Sijc Scifcvsontan, saw THURSDAY, HAY 31, 18GG. mm STATS TICKET. FOR GOVEUXOll, . Major General JOHN W. GEARY, ' OF CUMJiERLA.M) t'UliTn. gcgrThc Proceedings of Court will be given next week. . v 9rSec advertisement headed "Great 'Chance for Agents," in another column. The parties advertising are reliable. The Pittsburg Gazette, one of the ablest and most . sprightly of our exchauges! came to us a week or two ago,' having the names of Tcuniuiau, Heed & Co., at its head as proprietors and editors. The Gazette will loose nothing of ability by this change, Mr. Penuiman, for 20 years ithe editor of the iloncsdalo Democrat, Jhavinir for some time been at the head of "its editorial corps. Narrow Escape. Charles P. Yettcr, a soldier, employed -on the gravel traiu on the D. L. & W. Railroad was severely injured on Tues day morning last, lie was at his post on the train while iu moliou, when the coup ling gave way and the jar of the part juir train threw him under the car on which he had been standing. The wheels passed over the fleshy part of ouc of his dogs, severely cutting and bruising it, but Jiappily leaving the bone uninjured, lie svas otherwise badly bruised. We arc happy to learn that though his hurt is se vere, he is not dangerously injured. Charley had bceu'on the road but a short time, and we regret his mishap. -O' Serious Accident; . Mr. Charles U. "Warnick, well known to the citizens of this county, as our ac complished Court Crier, and for his ma ny good qualities as a citizen, met with a serious accident on Sunday last. lie was in his barn attending to the wants of a sick horse, when the animal kicked at him, aud hitting him on the chin and neck inflicted a most frightful and dan gerous wound. His chin and neck were badly bruised and lacerated, several of Lis teeth knocked out, and the jaw-bone badly scruCed, but no bones broken. A rumor was prevalent in towu on Tuesday that Mr, V"aruick had died of his wounds, but wc are pleased to be able to announce that the prospects of his recovery are al together cucouraqing. ,E. 13. Woodward, Esq., well known to the young folks of a large scope of country as an accomplished Mubician, and teacher of the art of Dauciug, died at his residence at Pocono Station, in this county, on Tuesday morning last. It ap pears that he had eaten freely, the. day i before, uf "greens," cooked from the llhubard Plant, which, in his case as in many others, proved poisonous. On the first appearance of illness medical aid was summoned but without avail. Uc linger ed until Tuesday morning when he died. Utner mcmoers or ins lamuy, wno par took more sparingly, overcame the effects of the poison. Persons cannot be too careful in the use of this plant. It is but a day or two since that we heard of a fam ily in Strondsburg, being badly touched with poison from eating a sweetened sauce made from the llhubard stalks. Getting along Finely : The subscriptions for the purchase of . the new engine, hose-cart, and to provide proper quarters for their safe keeping. Ten hundred and sixty dollars have al ready been subscribed, and enough paid in to complete the purchase of the engine, and 500 feet of the hose. lA order to thoroughly complete the programme laid down for the new machine, it has been suggested that the ladies take hold of the matter and by Festival and Fair, say on 4th of July, or even sooner, see what their exertions can be made to contribute to wards securing for our borough an effi-, cient Fire Department. A fine com pany composed of the best material our borough affords, and that is equal to the best found anywhere, is in course of for mation, and wc do hope that the " ma chine" when it arrives may not be allow ed to lie as a dead duck nothing person al or political in the allusion upon our hands for want of proper means of pre servation, and proper stimulcnt to keep UD the life of the company. An efficient Fire Company is a matter in which every man and woman who owns a second gar ment has an interest, and hence all should take hold to secure what is so much need ed here. The subscription is already large and'speaks well for the liberality of our citizens, but about 600 more is needed, and there should be little or no hesitation in supplying it. Gold watches are a scarce article in this country, if wc are to judge from the number taxed. There are only 7,89G such watches taxed from one. cud 6f thcUuion 'Heavy Bains- Damage along the Streams. On -Sturday?uight aud Sunday last this section of country was visited by the heavicsti'raiu storms, known hereabouts .lor many years.. The several creeks in the courity rose i'r'apidly to flood height, aud much' damage, causing thousands of dollars, of-loss to-our citizens, was the con sequence. On Pocono creek the damage proved very heavy ; buildings, fences, aud bridges, were carried away, or undermined, and roads were so badlv washed as to be al most impassable. At and near Tanncrs ville tlfe flood seemed to spend its fury. The turnpike road is very badly washed in scveial places, several bridges carried away, aud much damage done to fencing At Kistlcr's Tannery there was also considerable damage done, but its char acter, and amount in dollars and cents, we have not heard stated. From all we cau learn, Jacob Stouffer suffers tho heaviest loss along this creek His warehouse, whereiu was stored the machinery manufactured in his foundry and machine shop, and his extensive stock of valuable patterns, was carried a way. .Little or nothing was saved of the contents of the building. The bed of the creek too was somewhat chaujred at thi point adding considerably to the amoun of his damage, which wc have heard esti mated, at 86,000. All along the Pocono the evidence i plain of the floods rampant career, in the washing of lands and fences, from its source to the point, in this borough, where it empties into McMichael's creek. Wc have heard of no count' bridges being carried away on this creek, but several including the log trestle bridge at the head of Elizabeth-street in this borough are more or less injured. Along Brodhead's creek, and its tribu tr.rics, there was, also, considerable dama ge done, but thus far we have been able to learn but few particulars. The stream was bank-full, and in the estimation o many, quite equaled the flood of June, 1SG2. A small stream, which our informant designated a thunder shower stream, aud which discharges into Brodhead's creek about a mile above Ilenryvilie, suddenly became a giant iu proportions and wash ed away some fifty feet iu length and a bout thirty feet in depth of the railroad. This was speedily repaired, the southward bound trains having only been detained one day. A county bridge, below James Hen ry's, on Brodhead's creek is reported car ried away ; and the stream, iu its mad career cut a channel through a lowland field belonging to llobert Brown, near the east end of the causeway of the iron bridge, at the lower end of this borough. Mr. Brown is probably the heaviest indi vidual looser on Brodhead's creek. The new channel which crosses the public road leading to the depot, has made the road impassible for foot passen gers, and dangerous, in times of high water, for the passage of vehicles. A necesrsiy, therefore, may have been created for the erection of a new county bridge at that point, or for the extension of the causeway of the iron bridzc so as to embrace the new channel. The railroad was somewhat damaged near Bloom's hole, but not euough to de tain northward bound trains. The road from this point to Milford in Pike county, was so seriously damaged as to prcveut the passage of vehicles for a day or two. 3"" An evil genious who hailed as 'Ike Partington," has been pulling woo over .the eyes of the staid denizens of the city of Scranton. "Ike" advertised a lecture in which all kiuds and sizes of witi cisms were to be indulged to excite the risibles of the staid denizens aforesaid, at so much per head, and a comical concern it proved to be. The denizens paid for their seats, the hall was well filled, and the gentlemanly money-changer announc ed his intention to go to the hotel and bring "Ike." He went, he stayed; the audi ence began to smell mice, aud soon it was an ascertained fact that both moncy-chan ger aud lecturer had " vamoused the ranch" and ware non est. The audience was sold. The laugh came in, but not one present could exactly tell where. Com ical chap, was 'Ike". TESBIFIC TORNADO AT HONESDALE. A Large Covered Bridge Thrown into the LacKawanna lliver. Hon j-sdale, Pa., May 2S. A terriffic tornado swept over the lower portion of this borough last evcuing. The immense covered bridge, spanning the Lackawax en river at Sixth street, was lifted a dis tance of six feet in the air and fell into the river. It was a mass of ruins. A boy who had just crossed the bridge was carried some fifty feet up the river. Several barns, outhouses, &c, were de molished. Trees and sticks of timber filled the air, flying like shingles. The course of the tornado was from west to east. It then turned and went south, and veering again finally took a northeasteruly course. No lives were lost. The thermometer indicates seven ty degrees. Pen nsylnia is now without any militia force. K case has been argued before the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania, involving the constitutionality of the act of Congress disfranchising. deserters. The issue was presented upon an agreed statement of facts, and was. discussed on both sides by a large number of emineut counsel. Its opponents' argue that Congress has no power to impair the right of suffrage in the States; that the law is an ex post facto law ; and that it infringes the.bill of rights by inflicting a penalty, without due process of law. "To this it is replied that the deserter is liable to forfeiture of citizenship, ' which carries suffrage with it; that under the articles of war, which are about equal to the Curtin dog story arc Congressional enactments, the deserter and quite as destitute of truth. Copper mi..lit W:,llv suffer death, and that the bead papers place a very low estimate on power to impose the less; that personal military service is due lrom tlie cmzeu to the State, and if withheld the State may tlm nWi?nn tn liuvfi forfeited his rights: and that the law docs not come wfthin the definition of an ex yost facto pressed his opinion regarding the teach A -.ill is nnw hefnrrt the Governor ing of freed" people. Ho believes it is of Pennsylvania to carry into effect the good 'food for them aud good for the provisions of the act of Cougress, and the State. He says the teachers shall be pro-Attornev-Geucral of the States sends a tccted iu their duties, and that the pre- note to the Supreme Court urging a speedy decision iu order that the Govern- or may make up his mind whether or uot :..: i.:n ;, int., n.;.fi;n of ,.,., in.lir.inl nnrl lnisl.i. : .... uBr. il.A Pon.1Cvlvnnin Court may decide, the Supreme Court of the United States will sooner or later be called on to affirm or deny the validity of this law. Great Conflagration in New-York. The Academy of Music Destroyed. One of the most extensive aud disas trous fires which ever occurred in the me tropolis broke out at about 12 o'clock on Monday 21st in the Ncw-lork Acade my of Music, which magnificent structure was totally destroyed, as well as tlie neigh boring College of Surgeons, the Dutch Reformed Ohurch on Fifteen-street, and a number of adjoining buildings. The flames were discovered at midnight in the kitcheu attached to the restaurant of the Academy, but they had gaiued such head way as to be uncontrollable, and in thir ty minutes the entire ednicc was wrap- ped in flames, the roof falling m at one o'clock. The Ilippothcatron and Irving 11.111 mho lui luiiuiUt y catu no mi IT..1I ,r. rt,mt,r ?.,,.. 1 nn ttrn .ie frinee (llinnel: but (he entire block bound - cd b; i i.i." 11111 iiuu lulu siiuuio jo in uauue. jLiib Academy of Music cost 500,000, the Tiinvcrsitv Medical Culle're and contents. 300,000, &C..&0. The losses arc not i l i fully ascertained, but moderate estimates make it fcl,OUU,UUU. IWO ureinen lost their lives in the Academy, their egress being prcveuted by a Wall of flame. some time since. .Mr. mompson says were the ban removed from him upon the charge of having been engaged in the assassination conspiracy, he would go to Mississippi and do his best to aid in the reconstruction. lie says there is ample evidence in the hands of the President that he had no connection with or kuowl edge, however remote, of the assassination plot. His son is carrying on his planta- tion, ana nas. lie says, mauc satisiactory contracts for the work with his former slaves, about two-thirds or whom remain u .uu ma ijmuiuuuii. mi. xiiuiuiiauu . i.: rni : anxious to return to the United States, ma expresses himself freely in favor of the reconstruction policy of President Johnson, and upon the necessity of the uul"c'." aFLiufj uiu SUU.IIIUU g..i... :... ana acting Willi loyalty ana gOOU lallll. 4 Thirty-three years ago, Mr. Truman Enos, of Norwich, New-York, had his pocket picked, in Utica, of 200. In 184G, thirteen years after, he received an anonymous the knowledge that some time he would receive tne oaiance. 1'our wccks ago, Mr. E., now in his 87th years, received 150 from the same source. The thief now thoroughly repentant, wishes Mr. E to forgive him, and the old gen bffirfilv drips sn t Cn.tfpR of p.nnf?o . . . . . have been reported quite extensively at hs the Treasury headquarters, but this beats them all. 3. jjroKer s messenger KobDea ot $s,uuu J.1I6 JllOnflV JiPPOVPrPfl I UIVUXJ 1VCVUVCICU. . -n. . I 1 II ILADELPHIA, May 19, lSOG. il DOy messenger Ot a broker in tills CI- ty was knocked down in the street this moruin" aud robbed of 3 000. A gcutleman fortunately came aloti" 1UKL ns thp thin! hnd cppnrprl tin mn. L ney, and knocking him over recovered it i V , . , . . I he thief was committed to prison -o On Wednesday last a-male infant, two or throe months old. was found in n bn. kor, np;ir i 1 1 liiinppiinind linimn nn ihn ..w- w tj wv waww vu s I Xcar the basket was a valise containing a bout three miles above our borough. quantity of clothing. The child was dis- ii i i i i j - f - "ji iui. iiu ciuus iiu yui uuuu iukuu, wtJ lrl?fVf tn 'nvrnt nil f. tli n inli nmnn mnflinr who would thus abandon her offsnrinir to perish, and to have her punished- Hones- .. . . . . o i dale Republic. Wo !Mrn frmi, n nnnt!nm, i,e a just returned from an extensive tr p r mat otaie are gooa j iarmiug operations that noble young State are most flatter- njfr. .. A Copperhead editor exclaims in view oi inc incrcasinc: sireumu oi ixepuoncan' -ri 1.1. -t'-n lit ThyXcic-Orleans Picayune learns from now ver over three acres of ground, andgive ac- Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the U a l jns letter uc Wc iiro funy jqstir,ea instating that we now make t j 0usox&oxs brought on bv baneful and 'Mr. Jacob Thompson, President J3u- more than one-iiai.f of au. the vtches . f. , ua,lc,u,a"u chanan's Secretary of the Interior, is in sold in the united swtes. The different '2 Paris. Whither he arrived from VDt gnules arc distinguished by the following trade-marks J TS' i'"V!S& are going forward vigorously ; improve of the prescription used (free of charge,) with vote THURSDAY and SATURDAY of w"'cb is now prepared to do Ruling, Binding, mcuts are noticeable everywhere, in town the directions for preparing and using the each week exclusive v lo Consiii t vtiov nml "nUnffi of every variety, uuu wuuu v , a laiiic jiiuuaui uij lu il; i a-i oamu, w iiium liiuv will 1II1U U sure cure IOr anu C5UUOICAL UPKllATrnve nt liio nffinn umuAriili illltl U-. tion is arrivinsr: aud. in all resnects of (Consumption. Astuma-TJuoxciiitis. Cot.tis Pnrtips frnm n AUtnn ... ' bove all; PKOS1PTLV. ism, "Unlesthe neonle respond we are every suuorer win try ins it will honorably discharged Soldiers, of ilonroe ,,UiW u 1 aaif ,or' neat quamy, ai . ". .. ume"i 1,10 pt-opic lc&puuu arc . nnti.:nrr. nn( m ,.i; ' .... r,.. lT . '0 , , ' I J- wavs on hand anil for ran nt Stoves'. L i?7 rn 1 ii i i i anen uy an means, goou peope, don't respond. Let the fell v,. xvi. 1 1fl tue country win be none the poorer. ,...i. 1 VT: uencrai ocotc maae ins annual visit to xir.t t ... m i ... i wesr x-oioi, on xuursuay or last weeK.- lis neaun is situ quite leoplo. When Gov. Curtin first ran for Gover nor, in I860, the Democrats gotup;a story that he' shot a poor man's dog, and they insisted that he was.a great tyrant and a purse proud aristocrat. Similar stories, suited to the times, are now going the rounds of the Copperhead papers in re gard to General Geary. One appears in the Gettysburg Compiler, semi-Rebel, in which it is stated than General G. once knocked down an intoxicated private with his fist for neglecting properly to salute him. Another story is that he refused to eat at a hotel table because a private sol dier was sitting at one end of it. These the intelligence of their readers when they print sucn siuu. ' xvlgnt". Gov. Orr, of South Carolina, has ex- judice against them and their occupation is disappearing. - 7T.','.' . Our Ability to Pay. Iho British people have never raised more than 30,01)0,000 of revenue iu one year, exclusive of loans. Ihc people ol the United States are revenue this year at tne rate or s?Oiu,uuu,uuu per au num. A Treasurer Department detective says there are now in circulation no less than seventy-six different counterfeits of the fifty cent currency notes. Special Notices. REDUCTION SN PRICE or the bs uu .a vi c a n h turn Ki..a In consequence of the recent great decline in gold and silver and all the materials used in Ihc manufac- tiimofoiir roods, and in Miticination of a still fur- therdeoiine, we have reduced our prices to as low as as point as they can b placed W IT I I . AT !J A i ii xait j .ij. jl Lo that no one need hesitate to buv a watch now from . sale of MORE THAN 200.000 WATCHES "avC5,ivcn ,our dafons tliC .y w8ht ninka- mong timekeepers. Commencing with the determma- tion to make only thorouhly excellent watches, our business has steadily increased as the public became acquainted h their value, until for months together, we have been unable to supply the demand. Wchave repeatedly enlarged our factory buildings until they 1 "American Watch Co," Waltham, Mass. 2. "Appleton, Tracy z Co " Waltham, Mass. 3 "P. S. Bartlet!," Wathmam, Mass. 4. "Win Ellery." 5. OUR LADIES' WATCH of first quality is named "Appleton, Tracy Co," Waitham, Ma-s C. Our next quality ofl.adics' Watch is named "I S. Baillett," Waitham Mass. These watches arc furnished in a great variclty of sizes and styles of cases The American Watch Co, of Waltlum, Mass. au thorize ii tn f!ifn that wit limit f!i;f inrt mn nf tr?u! nmrbc nr price. all tiipiioducts of tiikiu factory UE FU1 rY w . ttK Vntfd to be ti,e best Hmc keencrs eftheirclass ever madn in this oranv olhercountry Buyers should remember that unlike ihaguarantee of a foreign maker who can ne- veroe reaciieu.ims warrantee isatall times agamsttlie wni!",iyor:neir agcn s' fantt,l?at "aucr tne most "o v ... any particular. may anvays l,c exchanged foranothci As the American watch mace at Waltham, arc for sale by dealers generally throughout the country, we do not solicit orders for single watches. CAUTION. The publi ic are cautioned to buy oidy of respectable dealers. All persons selling counterfeits will be prosecuted. UUUHIiS'S & ArrjjE TON, AGENTS FOR THE AMERCAN, WATCH COM PANY. 182 Broadway, N. Y. A SINGLE IJOX OF DUANDRETH'S PILLS Con- tion of other pu yet scarcely a jpreciated. when thev arc better known, sudden death and continued sickness will be of the past. Let those w ho know them speak right out inmeinavor. u is a uuiy wicn win save me. "j; viu-utu unu ccoouii, uim isua u.inguiuua .is 11 1 (11 uv.uuiu . n,,.,i,i., ;.t- .l(r....l ;i.,..t.i .t:..: . Lmtection. 11 v their occasional use wn nrevrnt Hip UUb UiailUlLlll O X 1110 tlllUIVl till 111 lllllllWlU llllU I'll 1 1 . 1 1 : 1 1 L collection of those impurities which, when in stiffi cient quantities, cause so mnch danger to the body's health. They soon cu:e Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Si ofAPPeUe.Painin thciicnd.nicartborn.Piiinin . .. . ..... poiuDyan respectable Dealers in Medicines. STRANGE. BUT TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear eomctbinn- vorv much to their ailvantarrn hv rntum mail Trnn of C"harcre bv addressinn1 tlm nnilnrsifrnpil. Those having fears of beinfr-humburrrrcd will o J ' ti ' 1 i wil1 plcasc',eU; lrY?"1' "'s; uuuiuutnij; inis turu. an ouiurs THOS. F. CHAPMAN, uoj jnu.iuvuy. nuw J. ui Jv. Q'Jl T)nn.l...n.. AT V 1. January, 4, lbou. ly, v tuiMWiuriiiiiS. mi. i , , ... iUG nuvcruser, navmg oeen restored to neaun 111 a Iew weejts, by a very simple rem- uut-i uiiviny ouuui uy buvuiui yuars Willi severe lung aflectiou, and that dread di- I enn cn I :nnt;ii rtintinn to nnvmim 4 -v mnl.A Z " h;a Ti ," 'V To aH wh0 desire it. he will send a conv .... . . Coughs, and all Throat and Lung Affec- iiuuo. uiuj uujui-i, ui ui uuvurusLT in sending the Proscription is to benefit the afllicted, and spread information which he conceives to lie nvn nn 1 n- nm ho hnnnc . . ' - ur . ..w .-v...., u,ASU muvu u uivasiiit' - i partieg th - ... . . please aciuress p a IV M A A I Rev. EDWARD A. WH.SOiv - Williamsburg. Jfin rn.,nh, ""t.M "UUHlJ New York Jaiiuary.,4, JSOU.-ly.., A I f'llt'rilVI'Li fill I. Ill 111. Ill; . I ILd l Y It II t:?il I tZ III IIt!llL.'UL IllTrT illllllllt'll II II tains more vegetable extractive, matter than twentv , Hnmnn I "oxes oi any pins in mc worm oesiucs; nuy-nvo nunu- r t)h. .,.. .1 tt- -r n n r- . - , , tleman I , ,... 'J. , , ' ... ot 1'olk township, and Miss Maky II. Ser- vou from anv maker vou wish. Sit) loss ban . , ..... .. . . i uiuiuioviiif, itir. llti.Mlv IVllESOE. I .ViUSlC 10 COKIC aim ICSl U1C1I1. UC Will SOU run iiYiuiiiiia use mcin in uicir practice 10 wic cxciu- . c ri . .1 mi -t . - , - . 7. nnr. . ' pass m 1 .hnst nnthill Alnnrnn nnm.iit li ...I., il ....:-,: 'Pl. natives. The first letter of their value ' - -uuiHj , . u. muau uujrn uh tumuiissiun. i uu icu&uu DEAD HEADS, or, in oiuer worus, uuuuo wuuac ous locks have i - WITHERED ANDxWHlTENED, can in a few moments be re-clothed; with all their YOUTH FIJI a'TTBACTIO'KS, by a single application of that wonderful talisman CRISTADORO'S. HAIR DYE, Grizzled whiskers and moustaches, ladies g rls into which the snow of age has prema turely drifted, and red, sandy, or whitcy brown hair, receive, as if by magic, and rar est shades of black or brown from this harm less botanical hair darkener. Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, G Astor House, New York. Sold by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. May 10, 1SG6. Cholera, Diarrhoea, and Dysentery ! A CURE IS WARRANTED' by DR. TOBIAS' CELE BRATED VENITUN LINIMEMT, if used vhcn first taken by persons of temperate habits. This medicine has been known in the United States over CO years. Thousands have used it, and found it never failed to cure any complaint forwhich it nas recommended, and allthocs who first tried it, are now never "Wilhont it. In the Cholera of 1S-JS, Dr.Tobiiis attended 40 cases and lost 4, being called in late to do anv good. DIRECTIONS. Take a teaspoonful ina wine-gla:-s of water every half hour for two hours, and rub the abdomen and extremities w ell wjllt the Liniment. To allay the thirst, lake a lump of ice in the mouth, about theMzeofa marble every ten minutes. Itis warranted perfectly innocent to take internally. Sold by all drug gist, price 40 and fc'O cents. Depot. 50. Cottrtlandt St.. New York. May 10, ISCO.-lm. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, lor the sake of suflering humanity, send lrec-to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adverriser's experience, can do so by ad dressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chambers St., New York. January 4, 1866. ly. K Aft PER YEAR ! We want agonts everywhere lo sell our nn- proved 820 sewing Machine. Three new Kinds, unuer anu upper iceu. v arranieu five vears. Above salarv or larffc comm":. sions paid. The only machines sold in the United States for Ic.-s than S40, which im ti 7 7 r rr -.rrj . i iw - j c.tty Hooioti (ju JiOWC, V lieCtCl & Wilson, (Irovr.r &l Thikrr. F!inr , i w ........D or user are liable to arrest, fine, and imprisonment. Circulars free. Address, or "call upon Shuw & Clark, Biddeford, Maine, or Chicago, III. January -1, 18G6.-y. A CARD ToTaSTVALlM A Clergyman, while -residing in South A- merica asa missionary, discovered asaFeand simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous fortunate, I will send the recipe for prepar- Per cenL less than Gaston or Washington ing and using this medicine, in a sealed en- Priccs' to nothing about Ireight or break- velope, to any one who needs it, Free of Charge. Please inclose a post-paid envelope, ad dressed to yourself. Address, JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D. Ctble House, March 29, 1866.-ly. New York City. The Mason & Hamliu Cabinet Organs, rnP.. ,i;H',.rnnt tlno ,l.,.,.l . I 1 tv.owp nnr n n.cirvm mm ato Mi,r flm;n i i.i Tii trated Catalogues free. Address, MASON & HAMLIiN, Boston, or MASON BROTH ibK?5, iew York'. September 7, ISG5. ly. A MONTH .'Agents wanted for six entirely new articles, just out. Address O. T. GAREY. Citv Buildmo- Bid deford. Maine. January 4. 18GG.-lv , j it tlie L.utlicran rar.-onajTO, m Hamilton. l... .l. r.. ti o ii t ujr uiu xtv. liu.iry oBiieri, mr. jkremiah 1WAH1.K, ui jachfcon, ami miss UAimiET y - r i i . t-t i miller, irom jiioorc, Aortliaa.pton,- l'a. lUay JUtli, at tlie Uerman Reformed Par- At Siroudsbunr, Mnv '20, 18GG. bv Samti- el Rees, Esq., Mr. James IIuntku, of Bar- rolttownship, Monroe county, and Miss Eliz. aiietii UoFFjiAjf, of Paradise township. Mon- roe county At New Mt. Pleasant, on the 29th, Mr. E. W. Woodward, aged about JS years. At tho residence of her father, in this bor- uu6"i ter of Joseph and Caroline Dunfield, aired i muujr 3URA,ciuesitmugn- about 17 years. J. JOl. Y ITAS itist returned from Now. YnrU with iJL a snlemlid assortment of PARLOR. and CHAMBER" FURNITURE. Call at I ""'--"uu' lujuj W1 ouu.-h. O EXTRA CHARGE for HEARSE in attending Funerals within 5 miles of Stroudsbunr. J. II. McCARTY. May 31, 18G6.-tf. TTTrANTED TWO GOOD CABINET V Y il Ali tillo Sober men. no olh sober men, no other need apply. J. II. McCARTY. May 24, 18GG.-tf. DR. A. REEVES JACKSON, fHXSlUlAN AND JSUKGE0N, Begs leave to announce that, in order to prevent disappointment, he will hereafter deJ suit him, can do so, therefore on those davs Dirouusuurw, iiav ol, lbou.-tt. Soldiers take Notice. "mm t.riii 1, n.nt r -..v. ou u uciu, ui mo luu lv. ill iiii v villi i i. i ltiiiMf?. in rurnTiiicimrr i n . - a - , - 0V" , 1 e S.'lk 1L1UIV V V Vi til. V IIIIU Mil. ILL Ill'Ifl m for tj,0 prpose of select u purpose of selecting a delegate A to represent said County in State Conven- tion to be held in Pittsburg June 5th, 18G6. Vs WTFTTAA q n, 1. to. WILLIAMS; Chairman. i James D. Stoale, Sec- i GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS. r WHAT THE'PEOPLE WANT ! The Standard History of the War, Complete in 6ne large Volume of over 1, y 000 Pages. Splendidly Illustrated with over 150 Fine Partraits of Generals -Battle Scenes, Maps and Dia grams. In the selection of matter for this great work the author has confined himself to strictly official data dcrivedjroin the re ports of Northern and Southern Generals, the report of the Committee on-the Con duct of the War, National and Rebel Ar chives, &c. lie has carefully avoided the introduc tion of any matter not stric'.ly reliable and official, and has succeeded in producing what is universally demanded, a fair and impartial History of the War. The great superiority of this work over all others is everywhere acknowledged. It is marked, by a degree of thoroughness and accura cy attempted by no cotemporary. " Old agents, teachers, energetic young: men, and all in vant of profitable employ ment, should send aL once for circulars, and see why it sella faster and gives bet W satisfaction than any other History published. Address, JONES iltOTIIERS & CO., No. 507 Minor Street Philadelphia, Pa. Orphans' Court Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OP THE Orphans' Court of Monroe county, there will be sold at Public vendue, or nut-cry, on . Saturday, the 23d day of June, 1866, at -2 o'clock, P. M., at the public house of Jacob K. Shtifer, in Pleasant Valley, in said county, the following Real Estate, late of Nathan B. Everitt, of Polk township, de ceased. 1st. A certain tract or piece of land situ ate in Polk township, Monroe Co., adjoining lands of Peter S. Hawk, Dcwalt Fisher and. Nathan Shupp, containing -28 :lci'fc 78 Perches, all cleared but about three acres. 2d. A tract or piece of land in said Polk .hnn' township, adjoining the above, and land of ...-rr , a I SO n IO IliJlSj alout four acres cleared, balance Timber and Wood Land, excepting however all the oik timber on the south side of the clyir field on this tract. Terms will be made known at the time of ' CHARLES II. BARTHOLOMEW, May ol, 18GG. Administrator.. Furniture ! Furniture I Early's m kirn Store "PbREHER'S NEW BUILDING. l two- doors below the Post-office, Strouds- burg, Pa. II e is selling his Furniture 10 age. may 1 1, j.cuu.-u "F YOCJ WANT A BEAUTIFUL SUIT . of Enameled Furuiture in Colors, just step into McCARTY'S. May 17, 1866.-tf. F YOU WANT A GOOD PARLOR Suit in Rose, Mr.horanv or Walnut Mccarty has it. May 17, i865.-tc nut, Oak and White Ash, Extension: Tables, any size vou wish, at McCARTl'b- new Ware-Rooms. May 1 lSG6.-tf. COMMON CHAIRSof all kinds, Cane-r Flacr and Wood Seats; Dininjr, Bar- Rtiom and Office Chairs, with or without Cushions. RockinpChairs of everv descrin- tion at McCARTY'S Ware-Rooms. jIav 17. lSGG.-tf. ROSE AND GILT FRAMES made to- order. A fine lot of Ov..l Fratn'-s on. band J. II. McCARTY. May 17, lSGG.-tf. TF YOIT WANT A GOOD MErnnmv In " --f. jl from one of the best makers in thci Uni- tcd States, bolid Rosewood Case, warranted 5 ycarSf cau al McCARTY'S. he would es- pecially invito all who arc good bidffes of 's be buys for cash and sells for the same,. with less than one-half the usual percentage- that agents want. J. a. AlcCARTA. May 17, ISGG.-tf. UNDERTAKING IN ALL ITS BRAN dies. Particular attention will be given to this: branch of the subscriber's business. He will always study to please and consult tho wants and wishes of those who employ him. TJVmn llip nnmlinr nT vpnru pvnprmr.o tin Lis N,ad ,n this branch of business he cannot and will not not be excelled either in city or country. Prices one-third less than is usual ly . . -,1 r.... -r.t k:i..i nxc i ways on hand. 1 rimmings to suit the best hearse in tlie country. I'unerals attended. at one nors notice. J. tl. iUcCARTi". lUa' i' -iGOU.-tt. im - JEW BOOK BINDERY. The attention of Coal Operators and other- Rusincss men, and of the public generally,. is cauetl to the tact that a very UUrdrLETE BOOK BINDERY, under the charge of a OITV IVARVHl t!V of OVERTHIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. has just been opened in connection with the- ofiico of the s 1 NO' lacka wanna , . , ?,,AKB.& co-'s) C AVENUE (OVER GEO. CRANTON, PA., OCT Give this "Home Institution"-one. trial before sending your work abroad. F. A. CRANDALL. Scranton, May 10, 1SG6. hninnn .iMn tmnn t . old Will, by - ' " - - - - ., 1n ,0 HUNTSif AN & HOPLER. v z rpYlE HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid-fdr. 1 Grain at Stokes' old MilUy 1 titttmt'Sat a at jtr unnn?D April 10, 18'" ' -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers