The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, December 21, 1865, Image 4

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    Ayer's Saisaparilk
A compound remedy, in which wc have labored
to produce the mo.t cfilrtual alterative that c..n
be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para
Sarsaparilla, s-o combined with omw suhstaiitva
of still greater al.crativo owcr ns to aflb.d ap.
Vflbctivc antidote for the d-c es Sareapariila is
ivpntc.1 to cure. It 1; believed t!rit such a rein
ed v is wanted by i!:o-c ivl.o sutler f.oni Siru
motii complaint, :.:.d o;.c which will ac
complish their cure must p-ovo of i -ninenso ser
viccMo this lwyc tki-s cf our jtftlictc.l f.-Ilow-chizens.
How co::ip!ete'y this compound wj.l
doit has been njoveu by exrerl:c::t o"i many
of tl:c wore-; ccs ;o lc foimJ cf the fvllowinj
complaints :
Scsorrjv Ponorcxor? CoMrr-Aixys,
ISnurrioxs and UnrrTivd Difn.vsus Ui
ciiks, rxaii'MiS, j.orciii;3, Tciioas Sajt
Riikuji, Scald 1I::a, Svriiius and Syphi
litic Ai-fuctioxs JLehcuim.u. Diguasi:,
Dropsy, Ks:c:ialoi.v o:: Tic Doulockhacx,
Euysipi:i.ap, Hofiz, on ?-r. Avth-.ny's I'ire,
and indec.1 t!:c who.c cl ifs of complaints arLi
from Imi'Ckity or 1:11; B:.ood.
This compound wi'.l hi found aprcat pro
moter of hca!:h, whe.i taken i:i the spri.ijr, to ex
pel the foul humors wMch Vcr in t'ic blood r.t
that season of tlx voir. Ky t!:e ti.uely expul
sion of them many ra..k'.!ndi -orders aro-nipped
in the bud. Multitude can, by the aid of t!ii;
remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of
foul eruptions and ulcerous sore, throurh which
the system will strive to rid it-elf of corruptions,
if not assisted ta do this throiurh the natural
channels of the both- bv an alterative medicine.
Cleanso out the vi!ia:ed blood whenever you
leanso out tlio vi!in:eil nlooti waencvcr you
id its impurities bursting th:xju!i tlio fckin in
mplcs, eruptions, or i-ores; c!eanso it when
)ti find it is obstriKU-.l :m.l f!u;L:i in the
Tcins; it whenever it is fjal, i:id jour
fcclin-i will tell you Even where no
particular di-o.ilcr ii fo.t, people enjoy better
health, and live Ionor, for clwinsing ihe b.uoil.
Keep the blood hea.t. y, and all is well; but
with this pabu'um cf fit? disordered, there can
be no lasting health. Sooiu r or so:ik i!:ing
- must po wrong, and tVg.ct a.:...-hine:y of life
is disordered or overt: . ov 1.
Sariaparilht ha.?, and du-crves much, the repu
tation of accomplishing tlie-o tvi.'.;. Uut the
world has been ep-Cfrio.i.-dy deceived by prepara
tions of it, partly beor.ue t'.c dnt aiono has 1:0
all the virtue lli'it c'iHiel for ir. but more be
canw many puparatiuTi, pivientllihr to be cc::
ccntratcd cktrmt? of it. contain but liale cf
virtnc of Ssreapari.1.1, vc r.ay thiiijr e!. e.
During laM year :!- rtu.te have leen mtslr-'
by lan bcttk's j autisfng to :ive. a yuart 01
Extmct of S4rsajasi...i for one dot.-. 3.ost of
these luivo b.-en fr.ud u'toti the si: k. for tljey
not only coaiJiin !iul., if any, Sarsap.iriila, but
of no cniwiw a erties whatever. Hence,
bitter and painf;:! di.-apoiiilinent has followed
the use of tin; varioa extracts i.f Sarsaparilla
whicli flood t'.c market, uaiil Jhe name it-c'.f i
justly Hespir-ed, an 1 h:H Lccomc 5y-.'o:iymous
with" impoTt:io:i :sad cheat. Stiil we call th'i
(ORijKHind Sarsap.iriHa, ami iniCi'.d to Fiipp'r
puch a iwiedy as -hsII rescue the name f.-o:a tlie
load of obiUjuy whHi re -ts upon it. Av.dwc
Uiink we lmverxnd ivr lielievin it has vir
tues wbitdi aro irresistible by the ottbnary ran cf
the diseases it U intended to cure. In order to
5 tears their cmnple'e cradiir.rion from t':e fv
trm, the remedy should 1 judiviously taliea ac
cording to u.roetions on t'.ie bottle.
J'i:liai:ed cy
DS. I. C. A I'Efi & CO.,
LOVri!LL, 31 A SR.
r-rlce, SI ;ci- Kottle J Six KottIe for 80.
Ayer's Cherry Pectord
has won for itself fut-li a lvnowi for the cure of
even vnrk't- of Th.Toaf. and Lung Complaint,
iht it is eutirely u.ine-esHr3 lor us to recount
titc kce of its irtJU-5. whenever it lias been
t ployed. A ; it h:is Io:i len in constant use
L. ouiiout this section, v.-e need not do more
Man av-urc tlie jKOple it quality is kept up to
the IkvI it cv r La been, and that it may V re-i-d
on to do sor liidr relief all it h&s ever beeu
loan I to tlo.
Ayer's Cathartic Fnls,
rort T!i: ci:rs of
tV-riajuflsa, .7k?'V, Dptprpva. IniXprsfion,
j'pksattry, Fo:d Liomtrh. r-s .jttlns, , Juiiiltiriir,
i'.inf. jRltmmtctimH, atid Six J?i?ec(St
JJver QmipUiiitt, Dropny, Trttar, Turgors and
VJ 2Wc. IVorrh?, G I, AmV us a Iin
1'ul, and jor I'urtjyiki, lie liiu...
Thry arcKipr-t oatetl, fo that the no't sensitive-
estn take thttn p!ea:Mi".'v, a: I tlicy are the
h:t apcriciit in the world for ail the purposes
of n fainSiy phytic,
rricc 25 r:nis per Box; Five Boxes fcr $1.00.
Gre.-t numb-rs of Clergymen, Physician?,
State-men, and eminent personag, liavc lent
their name s to' cenify the unparalleled u?eful-nc.-i
of ihc-c remedied, hut our space here will
not permit the insertion of them. The Agents
below named furnish gratis our American Al
manac in which they are- given; with also full
descriptions of the alovo complaint?, and the
treatment that sho'ild be ibllowwl for their cure.
Jo not be put off ly unprincipaled dealers
with other preparations they make more profit
on. Demand Ayeu's, and take no others. The
hick want the best aid there is l'or them, aud
they should iiave it.
All our remedies are for sale by
William HnlllnEhead, Dreher & Bro.
Slroudsburg-, Pa., also, by Druggists and
dealers in Medicine everywhere. At u hole
sale by J. M. Maris, & Co., Philadelphia.
September 23, 18G5.-ly.
At Private
The subscribers offers at private sale th
following two valuiblp properties viz:
No. 1. A three story
Brick Buildim?. j
situate in the borough of Stroudsburg, JJIfjiL
adjoining the building of J;:cob Singm .sier.
Iso. 2. One two story ! rjme Ihvelrmir,
with Kitchen attached, and Lot of Lan i be
longing to 'lie same situate narthe Strouds
burg Depot, in Strom! towihip.
Per '6 delirious of buy tig, will cill upon
Mr. Nicholas Rusti-r, n Strondsliurg. or up
on the subscribers whoroHde No. 145 Cham
ber street. New York City.
February, 1604.
Gothic Mali Brim Store.
Wliolesaie aud Retail Drussisl.
Constantly on hand and for
sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup
ply of Drugs, Mediciucs, Paints.
Oil, Ulass, Putty, Varnish. Ker
osene Oil, Perfumery and Fancy Goods;
Sash, blinds nnd Boors.
Pure Wines and Liquors for JMedicina
P. S. Physicians Prescriptions care
fully compounded.
Stroudsburg, July 7, 18G4.
For Sale.
A team of good horses for sale
erms &c, call at this OFFICE.
Stroudsburg, Oct. 25, 1865.
For sale at this? Office
8 I
Mutual Fire liisurancr Company.
B?ST t ESI, IS?2 BvE 3 S I J,
Amount of Properly Insured SI. 050.000.
The rate of Insurance in this Company
ts one do ar or every thousand dollars in-
it. u :.., e...
SUretl, alter Wllieil mjuicmuiu iuimici eum -
ces will he made, except to cover actual loss
bv fire that may fall upon members of the
.The policies issued -sytnis Uompany ar
perpetual, and afford Vne fullest security,
with the largest economy and convenience.
Tins company will not issue Tanneries,
Distilleries or Cabinet Shops.
Applications for Insurance may be made
to either ot the Managers, surveyors or bec-
reta ry.
J. Depue Labar, Jacob Kncclit,
Richard S. Staples, John Eding'T,
Sihs L Drake, Godlieb Aur.icher,
Charles D. Brodhead, Jacob Stnnfier,
Robert Boys, Theodore Schoch,
Sm'l S. Dreher, Thomas W. Rhodes,
Stnsdell Siokps.
E. B. Drkhkr. Secretary and Treasurer
Silas L. Dnik'-,
Mrlfiitur Sprajrlc, Surveyors.
F. A. Oppelt, )
OT" The slated meeting of ihe board ot
Iniiii!Hr.- l;ikes pi:ic- at ihe Scretiiry's if-
rico, mi Ihf fir.-l itiesd:iy oi each tnuulh. m
1 H'oSnck P. M.
Siroiidsitnr", Oct. P. l-fi:l.
""new stgee,
ics K M M C3 t5 M V
The subcriber would inform the public
aid bis old customers, that he has taken
the i?ti re Room formerly occupied b)
George II. Miller. JWi., in btroudsburg
.llissttick is composed of entirely New
Goods, laid m at reduced prices, and he
will sell them at small profits.
He has on hand a cymplete assortment
of DRY GOODS, Clot Its, (Jaxximcre.
Sat hut a, and a lull line of LADIES
DRESS GOODS-.Muslin DeLaues. Shal
ia Dc Lanes, Amours, Coatings, Calicoes.
and all kinds of Ladies Dress Trimmings
aud Yanke Notions.
ALSO A trood assortment of GRO
CKRIES, such as Coffee. Sugar, Molas
ses, and Syrups, lea and luce.
Please "ive me a calK and see the
goods and prices.
Butter and Eggs, and all kinds of Coun
try Produce, taken in exchange for goods
Stroudsburg, May 11. 1HG5.
oecries znui rrovisioiss.
0. II. DRAKE, successor to Fred. Fa
bel, next door to "Indian Queen" Hotel,
Stroudsburg. 1'a.
&rj. Ahvas on hand a full supply
tTSisi of Groceries and Provisions ; ul
Hiflso, Wooden, Willow, Earthen
ami Crockery Wares, &c, &c.
embracing a general assortment of every
thing usually found in Grocery btores.
AH kinds of farm produce taken in ex
change, or paid for in cash.
Prompt attention paid to customers.
and all orders strictly and quickly com
plied with.
October 5, 1S65
Ciiion Mowing Machine.
Owing to the fact that Agents of other
mowing Machines are offering their Mow
ers at less than advertised prices, we now
tier the Lanon at reduced prices. Four
foot machines at $135, four and a hall
machines at 3150. We are constrained
to do this to comnefe with Agents of oth
er machines, and will warrant the Union
fully equal to the Hucheye, and claim foi
it some important advantages.
Agent for Haines & Pell.
AT11' .1 ll ri
iuuiuun; t-pruit: leein suiKey uore
Kakes, Horse Pitch Forks. &c. &c . on
hand, or furnished at short notice, by E.
T. CitOASDALK, Del Water Gap, Mun
roe Co.. Pa.. Aent tor the County.
June 29, lC5o Ut.
liie undersigned having completed his
new Foundry nnd Machine Shoo would re-
I'lArtrtf tfl I I IT in t j-vfui ! . - vl .1 t 1 t I
"U"J ,r,V -rf'anu ,u,e
puuuv. c 1-r.uij, uwt .it- any prepurea to
xii vjioujo hi iiicijiiv wjiii promptness, unci
in n rtv o;r,r nn to ..,. I ' ' i.lj
to do in the old establishment destroyed bv
the flood, llavinir a full assortment of mt-
lerns matte ot tfie best materia, he is pre
pared to supply all demands for
. ... i
mil Work, Bark A ills, PJyw Cast
i:isafd Sash Wjrh!s,
&.c, &c. B'cino- an experienced workman
himself, and employing none but the best
Hands and the best matcrj. l. the public may
rest assured that all work coming from his
shop will be fully equal, if not superior, to
uiui pro:-uceu oy any oiiier establishment in
the country. The new Foundrv and Ma
chine Shop is located on Walton street, near
iMizaoetli street, m Uie borough of Strouds
burg, where the orders of old friends as well
as new one are soLcited. Orders from a
pistance may be addressed, per mail, to
Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa.
feeptember 4th, 1862.
Cadi, by
Siroudebur June ), 186J5.
The undersigned respectfully informs
the public, that he lias taken the. old
stand formerly occupied by Jacob Goetz,
and latterly by Wtu. M. Loder,jtnd hav
ing thoroughly cleauhed and refitted it,
aud secured the services of a first class
IJaker, is fully piepavcd, at all times to
fill orders for
Bread, Twist, Cakds, dec.
The Confectionery department will be fill-
nl vitti f!i vnrcc nnrl T?l TTTTS ?n
I , . . uu
. ' ,.' ... ,
thmir kept at this establishment, will
i .. j , ,,
prove to dc or me nrstquancy ana De soiu
reasonau.e prices.
A" eating saloon will also be connected
with tne estnmislimcnt in wnicn tne oest
quality of oysters will always be found,
ad wherc ladies and jrentlemeu will
be assured of quiet and o the best atten
dance while enjoying the delicacies of
the season.
Jce Uream every evening. Hotels and
private families, iurnished on short no
tice at reasonable rates.
Ale aud Porter, kept constantly on ice,
to meet the wants of those desiring a cool,
rel reshiug and healthy beverage.
The public are invited to drop in.
Stroudsburg, Jan. 19, 1805.
The Country Safe!
fiW S
The subscri er lakes this method of infor
ming his many friends, and Ihe public gene
rally, that he has returned from thr cities,
with a large lot of
Heady Made Clothing,
of the latest styles, consisting of
COATS ot all kinds and qualities,
PAN I S ot various styles of goods, and
VESTS of every
From his present Muck -he is satisfied Hint
lie can meet the demand of everv t:iste and
'rir out", in a iiuinu-r hitherto unapprouch-
cd, the man with the single dollar, or the
possessor of thousands.
lie has also laid in. and will keep on hand
in elegant assortment of
consisting ot Cloths, Ca-snneres, Vest nigs.
Not ions. Hosiery, &c, &c, nil of" which he
will sell very cheap. He has also a splendid
lot of
at prices varying from 50 cents to SO each :
the latest styles of Mantillas. Boots, Shoes,
Goiters, &c. &c, and all at prices surpri
singly low.
P. S. Clothing made to order at short no
tice and warranted.
CALF and SHEEP SKINS taken in ex-
ch.mie for Goods at cash prices.
i In public are invited to call as he is de
termined to sell his goods cheaper than the
chea pest.
Slromlsbtirjr, May 12, H50. tf.
The subscriber would resnectfullv u"tifv
the public that he has now for snle at nis
War- Rooms (old statin) Stroudsburg, a new
ami splendid lot of new and fashionab e fur
niture, such as
BSurcuEis Rodsi :!, Tabic,
Chair, &c
which he will dispose of cheap for cash or
ready pay. He has also on hand a choice
lot of
Giit illutildiiigs,
which he is prepared to make up in frames
to order, or dispose of as purchasers may re
The undertaking business promptly at
tended to as usual.
Stroudsburg, Pa., Feb. 26, 1864. tf.
The Rebellion Goac Under.
The undersigned, would resnectfullv
lniorm nis customers and the public iren-
erally, that in addition to his former stock
he will now keep for sale a general assort
ment of seasonable
which he will offer as low as the market
cau possibly afford. His goods will always
be j-elected with a view to. give his custom
ers their money s worthand will comprize
Lami;s' axd G kntleman's dress goods,
in great variety, bluitings.-Shee.iugs, &c,
&v. Persons desiring to purchase
or, indeed, anvthiuir nuidli:is.-ibl in
countrv Store, will hfst. m..K- tl.u;r ;..t..v
ests by calling and examining my stock
m . .
l)ef;,re pu, ch.-.sin-: elsewhere.
i. : ,i,n .,; ,
Lt lb ,,0t 1,10 ""eUtlOll Of tllC Under-
siijued to make a blow about low ririces
. i i ...... '
out neueving mat "the proof of the pud
JlfWr 1 0 til., n.iftm. sW'.t 9 9 I ll II
mi; 10 uiu uciliij ui uu uoruiaiiy in
vites a call from the public. Goods
'-heertuily exhibited.
Stroudsburg, April 13, 1865.
The subscriber offers for sale, his aluable
lot or Land, situate half a mile of the fior.
ough ol Stroudsburg, containing
I wrtity-oBie acrea
of b&iutiful flat land, in a high state of cul-
&5 W
xivation, witn good
upon it, and all kinds of the best
grafted FRUIT, and a never failing spring
water near ine uoor.
TiiRMs One half of the purchase rnonev
be paid at the time of the execution of
tlie deed, and the other secured upon the
Persons desiring to view the nronertv will
please call upon the subucriber, who resides
upon it.
John nnwv.s
Delaware, lackananna iAYestem
rcf.'s" itJiyjz. .mjaE
Summer Arrangement 1865.
Morning Erin's f STATIONS. Morn'g
I. M
P. M.
i' M.
New York,
7 30
7 25
New Iluinnton.
i Oxford.
11. 04; 7.34
l'iUSj 7.J3
12,10; 7.55
H 12-30 S.20
S 12.40! 8.29
Mdiiuiika Chunk.
Mihiii: nethcl..
Water Gap.
P i2.55 8 45
1.22 8.53
1.331 P.I0
144, 9.20
2.00 9 :t5
2.18; 9.52
2.38 10.11
2.52 30.24
3.15 10.46
3.27 10.58
i UaKlaau.
l Forks.
5 Moscow .
! Gjeenviltc.
' Clark's Summit,
Hopbo torn,
New Milford,
Great Bead,
5.4 j 53
4 32S
4.20 11.45
4.50 12.15
5 06 12-11
5.2C- 12.51
5.48 1.13
6.10 15
0.3O 1.56
P.50 2.15
r. M. A. M.
3 02
'. M.
The MORNING TRAIN Irom New York t M A IMflNK A PHTIMK" with th
train leaving Philadelphia (Kensington De-
pot) at 7 30 a. m.. and Greai Bend with the Mail Train on he Erie Railway.
ith sleeping cur alb.clied, stoppinp at all
the in I nns on that road, and sm-
vim; at bun. In o: b IU a. m.
The E.'oniiiv Tr.iu rom New York con
lU'Ci ..t M'liiuiik. ChiHit; Willi ;ie train Irn-
vii Philjdolphir. (Keubin-i Dean,) at 3 30
p. in.; .i' G10..1 DmhI uiih i lie N-'i:l Express
n i ftu iiirie It.iihViiy. we 1, imyiv'dj at Bul
I. le el 1.45 p. m.
The Morning Train trom Great Bend con-
..ects th.-re with the Cincinnati Express on
ihe Ene Railway f mm 1 he West ; ut Alanun-
Kit uniiiiiv vviui u iriiui nr i'iiiiaiie:itiii:i a no
iiitermediiiie staiions, urriv injr in Philudel
piun at 6.30 p. m.; nud ut New Hampton
with a train for Eutnn, Bethlehem, Allen
town, Reading ami Hjrnsbtirg, arriving at
Iliirri.siliirjf at .30 p. m.
Til Eveoing Train from Great Bend con
nccU there with the New York Express on
the Erie Railway from the Wed ; at Mniiiin
ka Chunk with a tram which runs to Belvi
den where it" lies over until 0 o'clock ihe
1. i . 1. ... . i - . . i" in I 1 1 1
novt rt.f.rtilii r ...1 , 7. lit T I nn ..t .....I. ....
ExnresB Tr.-iin for E;itou. H'-tlilehem. Al
M, .......; .. i u u.u.pu u it mi in
leulown, R"ading and Harrisburg.
At Scranton, connections are made with
I nuns on the Lackawannn and Bloomsbur.'
Railroad to and from Pittstoii, Kingston,
Wilkesbiirre, Berwick. Bloomsbur. Danville
Northiioib'Tlund, Il.irrburg und interme
diate stations, and with trains on th Debt-
It'll r mwl Hmlcitn ff, o..,l 4 -.. -
I , " l V ' .u..u vrti-
iiouuiiii' nun mieriiiPdi.'iie sinuous.
WATTS COOKE, Superintendent.
R. A. HENRY, General Ticket Agent.
DR. W. IS. W1TM0R,
Of Philadelphia.
Where he has been in successlul Practice
for a number nf years, with ihe experience
ot all the different Hospital?, &c, is now
nermanently located at Alleutown. ("Office
! Schneck's Engle Hotel,) where he will be in
. V I - ...I -II L I
strict alteiidnre to all Profe.-bion;il calls.
No Patent Medicines ii8'd or recoiiimend-
ed. The remedies administered are those
which will not bre;ik down the constitution,
out renovate the system from all injuries ill
has KU.-i.i Hied from imnmtipr Irn.-ilmnnl nrll
p:.up i:.p cvwion. in i.0 it u ...i .rii..
- - - - ..wu........,.iu.
pnroil nnmlilmn .
...w . . -.,,.. ... u "l.uiuir UIIU UCMCHH
Melancholly Alteration, that slate or ali-
enatton and weakness of the m nil whir-h
renders persons incapable of enjoy in? lhe
pleasures or perrorming the duties of life.
DVSPP.PSIA Thnt .i;-; i;o..
' --'. - J NUb -Jl-l.1 VCCI II UJCCI1CC I
uiiu rc uccuuyui Ul OU.IIUI UIIU HUppineSS,
undermining the constitution and yearly car-
rying mousands to untimely graves, can most
RHEUMATISM In any form or condi
tion w.-irruntcd currable, Epilepsy, or falling
sickness, all chronic or stubborn cases of
Female Diseases, radically removed. Salt
Rheum, and every description of ulcerations:
P1I00 ...J ...r..l .1: . ...t,.L 1 I
uto uiiu uuiuiumjus u ipc.i wnicn nave
baffled ornv 011s mpdinnl lrill. ir. ho P,l
1 v ww
by proper treatment; and I do sav. ( ves
Consumption) cm be cured by wearing my ' e, w. -
mj;..,1j ti i.r.i. ... SlmWdl liQOt & Sii.smoEK
the LuniramrninRi nil nhnnn nfu.Pl,thor ;
uicuikaicu juuita, wiiicu is a oruicciion 10
.. . o it
or Acute cases ot Ague and Nervous diseas-
MPPwnrJv rpu .a , u
1 A PL WORM. That dread to the Hu-
man Family, can be removed and permanent-
ly cured.
r!fiiisiilt:itinn in mv nfRna in ihn T?....Kl.
" -"i -ljii"iisii
and Oermau Janoiinge. free of chnrze. Will
recLioii.1 to any p.m of the country.
Oflicc in Ekj'Ir Hoiel Building,
A'b'iiiiiwn, LehiL'h Co.. Pu.
September 1, ItiM -ly.
New Coiifectioiacry.
The Subscriber informs his friends,
and the public generally, that he has-o-peued
an extensive
Confectionery Store,
in the Borough of Stroudsburg, four doors
below "R listers Clothing Store."
Everything in the line of Confectione
ry, brench or Domestic; all kinds of
Can be had at CITY PRICKS, either At
BALso-A lot of Choice Flowers.-a
Please call and exnming his Stock.
Id ftsnni no Ilia Strtl- U. -
Stroudsburg, May 12, 18G4. tf.
8 New Panning Mills,
At the Foundry and iYlachine Shop, of
an cnmiies. iiuvino- invpsiicrutno tor vn;iri irvno nfRn wi: o. 1 1
, - - " m j uAftr:oo wmw., uu uiiAauBiu ou. wnere ne oeni, under seal, m a nl
the cause and character of intermit tents. rPp- will Un Imnmr t,: i.i ,Y . . . t'
, . . . .. 1 t N . ""i'i'j wuii uu ma uiu oiisioiners, uny auuress vosl-vatd
ver and Ague.) ,n all parts of the United and as many new ones as can make it con- certi, or two Lt stamn
m curtj pennanemiy an vwirnnic venient to ca . Hesideshfl no-
n h ii-i.sanv uiciunce. vvennesdaya and penntends in person, and can, therefore rec
b. iiirdays set ap..rt f.r patients from a dis- omend them to purchasers. To the craft he
ince. M.iy he addressed by letter (confiden- offers a general assortment of
I. . I" . ITT
1 Lilly. land Medicines sent with proper di-
fSu'cfVRsnrn in T)nrlinfr &. "Bovs
' & j
Respectfully notify the public, that hav
ing purchased the above establishment, they
will continue ihe vwg and Medicine busi
ness, of. the old eland.- The room is commo
dious, and is filled up with every convenience
for the dispatch of business and the accommo
dation of customers. 'Having made large ad-
anions 10 meiraireauy mrgestocK ot
Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, &c,
purchased with a view to the ac
tion of the new tax and tariff
laws, they are prepared to offer
rare bargains to purchasers.
If you want pure, fresh Drugs and Medi
cines, call on Dreher & Brother.
If you want first quality Paints, Oils and
xyic- l,U
Dreher & Brother.
If you want Perfumery, in almost endless
. ,, t"v , o -r.
variety, can on ijrener ot uroiner.
If you want Lamps and pure, safe and
cneaP Burning Oilst call on
jjrener oz urotner.
If you want any of the most popular Pat
ent Medicines, or those which are not quite
so popular, call "on Dreher & Brother.
If you want the best Cigars or a choice
article of Chewing Tobacco, call on
Dreher & Brother.
If you want Physicians Prescriptions
carefully compounded, call on
Dreher & Brother
If you want pure Wines and Liquors for
medicinal, sacramental or other uses, call
" , , SCl.
If y want the best of Hair, looth, Nad
?nd ClotI Brushes, Combs, Soaps, Cosmet-
F1 ailu z""cl SC B"y.w"
Dreher & Brother.
In short, If you want any thing usually kept
m a well regulated Drug Store, you can only
he sure to get a pure and genuine article by
railing on Dreher & Broth' r.
The undersigned hope, by strict attention
to business, and a desire to meet the wants
of the public, to merit a continuance and in
crease of the patronage hereiolbre extended
to the Phoenix.
Stroudshunr. Oct. 22. 1803.
11 SJ
Willi ??!!Hlsmaii. Props'icton
Having purcli.i-p(l he t'ockrrr.Jp
ilely owned .y fv. ma andfTfi;ni. I take hi oDuortunilv to
notify my friends and the pulilic generally.
. .
tlnt I have added considerable new block to
IMP snmc mill wiil cnnliinip llio htionnc .i
,(, (lM (ta1(! Franklin street, where I
am prepared to lure nurses ami carriages at
the lowest cash rates. My horses are safe,
hist and gentle, and their vehicles consist of
all kinds, to suit the taste ot the fastidious.
Attentive ostlers always on hand, and drivers
Iurnished vvhen desired. CmII nnd spa furl
yourselves. Strangers taken to any part ot
Inn tfitintrv t d...rt nnt;nn Ti,n ....ii
I . .. J .1
tmue to run the new omnibus between this
u i .u n..:i i ! . r
wiv..ii uiiu iiiu i.kniii, 'itu lyuuiii. l ci-.Jti&
intending to go on the railroad will be called
tor at any part of the borough, by leaving
iheir names at the office near the stable.
The omnibus will also be at the depot on the
arrival of trains to convey passengers into
tow n.
Wo pains will be spared to give satisfaction
' a" u'ho may favor them with their patron-
Executor's Notice.
Estate of JOHN DOWNING, late oj
Ml. Smithheld townshin, ('ecu.
T u. x-i . - .1
. . . . - ''"'
1 1 1 . 1 11. 1 u i UL-! i 111 nn rn r tr ft . . . . n : A
l,mn, . nnnHnnf lnfn f 1 1, J. '
u..u,u unwcui, miu ui IUC lUWUMIIQ Ol
-l ' oe uounty ra imv-
,uo 6""" l
Persons indebted to said Estate wiU make
"nmctlTfe payment, and those iwv;ig
cbnms :.o-:,;cf. M,. cn,n ill v.of .i,.r.
m i 1 1 UTV IJ V tUUI
UUiJf il ut OCII IICJ! IUU lOi KCLllCIllCnC.
DEPUE S. MILL 12 It, Executor.
M. Smithfieli tsp., Feb. 9, 1SG5.
.r..n. .. .
-..w uuv....... immu n.iuiiil 1111; oiiuilC.
I tin Cll hCfrilOr H'llilI !nfm !. I .
vciv ru uuciiuny. iikii since tlie UlssoIutinn
. "i
nrnnrtnorchin l,0tfan V M. s. nr.. u.
j- v.viui u- uvuruuii -A v j 1 li vk it alula, lie
has been carrvimr on tl.e '
VEl . .
f BJ , ..
mo uiu aiuoii. Him ooor anovf? rnoior
prepared at all
times to fill all orders for custom work the
pubHc willfind0 lis shelves, for sale an
elegant assortment of nvwlv mndn
i. . ... , . ., ,
jui HIUIIS. WUII1UI1S. IHISSPSnm rniMronc itrnrii.
the selection and purchase of which ho .,.
Shoe IF 2 ii dings, L.-ixtv,
of the best quality, all of which he offers at
small advance upon cost. Thankful for the
1.1. ... 1 A.. .
jiuurui pironage wnicn ne nas already re- "ersons Know uio danger and folly of trust
ceived, he hopes by prompt attention to bus- their work to the ignorant as well a3
mess and to the wants of the community to the traveling dentist It matters not how
merit a continuance of the same. much experience a person may have he is
No cnurge for showing goods. Dron in.
Stroudsburg, August 4th, 1864.
Diseases of the Nervuos, Seminal, Uri
nary and Sexual Systems new and re
liable treatment in reports of the How
aud Association sent bv mail in seal
ed letter envolopes, free of charge.
Address Dr. J. SKILL IN HOTTn-H-
TON, Howard Association. No. 2 Smith
Ninth Street Pbilndolnbio P
Juno 22, lS65.-ly
11 U 1?" TO BE CURED!-
UU-. iiuUHAIN b iLMrhsh Svecihchv
JT - - . .... , .. " A
1 ",J L"rc lefco man ou days, me worst,
cases of Nervousness, Impotency, Premature
1-uu.y, ouminai vveaicness, insanity, ami an all five per cent, interest notes, with inter
Urmary, Sexual, Nervoua Affections, no est to date of subscription. Orders sent by
matter from what cause produced. Price, mail will he m-nmntiv fillpd.
une uollar per box. bent, postpaid, by
y-x . . " ' I
mail, on receipt of an order. Address,
-"'" "uiWiXl.
Station D.. Bible House,
New Yerk.
March 17, 1864.
Time is Money :
Important to Everybody
The undersigned would inform the public"
iKnSSw 0pened aneiv COCK and
WATCH Store fn Stroudsburg, where he
designs keeping on hand a stock of
fee, fec, of all qualities, and from the high
est to the lowest prices. He will also Wop
well supplied with -
in almost endless variety,- which ht witf
uiapube 01 at prices that canndf iail to pi
supplied to order at a small advance vpff
wholesale city prices
Being a practical workman with much ex
perience in his business, he designs giviatf
his personal attention to the repairin"' f
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c, and feesf
assured that he can give satisfaction to lf
who entrust work to his care. 0$AU vork'
His Store is on Elizabeth Street, Siutk'
side, between Hime's Store and the Poit Of
fic, where the public are cordially invited t
call and examine his stock.
Stroudsburg, May 19, 1864. 6m.
Brown & Keller
(locks, Watches, Jewelry, Silrer
Ware, Plated Ware, Books,
Stationery, Wall Paper,
Notions, &c, &Ci
They have recent I v Purchased "MEL
ICICS OLD STAND," and with increased
f;icililios lor busim-ss, nnd a determination
to ple:ise, h-ei justified 111 asking the cn
linued patronage of'lhc old cust..mera al'thM
pstiblishmcnt. In conMant communicutinn
with importers in New York nnd Phila
delphia, and m pn..?ei-iin of peculiar ad
vantages in 1 his respect, lliev are prepared
I iLl'R i , of superior make and tiii.-h as well
ls as of cfo aper character, at remarkallv
'mv r;'tcs.
They kImi k.cp constantly on hand tiid
ruiMlifi- tl
l ' -
Silver and Plated War", Tea Spoons, Ces-
iors, ajteciacles. Razors, Pen knives,
Scissors, and all sorts of Cutlery,
Toys of nil kinds, Childrena
Carriages, Bird cages,
Fishing Tackle,
Baskets, Gims and Pistols, Lamps tf all
kinds n Fixtures :
.1 T....l.Zt.. r' . tit- . .
Machines. Clothes Wringers, School
jjoohs. Miscellaneous and Blank
Books, Ledgers and Day
Books Paper, Envelopes,
Pens, Ink, J c , cf c.
Photograph Frames, Wall Paper, Window
wci'ucs, ana l-ruil fans of every de
scription. Lamp burners altered. Reoairinrmf rii,.
.uua uiiu ueweiry attended to promptly
nnd satisfactorily. Orders ti.kcn for Silver
ware ana niied with dispatch.
oiroiidsnurg, 3Jay 1J, 1664. tf
tfanhcod: hoir lost, how Reslored.
Just PimlishetJ, a new edition of
MM1' c"i'ci r..lP, Cclfbru-
? jouicb curs
f-IWITO rulhn.,l ...... II -V r- o.
j. - - weanuess, involuntary
... T i" V "
V'IC"' Mar-
an 1 riTS' ' '""ced by self-mduhjence or ex-
iln nvlrmtn.innMA
OCT Price, in a scaled envelope, only six
The celebrated author in this admiahln
say clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years'
succfvfful practice, thai the alarming con
sequence o, self-abuse may be radically cured
without :.'ic dangerous use of internal medi
cine 0,' e aonlicalion of ih. b
Iii.r . .: . -
tin l-sl iiiirR cimnio far
1 .,..1 1 .. . .
r., vo.
V " v ' "" "ediib or wnicn eve-
f S.1-. tttt .. 1 1 1. i
L"! . ' V "cf lus. condition may b.t
Zdic la W'
ir-nu: t ... .
ms clu omu De m the hanJs
ni;pru mmh nni .1. . , .
uiiu rTE-iviii:iii ill inn inn
am envelope, to
on receipt of six
Address th nnli
! ishcrs.
127 B5ovci-y, IVcw York. Pnsf L
nee cox 40u.
f 1 A r- r
June 16, 1864. ly.
Has permanently located him-
self in Stroudsburg, and moved
' his office next dooi to Dr S
Walton, where he is fully nrenared
ihe natural teeth, and also to lnsi'rt illfnrrun
tiblc artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in tue
,n-test and most improved manner. Most
. .
Hable to have some fail urns n nf n nnmUr
of cases, and if tlie dentist lives at a distance
it is frequently put off uni:j it is too latn to.
save the tooth or teeth as it mav be, other
wise the inconvenience and trouble of crnino.
so fiir. Hence tha necessity of obtaining the
services oi a dentist near home. All work
Stroudsburg, March 27, 1862.
CAPITAL, 1,000,000, PAID UT
And Special Agent for Jay Cooke, Sub
scription Agent,
Will deliver 7-30 Notes, Free of char
exnrpRs in nil n-irto p
J .r-- , wlb uuum.j, aim
receive in payment Checks on New York
Philadelphia, and Boston, current bills, and
" I " j
This Bank receives the accounts of Banka
and Bankers on favorable terms: also of in
UlVlUUaiS KCeninr iPW Vnrlr ncfnunto
O " " " " " MWVWUJIWi
J. U. ORVIS. President..
J. T. HILL, Cashier.
Juno 1, 1805.
TunnersvilU, Pa, Aug. 16, 186.
March 2, 1865. 3m,