year lb., only 15 were killed by acciucuw. Ne-.7 Improvement in Firearms. The oro:it mimlier of gcotl breech-load-r r:::cs hercfofore r.i'oduced would al- 1! ! !:i;.t load (!i:- ti .vurnoae that r.erfRPtlnn a ..;;':. r;.., ,-. ,.-,,7 lf 1 i i i i tjocic.l ail icav. '-rs or pieces to turn out. hack, turn up or down, and Ims in. : tr.) 'luced a slidin"- "unrd nrntu i,;t. render.s it re.-?i!d3 to loail nnrl nninn,i i,a ' jdecr;? witliout incrcanr its size or with. p.niscr name js : ':' f.ali coel.in;; it, and with the hammer I. iter-:. Mi l wh:;i'!d..wn. The exploded shell is extracted ue.e length of the : withnut changing the position of the hand otio fiuartor of an; which irrasns the neck of tho st,l- ir - 1 " v. ider, with entire safety to the operator and security irotu danger of explosion bv im pact of cartridge in the magazine. lhe weight of a gun so constructed, it magazine filled, will be less than the or- jdiuary musket and cartridge-box. Phila. I l'ress. Canadian Volunteers Scared by Horses. The Detroit Tribune relates the follow- in o Tl Thursday night our neighbor over th river were placed "hors da combat j" and at last accounts they had not entirely re covered from their fright. It appears that a large number of horses were cor ralled near Walker's brewery, a short distance above Windsor, and during the night they broke out of the enclosure. They made a hasty stampede toward tho town, and of course the vigilant "gawd" heard the terrible racket. As the noift produced by the clatterin; hoofs became, i i.wv. uiaiiuvw, iub mi pi tssiuu was mac a . . .' ' i ao lum it T, v r. flictififtf. 1. i . ... .'. .i , 'ibodv Of ienian cava ! cuargiog tho town The drums beat "to arms' and the bold volunteers, neatly done up iu red Gannel, marched out to meet the much dreaded foe. One battallion was hur riedly forced acros the street, but whrn j the horses reached the place" the volun teers gave way panic stricken and sought safety ia flight. The scene that ensued it is said, beggars description. Red coat seven inch tails fluttered in the breeze, and knapsack3, instead of being "strapped' upon the backs of soldiers, were thrown, in every direction. The affair, in short, was a regular "Dull Run." Small Change. No more issue of paper currency of tho -denomination of five and three cent pieces will be made. James Pollock, Director of tho Mint of Philadelphia, has issued a circular, fixing the regulations for the dis tribution of the cents, and the new nick el three and five cent pieces of the United States : "The bronze one and two, and the nick el three and five cent coins can now be had at the mint in exchange for the gold and silver coins or the legal tender notes of the United States. "The new three cent pieces are put up in bag3 of 30, and the five cent pieces in sums of S50 each, and either of theso sums, or any larger amount, of which thirty or fifty is the multiple, will be sent in the order of the entry of application. "The reasonable expenses of the trans portation of the cent aud three cent pieces in sums of 50, and the five cent coin in sums of S50 or upwards, to any point ac cessible by railroad or steamboat, will bo paid by the Mint. "The Adams' Kxprcss Company will act as ageuts for parties ordering cents, &c, to which uioney or drafts on national banks, on certificates of deposit in national I bauks, payable to the order of the Direc- jlor or "e .treasurer or the .Mint, may bo eu,uuu mo i-uius uium-u wiu oe ior- warded when the money is received or tho ! drafts collected." How to get tip Refreshed. As almost every one in this heated j weather feels more or less dull on getting . -. w. . v--..- , feelings of lassitude which the exertions of the day will hardly be iiblo to remove.' Wm. Wheatley, the theatrical uiana returus. au iucouie fv ger in iSow loit $?32O,H0O. :,..(-; j t i T