The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, June 22, 1865, Image 2

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    (Jijc 3fcffcv0OixiaH,
fc$-Presidcnt Johnson is resolved on cut
ting down the expenses of government to the
lowest point He is known to favor re
trenchment as a means for returning to spc
cicpiyinent, which, it is alleged, he will re
commend to Congress. It is expected that
the Army will be reduced to 100,000 men
hy the A'ew year.
OCrAti alarm of fire, about noon yester
day stirred a portion of our citizens to the
running point. The fire was discovered to
be in the residence of Mr. Pedrick, dn Ana
lomink Avenue. It was extinguished be-
fore much damage was done. We have not
learned how it originated.
Democracy vs. the "Loyal Religion."
Among the many "signs of the times,"
which indicate most unmistakably the un
patriotic, immoral and wicked spirit which
animates the leaders of the well-whipped
faction which dishonors the good old name
of Democracy, there is perhaps none more delivered at a meeting of the New School
8gkThe last Monroe Democrat, in a
"wee bit of blearney," makes a heavy bid
for the Irish vote, and as a knock down
argument in favor of the right of the
Democracy to the. vote, quotes what it
pretends to be an extract from a speech
OTThc Rev. George P. Cain, of Erie
Pa., made a visit to our borough, of severa
days duration, during the past week. .Mr.
C, was formerly pastor of the Presbyterian
Church in this place, and made many warm
friends during his ministration here. He
was heartily welcomed by all who met him
during his short stay.
03" Lewis D. Vail, Esq., of Philadelphia
one of Stroudsburg's boys, is rusticating a
mong his native hills. Mr. V. is a gentle
man of fine talent and culture, a genial com.
panion, and a man whom we are always
pleased 16 greet with a hearty welcome.
0?"Col. John Schoonover, whose promo
tion for gallant services we noticed a week
or two ago, paid us a fiying visit on Tuesday
last. The Col. looked exceedingly well af
ter the hardships he had undergone, and ap
peared as though he might be good for half
a dozen wars if they were to be waged in
defense of the Government. The regiment
to which Col. Schoonover was attached, the
11th New Jersey, was disbanded at Trenton
a few days ago.
03Dick Turner, the rebel jailor atLibby
Prison, who used the Union prisoners so bad
ly, and whose escape we noticed some time
since, has been recaptured and now occupies
one ot lue ceJJs of thai edifice.- A stout
r--p3"wiui the upper limb of a tree tied to
one end of it and Dick Turner tied to the
other end by the neck, would be the best
means to prevent his running cway in fu
fcThe heated term is beginning to have
its effect upon the denizens of those long
rows of bricks and mortar, yclept the cities,
They arc begiiiing to flood the country like"
water m a deluge. Well, let them come.
Our pure niountain air and cool sparkling
water are as free for them as for us, and
we bid ihcai a hearty welcome to their en
joyment. We observe quite a number of
i.ew faces on our streets, sojourners enjoy
ing the comforts of the excellent hotels and
boarding houses in our borough and neigh-bood.
The Pourth of July.
The only settled thing, looking towards
the observance of the 4th of July in Monroe
county, ?b thf celebration to come off in Mid
dle SmiUifield, as advertised in to-day's pa
per. Our readers who are patriotically in
clined, and every one should be, should make
a note of this fact, so that If provision is not
made for a celebration nearer home, we can
iiie away and join the lads and lassies of
Middle Smithfiold in a day of rational n:er
rim en L
Changes in the Schoo lLaw.
The "following changes in the School
Law of Pennsylvania were adopted by the
late Legislature :
1. Clerks of the Courts of Quarter
Sessions are required to furnish the State
Superintendent a certificate of the forma
tion of any school district, whether by
marked, than their bitter and patent Prosbytcrian Conference, held in New J7
hostility to the churches and ministers of York City a short time since, in which tj1(J crefttjon of a new township.
religion. Because, forsooth, the clergy tlm speaker insisted "that it became an 2. The President of a school board is
eenerallv. in full svmnathv with the ereat absolute necessitv to ?ive the neero the required to call a meeting ot the direc-
mass of professing Christians of all de- ballot, to counterbalance the Irish vote." tors. uPa written request of three of
i. a nf ,xr. ., . .... , . & number. In case of refusal, two
uuu,1UrtUUUC) "a,u auatain uu uu lWh jsuow wueuiui; me bhwdiuu directora may. cau a meeting, and the bus-
the Union and of Freedom, by voice, ana wag use(j or nofc- The f00is are not all ;ness transacted thereat shall be legal.
rote, and pecuniary aid, and not a few dead YCt, and we think it quite likely that 8. it is absolutely necessary, in order
of them by the sacrifice of their lives a- Lomp 0Qe of tLem managed to find his way to secure a share of the State appropria-
ainst the most wicked and damnable re- iato the synod, and madejustthe remark Ji rr" ZTZ
hellion the world has ever seen because attributcd to him. But what of that ? ho had nofc a vaIid certificate from the
the churches and ministers ot the land, Tjie mere expression of a mad-cap cannot County Superintendent, and also that the
with unexampled unanimity, are declar- militate against the correctness of the school shall have been-kept open for at
ing iu favor of Universal Freedom, and rincjple that a negr0 s a freeman, and least tour months subsequent to the first
the Ballot tor every -Hreeinan, trresyec that as a freeman he should be allowed "T ""IXr" ?;
live of creed, descent, or color ; for these to-cspress his opinions, at.the ballot box, 0f County Superintendent. It provides
reasons, the self-styled " Democratic" wlt, otuer frcemcn. Nor does it move a that the State Superintendent shall com-
champibns declare war against the "loyal jot towards the condemnation of a party, mission such subordinates as are certified
churches," as they snceringly designate .because that party advocates the exten- to. have been elected at the trienial con
the great Christian bodies of the nation. sion of thc riht to vote to colored free. wohon. vobto be not
Thank God, for once, they are right ! the men. Nor should the party be made to- rtf dirUnr nf th fWfv nnd swnrn fn
ChurcJies arc 7 loyal to God, to Hu- suror for tne indiscretions of the individ- by at least three of the signers within
manity, and to their Country ! Every uaj niomrjcr thirty days after election.
Evangelical Church in the Union Bap- If this latter poinfc is not -conccedcd . 5' T-he mimmun age for admissibility
tists, Presbyterians, Episcopalian,, Meth- with what grace can the Democratic par- 011 CT1S 13 ra lr0tU
odists, Lutherans, German Reformed, ty asks its Irish friends to remain stead- 7 Anothcrsuppicmeut practically abolish-
iveiormeu xuccu, wuii tuu vmiuua suian- fagt ,n itg BUpp0rt 7 We can point to es the system of district institutes and re
er bodies, the Unitarians and Universal- qUjte a number of thc hangers on around establishes the school month at 22 days,
ists, and even some high dignitaries of tho Democrat, ho were fed liberally on District institutes may be held on two of
the Itoman Catholic Church, have pro- public pap because of their bitter opposi- ' J
nounced in favor of thc Union, against tion to- tbe Irish vot and condemnation The last sunnlement eomnels Countv
Kebellion, and against Slavery and 0f tbe iYisx jn the days of fnix- Commissioners to make return of the tri
with united and almost unauimous voice, wisscrism." And we believe the Editor eunial enumeration of taxables in each
they now advocate True Democracy, which of theDemocrat himself even the Squire t11 or TbTefore ,the first Monday in
U tWrdnm nnt? tlphaVnt fnr encru Amcr- i j v i j t ,uunexoou. upon tnese returns tne U1S-
uiccdom andthe baLotfo, cve,y Lmv at onc time debatcd Wlthin himself tribution of thetatc appropriation is to
ican. Ihc Churches arc loyal, and will whether he could not, may-be, gain eclat be based.
remain so. 'irue to tneir mgn calling, and imnortauce bv disnlavinj? his Presi-
they will press forward in the van of the deutial dhrnitv over a ineetinsr at w-hich Gov. Curtin to the People of Pennsylvania.
grcatarmy 01 civinzation-Dattimg against tbc Irish and Catholicism were most -Executive Chamber, Haiirtsburg,
June 10, 18G5
To thc People of Pennsylvania :
The bloody struggle of four years is
ended. The fires of rebellion are quench
ed. The supreniacv of law and risht is
ignorance, oppression, and sin, diffusing voundly condemned
cue ngni or science, literature, religion We do not find fault with the Demo
anu social oruer, anu neenmg oniy 10 pity. crati0 parfcy for the folly of its followers,
the paltry ana unprincipled partisans, who because as we said before, we do not be-
ignoranuy proclaim mcir own a.sioyaiiy, licvc tbc foos are alI dead yefc ; we merc. re.cstablisbeu. The foulest treason record-
oy spitting tneir venom at "tne loyal Mv spcak of tbc thiu j inow to remind ed in history has been beaten to thc earth.
churches. Already, the churches arc thcm of tbe incousistencv of the "not call- Uur country is saved.
nearhi unanimous soon, thev will be : I hese blessings wc owe under God
entirely so. The few remaiug honest L-0. to the unequaled heroism, civMc and mili-
nd sincere christians who, held by old (Alexander H. Stephens, the Vice Pres-
i i uiiuci i; 1 1 : i l v h i insi'iiiirMirpin nnra i-i
i l J! i n..r. ;,W il,n rr,f r.,r.i . . "o
jj.utj.itsiiuuianuus, u;nu auumcu uius jar !-" - ut.iuui.1, uumuuiu vumuuumuj, jer wjjq would tney never faltered.
1. 11 II- - . i I ... . I-.. fin' I rnil lrlAift I no llin nmmo n ,1 iy n I mi 1 1 . 1 v
to uiu a,'cuiocrauc oriramzatiou, arc rw" v"-'" - uiiuuiiui,i-iii' J. ne' naye uecn inspired with the de
rapidly deserting their corrupt leaders ,et 01 armies, have applied to President termination to maintain the Free Govern-
PIre in Harrisburg;
Avery destructive fire.occurredin Har
risburg on Thursday morning last. The
flames were first discovered about 3 o'
clock, in R. T. Fleming's coach factory,
on thc corner of Third street and Straw
berry Alley. In a few minutes thc con
flagration extended to the buildings ad
joining, and before the flames could be
arrested, the following properties were
destroyed. 11. T. Fleming's coach facto
ry and blacksmith shop, with their con
tents; loss, 615,000 no insurance
Joseph Poulton's billiard saloon ; loss,
S5,500. Herr's news depot; loss, $1,
000. Wm. Parkhill's dwelling and
plumbing establishment; loss, 4,000.
The Daily Telegraph printing office
was partially destrO'ed ; loss 86,000 ; in
sured for 83,000. Thc State Capitol Ho
tel, Exchange, Covnty Prison, and Court
House, Franklin House and State Arse
nal were for a time in great jeopardy,
and had not the flames been arrested at
the Telegraph printing office, the proba
bilities are, that the most valuable portion
of Harrisburg would have been in ashes.
The fire was thc work of an incendiary.
No More Kebel Uniforms.
Gen. Ord, commanding at Richmond,
on the 10th inst., issued the following
A sufficient time having elapsed since
thc surrender of the forces late in rebel
lion with the United States for all who
were of such forces to procure other ap
parel than'their uniform, it is hereby or
dered that no person, after June 15, ap
pear in public in this department wearing
any insignia ot rank or militajy or naval
service worn by officers or men of the
late rebel army. "Where plain buttons
cannot be procured, those formerly used
can be covered with cloth. Any person
violating this order will be liable to ar
Not long since an Englishman went to
Paris to take out a patent in Franco for
an invention to detect pickpockets. He
entered an omnibus and sat bv the side
of an elegantly dressed lady, with a very
charming: face. Soon thc Englishman
saw an expression of distress and dis
may come over mat lace and ieit a
tugging at his pocket,
smile he looked at
mi .- - i .
.mere is to do no restrict on on hLi
between Texas and Northern ports.
lhe last ot ben. Sherman's army left
Washington on Thursday.
Spurious American half dollars abound
in Canada. Her6 we have no such trou
ble. Nearly all the leading Democratic pa.
pers of Ohio advocate the election of Gen.
W. T. Sherman as Governor of that State!
It has been decided that Odd FelmW
traveling cards do not require a stamp
being simply letters of recommendation.
A part of the State Prison at Jackson,
Mich., was burned on Thursday night. .
The loss is quite heavy.
Discharged soldiers have been granted
the privilege of retaining their arms, by
paying for them at low rates.
Two hundred thousand Virginians aro
daily fed on Government rations. Eleven
thousand rations are issued daily in Ricby
The most valuable estates in Norlh
Carolina are being offered for the nomi
nal sum of $1810 per acre, the propic
tors having resolved to emigrate North.
Fifteen dead negroes were found in the
river below Macon, Ga., some days ago.
No marks of violence were found upon
The Government officials at Nashvillo
have succeeded in saving enough proper
ty from the ruins of the late fire to re
duce the total loss to 81,250,000.
Gov. Allen, the llebel Governor of
Louisiana, has published his farewell or
der, in which he advises the people to
make the best of recent events.
Union meetings are being held in eve
ry county throughout the State of North
Carolina, aud the true spirit of loyalty
The Sanitary Gonunission has distribu
ted over 250,000 worth of stores to tho
troops around Yvashington during the
past few weeks.
Col. Warring, of JcfF Davis's Iegio"
took the oath at Washington on Friday
Number of released Rebel prisoners aro
arriving there from Puiut Lookout, and
iu u r j l.- . .
With a cruel uo u.-upui-uiuou uomc.
thc fair crca- ihe aon. iJon. J uomus Connolly, M.
l. lor Donegal, Ireland, has tendered to
ture. who. crimson with shame, imolored
him to let her go. With true gallantry Gen- cc " ljoino or himself aud family
ereupon in an3" P:irfc Great Lntain he may sc-
he released her hand, and shethereupo
stopped the omnibus, leaped out, and ran
down the street with most unfeminine
IT y . . I 1 f 11 .1 . . - I
and uniting with fhe party of Liberty and JonnEon Ior Pard0 their crimes. Ste- mene or our jjatners, the continued union A
Equal Bight,; to carry out the iT'Ll"
in in. iiiiii'iii i-rr"Mim :i i 1 1 1 iitiiri n i i i i - v . . ii- n 1 1
lect. ihe oiler has Deen declined.
Returns just received at the land offiio
pecd. The Englishman was highly show 8,255 acret to have been entered
pleased at the success of his device, which last month at Nebraska City, and 2,3110
consists of a strong calico diaphragm at Omaha City. This is in addition to
stretched across the pocket with an India ordinary private sales.
rubDer opening that expands to permit Gov. Uolden of North Carolina has in
the entrauce of a strange hand, but will vitcd the leading Union nmnof th sw
not do so to permit it to withdraw. to meet him in conference at Haleih be-
q, fore tj1(J nromuj,a:on of hi3- forthcominnr
was struck by the earnestness with Largenutubers of repentant Rebels apply
Il nnfl nl MIA lift f mrls mrrnrrinri him I i .1 . . l ... trl J
u and duty to defend for the sake, not onlv L,i
crush Slavery, Disloyalty, and a bastard braced Jt cornpeIed tQ flo fay
liich he was surrou
.Inch Lee bases hi, apph- career of boner. Their hearts have been d wh wiah tQ knQW ,1, &Q
been divulged. R. M. T in the contest; their means and their j ilcarj inamma say that you was ueA
ot the Declaration ot independence, aud I- , .. f . and dntv to do fond fnr fbo
i mnrr nrtn tnn yri inHnnnn w if h m da i j v wuw
uhu wii iijuuiuuLi; vvxLii wiiiuii lit: t'lii-i . . . ...
-' I A U I I 1 i 1
. . oi tucuisuivtis, oul ox me
church-hating, God-defving 'Democracv. L.. u , , , 1 glory m Saying that
- i v-uiiiiiijiuus uv wiiiuii iiu w;is nrrtumiipti i i i ii n
hnnnnti. ti,a ;in f nnMi: I . ... uuveoccu among uie lorcmost
ULlUiUbU LUL il Uli 11 l.t . 1 III II II i t:ilM I,: I I III'N. I III!.. I I " I T I v
a w lli gIounus on y.Miicn oases hi;
JESLevanway's Dakcry advertisement
on the fourth page will be found, on pe'
cation have not
tT.,nn : l i: i r i ... U1,l 1 l j ... . I 1
"uuu;' i uppui-.aui ior paruon. uiuuu uuve ueuu puureu out use water to door to a brute "
' maniuiaun lr.
Sir, Johnson and the Democrats. The remnants of th WmV timf
w . v WUUVI
in under the general amnesty.
The italeigh Ilecord says that in 18G0
the population of North Carolina was
631,408 whites, 30,007 free colored per
sons, 331,051 slaves, and that in 20 of tho
SG counties the free blacks and the slaves
outnumbered the whites.
Judge E. il. Sears, Commissioner of
rusal, to have some important additions lhe Democrats continue to evince a left her" soil to rescue their country are T.,m,an in balemJ i,lass-owns alarm
made to it. Ice Cream, of the best qual- d5sPosJtin to crawl into decent company, now returning, having honorably 'ful- whIch has beeQim the hau,1f of the fami
: o.i b3' endorsing everything which President filled their service. Thnv lmr Uft tone V lor over onc hundred and twenty-five
uv uuu iub uuiuuu every eve- Tni,OA j ' mi .-r ..n.-c . I n , . hwrs TMS fi., l,.J,n.n
v i fj iiiiiirMiii i iiim h vii'i .Kiinrinnnrinn i nr t n Aiinnmin At- i i i . i iwm&u 4u 1141 iiu iijnii nil i.wii i:i 1 1 1 1 1
w-- .aaw-wu w v nub xm i j iiiLiu ij it 1 1 i 111 t.i ii iii., i i ii i iii i iti-ii 1 1 i'i ii inr j nn ti onir n - ..VVVHu i
isned to private fam- ?n tiiic -nrin'nii r,r.,M u j:k..i. ii n m, . tins, thmn fnwns nml fwn nrnl,t o ,i;ef,.;nf internal lieven ue. has arrived at RnlsiffH
iiumu uc uiuiumt iur tuusc uiuouy uem. neir memories will be , ,7- --.. v. . -o-j
short notice j and for less habituated to sudden tacks on the preserved on our rolls of honor For A ,Ls owners have liv"cd to great age, u Ujnccs lor the collection of thc
liquors, ice cold Ale political sea. What care they for their their widows and families a grateful coun- two1Ii.vinS to be over ninety.. The bees revenue have been opened at Newbern
: past treatment ot Air. Johnson ( un. trv w sn hh W n; uu mis iarra can ciaim as direct ances- J't,lu,u" uuu tlJW: villous tv saw iq
ning and will be furu
ilies and Hotels on
overs of pure malt
r , - , . .! pose they have taught their readers with Let tl.P. s.,rv rL wl,.' tors, those who lived and made honey on Pa)r their taxcs promptly.
auway Knows now tilings in his line thc i -f, nhnsfl lnnl- . o " i "L 1V " . , . it ona hundred and twontv-fi .r n a ..v:: .
c.1,,,1.1 v .i j- i A j xt , . . "r"" UJ "s -u ua, """ii auuu welcome as uenents J J " auuaw Miiuii: iia& ueen siarccu anion
ouuum uu uUUCj UC meaub w uu meni urUnken boor r Do thev not now with hnro nnA nnir!nfi t nf,'o
i wv.wwv' I'uuiu ill 5 LJ I . . I w. m w v 4 1.4 o -. i i o 1 .LSI 121 UU
. I I I I . V i - - W I
i i A t tl 11 . n I 1 i
ngnc. j single call will satisiy any one equal vehemence eulogise him as assert- the gallant men who have saved the coun- Au examination of hies will develop Sixth Army Corp?, for a monument to
that the Dakery Saloon is a place worth ng"thc great doctrines of the Demo- try and shed new lustre on Pennsylvania. tIlc facfc tbat the journals who pleaded their former commander, Gen. David A.
visiting oft " cratlc Party" as "following in the I recommend that in nvm-xr rh nf th the strongest for thc hanging old John Russell, who fell at Onnmrnn in fWii.
I 7 r--"i w w 4' v A "
Jgg?iMr. John Mitchell, whose connec-
"paths marked out by Democratic "lead- State, on the approaching anniversary of Brown five years aS: are now th
ers?" Of course they do; and one is Independence, special obervances be had auxious fcIwt Jcfr. Davis aud his
e most bcr, lyb-i.
con fed
A contract hn3 just been concluded
r..i ii .,, '-.r t- , , r v.muwu v imui , i. ., , i;uu tiuui, u;i3 ut, oeen
But the skiesarc heginning to brighten in o with tho Kew York Daily News we t M"T r i01."150" ot 7e come 10 r. retamd defenders, suoulu esraI amo cud.. iV hy witl, tho Vahei g.-,tes Goro,
oor own noighhorhooa, ad the indications notieed last week, has been kindly invited deT as . fcliZ? rSr.'?!? ' ?. ?.at N .1 h' '
O 1 7 1 i I
ovcrnment, bv
nnm fUnl Cf.n..,U.. 11 t I i 11 , ti - I i 1 -
w tu.t uuuuauuig win join uic oui- tu occupy quarters at fortress iuonroe, Deiiever in the doctrines of the modern fallen.
siac worm in a celebration ot the glorious Va., board, lodging, &c., &c., to be fur- spurious Democracy. He would spurn
achievements which gave us a place among nislied at the Government expense John eituer association by a natural instinct j
nations, and which protected our nationality haB accepted the invitation, and is now l?e emocrats of t-da7 caQ only
and the integrity of our unity from thefurious PMnnUv nmMn llJo f ! , "PP06 . course and principles by
onslaughts of traitors. With celebrations r7 V Z Z aDaDaomDSineir QMxlford JSrgl
ll ' , , , . . . U1 tiuacuu. uiBauffUIIU II1C 1CWS 10!?3 a-
all arounu US. It WOllId mvn hnnn tnn ,A Tf ' J"& u
Stroudsburg, which has so nobly sustained evln-tenor of its waJs
the government in the most trying time of
A Kichmond Conspiracy.
It is ascertained that there is asecret com-
l.-ct credit on all concerned. Things are not these joined in the general rejoicing at wholesome confiscation by Dr. Under- deep, will contain one .bushel
by halves here. The movement of our tue downfall of treason and the restora- , . " 13 taouSnfc may somewhat mollify A box twelve inches by
1 I film .-. fll. .1-1 . . -1,1.. .V
nrc 1 I... At I tinn "D j. . ""a umyusc. JLneiOCal clerorv hnvo !l
c:izens is sometimes slow, but when they t!on of Peace to our land. As nature has QTW1:
wwww.rsWu. v. oaiwi.y prepare men uuerai in tne reduction ot nricea. are simi arv ornro c,1 wl,;i ij u:
I 1 I j lluwv uiu uum-
to take partin a good, old fashioned celebra
tion of tae events which tried men's souls: Reconstruction.
i celebration in which e-ery appliance cal- Since our last issue Mississippi, Texas, energy or capital with him
ciliated to inspire peace, good will and hap- and Georgia have been nlaced in nrnrp
rlness among those who participate in it of reconstruction. The following nnmoJ The Pardoning Power.
a supply of
liAn I til Mm ii n I- f I, , A .1 V .
ihe lexican emimtinn fnvnr ins rlmd ,i - J , J'
o uurinsr r,nn nnsninnr t iron mnnMia nr s'i
A n nTT-nrni XT Otlt. Ihn nvnminnnf. airnnh nf fhn plAn. . " .o J "
XI.. T. 1II.I.I I I r u i, i,vj Ulli SbllUUlU .K Tint- Mill .-.s.i.wl,. i : .. .I.-I.l
Governor of Pennsylvania in ew York city have closed their rc-
J y. . r.: , n I at -r -i.
. v-.uitiiiy umuuB. uur prominent arnry ot- icw Jersey euitor says.
ItemB of Interest. hces have unanimously discountenauced body brought a bottle of sour water in
The following table will be found wrr t'10 scheme and our civil authorities seem to our office with reoucst to notice it as
valuable to many of our readers : determined to hold to answer all who at- lemon beer. If Esau was green enough
A' box twenty-four inches bv sixrppn tempt violation of the neutrality laws. to sell his bithright for a mess of pottage.
inches square, and twentv-oiVht. innlioo it does not prove that we will tell a four
" J n . vmuu i ... ... I -
jJoesticKs, describing a New York sinning lie lor live coats."
can always tell onmA nf fr 1n , Am - rr. ,
,uu gui uy uio necticut, having ngreed to close their
i niL'nnir 1 .
shops on the Sabbath, commenced prose
cutions against seven of their professioa
botweenstabb- The court dc-
V , ingaman and killing a hog?. Ans. cided that it was a necessary labor, and
mt. i' l , , " i . 7 " , ,,ufi '"Minn w Kin, auu uiscuaruu t ie men complained against.
VSl1.?001 clorey have ? h?Jf lnc sqonro, and nine inches deep, tho other is kiIUnK witli intent to salt. , , 1 ? ! "
u uuuiam uair a Dusnei.
A box eight inches souare. and nitrhf.
luuuua uuuu. win conmm nno nl-
T1PCQ mnn lnnl- rairh m n..Jl I A 1 i. j t -1 .
"'" twn. iiiKii au cvii vyu upon eve
ry new Yankee comer who brina limine
- . J II M. V4ivy-L1 uilll llltI!t'.l I I Ann n . . J I . 1 I " i I mi Z1
MnAAU I11-TT I 1 L 1 w i I'll III! run Tni I rVTtt inrwnnA ..I.I 1. 1 . a
deep, will contain one trallon. IT" "?," 1U"U,T,US " wan 10 three, years growth an average of
rnrr1 ' ii . . m I I. - x ! T i I i i
isz5j? vonPM mr orrnn f mr tim i uiii;iLinn nnmnrr tha Kohn rno AofAfAAnn noon tot nnnfn n u i o i tv
lf PYKtfMino oTmftTrl r : a 4 1 .1 D --v ow ""uu "I" V o - iui wwiuuwu' it wutaiu a uailUJ, O UUSI1C1H.
r ti,. ...J, ' tJ.Uilo"s prospects for good crops, of all kinds. crs wchmond not to sell to any JSTorth- A box twenty-four inches by sixteen boarding house, says you
r.M uuut poi aDao4 b than thev are now fu "Yankee purchaser. This accounts inches square, and fourteen inches deep, rhen thcy Sefc a new
patriotism. Thanks however to the patriot- I r ttlaa are nOW. f ,b f . t , nrnnftrt f. orA . w: mnA;n i' ,f 0 ULp' color nf thiTlinir in tl,
W h On t KT1 I'nr. T1 1 1 TT . 1 1 . J "v J "Ull ..... iiuii tl Mill xi.vy U
ic spirit of ouX citizens, we will have a eel- u , Jije, torn, Potatoes, and Hay held froa 100 to 300 percent higher- A box twenty-six inches by fifteen and
tl ration, and it will be such a one as will re- roli out ct the ground, as though even than before the Eebellion. A little a half inches smia nnrl n.Viif tnuM j:t
A full blooded Silesian sheep, owoed
1 1 TT Tj A nki.... Cl.. kl .fi!.. ,,1
X1TT V t it I "J1 -'J-1- iiOUUIy OII UUIU UUU Ul II1U
W nnn Niilnm J" 1 i I " .
M..V-U xriiuimm XUUUJT U1CS. TT I a SIlMOTOfn tmA .,An-n, nffl.n A..nft
A box eight inches bv oitrhfe innU ' TeT00! iwcnty-oight brok- n few days ago yielded a fleece weighing
square and four and one-cighth inches lher- seventy-eight pounds. The fleece wasjof
rionn xv ill 11 I 'J'J
u.ii uuuuiiu uiiu ganon. tjie - i
A box seven inches by eight inches
-.Mw ...ii vuuwwu. jlii iiiu i 1 1 1 1 ir nr imp mint nmAn r.s.s w. -.. i i t . .
c " tiuwtuitu ncic aUUUlDLGU rrnvKinnn I 1 i t 1 1
li, l i-t i .... 1 a. iu isiuuai I (inmnrr nnTnttrs 10 - rni. .
a nwut uvur. xuc scores
sippi, iion. Andrew J.Hamilton for Tex- cians who have thronced the Whito deep will contain one ouart
. -----, - i
pounds per year.
"T . t t l .i
The Democrwite nf T.n; -n: . 111 rcsPccc co wie conlusion tnat sonic
lUlUII X'W ,- ll.
"iuw uocuio Ull kllU Ultll
ay stations between passengers try-
square, and four and nnp.oifylif ti innltnn
rvu : i 'mi . . . T. --ts"""
o-uuiu 10 u guuu prospect that thc par- UUUP W1U contain halt a gallon.
. . O 'l'V4U IAU. J. lUi iniIJII.ll . Z 1 - I A 1 n .
ii' deration of Independence, we shall be re- BmTn ,..." T'"31
MinJea nfti.o " ior xuissis- oi eminent states
" g.viiiuuij j-ii iui iuu ai-
t .! mpnt nP ...l.:i. . . i
nu"-u irom me mo- ns rrnn Tnmnt, Tn, . fTnilKn nnfI R(V,llrnj "7. . -7
. . i l i a.iuu. uuu4i uuuucuu. iir npnrmfl i . Uvivu his ujiuu u mi mrir.c
, icLniuii uiaLiuiiii . - i uiifiiiM'ss f'lirrni inn nn onmi. t-' :x i uiuul iiH ) mnn iinin Knon w a lim (inn nr ivnm v rwr .i..r 11 i a o -
i iv ci t 1 1 iot r r. jr i i -v v u uvuu u u u ui i fiN Ti:mr i mwam w xl,oluii uu LiiLii r l w wft-x jl xv imvu litii: 1 1 1 1:1 ;i 1 1 ( n i i- 1 1.
- m I i ... i . . i i r uu r in nnva
w. cmj JJvJA.lU"LniI I IS- l! ,i . e
A box four innlioa W fnn trict, Ky.. nominated, on Wodnnsil.iv lnsf. .,
X .. . j r" ,ulAl mwiiua mm.- a Qi,i.r . T v ' railway stations between passengers try-
men lawyers and and one-fourth inches 08 ing to get out, and others trying to get
iu, 4 UUUKIBM. .... v . .. , , ' I V n "-I.
in, u uuuision nas ocen rcnucrcu iu l-uuiu
v i i ; Ti i . . .
shall be reminded of the do. to cf,J "rai,ar t0 tIiat appointing a Provision
, ana oi uie itterin?r endnr tn ai "luw-iur iorcn uaroiina.
se principles for us. and of the olnrn,,c
. . jus of those who maintained the Operation's of the TJ. S. Mint.
i ior in this lastgreat etruirLrle for freedom The Sod coinage at the mint in Phil
.d ringing ot belle, and parades, and firing adelphia during the month of May. was
v' nimr. niJ VV. nr.iC . . 5R70 m rt nn ...
i yuuo, ..u lu-cug, ana nre-works, and 'i3 j principally in doubleeao-les
rch-Jight procossione, and general joy will and silver coinage $45,830 04, nearlv al
v.idence to all who join usour thankfulness in lmlf nnA l-t- j-m. ,,. . J
. t the great boon which a good Providence " c n , aa X UG C0PPer
tuonghihe Fathers of -7Gand om fiSSS' ! W? 1100 in ceuts 10,200,o j i.if.-, , "ibrb, m two cent n:rt rnt ,fi
-wiJiwo ttuu fiUUB OI UJIS QaV. VOUCIlSaled nn,? . - . l"v,''0' uc HUU1U uura-
s.curedtous. per ot pieces coined during thc month
In the commencement of this article we 18 6;961900, and of this number over
yA that the celebration in Middle Smith- Jur millions were copper cents : for
i'l'U was thdonly fixed thinf. Thn
, c. '.j-r... r "., , . " w'uu. cents
v uwuueuuiLr is couailv cerfnin "" uverafffifl nhnnf -...mi:.
off. The nieetiufrat tho r.,rt nc month, nn n ""mon per
i t n trIitdi.p.Wo.1 a .j . . -w months one
of Jefferson Davis.
i ingntoecidod at; and we extend a cor- was rarely met with TT"""owuc
ii.muuon to alluo are not engaged gradually com on 'the Jr Tl
a cdotata at W to join u, Sai-thondcr S wllere they a L '
success. A stroni? nressure Unt aay, appropriate notice was tnln nf rim to assist Charles O'Hnnnr in fhn dnfonan
J 4. A&.VUC.itU " - V W ' wuv LtU4WUV I
to bear upon President Johnson for the 3,ecease 01 1 resident Lincoln and Edward
pardon ot Wilmer, who has been sentenced VGre. J.he old board was re-elected.
to two years imprisonment and a fine of
OlU.UUU : but he utterlv
fl . ' J ivv 1 bu 1 -
Grfl VlMl finrlli. P lh. . r
- uuuiu(j ut me courc. un an
other occasion he is said to have remark
Among the prisoners of war released
from Hock Island barracks the other day,
ed that there had got to be a limit- to ?omP ctcIJ destroyed.. It is supposed to
The Younrr Nan's Dhriofnin AMn;n Uas one who went straight to the tclc-
A serious fire occurred nf Snvntno-o tion of Wash? nprflin is onnrflnrnd ! graph office aud scuta despatch, ata cost
Springs one Sunday by which the United inS arrangements foAhc purohase of of fiv0 uoll:irs and five cents Paid iu ad"
States Hotel and thn 1rnririn TTr.,n Port's Tlmnfm ' vance. to Jeff. Davis, reauestinsr him to
ia xxvuiu iruiu -.4IVHV4UI i i
these executive in terferon
have been the work of an incendiary.
remit tho amount due him for eighteen
The various Southern drtWitmna in. months' service in thc Rebel army.
Washinirton. and Provisinnnl dnvax-nnva o ui,An,n : aaaTi
f -p , 111 . I , . -I e ' . ...... yuiv,iuuio I UUUillUl UIIU1U1UI1 IU HID 1UIO DjlUV"
The whole number of troonsnfnnrnJ TTf i T o 7 maJor"J ,ot t,lc LT 1SU aPPceu, aro opposed to negro says : "A friend of mine, whoso daugh
i -i Lt r1 trooPS sent north Kentucky Court of Anneals dnmdnd fhn suffrage. i: : i i li iii rnm .
.1. . n . . fr; " LUI IO UUW Uli JAUU1U. 1UUU1VUU U lUtlOl H""
"t i lirr wrifton iwliilo rirtni-irol Slifirnirin WAS
I . VJ j M 1 1 uiutl II II ItU ViU 11 til U IIUl . .
visiting North Carolina. She wrote :
'Oh father, how fortunate you arc; you
know where Sherman has gone, but wo
aro in deep distress, for our next door
noighbor, General McClellan is croaking,
and saying that Sherman and his army'
can never march through that countryv
and will be destroyed as tho ltoman Ie
gibns were destroyed under Varus? "
Moiwui ii isinoffcon. smen . in ,iw nf fTnnnMO, ml.: " in
r i. : ; . n . ' i vuutiwa iuaiiur ruasurv-nnrns si
Shorn n w' Jr der 155,000 of legal lender to- be unconstitutional. Jndgo Underwood is still in Washing-
m.-j i mV UUK nome t0 ue ton, hut it is not known what disnnsa! will
i7acrcu There is said; to boa combination made of the 50 indictments found in
m a wauit OI UllCen milCS Of- t.lin n ftt nmnn T? n imnml 1 ... . liln
not far from sP.vnnfv.fivn ili..,! J " l ." .Ul lu.tu "w, io " -
j -"wenuuu. UlUVeUL, UV lncraSini? , thnir nr nna o.t
Ti1. a i . A ' J
Gov. 2irough of Ohio decli nps fn lin o
T 1 . n " . . " CI
canaiuate tor reelection to thn
torial office.
Northern man from purchasing
The total amount of National Bank
.,.,"" o n TrTT- n . currency now in circulation is 8140,797,-