5L, Ijc cffcvsouian, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 5. 1865. tfeteis State Ticket foh audituii ge:ci:kal, " MAJ.-&EN. JOHN ?. HATwTKAlJFT, Or MONTGOMERY COUNTY. roil SURVEYOR GENERAL, COL. JACOB M. CAMPBELI OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. . COirET PaOCEEDINS. . CONTINUED.. . Commonwealth vs. Oliver D. Smith. IndictniQnt for rape, on oatlr of Elizabeth Smith,. afyrttiWed'i'-rjBricfe'of not guilty. Commonwealth vs. George Van Horn, Indictment Tor an assault with intent to commit a rape. Verdict not guilty, and the Prosecutrix, Mary Ellen Fallcr to pay oue half the costs, and George Van lorn the other half. Commonwealth vs. Alfred Shug, Drake Hallcck, Theodore Ilalleck, and David Huntsman. Indictment for riot and as sault and battery. Nolle Prosequi enter cd as to David Huntsman. The Jury fouud the defendants not guilty of the first count in the Indi.ctm.ent.and guilty of the second. The assault and battery was committed on Ezra Marvin, a drun Z&-S0LDIERS ! before you vote on next Tuesday5 read on the outside of this pa per, "How a soldier talks to soldiers," by j."6n justice of the Peace, from Jackson .Major-Gen. Collis. This advice the Gen. Township. The fi-ht occurred during V ! TM 1 1 1 I w gave in a spcecu at 1 nuaaciphia the oth- the week of the Camp Meetine held near . . T. 1 I . . I - cr night, id is wen worthy of a careful Snydcrsviilc. The prosecutor, Ezra Mar rw,,l"S J"u fcU'IOUS consweration, lor vin was round :n Heller's Hotel, as the it deals in nothing, but stubborn and i,n,rrtfj n. o i- :n n,a 1 ... ..... .1 w..--.w ..v,.i, v.uvn. VU. uome.y trutns. . j 7 , r - mni'llll ,t J;.)Mi. s'.iiii. nt mil- hnvc trntri r'Quitc an improvement is that. which U0" nM. having much respect,, for tha enterprise. h'asVtyrouglit 'in. theold "Brick kind of "a-Justice, "punched his.;-hcad VagoniaM'-ShdVn- 'the corner Ffurt ' in itaVdtic bWjsfed 'poor Simpson and Sarah Streets in this- bo, ra fe'clin'irAlfeBosdid rough. Mr. PhillipIill'ef recently puK KK dishcvelcc. head,. 'by sVtJng that' it chafed the property, and treated it to a paid -no attention to the fact that he was new roof, ucw window'and door frames, a Justice of the Peace, 'but Created it the 'new windows, new doors and a fresh coat same as an ordinary .assault and battery. of Paint. If used to be a reproach to Commonwealth vsi Theodora Hallcck, that portion of the town. It is now quite Drake Ilallcck and llhairi Danner.- -,in ornament. "We learn that Mr. M. in- Indictment for riot and assault and bat- tends the building for his son who designs tci7 on John J Frey. Nolle prosequi nsino-1 fnr n nn1nnfM.,i-,.o qi, entered, as. to llliam Danner. rerdict 1 rv f sit friTiUT? mi1 I rt I- -- 1 1 rrsr rnnn J. Frey, to pay one balf of.thecosts, and 7 . 1' t TI o I f rfl i t eri wr T 1 Irt L iss Lni.ly, daughter of 3ir. Rudolph ,hc otllcr ha,r T,.. . fc crdict iviutner, 01 tnis piace, aica very suuuen- and might have been bettered by senten iy on 1'nday last, the was in the enjoy- cmg the prosecutor, who is a "bully by mont of her usual health at two o'clock, prcuession to pay all the costs. The trial when she hnd .Inn fnr a nn 01 u,e 'asr, two cases snowea that malice Sadden Death. Tflltftl Chn IK111 It) lllfll Inrnri in .lriif tl.i or J ciitors nour. Alter she Had Iain lor some time, Supervisors of M. Smithfield Town her mother, thiuking she was over-sleep- ship, vs. Van Campcn Coolbaugh. This ing herself, went to call her, aud found was a Signed issue, to try the single her dend. Shn must l,nrr rlJorl . w;tl,m,t qnestion whether the dcleuUant was a res .1 . . ,, I tuuuu ui kiuiuuilbiu JL.UII lib IUC u siruggie, as wucn ner mother came to tln)e tlie ,evy was made yer(1;c' in fa. her bed side she was lying with her. face vor of defendant. It appeared that the on her hand, as though calmly sleeping, defendant removed from saitl Township No death in Stroudsburg, for years, caus- Pnor t0 tne assessment ot lbbi, but the cdsuch a thrill to run through the hearts "S? atfUPlfd ,to P , , , , . , collect a Bounty lax, assessed on the de of our people; and the sympathies of the fend.int. Defendant refused to nav the t J!- 1.. J -If- , y. .. . puum; aiu wuruuj cujihieu wiin uiciami- amount, and the Uoliector levied upou ly in their sad aud sudden bereavement, his house; defendant replevied and gave The cause of Miss Kintner's death is not boads to the amount in the event the I .1 : s i r.ii- r . ' known, but is supposed to have been drop- T i l v f f 1 a, n 1:! rnrri hm von iff thn mnnnr occncnH sy oi die Herc. to him as uionov at intnrnst. was hpW fn be erroneous v assessed T rr rr "t-s i t I J VUlJiiib. CoUrt- adiourncd till first M'ondav in rri. . .; f i .i . iiiu uiue ior-yoa to esercise me privi- .November. lege of voting for State OiSccrs &c.. is Importance of the Issue. It is not to bo disguised that there is a large number of persons both at the north and at the South,- who have not finally aban doned the hope of the ultimate triumph. of the principles of the late rebellion. They hope to secure by the success jof their views at the ballot-box, that which they failed to accomplish bj armed force. It may depend upon the decision ofPensylvania on the 10th of October, whether the war shall prove, at Why we call Col. Davis a Copperhead. The Soldiers. The following article from Col1. Davis' Extraordinary efforts are being made paper printed Aug. 30, 18G4, shows the bj our opponents to obtain thev votes of t . , . Jr our fellow-citizens recently returned from Democratic candidate for Auditor bener- , . . . f . the service of the country in the army of al to be unmistakakably .ono of the mean- the natiou- In th(JSR efforts they should est Copperheads. Unionists! don't fail and it is confidently believed that they to read it over carefully before you vote will fail : on next Tuesday Becausc a vigorous prosecution of rn,.. ri.r.j-!.. tlie war for the suppression of the rebel- -xnu uiui-uerarc mubj lioB ever been urged bv the Union party of the country 2. Decause the war has never been sus tained or advocated by the leaders of tlie party opposed to the admiuisttation. 8. Because the friends of the Union . i i y- I tdUOv uav. unu ououuiiu uuu ouuuui- puruiib tu wiiuu.um.ur. ui . oriii 10 ted fc m in fie,d an(j the f m fhA diiAtnhitin en n nnri f ma I rl rv n I I J have made an agreement with the Feder sils fnr t.hn tirnnpr and snondv ftvnbnnrre last, a failure whether its fruits are to be Lf Drisoners: that thev have faithfullv only "debt, disgrace and slaughter," or observed the provisions of it, and have whether it is to have substantial results in the frequently proposed exchange on its ba death and burial of slavery, state sovericrnty sis. But Mr. Lincoln says no. He will and the right of secession. It is a well-established fact, that the con- 1U" SBU,BU,US. "u' au" V A uucl: ers of pretended Democracy have ridicul- tcst was long protracted by reason of the army to become a skeleton before he will cd ndl dcrided the soldiers of the Union, i . . ., c . agree to an exchange which does not re- ,r ,i ,fT- i i ,, c-u they would receive aid and sympathy from : :) J 1 - berg," "plunderers," and other epithets the North. It is now all important Ho the yhaf is the consequence of Mr. Lin- repetition. South, that they should bo assured that this coin's 'refusal ? The suffering of our " : Berauso when wcrc cal1 i, : rn-:J at..u ...:u n. u:. mufL ,.r. ed for, they demanded a draft, u.aIuuU O, ulUalure u.i , aUuouls xu,c cu 5. Because wheu the draft, they op adhere unfalteringly, to the doctrines, prin- to die on southern soil rather than rehn d tbc conamutation clause, and do ciples and views which carried them tri- quish the policy of negro equality The J, d Jt discrimination against the umphantly through the for years of bloody nu.orai.us ar,e accuseQ 0 norainatc t : j . i . .u i . barbarity, in order to conceal the deapo- war It is best to let them know at once .. j ' . - , P .. . r tVf r A. . . tism and criminal fanaticism of our Pres- forever, that there is no hope for the final idcnt Lefc the goldiers remelllber that triumph of the doctrineg and measures, for Abraham Liucolu made a solemn engage- which they contended in the field. mcnt for the exchauge of prisoners of war, The men. among us who were first.to urge and broke it because it did not include upon the.-Government to hold the rebels in negro soldiers, many of whom are ruua- the light orbeligerents, are now the-first to; o.ouut.,. iUi rc- a f heu fi t were called for, i. ii . -Vr' - "f ?'.' L,,:ll..vdi :'M member thatalttheir sufforinirs .mil nr... -),. "ua. ft. P . .. . ..-. ' poor man 6. Because when that clause we repeal ed they, complained that the only hope of the poor man was gone. 7. 'Because they denounced the war as a ne&ro war, and did nothing to aid or assist in carrying it. on, . 8. Because they became- highly indig str veto relieve them from the consequences au-.uu wiu,. auu pri-ua&d 'threw1 tlVe bondfit 'of all fheir synrfa. and penalties'oi:-hiir belliirerency. 'T i.ogc Ij8'.'?" T1? . .?0P.Hyi.wecSl tKies' wilh tlie Sbuth-;' ' v V. who were.cons.tant in their 'predictions that Leb Them me'mb r th " ecause. they opposed .every mea- the "war would never end," and that the hta honor and thoir libortr nm nnt amo the Bovcruiuent found ,fc mucessary "South could never be conquered," are; now ntto ? adoi,t fF f l,1C rCb" r.f l 108 61 u, l"e 7r Tver a"a y a rresmeut or no united states. io BecalJse th m nificd c re. that its objects and results shall not be seured, "The negro is the idol of abolition bel success, and deprecated every Union but that rebels shall be instantly restored to 1 he whites may die in forts and prison- ,,, r J V i . , - 1 lUbUI J all their former rights under the Consitution camps, because the negro is not recbg- 1L BeMUse in 1S64 thcj dcciarcd and laws of the country. These same men nnn1 tlie Confederate - th war a failure- for PV , : T 12. Because, in 1865; they declare thai I IS a weak liht fnr nnorrn nnnnlifv nnH .. - . 1 .. their votes, officially denounce as 'murderers,' nCrro Vlhe;t No evifence heJrQlln(l lr,ults e r arc wgrace, "itZ-" ,7infrd T, p at ?f r fiSDg fr .reUQi0D thji 13 S e they tried to prcvcnVthe m l,tarycomm,ss,o , the authors of the whole- Constitution The war is perverted, and eiterision of the ri'llt-of .guffP sale slaughter of their companions in arms, tne man guilty of the act presumptuously jers jn serv;ce - w All this and more they do with a full knowl- nka the suffrages of the people and of 14 Tbe;r amQSl nvnrll)U OD. edge of the laws of war, which declare that tlie soIdiers, the army. Let the people d ivi bountica to voin,ltl!eWi whfie imiiiiiih iiiir i ii i jir run tt iirn nnn i . . . vu, uc wv-t ti a-u jUUV I'll 111. UUU Vy 11 1 1 these men have forfeited all their rights un- thc friends of tlie Union rlron ftf Inn nncnnnra f ifir rnnn Unt Vnf I . I J J derthe Constitution, and that they now lie , ti 7.,, : u , . u'. ",ul sustained and supported these measures. . . . . ne is the fountain-head of their sufferings: k i?,. i ,i i prostrate at the feet of the victor, as con- and if thev become widows and ornh.ns' - 'c since the war is over, thoy quered, overthrown and subdued belligerents that he is a murderer. Let the prison- LTT u UD,?S ,awJew ,n !'.n cl.Jort with just such rights and no more, as a kind ers remember him when they eat their . V '!..i " i ; , ' -! and merciful Government may choose to last scanty morsel j and if the people of !' thc bfincf. r:hn Slinrom, m" ouchsafe to them. Let the neonle rally to tllls couutry are true to themselves and i,i.i the polls and sustain by their votes, the great t0 our suffering soldiers, they will pro- w, men were greatly needed cause so nobly and bravely defended and sus- r to fill up the ranks and the Government tained by the soldier in the field. The future ' , UCT scour , a a lW0 loia rod- ordered a draft, they resisted, and all of will then declare that the "Great War of "mnu..a.um me curse oi uoa.-. the5r representatives upon the bench of Freedom" was not a "failure," but our child- ine aDove 18 on,y a sample ot thc nu- the Supreme Court declared the. law au ren to the latest generation, will learn to read mcr(us productions of a like character thorizing the National Government to with the warmest glow of patriotism, those L .TF ' l"'l)ur. "riug taKe men out ot the" btate, by d rait; was mrrornnrn,!'; U;U .I-;U " . UIIUUIIBlllUUUUai UUU VOIU. iUCIl W-Cr0 1 I - - 4 nnltr rVt.i . rvr.l .r.l 4-Kx ...tl 1 t- the skill nn.l hnmion. nfnffl,,,c ,1M; TI,Bff(,minMii.f -D.,.,,;,! "" u"u' uuu "u "rtWUU ft,,VUU UU w" " 1 auvuiwui.o.iiuoui.ui 4nis t. hr.tr nnrfv .. flnrn.,fn.1 ..f !. of this great struggle, and never cease toven- A most distressing tragedy occurred polls inlSGU, and the act of three of these Kiucuicuiucuiuiica. iiiugrcauiu&o.puwur, - ' uuuui-j, uu ouiuruay judges rebuked by the people, and one resources and energy of a free people dis- thc 23 "tM resulting in the instant death 0f their places filled by a loyal mau aud . At- l K ' nw An Vh . I. . X. .1 I . I .1 1 I 1 i tuse they have tried to injure n r ti i ni ....... i i played in our great struggle for the preser- 01 111 r' onar,es onoemakep, ot Middle sound judge, vatinn of the nniinn's lifi, . wjh nit, i, oi. Smithfield, Monroe County. From evi 17. Becau ...., j i ur i. n . t . . . .. J led by thc future greatness, prosperity and rr:::;1"' V"l.: ,U.q"eSt 1 ,e CretlIt' an.d d wprago the currency of success ol t ie nation purified regenerated i .. , AT . T v,, wmVl Uj 07 is.u p;iy. jjunuta, regeneraieu. tfr m comnanv with Mr. Diniimek Over-1 imnniin. ..i,- ' and reclaimed by the fiery ordeal through field harness and Milo Overficld, came to the alone be paid. This point they also ss shop near Judge Heller's tannery, sed before the Supreme Court 0 io jires r tne JOHN CESSNA, Chairman. where they fell in with Mr. John Decker State, and failed by a division of three-to of Lehman 'Jownship. Mr Shoemaker two. Deck cr. riJiy approaciung, and you arc called Episcopal Service. upon mpst earnestly by every principle of We learn that on Wednesday evening which we have just passed risrht and patriotism to vote for' those last, the 27th of September.-! there was By order of the Commiitec 1 candidates who represent the Union par- held at the West Union School House, I3, which,'in 'no instance, was Tound want-: near Saylorsburg, in this County, a ser- ,rH. i?nr ?t i, v..:. i nu....i. eL TaxinS Homesteads by State Laws. 1 "... I, . L""J " -l' v.iurcu. xne In repiy to inquiries as t0 the maai!"luuu "tu iiaiMiia nor sympaiiiy liev. v. J. J'.rDen, ol Philadelphia, the States authorities to tax homesteads with Jeff Davis and his vile crew. Rev. S. "R. RnfcliL-in nP CUr-mt Ti Congressional statute. Actinrr Comm. Ta .!. TT? . . - , ... , 1 . . . .' ' ''I Wilcn nf thn Hnnnrol T.,.l ".FK I I flll.lllv Deeker frnt t.lio Kftfffvr nf Slnnnio 1. .1 .1 i i . , j.iwas me union party wnicii talked and liev. Lcighton Coleman, of Wilmin- " i:Ti.ur.7kl . i yJl"t "ai LZ'a " i: V? wa oiy ana sacrea, aua turn honor, glorv for the Union, wrote for the Union, vo- ton fl. 1 1, l: J T "tu "vrB ,COn1 . u, " " u"WBeu a . "a.u 01 A prosperity to the country, and not , i r ..t. tt - i . , ' 1 w.jmvu ,,uUim;,. nuuuuaauiuai icaiuuiicu auu cumvauonirom "us auu uic wnecis oi a wagon until Shoe- "debt disraet -ind ql in-rlirnr " ti, ted for thc Union and fought for the U- ated. They were spending some time at date of entry before the Department can give maker promised to be peaceable if Deck- legitimate" fruit's of hi, S ' " M 1 ,Ul. wnue tney bayloreburg, and at the suggestion of " released 19. Because when Union men csnrcssed were doing tins, who does not recollect their host, this service was held. The meet all the requirements of the law his ufpV T3 br a moments the hope that our troops might soon be what tne Uopperncads, or those rather was somewhat intoxicated at the time 13. Because thc pTalfornv of the-- Union and soon got into a quarrel with Mr. party recognizes the services of the sold-. After considerable ouarrellin" F ier doel-ims tint, tl t 101) t ricrht of 10B'aranujcKergotintoangiit. ced by rebels that peace was thc resu! i i oiiuuuiur.cr Hiriivin7 ueeicer inn nrst h nw nft ,. i t - .... e .i - unuer . . ,,,, , uiu uumau uuu uuruisui or tne Ln ssinnnr m ll,e Iacc j.ncy tnen ciincbeU and rnv tlt.-if. thr in K-;Ai,-i,n p..k To the Electidft Offlcersjof Pennsylvania" It was believed that new and import ant questions would bo presented to you at thc approaching election in October 1865, growing out Of thc several cons cription laws passed by Congress, and the Act of 3d xMarch, I860, (Sec. 21.) taking from deserters the right of citizenship. Influenced by this belief, rtVhort examina tion of the question wa& prepared and published to the people. Since this was done, several persons and papers in thc State have taken very decided grbun't? against the right of election officers- to consider the question at all. Itis'aaTtf earnestly and firmly insisted that it ithe duty, as it will no doubt be the pleasure of every board in thc State, to examine and determine every case of the kind' that may come before them, according to-' the best of their judgment and ability. -r You are just as much bound 'to examine and decide upon these questions as upon thc naturalization of a person born in the country who claims to vote, or any other question under tlie law. ' Tbeficonvassers, orators and editors whf attempt to prevent you from considering these questions ; and especially thoso who threaten to prosecute you for so do ing, render themselves clearly liable. -tc thc penalties 'of (he 110th Section of the Act of 2il "July, 1839, to wit : a fine of not. morc'thln five hundred dollars, and' imprisouineutnbt less than one nor'morc than ..tjKcIjfa mouths. We 'have not, nor will we attempt to ju.i.anyyo(ccr of. election, norany' ?ltizen,pf..tho. State. But.wc appeal, to"you as. hopegt a,nd upright meu not to permit any man'Qrmen, whether for porsomd or political' "considerations, to intimidate you from a faithful and conscientious dis-charg6:oT-yottr duties. 'Itis with very great regret thatweco tliatyfew' District Attorneys in the State Have "been so unmindful of thc dignity which should characterize the positions they occupy as to prejudge the question, endeavur-to throw the weight of their of ficial character upon one side of it. and have even- gone so far as to threaten to-1 prosecute ejection officers who may be constrained to differ with them in opinions These persons, whose duties it should be to- "'prosecute offender?," have.-thu thoughtles&ly or wilfully placed them selves in thu position of offenders, bv at tempting, through intimidation, to inter fere with the officers of election iu.tho co.nscienition.s discharge of their duties:" We have appealed to your reason and your judgme nt Tu these only do we now appeal. Weask'yuu to consider the question ns honest and impartial ti:en. Th men who threaten you, are no& oly iud-'es of the- law iu th,e case, aud even thou;h tliev may ocqupy the very .distinguished posir tions of District Attorneys, it "3 no partr of their, duty to- decide this question fon Lyon. u e add that those who seek to secure' the right of suffrage to desei tcrs, in. order to neutralize and destroy the votes of tile' true soldiers of the Union, will - b heM;. by posterity, ;is tia St companions in . in famy of" the deierterstliemselves. History will record these upon fl; ic Same scroll which contains the traitors oti 177G iiiul 112". ' JOUX CKSSXA, " Chairman Tnion State Central Commit tee. September 30, 1SG5. bus- i?sul T h c "F. ' 0rTJiv'r.3) e n t- circuJitriSgiviug4.notice that the penalties Qxeu by the law for carrying letters out side the mails, wheu not enclosed in "or- rnine'iit stamped envelopes, will be rii- evcry instance. Onh' ,l!y enforced cl in v. carjjo air.J Slmn1 n r..n .i claim wntil,! h invnh'H nn va "tvJ Su" 'ulu dUUlllCT uimcuity anu able to connuer the South, o.vnn hv iWr UJttUJ Lu-," .1 "".Tj ". - ' " tt"u acain came to blows. 1 ...j 1 V .7 J ""V nnv nr . stood outside. It is tho. firsf.timo ho ,B.rauu.wou,u revert into tne mass ot pub- lm '" , I",w ,uuauuJrani 01 I()ua Ul0se 7J 'i. " . v'j.iu wiuio . lie domain. t"1:-' tuu" ijuaHeieu aome ume.ers ot the new Ueoiocracv declared Mint Jeut,D "io captain, owner, driver, or anv' mr. D.n.n.l .1 . 1 1 1 I,, , . J " " I i 1. .- "f-.l-. .-. ,1 . ll. : ' ouier emprnyoe to penalty ol S1DU for each offouce. i , - - - w. w v i uijuu uui ui inn jli . i iii.i i nnn n rrain inn t.ttfPi w (tnnfin at. - n i. i uuu ijuuLUjaaui ?Liii li:u iiiivvii i. m: run n.niti .. . . . i r-v . - , TT : . L r u6, lU6 1UUi iu nctiiuii ui me siai- - - - 7 1 tuulu nuvur conquer tne south, ck the bui- ficiatcd m the neighborhood, and we un- ute declares that no lands acquired under its ,oneJ ca,1,ng Decker some very bad and that "thev had mro irt iL I . . i . ., . I nrnvismns slinll in nntr nvont Unnnmn I naftlfi!!. Shriomntor mA nnt .... 1 c .1 .1 ... . - ... 11 ' v-.ji. uvwuiu nauiu u. j.t.u sui uuu a lun 1 ."n 11 r 11 r 11 -in irn ti.i.i in i , . t " t .u.u ,1V. til 14JU .TIM Vll. who call themselves Democrats were dor ing. They were opposing wilh all their might by every device and tri Vi- TnrftT - t r T ri otcn ii3r was calculated to cripple and crush the n.on-f!, Wn1, r. Ltot,!c, "t11"0? of y. debt or debts con- yards from the shop, when Decker start- Y . m o -i uiucu la.uiauic. iracieu prior to tne issuing ot the patent, ed after him u.mu.Q i. utuUuUWU oj uuwuauuuuu- a snort address was delivered by Mr. unfler these legal conditions whilst al or inhuman. To read their papers and Krbrn nnd n rmnn lr Ar n.,i simple remains in the United States hear their speeches alone, you would haveLMr. MotrdtL;,, tnnl- ...,.f ; ,1. be quite apparent that the taxing , , . ., , n , , - r.,m lui.-jddjcn,. couia not De successtully exerted, thought that the Copperheads were stn- Thc canticles of thc Episcopal Church as the land is concerned, ving bnupij iav auu oraer, ana that were duly chanted, aud everythinir wis s auinoruy Qon which Jeff Davi-, their right h.d thc dialribu.i0n ,f VLr LL '' " im",'em0' fifrhfirifT fnr Ilin I ininn )!. !j I .. I r o.:wt w,w "" mamic- cvc.j'to rcuacr the service impressive naucu ui tuu wusniuuottv oucm, as ev- letters rchitmir solelv to th treignt ot water craft or other vuhiirlf?. empioyetl upon mail routes mav be law; fully carried not enclosed as above. Bv the terms of this order unpaid letters for- delivery' and those prepaid by postage stamps van-not be carried outside the mai! thout sub 20. Because whei 111 w.e .nirui. 9 r - 1 rebels were starvltttr- A f:innor ir...v l..n-..i v r ...-.,. savins. "I'll he dnmnor f rt.,r t 1.1; 1... 1 1 . . -P I . . V. - . k 11 aij ul I 111 :i 11 11 r enrtn rnnni- wi. 1. 11 .1 1. w v. v u icj uuuuj Power rb7u 40 Trd from thr.linr.h.. "f?.?. . , , r -tnoclc-& stripped fro,u hi, bodv ; hf , in so far :mr,,j:nf:i ' , uiiugaiou uie crime Dy ueciarmg that strange- to re ate beyond a few . -hi' whatever Shoemaker -they fed our prisoners as well as they bruises, escaped without H"un striking at Decker several times without ,i;,l n . ....... ' 1 runout i..jui. i U1U1. improvements on t ip "v""o They then clinched and unconstitutional cry tolerably informed person.knmvR; rn.- rrA t?,X r o-vtZu ' v , ' the burden of their song by night and by Monroe County. day. At a preliminary meeting of ladies and Lehigh Comity Agricultiiral Faii:. Allentown, Sept. -28, 1865. The Agricultural Pair of Lehigh county Ke- 0.0itnJ . J 1 f .1 . .. . I A 1,1 .....I n .1 w . Decker threw or pushed Shoemaker a- Lincoln nnl.i f m.,..:.. .. ...in .: ' ... In. SlarsciHea, as elsewhere, since tlnr. gainst tlie fence with such force as to in- nf fnrvl " appcataucc ot cholera, thc rats have-con stantly .dislocate the lattcrs neck. Sere-f - . . Jlrely disappeared. :i3-j.v. f i .r " . (5 lirr-: ; lai witutjssca icsuucu lliat XCCKCr KlCKCd t c. i . t-t;. alidcfnmped .upon Shoemaker after hej bcoruut,c diseases are thc parent stock ; from wbiob n in, . -i"re-m-uermany, 4D0.UUU Jews?. irum wnicn arises a large- proportion; of i.r ;r a.. j -n i - n . . ... F Ul OUt It Austria and Prussia hi inelnrlril In j . . J. I i i ... . I .1 r . i . wits viKHMn rr-itntr k. n nn i . . li ii nnor ninr!i n n r ....... . r in mini mni.... xi j. itt' . . . i .. . i . j . , ., , , ,rfnfl,.r,. . i i no. "ittiijr uurtj mousana i""" tuwiwuj ca.iuiluuuuu was inauu ujii'iuiua tuat am ct mankind. the coYrfitoPtinn f,-, n,,n,i,nr .r ! And now. to deceive the neonlfi and gentlemen interested m the cause of Sab- npnr.li?: tho rh;i,.i;nn s k nr.n jt- I . . u i" tompacauon the number of Jews is ir i-- i vimivu iiua ui ini inif in hwi i uu iiununv nv iiui.iiim ii miiii inninnn 'liix ua .1 .t i l nil t r r neciallv catch thn f,'nf f l,n SnMwJ bath School instruction, held at Stmdc. eve? made in this State. ' ' and fb aI Xll1 au: a " were a SPCC,CS 01 Ptato W -i -"-vi . mt .... - . I ....vmu.,, uuaiu mu rn ( n fA fl,;c cnm PnorVri ..f... i burir on thn 9fiti 'nt ,"r : a uu iaccb were very attractive, someot the ascertainnd to hi thn ..iJm ;crtf: r - "v " W1U ,iUt ww.v F-i,jr, h-b uuiuiua-i , - "" uuau4Uluus- fast horsna from TVnur Vnrl, Pk;ia'lnh:. j ., , ,uuu i L, , . I m,,rt Tr . 0 .,, . ted two soldiers for State ofEW and on, My resolved to invite the friends of th l.n un ;:' " .. p..- ..u ..upu, au tne sources ot L. - -v -n- wr. , . , fc, unuc uu wie uai.it. i rjn i.i t.? f.i -r I ifa ..j i . . i .... '"-'"iy tfu.iuu.uuif Of uassenirers nprivnon ofwhois . deeided GoPpe,I,e.,d ti -ul roo Coauljr to meetM Cgan. jtekpoctott fins tlw Entera. cites tJlJ'JfiA .V-.. tZZ-TtCZ, nSYiMr , . in y uui- - "- fain Hum nuicii spring, uon-1 wunout Killing one ot them !. IT 7 . 1 n , . I t tt .nni'nninn ;.. 1 1 r WCftJ JUUV rfJOreSGniPn I InP l.irmor frixni. ecu, as a iriaucu ai an article lrotn his na-J J iuwum, iu tuu cirouasnur'T iu. xU.f .1 w """"fj 1 nnor's inrv nn Tuncrlo in ' . 1 o 1 ' 0 ' ui ma p. - 1 o xj.i nianv suffererB had u: nnrunt :i, j f oner s jury on lucsdayapd held an in- Utimntnn in, :. rT- . I 86000. , vcstigation of-the affair. Ar-. ,. . . . -'''k Yetheisjustihe,ldn4f:aUni take such measures, as h. M. L. R Barnes, District Attorney. complaints, and Jruptivc .Disease Lj liniv:' 1?.. tlT. .f il J ., mnv ho'Hno nor nrfincn , t -'!,. .t I Ti i - . . UBDearCQ OeiOm Cni I nminur nn th. r.nV I Mv,i itiii lUCUlTUIZCU 3S Umnnrr thnon. ojih. uuimcr ui. wvui ues,crvcs -tne .vm.vuuumcuu.c t.u.ucumoie tnei Jiuveruai revenue Uecision. .1 . ; 1 . . . , . . w 1 . tj - - - - i.,.. - - Thc receipts from internal revenue on th'd amoiinfcxf,to-!?a,345,535 79." , . rt - 1 I.' . . 1 ... . support of real Union tnnr,. for fW wJmterests. of Sabbath Schools.. thBinnnf Publishers of newSnaner whr ;.,e -1 monweaitn. JJ. J1. Vanau- .k ana destructive to the races qf .i.-,-i:-r? ..!, n.,sfw a .,-- ii.-" , therefor exceed 81000 nnnnnii 1..11 VK' L,!- was a,s0 present on tho part men. So dreadful :im if. nn,nnnn 1 MA tlt SLID. Or. A T . J - il n 1 i.l to linn, i:iv i t 1 11 ... i'luuuoy, vuioocr u, at rne imer iy iiumau inc. that it is hart v nnth n r.r. i 1 1 1 T T 1 n-uu ijuioi, otrounsDuri;, oy iev. v. J. i 1. ' , r I T-v- . 0 7 J . 1i--f 1 1 ' .' .K n .-i a - .. . . I thnrnfnr fv-ofrt S-1IUV1 II. i i 1 i I " auowcu uicmscivcs to be used as cats' U1U WUDlJr- -imong tne suhjects to be M j 7. "y """mo? 0fjir DPtkpr 1 . j r .-.. . v ,1: j -i .1 .. . iiucijocu -id niuiiuiaciururb-. ana sucit itrnncni . -- paws oy uue copperheads. uifcoutbuu, win dc tne loiiowmjr : w;n .nor nif .!.. .r. X :.. After a In numntn ' On the other hand, the Union party The qualifications needed for Superin- or from the place of publication, and also the found t,lat tne deceased came to his death VCr ? 1 c thc 1,nPortance of an ac- P'axson Oliver Stout, and Delilah Car have selected two noble and able soldiers tcutJcnts and Teachers : the best mode Print," and of bill-heads, circulars, trom injuries recieved at the hands of1 rel,au, remedy, that can sweep out rcU Dotn Jjuzerne County, Pa. lor the same oibces. Their Union record ot conducting a Sabbath School thc T aam ,,JJunes wcre "'oua contamination. We know like that of the party thev represent i, best method of teaching a class .thn pt. t... T'TT ... inaictcd m selt defence. Eagle. then we shall proclaim welcome news to - , r . - ' 4 ' - . . " ' -niiueiam oomiers uemeterv wi 1 1 r 1 t i .t--. t n . full norfnpr Un,i;.. r . " . -ujr win our readers of nnn from snM, n J.n swouasDurg, on the ytn ot 3eptem tJW'v'v" fw.i , glWuS ic.vurus or prizes : consist 01 eleven acres. 1 ht? nrcn t u uumitjuuuut JiiecnoTi. " , U"UK1 ions f: n.:i.. 1.-:-. :!- !,! w.,v !r .... , !.. r ... , 9 1, u T"1 TT x , . . 3S W eavft litf.l rlnnk.nP It. (!! iow, ws. uui tj ivtuiuui, agtiu : n you woum have I mu-iu ui cuounng tne conversion x? . T r, 6 . me "ysourg haiu.ukd, ucc, is. xnis city has - . . " '' years 8 months and 21) day: true aud tried Unionists to hold the offi-Pf the scholars, &c. A children's Meet- G54 majority against the amnnd. aDa still more welcome, when we tell them I ccs of Auditor General and Surveyor iuS will be held at 3 P. M. t lU0It 81US lnc "gftt ot suflrago to no- inat 1C surely does accomplish tho end A lady and daughter, while groes. Greeawich gives a like majority of desired. We. mean Ayer's Sarsaparilla f P?; drivintr in 285 and a Democrat c major ty of 285 nn.l ?f ;D . t- 1 .1 , oai"dPdriIia forty di i I by b?e" and a Democratic majorityfor ho town worthy the attention of secular Utt..U.l' flnl-.f Wn.m;l, .U -I... inr . tllOSC Who are aflllC.nd W Ml RnmAiln Tl-FI) The Mason Ss Hamlin Cabinet Organs,- 1 n . . 1 Q. uereiu styles, adapted to sacred and r .aa music, tor w to 000 each. THIR- General, then vote for Geu. Ilartranft Ministers of thc gospel, Sunday School and Col. Campbell. Such is the plain officers and teachers, and all Mentis nf Michitran. recently. duty of every Unionist, and we trust all f' cause, are invited to be present and i1d 6tun& f0 seyerely that the daughter died! ticket. 'Norwich also gives 125 maioritv thosc who are afllicted with Scrofula or TJFI7? G0L.D or SILVER MEDALS, or 1 .11 i- 1 .. . 1 u"u Tllft hnrmx j1bi-i Hinr, in r..-t-. . ii. i ? J v Q f..l 1 . . . .. Other hrst OremiUms awnrdorl lliom TIlnss- . ..w. ...w . 1. IMiCB UI If III T ilrlN T7K I .I.''1II1MI. T.IlM- t TMOnn ffl.n r 1 UUI U 1 I. II 1 11 M I 1 1 Til fl 1 fl 1 Yl r Cf I fiMintA. All ........ -""-" I1 -w.v... bun, r, .. , ii..ih.l;i j .ii- 11 AUTFOUD. Uct. 2. SnflTr.i4.nfc rnfc,,r. banv. rtl V I - wUW IklltUI UO 1 " 1 . I Euch will discharge it faithfully patnotisni demauds it. Jefferson Davis Hia Quarters Changed. Fortress Monroe, Monday, Oct. 2. 1865. Jefferson Davis was moved this morn fug, under a strong guard, from his case mate prison .txthc quarters assigned him Free participate. The friends of thc cause in ktroudsburg will provide for the enter tainment of all who attend. n w180'1' C. D. Brodhead. ?e0;iV. ? lCfa V' S" Eve"tt, A. Mc Williams, Geo. Labar, li. S. Staples, II. t. Depuy, K. Yansyckle, '" Comoiitte. The Internal Revenue receipts on Satur- nave heen received to show tho majority day were $1,851,197. For the quater end- against the Constitutional Amendment to ing on that day, 93 720,419 66-the krg- be several thousand. est returns for any one quarter yet made. The Pittsbutg Chronicle reports that gold has been discovered in thc Oil Ec- iou. q Ycjoangp c.oun ty. vmcnamenc to r.ir.. ...i.m. .x n . -n .jjv.nui VJUIHIA., WUIIC U L Oil It X'lilUOlUU, was mvited to a dinner given in his hon- trated Latalotrnes free. Address. MASON & HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTH ERS, New York. September 7, 1865. ly. despatch J or by a number of Chinese residents of Returns from thirty three towns that nlann. Thn fonsf. Itnmn nt. fi n'f.lnr.1- 2800 majority against the Amendment, p. m.. and lasted till 12. It consisted of wuicn is prooaniy aereated, by trom 3000 ob'b dishes, forming 120 courses, and wag to 5000 majority. served at. thrqe. distinct, sittings. THE HIGHEST PRICE FORlWOOLv in Cash, by JOHN N. STORES.. Siroutlsburg' June 1 18,